
Defines functions gui_lb_db_create

Documented in gui_lb_db_create

#' LogBook DataBase Creation GUI
#' The \code{gui_lb_db_create} function implements the graphical user interface for the
#' creation of a logbook database.
#' This function, with an edited logbook dataset (see \code{\link{gui_lb_editraw}}),
#'  creates a new logbook database.
#' @return This function does not return a value.
#' After the execution a logbook database will be deployed.
#' @usage gui_lb_db_create()
#' @seealso \code{\link{gui_lb_editraw}}

### LogBook DataBase manager gui

gui_lb_db_create <- function() {
  lb_DB <- log_DB$new()

  lb_db_win <- gwindow("Create New logbook DataBase", visible = FALSE)
  one <- ggroup(horizontal = FALSE, container = lb_db_win)

  c_name <- gframe(
    text = "Enter a name for the new DataBase and press Enter",
    horizontal = TRUE, container = one
  dbname <- gedit(
    initial.msg = "New logbook DB name...",
    container = c_name, handler = function(h, ...) {
      enabled(dats) <- TRUE
  gimage(system.file("ico/go-down-3.png", package = "vmsbase"), container = one)
  dats <- gbutton(text = "Select logbook data", container = one, handler = function(h, ...) {
    svalue(dats) <- gfile(
      text = "Select logbook data",
      type = "open",
      filter = list(
        "LB data" = list(patterns = c("*.logbook")),
        "All files" = list(patterns = c("*"))
    enabled(go) <- TRUE

  gimage(system.file("ico/go-down-3.png", package = "vmsbase"), container = one)

  go <- gbutton("Create DB", container = one, handler = function(h, ...) {
    enabled(lb_db_win) <- FALSE

    lb_DB$dir <- gfile(
      text = "Select Logbook DB destination",
      type = "selectdir",
      filter = list("LB data" = list(patterns = c("*.lb.sqlite")))

    lb_DB$db <- paste(lb_DB$dir, "/", svalue(dbname), ".lb.sqlite", sep = "")

    dbConnect(SQLite(), dbname = lb_DB$db)

    firstline <- readLines(svalue(dats), n = 1)
    if (nchar(firstline) > 45) {
      read.csv.sql(svalue(dats), sql = "CREATE TABLE elobo AS SELECT * FROM file", dbname = lb_DB$db, eol = "\n")
      sqldf("CREATE TABLE lb_cla(vessel INT, log_num INT, met_fo INT, met_des CHAR)", dbname = lb_DB$db)
    } else {
      read.csv.sql(svalue(dats), sql = "CREATE TABLE logbook AS SELECT * FROM file", dbname = lb_DB$db, eol = "\n")

      sqldf("CREATE TABLE elobo(vessUE INT, s_utc REAL, e_utc REAL, FAO_SPECIES INT)", dbname = lb_DB$db)
      sqldf("CREATE TABLE lb_cla(vessel INT, log_num INT, met_fo INT, met_des CHAR)", dbname = lb_DB$db)


      distin <- sqldf("select distinct vessUE, s_utc, e_utc, gear, metier from logbook order by s_utc, e_utc", dbname = lb_DB$db)

      cat("\n\n   ---   Logbook Editing Started   ---\n", sep = "")

      numrow <- nrow(distin)
      species <- sqldf("select distinct specie from logbook order by specie", dbname = lb_DB$db)
      tocn <- which(species[, 1] == "")
      ifelse(length(tocn) > 0, species <- species[-tocn, 1], species <- species[, 1])
      fao_lst <- read.table(system.file("extdata/FAO_CODES_SPECIES.csv", package = "vmsbase"), sep = ",", dec = ".")
      tocl <- which(!(species %in% fao_lst[, 1]))
      if (length(tocl) > 0) {
        species <- species[-tocl]
      spclst <- matrix(data = 0, nrow = 1, ncol = length(species))
      colnames(spclst) <- paste("FAO_", species, sep = "")
      proto_log <- data.frame(
        "vessUE" = numeric(1),
        "s_utc" = numeric(1),
        "e_utc" = numeric(1),
        "gear" = character(1),
        "metier" = character(1)
      proto_log <- cbind(proto_log, spclst)
      hea_str <- paste("vessUE INT, ", paste(colnames(proto_log[2:3]), "REAL", sep = " ", collapse = ", "), ", ", paste(colnames(proto_log[4:5]), "CHAR", sep = " ", collapse = ", "), sep = "")
      cre_str <- paste(colnames(proto_log[6:ncol(proto_log)]), "INT", sep = " ", collapse = ", ")
      fin_str <- paste(hea_str, cre_str, sep = ", ")

      sqldf("drop table if exists elobo", dbname = lb_DB$db)
      query <- paste("CREATE TABLE elobo(", fin_str, ")", sep = "")
      sqldf(query, dbname = lb_DB$db)

      for (n in 1:numrow)
        cat("\nLogbook ", n, " of ", numrow, sep = "")
        if (distin[n, "s_utc"] == "NA" | distin[n, "e_utc"] == "NA" | distin[n, "s_utc"] > distin[n, "e_utc"]) {
          cat(" - Skipped, invalid Date")
        vess_id <- distin[n, "vessUE"]
        utc_rs <- distin[n, "s_utc"]
        utc_re <- distin[n, "e_utc"]
        temp <- fn$sqldf("select specie, qty from logbook where vessUE = `vess_id` and s_utc >= `utc_rs` and e_utc <= `utc_re`", dbname = lb_DB$db)
        if (nrow(temp) == 0) {
          cat(" - Skipped", sep = "")
        tort <- which(temp[, 1] == "")
        if (length(tort) > 0) {
          temp <- temp[-tort, ]
        if (nrow(temp) == 0) {
          cat(" - Skipped!", sep = "")
        nclm <- (which(species %in% temp[, 1])) + 5
        if (max(as.numeric(table(temp[, 1]))) > 1) temp <- as.data.frame(cbind(names(tapply(as.numeric(temp[, 2]), temp[, 1], sum)), as.numeric(tapply(as.numeric(temp[, 2]), temp[, 1], sum))))
        new_log <- data.frame("vessUE" = numeric(1), "s_utc" = numeric(1), "e_utc" = numeric(1), "gear" = character(1), "metier" = character(1))
        new_log <- cbind(new_log, spclst)
        new_log["vessUE"] <- vess_id
        new_log["e_utc"] <- utc_re
        new_log["s_utc"] <- utc_rs
        new_log["gear"] <- distin[n, "gear"]
        new_log["metier"] <- distin[n, "metier"]
        new_log[nclm] <- new_log[nclm] + abs(as.numeric(temp[, 2]))
        sqldf("insert into elobo select * from `new_log`", dbname = lb_DB$db)

      cat("\n\n   ---   End Logbook Editing   ---\n\n", sep = "")
    gconfirm(" LogBook DataBase \n \"Deploy & Editing\" \n Complete!",
      title = "Confirm",
      icon = "info",
      parent = lb_db_win,
      handler = function(h, ...) {

  enabled(dats) <- FALSE
  enabled(go) <- FALSE
  visible(lb_db_win) <- TRUE

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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

vmsbase documentation built on July 1, 2020, 6 p.m.