
#' @title Death Submove Probability
#' @description Calculation of the death submove probability of a randomly
#' selected nucleosome using a truncated Poisson distribution.
#' @param k a positive \code{integer}, the number of nucleosomes.
#' @param lambda a positive \code{numeric}, the theorical mean
#' of the Poisson distribution.
#' @param kMax a positive \code{integer}, the maximum number of nucleosomes
#' authorized. When \code{k} is equal or superior to \code{kMax}, the
#' returned value is \code{0}. Default: \code{30}.
#' @return a \code{numeric} value representing the calculated death submove
#' probability. The value \code{0} when \code{k} is equal or superior to
#' \code{kMax} or when \code{k} is equal to \code{1}.
#' @examples
#' ## Return the death submove probability
#' RJMCMC:::Dk(k = 12L, lambda = 2L, kMax = 30L)
#' ## Zero is returned when k = 1
#' RJMCMC:::Dk(k = 1L, lambda = 3L, kMax = 30L)
#' ## Zerio is returned when k is superior to kMax
#' RJMCMC:::Dk(k = 31L, lambda = 2L, kMax = 30L)
#' @author Rawane Samb
#' @importFrom stats dpois
#' @keywords internal
Dk <- function(k, lambda, kMax = 30) {
    ifelse((k == 1 || k > kMax), 0,
            0.5* min(1, k / lambda)) # min(1, dpois(k - 1, lambda)/dpois(k, lambda)))


#' @title Birth Submove Probability
#' @description Calculation of the birth submove probability of adding a new
#' nucleosome using a truncated Poisson distribution.
#' @param k a positive \code{integer}, the number of nucleosomes.
#' @param lambda a positive \code{numeric}, the theorical mean
#' of the Poisson distribution.
#' @param kMax a positive \code{integer}, the maximum number of nucleosomes
#' authorized. When \code{k} is equal or superior to \code{kMax}, the
#' returned value is \code{0}. Default: \code{30}.
#' @return a \code{numeric} value. The value \code{0} when \code{k} is equal
#' or superior to \code{kMax} or when \code{k} is equal to \code{1}.
#' @examples
#' ## Return the birth submove probability
#' RJMCMC:::Bk(k = 14L, lambda = 1L, kMax = 30L)
#' ## Zero is returned when k = 1
#' RJMCMC:::Bk(k = 1L, lambda = 3L, kMax = 30L)
#' ## Zero is returned when k is superior to kMax
#' RJMCMC:::Bk(k = 31L, lambda = 2L, kMax = 30L)
#' @author Rawane Samb
#' @importFrom stats dpois
#' @keywords internal
Bk <- function(k, lambda, kMax = 30) {
    ifelse((k >= kMax), 0,
            0.5 * min(1, lambda/ (k+1))) # min(1, dpois(k + 1, lambda) / dpois(k, lambda)))

#' @title Random deviate from a truncated normal distribution
#' @description Generate a random deviate value from a normal distribution.
#' The returned value is included inside a specified range
#' ]\code{minValue},\code{maxValue}[
#' specified by user. The mean and variance of the normal distribution is
#' also specified by user.
#' @param mu a \code{numeric} value, the mean of the normal distribution.
#' @param sigma a non-negative \code{numeric}, the variance of the normal
#' distribution.
#' @param minValue a \code{numeric} value, the inferior boundary of the
#' range in which the output value must be located. The returned value has to
#' be superior to \code{minValue}.
#' @param maxValue a \code{numeric} value, the superior boundary of the range
#' in which the output value must be located. The returned value has to be
#' inferior to \code{maxValue}.
#' @return a \code{numeric} which is superior to \code{minValue} and inferior
#' to \code{maxValue}.
#' @examples
#' ## Set seed to replicate results
#' set.seed(3333)
#' ## Return a value, between 1000 and 3000, generated froma a normal
#' ## distribution with a mean of 2000 and a variance of 30.
#' RJMCMC:::tnormale(2000, 30, 1000, 30000)
#' @author Rawane Samb
#' @importFrom stats rnorm
#' @keywords internal
tnormale <- function(mu, sigma, minValue, maxValue) {
    repeat {
        y <- rnorm(1, mu, sd = sqrt(sigma))
        if (y > minValue & y < maxValue) break()

#' @title Student Mixture Model
#' @description Generation a value from a Student Mixture distribution.
#' @param i an \code{integer}, a count parameter.
#' @param k a positive \code{integer} value, the number of nucleosomes in the
#' analyzed region.
#' @param weight a \code{vector} of positive \code{numerical} of length
#' \code{k}, the weight for each
#' nucleosome. The sum of all \code{weight} values must be equal to \code{1}.
#' The length of \code{weight} must be equal to \code{k}.
#' @param mu a \code{vector} of positive \code{integer} of length \code{k},
#' the positions of all the nucleosomes in the analyzed region. The length
#' of \code{weight} must be equal to \code{k}.
#' @param sigma a \code{vector} of \code{numeric} of length \code{k}, the
#' variance for each nucleosome. The length of \code{sigma} must be equal
#' to \code{k}.
#' @param dfr a \code{vector} of \code{numeric} of length \code{k}, the degrees
#' of freedom for each nucleosome. The length of \code{dfr} must
#' be equal to \code{k}.
#' @return a \code{numerical}, the value generated from a Student Mixture
#' distribution.
#' @examples
#' ## Return a value generated from a student mixture
#' RJMCMC:::student.mixture(i = 1L, k = 4L, weight = c(0.1, 0.3, 0.34, 0.26),
#' mu = c(12L, 15L, 25L, 44L), sigma = c(4, 7, 6, 5), dfr = c(5L, 3L, 12L, 4L))
#' @importFrom stats runif rt
#' @author Rawane Samb, Astrid Deschenes
#' @keywords internal
student.mixture <- function(i, k, weight, mu, sigma, dfr) {
    # Adding zero to the weight vector and calculating the cumulative sums
    sumWeight <- cumsum(c(0, weight))

    u <- runif(1, 0, 1)

    # Get the maximal position where the sum of weight is inferior to u
    position <- max(which(sumWeight < u))

    return(mu[position] + sqrt(sigma[position]) * rt(1, dfr[position]))

#' @title Normal Mixture Model
#' @description Generation a value from a Normal Mixture distribution.
#' @param i a \code{integer}, a count parameter.
#' @param k a positive \code{integer} value, the number of nucleosomes in the
#' analyzed region.
#' @param weight a \code{vector} of length \code{k}, the weight for each
#' nucleosome. The sum of all \code{weight} values must be equal to \code{1}.
#' The length of \code{weight} must be equal to \code{k}.
#' @param mu a \code{vector} of positive \code{integer} of length \code{k},
#' the positions of all the nucleosomes in the analyzed region. The length
#' of \code{weight} must be equal to \code{k}.
#' @param sigma a \code{vector} of length \code{k}, the variance for each
#' nucleosome. The length of \code{sigma} must be equal to \code{k}.
#' @return a \code{numerical}, the value generated from a Normal Mixture
#' distribution.
#' @examples
#' ## Return a value generated from a normal mixture
#' RJMCMC:::normal.mixture(i = 1L, k = 4L, weight = c(0.2, 0.3, 0.24, 0.26),
#' mu = c(12L, 15L, 25L, 44L), sigma = c(4, 7, 6, 5))
#' @importFrom stats runif
#' @author Rawane Samb, Astrid Deschenes
#' @keywords internal
normal.mixture <- function(i, k, weight, mu, sigma) {
    # Adding zero to the weight vector and calculating the cumulative sums
    sumWeight <- cumsum(c(0, weight))

    u <- runif(1, 0, 1)

    # Get the maximal position where the sum of weight is inferior to u
    position <- max(which(sumWeight < u))

    return(rnorm(1, mu[position], sd = sqrt(sigma[position])))

#' @title Prior density of \eqn{mu}
#' @description Computes the prior density of \eqn{mu} conditionally to
#' the number of nucleosomes.
#' For more information on the calculation of the prior density of \eqn{mu},
#' see Proposotion 1 and equation (11) of the cited article.
#' @param mu a \code{vector} of positive \code{integer} containing the
#' positions of all nucleosomes.
#' @param readPositions a \code{vector} of positive \code{integer}
#' corresponding to the
#' positions of all reads, including forward and reverse strands. The
#' values insinde \code{readPositions} must be sorted.
#' @return  a \code{numeric}, the exact prior density of \code{mu} given the
#' number of nucleosomes.
#' @references Samb R., Khadraoui K., Belleau P., Deschenes A., Lakhal L.
#' and Droit A. Using
#' informative Multinomial-Dirichlet prior in a t-mixture with
#' reversible jump estimation of nucleosome positions for genome-wide
#' profiling. Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology.
#' Volume 14, Issue 6, Pages 517-532, ISSN (Online) 1544-6115,
#' ISSN (Print) 2194-6302, DOI: 10.1515/sagmb-2014-0098, December 2015
#' @examples
#' ## Sorted vector of read positions, including forward and reverse
#' readPositions <- c(9909L, 9928L, 9935L, 26603L, 26616L, 26632L, 26636L,
#' 26640L, 44900L, 44902L, 44909L,  44910L, 44910L, 44918L,
#' 44924L, 44931L, 44935L, 44942L, 44946L)
#' ## Position of the group of nucleosomes
#' mu <- c(10000L, 26700L, 45000L)
#' ## Calculation of the exact prior density of mu
#' density <- RJMCMC:::priorMuDensity(mu, readPositions)
#' @author Rawane Samb, Astrid Deschenes
#' @keywords internal
priorMuDensity <- function(mu, readPositions) {
    ## Get the number of nucleosomes
    k <- length(mu)

    ## Create a matrix used in the calculation of the priors
    basicMatrix <- matrix(0L, nrow = k, ncol = k)
    for (i in 1:k) {
        basicMatrix[i, i] <- 1L
    if (k > 1) {
        for (i in 2:k) {
            basicMatrix[i , i - 1] <- -1L
    omega <- t(basicMatrix) %*% basicMatrix

