#' Subcortical and cerebellar labeling from a T1 image.
#' Perform HOA labeling using deep learning and data from
# "High Resolution, Comprehensive Atlases of the Human Brain
#' Morphology" number: "NIH NIMH 5R01MH112748-04". Repository:
#' https://github.com/HOA-2/SubcorticalParcellations'
#' The labeling is as follows:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{Label 1:}{Lateral Ventricle Left}
#' \item{Label 2:}{Lateral Ventricle Right}
#' \item{Label 3:}{CSF}
#' \item{Label 4:}{Third Ventricle}
#' \item{Label 5:}{Fourth Ventricle}
#' \item{Label 6:}{5th Ventricle}
#' \item{Label 7:}{Nucleus Accumbens Left}
#' \item{Label 8:}{Nucleus Accumbens Right}
#' \item{Label 9:}{Caudate Left}
#' \item{Label 10:}{Caudate Right}
#' \item{Label 11:}{Putamen Left}
#' \item{Label 12:}{Putamen Right}
#' \item{Label 13:}{Globus Pallidus Left}
#' \item{Label 14:}{Globus Pallidus Right}
#' \item{Label 15:}{Brainstem}
#' \item{Label 16:}{Thalamus Left}
#' \item{Label 17:}{Thalamus Right}
#' \item{Label 18:}{Inferior Horn of the Lateral Ventricle Left}
#' \item{Label 19:}{Inferior Horn of the Lateral Ventricle Right}
#' \item{Label 20:}{Hippocampal Formation Left}
#' \item{Label 21:}{Hippocampal Formation Right}
#' \item{Label 22:}{Amygdala Left}
#' \item{Label 23:}{Amygdala Right}
#' \item{Label 24:}{Optic Chiasm}
#' \item{Label 25:}{VDC Anterior Left}
#' \item{Label 26:}{VDC Anterior Right}
#' \item{Label 27:}{VDC Posterior Left}
#' \item{Label 28:}{VDC Posterior Right}
#' \item{Label 29:}{Cerebellar Cortex Left}
#' \item{Label 30:}{Cerebellar Cortex Right}
#' \item{Label 31:}{Cerebellar White Matter Left}
#' \item{Label 32:}{Cerebellar White Matter Right}
#' }
#' Preprocessing on the training data consisted of:
#' * n4 bias correction,
#' * brain extraction, and
#' * affine registration to HCP.
#' The input T1 should undergo the same steps. If the input T1 is the raw
#' T1, these steps can be performed by the internal preprocessing, i.e. set
#' \code{doPreprocessing = TRUE}
#' @param t1 raw or preprocessed 3-D T1-weighted brain image.
#' @param doPreprocessing perform preprocessing. See description above.
#' @param verbose print progress.
#' @return list consisting of the segmentation image and probability images for
#' each label.
#' @author Tustison NJ
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library( ANTsRNet )
#' library( keras )
#' image <- antsImageRead( "t1.nii.gz" )
#' results <- harvardOxfordAtlasLabeling( image )
#' }
#' @export
harvardOxfordAtlasLabeling <- function( t1, doPreprocessing = TRUE,
verbose = FALSE )
if( t1@dimension != 3 )
stop( "Image dimension must be 3." )
reshapeImage <- function( image, cropSize, interpType = "linear" )
imageResampled <- NULL
if( interpType == "linear" )
imageResampled <- resampleImage( image, c( 1, 1, 1 ), useVoxels = FALSE, interpType = 0 )
} else {
imageResampled <- resampleImage( image, c( 1, 1, 1 ), useVoxels = FALSE, interpType = 1 )
imageCropped <- padOrCropImageToSize( imageResampled, cropSize )
return( imageCropped )
whichTemplate <- "hcpyaT1Template"
templateTransformType <- "antsRegistrationSyNQuick[a]"
template <- antsImageRead( getANTsXNetData( whichTemplate ) )
croppedTemplateSize <- c( 160, 176, 160 )
# Preprocess image
t1Preprocessed <- antsImageClone( t1, out_pixeltype = "float" )
if( doPreprocessing )
t1Preprocessing <- preprocessBrainImage( t1,
truncateIntensity = NULL,
brainExtractionModality = "t1threetissue",
template = whichTemplate,
templateTransformType = templateTransformType,
doBiasCorrection = TRUE,
doDenoising = FALSE,
verbose = verbose )
t1Preprocessed <- t1Preprocessing$preprocessedImage * t1Preprocessing$brainMask
t1Preprocessed <- reshapeImage( t1Preprocessed, cropSize = croppedTemplateSize )
# Build model and load weights
hoaLateralLabels <- c( 0, 3, 4, 5, 6, 15, 24 )
hoaLateralLeftLabels <- c( 1, 7, 9, 11, 13, 16, 18, 20, 22, 25, 27, 29, 31 )
hoaLateralRightLabels <- c( 2, 8, 10, 12, 14, 17, 19, 21, 23, 26, 28, 30, 32 )
hoaExtraLabels <- c( 33, 34, 35 )
labels <- sort( c( hoaLateralLabels, hoaLateralLeftLabels, hoaExtraLabels ) )
channelSize <- 1
numberOfClassificationLabels <- length( labels )
unetModelPre <- createUnetModel3D( c( croppedTemplateSize, channelSize ),
numberOfOutputs = numberOfClassificationLabels, mode = 'classification',
numberOfFilters = c( 16, 32, 64, 128 ), dropoutRate = 0.0,
convolutionKernelSize = c( 3, 3, 3 ), deconvolutionKernelSize = c( 2, 2, 2 ),
weightDecay = 0.0 )
penultimateLayer <- unetModelPre$layers[[length( unetModelPre$layers ) - 1]]$output
output2 <- penultimateLayer %>%
