SwatchColorPicker: SwatchColorPicker

SwatchColorPickerR Documentation



A swatch color picker (SwatchColorPicker) displays color options as a grid. It can be shown by itself, with a header and dividers, or as a button that expands to show the swatch color picker.

For more details and examples visit the official docs. The R package cannot handle each and every case, so for advanced use cases you need to work using the original docs to achieve the desired result.



SwatchColorPicker.shinyInput(inputId, ..., value = defaultValue)

  session = shiny::getDefaultReactiveDomain(),



Props to pass to the component. The allowed props are listed below in the Details section.


ID of the component.


Starting value.


Object passed as the session argument to Shiny server.


  • color string
    The CSS-compatible string to describe the color

  • id string
    Arbitrary unique string associated with this option

  • index number
    Index for this option

  • label string
    Tooltip and aria label for this item

  • borderWidth number
    Width of the border that indicates a selected/hovered cell, in pixels.

  • circle boolean
    True if this cell should be rendered as a circle, false if it should be a square. @default true (render as circle)

  • color string
    The CSS-compatible string to describe the color

  • disabled boolean
    Whether this cell should be disabled @default false

  • height number
    Height of the cell, in pixels

  • id string
    Used as a PREFIX for the cell's ID (the cell will not have this literal string as its ID).

  • idPrefix string
    Prefix for this cell's ID. Will be required in a future version once id is removed.

  • index number
    Index for this option

  • item IColorCellProps
    Item to render

  • label string
    Tooltip and aria label for this item

  • onClick ⁠(item: IColorCellProps) => void⁠
    Handler for when a color cell is clicked.

  • onFocus ⁠(item: IColorCellProps) => void⁠

  • onHover ⁠(item?: IColorCellProps) => void⁠

  • onKeyDown ⁠(ev: React.KeyboardEvent<HTMLButtonElement>) => void⁠

  • onMouseEnter ⁠(ev: React.MouseEvent<HTMLButtonElement>) => boolean⁠
    Mouse enter handler. Returns true if the event should be processed, false otherwise.

  • onMouseLeave ⁠(ev: React.MouseEvent<HTMLButtonElement>) => void⁠

  • onMouseMove ⁠(ev: React.MouseEvent<HTMLButtonElement>) => boolean⁠
    Mouse move handler. Returns true if the event should be processed, false otherwise.

  • onWheel ⁠(ev: React.MouseEvent<HTMLButtonElement>) => void⁠

  • selected boolean
    Whether this cell is currently selected

  • styles ⁠IStyleFunctionOrObject<IColorPickerGridCellStyleProps, IColorPickerGridCellStyles>⁠
    Custom styles for the component.

  • theme ITheme
    The theme object to use for styling.

  • width number
    Width of the cell, in pixels

  • ariaPosInSet number
    Position this grid is in the parent set (index in a parent menu, for example)

  • ariaSetSize number
    Size of the parent set (size of parent menu, for example)

  • cellBorderWidth number
    Width of the border indicating a hovered/selected cell, in pixels

  • cellHeight number
    Height of an individual cell, in pixels

  • cellMargin number
    The distance between cells, in pixels

  • cellShape 'circle' | 'square'
    The shape of the color cells. @default 'circle'

  • cellWidth number
    Width of an individual cell, in pixels

  • className string
    Additional class name to provide on the root element

  • colorCells IColorCellProps[]
    The color cells that will be made available to the user.

    Note: When the reference to this prop changes, regardless of how many color cells change, all of the color cells will be re-rendered (potentially bad perf) because we memoize based on this prop's reference.

  • columnCount number
    Number of columns for the swatch color picker

  • disabled boolean
    Whether the control is disabled.

  • doNotContainWithinFocusZone boolean
    If false (the default), the grid is contained inside a FocusZone. If true, a FocusZone is not used. @default false

  • focusOnHover boolean
    Whether to update focus when a cell is hovered.

  • getColorGridCellStyles ⁠IStyleFunctionOrObject<IColorPickerGridCellStyleProps, IColorPickerGridCellStyles>⁠
    Styles for the grid cells.

  • id string
    ID for the swatch color picker's root element. Also used as a prefix for the IDs of color cells.

  • isControlled boolean
    Indicates whether the SwatchColorPicker is fully controlled. When true, the component will not set its internal state to track the selected color. Instead, the parent component will be responsible for handling state in the callbacks like onColorChanged.

    NOTE: This property is a temporary workaround to force the component to be fully controllable without breaking existing behavior

  • mouseLeaveParentSelector string | undefined
    Selector to focus on mouse leave. Should only be used in conjunction with focusOnHover.

  • onCellFocused ⁠(id?: string, color?: string) => void⁠
    Callback for when the user focuses a color cell. If id and color are unspecified, cells are no longer being focused.

  • onCellHovered ⁠(id?: string, color?: string) => void⁠
    Callback for when the user hovers over a color cell. If id and color are unspecified, cells are no longer being hovered.

  • onColorChanged ⁠(id?: string, color?: string) => void⁠
    Callback for when the user changes the color. If id and color are unspecified, there is no selected cell. (e.g. the user executed the currently selected cell to unselect it)

  • positionInSet number

  • selectedId string
    The ID of color cell that is currently selected

  • setSize number

  • shouldFocusCircularNavigate boolean
    Whether focus should cycle back to the beginning once the user navigates past the end (and vice versa). Only relevant if doNotContainWithinFocusZone is not true.

  • styles ⁠IStyleFunctionOrObject<ISwatchColorPickerStyleProps, ISwatchColorPickerStyles>⁠
    Styles for the component.

  • theme ITheme
    Theme to apply to the component.


Object with shiny.tag class suitable for use in the UI of a Shiny app. The update functions return nothing (called for side effects).

Best practices


  • Use a swatch color picker when there are multiple color options that can be grouped or collapsed under one title.

  • Don’t use a swatch color picker when there’s a large number of color options. The best component for that is a color picker.



colorCells <- list(
  list(id = "orange", color = "#ca5010"),
  list(id = "cyan", color = "#038387"),
  list(id = "blueMagenta", color = "#8764b8"),
  list(id = "magenta", color = "#881798"),
  list(id = "white", color = "#ffffff")

ui <- function(id) {
  ns <- NS(id)
    SwatchColorPicker.shinyInput(ns("color"), value = "orange",
      colorCells = colorCells, columnCount = length(colorCells)

server <- function(id) {
  moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
    output$swatchValue <- renderText({
      sprintf("Value: %s", input$color)

if (interactive()) {
  shinyApp(ui("app"), function(input, output) server("app"))

Appsilon/shiny.fluent documentation built on April 20, 2024, 1:03 p.m.