    ## Calculating the range (R)
    R <- max(readPositions) - min(readPositions)

    ## Calculating the mean (E)
    E <- (max(readPositions) + min(readPositions))/2
    tau <- 1/R^2
    M <- rep(E, k)
    const <- (pi/(2*tau))^{-k/2}

    ## The calculation of the prior
    ## Equation 11 in the cited article
    return(const * exp(-(tau/2) * (t(mu - M) %*% omega %*% (mu - M))))

#' @title Element with the hightest number of occurences
#' @description Returned the \code{integer} with the highest number of
#' occurences in a \code{vector}.
#' When more than one \code{integer} have the highest number of occurences,
#' \code{NA} is returned.
#' @param sample a \code{numeric} \code{vector} (of positive \code{integer}
#' values). If the elements of \code{sample} are \code{numeric} but not
#' \code{integer}, the elements are truncated by \code{as.integer}.
#' @return  a \code{integer} with the highest number of occurences or
#' \code{NA} when more than one \code{integer} have the highest number
#' of occurences.
#' @author Rawane Samb, Astrid Deschenes
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' ## Return the element with the hightest number of occurence
#' data01 <- c(1L, 2L, 5L, 10L, 5L, 10L, 5L)
#' RJMCMC:::elementWithHighestMode(data01)
#' data02 <- c(3L, 6L, 4L, 3L, 6L)
#' RJMCMC:::elementWithHighestMode(data02)
elementWithHighestMode <- function(sample) {
    tabsample <- tabulate(sample)
    maxOccurence <- tabsample == max(tabsample)
    ifelse(sum(maxOccurence) == 1, which(maxOccurence), NA)

#' @title Parameters validation for the \code{\link{rjmcmc}}
#' function
#' @description Validation of all parameters needed by the public
#' \code{\link{rjmcmc}} function.
#' @param startPosForwardReads a \code{vector} of positive \code{integer}, the
#' start position of all the forward reads.
#' @param startPosReverseReads a \code{vector} of positive \code{integer}, the
#' positions of all the reverse reads. Beware that the start position of
#' a reverse read is always higher that the end positition.
#' @param nbrIterations a positive \code{integer} or \code{numeric}, the
#' number of iterations. Non-integer values of
#' \code{nbrIterations} will be casted to \code{integer} and truncated towards
#' zero.
#' @param kMax a positive \code{integer} or \code{numeric}, the maximum number
#' of nucleosomes per region. Non-integer values
#' of \code{kMax} will be casted to \code{integer} and truncated towards zero.
#' @param lambda a positive \code{numeric}, the theorical mean
#' of the Poisson distribution.
#' @param minInterval a \code{numeric}, the minimum distance between two
#' nucleosomes.
#' @param maxInterval a \code{numeric}, the maximum distance between two
#' nucleosomes.
#' @param minReads a positive \code{integer} or \code{numeric}, the minimum
#' number of reads in a potential canditate region. Non-integer values
#' of \code{minReads} will be casted to \code{integer} and truncated towards
#' zero.
#' @param adaptIterationsToReads a \code{logical} indicating if the number
#' of iterations must be modified in function of the number of reads.
#' @return \code{0} indicating that all parameters validations have been
#' successful.
#' @examples
#' ## The function returns 0 when all paramaters are valid
#' RJMCMC:::validateParameters(startPosForwardReads = c(72400, 72431, 72428,
#' 72429, 72426), startPosReverseReads = c(72520, 72523, 72521, 72533, 72511),
#' nbrIterations = 2, kMax = 10, lambda = 1, minReads = 1, minInterval = 100,
#' maxInterval = 200, adaptIterationsToReads = TRUE)
#' ## The function raises an error when at least one paramater is not valid
#' \dontrun{RJMCMC:::validateParameters(startPosForwardReads = c(72400, 72431,
#' 72428, 72429, 72426), startPosReverseReads = NA,
#' nbrIterations = 2, kMax = 10, lambda = 1, minReads = 1, minInterval = 100,
#' maxInterval = 200, adaptIterationsToReads = TRUE)}
#' @author Astrid Deschenes
#' @importFrom S4Vectors isSingleInteger isSingleNumber
#' @keywords internal
validateParameters <- function(startPosForwardReads, startPosReverseReads,
                                    nbrIterations, kMax, lambda,
                                    minInterval, maxInterval, minReads,
                                    adaptIterationsToReads) {
    ## Validate the nbrIterations parameter
    if (!(isSingleInteger(nbrIterations) || isSingleNumber(nbrIterations)) ||
            as.integer(nbrIterations) < 1) {
        stop("nbrIterations must be a positive integer or numeric")

    ## Validate the kMax parameter
    if (!(isSingleInteger(kMax) || isSingleNumber(kMax)) ||
            as.integer(kMax) < 1) {
        stop("kMax must be a positive integer or numeric")

    ## Validate the minReads parameter
    if (!(isSingleInteger(minReads) || isSingleNumber(minReads)) ||
            as.integer(minReads) < 1) {
        stop("minReads must be a positive integer or numeric")

    ## Validate the lambda parameter
    if (!isSingleNumber(lambda) || lambda <= 0) {
        stop("lambda must be a positive numeric")

    ## Validate that the startPosForwardReads has at least one read
    ## and that the values are integer
    if (!is.vector(startPosForwardReads) || !is.numeric(startPosForwardReads)
        || length(startPosForwardReads) < 1)
        stop(paste0("startPosForwardReads must be a non-empty vector of ",
                    "numeric values."))

    ## Validate that the startPosReverseReads has at least one read
    ## and that the values are integer
    if (!is.vector(startPosReverseReads) || !is.numeric(startPosReverseReads)
        || length(startPosReverseReads) < 1)
        stop(paste0("startPosReverseReads must be a non-empty vector of ",
                    "numeric values."))

    ## Validate that adaptIterationsToReads is a logical
    if (!is.logical(adaptIterationsToReads)) {
        stop("adaptIterationsToReads must be a logical.")


#' @title Birth move in the case that only one nucleosome is present
#' @description Attempt to add a component for a new nucleosome in the
#' case that only one nucleosome is present \code{k = 1}
#' @param paramValues a \code{list} containing:
#' \itemize{
#'     \item startPSF a \code{vector} of positive \code{integer}, the
#' start position of all the forward reads.
#'     \item startPSR a \code{vector} of positive \code{integer}, the
#' start position of all the reverse reads.
#'     \item kmax a \code{integer} the maximum number of nucleosomes allowed.
#'     \item lambda a positive \code{numeric}, the theorical mean
#' of the Poisson distribution.
#'     \item minReads a \code{integer}, the minimum
#' number of reads in a potential canditate region.
#'     \item y a \code{vector} of \code{numeric}, the position of all reads (
#' including forward and reverse reads).
#'     \item nr a \code{integer}, the number of reverse reads.
#'     \item nf a \code{integer}, the number of forward reads.
#'     \item nbrReads a \code{integer}, the total number of reads (including
#' forward and reverse reads).
#'     \item zeta \code{integer}, the length of a nucleosome.
#'     \item deltamin a \code{integer}, the minimum distance between the maxima
#' of the forward and reverse reads position densities for each nucleosome.
#'     \item deltamax a \code{integer}, the maximum distance between the maxima
#' of the forward and reverse reads position densities for each nucleosome.
#'     \item minReadPos a \code{numeric}, the minimum position of the reads.
#'     \item maxReadPos a \code{numeric}, the maximum position of the reads.
#'     \item nbrIterations a \code{integer}, the number of iterations.
#' }
#' @param kValue a \code{integer}, the number of nucleosomes.
#' @param muValue a \code{vector} of \code{numeric} of length
#' \code{kValue}, the positions of the nucleosomes.
#' @param sigmafValue a \code{vector} of \code{numeric} of length
#' \code{kValue}, the variance of the forward reads for each nucleosome.
#' @param sigmarValue a \code{vector} of \code{numeric} of length
#' \code{kValue}, the variance of the reverse reads for each nucleosome.
#' @param deltaValue a \code{vector} of \code{numeric} of length
#' \code{kValue}, the distance between the maxima of the forward and
#' reverse reads position densities for each nucleosome.
#' @param wValue a \code{vector} of positive \code{numerical} of length
#' \code{kValue}, the weight for each nucleosome.
#' @param dfValue a \code{vector} of positive \code{numerical} of length
#' \code{kValue}, the degrees of freedom for each nucleosome.
#' @param aValue a \code{vector} of positive \code{numerical} of length
#' \code{kValue + 1}, the positions, on the chromosome, delimiting the regions
#' of the reads associated with each nucleosome.
#' @param dimValue a \code{vector} of positive \code{numerical} of length
#' \code{kValue}, the number of reads associated to each nucleosome.
#' @return a \code{list} containing:
#' \itemize{
#'     \item k a \code{integer}, the updated number of nucleosomes.
#'     \item mu a \code{vector} of \code{numeric} of length
#' \code{k}, the updated positions of the nucleosomes.
#'     \item sigmaf a \code{vector} of \code{numeric} of length
#' \code{k}, the updated variance of the forward reads for each nucleosome.
#'     \item sigmar a \code{vector} of \code{numeric} of length
#' \code{k}, the updated variance of the reverse reads for each nucleosome.
#'     \item delta a \code{vector} of \code{numeric} of length
#' \code{kValue}, the updated distance between the maxima of the forward and
#' reverse reads position densities for each nucleosome.
#'     \item w a \code{vector} of positive \code{numerical} of length
#' \code{k}, the updated weight for each nucleosome.
#'     \item df a \code{vector} of positive \code{numerical} of length
#' \code{k}, the number of degrees of freedom.
#'     \item a a \code{vector} of positive \code{numerical} of length
#' \code{k + 1}, the updated positions, on the chromosome, delimiting the
#' regions of the reads associated with each nucleosome.
#'     \item dim a \code{vector} of positive \code{numerical} of length
#' \code{k}, the updated number of reads associated to each nucleosome.
#'     \item rho a \code{numeric}, the acceptance probability.
#' }
#' @examples
#' ## Load dataset
#' data(reads_demo)
#' ## Create a list containing the mandatory parameters
#' paramList <- list(kmax = 30L, nf = length(reads_demo$readsForward),
#' nr = length(reads_demo$readsReverse),
#' nbrReads = length(reads_demo$readsForward) + length(reads_demo$readsReverse),
#' y = sort(c(reads_demo$readsForward, reads_demo$readsReverse)),
#' startPSF = reads_demo$readsForward,
#' startPSR = reads_demo$readsReverse, lambda = 2,
#' zeta = 147, deltamin = 142, deltamax = 152,
#' minReadPos = min(c(reads_demo$readsReverse, reads_demo$readsForward)),
#' maxReadPos = max(c(reads_demo$readsReverse, reads_demo$readsForward)))
#' ## Create a list containing the mandatory parameters
#' RJMCMC:::birthMoveK1(paramValues = paramList, kValue = 1L,
#' muValue = c(73008.53, rep(0, 29)), sigmafValue = c(1, rep(0, 29)),
#' sigmarValue = c(1, rep(0 ,29)),
#' deltaValue = c(61.03185, rep(0, 29)), wValue = c(1, rep(0, 29)),
#' dfValue = c(3, rep(0, 29)),
#' aValue = c(min(c(reads_demo$readsReverse, reads_demo$readsForward)),
#' max(c(reads_demo$readsReverse, reads_demo$readsForward)), rep(0, 29)),
#' dimValue = c(length(reads_demo$readsForward) +
#' length(reads_demo$readsReverse), rep(0, 29)))
#' @author Rawane Samb, Pascal Belleau, Astrid Deschenes
#' @keywords internal
birthMoveK1 <- function(paramValues, kValue, muValue, sigmafValue,
                            sigmarValue, deltaValue, wValue,
                            dfValue, aValue, dimValue) {

