
#' a simple spatial tsetse population simulation, start popn in a single central cell
#' \code{rt_runGridTestSpread} goes back to more hat-trick like density dependence.
#' runs a simple spatial popn simulation as a test of phase 2
#' model components. Concentrates on movement parameters and mortality so that 
#' it can be used to test popn spread under different popn growth rates.

#' @param nCol number grid columns
#' @param nRow number grid rows
#' @param pMoveF probability of F moving between cells
#' @param pMoveM probability of M moving between cells
# following are same as rt_runAspatial
#' @param iDays days to run simulation
#' @param iMaxAge max age of fly allowed in model (will warn if flies age past this)
#' @param iCarryCapF carrying capacity of adult females 
#' @param fMperF numbers of males per female, default 0.5 for half as many M as F
#' @param fStartPopPropCC starting population as a proportion of carrying capacity, default = 1
# @param iStartAdults number of adults to start simulation with
# @param iStartAges spread start adults across the first n ages classes
# @param iStartPupae number of pupae to start simulation with (they get spread across sex&age)
#'     option "sameAsAdults" to set tot pupae same as tot adults.
#' @param pMortF adult female mortality on day1, rates on later days are determined by following parameters.
#' @param pMortM adult male mortality on day1, rates on later days are determined by following parameters.
#' @param iMortMinAgeStart  Age at which min death rates start. 
#' @param iMortMinAgeStop   Age at which min death rates stop.
#' @param fMortMinProp  What proportion of the maximum death rate on day 0 is the minimum death rate.
#' @param fMortOldProp  What proportion of the maximum death rate on day 0 is the death rate after iDeathMinAgeStop.
#' @param propMortAdultDD proportion of adult mortality that is density dependent
#' @param pMortPupa pupal mortality per period
#' @param propMortPupaDD proportion of pupal mortality that is density dependent
#' @param iPupDurF days it takes pupa(F) to develop
#' @param iPupDurM days it takes pupa(M) to develop
#' @param iFirstLarva Age that female produces first larva
#' @param iInterLarva Inter-larval period
#' @param pMortLarva larval mortality per period
#' @param propMortLarvaDD proportion of larval mortality that is density dependent
#' @param report filename for a report for this run, if not specified no report is produced

#' @return a multi-dimensional array [day,y,x,sex,ages]
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' tst <- rt_runGridTestSpread()
#' rtPlotMapPop(tst)
#' #testing unequal MF movement
#' tst <- rt_runGridTestSpread(iDays=5,pMoveF=0.6,pMoveM=0.3)
#' rtPlotMapPop(tst, sex='M')
#' rtPlotMapPop(tst, sex='F') 
#' }
#' @export
rt_runGridTestSpread <- function( 
                          nCol = 9,
                          nRow = 7,
                          pMoveF = 0.4,
                          pMoveM = 0.4,
                          iDays = 4,
                          iMaxAge = 120,
                          iCarryCapF = 200,
                          fMperF = 0.5,           
                          fStartPopPropCC = 1,
                          #iStartAdults = 200,
                          #iStartAges = 1,
                          #iStartPupae = "sameAsAdults",
                          pMortF = 0.05,
                          pMortM = 0.05,
                          iMortMinAgeStart = 10,
                          iMortMinAgeStop = 50,
                          fMortMinProp = 0.2,
                          fMortOldProp = 0.3,
                          propMortAdultDD = 0.25,
                          pMortPupa = 0.25,
                          propMortPupaDD = 0.25,
                          iPupDurF = 26,
                          iPupDurM = 28,
                          iFirstLarva = 16,
                          iInterLarva = 10,
                          pMortLarva = 0.05,
                          propMortLarvaDD = 0.25,
                          report = NULL ) #"reportPhase2.html" ) 
  ##some argument checking
  #if( nRow < 2 | nCol < 2 )
  #  stop("movement does not work if less than 2 grid rows or columns")

