## stats: Freq und PercTable ====
# replaced in version 0.99.11
Freq <- function(x, breaks = hist(x, plot = FALSE)$breaks, include.lowest = TRUE,
ord = c("level", "desc", "asc", "name"),
useNA = c("no", "ifany", "always"), ...){
# check if x is a vector (do not use is.vector()!!!)
if(!(is.atomic(x) || is.list(x))) stop("'x' must be a vector")
if(inherits(x, "table")){
tab <- x
} else {
if(is.numeric(x) || IsDate(x)){
x <- cut(x, breaks = breaks, include.lowest = include.lowest,
ordered_result = TRUE, ...)
tab <- table(x, useNA = useNA)
names(tab)[is.na(names(tab))] <- "<NA>"
# how should the table be sorted, by name, level or frq? (NULL means "desc")
switch(match.arg(ord, c("level", "desc", "asc", "name")),
level = { }
, name = { tab <- tab[rownames(tab)] }
, asc = { tab <- sort(tab) }
, desc = { tab <- -sort(-tab) }
ptab <- prop.table(tab)
z <- data.frame(level = names(tab),
freq = as.vector(tab[]), perc = as.vector(ptab[]),
cumfreq = cumsum(tab[]), cumperc = cumsum(ptab[]))
# the first class beyond 50% cumulative percentages is the median class
attr(z, which = "medianclass") <- z[which(z[, 5]>=0.5)[1], 1]
rownames(z) <- NULL # enumerate from 1:nrow(z)
class(z) <- c("Freq", "data.frame")
print.Freq <- function(x, digits=NULL, ...) {
# print as data.frame if something was changed
if(ncol(x) != 5) {
print.data.frame(x, digits=digits, ...)
} else {
afmt <- Fmt("abs")
pfmt <- Fmt("per")
pfmt$digits <- digits
# object x comes as list lacking an as.data.frame option...
d.frm <- SetNames(data.frame(x[,1],
Format(x$freq, fmt=afmt),
Format(x$perc, fmt=pfmt),
Format(x$cumfreq, fmt=afmt),
Format(x$cumperc, fmt=pfmt)),
print.gap = InDots(..., arg="print.gap", default=2))
Freq2D <- function(x, ...)
Freq2D.formula <- function(formula, data, subset, ...) {
m <- match.call(expand.dots=FALSE)
m$data <- as.data.frame(data)
m$... <- NULL
m[[1L]] <- as.name("model.frame")
mf <- eval(m, parent.frame())
Freq2D.default(mf[2:1], ...)
Freq2D.default <- function(x, y, n=20, pad=0, dnn=NULL, ...) {
dnn <- if(!is.null(dnn)) rep(dnn,length.out=2) else NULL
xname <- dnn[1]
yname <- dnn[2]
## 1 Extract data
x <- as.data.frame(x)
if(is.list(x)) # data.frame or list
xname <- if(is.null(xname)) names(x)[1] else xname
yname <- if(is.null(yname)) names(x)[2] else yname
y <- x[[2]]
x <- x[[1]]
## 2 Create grid
n <- rep(n, length.out=2)
xmid <- pretty(x, n=n[1])
xstep <- diff(xmid)[1]
xgrid <- c(xmid-0.5*xstep, max(xmid)+0.5*xstep)
ymid <- pretty(y, n=n[2])
ystep <- diff(ymid)[1]
ygrid <- c(ymid-0.5*ystep, max(ymid)+0.5*ystep)
## 3 Map data on grid
xfac <- cut(x, xgrid, include.lowest=TRUE, labels=format(xmid))
xname <- deparse(substitute(x))
yfac <- cut(y, ygrid, include.lowest=TRUE, labels=format(ymid))
yname <- deparse(substitute(y))
z <- table(xfac, yfac, dnn=c(xname,yname))
## 4 Remove existing edges with only zeros
z <- z[cumsum(rowSums(z))>0, cumsum(colSums(z))>0]
z <- z[rev(cumsum(rev(rowSums(z))))>0, rev(cumsum(rev(colSums(z))))>0]
## 5 Add edges with only zeros
for(i in seq_len(pad))
tmp <- cbind(0, rbind(0, z, 0), 0)
rownames(tmp)[c(1,nrow(tmp))] <- as.numeric(rownames(z)[c(1,nrow(z))]) + c(-xstep,xstep)
colnames(tmp)[c(1,ncol(tmp))] <- as.numeric(colnames(z)[c(1,ncol(z))]) + c(-xstep,xstep)
names(dimnames(tmp)) <- names(dimnames(z))
