
Defines functions mime base64encode get_template_ get_template_for_maps get_template extractWiki getWikiFiles getFiles getWikiData getWikiInf searchWiki nametoWikiFrame nametoWikiHtml preName cc urltoFrame urltoHtml validUrl

Documented in cc extractWiki getFiles get_template get_template_for_maps getWikiData getWikiFiles getWikiInf nametoWikiFrame nametoWikiHtml preName searchWiki urltoFrame urltoHtml validUrl

#### Modesto Escobar
# Sat Feb 27 23:56:26 2021 ------------------------------

#validUrl -----
#' Find if an URL link is valid.
#' @param url A vector of URLs.
#' @param time The timeout (in seconds) to be used for each connection. Default = 2.
#' @details This function checks if a URL exists on the Internet.
#' @return A boolean value of TRUE or FALSE.
#' @author Modesto Escobar, Department of Sociology and Communication, University of Salamanca. See <https://sociocav.usal.es/blog/modesto-escobar/>
#' @examples
#' validUrl(url="https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weber,_Max", time=2)
#' @export
validUrl <- function(url, time=2){
  con <- url(url)
  check <- suppressWarnings(try(open.connection(con,open="rt",timeout=time),silent=T)[1])

# urltoHtml ----
#' Convert a Wikipedia URL to an HTML link
#' @param url Character vector of URLs.
#' @param text A vector with name of the correspondent title of the url (See details).
#' @details This function converts an available URL direction to the corresponding HTML link, i.e., "https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socrates" changes into "<a href='https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socrates', target='_blank'>Socrates</a>".
#` It is possible to change the showing name of the link directly using the argument text. When not specified, it is extracted directly from the URL.
#' @return A character vector of HTML links for the given urls.
#' @author Modesto Escobar, Department of Sociology and Communication, University of Salamanca. See <https://sociocav.usal.es/blog/modesto-escobar/>
#' @examples
#' ## When you have a single URL:
#' urltoHtml("https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socrates", text = "Socrates")
#' ## It is possible to work with several items:
#' A <- c("https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socrates", 
#'        "https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plato", 
#'        "https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aristotle")
#' urltoHtml (A, text = c("Socrates", "Plato", "Aristotle"))
#' ## And  you can also directly extract the info from nametoWikiURL():
#' urltoHtml(nametoWikiURL("Plato", "en"), "Plato" )
#' urltoHtml(nametoWikiURL(c("Plato", "Socrates", "Aristotle"), language="en"), 
#'           c("Plato", "Socrates", "Aristotle"))
#' @export
urltoHtml <- function(url, text=NULL) {
  if (is.null(text)) text <- sub("https?:/{0,2}","", url)
  paste0("<a href=\'",url, "\', target= \'_blank\'>", text, "</a>")

# urltoFrame----
#' Convert an URL link to an HTML iframe.
#' @param url Character vector of URLs.
#' @details This function converts an available URL direction to the corresponding HTML iframe, i.e., "https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socrates" changes into "<a href='https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socrates', target='_blank'>Socrates</a>".
#' @return A character vector of HTML iframe for the given urls.
#' @author Modesto Escobar, Department of Sociology and Communication, University of Salamanca. See <https://sociocav.usal.es/blog/modesto-escobar/>
#' @examples
#' ## When you have a single URL:
#' urltoFrame("https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socrates")
#' ## It is possible to work with a vector of URL to obtain another vector of html frames:
#' A <- c("https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socrates", 
#'        "https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plato", 
#'        "https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aristotle")
#' urltoHtml (A)
#' @export
urltoFrame <- function(url){
  paste0('<iframe src="',url, '" width="100%" height="100%" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0", margingheight="0"></iframe>')

#cc ----
#' Converts a text separated by commas into a character vector.
#' @param text Text to be separated.
#' @param sep A character of separation. It must be a blank. If it is another character, trailing blanks are suppressed.
#' @details Returns inside the text are omitted.
#' @return A vector of the split segments of the text.
#' @examples
#' ## A text with three names separated with commas is converted into a vector of length 3.
#' cc("Pablo Picasso, Diego Velazquez, Salvador Dali")
#' @author Modesto Escobar, Department of Sociology and Communication, University of Salamanca. See <https://sociocav.usal.es/blog/modesto-escobar/>
#' @export
cc <- function(text, sep=",") {
  if(!sep==" ") {
    text <- gsub(paste0("[ ]*", sep,"[ ]*"), sep, text)
    text <- gsub("\\n[ ]*", "", text)
  else text <- gsub("\\n","", text)

