#' Function dotplot
#' Plots a modified dotchart.
#' @param x Numeric vector.
#' @param vertLine Logical value specifying whether to plot a vertical line at x=0. Defaults to T.
#' @param horizLines Logical value specifying whether to plot horizontal lines between each point and the y axis. Defaults to T.
#' @param max Numeric value indicating the maximum number of frequencies to be displayed. Defaults to 40.
#' @param main Character value specifying the plot's title. Defaults to "Comparison of Word Frequencies"
#' @param pch Numeric element speccifying the symbol to represent points. Defaults to 16
#' @param cex Numeric value indicating the text size. Defaults to .7.
#' @param add.numbers Logical value indicating if numbers should be placed next to the dots. Defaults to F.
#' @param ndigits Numeric value specifying the number of digits to be plotted (if add.numbers==T). Defaults to 2.
#' @param ncex Size of fonts. If NA (default) is set to cex.
#' @param nsrt Numeric value specifying the rotation of the numbers (between 0 and 360 degrees). Defaults to 0.
#' @param npos Numeric value specifying the position of numbers. If NA (default) it is determined automatically.
#' @param ncol Vector containing the color of bars. Defaults to "black".
#' @details Plots vector as modified dotchart.
#' @keywords plotting
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dotplot(rnorm(100))
dotplot <- function (x = NULL, labels = NULL, groups = NULL, gdata = NULL,
cex = par("cex"), pt.cex = cex, pch = 16, gpch = 21, bg = par("bg"),
col = NULL, color = par("fg"), gcolor = par("fg"), lcolor = "gray",
xlim = range(x[is.finite(x)]), main = NULL, xlab = NULL,
ylab = NULL, deviations = NA, x2 = NA, vertLine = 0, horizLines = T,
max = 40, sort = F, add.numbers = F, ndigits = 2, ncex = NA,
nsrt = 0, npos = NA, ncol = "black", main1 = NULL, main2 = NULL,
main3 = NULL, adj.main1 = 0, adj.main2 = 0, adj.main3 = 0,
col.main1 = "black", col.main2 = "black", col.main3 = "black",
cex.main1 = 1.2, cex.main2 = 1.2, cex.main3 = 1.2, font.main1 = 1,
font.main2 = 2, font.main3 = 4, omitZeros = F, xaxs = "i",
yaxs = "i", ...)
opar <- par("mai", "mar", "cex", "yaxs")
par(cex = cex, yaxs = "i")
if (!is.numeric(x))
stop("'x' must be a numeric vector or matrix")
if (is.null(x)) {
x = rnorm(100)
names(x) = paste0("Var", 1:100)
if (is.null(dim(x)[2]))
if (length(x) > max) {
if (!is.na(deviations[1]))
deviations = deviations[c(1:floor(max/2), (length(x) -
if (!is.na(x2[1]))
x2 = x2[c(1:floor(max/2), (length(x) - floor(max/2)):length(x))]
x = x[c(1:floor(max/2), (length(x) - floor(max/2)):length(x))]
warning(paste("Only", max, "values are displayed"))
n <- length(x)
if (sort == T) {
if (!is.na(deviations[1]))
if (is.matrix(x))
deviations = deviations[order(x[, 1]), ]
else deviations = deviations[order(x)]
if (!is.na(x2[1]))
if (is.matrix(x))
x2 = x2[order(x[, 1]), ]
else x2 = x2[order(x)]
if (is.matrix(x))
x = x[order(x[, 1]), ]
else x = x[order(x)]
if (is.matrix(x)) {
if (is.null(labels))
labels <- rownames(x)
if (is.null(labels))
labels <- as.character(1L:nrow(x))
labels <- rep_len(labels, n)
if (is.null(groups))
groups <- col(x, as.factor = TRUE)
glabels <- levels(groups)
else {
if (is.null(labels))
labels <- names(x)
glabels <- if (!is.null(groups))
if (!is.vector(x)) {
warning("'x' is neither a vector nor a matrix: using as.numeric(x)")