z <- tmp
# ## 5 Prepare output
# xnum <- as.numeric(rownames(z))
# ynum <- as.numeric(colnames(z))
# if(layout == 1)
# {
# output <- t(z)[ncol(z):1,]
# if(print)
# {
# print.table(output, zero.print=".")
# return(invisible(output))
# }
# else
# {
# return(output)
# }
# }
# else if(layout == 2)
# {
# output <- list(x=xnum, y=ynum, z=z)
# return(output)
# }
# else # layout 3
# {
# output <- data.frame(x=rep(xnum,length(ynum)), y=rep(ynum,each=length(xnum)), z=c(z))
# names(output) <- make.names(c(xname,yname,"Freq"), unique=TRUE)
# return(output)
# }
# ToDo: PercTable
# param cumul.count show cumulative frequencies?
# param cumul.pct show cumulative percentage?
# param total.name a string containing footer label (defaults to "Sum")
# Drop unused levels
# useNA ?
# expected values, residuals, standardized residuals
PercTable <- function (...) UseMethod("PercTable")
PercTable.default <- function (x, y = NULL, ...) {
# all dot arguments
dot.args <- match.call(expand.dots=FALSE)$...
# the dot arguments which match PercTable.table
pt.args <- dot.args[names(dot.args) %in% names(formals(PercTable.table))]
# the dot arguments which DO NOT match PercTable.table
tab.args <- dot.args[names(dot.args) %nin% names(formals(PercTable.table))]
tab <- do.call("table", append(list(x), tab.args) )
} else {
tab <- do.call("table", append(list(x, y), tab.args) )
do.call( "PercTable", append(list(tab=tab), pt.args) )
# PercTable.data.frame <- function(x, ...){ sapply(x, PercTable, ...) }
PercTable.matrix <- function(x, ...){ PercTable(as.table(x), ...) }
PercTable.formula <- function(formula, data, subset, na.action, ...)
# this is taken basically from wilcox.test.formula
if (missing(formula) || (length(formula) != 3L) || (length(attr(terms(formula[-2L]),
"term.labels")) != 1L))
stop("'formula' missing or incorrect")
m <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
if (is.matrix(eval(m$data, parent.frame())))
m$data <- as.data.frame(data)
m[[1L]] <- as.name("model.frame")
m$... <- NULL
mf <- eval(m, parent.frame())
DNAME <- paste(names(mf), collapse = " by ")
DATA <- list(table(mf))
do.call("PercTable", c(DATA, list(...)))
PercTable.table <- function(tab, row.vars=NULL, col.vars = NULL, justify = "right"
, freq=TRUE, rfrq="100",
expected = FALSE, residuals = FALSE, stdres = FALSE, margins = NULL
, digits = NULL, ...) {
# labels = c("Sum", "freq", "perc", "p.row", "p.col"),
# example:
# tab <- table(d.pizza[,c("driver","operator")])
# PercTable(tab, rfrq="110", margins=c(1,2))
# create prop tables and format them
fmt.tab <- function(x, perc, w) {
if(perc==1) {
px <- addmargins(prop.table(addmargins(x, 1), 1), 2)
if(1 %nin% margins) px <- px[,-ncol(px)]
if(2 %nin% margins) px <- px[-nrow(px),]
class(px) <- "table"
} else if(perc==2) {
px <- addmargins(prop.table(addmargins(x, 2), 2), 1)
if(1 %nin% margins) px <- px[,-ncol(px)]
if(2 %nin% margins) px <- px[-nrow(px),]
class(px) <- "table"
} else {
px <- prop.table(x)
if(!is.null(margins)) px <- addmargins(px, if(length(dim(x))==1) {1} else {3 - margins} )
# get the percent format from global option
px[] <- Format(px, fmt=Fmt("per", digits=digits))
# set 100% margins to some zero value
# but only if main percentages are requested
if(perc==1 & (1 %in% margins)) px[, ncol(px)] <- zero
if(substr(rfrq, 1, 1)=="1")
if(perc==2 & (1 %in% margins)) px[, ncol(px)] <- zero
if(substr(rfrq, 1, 1)=="1")
if(perc==1 & (2 %in% margins)) px[nrow(px), ] <- zero
if(perc==2 & (2 %in% margins)) px[nrow(px), ] <- zero
# set zero element
zero <- "."