#preName ----
#' Reverse the order of the first and last names of every element of a vector.
#' @param X A vector of names with format "name, prename".
#' @details This function reverses the order of the first and last names of the items: i.e., "Weber, Max" turns into "Max Weber".
#' @return Another vector with its elements changed.
#' @examples
#' ## To reconvert a single name:
#' preName("Weber, Max")

#' ## It is possible to work with several items, as in here:
#' A <- c("Weber, Max", "Descartes, Rene", "Locke, John")
#' preName(A)
#' @author Modesto Escobar, Department of Sociology and Communication, University of Salamanca. See <https://sociocav.usal.es/blog/modesto-escobar/>
#' @export
preName <- function(X) {sub("(^.*),\\s*(.*$)","\\2 \\1", X)}

# nametoWikiURL----
#' Create the Wikipedia URL of a name or entry.
#' @param name A vector consisting of one or more Wikipedia's entry (i.e., topic or person).
#' @param language The language of the Wikipedia page version. This should consist of an ISO language code (default = "en").
#' @return A character vector of names' URLs.
#' @details This function adds the Wikipedia URL to a entry or name, i.e., "Max Weber" converts into "https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Max_Weber". It also manages different the languages of Wikipedia thru the abbreviated two-letter language parameter, i.e., "en" = "english".
#' @author Modesto Escobar, Department of Sociology and Communication, University of Salamanca. See <https://sociocav.usal.es/blog/modesto-escobar/>
#' @examples
#' ## When extracting a single item;
#' nametoWikiURL("Computer", language = "en")
#' ## When extracting two objetcs;
#' A <- c("Computer", "Operating system")
#' nametoWikiURL(A)
#' ## Same when three or more items;
#' B <- c("Socrates", "Plato" , "Aristotle")
#' nametoWikiURL(B)
#' @export
nametoWikiURL <- function (name, language="en") {
  paste0("https://", language, ".wikipedia.org/wiki/", gsub(" ","_",name))

# nametoWikiHtml----
#' Create the Wikipedia link of a name or entry.
#' @param name A vector consisting of one or more Wikipedia's entry (i.e., topic or person).
#' @param language The language of the Wikipedia page version. This should consist of an ISO language code (default = "en").
#' @return A character vector of names' links.
#' @details This function adds the Wikipedia's html link to a entry or name, i.e., "Max Weber" converts into "<a href='https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Max_Weber', target='_blank'>Max Weber</a>". It also manages different the languages of Wikipedia through the abbreviated two-letter language parameter, i.e., "en" = "english".
#' @author Modesto Escobar, Department of Sociology and Communication, University of Salamanca. See <https://sociocav.usal.es/blog/modesto-escobar/>
#' @examples
#' ## When extracting a single item;
#' nametoWikiHtml("Computer", language = "en")
#' ## When extracting two objetcs;
#' A <- c("Computer", "Operating system")
#' nametoWikiHtml(A)

## Same when three or more items;
#' B <- c("Socrates", "Plato","Aristotle" )
#' nametoWikiHtml(B)
#' @export
nametoWikiHtml <- function(name, language="en"){
  paste0("<a href=\'https://", language, ".wikipedia.org/wiki/", gsub(" ","_",name), "', target=\'_blank\'>", name, "</a>")

