#' Pathways Analysis
#' A function to run pathways analysis from DM results
#' @param contractid Character. The name of the contract or other value
#' @param contrastsm Matrix. A matrix of contrasts
#' @param myrds List. An RDS file with a list of DM results
#' @param sampledata Data Frame. The project samplesheet.Generate manually or in arraydm::readdata().
#' @param workdir Character. Where to save the plots. (Default: working directory)
#' @return CSV spreadsheets with Reactome pathways results and enrichment results. Dot plot and barplots of enrichment results.
#' @export
arraypaths <- function(contractid, sampledata, workdir=NULL, myrds, contrastm) {
for (package in c("reactome.db", "biomaRt", "org.Hs.eg.db", "ReactomePA", "graphics", "dplyr", "enrichplot", "DOSE")) {
if (!requireNamespace(package, quietly = TRUE)) {
stop(paste0("The ", package, " package is needed for this function to work. Please install it."),
call. = FALSE)
message("error: contractid is missing…")
message("error: sampledata is missing…")
message("error: myrds value is missing…")
message("error: contrastm is missing…")
## Set paths
dir.create(paste0(workdir,"/secondary_analysis/Results/pathways/"), showWarnings = FALSE)
outprefix=paste0(workdir,"/secondary_analysis/Results/pathways/", contractid)
## Set inputs
lrt_list <- readRDS(paste0(workdir, "/secondary_analysis/", "lrt_list.RDS"))
comparisons <- colnames(contrastm)
## Load database
print("Loading ensemble database......")
ensembl=biomaRt::useDataset(dataset="hsapiens_gene_ensembl", mart=ensembl)
gene_name_to_entrez = biomaRt::getBM(attributes=c("entrezgene_id", "external_gene_name"), mart=ensembl)
for (comparison in comparisons) {
print(paste0("Running pathways for comparison: ", comparison, "......"))
# Get names of samples used in comparison
comparison.groups <- names(which(contrastm[,comparison] != 0))
samples <- sampledata[sampledata$Sample_Group %in% comparison.groups, "Sample_Name"]
# get comparison data for all probes
#resall <- limma::topTable(fit2, adjust="BH", num=Inf, coef=comparison)
resall <- lrt_list[[i]]
# Annotate all probes with geneid
.ann450k_tmp <- .ann450k[row.names(resall), ]
genes <- strsplit(.ann450k_tmp$UCSC_RefGene_Name, ";", fixed=TRUE)
genelabels <- sapply(genes, "[", 1)
resall$genes <- genelabels
# Get entrez vector in order of external gene names
res_entrez_ids = gene_name_to_entrez[match(resall$genes, gene_name_to_entrez$external_gene_name), "entrezgene_id"]
anno = data.frame(res_entrez_ids)
rownames(anno) = rownames(resall)
colnames(anno) = "Entrez ID"
# Get entrezID to match to reactome pathway
resall$`Entrez ID` <- anno$`Entrez ID`
resall_pass <- resall[which(resall$`Entrez ID`!="NA"),]
resall_anno <- resall_pass[ resall_pass$`Entrez ID` %in% AnnotationDbi::keys( reactome.db::reactome.db, "ENTREZID" ) & !is.na( resall_pass$adj.P.Val) , ]
cat("nrows is: ")
cat("ID's before FDR filter ", nrow(resall_pass),"\n")
cat("ID's after filter ", nrow(resall_anno), "\n")
## Use all probes(not just unique genes)
resall_anno$entrezid <- resall_anno$`Entrez ID`
## Annotate subset of DB (make unique keys)
reactomeTable <- suppressWarnings(AnnotationDbi::select( reactome.db::reactome.db, keys=as.character(resall_anno$entrezid), keytype="ENTREZID", columns=c("ENTREZID","REACTOMEID")))
reactomeTable <- unique(reactomeTable)
## Convert Entrezt back to common gene name
geneTable <- suppressWarnings(unique(AnnotationDbi::select(org.Hs.eg.db::org.Hs.eg.db, keys=reactomeTable$ENTREZID, keytype="ENTREZID", columns=c("SYMBOL","ENTREZID"))))
reactomeDB_human<-merge(reactomeTable, geneTable, by="ENTREZID", all.x=T)[2:3]
## Make a vector of genes in each pathway
reactomeDB_human_uniq <- unique(reactomeDB_human)
res <-aggregate(SYMBOL~REACTOMEID, reactomeDB_human_uniq, FUN= paste, collapse='|')
## Final DF (matrix of reactome ID (rows) and entrezid (cols), TRUE/FALSE)
reactDB <<- do.call( rbind, with(reactomeTable, tapply(
ENTREZID, factor(REACTOMEID), function(x) resall_anno$entrezid %in% x ) ))
colnames(reactDB) <- rownames(resall_anno)
##remove paths with <20 genes or +80 genes
within <- function(x, lower, upper) (x>=lower & x<=upper)
reactDB <- reactDB[ within(rowSums(reactDB), lower=20, upper=80), ]
## Run t-test
print("Running Pathways Analysis......")
