
Defines functions showSignedIndices showIndices showSignedGeneset showGeneSet `[[.GmtList` `[.GmtList` modOffset SignedIndexListFromList IndexListFromList parseIndex

## standard generics
#' @rdname offset
#' @usage offset(object)
#' @exportMethod offset
setGeneric("offset", function(object) standardGeneric("offset"))

#'@rdname offset-set
#'@usage `offset<-`(object, value)
#'@exportMethod offset<-
setGeneric("offset<-", function(object, value) standardGeneric("offset<-"))

#' @rdname IndexList
#' @exportMethod IndexList
setGeneric("IndexList", function(object, ..., keepNA = FALSE, keepDup = FALSE, offset =1L) standardGeneric("IndexList"))

#'@rdname SignedIndexList
#'@exportMethod SignedIndexList
setGeneric("SignedIndexList", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("SignedIndexList"))

#'@rdname matchGenes
#'@exportMethod matchGenes
setGeneric("matchGenes", function(list, object, ...) standardGeneric("matchGenes"))

#'@rdname wmwTest
#'@exportMethod wmwTest
setGeneric("wmwTest", function(x, indexList, col = "GeneSymbol", valType = c("p.greater", "p.less",
    "p.two.sided", "U", "abs.log10p.greater", "log10p.less",
    "abs.log10p.two.sided", "Q", "r", "f", "U1", "U2"), simplify = TRUE) standardGeneric("wmwTest"))

## IndexList
parseIndex <- function(x, keepNA=FALSE, keepDup=FALSE) {
        x <- which(x)
    x <- as.integer(x)
        x <- x[!is.na(x)]
        x <- unique(x)

#' @importFrom methods new
IndexListFromList <- function(inlist, keepNA=FALSE, keepDup=FALSE, offset=1L) {
    outlist <- lapply(inlist, parseIndex, keepNA=keepNA, keepDup=keepDup)
    ## note that .Data must be the first data slot in the new command
    res <- new("IndexList", .Data=outlist, keepNA=keepNA, keepDup=keepDup, offset=as.integer(offset))

#' Convert a list to an IndexList object
#' @param object Either a list of unique integer indices, NULL and logical 
#' vectors (of same lengths), or a numerical vector or a logical vector. NA is discarded.
#' @param ...  If \code{object} isn't a list, additional vectors can go here.
#' @param keepNA Logical, whether NA indices should be kept or not. Default: FALSE (removed)
#' @param keepDup Logical, whether duplicated indices should be kept or not. Default: FALSE (removed)
#' @param offset Integer, the starting index. Default: 1 (as in the convention of R)
#' @return The function returns a list of vectors
#' @examples
#' testList <- list(GS_A=c(1,2,3,4,3),
#'                  GS_B=c(2,3,4,5),
#'                  GS_C=NULL,
#'                  GS_D=c(1,3,5,NA),
#'                  GS_E=c(2,4))
#' testIndexList <- IndexList(testList)
#' @name IndexList
#' @exportMethod IndexList

#' @rdname IndexList
setMethod("IndexList", "numeric", function(object, ..., keepNA=FALSE, keepDup=FALSE, offset=1L) {
              olist <- list(...)
              list <- c(list(object), olist)
              IndexListFromList(list, keepNA=keepNA, keepDup=keepDup, offset=offset)

#' @examples
#' IndexList(c(FALSE, TRUE, TRUE), c(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE), c(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), offset=0)
#' @rdname IndexList
setMethod("IndexList", "logical", function(object, ..., keepNA=FALSE, keepDup=FALSE, offset=1L) {
              olist <- list(...)
              list <- c(list(object), olist)
              if(!all(sapply(list, is.logical)))
                  stop("all input must be logical vectors")
              if(!length(unique(length(sapply(list, length))))==1)
                  stop("all input must be of the same length")
              list <- lapply(list, which)
              IndexListFromList(list, keepNA=keepNA, keepDup=keepDup, offset=offset)