# nametoWikiFrame----
#' Convert names into a Wikipedia's iframe
#' @param name A vector consisting of one or more Wikipedia's entry (i.e., topic or person).
#' @param language The language of the Wikipedia page version. This should consist of an ISO language code (default = "en").
#' @details This function adds the Wikipedia's iframe to a entry or name, i.e., "Max Weber" converts into "<iframe src=\"https://es.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Max_Weber\" width=\"100...". It also manages different the languages of Wikipedia through the abbreviated two-letter language parameter, i.e., "en" = "english".
#' @return A character vector of Wikipedia's iframes.
#' @author Modesto Escobar, Department of Sociology and Communication, University of Salamanca. See <https://sociocav.usal.es/blog/modesto-escobar/>
#' @examples
#' ## When extracting a single item;
#' nametoWikiFrame("Computer", language = "en")
#' ## When extracting two objetcs;
#' A <- c("Computer", "Operating system")
#' nametoWikiFrame(A)
#' ## Same when three or more items;
#' B <- c("Socrates", "Plato", "Aristotle")
#' nametoWikiFrame(B)
#' @export
nametoWikiFrame <- function(name, language="en") {
  paste0('<iframe src="https://',language,'.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/',gsub(" ","_",name),'" width="100%" height="100%" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0", margingheight="0"></iframe>')

# searchWiki----
#' Find if there is a Wikipedia page of a name(s) in the selected language. 
#' @param name A vector consisting of one or more Wikipedia's entry (i.e., topic or person).
#' @param language The language of the Wikipedia page version. This should consist of an ISO language code.
#' @param all If all, all the languages are checked. If false, once a term is found, there is no search of others, so it's faster.
#' @param maxtime In case you want to apply a random waiting between consecutive searches.
#' @details This function checks any page or entry in order to find if it has a Wikipedia page in a given language. 
#' It manages the different the languages of Wikipedia thru the two-letters abbreviated language parameter, i.e, "en" = "english". It is possible to check multiple languages in order of preference; in this case, only the first available language will appear as TRUE.
#' @return A Boolean data frame of TRUE or FALSE.
#' @author Modesto Escobar, Department of Sociology and Communication, University of Salamanca. See <https://sociocav.usal.es/blog/modesto-escobar/>
#' @examples
#' ## When you want to check an entry in a single language:
#' searchWiki("Manuel Vilas", language = "es")
#' ## When you want to check an entry in several languages:
#' \dontrun{
#' searchWiki("Manuel Vilas", language = c( "en", "es", "fr", "it", "de", "pt", "ca"), all=TRUE)
#' }
## When you want to check several entries and languages:
#' \dontrun{
#' A<-c("Manuel Vilas", "Julia Navarro", "Rosa Montero")
#' searchWiki(A, language = c("en", "es", "fr", "it", "de", "pt", "ca"), all=FALSE)
#' }
#' @export
searchWiki <- function(name, language=c("en", "es", "fr", "it", "de", "pt", "ca"), all=FALSE, maxtime=0) {
  errores <- data.frame(es=logical(), en=logical(), fr=logical(), it=logical(), 
                        de=logical(), pt=logical(), ca=logical())[,language, drop=FALSE]
  for (I in name){
    errores[I,language] <- rep(FALSE, length(language))
    for (L in language){
      person <- gsub(" ", "_", I)
      url <-URLencode(paste("https://",L,".wikipedia.org/wiki/",person,sep=""))
      if (validUrl(url)) {
        errores[I,L] <- TRUE
        if (!all) break
      Sys.sleep(runif(1, min=0, max=maxtime))

# getWikiInf ----
#' Create a data.frame with Q's and descriptions of a vector of names.
#' @param names A vector consisting of one or more Wikidata's entry (i.e., topic or person).
#' @param number Take the number occurrence in case there are several equal names in Wikidata.
#' @param language The language of the Wikipedia page version. This should consist of an ISO language code (default = "en").
#' @return A data frame with name, Q, label and description of the names.
#' @author Modesto Escobar, Department of Sociology and Communication, University of Salamanca. See <https://sociocav.usal.es/blog/modesto-escobar/>
#' @examples
#' ## Obtaining information in English Wikidata
#' names <- c("William Shakespeare", "Pablo Picasso")
#' information <- getWikiInf(names)
#' ## Obtaining information in Spanish Wikidata
#' \dontrun{
#' informacion <- getWikiInf(names, language="es")
#' }
#' @export
#' @importFrom WikidataR find_item
getWikiInf <- function(names, number=1, language="en"){
  get <-function(name, number=1, language="en"){
    i <- find_item(name, language=language)
    if(length(i)>=number) {
      X <- c(name=name, Q=i[[number]]$id, 
             label=ifelse(is.null(i[[number]]$label),NaN, i[[number]]$label),
    else X <- c(name=name, Q=NaN, label=NaN, description=NaN)
  D <- as.data.frame(t(sapply(names, get, number, language)))