  #TODO set passing to this as nY & nX
  #to make consistent with a later developments using y,x
  nY <- nRow
  nX <- nCol
  #testing getting the arguments
  #callObject <- match.call() only returns specified args
  #callObject <- call() Error 'name' is missing  
  #named_args <- as.list(parent.frame()) #does something weird, just gives the output object
  lNamedArgs <- mget(names(formals()),sys.frame(sys.nframe()))
  #as an initial test just populate a single central cell at CC
  #coords of central cell
  xStart <- (nCol+1)/2
  yStart <- (nRow+1)/2 
  #code below would set start pop in all cells
  #!NO it doesn't work because of vector recycling
  #xStart <- c(1:nCol)
  #yStart <- c(1:nRow) 
  #age dependent mortality
  vpMortF <- rtSetMortRatesByAge( iMaxAge = iMaxAge, 
                                  pMortAge1 = pMortF,
                                  iMortMinAgeStart = iMortMinAgeStart,
                                  iMortMinAgeStop = iMortMinAgeStop,
                                  fMortMinProp = fMortMinProp,
                                  fMortOldProp = fMortOldProp )  

  vpMortM <- rtSetMortRatesByAge( iMaxAge = iMaxAge, 
                                  pMortAge1 = pMortM,
                                  iMortMinAgeStart = iMortMinAgeStart,
                                  iMortMinAgeStop = iMortMinAgeStop,
                                  fMortMinProp = fMortMinProp,
                                  fMortOldProp = fMortOldProp ) 
  #setting a total carryCap from the female input
  iCarryCap <- iCarryCapF * (1+fMperF)
  #create a matrix for carrying capacity on the grid
  #first test make it constant
  #naming dimensions of carry cap matrix
  dimnamesCarryCap <- list( y=paste0('y',1:nRow), x=paste0('x',1:nCol))
  mCarryCap <- matrix(iCarryCap, ncol=nCol, nrow=nRow, dimnames=dimnamesCarryCap)

  #create arrays of 0s for pupae & adults to start
  iMaxPupAge <- max(iPupDurM, iPupDurF)
  aGridPup <- rtCreateGrid(nY=nY, nX=nX, nAge=iMaxPupAge, fill=0) 
  aGrid <- rtCreateGrid(nY=nY, nX=nX, nAge=iMaxAge, fill=0)  
  #calculating start numbers of pupae
  fPupaPerSexAge <- rtCalcPupaPerSexAge(pMortPupa = pMortPupa, 
                                        vpMortF = vpMortF,
                                        fStartPopPropCC = fStartPopPropCC,
                                        iCarryCapF = iCarryCapF)
  #vectors for pupae filled with same number of pupae at all ages
  #because males stay in the ground longer this means there will be more males 
  vPupaM <- rep(fPupaPerSexAge, iPupDurM)
  #make the F vector up to the same length as the M with extra 0's
  vPupaF <- c(rep(fPupaPerSexAge, iPupDurF),rep(0,iPupDurM-iPupDurF))
  #then put each pupal vector into the array
  #here just at central cell (unless xStart,yStart set to all above)
  aGridPup[yStart, xStart, 'F', ] <- vPupaF
  aGridPup[yStart, xStart, 'M', ] <- vPupaM
  #start popn at stability
  #initialising age structure with the calc num pupae from above
  vPopStartF <- rtSetAgeStructure(vpMortF, fPopAge0=fPupaPerSexAge)
  vPopStartM <- rtSetAgeStructure(vpMortM, fPopAge0=fPupaPerSexAge)
  #adding half of starting adults as each gender to a starting cell in middle
  aGrid[yStart, xStart, 'F', ] <- vPopStartF
  aGrid[yStart, xStart, 'M', ] <- vPopStartM  

  #this doesn't do what I expect when xStart or yStart are vectors
# to access array dimensions by name 
#   aGrid['x1','y1','M',] #an age structure for one cell
#   sum(aGrid['x1','y1','M',]) #total M in one cell
#   sum(aGrid['x1','y1',,]) #total pop in one cell
#   aGrid[,,'M','age2'] #a grid of one age  
#   aGrid[,,'F',] #grid of age structures just for F
#   apply(aGrid,MARGIN=c('x','y'),sum) #grid for all ages & sexes
#   apply(aGrid,MARGIN=c('age'),sum) #summed age structure for whole pop
#   apply(aGrid,MARGIN=c('sex'),sum) #summed sex ratio for whole pop  
  # the most sensible way to save popn record
  # would seem to be to use abind to just add another dimension
  aRecord <- abind::abind(aGrid,along=0) #along=0 binds on new dimension before first
  #! look at keeping names(dimnames(aRecordF))
  #! even with this they get lost later
  names(dimnames(aRecord)) <- c('day','y','x','sex','age')
  #for( day in 1:iDays ) {
  #changing to starting at day1, so first changes happen on day2
  #for( day in 2:iDays ) {
  #this ensures the loop isn't entered unless iDays is >1
  for( day in seq(from=2,length.out=iDays-1) ) {
    ## adult mortality ##
    aGrid <- rtMortalityGrid( aGrid, 
                              mCarryCap=mCarryCap )
    ## adult ageing ##    
    aGrid <- rtAgeingGrid(aGrid)
    #the third dimension (age) loses it's label
    #just trying putting it back to see if that solves
    #"duplicated levels in factors are deprecated"
    #!this corrected the warnings
    #dimnames(aF) <- list(NULL,NULL,NULL)   
    names(dimnames(aGrid)) <- c('y','x','sex','age')
    ## pupal emergence ##
    #this is a memory inefficient way of doing, creates copies of arrays
    #i do it this way to keep as much of the code in the function as possible
    l <- rtPupalEmergenceGrid( aGrid, aGridPup, iPupDurF=iPupDurF, iPupDurM=iPupDurM )
    aGrid <- l$aGrid 
    aGridPup <- l$aGridPup 
    ## pupal ageing ##
    aGridPup <- rtAgeingGrid(aGridPup, label="pupae")

