
Defines functions layer_spatial_transformer_3d layer_spatial_transformer_2d

Documented in layer_spatial_transformer_2d layer_spatial_transformer_3d

#' Spatial transformer layer (2-D)
#' @docType class
#' @section Arguments:
#' \describe{
#'  \item{inputs}{list of size 2 where the first element are the images. The second
#'                element are the weights.}
#'  \item{resampledSize}{size of the resampled output images.}
#' }
#' @section Details:
#'   \code{$initialize} instantiates a new class.
#'   \code{$call} main body.
#'   \code{$compute_output_shape} computes the output shape.
#' @author Tustison NJ
#' @return resampled batch images.
#' @examples
#' resampledSize = c(30L, 30L)
#' model = SpatialTransformerLayer2D$new(resampledSize)
#' model$initialize(resampledSize)
#' testthat::expect_error(model$initialize(5))
#' model$compute_output_shape(input_shape = c(25, 25))
#' @name SpatialTransformerLayer2D

#' @export
SpatialTransformerLayer2D <- R6::R6Class(

  inherit = KerasLayer,

  public = list(

    resampledSize = NULL,

    transformType = 'affine',

    interpolatorType = 'linear',

    initialize = function( resampledSize, transformType = 'affine', interpolatorType = 'linear' )
      K <- keras::backend()
      if( K$backend() != 'tensorflow' )
        stop( "Error:  tensorflow is required for this STN implementations." )
      if( length( resampledSize ) != 2 )
        stop( "Error:  resampled size must be a vector of length 2 (for 2-D).")

      self$resampledSize <- resampledSize
      self$transformType <- tolower( transformType )
      self$interpolatorType <- tolower( interpolatorType )

    call = function( inputs, mask = NULL )
      images <- inputs[[1]]
      transformParameters <- inputs[[2]]

      if( self$transformType == 'affine' )
        output <-
          self$affineTransformImages( images, transformParameters, self$resampledSize )
      } else {
        stop( "Error:  unsupported transform type." )

      return( output )

    compute_output_shape = function( input_shape )
      numberOfChannels <- as.integer( tail( unlist( input_shape[[1]] ), 1 ) )

      return( list( NULL, as.integer( self$resampledSize[1] ),
                    as.integer( self$resampledSize[2] ), numberOfChannels ) )

    affineTransformImages = function( images, affineTransformParameters, resampledSize )
      K <- keras::backend()

      batchSize <- K$int_shape( images )[[1]]
      numberOfChannels <- K$int_shape( images )[[4]]
      if( is.null( batchSize ) )
        transformParameters <- K$reshape( affineTransformParameters,
          shape = reticulate::tuple( -1L, 2L, 3L ) )
      } else {
        transformParameters <- K$reshape( affineTransformParameters,
          shape = reticulate::tuple( batchSize, 2L, 3L ) )

      regularGrid <- self$makeRegularGrid( resampledSize )
      sampledGrids <- K$dot( transformParameters, regularGrid )

      if( self$interpolatorType == 'linear' )
        interpolatedImage <- self$linearInterpolate( images, sampledGrids, resampledSize )
      } else {
        stop( "Error:  unsupported interpolator type." )

      if( is.null( batchSize ) )
        newOutputShape <- reticulate::tuple( -1L, as.integer( resampledSize[1] ),
          as.integer( resampledSize[2] ), numberOfChannels )
        } else {
        newOutputShape <- reticulate::tuple( batchSize, as.integer( resampledSize[1] ),
          as.integer( resampledSize[2] ), numberOfChannels )
      interpolatedImage <- K$reshape( interpolatedImage, shape = newOutputShape )

      return( interpolatedImage )

    makeRegularGrid = function( resampledSize )
      K <- keras::backend()

      xLinearSpace <- tensorflow::tf$linspace( -1.0, 1.0, as.integer( resampledSize[2] ) )
      yLinearSpace <- tensorflow::tf$linspace( -1.0, 1.0, as.integer( resampledSize[1] ) )

