
Defines functions xQTLanalyze_getSentinelSnp

Documented in xQTLanalyze_getSentinelSnp

#' @title Detect sentinel SNPs for GWAS using summary statistics data
#' @description
#'  Return sentinel snps whose pValue < 5e-8(default) and SNP-to-SNP distance > 1e6 bp.
#' @param gwasDF A data.frame or a data.table object. Five columns are required (arbitrary column names is supported):
#'  `Col 1`. "snps" (character), , using an rsID (e.g. "rs11966562").
#'  `Col 2`. "chromosome" (character), one of the chromosome from chr1-chr22.
#'  `Col 3`. "postion" (integer), genome position of snp.
#'  `Col 4`. "P-value" (numeric).
#'  `Col 5`. "MAF" (numeric). Allel frequency.
#'  `Col 6`. "beta" (numeric). effect size.
#'  `Col 7`. "se" (numeric). standard error.
#' @param pValueThreshold Cutoff of gwas p-value. Default: 5e-8
#' @param centerRange SNP-to-SNP distance. Default:1e6
#' @param mafThreshold Cutoff of maf to remove rare variants.
#' @param genomeVersion Genome version of input file. "grch37" or "grch38" (default).
#' @param grch37To38 TRUE or FALSE, we recommend converting grch37 to grch38, or using a input file of grch38 directly. Package `rtracklayer` is required.
#' @import data.table
#' @import stringr
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges GRanges
#' @importFrom IRanges IRanges ranges
#' @importFrom GenomeInfoDb seqnames
#' @return A data.table object.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' url<-"http://bioinfo.szbl.ac.cn/xQTL_biolinks/xqtl_data/GLGC.txt"
#' gwasDF <- data.table::fread(url)
#' gwasDF <- gwasDF[, .(rsid, chr, position, P, maf, beta, se)]
#' sentinelSnpDF <- xQTLanalyze_getSentinelSnp(gwasDF)
#' }
xQTLanalyze_getSentinelSnp <- function(gwasDF, pValueThreshold=5e-8, centerRange=1e6, mafThreshold = 0.01, genomeVersion="grch38", grch37To38 = FALSE){
  position <- pValue <- maf <- rsid <- chr <- se <- NULL
  # Detect gene with sentinal SNP:
  gwasDF <- gwasDF[,1:7]
  message("== Preparing GWAS dataset... ")
  names(gwasDF) <- c("rsid", "chr", "position", "pValue", "maf", "beta", "se")
  gwasDF <- na.omit(gwasDF)
  # chromosome revise:
  if( !str_detect(gwasDF[1,]$chr, regex("^chr")) ){
    gwasDF$chr <- paste0("chr", gwasDF$chr)

  # convert variable class:
  gwasDF[,c("position", "pValue", "maf", "beta", "se")] <- gwasDF[,.(position=as.numeric(position), pValue=as.numeric(pValue), maf=as.numeric(maf), beta=as.numeric(beta), se=as.numeric(se))]

  # MAF filter:
  gwasDF <- gwasDF[maf > mafThreshold & maf<1,]
  # 去重:
  # gwasDF <- gwasDF[order(rsid, pValue)][!duplicated(rsid)]
  # retain SNPs with rs id:
  # gwasDF <- gwasDF[stringr::str_detect(rsid,stringr::regex("^rs")),]

  ####################### convert hg19 to hg38:
  if(genomeVersion =="grch37" & grch37To38){
    message("== Converting SNPs' coordinate to GRCH38... ")

      message("Package [rtracklayer] is not installed! please install [rtracklayer] with following: ")
      message('\"if (!require("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)); BiocManager::install("rtracklayer")\"')