    varTilde <- list(k = 0L, mu = rep(0,paramValues$kmax),
                        sigmaf = rep(0, paramValues$kmax),
                        sigmar = rep(0, paramValues$kmax),
                        delta = rep(0, paramValues$kmax),
                        w = rep(0, paramValues$kmax),
                        df = rep(3, paramValues$kmax),
                        a = rep(0, paramValues$kmax + 1L),
                        dim = rep(0, paramValues$kmax), rho = 0)

    Kn          <- 0
    Kaf         <- matrix(0, nrow = paramValues$nf, ncol = paramValues$kmax)
    Kbf         <- matrix(0, nrow = paramValues$nf, ncol = paramValues$kmax)
    Kar         <- matrix(0, nrow = paramValues$nr, ncol = paramValues$kmax)
    Kbr         <- matrix(0, nrow = paramValues$nr, ncol = paramValues$kmax)

    Y1f         <- rep(0, paramValues$nf)
    Y2f         <- rep(0, paramValues$nf)
    Y1r         <- rep(0, paramValues$nr)
    Y2r         <- rep(0, paramValues$nr)

    varTilde$k <- kValue + 1L
    count  <- 1L

    repeat {
        j <- sample(1:kValue, 1)
        varTilde$mu[j] <- runif(1, paramValues$minReadPos, muValue[ j])
        varTilde$mu[ 1:varTilde$k] <- sort(c(muValue[ 1:kValue],

        varTilde$a[j + 1] <- runif(1, varTilde$mu[j], varTilde$mu[j+1])
        varTilde$a[1:(varTilde$k + 1)] <- sort(c(aValue[ 1:varTilde$k],
                                                varTilde$a[ j+1]))
        varTilde$a[1]                 <- paramValues$minReadPos
        varTilde$a[(varTilde$k+1)]    <- paramValues$maxReadPos

        varTilde$dim[1] <- length(paramValues$y[varTilde$a[1] <= paramValues$y &
                                            paramValues$y < varTilde$a[2]])
        varTilde$dim[varTilde$k] <- length(paramValues$y[varTilde$a[varTilde$k]
                                            <= paramValues$y & paramValues$y
                                            <= paramValues$maxReadPos])

        if (varTilde$k > 2) {   # impossible si kValue == 1
            for (m in 2:(varTilde$k-1)) {
                varTilde$dim[m] <- length(paramValues$y[(varTilde$a[m] <=
                                        paramValues$y & paramValues$y <

        Pr <- min(varTilde$dim[1:varTilde$k])

        ybar <- mean(paramValues$y[varTilde$a[j] <= paramValues$y &
                                    paramValues$y <= varTilde$a[j + 1]])
        classesf <- paramValues$y[varTilde$a[j] <= paramValues$y &
                                    paramValues$y <= ybar]
        classesr <- paramValues$y[ybar <= paramValues$y &
                                    paramValues$y <= varTilde$a[j + 1]]

        Lf <- length(classesf[!duplicated(classesf)])
        Lr <- length(classesr[!duplicated(classesr)])

        count <- count + 1L

        if ((Pr > 1 & Lf > 1 & Lr > 1) || count == 1000L) break()

    if (count == 1000L) {
        ## End of iterations have been reached without meeting conditions
        varTilde$rho <- 0
    } else  {
        varTilde$df[j] <- sample(3:30, 1)

        varTilde$sigmaf[j] <- ifelse(Lf > 1,
                                    var(classesf) * (varTilde$df[j] - 2)/
                                    varTilde$df[j], sigmafValue[j])
        varTilde$sigmar[j] <- ifelse(Lr > 1,
                                    var(classesr) * (varTilde$df[j] - 2)/
                                    varTilde$df[j], sigmarValue[j])

        varTilde$sigmaf[1:varTilde$k] <- c(sigmafValue[ 1:kValue],
        varTilde$sigmar[1:varTilde$k] <- c(sigmarValue[ 1:kValue],

        varTilde$delta[j] <- tnormale(paramValues$zeta,
                                        1/(varTilde$sigmaf[j]^{-1} +
        varTilde$delta[1:varTilde$k] <- c(varTilde$delta[j],

        alpha                   <- rep(1, kValue)
        alphatilde              <- rep(1, varTilde$k)
        alphaproptilde          <- rep(1, varTilde$k)
        alphaprop               <- rep(1, kValue)
        varTilde$w[ 1:varTilde$k]  <- rdirichlet(1, alphaproptilde)
        ennetilde               <- varTilde$dim[1:varTilde$k]
        enne <- rmultinom(1, paramValues$nbrReads, wValue[1:kValue])

        # likelihood ratio

        for (m in 1:kValue) {
            Kaf[ ,m] <- (varTilde$w[m] * (1/sqrt(varTilde$sigmaf[m])) *
                        dt((paramValues$startPSF - varTilde$mu[m] +
            Kbf[ ,m] <- (wValue[m] * (1/sqrt(sigmafValue[m])) *
                        dt((paramValues$startPSF - muValue[m] +
                        deltaValue[m]/2)/sqrt(sigmafValue[m]), dfValue[m]))
        Kaf[ ,varTilde$k] <- (varTilde$w[varTilde$k] *
                        (1/sqrt(varTilde$sigmaf[varTilde$k])) *
                        dt(( paramValues$startPSF - varTilde$mu[varTilde$k] +

        for (s in 1:paramValues$nf) {
            Y1f[s] <- log(sum(Kaf[s, 1:varTilde$k]))
            Y2f[s] <- log(sum(Kbf[s, 1:kValue]))

        for (m in 1:kValue) {

            Kar[ ,m] <- (varTilde$w[m] * (1/sqrt(varTilde$sigmar[m])) *
                        dt((paramValues$startPSR - varTilde$mu[m] -
            Kbr[ ,m] <- (wValue[m] * (1/sqrt(sigmarValue[m])) *
                        dt((paramValues$startPSR - muValue[m] -
                            deltaValue[m]/2)/sqrt(sigmarValue[m]), dfValue[m]))

        Kar[ ,varTilde$k] <- (varTilde$w[varTilde$k] *
                                (1/sqrt(varTilde$sigmar[varTilde$k])) *
                                dt((paramValues$startPSR -
                                varTilde$mu[varTilde$k] -

        for (s in 1:paramValues$nr) {
            Y1r[s] <- log(sum(Kar[s, 1:varTilde$k]))
            Y2r[s] <- log(sum(Kbr[s, 1:kValue]))

        Kn          <- sum(Y1f) + sum(Y1r)
        Kd          <- sum(Y2f) + sum(Y2r)

        q           <- Kn - Kd
        rap.q       <- exp(q)

        rap.vrais   <- rap.q

        if (j == 1) {
            # Density of varTilde$mu[j]
            qalloc <- 1/(muValue[j] - paramValues$minReadPos)
        } else {
            qalloc <- 1/(muValue[j] - muValue[j - 1])

        rap.priormu   <- (priorMuDensity(varTilde$mu[1:varTilde$k],

        rap.priorenne <- dmultinom(ennetilde, paramValues$nbrReads,
                            paramValues$nbrReads, wValue[1:kValue])
        rap.priork    <- (dpois(varTilde$k, paramValues$lambda)/
                            dpois(kValue, paramValues$lambda))
        rap.propmu    <- (1/(qalloc))

        rap.prior     <- rap.priormu * rap.priorenne * rap.priork
        rap.prop      <- rap.propmu

        varTilde$rho  <- min(1, (rap.vrais) * (rap.prior) * (rap.prop ) *
                            (Dk(varTilde$k, paramValues$lambda,
                            paramValues$lambda, paramValues$kmax)))


    varTilde$rho <- ifelse(is.na(varTilde$rho), 0, varTilde$rho)