      coords <- tensorflow::tf$meshgrid( xLinearSpace, yLinearSpace )
      coords[[1]] <- K$flatten( coords[[1]] )
      coords[[2]] <- K$flatten( coords[[2]] )

      ones <- K$ones_like( coords[[1]] )
      regularGrid <- K$concatenate( list( coords[[1]], coords[[2]], ones ), axis = 0L )
      regularGrid <- K$flatten( regularGrid )
      regularGrid <- K$reshape( regularGrid,
        reticulate::tuple( 3L, as.integer(prod(resampledSize ) ) ) )

      return( regularGrid )

    linearInterpolate = function( images, sampledGrids, resampledSize )
      K <- keras::backend()

      batchSize <- K$shape( images )[1]
      height <- K$shape( images )[2]
      width <- K$shape( images )[3]
      numberOfChannels <- K$shape( images )[4]

      x <- K$cast( K$flatten( sampledGrids[, 1,] ), dtype = 'float32' )
      y <- K$cast( K$flatten( sampledGrids[, 2,] ), dtype = 'float32' )
      x <- 0.5 * ( x + 1.0 ) * K$cast( width, dtype = 'float32' )
      y <- 0.5 * ( y + 1.0 ) * K$cast( height, dtype = 'float32' )

      x0 <- K$cast( x, dtype = 'int32' )
      x1 <- x0 + 1L
      y0 <- K$cast( y, dtype = 'int32' )
      y1 <- y0 + 1L

      xMax <- as.integer( unlist( K$int_shape( images ) )[2] - 1L )
      yMax <- as.integer( unlist( K$int_shape( images ) )[1] - 1L )

      x0 <- K$clip( x0, 0L, xMax )
      x1 <- K$clip( x1, 0L, xMax )
      y0 <- K$clip( y0, 0L, yMax )
      y1 <- K$clip( y1, 0L, yMax )

      batchPixels <- K$arange( 0L, batchSize ) * ( height * width )
      batchPixels <- K$expand_dims( batchPixels, axis = -1L )
      base <- K$repeat_elements(
        batchPixels, rep = as.integer( prod( resampledSize ) ), axis = 1L )
      base <- K$flatten( base )

      indices00 <- base + y0 * width + x0
      indices01 <- base + y1 * width + x0
      indices10 <- base + y0 * width + x1
      indices11 <- base + y1 * width + x1

      flatImages <- K$reshape( images, shape = c( -1L, numberOfChannels ) )
      flatImages <- K$cast( flatImages, dtype = 'float32' )

      pixelValues00 <- K$gather( flatImages, indices00 )
      pixelValues01 <- K$gather( flatImages, indices01 )
      pixelValues10 <- K$gather( flatImages, indices10 )
      pixelValues11 <- K$gather( flatImages, indices11 )

      x0 <- K$cast( x0, dtype = 'float32' )
      x1 <- K$cast( x1, dtype = 'float32' )
      y0 <- K$cast( y0, dtype = 'float32' )
      y1 <- K$cast( y1, dtype = 'float32' )

      weight00 <- K$expand_dims( ( ( x1 - x ) * ( y1 - y ) ), axis = 1L )
      weight01 <- K$expand_dims( ( ( x1 - x ) * ( y - y0 ) ), axis = 1L )
      weight10 <- K$expand_dims( ( ( x - x0 ) * ( y1 - y ) ), axis = 1L )
      weight11 <- K$expand_dims( ( ( x - x0 ) * ( y - y0 ) ), axis = 1L )

      interpolatedValues00 <- weight00 * pixelValues00
      interpolatedValues01 <- weight01 * pixelValues01
      interpolatedValues10 <- weight10 * pixelValues10
      interpolatedValues11 <- weight11 * pixelValues11

      interpolatedValues <- interpolatedValues00 + interpolatedValues01 +
        interpolatedValues10 + interpolatedValues11

      return( interpolatedValues )