    path = system.file(package="xQTLbiolinks", "extdata", "hg19ToHg38.over.chain")
    ch = rtracklayer::import.chain(path)
    gwasRanges <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(gwasDF$chr,
                                         IRanges::IRanges(gwasDF$position, gwasDF$position),
                                         strand= "*",
                                         gwasDF[,.(rsid, maf, pValue, beta, se)]
    gwasRanges_hg38 <- unlist(rtracklayer::liftOver(gwasRanges, ch))
    # retain the SNPs located in chromosome 1:22
    gwasRanges_hg38 <- gwasRanges_hg38[which(as.character(GenomeInfoDb::seqnames(gwasRanges_hg38)) %in% paste0("chr", 1:22)),]
    gwasDF <- cbind(data.table(rsid = gwasRanges_hg38$rsid, maf=gwasRanges_hg38$maf, pValue=gwasRanges_hg38$pValue, beta = gwasRanges_hg38$beta, se = gwasRanges_hg38$se),
                    data.table::data.table(chr = as.character(GenomeInfoDb::seqnames(gwasRanges_hg38)), position=as.data.table(IRanges::ranges(gwasRanges_hg38))$start ))
    gwasDF <- gwasDF[,.(rsid, chr, position, pValue, maf, beta, se)]
    message("== ",length(gwasRanges_hg38),"/",nrow(gwasDF)," left.")
    rm(gwasRanges, gwasRanges_hg38)
  }else if(genomeVersion =="grch38" & grch37To38){
    stop("Only grch37 genome version can be converted to grch38!")
  }else if(!genomeVersion %in% c("grch38", "grch37")){
    stop("Paramater genomeVersion must be choosen from grch38 and grch37, default: grch38.")

  ####################### detect sentinel snp:
  message("== Detecting sentinel SNPs... ")
  # pValue filter:
  gwasDFsub <- gwasDF[pValue<pValueThreshold, ]
  gwasDFsub <- gwasDFsub[chr %in% paste0("chr", 1:22)]
  chrAll <- unique(gwasDFsub$chr)
  chrAll <- chrAll[order(as.numeric(str_remove(chrAll,"chr")))]
  sentinelSnpDF <- data.table()
  for(i in 1:length(chrAll)){
    gwasDFsubChrom <- gwasDFsub[chr==chrAll[i],][order(pValue, position)]
    tmp <- copy(gwasDFsubChrom)
    sentinelSnps_count <- 0
      sentinelSnps_count <- sentinelSnps_count+1
      sentinelSnpDF <- rbind(sentinelSnpDF, tmp[1,])
      startPos <- tmp[1,]$position-centerRange
      endPos <- tmp[1,]$position+centerRange
      tmp <- tmp[position<startPos | position>endPos][order(pValue, position)]
    message("   In ",chrAll[i], ", ",sentinelSnps_count, " sentinel SNPs detected. ")
    rm(tmp, sentinelSnps_count, startPos, endPos)
  message("== Totally, [", nrow(sentinelSnpDF), "] sentinel SNPs located in [",length(unique(sentinelSnpDF$chr))  ,"] chromosomes have been detected!")

#' @title Identify trait genes using sentinel SNPs generated from `xQTLanalyze_getSentinelSnp`
#' @param sentinelSnpDF A data.table. Better be the results from the function "xQTLanalyze_getSentinelSnp", seven columns are required, including "rsid", "chr", "position", "pValue", "maf", "beta" and "se".
#' @param detectRange A integer value. Trait genes that harbor sentinel SNPs located in the 1kb range upstream and downstream of gene. Default: 1e6 bp
#' @param tissueSiteDetail (character) details of tissues in GTEx can be listed using `tissueSiteDetailGTExv8` or `tissueSiteDetailGTExv7`
#' @param genomeVersion "grch38" or "grch37". Default: "grch38"
#' @param grch37To38 TRUE or FALSE, we recommend converting grch37 to grch38, or using a input file of grch38 directly. Package `rtracklayer` is required.
#' @param overlapWithEGene TRUE(default) of FALSE. take the intersection with eGenes, egene data.frame will be automatically download from GTEx, or can be provided by the parameter `egeneDF` specified the data.frame of one column of genecode ID.  Default:TRUE
#' @param egeneDF A data.table object of one column of gencode ID. requiring overlapWithEGene is TRUE.
#' @import data.table
#' @import stringr
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges GRanges
#' @importFrom IRanges IRanges ranges
#' @importFrom GenomeInfoDb seqnames
#' @return A data.table object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # without a customized egene file,
#' URL1<-"https://gitee.com/stronghoney/exampleData/raw/master/gwas/GLGC_CG0052/sentinelSnpDF.txt"
#' sentinelSnpDF <- data.table::fread(URL1)
#' traitsAll <- xQTLanalyze_getTraits(sentinelSnpDF, detectRange=1e4,"Brain - Cerebellum",
#'                                    genomeVersion="grch37", grch37To38=TRUE)
#' # with a egene file:
#' egeneFile <- "http://bioinfo.szbl.ac.cn/xQTL_biolinks/xqtl_data/egeneDF.txt"
#' egeneDF <- data.table::fread(egeneFile)
#' traitsAll <- xQTLanalyze_getTraits(sentinelSnpDF, detectRange=1e4,"Brain - Cerebellum",
#'                                    genomeVersion="grch37", grch37To38=TRUE, egeneDF=egeneDF)
#' }
xQTLanalyze_getTraits <- function(sentinelSnpDF, detectRange=1e6, tissueSiteDetail="", genomeVersion="grch38", grch37To38=FALSE, overlapWithEGene=TRUE, egeneDF=NULL){
  rsid <- maf <- strand <- pValue <- chr <- position <- chromosome <- NULL
  . <-genes <- geneSymbol <- gencodeId <- geneType <- description<- NULL