#' @title Birth move when the current number of nucleosomes is superior to 1
#' @description Attempt to add a component for a new nucleosome. The function
#' is specific to the case when when the current number of nucleosomes is
#' superior to 1.
#' @param paramValues a \code{list} containing:
#' \itemize{
#'     \item startPSF a \code{vector} of positive \code{integer}, the
#' start position of all the forward reads.
#'     \item startPSR a \code{vector} of positive \code{integer}, the
#' start position of all the reverse reads.
#'     \item kmax a \code{integer} the maximum number of nucleosomes allowed.
#'     \item lambda a positive \code{numeric}, the theorical mean
#' of the Poisson distribution.
#'     \item minReads a \code{integer}, the minimum
#' number of reads in a potential canditate region.
#'     \item y a \code{vector} of \code{numeric}, the position of all reads (
#' including forward and reverse reads).
#'     \item nr a \code{integer}, the number of reverse reads.
#'     \item nf a \code{integer}, the number of forward reads.
#'     \item nbrReads a \code{integer}, the total number of reads (including
#' forward and reverse reads).
#'     \item zeta \code{integer}, the length of a nucleosome.
#'     \item deltamin a \code{integer}, the minimum distance between the maxima
#' of the forward and reverse reads position densities for each nucleosome.
#'     \item deltamax a \code{integer}, the maximum distance between the maxima
#' of the forward and reverse reads position densities for each nucleosome.
#'     \item minReadPos a \code{numeric}, the minimum position of the reads.
#'     \item maxReadPos a \code{numeric}, the maximum position of the reads.
#' }
#' @param kValue a \code{integer}, the number of nucleosomes.
#' @param muValue a \code{vector} of \code{numeric} of length
#' \code{kValue}, the positions of the nucleosomes.
#' @param sigmafValue a \code{vector} of \code{numeric} of length
#' \code{kValue}, the variance of the forward reads for each nucleosome.
#' @param sigmarValue a \code{vector} of \code{numeric} of length
#' \code{kValue}, the variance of the reverse reads for each nucleosome.
#' @param deltaValue a \code{vector} of \code{numeric} of length
#' \code{kValue}, the distance between the maxima of the forward and
#' reverse reads position densities for each nucleosome.
#' @param wValue a \code{vector} of positive \code{numerical} of length
#' \code{kValue}, the weight for each nucleosome.
#' @param dfValue a \code{vector} of positive \code{numerical} of length
#' \code{kValue}, the number of degrees of freedom.
#' @param aValue a \code{vector} of positive \code{numerical} of length
#' \code{kValue + 1}, the positions, on the chromosome, delimiting the regions
#' of the reads associated with each nucleosome.
#' @param dimValue a \code{vector} of positive \code{numerical} of length
#' \code{kValue}, the number of reads associated to each nucleosome.
#' @return a \code{list} containing:
#' \itemize{
#'     \item k a \code{integer}, the updated number of nucleosomes.
#'     \item mu a \code{vector} of \code{numeric} of length
#' \code{k}, the updated positions of the nucleosomes.
#'     \item sigmaf a \code{vector} of \code{numeric} of length
#' \code{k}, the updated variance of the forward reads for each nucleosome.
#'     \item sigmar a \code{vector} of \code{numeric} of length
#' \code{k}, the updated variance of the reverse reads for each nucleosome.
#'     \item delta a \code{vector} of \code{numeric} of length
#' \code{kValue}, the updated distance between the maxima of the forward and
#' reverse reads position densities for each nucleosome.
#'     \item w a \code{vector} of positive \code{numerical} of length
#' \code{k}, the updated weight for each nucleosome.
#'     \item df a \code{vector} of positive \code{numerical} of length
#' \code{k}, the updated degrees of freedom.
#'     \item a a \code{vector} of positive \code{numerical} of length
#' \code{k + 1}, the updated positions, on the chromosome, delimiting the
#' regions of the reads associated with each nucleosome.
#'     \item dim a \code{vector} of positive \code{numerical} of length
#' \code{k}, the updated number of reads associated to each nucleosome.
#'     \item rho a \code{numeric}, the acceptance probability.
#' }
#' @examples
#' ## Load dataset
#' data(reads_demo)
#' ## Create a list containing the mandatory parameters
#' paramList <- list(kmax = 5L, nf = length(reads_demo$readsForward),
#' nr = length(reads_demo$readsReverse),
#' nbrReads = length(reads_demo$readsForward) + length(reads_demo$readsReverse),
#' y = sort(c(reads_demo$readsForward, reads_demo$readsReverse)),
#' startPSF = reads_demo$readsForward,
#' startPSR = reads_demo$readsReverse, lambda = 2,
#' zeta = 147, deltamin = 142, deltamax = 152,
#' minReadPos = min(c(reads_demo$readsReverse, reads_demo$readsForward)),
#' maxReadPos = max(c(reads_demo$readsReverse, reads_demo$readsForward)))
#' ## Initial position of the nucleosomes
#' muPosition <- c(72800, 73000)
#' muPosition
#' ## Birth move when more than one nucleosome
#' result <- RJMCMC:::birthMove(paramValues = paramList, kValue = 2L,
#' muValue = muPosition, sigmafValue = c(100, 120), sigmarValue = c(120, 100),
#' deltaValue = c(200, 210), wValue = c(0.5, 0.5), dfValue = c(3, 4),
#' aValue = c(min(c(reads_demo$readsReverse, reads_demo$readsForward)), 73150,
#' max(c(reads_demo$readsReverse, reads_demo$readsForward))),
#' dimValue = c(length(reads_demo$readsForward),
#' length(reads_demo$readsReverse)))
#' ## Final position of the nucleosomes
#' result$mu[1:3]
#' @author Rawane Samb, Pascal Belleau, Astrid Deschenes
#' @keywords internal
birthMove <- function(paramValues, kValue, muValue, sigmafValue, sigmarValue,
                            deltaValue, wValue, dfValue,
                            aValue, dimValue){
    #Birth move

    varTilde <- list(k = 0L, mu = rep(0,paramValues$kmax),
                        sigmaf = rep(0, paramValues$kmax),
                        sigmar = rep(0, paramValues$kmax),
                        delta = rep(0, paramValues$kmax),
                        w = rep(0, paramValues$kmax),
                        df = rep(3, paramValues$kmax),
                        a = rep(0, paramValues$kmax + 1L),
                        dim = rep(0, paramValues$kmax), rho = 0)

    Kn          <- 0
    Kaf         <- matrix(0, nrow = paramValues$nf, ncol = paramValues$kmax)
    Kbf         <- matrix(0, nrow = paramValues$nf, ncol = paramValues$kmax)
    Kar         <- matrix(0, nrow = paramValues$nr, ncol = paramValues$kmax)
    Kbr         <- matrix(0, nrow = paramValues$nr, ncol = paramValues$kmax)

    Y1f         <- rep(0, paramValues$nf)
    Y2f         <- rep(0, paramValues$nf)
    Y1r         <- rep(0, paramValues$nr)
    Y2r         <- rep(0, paramValues$nr)

    varTilde$k  <- kValue + 1L
    count       <- 1L

    repeat {
        j <- sample(1:kValue, 1)

        if (j == 1) {
            varTilde$mu[j] <- runif(1, paramValues$minReadPos, muValue[j])
        } else {
            varTilde$mu[j] <- runif(1, muValue[j - 1], muValue[j])

        varTilde$mu[1:varTilde$k] <- sort(c(muValue[1:kValue], varTilde$mu[j]))

        varTilde$a[j + 1] <- ifelse(j < kValue, runif(1,varTilde$mu[j],
                                        varTilde$mu[j + 1]),
                                        runif(1, varTilde$mu[j],
        varTilde$a[1:(varTilde$k + 1)] <- sort(c(aValue[1:varTilde$k],
                                                varTilde$a[j + 1]))

        if (j == 1) {
            varTilde$a[j] <- paramValues$minReadPos
        } else {
            varTilde$a[j] <- runif(1, varTilde$mu[j - 1], varTilde$mu[j])

        varTilde$a[1]                   <- paramValues$minReadPos
        varTilde$a[varTilde$k + 1]      <- paramValues$maxReadPos

        varTilde$dim[1]          <- length(paramValues$y[varTilde$a[1] <=
                                        paramValues$y & paramValues$y <
        varTilde$dim[varTilde$k] <- length(paramValues$y[varTilde$a[varTilde$k]
                                        <= paramValues$y & paramValues$y
                                        <= paramValues$maxReadPos])

        if (varTilde$k > 2) {
            for (m in 2:(varTilde$k - 1)) {
                varTilde$dim[m] <- length(paramValues$y[varTilde$a[m] <=
                                        paramValues$y & paramValues$y <
                                        varTilde$a[m + 1]])
        Pr <- min(varTilde$dim[1:varTilde$k])

        ybar     <- mean(paramValues$y[varTilde$a[j] <= paramValues$y &
                                    paramValues$y <= varTilde$a[j + 1]])
        classesf <- paramValues$y[varTilde$a[j] <= paramValues$y &
                                    paramValues$y <= ybar]
        classesr <- paramValues$y[ybar <= paramValues$y & paramValues$y <=

        Lf <- length(classesf[!duplicated(classesf)])
        Lr <- length(classesr[!duplicated(classesr)])
        count <- count + 1L

        if ((Pr>1 & Lf>1 & Lr>1) || count == 1000L) break()

    if (count == 1000L) {
        ## End of iterations have been reached without meeting conditions
        varTilde$rho <- 0
    } else {
        varTilde$df[j]     <- sample(3:30, 1)
        varTilde$sigmaf[j] <- ifelse(Lf > 1, var(classesf) *
        varTilde$sigmar[j] <- ifelse(Lr > 1, var(classesr) *

        if (j == 1) {
            varTilde$sigmaf[1:varTilde$k] <- c(sigmafValue[1:kValue],
            varTilde$sigmar[1:varTilde$k] <- c(sigmarValue[1:kValue],
        } else {
            varTilde$sigmaf[1:varTilde$k] <- c(sigmafValue[1:(j - 1)],
            varTilde$sigmar[1:varTilde$k] <- c(sigmarValue[1:(j - 1)],

        varTilde$delta[j] <- tnormale(paramValues$zeta,
                                    1/(varTilde$sigmaf[j]^{-1} +
                                    paramValues$deltamin, paramValues$deltamax)

        if (j == 1) {
            varTilde$delta[1:varTilde$k] <- c(varTilde$delta[j],
        } else if (j == kValue) {
            varTilde$delta[1:varTilde$k] <- c(deltaValue[ 1:kValue],
        } else {
            varTilde$delta[1:varTilde$k] <- c(deltaValue[ 1:(j-1)],

        alpha                 <- rep(1, kValue)
        alphatilde            <- rep(1, varTilde$k)
        alphaproptilde        <- rep(1, varTilde$k)
        alphaprop             <- rep(1, kValue)
        ennetilde             <- varTilde$dim[1:varTilde$k]
        enne                  <- rmultinom(1, paramValues$nbrReads,
        varTilde$w[1:varTilde$k] <- rdirichlet(1, alphaproptilde)