# getWikiData ----
#' Create a data.frame with Wikidata of a vector of names.
#' @param names A vector consisting of one or more Wikidata's entry (i.e., topic or person).
#' @param language The language of the Wikipedia page version. This should consist of an ISO language code (default = "en").
#' @param csv A file name to save the results, in which case the only return is a message with the name of the saved file.
#' @return A data frame with personal information of the names or a csv file with the information separated by semicolons.
#' @author Modesto Escobar, Department of Sociology and Communication, University of Salamanca. See <https://sociocav.usal.es/blog/modesto-escobar/>
#' @examples
#' ## Obtaining information in English Wikidata
#' \dontrun{
#' names <- c("William Shakespeare", "Pablo Picasso")
#' info <- getWikiData(names)
#' ## Obtaining information in Spanish Wikidata
#' d <- getWikiData(names, language="es")
#' }
#' @export
#' @importFrom WikidataQueryServiceR query_wikidata
#' @importFrom utils write.csv2
getWikiData <- function(names, language="en", csv=NULL) {
  petition <-function(q){
    chaine <- paste0('SELECT ?entityLabel ?entityDescription ?sexLabel ?birthdate ?birthplaceLabel ?birthcountryLabel ?deathdate ?deathplaceLabel ?deathcountryLabel
     (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?pic;separator="|")     as ?pics)
     (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?ocLabel;separator="|") as ?occupation)
     (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?moLabel;separator="|") as ?movement)
     (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?geLabel;separator="|") as ?genres)
     (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?inLabel;separator="|") as ?influencedby)
     (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?in;separator="|")      as ?influencedbyQ)
     (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?noLabel;separator="|") as ?notablework)
     (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?no;separator="|")      as ?notableworkQ)
     WHERE {
     BIND(wd:',q,' AS ?entity)
    SERVICE wikibase:label {bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en"}
      SELECT ?birthdate (COUNT(?refP569) AS ?cP569)
      WHERE {
        OPTIONAL {wd:',q,' wdt:P569 ?birthdate.}
        OPTIONAL {wd:',q,' p:P569 [ps:P569 ?birthdate; prov:wasDerivedFrom [(pr:P248|pr:P854|pr:P143) ?refP569]].}
      } GROUP BY ?birthdate ORDER BY DESC(?cP569) LIMIT 1
      SELECT ?birthplace ?birthcountry ?starttime1 (COUNT(?refP19) AS ?cP19)
      WHERE {
        OPTIONAL {wd:',q,' wdt:P19 ?birthplace.
                 ?birthplace p:P17 [ps:P17 ?birthcountry; pq:P580* ?starttime1; ].}
        OPTIONAL {wd:',q,' p:P19 [ps:P19 ?birthplace; prov:wasDerivedFrom [(pr:P248|pr:P854|pr:P143) ?refP19]].}
      } GROUP BY ?birthplace ?birthcountry ?starttime1 ORDER BY DESC(?cP19) DESC(?starttime1) LIMIT 1
      SELECT ?deathdate (COUNT(?refP570) AS ?cP570)
      WHERE {
        OPTIONAL {wd:',q,' wdt:P570 ?deathdate.}
        OPTIONAL {wd:',q,' p:P570 [ps:P570 ?deathdate; prov:wasDerivedFrom [(pr:P248|pr:P854|pr:P143) ?refP570]].}
      } GROUP BY ?deathdate ORDER BY DESC(?cP570) LIMIT 1
      SELECT ?deathplace ?deathcountry ?starttime2 (COUNT(?refP20) AS ?cP20)
      WHERE {
        OPTIONAL {wd:',q,' wdt:P20 ?deathplace.
                 ?deathplace p:P17 [ps:P17 ?deathcountry; pq:P580* ?starttime2; ].}
        OPTIONAL {wd:',q,' p:P20 [ps:P20 ?deathplace; prov:wasDerivedFrom [(pr:P248|pr:P854|pr:P143) ?refP20]].}
      } GROUP BY ?deathplace ?deathcountry ?starttime2 ORDER BY DESC(?cP20) DESC(?starttime2) LIMIT 1
    OPTIONAL {?entity wdt:P21  ?sex.}
    OPTIONAl {?entity wdt:P18  ?pic.} 
    OPTIONAL {?entity wdt:P106 ?oc. ?oc rdfs:label ?ocLabel. FILTER(LANG(?ocLabel) = "en")}
    OPTIONAL {?entity wdt:P135 ?mo. ?mo rdfs:label ?moLabel. FILTER(LANG(?moLabel) = "en")} 
    OPTIONAL {?entity wdt:P136 ?ge. ?ge rdfs:label ?geLabel. FILTER(LANG(?geLabel) = "en")}
    OPTIONAL {?entity wdt:P737 ?in. ?in rdfs:label ?inLabel. FILTER(LANG(?inLabel) = "en")}
    OPTIONAL {?entity wdt:P800 ?no. ?no rdfs:label ?noLabel. FILTER(LANG(?noLabel) = "en")}
   GROUP BY ?entityLabel ?entityDescription ?sexLabel ?birthdate ?birthplaceLabel ?birthcountryLabel ?deathdate ?deathplaceLabel ?deathcountryLabel 
  getWiki <-function(nombre){
    i <- find_item(nombre, language=language, limit=1)
    if(length(i)>0) {
      Q <- i[[1]]$id
      X <- suppressMessages(query_wikidata(petition(Q)))
      X <- cbind(Q, X)
      bcb <- !is.na(X$birthdate) && substring(X$birthdate,1,1)=="-"
      bcd <- !is.na(X$deathdate) && substring(X$deathdate,1,1)=="-"
      X$birthdate <- sub("^-","",X$birthdate)
      X$deathdate <- sub("^-","",X$deathdate)
      X$birthdate <- as.numeric(format(as.POSIXct(X$birthdate, origin="1960-01-01", optional=TRUE), "%Y"))
      X$deathdate <- as.numeric(format(as.POSIXct(X$deathdate, origin="1960-01-01", optional=TRUE), "%Y"))
      if(bcb) X$birthdate <- -X$birthdate
      if(bcd) X$deathdate <- -X$deathdate
    else X <- data.frame(Q=NA, entityLabel=nombre, entityDescription =NA, sexLabel=NA, 
                         birthdate=NA, birthplaceLabel=NA, birthcountryLabel=NA,
                         deathdate=NA, deathplaceLabel=NA, deathcountryLabel=NA,
                         pics=NA, occupation=NA, movement=NA, genres=NA, 
                         influencedby=NA, influencebyQ=NA, notablework=NA, notableworkQ=NA,
                         stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  transM <- function(X) {
    dimensions <- dim(X)
    x <- unlist(X)
    m <- as.data.frame(matrix(x, nrow=dimensions[2], ncol=dimensions[1], byrow=TRUE), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    colnames(m) <- rownames(X)