  # if(overlapWithEGene){
  #   if( length(tissueSiteDetail)!=1 | tissueSiteDetail=="" | !(tissueSiteDetail %in% tissueSiteDetailGTExv8$tissueSiteDetail) ){
  #     stop("== \"tissueSiteDetail\" can not be null. Please choose the tissue from tissue list of tissueSiteDetailGTExv8")
  #   }
  # }

  # (未做) 由于下一步的 xQTLdownload_eqtlPost 函数只能 query 基于 hg38(v26) 的突变 1e6 bp附近的基因,所以如果输入的GWAS是 hg19 的突变坐标,需要进行转换为38,然后再进行下一步 eqtl sentinel snp filter.
  # 由于从 EBI category 里获得的是 hg38(v26) 的信息,所以如果这一步是 hg19 的1e6范围内,则在 hg38里就会未必,所以需要这一步,如果是hg19,则对突变的坐标进行变换:
  ####################### convert hg19 to hg38:
  if( genomeVersion =="grch37" & !grch37To38 & tissueSiteDetail!="" ){
    stop("Because the genome version of eqtl associations only support GRCH38, sentinel SNP should be converted to GRCH38 before colocalization analysis if GRCH37 is provided.")
    genecodeVersion = "v19"
  }else if(genomeVersion =="grch37" & !grch37To38  & tissueSiteDetail==""){
    genecodeVersion = "v19"
  }else if( genomeVersion =="grch37" & grch37To38){
    genecodeVersion = "v26"

    message("== Converting SNPs' coordinate to GRCH38... ")

      message("Package [rtracklayer] is not installed! please install [rtracklayer] with following: ")
      message('\"if (!require("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)); BiocManager::install("rtracklayer")\"')

    path = system.file(package="xQTLbiolinks", "extdata", "hg19ToHg38.over.chain")
    ch = rtracklayer::import.chain(path)
    dataRanges <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(sentinelSnpDF$chr,
                                         IRanges::IRanges(sentinelSnpDF$position, sentinelSnpDF$position),
                                         strand= "*",
                                         sentinelSnpDF[,.(rsid, maf, pValue)]
    dataRanges_hg38 <- unlist(rtracklayer::liftOver(dataRanges, ch))
    # retain the SNPs located in chromosome 1:22
    dataRanges_hg38 <- dataRanges_hg38[which(as.character(GenomeInfoDb::seqnames(dataRanges_hg38)) %in% paste0("chr", 1:22)),]
    message("== ",length(dataRanges_hg38),"/",nrow(sentinelSnpDF)," left.")
    sentinelSnpDF <- cbind(data.table(rsid = dataRanges_hg38$rsid, maf=dataRanges_hg38$maf, pValue=dataRanges_hg38$pValue),
                    data.table::data.table(chr = as.character(GenomeInfoDb::seqnames(dataRanges_hg38)), position=as.data.table(IRanges::ranges(dataRanges_hg38))$start ))
    sentinelSnpDF <- sentinelSnpDF[,.(rsid, chr, position, pValue, maf)]
    rm(dataRanges, dataRanges_hg38)
  }else if( genomeVersion =="grch38" & !grch37To38){
    genecodeVersion = "v26"
  }else if( genomeVersion =="grch38" & grch37To38 ){
    genecodeVersion = "v26"
    message("Genome version of grch38 is used!")
  }else if(!genomeVersion %in% c("grch38", "grch37")){
    stop("Paramater genomeVersion must be choosen from grch38 and grch37, default: grch38.")