        ### likelihood ratio

        for (m in 1:kValue) {
            Kaf[, m]<- (varTilde$w[m] *(1/sqrt(varTilde$sigmaf[m])) *
                            dt((paramValues$startPSF - varTilde$mu[m] +
            Kbf[, m]<- (wValue[m] * (1/sqrt(sigmafValue[m])) *
                            dt((paramValues$startPSF - muValue[m] +
                            deltaValue[m]/2)/sqrt(sigmafValue[m]), dfValue[m]))
        Kaf[, varTilde$k]<- (varTilde$w[varTilde$k] *
                            (1/sqrt(varTilde$sigmaf[varTilde$k])) *
                            dt((paramValues$startPSF - varTilde$mu[varTilde$k] +

        for (s in 1:paramValues$nf) {
            Y1f[s] <- log(sum(Kaf[s, 1:varTilde$k]))
            Y2f[s] <- log(sum(Kbf[s, 1:kValue]))

        for (m in 1:kValue) {
            Kar[,m] <- (varTilde$w[m] * (1/sqrt(varTilde$sigmar[m])) *
                            dt((paramValues$startPSR - varTilde$mu[m] -
            Kbr[,m] <- (wValue[m] * (1/sqrt(sigmarValue[m])) *
                            dt((paramValues$startPSR - muValue[m] -

        Kar[, varTilde$k] <- (varTilde$w[varTilde$k] *
                                (1/sqrt(varTilde$sigmar[varTilde$k])) *
                                dt((paramValues$startPSR -
                                varTilde$mu[varTilde$k] -

        for (s in 1:paramValues$nr) {
            Y1r[s] <-log(sum(Kar[s, 1:varTilde$k]))
            Y2r[s] <-log(sum(Kbr[s, 1:kValue]))

        Kn <- sum(Y1f)+sum(Y1r)
        Kd <- sum(Y2f)+sum(Y2r)

        q         <- Kn - Kd
        rap.q     <- exp(q)

        rap.vrais <- rap.q

        #Density of
        if (j == 1) {
            qalloc <- 1/(muValue[j] - paramValues$minReadPos)
        } else {
            qalloc <- 1/(muValue[j] - muValue[j - 1])

        rap.priormu   <- (priorMuDensity(varTilde$mu[1:varTilde$k],

        rap.priorenne <- dmultinom(ennetilde, paramValues$nbrReads,
                        paramValues$nbrReads, wValue[1:kValue])
        rap.priork    <- (dpois(varTilde$k, paramValues$lambda)/dpois(kValue,
        rap.propmu    <- (1/(qalloc))

        rap.prior     <- rap.priormu * rap.priorenne * rap.priork
        rap.prop      <- rap.propmu
        varTilde$rho  <- min(1, (rap.vrais) * (rap.prior)  *  (rap.prop ) *
                            (Dk(varTilde$k, paramValues$lambda,
                            paramValues$kmax)/Bk(kValue, paramValues$lambda,

    varTilde$rho <- ifelse(is.na(varTilde$rho), 0, varTilde$rho)


#' @title Metropolis-Hastings move when number of nucleosomes is equal to 1
#' @description Attempt to randomly change the position of one nucleosome.
#' Special case for a number of nucleosomes equal to one. This
#' move is given by the usual Metropolis-Hastings move, see for instance
#' Tierney (1994).
#' @param paramValues a \code{list} containing:
#' \itemize{
#'     \item startPSF a \code{vector} of positive \code{integer}, the
#' start position of all the forward reads.
#'     \item startPSR a \code{vector} of positive \code{integer}, the
#' start position of all the reverse reads.
#'     \item kmax a \code{integer} the maximum number of nucleosomes allowed.
#'     \item lambda a positive \code{numeric}, the theorical mean
#' of the Poisson distribution.
#'     \item minReads a \code{integer}, the minimum
#' number of reads in a potential canditate region.
#'     \item y a \code{vector} of \code{numeric}, the position of all reads (
#' including forward and reverse reads).
#'     \item nr a \code{integer}, the number of reverse reads.
#'     \item nf a \code{integer}, the number of forward reads.
#'     \item nbrReads a \code{integer}, the total number of reads (including
#' forward and reverse reads).
#'     \item zeta \code{integer}, the length of a nucleosome.
#'     \item deltamin a \code{integer}, the minimum distance between the maxima
#' of the forward and reverse reads position densities for each nucleosome.
#'     \item deltamax a \code{integer}, the maximum distance between the maxima
#' of the forward and reverse reads position densities for each nucleosome.
#'     \item minReadPos a \code{numeric}, the minimum position of the reads.
#'     \item maxReadPos a \code{numeric}, the maximum position of the reads.
#' }
#' @param kValue a \code{integer}, the number of nucleosomes.
#' @param muValue a \code{vector} of \code{numeric} of length
#' \code{kValue}, the positions of the nucleosomes.
#' @param sigmafValue a \code{vector} of \code{numeric} of length
#' \code{kValue}, the variance of the forward reads for each nucleosome.
#' @param sigmarValue a \code{vector} of \code{numeric} of length
#' \code{kValue}, the variance of the reverse reads for each nucleosome.
#' @param deltaValue a \code{vector} of \code{numeric} of length
#' \code{kValue}, the distance between the maxima of the forward and
#' reverse reads position densities for each nucleosome.
#' @param wValue a \code{vector} of positive \code{numerical} of length
#' \code{kValue}, the weight for each nucleosome.
#' @param dfValue a \code{vector} of positive \code{numerical} of length
#' \code{kValue}, the degrees of freedom for each nucleosome.
#' @param aValue a \code{vector} of positive \code{numerical} of length
#' \code{kValue + 1}, the positions, on the chromosome, delimiting the regions
#' of the reads associated with each nucleosome.
#' @param dimValue a \code{vector} of positive \code{integer} of length
#' \code{kValue}, the number of reads associated to each nucleosome.
#' @return a \code{list} containing:
#' \itemize{
#'     \item k a \code{integer}, the updated number of nucleosomes.
#'     \item mu a \code{vector} of \code{numeric} of length
#' \code{k}, the updated positions of the nucleosomes.
#'     \item sigmaf a \code{vector} of \code{numeric} of length
#' \code{k}, the updated variance of the forward reads for each nucleosome.
#'     \item sigmar a \code{vector} of \code{numeric} of length
#' \code{k}, the updated variance of the reverse reads for each nucleosome.
#'     \item delta a \code{vector} of \code{numeric} of length
#' \code{k}, the updated distance between the maxima of the forward and
#' reverse reads position densities for each nucleosome.
#'     \item w a \code{vector} of positive \code{numerical} of length
#' \code{k}, the updated weight for each nucleosome.
#'     \item df a \code{vector} of positive \code{numerical} of length
#' \code{k}, the updated degrees of freedom for each nucleosome.
#'     \item a a \code{vector} of positive \code{integer} of length
#' \code{k + 1}, the updated positions, on the chromosome, delimiting the
#' regions of the reads associated with each nucleosome.
#'     \item dim a \code{vector} of positive \code{integer} of length
#' \code{k}, the updated number of reads associated to each nucleosome.
#'     \item rho a \code{numeric}, the acceptance probability.
#' }
#' @examples
#' ## Load dataset
#' data(reads_demo)
#' ## Create a list containing the mandatory parameters
#' paramList <- list(kmax = 5L, nf = length(reads_demo$readsForward),
#' nr = length(reads_demo$readsReverse),
#' nbrReads = length(reads_demo$readsForward) + length(reads_demo$readsReverse),
#' y = sort(c(reads_demo$readsForward, reads_demo$readsReverse)),
#' startPSF = reads_demo$readsForward,
#' startPSR = reads_demo$readsReverse, lambda = 2,
#' zeta = 147, deltamin = 142, deltamax = 152,
#' minReadPos = min(c(reads_demo$readsReverse, reads_demo$readsForward)),
#' maxReadPos = max(c(reads_demo$readsReverse, reads_demo$readsForward)))
#' ## Initial position of the nucleosome
#' muPosition <- c(73000)
#' muPosition
#' # Metropolis-Hastings move when 1 nucleosome present
#' result <- RJMCMC:::mhMoveK1(paramValues = paramList, kValue = 1L,
#' muValue = muPosition, sigmafValue = c(100), sigmarValue = c(120),
#' deltaValue = c(200), wValue = c(1), dfValue = c(3),
#' aValue = c(min(c(reads_demo$readsReverse, reads_demo$readsForward)),
#' max(c(reads_demo$readsReverse, reads_demo$readsForward))),
#' dimValue = c(length(reads_demo$readsForward) +
#' length(reads_demo$readsReverse)))
#' ## Final position of the nucleosome
#' result$mu[1]
#' @importFrom stats runif dmultinom
#' @importFrom MCMCpack rdirichlet ddirichlet
#' @author Rawane Samb, Pascal Belleau, Astrid Deschenes
#' @keywords internal
mhMoveK1 <- function(paramValues, kValue, muValue, sigmafValue, sigmarValue,
                            deltaValue, wValue, dfValue, aValue, dimValue) {
    #Create list that will be returned
    varTilde <- list(k = 0L, mu = rep(0,paramValues$kmax),
                        sigmaf = rep(0, paramValues$kmax),
                        sigmar = rep(0, paramValues$kmax),
                        delta = rep(0, paramValues$kmax),
                        w = rep(0, paramValues$kmax),
                        df = rep(3, paramValues$kmax),
                        a = rep(0, paramValues$kmax + 1L),
                        dim = rep(0, paramValues$kmax), rho = 0)

    Kn          <- 0
    Kaf         <- matrix(0, nrow = paramValues$nf, ncol = paramValues$kmax)
    Kbf         <- matrix(0, nrow = paramValues$nf, ncol = paramValues$kmax)
    Kar         <- matrix(0, nrow = paramValues$nr, ncol = paramValues$kmax)
    Kbr         <- matrix(0, nrow = paramValues$nr, ncol = paramValues$kmax)

