
Defines functions `%in_block%` let letprep_lang letprep_str prepareAlias restrictToNameAssignments isValidAndUnreservedName

Documented in let restrictToNameAssignments

# checking for valid unreserved names
# this one is not vectorized
# also don't allow dot to be used here as remapping that is problem in magrittr pipelines
#  this is essentially treating "." as reserved (which is more compatible with magrittr)
# from: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8396577/check-if-character-value-is-a-valid-r-object-name
isValidAndUnreservedName <- function(string) {
  if(is.null(string)) {
  (is.character(string)) &&
    (length(string)==1) &&
    (string!='.') &&
    (make.names(string,unique = FALSE, allow_ = TRUE) == string)

#' Restrict an alias mapping list to things that look like name assignments
#' @param alias mapping list
#' @param restrictToAllCaps logical, if true only use all-capitalized keys
#' @return string to string mapping
#' @examples
#' alias <- list(region= 'east', str= "'seven'")
#' aliasR <- restrictToNameAssignments(alias)
#' print(aliasR)
#' @export
restrictToNameAssignments <- function(alias, restrictToAllCaps= FALSE) {
  # make sure alias is a list (not a named vector)
  alias <- as.list(alias)
  usableEntries <- vapply(names(alias),
                          function(ai) {
                            vi <- alias[[ai]]
                            if(is.name(vi)) {
                              vi <- as.character(vi)
                            isValidAndUnreservedName(ai) && isValidAndUnreservedName(vi) &&
                            ( (!restrictToAllCaps) || (toupper(ai)==ai))
  # return sublist

prepareAlias <- function(alias, strict) {
  # make sure alias is a list (not a named vector)
  alias <- as.list(alias)
  # skip any NULL slots
  nulls <- vapply(names(alias), is.null, logical(1)) |
    vapply(alias, is.null, logical(1))
  alias <- alias[!nulls]
  if (length(unique(names(alias))) != length(names(alias))) {
    stop('wrapr::prepareAlias alias keys must be unique')
  if(strict) {
    if ('.' %in% c(names(alias),as.character(alias))) {
      stop("wrapr::prepareAlias can not map to/from '.'")
  for (ni in names(alias)) {
    if (is.null(ni)) {
      stop('wrapr:let alias keys must not be null')
    if (is.na(ni)) {
      stop('wrapr:let alias keys must not be NA')
    if (!is.character(ni)) {
      stop('wrapr:let alias keys must all be strings')
    if (length(ni) != 1) {
      stop('wrapr:let alias keys must all be scalars')
    if (nchar(ni) <= 0) {
      stop('wrapr:let alias keys must be non-empty string')
    if (strict && (!isValidAndUnreservedName(ni))) {
      stop(paste('wrapr:let alias key not a valid name: "', ni, '"'))
    vi <- alias[[ni]]
    if (is.null(vi)) {
      stop('wrapr:let alias values must not be null')
    if (is.name(vi)) {
      vi <- as.character(vi)
    if (is.na(vi)) {
      stop('wrapr:let alias values must not be NA')
    if (!is.character(vi)) {
      stop(paste('wrapr:let alias values must all be strings or names (',
                 ni,'is class:', paste(class(vi), collapse=', '), ')'))
    if (length(vi) != 1) {
      stop('wrapr:let alias values must all be single strings (not arrays or null)')
    if (nchar(vi) <= 0) {
      stop('wrapr:let alias values must not be empty string')
    if (strict && (!isValidAndUnreservedName(vi))) {
        stop(paste('wrapr:let alias value not a valid name: "', vi, '"'))
  alias <- lapply(alias, as.character)

#' Substitute text (note text can be a vector).
#' @param alias mapping named list/vector to strings/names or general
#' @param strexpr character vector source text to be re-written
#' @return parsed R expression with substitutions
#' @noRd
letprep_str <- function(alias, strexpr) {
  if(!is.character(strexpr)) {
    stop("wrapr::letprep_str strexpr must be a character array")
  body <- strexpr
  if(length(alias)>0) {
    # find a token not in alias or block
    testText <- paste(paste(c(names(alias), as.character(alias)), collapse = ' '),
    tok <- "WRAPR_TOK"
    while(length(grep(tok,testText))>0) {
      tok <- paste0("WRAPR_TOK_",paste(sample(LETTERS, 15, replace = TRUE),
                                       collapse = ''))
    # re-write the parse tree and prepare for execution in 2 stages to allows swaps
    alias1 <- paste(tok, seq_len(length(alias)), sep= '_')
    names(alias1) <- names(alias)
    alias2 <- as.character(alias)
    names(alias2) <- as.character(alias1)
    for(aliasi in list(alias1, alias2)) {
      for (ni in names(aliasi)) {
        value <- aliasi[[ni]]
        if(!is.null(value)) {
          value <- as.character(value)
          if(ni!=value) {
            pattern <- paste0("\\b", ni, "\\b")
            body <- gsub(pattern, value, body)
  parse(text = body)