  ###################### tissueSiteDetail="Brain - Cortex", maf_threshold=0.01
  geneInfo <- extractGeneInfo(gencodeGeneInfoAllGranges, genomeVersion = genecodeVersion)
  chrAll <- unique(sentinelSnpDF$chr)
  chrAll <- chrAll[order(as.numeric(str_remove(chrAll,"chr")))]

  ########################## # 确保这些 SNPs 在 GTEx 里是有的, rsid 和 位置信息都一致才保留:
  # message("== Validating variant in GTEx....")
  # sentinelSnpDFNew <- data.table()
  # for(i in 1:length(chrAll)){
  #   sentinelSnpChromRaw <- sentinelSnpDF[chr==chrAll[i],]
  #   snpTMP <- suppressMessages(xQTLquery_varPos(chrom = ifelse(datasetId=="gtex_v8", chrAll[i], str_remove(chrAll[i], "chr")), pos = sentinelSnpChromRaw$position, datasetId = datasetId))
  #   if( !exists("snpTMP") || is.null(snpTMP)  ){
  #     stop("== Fail to fecth variant information, please check your network.")
  #   }
  #   # 使用 position 和 rsid 进行merge:, 因为 rsid 有可能有版本差异,而position可能有由于 liftover 转换产生差异。
  #   sentinelSnpChrom <- merge(sentinelSnpChromRaw, unique(snpTMP[,.(position=pos,rsid = snpId)]), by=c("rsid", "position"))
  #   if(nrow(sentinelSnpChrom)>0){
  #     sentinelSnpDFNew <- rbind(sentinelSnpDFNew, sentinelSnpChrom)
  #   }else{
  #     next()
  #   }
  #   message("   ", chrAll[i], ", ", nrow(sentinelSnpChrom),"/", nrow(sentinelSnpChromRaw) ," SNPs retained.")
  #   rm(sentinelSnpChromRaw, sentinelSnpChrom, snpTMP)
  # }
  # if(nrow(sentinelSnpDFNew)==0){
  #   stop("There is no shared variants found in your gwas dataset.")
  # }else{
  #   message("== Totally, ",nrow(sentinelSnpDFNew), "/",nrow(sentinelSnpDF), " sentinel SNPs retained.")
  # }

  sentinelSnpDFNew <- copy(sentinelSnpDF)

  ######################## 1
  message("== Detecting the trait genes of sentinel snps... ")
  traitsAll <- data.table()
  for(i in 1:length(chrAll)){
    geneInfoChrom <- geneInfo[chromosome == chrAll[i]]
    sentinelSnpChrom <- sentinelSnpDFNew[chr==chrAll[i],]
    Traits <- rbindlist(lapply(1:nrow(geneInfoChrom), function(x){
      startPos <- tmp$start - detectRange; endPos <- tmp$end + detectRange;
      traits <- sentinelSnpChrom[position>=startPos & position<=endPos ];
      traits$gencodeId <- tmp$gencodeId
    traitsAll <- rbind(traitsAll, Traits)
    message(i," - ", chrAll[i]," - [",nrow(Traits),"] gene-SNP pairs of [",length(unique(Traits$gencodeId)),"] genes and [",length(unique(Traits$rsid)),"] SNPs." )
    rm(sentinelSnpChrom, geneInfoChrom, Traits)
  message("== Fetching [", length(unique(traitsAll$gencodeId)),"] genes' information from the GTEx...")
  # geneAnnot <- xQTLquery_gene(unique(traitsAll$gencodeId), geneType = "gencodeId")
  # if( datasetId=="gtex_v7" ){
  #   geneAnnot$chromosome <- paste0("chr",geneAnnot$chromosome)
  # }
  # if( exists("geneAnnot") && !is.null(geneAnnot) && nrow(geneAnnot)>0 ){
  #   traitsAll <- merge(geneAnnot[,.(genes, geneSymbol,gencodeId, geneType, description, chromosome, start,end ,strand)],traitsAll, by.x="genes",by.y="gencodeId",  all.x=TRUE)[,-c("genes")]
  #   traitsAll <- traitsAll[,.( chromosome, geneStart=start, geneEnd=end, geneStrand=strand, geneSymbol, gencodeId, rsid, position, pValue, maf )][order(as.numeric(str_remove(chromosome, "chr")), pValue, position)]
  #   message("== Totally, [",nrow(traitsAll), "] associations between [",length(unique(traitsAll$gencodeId)),"] traits genes and [",length(unique(traitsAll$rsid)),"] SNPs are detected." )
  # }

