
`vegemite` <-
    function (x, use, scale, sp.ind = NULL, site.ind = NULL, zero = ".",
              select, ...)
    if (!missing(use)) {
        if (!is.list(use) && is.vector(use)) {
            if (is.null(site.ind))
                site.ind <- order(use)
            if (is.null(sp.ind))
                sp.ind <- order(wascores(use, x))
        else if (inherits(use, c("hclust", "twins"))) {
            if (inherits(use, "twins")) {
                use <- as.hclust(use)
            if (is.null(site.ind))
                site.ind <- use$order
            if (is.null(sp.ind))
                sp.ind <- order(wascores(order(site.ind), x))
        else if (inherits(use, "dendrogram")) {
            if (is.null(site.ind)) {
                site.ind <- 1:nrow(x)
                names(site.ind) <- rownames(x)
                site.ind <- site.ind[labels(use)]
            if (is.null(sp.ind))
                sp.ind <- order(wascores(order(site.ind), x))
        else if (is.list(use)) {
            tmp <- scores(use, choices = 1, display = "sites")
            if (is.null(site.ind))
                site.ind <- order(tmp)
            if (is.null(sp.ind))
                sp.ind <- try(order(scores(use, choices = 1,
                                           display = "species")))
            if (inherits(sp.ind, "try-error"))
                sp.ind <- order(wascores(tmp, x))
        else if (is.matrix(use)) {
            tmp <- scores(use, choices = 1, display = "sites")
            if (is.null(site.ind))
                site.ind <- order(tmp)
            if (is.null(sp.ind))
                sp.ind <- order(wascores(tmp, x))
    if (!is.null(sp.ind) && is.logical(sp.ind))
        sp.ind <- seq_len(ncol(x))[sp.ind]
    if (!is.null(site.ind) && is.logical(site.ind))
        site.ind <- seq_len(nrow(x))[site.ind]
    if (is.null(sp.ind))
        sp.ind <- seq_len(ncol(x))
    if (is.null(site.ind))
        site.ind <- seq_len(nrow(x))
    if (!missing(select)) {
        if (!is.logical(select))
            select <- sort(site.ind) %in% select
        stake <- colSums(x[select, , drop = FALSE]) > 0
        site.ind <- site.ind[select[site.ind]]
        site.ind <- site.ind[!is.na(site.ind)]
    else {
        stake <- colSums(x[site.ind, ]) > 0
    sp.ind <- sp.ind[stake[sp.ind]]
    x <- x[site.ind, sp.ind]
    if (!missing(scale))
        x <- coverscale(x, scale, ...)
    usedscale <- attr(x, "scale")
    if (any(apply(x, 1, nchar) > 1))
        stop("cowardly refusing to use longer than one-character symbols:\nUse scale")
    x <- as.matrix(x)
    x <- t(x)
    sp.nam <- rownames(x)
    sp.len <- max(nchar(sp.nam))
    nst <- ncol(x)
    page.width <- getOption("width")
    per.page <- page.width - sp.len - 3
    istart <- seq(1, nst, by = per.page)
    iend <- pmin(istart + per.page - 1, nst)
    for (st in seq_along(istart)) {
        tbl <- apply(x[, istart[st]:iend[st], drop = FALSE],
                     1, paste, sep = "", collapse = "")
        names(tbl) <- NULL
        tbl <- gsub("0", zero, tbl)
        tbl <- cbind(sp.nam, tbl)
        st.nam <- colnames(x)[istart[st]:iend[st]]
        nlen <- max(nchar(st.nam))
        mathead <- matrix(" ", nrow = length(st.nam), ncol = nlen)
        for (i in seq_along(st.nam)) {
            tmp <- unlist(strsplit(st.nam[i], NULL))
            start <- nlen - length(tmp) + 1
            mathead[i, start:nlen] <- tmp
        head <- cbind(apply(mathead, 2, paste, sep = "", collapse = ""))
        tbl <- rbind(cbind(matrix(" ", nrow = nrow(head), 1),
                           head), tbl)
        d <- list()
        l <- 0
        for (i in dim(tbl)) {
            d[[l <- l + 1]] <- rep("", i)
        dimnames(tbl) <- d
    out <- list(sites = site.ind, species = sp.ind, table = tbl)
    cat(length(out$sites), "sites,", length(out$species), "species\n")
    if (!is.null(usedscale))
        cat("scale: ",  usedscale, "\n")

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vegan documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:28 a.m.