#' @examples
#' IndexList(list(A=1:3, B=4:5, C=7:9))
#' IndexList(list(A=1:3, B=4:5, C=7:9), offset=0)
#' @rdname IndexList
setMethod("IndexList", "list", function(object, keepNA=FALSE, keepDup=FALSE, offset=1L) {
              IndexListFromList(object, keepNA=keepNA, keepDup=keepDup, offset=offset)

## SignedIndexList
#' @importFrom methods new
SignedIndexListFromList <- function(inlist, keepNA=FALSE, keepDup=FALSE, offset=1L) {
  if(length(inlist)==2 && all(c("pos", "neg") %in% names(inlist))) {
    inlist <- list(inlist)
  outlist <- lapply(inlist, function(x) list(pos=parseIndex(x$pos, keepNA=keepNA, keepDup=keepDup),
                                             neg=parseIndex(x$neg, keepNA=keepNA, keepDup=keepDup)))
  ## note that .Data must be the first data slot in the new command
  res <- new("SignedIndexList", .Data=outlist, keepNA=keepNA, keepDup=keepDup, offset=as.integer(offset))

#'Convert a list into a SignedIndexList
#'@name SignedIndexList
#'@param object A list of lists, each with two elements named `pos` or `neg`, can be logical vectors or integer indices
#'@param ... additional arguments, currently ignored
#'@param keepNA Logical, whether NA indices should be kept or not. Default: 
#'FALSE (removed)
#'@param keepDup Logical, whether duplicated indices should be kept or not. 
#'Default: FALSE (removed) 
#'@param offset offset; 1 if missing
#'@return A SignedIndexList, a list of lists, containing two vectors named `positive` and `negative`, 
#' which contain the indices of genes that are either positively or negatively associated with a certain
#' phenotype
#'myList <- list(a = list(pos = list(1, 2, 2, 4), neg = c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE)), 
#'b = list(NA), c = list(pos = c(c(2, 3), c(1, 3))))
#'## a special case of input is a single list with two elements, \code{pos} and \code{neg}
#'@rdname SignedIndexList
#'@export SignedIndexList
setMethod("SignedIndexList", "list", function(object, keepNA=FALSE, keepDup=FALSE, offset=1L) {
     SignedIndexListFromList(object, keepNA=keepNA, keepDup=keepDup, offset=offset)

## offset
#' Get offset from an IndexList object
#' @param object An IndexList object
#' @examples
#' myIndexList <- IndexList(list(1:5, 2:7, 3:8), offset=1L)
#' offset(myIndexList)
#' @name offset
#' @aliases offset,BaseIndexList-method
#' @export 
setMethod("offset", "BaseIndexList", function(object) return(object@offset))

modOffset <- function(x, diff) {
    if(is.null(x)) return(NULL)

#' Set the offset of an \code{IndexList} or a \code{SignedIndexList} object
#' @param object An \code{IndexList} or a \code{SignedIndexList} object
#' @param value The value, that the offset of \code{object} is set too. If it 
#' isn't an integer, it's coerced into an integer.
#' @examples 
#' myIndexList <- IndexList(list(1:5, 2:7, 3:8), offset=1L)
#' offset(myIndexList)
#' offset(myIndexList) <- 3
#' offset(myIndexList)
#' @name offset-set

#'@rdname offset-set
setMethod("offset<-", c("IndexList", "numeric"), function(object, value) {
              value <- as.integer(value)
              diff <- object@offset - value
              object@offset <- value
              resList <- lapply(object@.Data, modOffset, diff=diff)
              object@.Data <- resList

#'@rdname offset-set
setMethod("offset<-", c("SignedIndexList", "numeric"), function(object, value) {
    value <- as.integer(value)
    diff <- object@offset - value
    object@offset <- value
    resList <- lapply(object@.Data, function(x) list(pos=modOffset(x$pos, diff),
                                                     neg=modOffset(x$neg, diff)))
    object@.Data <- resList