    ## fecundity ##    
    #set deposition rates by age
    vpDeposit <- rtSetDepositionRatesByAgeDI( iMaxAge=iMaxAge,
                                              iFirstLarva = iFirstLarva,
                                              iInterLarva = iInterLarva,
                                              pMortLarva = pMortLarva ) 
    #pupal ageing occurs immediately before this leaving a gap at age 1
    #this passes aGridPup to the deposition function to fill the age1 pupae there
    #also for now I'll pass aGrid and get the func to work out the numF in each grid cell   
    #uses the deposition rates set above
    aGridPup <- rtLarvalDepositionGrid( aGrid=aGrid, aGridPup=aGridPup, vpDeposit )    

    #the new age 1 pupae can be checked by (shows a grid each for M&F)
    ## pupal mortality ##
    # is applied at day1 for the whole period
    # !note that iPupaDensThresh is currently constant across the grid
    aGridPup <- rtPupalMortalityGrid( aGridPup,
                                      pMort = pMortPupa, 
                                      propDD = propMortPupaDD,
                                      mCarryCap = mCarryCap )
    ## movement adult ##
    #only if >1 row or col

    if( nRow > 1 | nCol > 1) {  
      #can nearly use apply to move both M&F in one command
      #aGrid2 <- apply(aGrid,MARGIN=c('age','sex'),function(m) rtMoveIsland(m, pMove=pMove))
      #but the x&y dimensions get combined and the dimnames get lost

      #Can move M&F in one line with aaply
      #checked and it does seem to work, but it fails with nRow,nCol=1
      #aGrid <- plyr::aaply(aGrid,.margins=c(3,4), .drop=FALSE,function(m) rtMoveIsland(m, pMove=pMove)) 
      #having margins .margins=c(1,2) didn't make movement work correctly
      #changing to reflecting boundaries
      #aGrid <- plyr::aaply(aGrid,.margins=c(3,4), .drop=FALSE,function(m) rtMoveReflect(m, pMove=pMove)) 
      #put array dimensions back in correct order
      #aGrid <- aperm(aGrid, c(3,4,1,2))
      ## allow diff movement for M&F
      aAgeyx <- plyr::aaply(aGrid[,,'F',], .margins=c(3),.drop=FALSE,function(m) rtMoveReflect(m, pMove=pMoveF))
      #put dimensions back in correct order
      aGrid[,,'F',] <- aperm(aAgeyx, c(2,3,1))
      aAgeyx <- plyr::aaply(aGrid[,,'M',], .margins=c(3),.drop=FALSE,function(m) rtMoveReflect(m, pMove=pMoveM))
      #put dimensions back in correct order
      aGrid[,,'M',] <- aperm(aAgeyx, c(2,3,1))
    #bind todays grid [y,x,sex,age] onto a record for all days [day,y,x,sex,age]
    aRecord <- abind::abind(aRecord, aGrid, along=1, use.first.dimnames=TRUE) #along=1 binds on first dimension
  } #end of iDays loop
  #ensuring that dimnames for the days dimension of aRecord is set
  #dimnames(aRecord)[[1]] <- paste0('day',0:iDays) #previously I started at day0
  dimnames(aRecord)[[1]] <- paste0('day',1:iDays) #previously I started at day0
  #resetting dimnames
  names(dimnames(aRecord)) <- c('day','y','x','sex','age')

  #produce a report on the model run, with text & graphs
  if (length(report)>0) rtReportPhase2( aRecord=aRecord, lNamedArgs=lNamedArgs, filename=report )

  #returning the popn record
  #! will need to modify later to return pupae too
AndySouth/rtsetse documentation built on May 5, 2019, 6:02 a.m.