  # Get the overlap with the eGgenes:
  if(overlapWithEGene & is.null(egeneDF)){
    egeneDF <- xQTLdownload_egene(tissueSiteDetail = tissueSiteDetail) #11240
    traitsAll <- traitsAll[gencodeId %in% egeneDF$gencodeId | gencodeId %in% unlist(lapply(egeneDF$gencodeId, function(x){ str_split(x, fixed("."))[[1]][1] }))]
    message("== After taking the intersection with egenes, [",nrow(traitsAll), "] associations between [",length(unique(traitsAll$gencodeId)),"] traits genes and [",length(unique(traitsAll$rsid)),"] SNPs are detected." )
  }else if(overlapWithEGene & !(is.null(egeneDF))){
    egeneDF <- egeneDF[,1]
    names(egeneDF) <- "gencodeId"
    traitsAll <- traitsAll[gencodeId %in% egeneDF$gencodeId | gencodeId %in% unlist(lapply(egeneDF$gencodeId, function(x){ str_split(x, fixed("."))[[1]][1] }))]
    message("== ",nrow(egeneDF), " eGenes are provided...")
    message("   After taking the intersection with egenes, [",nrow(traitsAll), "] associations between [",length(unique(traitsAll$gencodeId)),"] traits genes and [",length(unique(traitsAll$rsid)),"] SNPs are detected." )


#' @title Conduct colocalization analysis with trait genes generated from `xQTLanalyze_getTraits`
#' @param gwasDF A data.frame or data.table objectof gwas.
#' @param traitGene A gene symbol or a gencode id (versioned).
#' @param geneType (character) options: "auto","geneSymbol" or "gencodeId". Default: "auto".
#' @param genomeVersion "grch38" (default) or "grch37". Note: grch37 will be converted to grch38 automatically.
#' @param tissueSiteDetail (character) details of tissues in GTEx can be listed using `tissueSiteDetailGTExv8` or `tissueSiteDetailGTExv7`
#' @param study (character) name of studies can be listed using "ebi_study_tissues"
#' @param mafThreshold Cutoff of maf to remove rare variants.
#' @param population Supported population is consistent with the LDlink, which can be listed using function "LDlinkR::list_pop()"
#' @param gwasSampleNum Sample number of GWAS dataset. Default:50000.
#' @param token LDlink provided user token, default = NULL, register for token at https://ldlink.nci.nih.gov/?tab=apiaccess
#' @param method (character) options: "coloc"(default) or "hyprcoloc" (must be updated to the latest version from the github to use hyprcoloc ). Package `coloc` or `hyprcoloc` is required.
#' @param bb.alg For `hyprcoloc`, branch and bound algorithm: TRUE, employ BB algorithm; FALSE, do not. Default: FALSE.
#' @return A list of coloc result and details.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' url1 <- "http://bioinfo.szbl.ac.cn/xQTL_biolinks/xqtl_data/gwasDFsub_MMP7.txt"
#' gwasDF <- data.table::fread(url1)
#' output <- xQTLanalyze_coloc(gwasDF = gwasDF, traitGene= "MMP7", tissueSiteDetail="Prostate")
#' }
xQTLanalyze_coloc <- function(gwasDF, traitGene, geneType="auto", genomeVersion="grch38", tissueSiteDetail="", study="gtex_v8", mafThreshold=0.01, population="EUR", gwasSampleNum=50000, method="coloc", token="9246d2db7917", bb.alg=FALSE){
  rsid <- chr <- position <- se <- pValue <- snpId <- maf <- pos <- i <- variantId <- se.eqtl <- se.gwas <-SNP.PP.H4 <- beta.eqtl <- beta.gwas <- posterior_prob <- regional_prob <-candidate_snp <- posterior_explained_by_snp  <- NULL
  qtl_group <- NULL
  . <- NULL

  # tissueSiteDetail="Brain - Cortex"
  # geneType="geneSymbol"
  # genomeVersion="grch37"
  # gwasSampleNum=50000
  # mafThreshold=0.01
  # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66849936/make-cran-r-package-suggest-github-r-package
  population <- ""
  token <- ""

  if(method == "coloc" && !requireNamespace("coloc")){
    stop("please install package \"coloc\" with install.packages(\"coloc\").")