    Y1f         <- rep(0, paramValues$nf)
    Y2f         <- rep(0, paramValues$nf)
    Y1r         <- rep(0, paramValues$nr)
    Y2r         <- rep(0, paramValues$nr)

    varTilde$k <- kValue
    count      <- 1L

    repeat {
        j                   <- sample(1:kValue, 1)
        varTilde$mu[j]      <- runif(1, muValue[j], paramValues$maxReadPos)
        varTilde$mu[1:varTilde$k]  <- sort(c(varTilde$mu[1:varTilde$k]))

        varTilde$a[j]   <- paramValues$minReadPos
        varTilde$a[j+1] <- paramValues$maxReadPos

        varTilde$dim[1]          <- length(paramValues$y[varTilde$a[1] <=
                                        paramValues$y & paramValues$y <
        varTilde$dim[varTilde$k] <- length(paramValues$y[varTilde$a[varTilde$k]
                                        <= paramValues$y & paramValues$y
                                        <= paramValues$maxReadPos])

        if (varTilde$k > 2) {
            for (m in 2:(varTilde$k - 1)) {
                varTilde$dim[m] <- length(paramValues$y[(varTilde$a[m] <=
                                        paramValues$y & paramValues$y <
                                        varTilde$a[m + 1])])

        Pr <- min(varTilde$dim[1:varTilde$k])

        ybar        <- mean(paramValues$y[varTilde$a[j] <= paramValues$y &
                                        paramValues$y <= varTilde$a[j + 1]])
        classesf    <- paramValues$y[varTilde$a[j] <= paramValues$y &
                                        paramValues$y <= ybar]
        classesr    <- paramValues$y[ybar <= paramValues$y & paramValues$y <=
                                        varTilde$a[j + 1]]

        Lf      <- length(classesf[!duplicated(classesf)])
        Lr      <- length(classesr[!duplicated(classesr)])
        count   <- count + 1L

        ## Verify that conditions are met to stop the loop
        if ((Pr > 1 & Lf > 1 & Lr > 1) || count == 1000L) break()

    if (count == 1000L) {
        ## End of iterations have been reached without meeting conditions
        varTilde$rho <- 0
    } else {

        varTilde$sigmaf[1:varTilde$k] <- sigmafValue[1:kValue]
        varTilde$sigmar[1:varTilde$k] <- sigmarValue[1:kValue]

        varTilde$df[j] <- sample(3:30, 1)

        varTilde$sigmaf[j] <- ifelse(Lf > 1, var(classesf) *
                                    (varTilde$df[j] - 2)/varTilde$df[j],
        varTilde$sigmar[j] <- ifelse(Lr > 1, var(classesr) *
                                    (varTilde$df[j] - 2)/varTilde$df[j],

        varTilde$delta[1:varTilde$k] <- deltaValue[1:kValue]

        varTilde$delta[j] <- tnormale(paramValues$zeta,
                                1/(varTilde$sigmaf[j]^{-1} +
                                varTilde$sigmar[j]^{-1}), paramValues$deltamin,

        alpha                    <- rep(1, kValue)
        alphatilde               <- rep(1, varTilde$k)
        ennetilde                <- varTilde$dim[1:varTilde$k]
        alphaproptilde           <- rep(1, varTilde$k)
        alphaprop                <- rep(1, kValue)
        varTilde$w[1:varTilde$k] <- rdirichlet(1, alphaproptilde)

        ### calcul du rapport de vraisemblance de M-H move

        for (m in 1:varTilde$k) {
            Kaf[, m] <- (varTilde$w[m] * (1/sqrt(varTilde$sigmaf[m])) *
                        dt((paramValues$startPSF - varTilde$mu[m] +
            Kbf[, m] <- (wValue[m] * (1/sqrt(sigmafValue[m])) *
                        dt((paramValues$startPSF - muValue[m] +
                        deltaValue[m]/2)/sqrt(sigmafValue[m]), dfValue[m]))
        for (s in 1:paramValues$nf) {
            Y1f[s] <-log(sum(Kaf[s, 1:varTilde$k]))
            Y2f[s] <-log(sum(Kbf[s, 1:kValue]))

        for (m in 1:varTilde$k) {
            Kar[,m] <- (varTilde$w[m] * (1/sqrt(varTilde$sigmar[m])) *
                        dt((paramValues$startPSR -varTilde$mu[m] -
            Kbr[,m] <- (wValue[m] * (1/sqrt(sigmarValue[m])) *
                        dt((paramValues$startPSR - muValue[m] -
                        deltaValue[m]/2)/sqrt(sigmarValue[m]), dfValue[m]))
        for (s in 1:paramValues$nr) {
            Y1r[s] <- log(sum(Kar[s, 1:varTilde$k]))
            Y2r[s] <- log(sum(Kbr[s, 1:kValue]))

        Kn <- sum(Y1f) + sum(Y1r)
        Kd <- sum(Y2f) + sum(Y2r)

        q     <- Kn - Kd
        rap.q <- exp(q)

        rap.vrais <- rap.q

        rap.priormu   <- (priorMuDensity(varTilde$mu[1:varTilde$k],
        rap.priorenne <- dmultinom(ennetilde, paramValues$nbrReads,
                            paramValues$nbrReads, wValue[1:kValue])

        rap.prior     <- rap.priormu * rap.priorenne

#       In Samb et al. rho  <- min(1, rap.vrais * (rap.prior) * (rap.prop))
#       but rap.prop = rap.propmu = 1
#       so rho  <- min(1, rap.vrais * (rap.prior))
#       we removed : rap.priork = 1

        varTilde$rho  <- min(1, rap.vrais * (rap.prior))


    varTilde$rho <- ifelse(is.na(varTilde$rho), 0, varTilde$rho)


#' @title Metropolis-Hastings move when more than one nucleosomes are present
#' @description Attempt to randomly change the position of one nucleosome.
#' This move is given by the usual Metropolis-Hastings move, see for instance
#' Tierney (1994).
#' @param paramValues a \code{list} containing:
#' \itemize{
#'     \item startPSF a \code{vector} of positive \code{integer}, the
#' start position of all the forward reads.
#'     \item startPSR a \code{vector} of positive \code{integer}, the
#' start position of all the reverse reads.
#'     \item kmax a \code{integer} the maximum number of nucleosomes allowed.
#'     \item lambda a positive \code{numeric}, the theorical mean
#' of the Poisson distribution.
#'     \item minReads a \code{integer}, the minimum
#' number of reads in a potential canditate region.
#'     \item y a \code{vector} of \code{numeric}, the position of all reads (
#' including forward and reverse reads).
#'     \item nr a \code{integer}, the number of reverse reads.
#'     \item nf a \code{integer}, the number of forward reads.
#'     \item nbrReads a \code{integer}, the total number of reads (including
#' forward and reverse reads).
#'     \item zeta \code{integer}, the length of a nucleosome.
#'     \item deltamin a \code{integer}, the minimum distance between the maxima
#' of the forward and reverse reads position densities for each nucleosome.
#'     \item deltamax a \code{integer}, the maximum distance between the maxima
#' of the forward and reverse reads position densities for each nucleosome.
#'     \item minReadPos a \code{numeric}, the minimum position of the reads.
#'     \item maxReadPos a \code{numeric}, the maximum position of the reads.
#' }
#' @param kValue a \code{integer}, the number of nucleosomes.
#' @param muValue a \code{vector} of \code{numeric} of length
#' \code{kValue}, the positions of the nucleosomes.
#' @param sigmafValue a \code{vector} of \code{numeric} of length
#' \code{kValue}, the variance of the forward reads for each nucleosome.
#' @param sigmarValue a \code{vector} of \code{numeric} of length
#' \code{kValue}, the variance of the reverse reads for each nucleosome.
#' @param deltaValue a \code{vector} of \code{numeric} of length
#' \code{kValue}, the distance between the maxima of the forward and
#' reverse reads position densities for each nucleosome.
#' @param wValue a \code{vector} of positive \code{numerical} of length
#' \code{kValue}, the weight for each nucleosome.
#' @param dfValue a \code{vector} of positive \code{numerical} of length
#' \code{kValue}, the degrees of freedom for each nucleosome.
#' @param aValue a \code{vector} of positive \code{numerical} of length
#' \code{kValue + 1}, the positions, on the chromosome, delimiting the regions
#' of the reads associated with each nucleosome.
#' @param dimValue a \code{vector} of positive \code{integer} of length
#' \code{kValue}, the number of reads associated to each nucleosome.
#' @return a \code{list} containing:
#' \itemize{
#'     \item k a \code{integer}, the updated number of nucleosomes.
#'     \item mu a \code{vector} of \code{numeric} of length
#' \code{k}, the updated positions of the nucleosomes.
#'     \item sigmaf a \code{vector} of \code{numeric} of length
#' \code{k}, the updated variance of the forward reads for each nucleosome.
#'     \item sigmar a \code{vector} of \code{numeric} of length
#' \code{k}, the updated variance of the reverse reads for each nucleosome.
#'     \item delta a \code{vector} of \code{numeric} of length
#' \code{k}, the updated distance between the maxima of the forward and
#' reverse reads position densities for each nucleosome.
#'     \item w a \code{vector} of positive \code{numerical} of length
#' \code{k}, the updated weight for each nucleosome.
#'     \item df a \code{vector} of positive \code{numerical} of length
#' \code{k}, the updated degrees of freedom for each nucleosome.
#'     \item a a \code{vector} of positive \code{integer} of length
#' \code{k + 1}, the updated positions, on the chromosome, delimiting the
#' regions of the reads associated with each nucleosome.
#'     \item dim a \code{vector} of positive \code{integer} of length
#' \code{k}, the updated number of reads associated to each nucleosome.
#'     \item rho a \code{numeric}, the acceptance probability.
#' }
#' @examples
#' ## Load dataset
#' data(reads_demo)
#' ## Create a list containing the mandatory parameters
#' paramList <- list(kmax = 5L, nf = length(reads_demo$readsForward),
#' nr = length(reads_demo$readsReverse),
#' nbrReads = length(reads_demo$readsForward) + length(reads_demo$readsReverse),
#' y = sort(c(reads_demo$readsForward, reads_demo$readsReverse)),
#' startPSF = reads_demo$readsForward,
#' startPSR = reads_demo$readsReverse, lambda = 2,
#' zeta = 147, deltamin = 142, deltamax = 152,
#' minReadPos = min(c(reads_demo$readsReverse, reads_demo$readsForward)),
#' maxReadPos = max(c(reads_demo$readsReverse, reads_demo$readsForward)))
#' ## Initial position of the nucleosomes
#' muPosition <- c(72800, 73000)
#' muPosition
#' ## Metropolis-Hastings move
#' result <- RJMCMC:::mhMove(paramValues = paramList, kValue = 2L,
#' muValue = muPosition, sigmafValue = c(100, 120), sigmarValue = c(120, 100),
#' deltaValue = c(200, 210), wValue = c(0.5, 0.5), dfValue = c(3, 4),
#' aValue = c(min(c(reads_demo$readsReverse, reads_demo$readsForward)), 73150,
#' max(c(reads_demo$readsReverse, reads_demo$readsForward))),
#' dimValue = c(length(reads_demo$readsForward),
#' length(reads_demo$readsReverse)))
#' ## Final position of the nucleosomes
#' result$mu[1:2]
#' @importFrom stats runif dmultinom dt
#' @importFrom MCMCpack rdirichlet ddirichlet
#' @author Rawane Samb, Pascal Belleau, Astrid Deschenes
#' @keywords internal
mhMove <- function(paramValues , kValue, muValue, sigmafValue, sigmarValue,
                   deltaValue, wValue, dfValue, aValue, dimValue) {
    ## Create returned list
    varTilde <- list(k = 0L, mu = rep(0,paramValues$kmax),
                            sigmaf = rep(0, paramValues$kmax),
                            sigmar = rep(0, paramValues$kmax),
                            delta = rep(0, paramValues$kmax),
                            w = rep(0, paramValues$kmax),
                            df = rep(3, paramValues$kmax),
                            a = rep(0, paramValues$kmax + 1L),
                            dim = rep(0, paramValues$kmax), rho = 0)