# set default
if(is.null(col.vars) && is.null(row.vars))
col.vars <- 2
tlst <- list(freq=tab)
# overwrite percents if only 1-dim table
if(length(dim(tab)) == 1) rfrq <- paste(sum(as.numeric(rfrq) > 0), "00", sep="")
if(unlist(strsplit(rfrq, NULL))[1] == "1")
tlst[["perc"]] <- fmt.tab(tab, perc=0)
if(unlist(strsplit(rfrq, NULL))[2] == "1")
tlst[["p.row"]] <- fmt.tab(tab, perc=1)
if(unlist(strsplit(rfrq, NULL))[3] == "1")
tlst[["p.col"]] <- fmt.tab(tab, perc=2)
# flip 1 to 2 and 2 to 1 in margins with: 3 - margins
if(!is.null(margins)) tlst[["freq"]] <- addmargins(tab, if(length(dim(tab))==1) {1} else {3 - margins})
# format tab as.character
tlst[["freq"]][] <- Format(tlst[["freq"]], fmt=Fmt("abs"))
if(freq == FALSE) tlst[["freq"]] <- NULL
na.tab <- tab
na.tab[] <- NA
r.chisq <- list(expected=na.tab, residuals=na.tab, stdres=na.tab)
} else {
suppressWarnings(r.chisq <- chisq.test(tab))
if(expected == TRUE) {
tlst[["exp"]] <- Format(r.chisq$expected, fmt=Fmt("num"))
if(1 %in% margins) tlst[["exp"]] <- cbind(tlst[["exp"]], Sum=zero)
if(2 %in% margins) tlst[["exp"]] <- rbind(tlst[["exp"]], Sum=zero)
if(residuals == TRUE){
tlst[["res"]] <- Format(r.chisq$residuals, fmt=Fmt("num"))
if(1 %in% margins) tlst[["res"]] <- cbind(tlst[["res"]], Sum=zero)
if(2 %in% margins) tlst[["res"]] <- rbind(tlst[["res"]], Sum=zero)
if(stdres == TRUE) {
tlst[["stdres"]] <- Format(r.chisq$stdres, fmt=Fmt("num"))
if(1 %in% margins) tlst[["stdres"]] <- cbind(tlst[["stdres"]], Sum=zero)
if(2 %in% margins) tlst[["stdres"]] <- rbind(tlst[["stdres"]], Sum=zero)
if(length(tlst) == 1){
ftab <- ftable(tlst[[1]])
} else {
# if(length(dim(tab)) > 1){
# if(is.null(vsep))
# vsep <- length(tlst) > 1
# if(vsep) # insert a separator line
# tlst[[""]] <- matrix("", nrow=nrow(tlst[[1]]), ncol=ncol(tlst[[1]]))
# }
# build a table array, such as to be able to pass it to ftable afterwards...
ma <- do.call("cbind", tlst)
} else {
ma <- do.call("Abind", c(tlst, along = 3, use.dnns = TRUE))
ftab <- ftable(ma, col.vars=col.vars, row.vars=row.vars)
justify <- match.arg(justify, c("left","right"))
if(justify == "right")
# align the whole stuff to the right
ftab[] <- StrAlign(ftab, "\\r")
# names(attr(ftab, "row.vars"))[1] <- names(dimnames(tab))[1]
# if(length(names(attr(ftab, "row.vars"))) == 2)
# names(attr(ftab, "row.vars"))[2] <- ""
# names(attr(ftab, "col.vars")) <- names(dimnames(tab))[2]
res <- list(ftab=ftab, tlst=tlst)
vsep <- InDots(..., arg="vsep", default=ifelse(length(dim(tab)) == 1, FALSE, NA))
if(!is.na(vsep)) res[["vsep"]] <- vsep
class(res) <- c("PercTable")
print.PercTable <- function(x, vsep=NULL, ...){
# vsep <- Coalesce(vsep, x[["vsep"]], (length(x[["tlst"]]) > 1))
# replaced by 0.99.21
vsep <- Coalesce(vsep, x[["vsep"]], (length(attr(x[["ftab"]], "row.vars")) > 1))
x <- x[["ftab"]]
