
Defines functions calculate_ilisi

Documented in calculate_ilisi

#' Calculate iLISI (integration Local Inverse Simpson's Index) scores
#' @param merged_sce The merged SCE object containing data from multiple batches
#' @param pc_name The name that allows access to the PCs. Example: fastMNN_PCA
#' @param batch_column The variable in `merged_sce` indicating the grouping of interest.
#'  Generally this is either batches or cell types. Default is "library_id".
#' @return Data frame with three columns, one row per cell. Columns are `ilisi_score`,
#'  `ilisi_score_norm`, `cell_barcode`, and `batch_id`. The column `ilisi_score_norm`
#'  is a normalized version if `ilisi_score` where values range from [0,1], inclusive
#' @import SingleCellExperiment
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
calculate_ilisi <- function(merged_sce,
                            batch_column = "library_id") {
  # Check that provided `pc_name` is present in SingleCellExperiment object
  if (!pc_name %in% reducedDimNames(merged_sce)) {
    stop("The provided `pc_name` cannot be found in the SingleCellExperiment object.")

  # Check that `batch_column` is in colData of SCE
  if (!batch_column %in% colnames(colData(merged_sce))) {
    stop("The specified batch column is missing from the colData of the SingleCellExperiment object.")

  # Pull out the PCs or analogous reduction
  pcs <- reducedDim(merged_sce, pc_name)

  # Check that PCs have rownames already, since we won't be renaming them
  if (is.null(rownames(pcs))) {
    stop("PCs are missing rownames for iLISI calculation.")

  # Remove batch NAs from PCs and label rownames
  labeled_pcs <- filter_pcs(pcs,
    colData(merged_sce)[, batch_column],
    # don't rename with batch labels
    rename_pcs = FALSE

  # Create data frame for input to lisi calculation
  batch_df <- data.frame(batch = rownames(labeled_pcs))

  # calculate number of unique batches for later normalization
  num_batches <- length(unique(batch_df$batch))

  # Calculate iLISI score
  ilisi_df <- lisi::compute_lisi(
    # define the batches
    meta_data = batch_df,
    # which variables in `batch_df` to compute lisi for
    label_colnames = "batch"
  ) |>
    dplyr::rename("ilisi_score" = "batch") |>
      cell_barcode = rownames(labeled_pcs),
      batch_id = batch_df$batch,
      # add normalized iLISI score as in in scib approach:
      # https://github.com/theislab/scib/blob/067eb1aee7044f5ce0652fa363ec8deab0e9668d/scib/metrics/lisi.py#L98-L100
      ilisi_score_norm = (.data$ilisi_score - 1) / (num_batches - 1)

  # Return data frame with cell-wise iLISI scores and associated cell & batch identifiers
AlexsLemonade/scpcaTools documentation built on July 12, 2024, 8:34 a.m.