    Kn      <- 0
    Kaf     <- matrix(0, nrow = paramValues$nf, ncol = paramValues$kmax)
    Kbf     <- matrix(0, nrow = paramValues$nf, ncol = paramValues$kmax)
    Kar     <- matrix(0, nrow = paramValues$nr, ncol = paramValues$kmax)
    Kbr     <- matrix(0, nrow = paramValues$nr, ncol = paramValues$kmax)

    Y1f     <- rep(0, paramValues$nf)
    Y2f     <- rep(0, paramValues$nf)
    Y1r     <- rep(0, paramValues$nr)
    Y2r     <- rep(0, paramValues$nr)

    varTilde$k   <- kValue
    count        <- 1L

    repeat {
        j                          <- sample(2:kValue, 1)
        varTilde$mu[1:varTilde$k]  <- muValue[1:kValue]

        if (j==1) {
            varTilde$mu[j] <- runif(1, paramValues$minReadPos, muValue[j + 1])
        } else {
            if (j==varTilde$k) {
                varTilde$mu[j] <- runif(1,muValue[j - 1],
            } else {
                varTilde$mu[j] <- runif(1,muValue[j - 1], muValue[j + 1])

        varTilde$mu[1:varTilde$k] <- sort(c(varTilde$mu[1:varTilde$k]))

        varTilde$a[1:(varTilde$k + 1)] <- sort(c(aValue[1:(kValue + 1)]))

        if (j==varTilde$k) {
            varTilde$a[j] <- runif(1, varTilde$mu[j], paramValues$maxReadPos)
            varTilde$a[j + 1] <- paramValues$maxReadPos
        } else {
            if (j==1) {
                varTilde$a[j] <- paramValues$minReadPos
                varTilde$a[j + 1] <- runif(1, varTilde$mu[j],
                                            varTilde$mu[j + 1])
            } else {
                varTilde$a[j] <- runif(1, varTilde$mu[j - 1], varTilde$mu[j])
                varTilde$a[j + 1] <- runif(1, varTilde$mu[j],
                                            varTilde$mu[j + 1])

        varTilde$a[1]              <- paramValues$minReadPos
        varTilde$a[varTilde$k + 1] <- paramValues$maxReadPos

        varTilde$dim[1]          <- length(paramValues$y[varTilde$a[1] <=
                                            paramValues$y & paramValues$y <
        varTilde$dim[varTilde$k] <- length(paramValues$y[varTilde$a[varTilde$k]
                                            <= paramValues$y & paramValues$y <=

        if (varTilde$k > 2) {
            for (m in 2:(varTilde$k - 1)) {
                varTilde$dim[m] <- length(paramValues$y[varTilde$a[m] <=
                                                paramValues$y &
                                            paramValues$y < varTilde$a[m + 1]])

        Pr <- min(varTilde$dim[1:varTilde$k])

        ybar      <- mean(paramValues$y[varTilde$a[j] <= paramValues$y &
                                        paramValues$y <= varTilde$a[j + 1]])
        classesf  <- paramValues$y[varTilde$a[j] <= paramValues$y &
                                        paramValues$y <= ybar]
        classesr  <- paramValues$y[ybar <= paramValues$y &
                                        paramValues$y <= varTilde$a[j + 1]]

        Lf    <- length(classesf[!duplicated(classesf)])
        Lr    <- length(classesr[!duplicated(classesr)])
        count <- count + 1L

        ## Verify that conditions are met to stop the loop
        if ((Pr > 1 & Lf > 1 & Lr > 1) || count == 1000L) break()

    if (count == 1000L) {
        ## End of iterations have been reached without meeting conditions
        varTilde$rho <- 0
    } else {
        ## Conditions have been met, data must be updated
        varTilde$sigmaf[1:varTilde$k] <- sigmafValue[1:kValue]
        varTilde$sigmar[1:varTilde$k] <- sigmarValue[1:kValue]

        varTilde$df[j]     <- sample(3:30, 1)

        varTilde$sigmaf[j] <- ifelse(Lf > 1, var(classesf) *
                                        (varTilde$df[j] - 2)/varTilde$df[j],
        varTilde$sigmar[j] <- ifelse(Lr > 1, var(classesr) *
                                         (varTilde$df[j] - 2)/varTilde$df[j],

        varTilde$delta[1:varTilde$k] <- deltaValue[1:kValue]
        varTilde$delta[j] <- tnormale(paramValues$zeta,
                                    1/(varTilde$sigmaf[j]^{-1} +
                                    paramValues$deltamin, paramValues$deltamax)

        alpha           <- rep(1, kValue)
        alphatilde      <- rep(1, varTilde$k)
        ennetilde       <- varTilde$dim[1:varTilde$k]
        alphaproptilde  <- rep(1, varTilde$k)
        alphaprop       <- rep(1, kValue)
        varTilde$w[1:varTilde$k] <- rdirichlet(1, alphaproptilde)

        ###calcul du rapport de vraisemblance de M-H move

        for (m in 1:varTilde$k) {
            Kaf[, m] <- (varTilde$w[m] * (1/sqrt(varTilde$sigmaf[m])) *
                            dt((paramValues$startPSF - varTilde$mu[m] +
            Kbf[, m] <- (wValue[m] * (1/sqrt(sigmafValue[m])) *
                            dt((paramValues$startPSF -muValue[m] +
                            deltaValue[m]/2)/sqrt(sigmafValue[m]), dfValue[m]))
        for (s in 1:paramValues$nf) {
            Y1f[s] <- log(sum(Kaf[s, 1:varTilde$k]))
            Y2f[s] <- log(sum(Kbf[s, 1:kValue]))

        for (m in 1:varTilde$k) {
            Kar[, m] <- (varTilde$w[m] * (1/sqrt(varTilde$sigmar[m])) *
                        dt((paramValues$startPSR - varTilde$mu[m] -
            Kbr[, m] <- (wValue[m] * (1/sqrt(sigmarValue[m])) *
                            dt((paramValues$startPSR - muValue[m] -
                            deltaValue[m]/2)/sqrt(sigmarValue[m]), dfValue[m]))
        for (s in 1:paramValues$nr) {
            Y1r[s] <- log(sum(Kar[s, 1:varTilde$k]))
            Y2r[s] <- log(sum(Kbr[s, 1:kValue]))

        Kn <- sum(Y1f) + sum(Y1r)
        Kd <- sum(Y2f) + sum(Y2r)

        q         <- Kn - Kd
        rap.q     <- exp(q)

        rap.vrais <- rap.q

        rap.priormu   <- (priorMuDensity(varTilde$mu[1:varTilde$k],
                            priorMuDensity(muValue[1:kValue], paramValues$y))

        rap.priorenne <- dmultinom(ennetilde, paramValues$nbrReads,
                        paramValues$nbrReads, wValue[1:kValue])

        rap.prior     <- rap.priormu * rap.priorenne

#       In Samb et al. rho  <- min(1, rap.vrais * (rap.prior) * (rap.prop))
#       but rap.prop = rap.propmu = 1
#       so rho  <- min(1, rap.vrais * (rap.prior))
#       we removed : rap.priork = 1

        varTilde$rho  <- min(1, rap.vrais * (rap.prior))


    varTilde$rho <- ifelse(is.na(varTilde$rho), 0, varTilde$rho)


