
Defines functions within_batch_ari_from_pcs calculate_within_batch_ari

Documented in calculate_within_batch_ari within_batch_ari_from_pcs

#' Calculate within-batch ARI scores from a merged SCE object.
#' @param individual_sce_list A named list of individual SCE objects. It is
#'  assumed these have a reduced dimension slot with principal components named "PCA".
#'  Column names of each object should match the contents of the `cell_id_column` for the `merged_sce.`
#' @param pc_names A list of names of the PCs in the merged SCE `reducedDim` slot
#'  object. Example: c("PCA", "fastMNN_PCA"). A within-batch ARI will be returned for each `pc_name`.
#' @param merged_sce The merged SCE object containing data from multiple batches
#' @param batch_column The variable in `merged_sce` indicating the grouping of interest.
#'  Generally this is either batches or cell types. Default is "library_id".
#' @param cell_id_column The variable in `merged_sce` indicating the original cell barcode.
#'  Default is "cell_id".
#' @param BLUSPARAM A BlusterParam object specifying the clustering algorithm to
#'   use and any additional clustering options. Default is
#'   `bluster::NNGraphParam(cluster.fun = "louvain", type = "jaccard")`
#' @param seed Seed for initializing random sampling
#' @param ... Additional arguments to provide to `bluster::clusterRows()` within `cluster_sce()`
#' @return Tibble with three columns: `ari`, representing the calculated ARI values;
#'   `batch_id`, the batch id associated with each `ari`; `pc_name`, the name
#'   associated with the pc results
#' @import SingleCellExperiment
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
calculate_within_batch_ari <- function(individual_sce_list,
                                       batch_column = "library_id",
                                       cell_id_column = "cell_id",
                                       BLUSPARAM = bluster::NNGraphParam(cluster.fun = "louvain", type = "jaccard"),
                                       seed = NULL,
                                       ...) {
  # Set the seed for subsampling and clustering

  # Check that `batch_column` is in colData of SCE
  if (!batch_column %in% colnames(colData(merged_sce))) {
    stop("The specified batch column is missing from the colData of the `merged_sce`.")

  # Check that `cell_id_column` is in colData of SCE
  if (!cell_id_column %in% colnames(colData(merged_sce))) {
    stop("The specified cell id column is missing from the colData of the `merged_sce`.")

  # Check that `pc_name` is in merged SCE object
  if (!all(pc_names %in% reducedDimNames(merged_sce))) {
    stop("One or more of the PC names provided in `pc_names` cannot be found in the `merged_sce`.")

  # Calculate within-batch ARI values across list of PCs
  within_batch_ari_tibble <-
        individual_sce_list = individual_sce_list,
        merged_sce = merged_sce,
        batch_column = batch_column,
        cell_id_column = cell_id_column,
        pc_name = pcs,
    ) |>


#' Calculate within-batch ARI using provided PCs for use in integration metric calculations
#' @param individual_sce_list A named list of individual SCE objects. It is
#'  assumed these have a reduced dimension slot with principal components named "PCA".
#'  Column names of each object should match the contents of the `cell_id_column` for the `merged_sce.`
#' @param merged_sce The merged SCE object containing data from multiple batches
#' @param pc_name The name used to access the PCA results stored in the
#'   SingleCellExperiment object
#' @param batch_column The variable in `merged_sce` indicating the grouping of interest.
#'  Generally this is either batches or cell types. Default is "library_id".
#' @param cell_id_column The variable in `merged_sce` indicating the original cell barcode.
#'  Default is "cell_id".
#' @param BLUSPARAM A BlusterParam object specifying the clustering algorithm to
#'   use and any additional clustering options. Default is
#'   `bluster::NNGraphParam(cluster.fun = "louvain", type = "jaccard")`
#' @param ... Additional arguments to provide to `bluster::clusterRows()` within `cluster_sce()`
#' @return Tibble with three columns: `ari`, representing the calculated ARI values;
#'   `batch_id`, the batch id associated with each `ari`; `pc_name`, the name
#'   associated with the pc results
within_batch_ari_from_pcs <-
           batch_column = "library_id",
           cell_id_column = "cell_id",
           BLUSPARAM = bluster::NNGraphParam(cluster.fun = "louvain", type = "jaccard"),
           ...) {
    # Check that `pc_name` is in merged SCE object
    if (!(pc_name %in% reducedDimNames(merged_sce))) {
      stop("The PC name provided in `pc_names` cannot be found in the `merged_sce`.")

    # Pull out the PCs or analogous reduction from merged object
    merged_pcs <- reducedDim(merged_sce, pc_name)

    # Cluster merged pcs only one time
    merged_sce <- merged_sce |>
        pc_name = pc_name,
        cluster_column_name = "merged_clusters"

    # Check that list of SCE objects is named
    batch_ids <- names(individual_sce_list)
    if (is.null(batch_ids)) {
      stop("Must provide a named list of SCE objects.")
    } else {
      # Make sure the batch ids provided match between the list and the merged object
      if (!(identical(
        sort(unique(colData(merged_sce)[, batch_column]))
      ) {
        stop("Names of provided SCE objects included in the individual SCE object
           do not match batch IDs present in the batch_column of the merged object")

    # For every batch id, cluster and then calculate ARI for that batch
    all_ari <-
        \(batch) {
          # Cluster pc matrix for specified batch
          individual_clustering_result <-
            individual_sce_list[[batch]] |>
              pc_name = "PCA",
              BLUSPARAM = BLUSPARAM,
              cluster_column_name = "individual_clusters"

          # Extract cells from merged clustering for batch
          merged_clusters <- merged_sce$merged_clusters |>
          cells_to_keep <- which(merged_sce[[batch_column]] == batch)
          batch_merged_clusters <- merged_clusters[cells_to_keep]

          # Check order of cells
          if (!all.equal(names(batch_merged_clusters), colnames(individual_clustering_result))) {
              "The cell barcodes of the merged and individual clustering results are not the same or are not in the same order."

          # Calculate ARI between pre-merged clustering and post-merged clustering for the given batch
          ari <-
              mode = "index"


    # Create tibble with ARI and batch id
    within_batch_ari_tibble <- tibble::tibble(
      ari = all_ari,
      batch_id = batch_ids,
      pc_name = pc_name

AlexsLemonade/scpcaTools documentation built on July 12, 2024, 8:34 a.m.