Man pages for xQTLbiolinks
An R Package for Integrative Analysis of Quantitative Trait Locus Data of 'xQTL'

apiAdmin_pingHeartbeat to check GTEx API server connectivity.
apiEbi_pingHeartbeat to check EBI API server connectivity.
dbsnpQueryRangeretrieve snps from dbSNP using coordinate.
EBIquery_allTermQuery supported terms (phenotypes, studies, tissues) in eQTL...
ebi_study_tissuesdata for vignette
example_Coloc_colocResultAlldata for vignette
example_Coloc_colocResultsigdata for vignette
example_Coloc_gwasDFdata for vignette
example_Coloc_hyprcolocResultAlldata for vignette
example_Coloc_sentinelSNPdata for vignette
example_Coloc_traitsAlldata for vignette
extractGeneInfoExtract gene details from gencodeGeneInfoAllGranges object
fetchContentFetch data using url by three methods
fetchContentEbiFetch variant from Ebi
gencodeGeneInfoAllGrangesGene annotations (chr1-chr22).
gencodeGenetypeGene types in GTEx V8 and V7
is.wholenumberdetermine whether is a whole number:
retrieveLDRetrieve SNP pairwise LD from locuscompare database
retrieveLD_LDproxyRetrieve SNP pairwise LD from LDlink database
sampleNumsamples used in GTEx eQTL analysis.
tissueSiteDetailGTExv7Tissue name and tissue id mapping of GTEx V7.
tissueSiteDetailGTExv8Tissue name and tissue id mapping of GTEx V8.
xQTLanalyze_colocConduct colocalization analysis with trait genes generated...
xQTLanalyze_coloc_diyConduct colocalization analysis with customized QTL data
xQTLanalyze_getSentinelSnpDetect sentinel SNPs for GWAS using summary statistics data
xQTLanalyze_getTraitsIdentify trait genes using sentinel SNPs generated from...
xQTLanno_calLambdacalculate genomic control inflation factor for a QTL/GWAS...
xQTLanno_chippeakenrichment analysis for GWAS / QTL signals in functional...
xQTLanno_genomicannotate all signals in GWAS / QTL dataset by genome location
xQTLdownload_egeneDownload eGenes (eQTL Genes) for a specified gene or a tissue
xQTLdownload_eqtlAllAssoDownload summary statistics data for eQTLs with a specified...
xQTLdownload_eqtlAllAssoPosDownload summary statistics data for eQTLs with genome...
xQTLdownload_eqtlExpDownload normalized expression for gene with a variant-gene...
xQTLdownload_expDownload normalized gene expression at the sample level for a...
xQTLdownload_geneMedExpDownload median expressions for multiple genes in a specified...
xQTLdownload_hqtlDownload summary statistics data of H3K4me1 and H3K27ac...
xQTLdownload_hqtlmetaDownload metadata for H3K4me1 and H3K27ac histone QTL (hQTL)
xQTLdownload_mQTLDownload summary statistics data of DNA methylation QTL...
xQTLdownload_mqtlmetaDownload metadata of DNA methylation QTL (mQTL)
xQTLdownload_scDownload all sc-eQTL associations for a specified gene
xQTLdownload_scSigDownload significant sc-eQTL associations for a specified...
xQTLdownload_sgeneDownload details of sGenes (sQTL Genes) for a specified gene...
xQTLdownload_sqtlAllAssoDownload summary statistics data for sQTLs with a specified...
xQTLdownload_sqtlExpDownload normalized PSI value of intron for a sQTL pair
xQTLdownload_xqtlAllAssoDownload summary statistics of xQTL for a specified gene,...
xQTL_exportExport expression object to a specified format
xQTLquery_eqtlQuery multi-tissue eQTL metasoft results
xQTLquery_eqtlSigQuery significant eQTL associations for a specified tissue or...
xQTLquery_geneQuery basic information for genes, including name, symbol,...
xQTLquery_geneAllQuery all genes supported in GTEx
xQTLquery_sampleBySampleIdQuery details of samples with GTEx IDs
xQTLquery_sampleByTissueQuery details of samples by tissue name
xQTLquery_scQuery significant sc-eQTLs for a specified gene
xQTLquery_scInfoQuery metadata of sc-eQTLs
xQTLquery_sqtlSigQuery significant sQTL associations for a tissue or multple...
xQTLquery_tissueQuery details for a specified tissue
xQTLquery_varIdQuery variant with variant ID or dbSNP ID
xQTLquery_varPosQuery variants using genome position.
xQTLvisual_annoVisualize enrichment of variants derived from...
xQTLvisual_colocHeatmap plot of the LD-p-value relationship of the eQTL
xQTLvisual_eqtlBox plot with jittered points for showing number and...
xQTLvisual_eqtlExpBoxplot of normalized expression stratified by genotypes for...
xQTLvisual_geneExpTissuesViolin plot of distribution of the gene expression profiles...
xQTLvisual_genoBoxBoxplot of values stratified by genotypes with customized...
xQTLvisual_locusCombineGenerate a combined figure including locusZoom and...
xQTLvisual_locusCompareDotplot of comparing regional signals between GWAS and xQTL
xQTLvisual_locusZoomLocuszoom plot for visualizing regional signals relative to...
xQTLvisual_manhattanManhattan plot for a GWAS summary statistics dataset
xQTLvisual_PZPlotCompare P-values reported to P-values calculated from Z...
xQTLvisual_qqPlotQuantile-quantile plot with p-values from GWAS summary...
xQTLvisual_sqtlBox plot with jittered points for showing number and...
xQTLvisual_sqtlExpBoxplot of normalized PSI stratified by genotypes for sQTL.
xQTLbiolinks documentation built on Sept. 15, 2023, 1:06 a.m.