keras::layer_conv_3d( filters = 1,
kernel_size = c( 1, 1, 1 ),
activation = 'sigmoid',
kernel_regularizer = keras::regularizer_l2( 0.0 ) )
unetModel <- keras::keras_model( inputs = unetModelPre$input,
outputs = list( unetModelPre$output, output2 ) )
weightsFileNamePath <- getPretrainedNetwork( "HarvardOxfordAtlasSubcortical" )
keras::load_model_weights_hdf5( unetModel, filepath = weightsFileNamePath )
# Do prediction and normalize to native space
if( verbose )
cat( "Model prediction using both the original and contralaterally flipped version\n" )
batchX <- array( data = 0, dim = c( 2, croppedTemplateSize, channelSize ) )
batchX[1,,,,1] <- as.array( iMath( t1Preprocessed, "Normalize" ) )
batchX[2,,,,1] <- batchX[1,croppedTemplateSize[1]:1,,,1]
predictedData <- unetModel %>% predict( batchX, verbose = verbose )
labels <- sort( c( hoaLateralLabels, hoaLateralLeftLabels ) )
probabilityImages <- list()
hoaLabels <- list()
hoaLabels[[1]] <- hoaLateralLabels
hoaLabels[[2]] <- hoaLateralLeftLabels
# hoaLabels[[3]] <- hoaLateralRightLabels
for( b in seq.int( 2 ) )
for( i in seq.int( length( hoaLabels ) ) )
for( j in seq.int( length( hoaLabels[[i]] ) ) )
label <- hoaLabels[[i]][j]
labelIndex <- which( labels == label )
probabilityArray <- drop( predictedData[[1]][b,,,,labelIndex] )
if( label == 0 )
label0_indices <- 21:dim(predictedData[[1]])[5]
probabilityArray <- probabilityArray + drop( rowSums( predictedData[[1]][b,,,,label0_indices, drop=FALSE], dims = 4 ) )
if( b == 2 )
probabilityArray <- probabilityArray[dim( probabilityArray )[1]:1,,]
probabilityImage <- as.antsImage( probabilityArray, reference = t1Preprocessed )
if( doPreprocessing )
probabilityImage <- padOrCropImageToSize( probabilityImage, dim( template ) )
probabilityImage <- antsApplyTransforms( fixed = t1, moving = probabilityImage,
transformlist = t1Preprocessing$templateTransforms$invtransforms,
whichtoinvert = c( TRUE ), interpolator = "linear", verbose = verbose )
if( b == 1 )
probabilityImages[[labelIndex]] <- probabilityImage
} else {
probabilityImages[[labelIndex]] <- 0.5 * ( probabilityImages[[labelIndex]] + probabilityImage )
if( verbose )
cat( "Constructing foreground probability image.\n" )
flippedPredictedData <- drop( predictedData[[2]][2,dim( predictedData[[2]] )[2]:1,,,] )
foregroundProbabilityArray <- 0.5 * ( drop( predictedData[[2]][1,,,,] ) + flippedPredictedData )
foregroundProbabilityImage <- as.antsImage( drop( foregroundProbabilityArray ), reference = t1Preprocessed )
if( doPreprocessing )
foregroundProbabilityImage <- padOrCropImageToSize( foregroundProbabilityImage, dim( template ) )
foregroundProbabilityImage <- antsApplyTransforms( fixed = t1, moving = foregroundProbabilityImage,
transformlist = t1Preprocessing$templateTransforms$invtransforms,
whichtoinvert = c( TRUE ), interpolator = "linear", verbose = verbose )
for( i in seq.int( length( hoaLabels ) ) )
for( j in seq.int( length( hoaLabels[[i]] ) ) )
label <- hoaLabels[[i]][j]
labelIndex <- which( labels == label )
if( label == 0 )
probabilityImages[[labelIndex]] <- probabilityImages[[labelIndex]] * ( foregroundProbabilityImage * -1 + 1 )
} else {
probabilityImages[[labelIndex]] <- probabilityImages[[labelIndex]] * foregroundProbabilityImage
labels <- sort( c( hoaLateralLabels, hoaLateralLeftLabels ) )
bext <- brainExtraction( t1, modality = "t1hemi", verbose = verbose )
probabilityAllImages <- list()
count <- 1
for( i in seq.int( length( labels ) ) )
probabilityImage <- antsImageClone( probabilityImages[[i]], out_pixeltype = "float" )
if( labels[i] %in% hoaLateralLeftLabels )
probabilityLeftImage <- probabilityImage * bext$probabilityImages[[2]]
probabilityRightImage <- probabilityImage * bext$probabilityImages[[3]]
probabilityAllImages[[count]] <- probabilityLeftImage
count <- count + 1
probabilityAllImages[[count]] <- probabilityRightImage
count <- count + 1
} else {
probabilityAllImages[[count]] <- probabilityImage
count <- count + 1
imageMatrix <- imageListToMatrix( probabilityAllImages, t1 * 0 + 1 )
segmentationMatrix <- matrix( apply( imageMatrix, 2, which.max ), nrow = 1 )
segmentationImage <- matrixToImages( segmentationMatrix, t1 * 0 + 1 )[[1]] - 1
hoaAllLabels <- sort( c( hoaLateralLabels, hoaLateralLeftLabels, hoaLateralRightLabels ) )
hoaLabelImage <- segmentationImage * 0
for( i in seq.int( hoaAllLabels ) )
label <- hoaAllLabels[i]
labelIndex <- which( hoaAllLabels == label )
hoaLabelImage[segmentationImage == labelIndex] <- label + 1
return( list(
segmentationImage = hoaLabelImage,
probabilityImages = probabilityAllImages
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