
Defines functions condenseMatrix_old intfromchar angleBetween translateallpairs PAIRINDEX transitioncount_old transitioncount makequads updatetimer createtimer gettime allequalskip isaxis frame3x2fun orderoncircle goodframe3x3 rotationshortest tocircle cxconegenerators findRunsTRUE incidencematrix incidencedata matrix2list trivialhypers2 fastunion setlistfromvec grplistfromvec signvector dominantDirection emptymultiplesupp condenseMatrix simplify.matrix shortlabel idxfromgroundfun normalizeMatrix normalizeColumns subset2 subset1 prepareNxM

###########     argument processing     ##############
#   A   a non-empty numeric NxM matrix, or something that can be converted to be one
#   Nmin    the minimum allowed number of rows
#   returns such a matrix, or NULL in case of error

prepareNxM  <-  function( A, M, Nmin=1 )
    ok  = is.numeric(A) &&  M*Nmin<=length(A)  &&  (length(dim(A))<=2)  # &&  (0<M)

    ok  = ok  &&  ifelse( is.matrix(A), ncol(A)==M, ((length(A) %% M)==0)  )

    if( ! ok )
        #print( "prepareNx3" )
        #print( sys.frames() )
        mess    = substr( paste0(as.character(A),collapse=','), 1, 10 )
        #arglist = list( ERROR, "A must be a non-empty numeric Nx3 matrix (with N>=%d). A='%s...'", mess )
        #do.call( log.string, arglist, envir=parent.frame(n=3) )
        #myfun   = log.string
        #environment(myfun) = parent.frame(3)

        Aname = deparse(substitute(A))

        #   notice hack with 2L to make log.string() print name of parent function
        #log.string( c(ERROR,2L), "Argument '%s' must be a non-empty numeric Nx%d matrix (with N>=%d). %s='%s...'",
        #                            Aname, M, Nmin, Aname, mess )
        log_level( ERROR, "Argument '%s' must be a non-empty numeric Nx%d matrix (with N>=%d). %s='%s...'",
                                    Aname, M, Nmin, Aname, mess, .topcall=sys.call(-2L) )

    if( ! is.matrix(A) )
        A = matrix( A, ncol=M, byrow=TRUE )

    return( A )

#   A   an integer vector, representing a set of integers
#   B   an integer vector, representing a set of integers
#   returns  TRUE or FALSE, depending on whether A is a subset of B
#   subset1() is fastest, because there is no error checking

subset1 <- function( A, B )
    all( is.finite( match(A,B) ) )

subset2 <- function( A, B )
    length( setdiff(A,B) ) == 0

normalizeColumns <- function( mat )
    normvec = sqrt( .colSums( mat^2, nrow(mat), ncol(mat) ) )

    return( t( t(mat) / normvec ) )

#   A       a numeric matrix
#   MARGIN  1 (vectors are the rows) or 2 (vectors are the columns)
#   for each vector, divide by L2 norm to get a unit vector
normalizeMatrix  <- function( A, MARGIN )
    ok  = is.double(A) && is.matrix(A)
    if( ! ok )

    MARGIN  = as.integer(MARGIN)
    ok  = length(MARGIN)==1  &&  MARGIN %in% 1L:2L
    if( ! ok )

    #   make a deep (non-shallow) copy of A, because C_normalizeMatrix() modifies in-place
    out = duplicate(A)

    #   change matrix out[] "in place"
    ok  = .Call( C_normalizeMatrix, out, MARGIN )

    if( ! ok )  return(NULL)

    return( out )

#   ground  positive integer vector in strictly increasing order.  Not checked.
#   returns lookup table from these integers to the order in the sequence
#       out[idx]  is equivalent to match( idx, ground )  but faster

idxfromgroundfun <- function( ground )
    #   make lookup table from ground to raw column index
    numgen  = length(ground)

    out = integer( ground[numgen] )
    out[ ground ] = 1:numgen

    return( out )

shortlabel <- function( ivec )
    if( length(ivec) <= 3 )
        out = paste(ivec,collapse='+')
        ran = range(ivec)
        out = sprintf( "%g+...+%g", ran[1], ran[2] )