#' spatial transformer layer (2-D and 3-D)
#' Wraps a custom spatial transformer layer
#' @param object Object to compose layer with. This is either a
#' [keras::keras_model_sequential] to add the layer to,
#' or another Layer which this layer will call.
#' @param resampledSize size of the output in voxels
#' @param transformType the spatial transform
#' @param interpolatorType interpolation used for the sampling
#' @param name The name of the layer
#' @return a keras layer tensor
#' @export
#' @rdname layer_spatial_transformer_2d
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' model <- keras_model_sequential()
#' input_shape = c(20, 20, 1)
#' model = model %>%
#'   layer_conv_2d(filters = 32, kernel_size = c(3,3), activation = 'relu',
#'                 input_shape = input_shape)
#' model  %>%
#'   layer_spatial_transformer_2d(resampledSize = c(50, 50))
#' model  %>%
#'   layer_spatial_transformer_2d(resampledSize = c(50, 50, 1))
#' }
layer_spatial_transformer_2d <- function(
                                         resampledSize, transformType = "affine",
                                         interpolatorType = "linear", name = NULL) {
    SpatialTransformerLayer2D, object,
      resampledSize = resampledSize, transformType = transformType,
      interpolatorType = interpolatorType, name = name

#' @export
#' @rdname layer_spatial_transformer_2d
layer_spatial_transformer_3d <- function(
                                         resampledSize, transformType = "affine",
                                         interpolatorType = "linear", name = NULL) {
    SpatialTransformerLayer3D, object,
      resampledSize = resampledSize, transformType = transformType,
      interpolatorType = interpolatorType, name = name

#' Spatial transfomer layer (3-D)
#' @docType class
#' @section Arguments:
#' \describe{
#'  \item{inputs}{list of size 2 where the first element are the images. The second
#'                element are the weights.}
#'  \item{resampledSize}{size of the resampled output images.}
#' }
#' @section Details:
#'   \code{$initialize} instantiates a new class.
#'   \code{$call} main body.
#'   \code{$compute_output_shape} computes the output shape.
#' @author Tustison NJ
#' @return resampled batch images.
#' @examples
#' model = SpatialTransformerLayer3D$new(c(30L, 30L, 30L))
#' model$compute_output_shape(input_shape = c(25, 25, 25))
#' @name SpatialTransformerLayer3D

#' @export
SpatialTransformerLayer3D <- R6::R6Class(

  inherit = KerasLayer,

  public = list(

    resampledSize = NULL,

    transformType = 'affine',

    interpolatorType = 'linear',

    initialize = function( resampledSize, transformType = 'affine', interpolatorType = 'linear' )
      K <- keras::backend()
      if( K$backend() != 'tensorflow' )
        stop( "Error:  tensorflow is required for this STN implementations." )
      if( length( resampledSize ) != 3 )
        stop( "Error:  resampled size must be a vector of length 3 (for 3-D).")

      self$resampledSize <- resampledSize
      self$transformType <- tolower( transformType )
      self$interpolatorType <- tolower( interpolatorType )

    call = function( inputs, mask = NULL )
      images <- inputs[[1]]
      transformParameters <- inputs[[2]]

      if( self$transformType == 'affine' )
        output <-
          self$affineTransformImages( images, transformParameters, self$resampledSize )
      } else {
        stop( "Error:  unsupported transform type." )

      return( output )

    compute_output_shape = function( input_shape )
      numberOfChannels <- as.integer( tail( unlist( input_shape[[1]] ), 1 ) )

      return( list( NULL, as.integer( self$resampledSize[1] ),
                    as.integer( self$resampledSize[2] ), as.integer( self$resampledSize[3] ),
                    numberOfChannels ) )

    affineTransformImages = function( images, affineTransformParameters, resampledSize )
      K <- keras::backend()

      batchSize <- K$int_shape( images )[[1]]
      numberOfChannels <- K$int_shape( images )[[5]]
      if( is.null( batchSize ) )
        transformParameters <- K$reshape( affineTransformParameters,
          shape = reticulate::tuple( -1L, 3L, 4L ) )
      } else {
        transformParameters <- K$reshape( affineTransformParameters,
          shape = reticulate::tuple( batchSize, 3L, 4L ) )