## subsetting
#' Subsetting GmtList object into another GmtList object
#' @param x A GmtList object
#' @param i Index to subset
#' @param drop In case only one element remains, should a list representing the single geneset returned? Default: FALSE
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @examples 
#' myGmtList <- GmtList(list(gs1=letters[1:3], gs2=letters[3:4], gs3=letters[4:5]))
#' myGmtList[1:2]
#' myGmtList[1] ## default behaviour: not dropping
#' myGmtList[1,drop=TRUE] ## force dropping
#' @export
`[.GmtList` <- function(x, i, drop=FALSE) {
    i <- match(i, names(x))
  if(any(is.na(i))) {
    warning(paste("NA index detected at positions, which will be removed:",
                  paste(which(is.na(i)), collapse=",")))
    i <- i[!is.na(i)]
  if(length(i)<1) {
    stop("No non-NA index.")
  res <- new("GmtList", .Data=x@.Data[i])
  if(length(res)==1 && drop)
    res <- res@.Data[[1]]
  names(res) <- names(x)[i]

#' Subsetting GmtList object to fetch one gene-set
#' @param x A GmtList object
#' @param i The index to subset
#' @examples 
#' myGmtList <- GmtList(list(gs1=letters[1:3], gs2=letters[3:4], gs3=letters[4:5]))
#' myGmtList[[1]]
#' @export
`[[.GmtList` <- function(x, i) {
    i <- match(i, names(x))
  if(any(is.na(i))) {
    warning(paste("NA index detected at following positions, which will be removed:",
                  paste(which(is.na(i)), collapse=",")))
    i <- i[!is.na(i)]
  if(length(i)<1) {
    stop("No non-NA index.")
  res <- x@.Data[[i]]

## show for GmtList
showGeneSet <- function(geneset, nGene=3, indent=2) {
    genes <- geneset$genes
    geneLen <- length(genes)
    sprintf("%s%s (%sn=%d): %s%s",
            paste(rep(" ", indent), collapse=""),
            ifelse(is.null(geneset$desc), "", paste(geneset$desc, ",", sep="")),
            paste(geneset$genes[1:pmin(nGene, geneLen)],collapse=","),
            ifelse(geneLen>nGene, ",...", ""))

#' Show method for GmtList
#' @param object An object of the class \code{GmtList}
#' @export
setMethod("show", "GmtList", function(object) {
  str <- sprintf("A gene-set list in GMT format with %d genesets\n", length(object))

  indent <- 2
  if(hasNamespace(object)) {
    namespaces <- gsNamespace(object)
    catTbl <- table(namespaces)
    catHead <- sprintf("%s:\n",
                              "Namespaces", "Namespace"))
    catDetailsStr <- sprintf("%s[%d] %s (n=%d)\n",
            paste(rep(" ", indent), collapse=""),
    catStr <- paste(catHead, 
                    paste(catDetailsStr, collapse=""),
  } else {
    catStr <- ""
  showHead <- "Gene-sets:\n"
  if(length(object)>6) {
    heads <- object[1:3]
    tails <- object[(length(object)-2):length(object)]
    shows <- c(sapply(heads, showGeneSet, indent=indent),
               paste(paste(rep(" ", indent), collapse=""), "...", sep=""),
               sapply(tails, showGeneSet, indent=indent))
  } else {
    shows <- sapply(object, showGeneSet, indent=indent)
  concStr <- paste(c(str, catStr, showHead,
                     paste(shows, collapse="\n"), "\n"), collapse="")

## show for SignedGenesets
showSignedGeneset <- function(geneset, nGene=3, indent=2) {
    name <- geneset$name
    pos <- geneset$pos
    neg <- geneset$neg
    posLen <- length(pos)
    negLen <- length(neg)
    idents <- paste(rep(" ", indent), collapse="")
    doubleIdents <- paste(rep(" ", indent*2), collapse="")
    if(posLen+negLen==0) {
        res <- sprintf("%s%s (no genes)", idents, name)
    } else {
        res <- sprintf("%s%s[n=%d]\n%spositive[n=%d]:%s%s\n%snegative[n=%d]:%s%s",
                       paste(pos[1:pmin(posLen, nGene)],collapse=","),
                       ifelse(posLen>nGene, ",...", ""),
                       paste(neg[1:pmin(negLen, nGene)],collapse=","),
                       ifelse(negLen>nGene, ",...", ""))