x <- as.numeric(x)
addChars = ifelse(is.character(add.numbers), add.numbers,
if (is.character(add.numbers))
add.numbers = T
if (is.null(ncex))
ncex = cex
else if (is.na(ncex))
ncex = cex
if (!is.null(npos))
if (is.na(npos))
npos = 4
round2 = function(x, ndigits, addChars = "") {
x2 = as.character(round(x, digits = ndigits))
x2[is.na(x)] = ""
if (omitZeros == T)
x2[x2 == 0] = ""
x2 = paste0(x2, addChars)
x2[x2 == addChars] = ""
if (!is.null(xaxs))
par(xaxs = xaxs)
if (!is.null(yaxs))
par(yaxs = yaxs)
linch <- if (!is.null(labels))
max(strwidth(labels, "inch"), na.rm = TRUE)
else 0
if (is.null(glabels)) {
ginch <- 0
goffset <- 0
else {
ginch <- max(strwidth(glabels, "inch"), na.rm = TRUE)
goffset <- 0.4
if (!(is.null(labels) && is.null(glabels))) {
nmai <- par("mai")
nmai[2L] <- nmai[4L] + max(linch + goffset, ginch) +
par(mai = nmai)
if (is.null(groups)) {
o <- 1L:n
y <- o
ylim <- c(0, n + 1)
else {
o <- sort.list(as.numeric(groups), decreasing = TRUE)
x <- x[o]
if (!is.na(x2[1]))
x2 <- x2[o]
if (!is.na(deviations[1]))
deviations <- deviations[o]
groups <- groups[o]
color <- rep_len(color, length(groups))[o]
lcolor <- rep_len(lcolor, length(groups))[o]
offset <- cumsum(c(0, diff(as.numeric(groups)) != 0))
y <- 1L:n + 2 * offset
ylim <- range(0, y + 2)
plot.window(xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, log = "")
lheight <- par("csi")
if (!is.null(labels)) {
linch <- max(strwidth(labels, "inch"), na.rm = TRUE)
loffset <- (linch + 0.1)/lheight
labs <- labels[o]
mtext(labs, side = 2, line = loffset, at = y, adj = 0,
col = color, las = 2, cex = cex, ...)
abline(h = y, lty = "dotted", col = lcolor)
if (horizLines & is.na(x2[1]) & is.na(deviations[1])) {
xlim[1] = min(0, xlim[1])
xlim[2] = max(0, xlim[2])
segments(x0 = 0, y0 = y, x1 = x, y1 = y, col = color)
if (!is.na(deviations[1])) {
segments(x0 = x + deviations, y0 = y, x1 = x - deviations,
y1 = y, col = color)
if (!is.na(x2[1])) {
horizLines = F
segments(x0 = x, y0 = y, x1 = x2, y1 = y, col = color)
points(x2, y, pch = pch, col = ifelse(is.null(col), list(color),
list(col))[[1]], bg = bg, cex = pt.cex/cex)
points(x, y, pch = pch, col = ifelse(is.null(col), list(color),
list(col))[[1]], bg = bg, cex = pt.cex/cex)
if (add.numbers)
text(x, y, round2(x, ndigits, addChars), pos = npos,
col = ncol, cex = ncex, srt = nsrt, xpd = T)
if (!is.null(groups)) {
gpos <- rev(cumsum(rev(tapply(groups, groups, length)) +
2) - 1)
ginch <- max(strwidth(glabels, "inch"), na.rm = TRUE)
goffset <- (max(linch + 0.2, ginch, na.rm = TRUE) + 0.1)/lheight
mtext(glabels, side = 2, line = goffset, at = gpos, adj = 0,
col = gcolor, las = 2, cex = cex, ...)
if (!is.null(gdata)) {
abline(h = gpos, lty = "dotted")
points(gdata, gpos, pch = gpch, col = gcolor, bg = bg,
cex = pt.cex/cex, ...)
text(gdata, gpos, "test")
if (!is.null(main))
title(main = main, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, ...)
if (!is.null(main1))
title(main1, line = 1, adj = adj.main1, cex.main = cex.main1,
col = col.main1, font.main = font.main1)
if (!is.null(main2))
title(main2, line = 2, adj = adj.main2, cex.main = cex.main2,
col = col.main2, font.main = font.main2)
if (!is.null(main3))
title(main3, line = 3, adj = adj.main3, cex.main = cex.main3,
col = col.main3, font.main = font.main3)
if (!is.na(vertLine))
abline(v = vertLine, col = color)
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