      regularGrid <- self$makeRegularGrid( resampledSize )
      sampledGrids <- K$dot( transformParameters, regularGrid )

      if( self$interpolatorType == 'linear' )
        interpolatedImage <- self$linearInterpolate( images, sampledGrids, resampledSize )
      } else {
        stop( "Error:  unsupported interpolator type." )

      if( is.null( batchSize ) )
        newOutputShape <- reticulate::tuple( -1L, as.integer( resampledSize[1] ),
          as.integer( resampledSize[2] ), as.integer( resampledSize[3] ), numberOfChannels )
      } else {
        newOutputShape <- reticulate::tuple( batchSize, as.integer( resampledSize[1] ),
          as.integer( resampledSize[2] ), as.integer( resampledSize[3] ), numberOfChannels )
      interpolatedImage <- K$reshape( interpolatedImage, shape = newOutputShape )

      return( interpolatedImage )

    makeRegularGrid = function( resampledSize )
      K <- keras::backend()

      xLinearSpace <- tensorflow::tf$linspace( -1.0, 1.0, as.integer( resampledSize[2] ) )
      yLinearSpace <- tensorflow::tf$linspace( -1.0, 1.0, as.integer( resampledSize[1] ) )
      zLinearSpace <- tensorflow::tf$linspace( -1.0, 1.0, as.integer( resampledSize[3] ) )

      coords <- tensorflow::tf$meshgrid( xLinearSpace, yLinearSpace, zLinearSpace )
      coords[[1]] <- K$flatten( coords[[1]] )
      coords[[2]] <- K$flatten( coords[[2]] )
      coords[[3]] <- K$flatten( coords[[3]] )

      ones <- K$ones_like( coords[[1]] )
      regularGrid <- K$concatenate( list( coords[[1]], coords[[2]], coords[[3]], ones ), 0L )
      regularGrid <- K$flatten( regularGrid )
      regularGrid <- K$reshape( regularGrid,
        reticulate::tuple( 4L, as.integer( prod( resampledSize ) ) ) )

      return( regularGrid )

    linearInterpolate = function( images, sampledGrids, resampledSize )
      K <- keras::backend()

      batchSize <- K$shape( images )[1]
      height <- K$shape( images )[2]
      width <- K$shape( images )[3]
      depth <- K$shape( images )[4]
      numberOfChannels <- K$shape( images )[5]

      x <- K$cast( K$flatten( sampledGrids[, 1,] ), dtype = 'float32' )
      y <- K$cast( K$flatten( sampledGrids[, 2,] ), dtype = 'float32' )
      z <- K$cast( K$flatten( sampledGrids[, 3,] ), dtype = 'float32' )

      x <- 0.5 * ( x + 1.0 ) * K$cast( width, dtype = 'float32' )
      y <- 0.5 * ( y + 1.0 ) * K$cast( height, dtype = 'float32' )
      z <- 0.5 * ( z + 1.0 ) * K$cast( depth, dtype = 'float32' )

      x0 <- K$cast( x, dtype = 'int32' )
      x1 <- x0 + 1L
      y0 <- K$cast( y, dtype = 'int32' )
      y1 <- y0 + 1L
      z0 <- K$cast( z, dtype = 'int32' )
      z1 <- z0 + 1L

      xMax <- as.integer( unlist( K$int_shape( images ) )[2] ) - 1L
      yMax <- as.integer( unlist( K$int_shape( images ) )[1] ) - 1L
      zMax <- as.integer( unlist( K$int_shape( images ) )[3] ) - 1L

      x0 <- K$clip( x0, 0L, xMax )
      x1 <- K$clip( x1, 0L, xMax )
      y0 <- K$clip( y0, 0L, yMax )
      y1 <- K$clip( y1, 0L, yMax )
      z0 <- K$clip( z0, 0L, zMax )
      z1 <- K$clip( z1, 0L, zMax )