#' Substitute language elements.
#' @param alias mapping named list/vector to strings/names or general
#' @param lexpr language item
#' @return R language element with substitutions
#' @noRd
letprep_lang <- function(alias, lexpr) {
  nexpr <- lexpr
  n <- length(nexpr)
  # just in case (establishes an invarient of n>=1)
  if(n<=0) {
  # left-hand sides of lists/calls are represented as keys
  nms <- names(nexpr)
  if(length(nms)>0) {
    for(i in seq_len(length(nms))) {
      ki <- as.character(nms[[i]])
      if((length(ki)>0)&&(nchar(ki)>0)) {
        ri <- alias[[ki]]
        if((length(ri)>0)&&(ri!=ki)) {
          nms[[i]] <- ri
    names(nexpr) <- nms
  # special cases
  if(is.call(nexpr)) {
    callName <- as.character(nexpr[[1]])
    if(length(callName)==1) {
      # get into special cases,
      #  detect them very strictly and return out of them
      if((callName=='$') && (n==3)) {
        # special case a$"b"
        # let(c(x='y'), d$"x", eval=FALSE)
        # know length should be 3 from:
        #  do.call('$',list(data.frame(x=1:3),'x','z'))
        #  # Error in list(x = 1:3)$x : 3 arguments passed to '$' which requires 2
        # know the 3rd argument can be treated as a name from:
        #  data.frame(x=1:3)$1
        #  # Error: unexpected numeric constant in "data.frame(x=1:3)$1"
        nexpr[[2]] <- letprep_lang(alias, nexpr[[2]])
        nexpr[[3]] <- letprep_lang(alias, as.name(nexpr[[3]]))
  # basic recurse, establish invariant n==1
  if(n>1) {
    for(i in seq_len(n)) {
      # empty symbol (used to denote blank arguments like d[,1]) imitates missing on self call
      # also assigning null shortens expressions
      blankSym <- is.null(nexpr[[i]]) ||
        (is.symbol(nexpr[[i]]) && (nchar(as.character(nexpr[[i]]))<=0))
      if(!blankSym) {
        subi <- letprep_lang(alias, nexpr[[i]])
        if(!is.null(subi)) {
          nexpr[[i]] <- subi
  # don't re-map quoted strings (except above)
  if(is.character(nexpr)) {
  # this is the main re-mapper
  if(is.symbol(nexpr)) { # same as is.name()
    # symbol is not subsettable, so length==1
    #  as.name('x')[[1]]
    #  # Error in as.name("x")[[1]] : object of type 'symbol' is not subsettable
    # and can't have names
    #   names(as.name("x")) <- 'a'
    #   ## Error in names(as.name("x")) <- "a" :
    #   ## target of assignment expands to non-language object
    ki <- as.character(nexpr)
    ri <- alias[[ki]]
    if((length(ri)>0)&&(ri!=ki)) {
  # fall-back