X <- sapply(names,getWiki)
if(is.null(csv)) return(transM(X)) 
else {
  if(filext(csv)=="") csv <- paste0(csv,".csv")
  write.csv2(transM(X), file=csv, row.names=FALSE)
  print(paste0("The file ", csv, " has been saved."))

#filext ----

#' Extract the extension of a file
#' @param fn Character vector with the files whose extensions are to be extracted.
#' @details This function extracts the extension of a vector of file names. 
#' @return A character vector of extension names.
#' @examples
#' ## For a single item:
#' filext("Albert Einstein.jpg")

#' ## You can do the same for a vector:
#' filext(c("Hillary Duff.png", "Britney Spears.jpg", "Avril Lavigne.tiff"))
#' @author Modesto Escobar, Department of Sociology and Communication, University of Salamanca. See <https://sociocav.usal.es/blog/modesto-escobar/>
#' @export
filext <- function (fn) {
  extract <-function(X){
   splitted    <- strsplit(x=X, split='/')[[1]]   
   fn          <- splitted [length(splitted)]
   ext         <- ''
   splitted    <- strsplit(x=fn, split='\\.')[[1]]
   l           <-length (splitted)
   if (l > 1 && sum(splitted[1:(l-1)] != ''))  ext <-splitted [l] 
  sapply(fn, extract)