#   x       a numeric matrix
#   e0      used when nrow(x) >= 1
#   e1      used when nrow(x) >= 2
#   ground  integer vector labeling the columns of x
#   the columns of x are taken as generators of a matroid
#   returns a matrix with no "loops" and "multiple groups"

simplify.matrix  <- function( x, e0=0, e1=1.e-6, ground=NULL, ... )
    ok  = is.numeric(x)  &&  is.matrix(x)
    if( ! ok )
        log_level( ERROR, "matrix x is invalid." )

    if( is.integer(x) ) storage.mode(x) = 'double'

    elist   = list(e0,e1)
    ok  = all( sapply(elist,is.numeric) )  &&  all( sapply(elist,length) == 1L )
    if( ! ok )
        log_level( ERROR, "One of e0,e1 is invalid." )

    if( is.null(ground) )
        ground  =  1L:ncol(x)

    if( length(ground) != ncol(x) )
        log_level( ERROR, "ground is invalid, because the length is incorrect." )

    if( ! all( 0 < diff(ground) ) )
        log_level( ERROR, "ground is invalid, because it is not in strictly increasing order." )

    #   look for small columns in x;  these are the loops
    loopmask    = apply( x, MARGIN=2, function(vec) { max(abs(vec)) } ) <= e0

    loopraw     = which( loopmask )

    colnames(x) = as.character( ground )

    #   convert from matrix column indexes to ground indexes
    gnd.noloops = ground[ ! loopmask ]

    #   extract the matrix of nonloops
    x.noloops   = x[ , ! loopmask, drop=FALSE ]

    if( ncol(x.noloops) == 0 )  return(x.noloops)   # special case

    xunit   = normalizeColumns( x.noloops ) #; print( xunit )

    grp = findColumnGroups( xunit, e1, oriented=FALSE )   #; print(grp)

    if( all(grp==0) )   return(x.noloops)   # special case

    #   nonloop is a list of vectors, and not a vector
    nonloop = setlistfromvec( grp, gnd.noloops )

    condata = condenseMatrix( x, ground, nonloop )

    if( is.null(condata) )  return(NULL)

    return( condata$matrix )

#   A           a numeric matrix
#   ground      integer vector labeling the columns of A
#   conspec     a list of integer vectors, all subsets of ground.
#               the corresponding columns of A are co-directional, with tolerance e1
#   for each vector in conspec take the dominant direction of the corresponding columns,
#   and copy that direction to output matrix.

#   returns a list with items:
#       matrix          with a column for each vector in conspec.  This is the simplified matrix.  It has length(conspec) columns.
#       multiplesupp    a data.frame with a row for each group of multiples in conspec, and these columns
#           colidx      index of corresponding column in output matrix - this is the index of the simplified generators
#           cmax        coordinate with largest absolute value, used to compute the following
#           mixed       logical, which is TRUE  iff the group has "mixed directions"
#           major       the longer vector in the zonoseg spanned by the generators in the group, always non-zero
#           minor       the shorter vector in the zonoseg; this is non-zero iff the group has "mixed directions"

condenseMatrix  <- function( A, ground, conspec )
    ok  = is.double(A) && is.matrix(A)
    if( ! ok )

    ok  = length(ground) == ncol(A)
    if( ! ok )

    #   make inverse lookup vector
    colfromgnd  = integer( max(ground) )
    colfromgnd[ ground ]    = 1L:ncol(A)

    if( ! is.list(conspec) )
        log_level( ERROR, "Argument conspec is invalid." )

    if( ! subset1(unlist(conspec),ground))

    lenvec      = lengths( conspec )        #sapply( conspec, length )
    conspec1    = conspec

    # change all the non-singleton lists to any valid single value
    # these columns will be overwritten later
    multiplemask    = 2 <= lenvec

    conspec1[ multiplemask ]  = ground[1]

    out = list()

    out$matrix = A[ , colfromgnd[ unlist(conspec1) ], drop=F ]