      batchPixels <- K$arange( 0L, batchSize ) * ( height * width * depth )
      batchPixels <- K$expand_dims( batchPixels, axis = -1L )
      base <- K$repeat_elements(
        batchPixels, rep = as.integer( prod( resampledSize ) ), axis = 1L )
      base <- K$flatten( base )

      indices000 <- base + z0 * ( width * height ) + y0 * width + x0
      indices001 <- base + z1 * ( width * height ) + y0 * width + x0
      indices010 <- base + z0 * ( width * height ) + y1 * width + x0
      indices011 <- base + z1 * ( width * height ) + y1 * width + x0
      indices100 <- base + z0 * ( width * height ) + y0 * width + x1
      indices101 <- base + z1 * ( width * height ) + y0 * width + x1
      indices110 <- base + z0 * ( width * height ) + y1 * width + x1
      indices111 <- base + z1 * ( width * height ) + y1 * width + x1

      flatImages <- K$reshape( images, shape = c( -1L, numberOfChannels ) )
      flatImages <- K$cast( flatImages, dtype = 'float32' )

      pixelValues000 <- K$gather( flatImages, indices000 )
      pixelValues001 <- K$gather( flatImages, indices001 )
      pixelValues010 <- K$gather( flatImages, indices010 )
      pixelValues011 <- K$gather( flatImages, indices011 )
      pixelValues100 <- K$gather( flatImages, indices100 )
      pixelValues101 <- K$gather( flatImages, indices101 )
      pixelValues110 <- K$gather( flatImages, indices110 )
      pixelValues111 <- K$gather( flatImages, indices111 )

      x0 <- K$cast( x0, dtype = 'float32' )
      x1 <- K$cast( x1, dtype = 'float32' )
      y0 <- K$cast( y0, dtype = 'float32' )
      y1 <- K$cast( y1, dtype = 'float32' )
      z0 <- K$cast( z0, dtype = 'float32' )
      z1 <- K$cast( z1, dtype = 'float32' )

      weight000 <- K$expand_dims( ( ( x1 - x ) * ( y1 - y ) * ( z1 - z ) ), axis = 1L )
      weight001 <- K$expand_dims( ( ( x1 - x ) * ( y1 - y ) * ( z - z0 ) ), axis = 1L )
      weight010 <- K$expand_dims( ( ( x1 - x ) * ( y - y0 ) * ( z1 - z ) ), axis = 1L )
      weight011 <- K$expand_dims( ( ( x1 - x ) * ( y - y0 ) * ( z - z0 ) ), axis = 1L )
      weight100 <- K$expand_dims( ( ( x - x0 ) * ( y1 - y ) * ( z1 - z ) ), axis = 1L )
      weight101 <- K$expand_dims( ( ( x - x0 ) * ( y1 - y ) * ( z - z0 ) ), axis = 1L )
      weight110 <- K$expand_dims( ( ( x - x0 ) * ( y - y0 ) * ( z1 - z ) ), axis = 1L )
      weight111 <- K$expand_dims( ( ( x - x0 ) * ( y - y0 ) * ( z - z0 ) ), axis = 1L )

      interpolatedValues000 <- weight000 * pixelValues000
      interpolatedValues001 <- weight001 * pixelValues001
      interpolatedValues010 <- weight010 * pixelValues010
      interpolatedValues011 <- weight011 * pixelValues011
      interpolatedValues100 <- weight100 * pixelValues100
      interpolatedValues101 <- weight101 * pixelValues101
      interpolatedValues110 <- weight110 * pixelValues110
      interpolatedValues111 <- weight111 * pixelValues111

      interpolatedValues <-
        interpolatedValues000 +
        interpolatedValues001 +
        interpolatedValues010 +
        interpolatedValues011 +
        interpolatedValues100 +
        interpolatedValues101 +
        interpolatedValues110 +

      return( interpolatedValues )
ANTsX/ANTsRNet documentation built on April 18, 2024, 8 a.m.