testCategory <- function( reactomeID ) {
inReact <- reactDB[ reactomeID, ]
myError<-tryCatch(t.test( resall_anno$logFC[ inReact ] )$p.value, error=function(e) e)
reactomeID = reactomeID,
numGenes = sum( inReact ),
avgLFC = mean( resall_anno$logFC[inReact] ),
sdLFC = sd( resall_anno$logFC[inReact] ),
zValue = mean( resall_anno$logFC[inReact] ) /sd( resall_anno$logFC[inReact] ),
strength = sum( resall_anno$logFC[inReact] ) / sqrt(sum(inReact)),
pvalue=if(!inherits(myError, "error")){t.test( resall_anno$logFC[ inReact ] )$p.value} else {"NA"},
#pvalue = t.test( res2$logFC[ inReact ] )$p.value,
reactomeName= if(is.character(reactome.db::reactomePATHID2NAME[[reactomeID]])){reactome.db::reactomePATHID2NAME[[reactomeID]]} else {print("NA")},
#reactomeName = reactomePATHID2NAME[[reactomeID]][1],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE, check.rows=T )
## Build results
tmp<-matrix(data = NA, ncol=8, nrow=nrow(reactDB)*2)
for (i in rownames(reactDB)) {
tmp[k,] <- as.character(testCategory(i)[1,])
results<-data.frame(tmp[1:nrow(reactDB), ])
colnames(results) <- c("reactomeID","numGenes","avgLFC","sdLFC","zValue","strength","pvalue","reactomeName")
results$padj <- p.adjust( as.numeric(as.character(results$pvalue)), "BH" )
results<-dplyr::inner_join(results, res, by="reactomeID", all=T)
pathway_results<-results[order(results$pvalue,decreasing = T), ]
pathway_results_p05<-pathway_results[which(as.numeric(as.character(pathway_results$pvalue))<0.05), ]
pathway_results_LFC<-head(results[order(abs(as.numeric(as.character(results$avgLFC))), decreasing=T), ], 50)
write.table(pathway_results, paste(outprefix,"_", comparison, "_Reactome", ".csv", sep=""),
quote=F, col.names=T, row.names=F, sep = ",")
write.table(pathway_results_p05, paste(outprefix, "_", comparison, "_Reactome_Sig05", ".csv", sep=""),
quote=F, col.names=T, row.names=F, sep = ",")
write.table(pathway_results_LFC, paste(outprefix, "_", comparison, "_Reactome_top50_avgLFC", ".csv", sep=""),
quote=F, col.names=T, row.names=F, sep = ",")
## Run enrichment tests
print("Running enrichment analysis......")
resall_sig <- resall_anno[which(resall_anno$P.Value<0.05), ]
n = ifelse(nrow(resall_sig)>500, 500, nrow(resall_sig))
ngenes = length(unique(resall_sig$entrezid))
dir.create(paste0(workdir,"/secondary_analysis/Results/pathways"), showWarnings = FALSE)
if(ngenes>20) {
print(paste0("Enrichment for top ", n, " probes"))
enr <- ReactomePA::enrichPathway(gene=unique(resall_sig$entrezid), organism="human", pvalueCutoff=0.05, readable=T)
png(paste0(outprefix, "_", comparison, "_enrichment_barplot_top10.png"), res=125, width=1000, height=500)
barplot(enr, showCategory=10, title = paste0("barplot ", comparison))
png(paste0(outprefix, "_", comparison, "_enrichment_dotplot_top10.png"), res=125, width=1000, height=500)
dotplot(enr, showCategory=10, title = paste0("dotplot ", comparison))
} else {
print(paste0("Not enough significant genes for enrichemnt"))
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