    #   replace all the multiple columns with dominant direction
    colidx  = which( multiplemask )
    m       = length(colidx)

    cmax    = integer(m)
    major   = matrix( 0, nrow=m, ncol=nrow(A) )
    minor   = matrix( 0, nrow=m, ncol=nrow(A) )
    mixed   = logical(m)

    for( i in seq_len(m) )
        k   = colidx[i]

        idx = colfromgnd[ conspec[[k]] ]

        res     = dominantDirection( A[ ,idx, drop=FALSE] )

        cmax[i] = res$cmax

        out$matrix[ ,k]    = res$dominant        # .rowSums( A[ ,idx], nrow(A), length(idx) )

        major[i, ]  = res$major
        minor[i, ]  = res$minor

        mixed[i]    = any( res$minor != 0 )

    colnames(out$matrix)   = sapply( conspec, shortlabel )

    multiplesupp        = data.frame( row.names=colidx  )
    multiplesupp$colidx = colidx
    multiplesupp$cmax   = cmax
    multiplesupp$mixed  = mixed
    multiplesupp$major  = major
    multiplesupp$minor  = minor

    out$multiplesupp    = multiplesupp

    return( out )

emptymultiplesupp   <-function( m )
    out         = data.frame( row.names=character(0) )
    out$colidx  = integer(0)
    out$major   = matrix( 0, nrow=0, ncol=m )
    out$minor   = matrix( 0, nrow=0, ncol=m )
    out$mixed   = integer(0)


#   A           a numeric matrix with rank 1
#   thus the columns of A are collinear and generate a zonoseg Z in space
#   there may be vectors in a single direction (0 is an endpoint of Z),
#   or both directions (0 is in the interior of Z)
#   In the latter case, we say the generators are "mixed".
#   returns a list with these items:
#       cmax        the 1-based index of the coordinate with maximum absolute value
#       dominant    the difference between the 2 endpoints of the zonoseg
#                   with the direction chosen so agree with the largest of sums in either direction
#                   NB:     out$dominant    = out$major - out$minor
#       major       the largest of the sums
#       minor       the smaller of the sums, most often it is 0, which means not "mixed"

dominantDirection   <- function( A )
    ok  = is.double(A) && is.matrix(A)
    if( ! ok )

    #   find which row has the largest norm,
    #   since the rows are all collinear too, any norm will do so use L^inf
    cmax    = arrayInd( which.max(abs(A)), dim(A) )[1]
    rowmax  = A[ cmax, ]

    sumneg = rowSums( A[ , rowmax < 0, drop=FALSE ] )
    sumpos = rowSums( A[ , 0 < rowmax, drop=FALSE ] )

    out = list()

    out$cmax    = cmax

    delta   =  abs(sumpos[cmax]) - abs(sumneg[cmax])
    if( delta == 0 )
        #   this means that sumpos and sumneg are exact opposites
        #   in this case, choose the one with positive value at imax
        delta = sumpos[cmax] - sumneg[cmax]

    if( 0 < delta )
        out$major = sumpos ;  out$minor = sumneg
        out$major = sumneg ; out$minor = sumpos

    out$dominant    = out$major - out$minor


#   base        a non-zero n-vector
#   direction   a mxn matrix, whose rows are taken as n-vectors, AND are all multiples of base
#   returns     an m-vector of values, all are +1, -1, or 0, depending on the multiple
#   a halfspace test would work, but that would be a little slower

signvector <- function( base, direction )
    if( length(base) != ncol(direction) )
        log_level( FATAL, "Internal error. %d != %d.", length(base), ncol(direction) )

    #   find which component of base has the largest norm,
    #   since the rows of direction are all collinear, any norm will do so use L^inf
    imax    =   which.max( abs(base) )

    out = sign( base[imax] ) * sign( direction[ , imax ] )


#   grp     integer vector, as returned from grpDuplicated().  0s are the singletons.
#   ground  integer vector of the point indexes
#   returns a list  of integer vectors, as indexed by ground[],
#   each of which is a group of multiples with more than 1 point; compare with setlistfromvec().

grplistfromvec <- function( grp, ground=NULL )
    if( is.null(ground) )
        ground = 1L:length(grp)
    else if( length(ground) != length(grp) )
        log_level( ERROR, "length(ground)= %d is invalid!", length(ground) )

    n   = max(grp)

    out = vector( n, mode='list' )
    for( i in seq_len(n) )
        out[[i]]    = ground[ which( grp == i ) ]


