
Defines functions write_x3p x3p_write

Documented in write_x3p x3p_write

#' Write an x3p object to a file
#' @param x3p x3p object
#' @param file path to where the file should be written
#' @param size integer. The number of bytes per element in the  surface matrix used for creating the binary file. Use size = 4 for 32 bit IEEE 754 floating point numbers and size = 8 for 64 bit IEEE 754 floating point number (default).
#' @param quiet suppress messages
#' @param create_dir boolean. create directory for saving file, if necessary. Posts a message in case a directory is created.
#' @importFrom digest digest
#' @importFrom xml2 read_xml
#' @importFrom utils as.relistable relist zip
#' @importFrom graphics par plot
#' @importFrom grDevices dev.off
#' @export
#' @examples
#' logo <- x3p_read(system.file("csafe-logo.x3p", package="x3ptools"))
#' # write a copy of the file into a temporary file
#' x3p_write(logo, file = tempfile(fileext="x3p"))
x3p_write <- function(x3p, file, size = 8, quiet = F, create_dir = T) {
  a1 <- read_xml(system.file("templateXML.xml", package = "x3ptools"))
  a1list <- as_list(a1, ns = xml_ns(a1))
  tmp <- as.relistable(a1list) # structure needed for compiling xml_document

  # check that file can be written
  directory <- dirname(file)
  if (!dir.exists(directory)) {
    if (create_dir) {
      message("Creating directory '", directory, "'")
      dir.create(directory, recursive = TRUE)
    } else {
      stop("directory '", directory,"' does not exist. Set `create_dir` to TRUE to create it during the file export.")
  # check that size is 4 or 8
  stopifnot(size %in% c(4, 8))

  feature.info <- x3p$feature.info
  general.info <- x3p$general.info
  header.info <- x3p$header.info
  matrix.info <- x3p$matrix.info
  other.info <- x3p$other.info

  if (is.null(general.info)) {
    if (!quiet) message("general info not specified, using template")
    general.info <- as_list(xml_child(a1, search = "Record2"))
  if (is.null(feature.info)) {
    if (!quiet) message("feature info not specified, using template")
    feature.info <- as_list(xml_child(a1, search = "Record1"))
  if (is.null(matrix.info)) {
    if (!quiet) message("matrix info not specified, using template")
    matrix.info <- as_list(xml_child(a1, search = "Record3"))

  # now overwrite template with relevant information:
  feature.info$Axes$CX$Increment <- list(header.info$incrementX)
  feature.info$Axes$CY$Increment <- list(header.info$incrementY)
  feature.info$Axes$CZ$Increment <- list(1)

  matrix.info$MatrixDimension$SizeX <- list(header.info$sizeX)
  matrix.info$MatrixDimension$SizeY <- list(header.info$sizeY)
  matrix.info$MatrixDimension$SizeZ <- list(1)
  # Storing the Working Dir path
  orig.path <- getwd()
  # include on.exit call to prevent surprises

  # Figure out where the file should go
  fileDir <- normalizePath(dirname(file))
  fileName <- basename(file)

  # Creating Temp directory and switch to directory
  tmpDir <- tempdir()
  tmpx3pfolder <- tempfile(pattern = "folder", tmpdir = tmpDir)

  # Set up file structure

  # Assigning values to the Record 1 part of the XML
  a1list[[1]]$Record2 <- general.info

  # Updating the Records in list for: main.xml.
  a1list[[1]]$Record3 <- matrix.info
  binPath <- file.path("bindata", "data.bin")
  a1list[[1]]$Record3$DataLink$PointDataLink <- list(binPath)
  a1list[[1]]$Record1 <- feature.info
  a1list[[1]]$Other <- other.info

  # Writing the Surface Matrix as a Binary file
  writeBin(as.vector((x3p$surface.matrix)), con = binPath, size = size)
  # Generating the MD% check sum
  chksum <- digest("bindata/data.bin", algo = "md5", serialize = FALSE, file = TRUE)
  a1list[[1]]$Record3$DataLink$MD5ChecksumPointData <- list(chksum)

  # if the mask exists, write it as a png file
  if (exists("mask", x3p)) {
      file = "bindata/mask.png", width = x3p$header.info$sizeX,
      height = x3p$header.info$sizeY, units = "px", bg = "transparent"
    graphics::par(mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0))

  if (size == 4) a1list[[1]]$Record1$Axes$CZ$DataType[[1]] <- "F"
  if (size == 8) a1list[[1]]$Record1$Axes$CZ$DataType[[1]] <- "D"

  # Assigning values to Record 4 in main.xml
  a1list[[1]]$Record4$ChecksumFile <- list("md5checksum.hex")

  # Convert to xml
  #  final.xml.list<- relist(unlist(a1list), skeleton = tmp) #tmp structure used for writing the xml file
  final.xml.list <- a1list
  a1xml <- as_xml_document(list(structure(list(final.xml.list))))

  # xml_attrs(a1xml)<- xml_attrs(a1)

  # Write the Main xml file
  write_xml(a1xml, "main.xml")

  # HH unfortunate solution: get namespace reference back in front of the root tag of the resulting xml:
  main <- readLines("main.xml")
  main <- gsub("^<ISO5436_2", "<p:ISO5436_2", main)
  main <- gsub("^</ISO5436_2", "</p:ISO5436_2", main)
  writeLines(main, "main.xml")

  # HH: only get the checksum once we are done changing the main.xml
  # Writing the md5checksum.hex with checksum for the main.xml
  main.chksum <- digest("main.xml", algo = "md5", serialize = FALSE, file = TRUE)
  write(main.chksum, "md5checksum.hex")

  # Write the x3p file and reset path
  # create zipped file in the specified location

  #  zip(zipfile = file.path(fileDir, fileName), files = dir())
    zipfile = file.path(fileDir, fileName), files = dir(),
    flags = ifelse(quiet, "-r9Xq", "-r9X")
  # not necessary to delete the temporary folder
  # setwd("..")
  #  unlink(tmpx3pfolder,recursive = TRUE)

#' @rdname x3p_write
#' @export
write_x3p <- function(x3p, file, size = 8, quiet = F) {
  x3p_write(x3p = x3p, file = file, size = size, quiet = quiet)

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x3ptools documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:33 a.m.