# getFiles ----
#' Downloads a list of files in a specified path of the computer, and return a vector of the no-found names (if any).
#' @param lista A list or data frame of files' URLs to be download (See details).
#' @param path Directory where to export the files.
#' @param ext Select desired extension of the files. Default= NULL.
#' @details This function allows download a file of files directly into your directory. 
#' This function needs a preexistent data frame of names and pictures' URL. It must be a list (or data.frame) with two values: "name" (specifying the names of the files) and "url" (containing the urls to the files to download).. 
#' All the errors are reported as outcomes (NULL= no errors). The files are donwload into your chosen directory.
#' @return It returns a vector of errors, if any. All pictures are download into the selected directory (NULL= no errors).
#' @author Modesto Escobar, Department of Sociology and Communication, University of Salamanca. See <https://sociocav.usal.es/blog/modesto-escobar/>
#' @examples 
#' ## Not run: 
#' ## In case you want to download a file directly from an URL:
#' # dta <- data.frame(name = "Data", url = "https://sociocav.usal.es/me/Stata/example.dta")
#' # getFiles(dta, path = "./")
#' ##  You can can also combine this function with getWikiData (among others).
#' ## In case you want to download a picture of a person:
#' # A <- data.frame(name= getWikiData("Rembrandt")$label, url=getWikiData("Rembrandt")$pics)
#' # getFiles(A, path = "./", ext = "png")
#' ## Or the pics of multiple authors: 
#' # B <- getWikiData(c("Monet", "Renoir", "Caillebotte"))
#' # data <- data.frame(name = B$label, url = B$pics)
#' # getFiles(data, path = "./", ext = NULL)
#' ## End(Not run)
#' @export
getFiles <- function(lista, path="./", ext=NULL) {
  errores <- NULL
  path <- ifelse(substr(path,nchar(path),nchar(path))!="/",paste0(path,"/"),path)
  lista <- as.data.frame(lista)
  for (case in 1:nrow(lista)) {
    name <- lista[case,1]; url <- lista[case,2]
    if(is.null(ext)) ext <- filext(url) 
    if(!is.na(url) & !file.exists(file)) {
      E <- suppressWarnings(tryCatch(download.file(url, destfile=file, quiet=TRUE, mode="wb"),error = function(e) name))
      if (E!=0) errores <- c(errores, E)

# getWikiFiles---- 
#' Downloads a list of Wikipedia pages in a specified path of the computer, and return a vector of the no-found names (if any).
#' @param X A vector of Wikipedia's entry).
#' @param language The language of the Wikipedia page version. This should consist of an ISO language code (default = "en").
#' @param directory Directory where to export the files to.
#' @param maxtime In case you want to apply a random waiting between consecutive searches.
#' @details This function allows download a set of Wikipedia pages into a directory of the local computer. 
#' All the errors (not found pages) are reported as outcomes (NULL= no errors). The files are donwload into your chosen directory.
#' @return It returns a vector of errors, if any. All pictures are download into the selected directory (NULL= no errors).
#' @author Modesto Escobar, Department of Sociology and Communication, University of Salamanca. See <https://sociocav.usal.es/blog/modesto-escobar/>
#' @examples 
#' ## Not run: 
#' ## In case you want to download the Wikipage of a person:
#' # getWikiFiles("Rembrandt", dir = "./")
#' ## Or the pics of multiple authors: 
#' # B <- c("Monet", "Renoir", "Caillebotte")
#' # getWikiFiles(B, dir = "./", language="fr")
#' ## End(Not run)
#' @export
#' @importFrom utils download.file URLencode
#' @importFrom stats runif
getWikiFiles <- function(X, language=c("es", "en", "fr"), directory="./", maxtime=0) {
  if(substring(directory,nchar(directory))!="/" & substring(directory,nchar(directory))!="\\") directory=paste0(directory,"/")
  errores <- NULL
  for (I in X){
    person <- gsub(" ", "_", I)
    url <-paste("https://",language[1],".wikipedia.org/wiki/",person,sep="")
    file <- paste0(directory, person,".html")
    E <- suppressWarnings(tryCatch(download.file(url,destfile=file, quiet=TRUE),error = function(e) person))
    if (E!=0) errores <- c(errores, E)
    Sys.sleep(runif(1, min=0, max=maxtime))