#   grp     integer vector, as returned from grpDuplicated().  0s are the singletons.
#   ground  integer vector of the point indexes, with the same length as grp
#   returns a list of integer vectors, as indexed by ground[],
#   This list of sets includes both singletons and multiples; compare with grplistfromvec().
#   We always have length(out) <= length(grp)

setlistfromvec <- function( grp, ground=NULL )
    if( is.null(ground) )
        ground = 1L:length(grp)
    else if( length(ground) != length(grp) )
        log_level( ERROR, "length(ground)= %d is invalid!", length(ground) )

    out = as.list( ground )

    keep    = ! logical( length(out) )

    n   = max(grp)
    for( i in seq_len(n) )
        idx     = which( grp == i )
        out[[ idx[1] ]]    = ground[ idx ]

        #   remove all except the first point in the group
        keep[ idx[-1] ]   = FALSE

    out = out[ keep ]


#   xN  one of:
#       *) a list of integer vectors
#       *) an integer vector
#       *) NULL (ignored)
#   returns the union of all inputs, in strictly ascending order

fastunion <- function( x1, x2=NULL, x3=NULL )
    return( .Call( C_fastunion, x1, x2, x3 ) )

#   hyper      a list of integer vectors, each one of them defining a nontrivial hyperplane subset, and in increasing order.  Not checked
#   ground     an integer vector - the union of all the sets in hyper - and in increasing order.  Not checked

#   returns a list of 2-point hyperplanes that, combined with hyper, form a 2-partition of the ground set
#       if this is not possible, returns a character message with info on the problem

trivialhypers2 <- function( hyper, ground )
    out = .Call( C_trivialhypers2, hyper, ground )

    if( ! is.null(out$cmax) )
        #   ERROR.  make a good error message
        mess    = "The hyperplanes do not satisfy the paving matroid properties for rank=3."
        mess    = c( mess, "    the point pair %d,%d appears in %d hyperplanes." )
        mess    = paste0( mess, sep='\n' )
        mess = sprintf( mess, out$pmax[1], out$pmax[2], out$cmax )
        #   mess    = c( mess, "    Try reducing argument e2." )
        return( mess )

    return( out )

matrix2list <- function( x, MARGIN )
    return( .Call( C_matrix2list, x, as.integer(MARGIN) ) )

incidencedata <- function( hyper, ground=NULL )
    if( is.null(ground) )   ground = fastunion(hyper)

    return( .Call( C_incidencedata, hyper, ground ) )

incidencematrix <- function( hyper, ground, subset )
    out =  .Call( C_incidencematrix, hyper, ground, subset )

    colnames(out)   = as.character(subset)

    return( out )

findRunsTRUE <- function( mask, periodic=FALSE )
    #   put sentinels on either end, to make things far simpler
    dif = diff( c(FALSE,mask,FALSE) )

    start   = which( dif ==  1 )
    stop    = which( dif == -1 )

    if( length(start) != length(stop) )
        log_level( FATAL, "Internal error.  %d != %d", length(start), length(stop) )

    stop    = stop - 1L

    if( periodic  &&  2<=length(start) )
        m   = length(start)

        if( start[1]==1  &&  stop[m]==length(mask) )
            #   merge first and last
            start[1]    = start[m]
            start   = start[ 1:(m-1) ]
            stop    = stop[ 1:(m-1) ]

    return( cbind( start=start, stop=stop ) )

#   A   2xn matrix, with n vectors in the columns generating a convex cone
#       there are no 0s or multiples, so do not have to worry about generators in both directions
#   if the cone is salient, returns the indexes of the 2 columns, in CCW order
#   if the cone is not salient, returns integer(0)

cxconegenerators <- function( A )
    n   = ncol(A)
    if( nrow(A)!=2  ||  n<=1 ) return(NULL)

    theta   = atan2( A[2, ], A[1, ] )
    perm    = order( theta )

    theta_sorted    = theta[perm]

    gapvec  = c( diff(theta_sorted), 2*pi - (theta_sorted[n] - theta_sorted[1]) )
    kmax    = which.max( gapvec )

    if( gapvec[kmax] <= pi )
        #   the vectors generate the entire plane, NOT salient
        return( integer(0) )

    #   there is a gap with angle > pi
    if( kmax < n )  k2 = kmax+1
    else            k2 = 1

    out = perm[ c(k2,kmax) ]         # ;match( c(k2,kmax), perm )

    return( out )