  # Automatically determine the type of variable:
    if( all(unlist(lapply(traitGene, function(g){ stringr::str_detect(g, "^ENSG") }))) ){
      geneType <- "gencodeId"
      geneType <- "geneSymbol"

  # eqtl dataset:
  eqtlInfo <- xQTLdownload_eqtlAllAsso(traitGene, geneType = geneType, tissueLabel=tissueSiteDetail, study=study, withB37VariantId = FALSE)

  if( !exists("eqtlInfo") || is.null(eqtlInfo)){
    message(i," | gene", traitGene, "has no eqtl associations, next!")
    message(" = None eQTL associations obtained of gene [",traitGene,"], please change the gene name or ENSEMBLE ID.")
  # 如果有有多个 qtl_group, 只保留第一个。
  eqtlInfo <- eqtlInfo[ qtl_group ==eqtlInfo[1,]$qtl_group,]

  # chromosome:
  P_chrom <- paste0("chr",eqtlInfo[1,]$chrom)

  eqtlInfo<- eqtlInfo[maf>mafThreshold & maf <1,]
  # 去重:
  eqtlInfo <- eqtlInfo[order(snpId, pValue)][!duplicated(snpId)]
  # subset:
  eqtlInfo <- na.omit( eqtlInfo[,.(rsid=snpId, maf=as.numeric(maf), beta, se, pValue=as.numeric(pValue), position=as.numeric(position))] )

    message("Number of eQTL association is <1")

  message("Data processing...")

  ##################### gwas dataset:
  gwasDF <- gwasDF[,1:7]
  names(gwasDF) <- c("rsid", "chr", "position", "pValue", "maf", "beta", "se")
  # gwas subset:
  gwasDF <- na.omit(gwasDF)

  p_chrom_tmp <- ifelse(stringr::str_detect(gwasDF[1,]$chr, "chr"),P_chrom, stringr::str_remove(P_chrom, "chr"))
  gwasDF <- gwasDF[chr==p_chrom_tmp,]
  # convert variable class:
  gwasDF[,c("position", "pValue", "maf", "beta", "se"):=.(as.numeric(position), as.numeric(pValue), as.numeric(maf), as.numeric(beta), as.numeric(se))]
  # MAF filter:
  gwasDF <- gwasDF[maf > mafThreshold & maf<1,]
  # 去重:
  gwasDF <- gwasDF[order(rsid, pValue)][!duplicated(rsid)]
  # retain SNPs with rs id:
  gwasDF <- gwasDF[stringr::str_detect(rsid,stringr::regex("^rs")),]

  # chromosome revise:
  if( !str_detect(gwasDF[1,]$chr, stringr::regex("^chr")) ){
    gwasDF$chr <- paste0("chr", gwasDF$chr)

  ##### convert to grch38:
  if(genomeVersion == "grch37"){
    message("== Converting GWAS coordinate to GRCH38... ")

      message("Package [rtracklayer] is not installed! please install [rtracklayer] with following: ")
      message('\"if (!require("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)); BiocManager::install("rtracklayer")\"')

    path = system.file(package="xQTLbiolinks", "extdata", "hg19ToHg38.over.chain")
    ch = rtracklayer::import.chain(path)
    dataRanges <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(gwasDF$chr,
                                         IRanges::IRanges(gwasDF$position, gwasDF$position),
                                         strand= "*",
                                         gwasDF[,.(rsid, maf, pValue, beta, se)]
    dataRanges_hg38 <- unlist(rtracklayer::liftOver(dataRanges, ch))
    # retain the SNPs located in chromosome 1:22
    dataRanges_hg38 <- dataRanges_hg38[which(as.character(GenomeInfoDb::seqnames(dataRanges_hg38)) %in% paste0("chr", 1:22)),]
    message("== ",length(dataRanges_hg38),"/",nrow(gwasDF)," (",round(length(dataRanges_hg38)/nrow(gwasDF)*100,2),"%)"," left.")
    gwasDFnew <- cbind(data.table::data.table(rsid = dataRanges_hg38$rsid, maf=dataRanges_hg38$maf, pValue=dataRanges_hg38$pValue, beta=dataRanges_hg38$beta, se=dataRanges_hg38$se),
                       data.table::data.table(chr = as.character(GenomeInfoDb::seqnames(dataRanges_hg38)), position=as.data.table(IRanges::ranges(dataRanges_hg38))$start ))
    gwasDF <- gwasDFnew[chr==P_chrom,.(rsid, chr, position, pValue, maf, beta, se)]
    rm(dataRanges, dataRanges_hg38, gwasDFnew)