#' Extract the first paragraph of a Wikipedia article with a maximum of characters.
#' @param names A vector of names, whose entries have to be extracted.
#' @param language A vector of Wikipedia's languages to look for. If the article is not found in the language of the first element, it search for the followings,.
#' @param plain If TRUE, the results are delivered in plain format.
#' @param maximum Number maximum of characters to be included when the paragraph is too large.
#' @examples
#' ## Obtaining information in English Wikidata
#' names <- c("William Shakespeare", "Pablo Picasso")
#' info <- getWikiInf(names)
#' info$text <- extractWiki(info$label)
#' @return a character vector with html formatted (or plain text) Wikipedia paragraphs.
#' @author Modesto Escobar, Department of Sociology and Communication, University of Salamanca. See <https://sociocav.usal.es/blog/modesto-escobar/>
#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
#' @export
extractWiki <- function(names, language=c("en", "es", "fr", "de", "it"), plain=FALSE, maximum=1000) {
  extract <- function(name, language=c("en", "es"), plain=FALSE, maximum=1000) {
    name <- URLencode(name)
    json <- list(query=list(pages=-1))
    explain <- ifelse(plain, "&explaintext", "")
    for(I in 1:length(language)) {
      json <- jsonlite::fromJSON(paste0("https://", language[I], ".wikipedia.org/w/api.php?format=json&action=query&prop=extracts&exintro", explain,"&redirects=1&titles=",name))
      if(names(json$query$pages)!="-1") break
    ascii <- json[["query"]][["pages"]][[1]][["extract"]]
    ascii <- gsub("\\[.*?\\]","", ascii)
    if(!plain) ascii <- gsub("(.{150}</p>).*","\\1", ascii)
    else if(nchar(ascii)>maximum) ascii <- paste0(substr(ascii, 1, maximum), "...")
  return(sapply(names, extract, language=language, plain=plain, maximum=maximum))

# get_template ----
#' Create a drop-down vignette for nodes from different items (for galleries).
#' @param data data frame which contains the data.
#' @param title column name which contains the first tittle of the vignette.
#' @param title2 column name which contains the secondary title of the vignette.
#' @param text column name which contains the main text of the vignette.
#' @param img column name which contains the names of the image files.
#' @param wiki column name which contains the wiki URL for the vignette.
#' @param width length of the vignette's width.
#' @param color color of the vignette's strip (It also could be a column name which contains colors).
#' @param cex number indicating the amount by which plotting text should be scaled relative to the default.
#' @examples
#' ## Obtaining information in English Wikidata
#' \dontrun{
#' names <- c("William Shakespeare", "Pablo Picasso")
#' information <- getWikiData(names)
#' information$html <- get_template(information, title="entityLabel", text="entityDescription")
#' }
#' @return a character vector of html formatted vignettes.
#' @author Modesto Escobar, Department of Sociology and Communication, University of Salamanca. See <https://sociocav.usal.es/blog/modesto-escobar/>
#' @export
get_template <- function(data, title=NULL, title2=NULL, text=NULL, img=NULL, wiki=NULL, width=300, color="#135dcd", cex=1){
  return(get_template_(data, title, title2, text, img, wiki, width, c(6,12), color, cex))

#' Create a drop-down vignette for nodes from different items (for maps).
#' @param data data frame which contains the data.
#' @param title column name which contains the first tittle of the vignette.
#' @param title2 column name which contains the secondary title of the vignette.
#' @param text column name which contains the main text of the vignette.
#' @param img column name which contains the names of the image files.
#' @param wiki column name which contains the wiki URL for the vignette.
#' @param color color of the vignette's strip (It also could be a column name which contains colors).
#' @param cex number indicating the amount by which plotting text should be scaled relative to the default.
#' @examples
#' ## Obtaining information in English Wikidata
#' \dontrun{
#' names <- c("William Shakespeare", "Pablo Picasso")
#' info <- getWikiData(names)
#' info$html <- get_template_for_maps(info, title="entityLabel", text="entityDescription")
#' }
#' @return a character vector of html formatted vignettes.
#' @author Modesto Escobar, Department of Sociology and Communication, University of Salamanca. See <https://sociocav.usal.es/blog/modesto-escobar/>
#' @export
get_template_for_maps <- function(data, title=NULL, title2=NULL, text=NULL, img=NULL, wiki=NULL, color="#cbdefb", cex=1){
  return(get_template_(data, title, title2, text, img, wiki, NULL, c(13,19), color, cex))