#   u   numeric N-vector
#   returns Nx2 matrix with each row on the circle

tocircle <- function( u, tol=5.e-16 )
    z   = exp( u * 1i )

    out = cbind( Re(z), Im(z) )

    idx = which( abs(out) < tol )

    if( 0 < length(idx) )   out[idx] = 0


#   u, v    unit vectors of dimension n
#   returns nxn rotation matrix that takes u to v, and fixes all vectors ortho to u and v
#   Characteristic Classes, Milnor and Stasheff, p. 77

rotationshortest <- function( u, v )
    n   = length(u)
    if( length(v) != n )    return(NULL)

    uv  = u + v
    if( all(uv == 0) )  return(NULL)

    out = diag(n)  -  (uv %o% uv)/(1 + sum(u*v))  +  2*(v %o% u)


#   dir     non-zero 3-vector
#   returns a 3x3 orthogonal matrix where the 3rd column is parallel to dir
#   and the 1st and 2nd are orthogonal to dir
#   Thus frame3x3 rotates dir to the z-axis

goodframe3x3 <- function( dir )
    out = base::svd( dir, nu=3 )$u

    #   the 1st column is a multiple of dir, but it might be a negative multiple
    if( sum( dir * out[ ,1] ) < 0 )
        # reverse sign of 1st column
        out[ ,1]  = -out[ ,1]

    #   move 1st column to the 3rd
    #   and ensure that determinant is positive, so it's a rotation
    if( 0 < det(out) )
        perm    = c(2,3,1)  # even
        perm    = c(3,2,1)  # odd

    out = out[ , perm ]

    return( out )

#   point   nx3 matrix of points on a great circle of S^2
#   normal  unit normal to the plane spanned by the great circle, this serves to orient the circle
#   returns a permutation of 1:n that puts the points in counter-clockwise order,
#   using the right-hand-rule with normal

orderoncircle <- function( point, normal )
    #   find a 3x3 rotation matrix that rotates normal to the north pole
    pole    = c(0,0,1)

    if( all( abs(normal+pole) < 1.e-2 ) )
        #   tweak normal away from -pole,
        #   this will change the projected circle to an ellipse but the order is still the same
        normal  = c(1,12,-12)/17     # from a Pythagorean quadruple

    Q   = rotationshortest( normal, pole )  #; print( Q )

    #   compute xy, the z coordinate is very near 0 and ignored
    xy  = point %*% t( Q[1:2, ] )   #; print(xy) ; print( sqrt( rowSums(xy^2) ) )

    theta   = atan2( xy[ ,2], xy[ ,1] )

    perm    = order(theta)

    return( perm )

#   normal  a non-zero 3-vector
#   returns a 3x2 matrix where the columns complete normal to an orthogonal basis
#           the 2 columns are unit vectors
#           if normal is added as a 3rd column, the 3x3 matrix preserves orientation
#           if normal is replaced by -normal, the columns of output matrix are swapped.

frame3x2fun <- function( normal, axischeck=FALSE )
    ok  = is.numeric(normal)  &&  length(normal)==3  &&  0<sum(abs(normal))
    if( ! ok )
        log_level( ERROR, "argument normal is invalid." )

    out = base::svd( normal, nu=3 )$u[ , 2:3 ]     #; print( out )

    test    = crossproduct( out[ ,1], out[ ,2] )

    if( sum(test*normal) < 0 )
        #   swap columns
        out = out[ , 2L:1L ] #; cat( 'frame3x2fun().  columns swapped !\n' )

    if( axischeck &&  isaxis( -out[ ,1] ) )
        out[ ,1]    = -out[ ,1]
        out         = out[ , 2L:1L ]    # swap
    else if( axischeck && isaxis( -out[ ,2] ) )
        out[ ,2]    = -out[ ,2]
        out         = out[ , 2L:1L ]    # swap

    if( FALSE )
        #   multiplication check
        test    = normal %*% out
        if( 1.e-14 < max(abs(test)) )
            log_level( ERROR, "frame3x2fun() failed orthogonal test = %g!", max(abs(test))  )

        test    = t(out) %*% out  -  diag(2)
        if( 1.e-14 < max(abs(test)) )
            log_level( ERROR, "frame3x2fun() failed product test = %g!", max(abs(test))  )

    if( FALSE )
        #   orientation check
        if( determinant( cbind(out,normal) )$sign <= 0 )
            log_level( ERROR, "frame3x2fun() failed sign test.  det = %g!", det( cbind(out,normal) )  )


isaxis <- function( vec )
    n   = length(vec)

    return( sum(vec==0)==n-1  &&  sum(vec==1)==1 )