#' Show method for SignedGenesets
#' @param object An object of the class \code{SignedGenesets}
#' @export
setMethod("show", "SignedGenesets", function(object) {
              str <- sprintf("A list of %d signed gene-sets", length(object))
              indent <- 2
              if(length(object)>6) {
                  heads <- object[1:3]
                  tails <- object[(length(object)-2):length(object)]
                  shows <- c(sapply(heads, showSignedGeneset, indent=indent),
                             paste(paste(rep(" ", indent), collapse=""), "...", sep=""),
                             sapply(tails, showSignedGeneset, indent=indent))
              } else {
                  shows <- sapply(object, showSignedGeneset, indent=indent)
              concStr <- paste(c(str, shows, ""), collapse="\n")

## show for IndexList
showIndices <- function(indices, name, nInd=3, indent=2) {
        name <- "NONAME"
    len <- length(indices)
    if(is.null(indices)) {
        isNA <- FALSE
    } else {
        isNA <- is.na(indices)
    sprintf("%s%s (n=%d%s): %s%s",
            paste(rep(" ", indent), collapse=""),
            ifelse(any(isNA), sprintf(", with %d NA", sum(isNA)), ""),
            paste(indices[1:pmin(len, nInd)],collapse=","),
            ifelse(len>nInd, ",...", ""))

#' Show method for IndexList
#' @param object An object of the class \code{IndexList}
#' @export
setMethod("show", "IndexList", function(object) {
              str <- sprintf("A list of %d indices with offset=%d", length(object), object@offset)
              opts <- sprintf("Options: NA removed: %s; duplicates removed: %s", !object@keepNA, !object@keepDup)
              indent <- 2
              if(length(object)>6) {
                  heads <- object[1:3]
                  tails <- object[(length(object)-2):length(object)]
                  shows <- c(sapply(seq(along=heads), function(i) showIndices(heads[[i]], names(heads)[i], indent=indent)),
                             paste(paste(rep(" ", indent), collapse=""), "...", sep=""),
                             sapply(seq(along=tails), function(i) showIndices(tails[[i]], names(tails)[i], indent=indent)))
              } else {
                  shows <- sapply(seq(along=object), function(i) showIndices(object[[i]], names(object)[i], indent=indent))
              concStr <- paste(c(str, opts, shows, ""), collapse="\n")

## show for SignedIndexList
showSignedIndices <- function(indices, name, nInd=3, indent=2) {
    if(is.null(name)) name <- "NONAME"
    indices$name <- name
    showSignedGeneset(indices, nGene=nInd, indent=indent)

#' Show method for SignedIndexList
#' @param object An object of the class \code{SignedIndexList}
#' @export
setMethod("show", "SignedIndexList", function(object) {
              str <- sprintf("A list of %d signed indices with offset=%d", length(object), object@offset)
              opts <- sprintf("Options: NA removed: %s; duplicates removed: %s", !object@keepNA, !object@keepDup)
              indent <- 2
              if(length(object)>6) {
                  heads <- object[1:3]
                  tails <- object[(length(object)-2):length(object)]
                  shows <- c(sapply(seq(along=heads), 
                                    function(i) showSignedIndices(heads[[i]], names(heads)[i], indent=indent)),
                             paste(paste(rep(" ", indent), collapse=""), "...", sep=""),
                             sapply(seq(along=tails), function(i) 
                               showSignedIndices(tails[[i]], names(tails)[i], indent=indent)))
              } else {
                  shows <- sapply(seq(along=object), function(i) 
                    showSignedIndices(object[[i]], names(object)[i], indent=indent))
              concStr <- paste(c(str, opts, shows, ""), collapse="\n")
Accio/BioQC documentation built on Jan. 27, 2022, 10:45 p.m.