`permutest.betadisper` <- function(x, pairwise = FALSE,
permutations = 999,
parallel = getOption("mc.cores"), ...)
EPS <- sqrt(.Machine$double.eps) # for P-value comparisons
t.statistic <- function(x, y) {
m <- length(x)
n <- length(y)
xbar <- mean(x)
ybar <- mean(y)
xvar <- var(x)
yvar <- var(y)
pooled <- sqrt(((m-1)*xvar + (n-1)*yvar) / (m+n-2))
(xbar - ybar) / (pooled * sqrt(1/m + 1/n))
permFun <- function(idx) {
if (!is.matrix(idx)) {
dim(idx) <- c(1, length(idx))
R <- nrow(idx)
Fperm <- matrix(nrow = R, ncol = 1)
if (pairwise) { # set up object to hold t stats
Tperm <- matrix(ncol = n.pairs, nrow = R)
Jseq <- seq_len(n.pairs)
rdf <- nobs - p # residual degrees of freedom
## iterate
for (i in seq_len(R)) { # iterate
take <- idx[i, ] # current permutation from set
p.resid <- resids[take] # permute residuals
f <- qr.fitted(mod.Q, p.resid) # create new data
mss <- sum((f - mean(f))^2)
r <- qr.resid(mod.Q, p.resid)
rss <- sum(r^2)
resvar <- rss / rdf
Fperm[i, ] <- (mss / (p - 1)) / resvar
## pairwise tests
if(pairwise) {
for(j in Jseq) {
grp1 <- x$distance[take][group == combin[1, j]]
grp2 <- x$distance[take][group == combin[2, j]]
Tperm[i, j] <- t.statistic(grp1, grp2)
## bind on pairwise stats if any
if (pairwise) {
Fperm <- cbind(Fperm, Tperm)
if(!inherits(x, "betadisper"))
stop("only for class \"betadisper\"")
## will issue error if only a single group
mod.aov <- anova(x)
nobs <- length(x$distances) ## number of observations
mod <- lm(x$distances ~ x$group)
mod.Q <- mod$qr
p <- mod.Q$rank
resids <- qr.resid(mod.Q, x$distances)
## extract groups
group <- x$group
## permutations is either a single number, a how() structure or a
## permutation matrix
permutations <- getPermuteMatrix(permutations, nobs)
nperm <- nrow(permutations)
## pairwise comparisons
if(pairwise) {
combin <- combn(levels(x$group), 2) # unique pairings
n.pairs <- ncol(combin)
## Parallel processing of permutations
if (is.null(parallel)) {
parallel <- 1
hasClus <- inherits(parallel, "cluster")
if (hasClus || parallel > 1L) {
if (.Platform$OS.type == "unix" && !hasClus) {
Pstats <-"rbind",
function(x) permFun(permutations[x, , drop = FALSE]),
mc.cores = parallel))
} else {
## if hasClus, don't set up and top a temporary cluster
if (!hasClus) {
parallel <- makeCluster(parallel)
Pstats <- parApply(parallel, permutations, 1,
function(x) permFun(x))
if (is.null(dim(Pstats))) {
Pstats <- matrix(Pstats) # one-column matrix
} else {
Pstats <- t(Pstats) # transpose statistics to columns
if (!hasClus) {
} else {
Pstats <- permFun(permutations)
## Process results
F0 <- summary(mod)$fstatistic[1]
Fstats <- Pstats[, 1, drop = TRUE] # allow empty dim to be dropped
statistic <- F0
names(statistic) <- "Overall (F)"
## pairwise comparisons
if(pairwise) {
T0 <- apply(combn(levels(group), 2), 2, function(z) {
t.statistic(x$distances[group == z[1]],
x$distances[group == z[2]])})
Tstats <- Pstats[, -1, drop = FALSE]
statistic <- c(statistic, T0)
## compute permutation p-value
pval <- (sum(Fstats >= F0 - EPS) + 1) / (length(Fstats) + 1)
if(pairwise) {
df <- apply(combin, 2, function(z) {
length(x$distances[group == z[1]]) +
length(x$distance[group == z[2]]) - 2})
pairp <- (colSums(sweep(abs(Tstats), 2, abs(T0), '>=')) + 1) /
(NROW(Tstats) + 1)
pairp <- list(observed = 2 * pt(-abs(T0), df),
permuted = pairp)
tnames <- apply(combin, 2, paste, collapse = "-")
names(pairp$observed) <- names(pairp$permuted) <- tnames
names(statistic)[-1] <- paste(tnames, "(t)")
} else {
pairp <- NULL
retval <- cbind(mod.aov[, 1:4], c(nperm, NA), c(pval, NA))
dimnames(retval) <- list(c("Groups", "Residuals"),
c("Df", "Sum Sq", "Mean Sq", "F", "N.Perm",
retval <- list(tab = retval,
pairwise = pairp,
groups = levels(group),
statistic = statistic,
perm = if (pairwise) {
structure(cbind(Fstats, Tstats), dimnames = list(NULL, names(statistic)))
} else {
structure(Fstats, names = names(statistic))
control = attr(permutations, "control"))
class(retval) <- "permutest.betadisper"
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