#   vec     numeric vector
#   skip    integer coordinate to skip (ignore)

allequalskip <- function( vec, skip )
    vec = vec[-skip]

    return( all( vec==vec[1] ) )

gettime <- function()
    return( microbenchmark::get_nanotime() * 1.e-9 )

createtimer <- function()
    now = microbenchmark::get_nanotime() * 1.e-9

    #   using a list
    return( list( created=now, now=now, elapsed=0, total=0 )  )

    #   using an array of doubles is actually slower !
    #out = c(now,now,0,0)
    #names(out) = c("created","now","elapsed","total")
    #return( out )

updatetimer <- function( x, reset=TRUE )
    now = microbenchmark::get_nanotime() * 1.e-9
    out = x

    out$elapsed = now - out$now
    out$total   = now - out$created
    if( reset ) out$now = now

    #   using integers
    #out[3L]  = now - out[2L]
    #out[4L]  = now - out[1L]
    #if( reset ) out[2L]  = now

    #   using names
    #out['elapsed']  = now - out['now']
    #out['total']  = now - out['created']
    #if( reset ) out['now']  = now


#   vertex  2n x m matrix with vertices of a convex polygon in the rows
#   returns 4(n-1) x m matrix with tiling of the polygon into convex quadrangles
#           If m=3, it is ready to pass to rgl::quad3d()

makequads <- function( vertex )
    n   = nrow(vertex) / 2L

    ok  = 2<=n  &&  as.integer(n)==n
    if( ! ok )
        log_level( ERROR, "nrow(vertex)=%g is invalid.", nrow(vertex) )

    mat = matrix( c( 1:(n-1), 2:n, (2*n-1):(n+1), (2*n):(n+2) ), ncol=4 )

    idx = as.integer( t(mat) )      #; print(idx)

    out = vertex[ idx, ]


#   p   a point in the n-cube, which we can think of as a transmittance spectrum
#   returns the min number of transitions between 0 and 1 necessary to achieve such a p, including interpolation
#   it always returns an even integer 
#   this is the fast C version
transitioncount <- function( p )
    .Call( C_transitioncount, p )

#   p   a point in the n-cube, which we can think of as a transmittance spectrum
#   returns the min number of transitions between 0 and 1 necessary to achieve such a p, including interpolation
#   it always returns an even integer 
#   this is the slow R version

transitioncount_old <- function( p )
    n   = length(p)
    if( n == 0 )    return(0L)

    #   find all runs of points in the interior of [0,1], in a periodic way
    interior    = 0<p  &  p<1
    if( all(interior) )
        #   special case
        return( as.integer( 2 * floor( (n+1)/2 ) ) )

    mat     = findRunsTRUE( interior, periodic=TRUE )

    transitions = 0
    if( 0 < nrow(mat) )
        inext   = c(2:n,1)
        iprev   = c(n,1:(n-1))

        for( i in 1:nrow(mat) )
            start   = mat[i,1]
            stop    = mat[i,2]
            m       = stop - start + 1

            if( m < 0 ) m = m + n

            same    = p[ iprev[start] ] == p[ inext[stop] ]
            inc     = ifelse( same, 2*floor( (m+1)/2 ), 2*floor( m/2 ) )
            transitions = transitions + inc

    #   now remove all the interior coordinates
    ppure   = p[ ! interior ]

    #   add usual 0-1 transitions
    transitions = transitions  +  sum( diff(ppure) != 0 )

    #   add wrap-around transition, if present
    if( ppure[1] != ppure[ length(ppure) ] )    transitions = transitions + 1

    return( as.integer(transitions) )

#   this is only valid if 1 <= i < j <= n
PAIRINDEX   <- function( i, j, n )
    (i-1)*n - ((i)*(i+1))/2 + j

#   subground   increasing integer M-vector, and subvector of ground, NOT verified
#   ground      increasing integer N-vector, with M <= N
#   each of these inputs has a matrix of all pairs, with standard ordering
#       for subground there are M*(M-1)/2 pairs
#       for ground there are N*(N-1)/2 pairs
#   each pair for subground also appears in as a pair for ground
#   The function returns an integer vector of length M*(M-1)/2
#   giving the row in ground of each pair from subground

translateallpairs <- function( subground, ground )
    #   m   = length(subground)