  tissueSiteDetailId <- tissueSiteDetailGTExv8[tissueSiteDetail, on="tissueSiteDetail"]$tissueSiteDetailId
  gwasEqtlInfo <- merge(gwasDF, eqtlInfo[,.(rsid, maf, pValue, position,beta, se)], by=c("rsid", "position"), suffixes = c(".gwas",".eqtl"))
  gwasEqtlInfo <- gwasEqtlInfo[se.eqtl !=0 & se.gwas !=0, ]

    message("No shared variants between eQTL and GWAS, please check your input!.")
  message("== Start the colocalization analysis of gene [", traitGene,"]")

    message("== Using method: coloc")
    # 防止 check_dataset 中 p = pnorm(-abs(d$beta/sqrt(d$varbeta))) * 2 出错
    suppressWarnings(coloc_Out <- coloc::coloc.abf(dataset1 = list( pvalues = gwasEqtlInfo$pValue.gwas, type="quant", N=gwasSampleNum, snp=gwasEqtlInfo$rsid, MAF=gwasEqtlInfo$maf.gwas),
                                                   dataset2 = list( pvalues = gwasEqtlInfo$pValue.eqtl, type="quant", N=ifelse(is.na(sampleNum[tissueSiteDetailId, on="tissueSiteDetailId"]$sampleNum), 300, sampleNum[tissueSiteDetailId, on="tissueSiteDetailId"]$sampleNum), snp=gwasEqtlInfo$rsid, MAF= gwasEqtlInfo$maf.eqtl)))
    coloc_Out_results <- as.data.table(coloc_Out$results)
    # coloc_Out_results$gene <- traitGenes[i]
    coloc_Out_summary <- as.data.table(t(as.data.frame(coloc_Out$summary)))
    coloc_Out_summary$traitGene <- traitGene
    coloc_Out_summary$candidate_snp <- coloc_Out_results[order(-SNP.PP.H4)][1,]$snp
    coloc_Out_summary$SNP.PP.H4 <- coloc_Out_results[order(-SNP.PP.H4)][1,]$SNP.PP.H4
    message("== Done")

    # coloc_Out_summary$pearsonCoor <- cor(-log(gwasEqtlInfo$pValue.gwas, 10),-log(gwasEqtlInfo$pValue.eqtl, 10), method = "pearson")

    return(list(coloc_Out_summary=coloc_Out_summary, gwasEqtlInfo=gwasEqtlInfo))

#' @title Conduct colocalization analysis with customized QTL data
#' @param gwasDF data.frame or data.table, required cols: rsid, chrom, position, pValue, maf, beta, se
#' @param qtlDF data.frame or data.table, required cols:  rsid, chrom, position, pValue, maf, beta, se
#' @param mafThreshold Cutoff of maf to remove rare variants.
#' @param gwasSampleNum Sample number of GWAS dataset. Default:50000.
#' @param qtlSampleNum Sample number of QTL dataset. Default:10000.
#' @param method (character) options: "coloc"(default) or "hyprcoloc" (need a highe version).
#' @param bb.alg For `hyprcoloc`, branch and bound algorithm: TRUE, employ BB algorithm; FALSE, do not. Default: FALSE.
#' @return A list
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' url1 <- "http://bioinfo.szbl.ac.cn/xQTL_biolinks/xqtl_data/gwasDFsub_MMP7.txt"
#' url2 <- "http://bioinfo.szbl.ac.cn/xQTL_biolinks/xqtl_data/eqtl/MMP7_qtlDF.txt"
#' gwasDF <- data.table::fread(url1)
#' qtlDF <- data.table::fread(url2)
#' output <- xQTLanalyze_coloc_diy(gwasDF = gwasDF, qtlDF=qtlDF, method="coloc")
#' }
xQTLanalyze_coloc_diy <- function(gwasDF, qtlDF, mafThreshold=0.01, gwasSampleNum=50000, qtlSampleNum=10000, method="coloc", bb.alg=FALSE){
  rsid <- chrom <- chr <- position <- se <- pValue <- snpId <- maf <- pos <- i <- variantId <- se.eqtl <- se.gwas <-SNP.PP.H4 <- beta.eqtl <- beta.gwas <- posterior_prob <- regional_prob <-candidate_snp <- posterior_explained_by_snp  <- NULL
  . <- NULL

  if(method == "coloc" && !requireNamespace("coloc")){
    stop("please install package \"coloc\" with install.packages(\"coloc\").")