#' Execute expr with name substitutions specified in alias.
#' \code{let} implements a mapping from desired names (names used directly in the expr code) to names used in the data.
#' Mnemonic: "expr code symbols are on the left, external data and function argument names are on the right."
#' Please see the \code{wrapr} \code{vignette} for some discussion of let and crossing function call boundaries: \code{vignette('wrapr','wrapr')}.
#' For formal documentation please see \url{https://github.com/WinVector/wrapr/blob/master/extras/wrapr_let.pdf}.
#' Transformation is performed by substitution, so please be wary of unintended name collisions or aliasing.
#' Something like \code{let} is only useful to get control of a function that is parameterized
#' (in the sense it take column names) but non-standard (in that it takes column names from
#' non-standard evaluation argument name capture, and not as simple variables or parameters).  So  \code{wrapr:let} is not
#' useful for non-parameterized functions (functions that work only over values such as \code{base::sum}),
#' and not useful for functions take parameters in straightforward way (such as \code{base::merge}'s "\code{by}" argument).
#' \code{dplyr::mutate} is an example where
#' we can use a \code{let} helper.   \code{dplyr::mutate} is
#' parameterized (in the sense it can work over user supplied columns and expressions), but column names are captured through non-standard evaluation
#' (and it rapidly becomes unwieldy to use complex formulas with the standard evaluation equivalent \code{dplyr::mutate_}).
#' \code{alias} can not include the symbol "\code{.}".
#' The intent from is from the user perspective to have (if
#' \code{a <- 1; b <- 2}):
#' \code{let(c(z = 'a'), z+b)} to behave a lot like
#' \code{eval(substitute(z+b, c(z=quote(a))))}.
#' \code{let} deliberately checks that it is mapping only to legal \code{R} names;
#' this is to discourage the use of \code{let} to make names to arbitrary values, as
#' that is the more properly left to \code{R}'s environment systems.
#' \code{let} is intended to transform
#' "tame" variable and column names to "tame" variable and column names.  Substitution
#' outcomes that are not valid simple \code{R} variable names (produced with out use of
#' back-ticks) are forbidden.  It is suggested that substitution targets be written
#' \code{ALL_CAPS} style to make them stand out.
#' \code{let} was inspired by \code{gtools:strmacro()}.
#' Please see \url{https://github.com/WinVector/wrapr/blob/master/extras/MacrosInR.md} for a discussion of macro tools in \code{R}.
#' @param alias mapping from free names in expr to target names to use (mapping have both unique names and unique values).
#' @param expr block to prepare for execution.
#' @param ... force later arguments to be bound by name.
#' @param envir environment to work in.
#' @param subsMethod character substitution method, one of  'langsubs' (preferred), 'subsubs', or 'stringsubs'.
#' @param strict logical if TRUE names and values must be valid un-quoted names, and not dot.
#' @param eval logical if TRUE execute the re-mapped expression (else return it).
#' @param debugPrint logical if TRUE print debugging information when in stringsubs mode.
#' @return result of expr executed in calling environment (or expression if eval==FALSE).
#' @seealso \code{\link[base]{bquote}}, \code{\link[base]{do.call}}
#' @examples
#' d <- data.frame(
#'   Sepal_Length=c(5.8,5.7),
#'   Sepal_Width=c(4.0,4.4),
#'   Species='setosa')
#' mapping <- qc(
#'   AREA_COL = Sepal_area,
#'   LENGTH_COL = Sepal_Length,
#'   WIDTH_COL = Sepal_Width
#' )
#' # let-block notation
#' let(
#'   mapping,
#'   d %.>%
#'     transform(., AREA_COL = LENGTH_COL * WIDTH_COL)
#' )
#' # Note: in packages can make assignment such as:
#' # prior to code so targets don't look like unbound names.
#' @export
let <- function(alias, expr,
                envir= parent.frame(),
                subsMethod= 'langsubs',
                strict= TRUE,
                eval= TRUE,
                debugPrint= FALSE) {
  exprQ <- substitute(expr)  # do this early before things enter local environment
  stop_if_dot_args(substitute(list(...)), "wrapr::let")
  allowedMethods <- c('langsubs', 'stringsubs', 'subsubs')
  if((!is.character(subsMethod)) ||
     (length(subsMethod)!=1) ||
     (!(subsMethod %in% allowedMethods))) {
    stop(paste("wrapr::let subsMethod must be one of:",
               paste(allowedMethods, collapse = ', ')))
  alias <- prepareAlias(alias, strict=strict)
  exprS <- exprQ
  if(length(alias)>0) {
    if(subsMethod=='langsubs') {
      # recursive language implementation.
      # only replace matching symbols.
      exprS <- letprep_lang(alias, exprQ)
    } else if(subsMethod=='subsubs') {
      # substitute based solution, does not bind left-hand sides
      aliasN <- lapply(alias, as.name)
      exprS <- do.call(substitute, list(exprQ, aliasN))
    } else if(subsMethod=='stringsubs') {
      # string substitution based implementation.
      # Similar to \code{gtools::strmacro} by Gregory R. Warnes.
      exprS <- letprep_str(alias, wrapr_deparse(exprQ))
    } else {
      stop(paste("wrapr::let unexpected subsMethod '", subsMethod, "'"))
  if(debugPrint) {
  if(!eval) {
  # try to execute expression in parent environment
  rm(list=setdiff(ls(), c('exprS', 'envir')))

#' Inline let-block notation.
#' Inline version of \code{let}-block.
#' @param a (left argument) named character vector with target names as names, and replacement names as values.
#' @param b (right argument) expression or block to evaluate under let substitution rules.
#' @return evaluated block.
#' @examples
#' d <- data.frame(
#'   Sepal_Length=c(5.8,5.7),
#'   Sepal_Width=c(4.0,4.4),
#'   Species='setosa')
#' # let-block notation
#' let(
#'   qc(
#'     AREA_COL = Sepal_area,
#'     LENGTH_COL = Sepal_Length,
#'     WIDTH_COL = Sepal_Width
#'   ),
#'   d %.>%
#'     transform(., AREA_COL = LENGTH_COL * WIDTH_COL)
#' )
#' # %in_block% notation
#' qc(
#'   AREA_COL = Sepal_area,
#'   LENGTH_COL = Sepal_Length,
#'   WIDTH_COL = Sepal_Width
#' ) %in_block% {
#'   d %.>%
#'     transform(., AREA_COL = LENGTH_COL * WIDTH_COL)
#' }
#' # Note: in packages can make assignment such as:
#' # prior to code so targets don't look like unbound names.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{let}}
`%in_block%` <- function(a, b) {
  env <- parent.frame()
  force(env)  # probably do not need this step
            expr = substitute(b),
            alias = a,
            envir = env))

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