
Defines functions multiSampleComparisonClonalCN plotAllClonalCN plotAllSubclonalCN

#' plotAllSubclonalCN Plot the copy number of each subclone of a sample.
#' @param sample Name of the sample.
#' @param pathOutput Path to the output folder containing the output of pipelineCNA.
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples 
plotAllSubclonalCN <- function(sample, pathOutput = "./output/"){
  allFile <- list.files(pathOutput, pattern = paste0(sample,"_subclone[1-9]_CN.seg") )

  CNVtot <- lapply(allFile, function(i) read.table(paste0(pathOutput,i), sep="\t", header=TRUE, as.is=TRUE))
  png(paste0(pathOutput,sample,"_compareSubclonalCN.png",sep=""), height=2250, width=1350, res=100)
  par(mfrow=c(length(allFile),1),cex=1, cex.main = 1.5, cex.lab = 1.5,xaxs="i")
  for(i in 1:length(allFile)){
    CNV <- CNVtot[[i]]

#' Title plotAllClonalCN
#' @param samples Vector with sample names to be plotted
#' @param name Analysis name
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
plotAllClonalCN <- function(samples, name){
  #CNVtot <- lapply(samples, function(i) read.table(paste0("./output/"," ",i," _  _CN.seg"), sep="\t", header=TRUE, as.is=TRUE))
  CNVtot <- lapply(samples, function(i) read.table(paste0("./output/",i,"_Clonal_CN.seg"), sep="\t", header=TRUE, as.is=TRUE))
  png(paste0("./output/",name,"_compareClonalCN.png",sep=""), height=1550, width=2350, res=100)
    par(mfrow=c(3,ceiling(length(samples)/3)), cex=1, cex.main = 1.5, cex.lab = 1.5,xaxs="i")
    par(mfrow=c(length(samples),1),cex=1, cex.main = 1.5, cex.lab = 1.5,xaxs="i")
  for(i in 1:length(samples)){
    CNV <- CNVtot[[i]]

#' multiSampleComparisonClonalCN Compare the clonal Copy Number of multiple samples.
#' @param listCountMtx Named list of raw count matrix of samples
#' @param analysisName Name of the analysis (default "all")
#' @param organism Organism to be analysed (optional - "mouse" or "human" - default "human")
#' @param par_cores number of cores (default 20)
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples 
multiSampleComparisonClonalCN <- function(listCountMtx, listNormCells = NULL, analysisName = "all", organism = "human" , par_cores = 20, plotTree = TRUE){

  resList <- lapply(names(listCountMtx), function(x) {
    pipelineCNA(listCountMtx[[x]], norm_cell = listNormCells[[x]], sample = x, SUBCLONES = FALSE, ClonalCN = TRUE, par_cores = par_cores, organism=organism)
  names(resList) <- names(listCountMtx)
  sampleAlterList <- lapply(names(listCountMtx), function(x) {
    analyzeSegm(x, nSub = 0)
  names(sampleAlterList) <- paste0(names(listCountMtx),"_subclone", 1:length(names(listCountMtx)))
  names(sampleAlterList) <- paste0(analysisName,"_subclone", 1:length(names(listCountMtx)))
  diffList <- diffSubclones(sampleAlterList, analysisName, nSub = length(names(listCountMtx)))
  diffList <- testSpecificAlteration(diffList, length(names(listCountMtx)), analysisName)
  genesMtx <- lapply(listCountMtx, function(x) rownames(x))
  genesMtx <- sort(unique(unlist(genesMtx)))
  genesMtx <- data.frame(x = rep(0, length(genesMtx)), row.names = genesMtx)
  annot_mtx <- annotateGenes(genesMtx)
  oncoHeat <- annoteBandOncoHeat(annot_mtx, diffList, length(names(listCountMtx)), organism)
  rownames(oncoHeat) <- names(listCountMtx)
  plotOncoHeatSubclones(oncoHeat, length(names(listCountMtx)), analysisName, NULL, organism)
  plotAllClonalCN(names(listCountMtx), name = analysisName)
  if(length(names(listCountMtx))>2 & plotTree) plotCloneTreeNew(names(listCountMtx), CLONAL_MULTI = TRUE, analysisName = analysisName)
  for(i in 1:length(names(listCountMtx))){
    names(diffList) <- gsub(paste0("subclone",i), names(listCountMtx)[i], names(diffList))
  names(diffList) <- gsub("clone", "shared", names(diffList))

  outputAnalysis <- list(resList, diffList)
  save(outputAnalysis, file = paste0("./output/",analysisName,"_outputAnalysis.RData"))
AntonioDeFalco/SCEVAN documentation built on April 21, 2024, 7:52 p.m.