    #subidxraw   = .Call( C_allpairs, m )
    #subidx      = subground[ subidxraw ]
    #dim(subidx) = dim(subidxraw)

    subidx  = allpairs( subground )

    #   subidx has ALL pairs from subground, in standard order
    #   each pair is also a pair from ground
    #   translate these to raw indexes in ground

    idxfromground   = idxfromgroundfun( ground )
    idxraw          = idxfromground[ subidx ]
    dim(idxraw)     = dim(subidx)

    n   = length(ground)

    #   idxraw has some pairs taken from 1:n
    #   find their position in the standard order of ALL pairs - N(N-1)/2 of them
    out     = .Call( C_pairindex, idxraw, n )

    return( out )

#   .vec1 and .vec2     non-zero vectors of the same dimension
angleBetween  <-  function( .vec1, .vec2, unitized=FALSE, eps=5.e-14 )
    q   = sum( .vec1*.vec2 )

    if( ! unitized )
        len1    = sqrt( sum(.vec1^2) )
        len2    = sqrt( sum(.vec2^2) )     #;    print( denom )

        denom   = len1 * len2

        if( abs(denom) < eps )    return( NA_real_ )

        q   = q / denom  #; print(q)

    if( abs(q) < 0.99 )
        #   the usual case uses acos
        out = acos(q)
        #   use asin instead
        if( ! unitized )
            .vec1   = .vec1 / len1
            .vec2   = .vec2 / len2

        if( q < 0 ) .vec2 = -.vec2

        d   = .vec1 - .vec2
        d   = sqrt( sum(d*d) )

        out = 2 * asin( d/2 )

        if( q < 0 ) out = pi - out


#   returns NULL unless ALL the values are valid integers

#   if some are invalid, prints a warning message

intfromchar <- function( charvec )
    if( is.null(charvec)  ||  ! is.character(charvec) ) return(NULL)

    bad = ! grepl( "[ ]*-?[0-9.]+[ ]*", charvec )
    if( any(bad) )
        log_level( WARN, "%d of %d values are invalid integers.", sum(bad), length(bad) )

    out = as.integer( charvec )

    bad = (out != as.double(charvec))

    bad[ is.na(bad) ]   = TRUE

    if( any(bad) )
        log_level( WARN, "%d of %d values are invalid integers.", sum(bad), length(bad) )

    return( out )

#################################       deadwood below      ##########################

#   A           a numeric matrix
#   ground      integer vector labeling the columns of A
#   conspec     one of these:
#                   *) integer vector defining a subset of ground
#                   *) a list of integer vectors, all subsets of ground
#   For the integer vector, just copy those columns to output.
#   For a list, for each vector take the dominant direction of the corresponding columns,
#   and copy that direction to output.

#   returns a matrix with length(conspec) columns

condenseMatrix_old  <- function( A, ground, conspec )
    ok  = is.double(A) && is.matrix(A)
    if( ! ok )

    ok  = length(ground) == ncol(A)
    if( ! ok )

    #   make inverse lookup vector
    colfromgnd  = integer( max(ground) )
    colfromgnd[ ground ]    = 1L:ncol(A)

    if( is.integer(conspec) )
        #   this is the easy case
        if( ! subset1(conspec,ground) )

        out = A[ , colfromgnd[conspec], drop=F ]
    else if( is.list(conspec) )
        if( ! subset1(unlist(conspec),ground))

        lenvec      = lengths( conspec )        #sapply( conspec, length )
        conspec1    = conspec

        # change all the non-singleton lists to any valid single value
        multiplemask    = 2 <= lenvec

        conspec1[ multiplemask ]  = ground[1]

        out = A[ , colfromgnd[ unlist(conspec1) ], drop=F ]

        #   replace all the multiple columns with sums
        multiple    = which( multiplemask )
        for( k in multiple )
            idx = colfromgnd[ conspec[[k]] ]

            out[ ,k]    = dominantDirection( A[ ,idx, drop=FALSE] )$dominant  # .rowSums( A[ ,idx], nrow(A), length(idx) )
        log_level( ERROR, "conspec is invalid." )

    colnames(out)   = sapply( conspec, shortlabel )

    return( out )

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