# cat(paste(c(rep(" ", times=max(nchar(c(names(attr(x, "row.vars")), attr(x, "row.vars")[[1]])), na.rm=TRUE) +
# ifelse(length(attr(x, "row.vars")) == 2, max(nchar(attr(x, "row.vars")[[2]]), na.rm=TRUE) + 2, 0) + 1),
# names(attr(x, "col.vars"))), collapse=""), sep="\n")
# names(attr(x, "col.vars")) <- NULL
# txt <- capture.output(print(x, ...))
# if(vsep)
# txt[StrLeft(txt,1) != " "][-1] <- paste("\n", txt[StrLeft(txt,1) != " "][-1], sep="")
# cat(txt, sep="\n")
# replaced by 0.99.24, in order to have the table "line breaked" if necessary
# get number of name cols
nc <- length(attr(x, "row.vars"))
x <- gsub("\"", "", format(x, method="col.compact"))
for(i in 1:nc){
x[, i] <- StrPad(x[, i], max(nchar(x[,i])))
rn <- if(nc > 1) apply(x[, 1:nc], 1, paste, collapse=" ") else x[, 1]
rownames(x) <- rn
iempty <- which(substr(rownames(x), 1, 1) != " ")[-1]
x <- do.call(rbind, lapply(SplitAt(1:nrow(x), iempty), function(i) rbind(x[i,], "")))
x <- x[, -(1:nc)]
colnames(x) <- rep("", ncol(x))
print(x, quote=FALSE, right=TRUE, ...)
Margins <- function(tab, ...){
lst <- lapply(1:length(dim(tab)),
function(i) Freq(margin.table(tab, i), ...))
names(lst) <- names(dimnames(tab))
ExpFreq <- function(x, freq = c("abs", "rel")) {
# returns the expected frequencies of a table assuming independence
# this is a copy of independence_table {vcd}
# by David Meyer David.Meyer@R-project.org
if (!is.array(x))
stop("Need array of absolute frequencies!")
frequency <- match.arg(freq)
n <- sum(x)
x <- x/n
d <- dim(x)
margins <- lapply(1:length(d), function(i) apply(x, i, sum))
tab <- array(apply(expand.grid(margins), 1, prod), d, dimnames = dimnames(x))
if (frequency == "rel")
else tab * n
# CollapseTable <- function (x, ...) {
# nargs <- length(args <- list(...))
# if (!nargs)
# return(x)
# if (inherits(x, "ftable"))
# x <- as.table(x)
# if (inherits(x, "table")) {
# tvars <- names(dimnames(x))
# x <- as.data.frame.table(x)
# freq <- x[, "Freq"]
# } else {
# stop("Argument must be a table or ftable object")
# }
# names <- names(args)
# for (i in 1:nargs) {
# vals <- args[[i]]
# nm <- names[[i]]
# if (any(nm == tvars))
# levels(x[[nm]]) <- vals
# else warning(nm, " is not among the x variables.")
# }
# res <- xtabs(as.formula(paste("freq ~", paste(tvars, collapse = "+"))),
# data = x)
# # do not return xtabs class, when supplied with table
# class(res) <- class(res)[class(res) != "xtabs"]
# attr(res, "call") <- NULL
# return(res)
# }
CollapseTable <- function (x, ...) {
# allow unnamed arguments, changed by 0.99.27
nargs <- length(args <- list(...))
if (!nargs)
# provide variable names for the table, maximum possible names = max_dim(x))
iArgs <- seq_len(length(dimnames(x)))
nmc <- paste0("Var", iArgs)
nm <- names(dimnames(x))
if (any(ng0 <- !nzchar(nm)))
names(dimnames(x))[ng0] <- nmc[seq(sum(ng0))]
# provide variable names for unnamed arguments
nm <- names(args)
if (is.null(nm))
names(args) <- names(dimnames(x))[seq(nargs)]
else if (any(ng0 <- !nzchar(nm)))
names(args)[ng0] <- names(dimnames(x))[names(dimnames(x)) %nin% nm[nzchar(nm)]][seq(sum(ng0))]
if (inherits(x, "ftable"))
x <- as.table(x)
if (inherits(x, "table")) {
tvars <- names(dimnames(x))
x <- as.data.frame.table(x)
freq <- x[, "Freq"]
} else {
stop("Argument must be a table or ftable object")
names <- names(args)
for (i in 1:nargs) {
vals <- args[[i]]
nm <- names[[i]]
if (any(nm == tvars))
levels(x[[nm]]) <- vals
warning(nm, " is not among the x variables.")
res <- xtabs(as.formula(paste("freq ~", paste(tvars, collapse = "+"))),
data = x)
class(res) <- class(res)[class(res) != "xtabs"]
attr(res, "call") <- NULL
names(dimnames(res))[names(dimnames(res)) %in% nmc] <- ""
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