get_template_ <- function(data, title=NULL, title2=NULL, text=NULL, img=NULL, wiki=NULL, width=NULL, padding=NULL, color=NULL, cex=1) {
      color <- data[[color]]
    color <- paste0('background-color:',color,';')
    color <- ""
    width <- paste0(" width: ",width,"px;")
    width <- ""
    margin <- paste0("margin:",paste0(-padding,"px",collapse=" "),";")
    padding <- paste0("padding:",paste0(padding,"px",collapse=" "),";")
    padding <- ""
    margin <- ""
  data[["template"]] <- paste0('<div style="font-size:',cex,'em;',margin,width,'">')
  borderRadius <- 'border-radius:12px 12px 0 0;'
  if(is.character(img) && length(data[[img]])){
    for(i in (1:nrow(data))){
        data[i,img] <- paste0("data:",mime(data[[i,img]]),";base64,",base64encode(data[[i,img]]))
    data[["template"]] <- paste0(data[["template"]],'<img style="width:100%;',borderRadius,'" src="',data[[img]],'"/>')
    borderRadius <- ''
  if(is.character(title) && length(data[[title]])){
    data[["template"]] <- paste0(data[["template"]],'<h2 style="font-size:2em;',color,padding,'margin-top:-3px;',borderRadius,'">',data[[title]],'</h2>')
  data[["template"]] <- paste0(data[["template"]],'<div style="',padding,'">')
  if(is.character(title2) && length(data[[title2]])){
    data[["template"]] <- paste0(data[["template"]],'<h3>', data[[title2]],'</h3>')
  if(is.character(text) && length(data[[text]])){
    data[["template"]] <- paste0(data[["template"]],'<p>',data[[text]],'</p>')
    data[["template"]] <- paste0(data[["template"]],'<p></p>')
  if(is.character(wiki) && length(data[[wiki]])){
    data[["template"]] <- paste0(data[["template"]],'<h3><img style="width:20px;vertical-align:bottom;margin-right:10px;" src="https://www.wikipedia.org/portal/wikipedia.org/assets/img/Wikipedia-logo-v2.png"/>Wikipedia: <a target="_blank" href="',data[[wiki]],'">',wiki,'</a></h3>')
  data[["template"]] <- paste0(data[["template"]],'</div></div>')

base64encode <- function(filename) {
  to.read = file(filename, "rb")
  fsize <- file.size(filename)
  sbit <- readBin(to.read, raw(), n = fsize, endian = "little")
  b64c <- "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"
  shfts <- c(18,12,6,0)
  sand <- function(n,s) bitwAnd(bitwShiftR(n,s),63)+1
  slft <- function(p,n) bitwShiftL(as.integer(p),n)
  subs <- function(s,n) substring(s,n,n)
  npad <- ( 3 - length(sbit) %% 3) %% 3
  sbit <- c(sbit,as.raw(rep(0,npad)))
  pces <- lapply(seq(1,length(sbit),by=3),function(ii) sbit[ii:(ii+2)])
  encv <- paste0(sapply(pces,function(p) paste0(sapply(shfts,function(s)(subs(b64c,sand(slft(p[1],16)+slft(p[2],8)+slft(p[3],0),s)))))),collapse="")
  if (npad > 0) substr(encv,nchar(encv)-npad+1,nchar(encv)) <- paste0(rep("=",npad),collapse="")

mime <- function(name) {
  mimemap <- c(jpeg = "image/jpeg", jpg = "image/jpeg", png = "image/png", svg = "image/svg", gif = "image/gif")
  ext <- sub("^.*\\.","",name)
  mime <- unname(mimemap[ext])

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wikiTools documentation built on March 24, 2022, 9:05 a.m.