  # eqtl dataset:
  names(qtlDF) <- c("rsid", "chrom",  "position", "pValue", "maf", "beta", "se")
  # chromosome:
  P_chrom <- ifelse(stringr::str_detect(qtlDF[1, ]$chr, "chr"), qtlDF[1, ]$chr, paste0("chr", qtlDF[1, ]$chr))

  eqtlInfo <- qtlDF[,.(rsid,chrom, maf=as.numeric(maf), beta=as.numeric(beta), se=as.numeric(se), pValue=as.numeric(pValue), position=as.numeric(position))]

  eqtlInfo<- eqtlInfo[maf>mafThreshold & maf <1,]
  # 去重:
  eqtlInfo <- eqtlInfo[order(rsid, pValue)][!duplicated(rsid)]

    message("Number of eQTL association is <1")

  message("Data processing...")

  ##################### gwas dataset:
  gwasDF <- gwasDF[,1:7]
  names(gwasDF) <- c("rsid", "chr", "position", "pValue", "maf", "beta", "se")
  # gwas subset:
  gwasDF <- na.omit(gwasDF)

  # chromosome revise:
  if( !stringr::str_detect(gwasDF[1,]$chr, stringr::regex("^chr")) ){
    gwasDF$chr <- paste0("chr", gwasDF$chr)
  # convert variable class:
  gwasDF[,c("position", "pValue", "maf", "beta", "se"):=.(as.numeric(position), as.numeric(pValue), as.numeric(maf), as.numeric(beta), as.numeric(se))]
  # MAF filter:
  gwasDF <- gwasDF[maf > mafThreshold & maf<1,]
  # 去重:
  gwasDF <- gwasDF[order(rsid, pValue)][!duplicated(rsid)]
  # retain SNPs with rs id:
  # gwasDF <- gwasDF[stringr::str_detect(rsid,stringr::regex("^rs")),]


  gwasEqtlInfo <- merge(gwasDF, eqtlInfo[,.(rsid, maf, pValue, position,beta, se)], by=c("rsid", "position"), suffixes = c(".gwas",".eqtl"))
  gwasEqtlInfo <- gwasEqtlInfo[se.eqtl !=0 & se.gwas !=0, ]

    message("No shared variants between eQTL and GWAS, please check your input!.")
  message("== Start the colocalization analysis")

    message("== Using method: coloc")
    # 防止 check_dataset 中 p = pnorm(-abs(d$beta/sqrt(d$varbeta))) * 2 出错
    suppressWarnings(coloc_Out <- coloc::coloc.abf(dataset1 = list( pvalues = gwasEqtlInfo$pValue.gwas, type="quant", N=gwasSampleNum, snp=gwasEqtlInfo$rsid, MAF=gwasEqtlInfo$maf.gwas),
                                                   dataset2 = list( pvalues = gwasEqtlInfo$pValue.eqtl, type="quant", N=qtlSampleNum, snp=gwasEqtlInfo$rsid, MAF= gwasEqtlInfo$maf.eqtl)))
    coloc_Out_results <- as.data.table(coloc_Out$results)
    # coloc_Out_results$gene <- traitGenes[i]
    coloc_Out_summary <- as.data.table(t(as.data.frame(coloc_Out$summary)))
    coloc_Out_summary$candidate_snp <- coloc_Out_results[order(-SNP.PP.H4)][1,]$snp
    coloc_Out_summary$SNP.PP.H4 <- coloc_Out_results[order(-SNP.PP.H4)][1,]$SNP.PP.H4
    message("== Done")

    # coloc_Out_summary$pearsonCoor <- cor(-log(gwasEqtlInfo$pValue.gwas, 10),-log(gwasEqtlInfo$pValue.eqtl, 10), method = "pearson")

    return(list(coloc_Out_summary=coloc_Out_summary, gwasEqtlInfo=gwasEqtlInfo))
    stop("Please install package hyprcoloc and update to the latest version (v1.6.3) ")

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xQTLbiolinks documentation built on Sept. 15, 2023, 1:06 a.m.