#' @title Death move when more than one nucleosome are present
#' @description Attempt to randomly delete the position of one nucleosome. The
#' function is only used when more than one nucleosome are present.
#' @param paramValues a \code{list} containing:
#' \itemize{
#'     \item startPSF a \code{vector} of positive \code{integer}, the
#' start position of all the forward reads.
#'     \item startPSR a \code{vector} of positive \code{integer}, the
#' start position of all the reverse reads.
#'     \item kmax a \code{integer} the maximum number of nucleosomes allowed.
#'     \item lambda a positive \code{numeric}, the theorical mean
#' of the Poisson distribution.
#'     \item minReads a \code{integer}, the minimum
#' number of reads in a potential canditate region.
#'     \item y a \code{vector} of \code{numeric}, the position of all reads (
#' including forward and reverse reads).
#'     \item nr a \code{integer}, the number of reverse reads.
#'     \item nf a \code{integer}, the number of forward reads.
#'     \item nbrReads a \code{integer}, the total number of reads (including
#' forward and reverse reads).
#'     \item zeta \code{integer}, the length of a nucleosome.
#'     \item deltamin a \code{integer}, the minimum distance between the maxima
#' of the forward and reverse reads position densities for each nucleosome.
#'     \item deltamax a \code{integer}, the maximum distance between the maxima
#' of the forward and reverse reads position densities for each nucleosome.
#'     \item minReadPos a \code{numeric}, the minimum position of the reads.
#'     \item maxReadPos a \code{numeric}, the maximum position of the reads.
#' }
#' @param kValue a \code{integer}, the number of nucleosomes.
#' @param muValue a \code{vector} of \code{numeric} of length
#' \code{kValue}, the positions of the nucleosomes.
#' @param sigmafValue a \code{vector} of \code{numeric} of length
#' \code{kValue}, the variance of the forward reads for each nucleosome.
#' @param sigmarValue a \code{vector} of \code{numeric} of length
#' \code{kValue}, the variance of the reverse reads for each nucleosome.
#' @param deltaValue a \code{vector} of \code{numeric} of length
#' \code{kValue}, the distance between the maxima of the forward and
#' reverse reads position densities for each nucleosome.
#' @param wValue a \code{vector} of positive \code{numerical} of length
#' \code{kValue}, the weight for each nucleosome.
#' @param dfValue a \code{vector} of positive \code{numerical} of length
#' \code{kValue}, the degrees of freedom for each nucleosome.
#' @param aValue a \code{vector} of positive \code{numerical} of length
#' \code{kValue + 1}, the positions, on the chromosome, delimiting the regions
#' of the reads associated with each nucleosome.
#' @param dimValue a \code{vector} of positive \code{integer} of length
#' \code{kValue}, the number of reads associated to each nucleosome.
#' @return a \code{list} containing:
#' \itemize{
#'     \item k a \code{integer}, the updated number of nucleosomes.
#'     \item mu a \code{vector} of \code{numeric} of length
#' \code{k}, the updated positions of the nucleosomes.
#'     \item sigmaf a \code{vector} of \code{numeric} of length
#' \code{k}, the updated variance of the forward reads for each nucleosome.
#'     \item sigmar a \code{vector} of \code{numeric} of length
#' \code{k}, the updated variance of the reverse reads for each nucleosome.
#'     \item delta a \code{vector} of \code{numeric} of length
#' \code{k}, the updated distance between the maxima of the forward and
#' reverse reads position densities for each nucleosome.
#'     \item w a \code{vector} of positive \code{numerical} of length
#' \code{k}, the updated weight for each nucleosome.
#'     \item df a \code{vector} of positive \code{numerical} of length
#' \code{k}, the updated degrees of freedom for each nucleosome.
#'     \item a a \code{vector} of positive \code{integer} of length
#' \code{k + 1}, the updated positions, on the chromosome, delimiting the
#' regions of the reads associated with each nucleosome.
#'     \item dim a \code{vector} of positive \code{integer} of length
#' \code{k}, the updated number of reads associated to each nucleosome.
#'     \item rho a \code{numeric}, the acceptance probability.
#' }
#' @examples
#' ## Load dataset
#' data(reads_demo)
#' ## Create a list containing the mandatory parameters
#' paramList <- list(kmax = 5L, nf = length(reads_demo$readsForward),
#' nr = length(reads_demo$readsReverse),
#' nbrReads = length(reads_demo$readsForward) + length(reads_demo$readsReverse),
#' y = sort(c(reads_demo$readsForward, reads_demo$readsReverse)),
#' startPSF = reads_demo$readsForward,
#' startPSR = reads_demo$readsReverse, lambda = 2,
#' zeta = 147, deltamin = 142, deltamax = 152,
#' minReadPos = min(c(reads_demo$readsReverse, reads_demo$readsForward)),
#' maxReadPos = max(c(reads_demo$readsReverse, reads_demo$readsForward)))
#' ## Initial position of the nucleosomes
#' muPosition <- c(72800, 73000)
#' muPosition
#' ## Death move
#' result <- RJMCMC:::deathMove(paramValues = paramList, kValue = 2L,
#' muValue = muPosition, sigmafValue = c(100, 120), sigmarValue = c(120, 100),
#' deltaValue = c(200, 210), wValue = c(0.5, 0.5), dfValue = c(3, 4),
#' aValue = c(min(c(reads_demo$readsReverse, reads_demo$readsForward)), 73150,
#' max(c(reads_demo$readsReverse, reads_demo$readsForward))),
#' dimValue = c(length(reads_demo$readsForward),
#' length(reads_demo$readsReverse)))
#' ## Final position of the nucleosomes
#' result$mu[1:2]
#' @importFrom stats runif dmultinom dpois
#' @importFrom MCMCpack rdirichlet ddirichlet
#' @author Rawane Samb, Pascal Belleau, Astrid Deschenes
#' @keywords internal
deathMove <- function(paramValues , kValue, muValue, sigmafValue, sigmarValue,
                        deltaValue, wValue, dfValue, aValue, dimValue) {
    ### Death move
    varTilde <- list(k = 0L, mu = rep(0,paramValues$kmax),
                        sigmaf = rep(0, paramValues$kmax),
                        sigmar = rep(0, paramValues$kmax),
                        delta = rep(0, paramValues$kmax),
                        w = rep(0, paramValues$kmax),
                        df = rep(3, paramValues$kmax),
                        a = rep(0, paramValues$kmax + 1L),
                        dim = rep(0, paramValues$kmax), rho = 0)

    Kn      <- 0
    Kaf     <- matrix(0, nrow = paramValues$nf, ncol = paramValues$kmax)
    Kbf     <- matrix(0, nrow = paramValues$nf, ncol = paramValues$kmax)
    Kar     <- matrix(0, nrow = paramValues$nr, ncol = paramValues$kmax)
    Kbr     <- matrix(0, nrow = paramValues$nr, ncol = paramValues$kmax)

    Y1f     <- rep(0, paramValues$nf)
    Y2f     <- rep(0, paramValues$nf)
    Y1r     <- rep(0, paramValues$nr)
    Y2r     <- rep(0, paramValues$nr)

    varTilde$k <- kValue - 1L
    count  <- 1L
    repeat {

        j   <- sample(1:kValue, 1)
        X   <- muValue[1:kValue]
        varTilde$mu[1:varTilde$k]       <- sort(c(X[-j]))

        Yf                              <- sigmafValue[1:kValue]
        varTilde$sigmaf[1:varTilde$k]   <- Yf[-j]

        Yr                              <- sigmarValue[1:kValue]
        varTilde$sigmar[1:varTilde$k]   <- Yr[-j]

        Delta                           <- deltaValue[1:kValue]
        varTilde$delta[1:varTilde$k]    <- Delta[-j]

        Dl                              <- dfValue[1:kValue]
        varTilde$df[1:varTilde$k]       <- Dl[-j]

        Z                               <- aValue[1:(kValue + 1)]

        if (j == kValue) {
            varTilde$a[1:(varTilde$k + 1)] <- Z[-j]
        } else {
            varTilde$a[1:(varTilde$k + 1)] <- Z[-(j + 1)]

        varTilde$a[1]                <- paramValues$minReadPos
        varTilde$a[varTilde$k + 1]   <- paramValues$maxReadPos

        varTilde$dim[1] <- length(paramValues$y[varTilde$a[1] <=
                                        paramValues$y  & paramValues$y <
        varTilde$dim[varTilde$k] <- length(paramValues$y[varTilde$a[varTilde$k]
                                        <= paramValues$y & paramValues$y <=
        if (varTilde$k > 2) {
            for (m in 2:(varTilde$k - 1)) {
                varTilde$dim[m] <- length(paramValues$y[varTilde$a[m] <=
                                                paramValues$y & paramValues$y
                                                < varTilde$a[m + 1]])

        Pr   <- min(varTilde$dim[1:varTilde$k])

        ybar <- mean(paramValues$y[varTilde$a[j] <= paramValues$y &
                                        paramValues$y <= varTilde$a[j + 1]])

        classesf <- paramValues$y[varTilde$a[j] <= paramValues$y &
                                        paramValues$y <= ybar]
        classesr <- paramValues$y[ybar <= paramValues$y &
                                        paramValues$y <= varTilde$a[j + 1]]

        Lf    <- length(classesf[!duplicated(classesf)])
        Lr    <- length(classesr[!duplicated(classesr)])
        count <- count + 1L

        if ((Pr > 1 & Lf > 1 & Lr > 1) || count == 1000L) break()

    if (count == 1000L) {
        varTilde$rho <- 0
    } else {
        alpha          <- rep(1, kValue)
        alphatilde     <- rep(1, varTilde$k)
        alphaproptilde <- rep(1, varTilde$k)
        alphaprop      <- rep(1, kValue)
        ennetilde      <- varTilde$dim[1:varTilde$k]
        enne           <- rmultinom(1, paramValues$nbrReads, wValue[1:kValue])
        varTilde$w[1:varTilde$k] <- rdirichlet(1, alphaproptilde)

        ### Rapport de vraisemblance ###

        for (m in 1:varTilde$k) {
            Kaf[, m] <- (varTilde$w[m] * (1/sqrt(varTilde$sigmaf[m])) *
                            dt((paramValues$startPSF -varTilde$mu[m] +
            Kbf[, m] <- (wValue[m] * (1/sqrt(sigmafValue[m])) *
                            dt((paramValues$startPSF - muValue[m] +
                            deltaValue[m]/2)/sqrt(sigmafValue[m]), dfValue[m]))

        Kbf[, kValue] <- (wValue[kValue] * (1/sqrt(sigmafValue[kValue])) *
                            dt((paramValues$startPSF - muValue[kValue] +

        for (s in 1:paramValues$nf) {
            Y1f[s] <- log(sum(Kaf[s, 1:varTilde$k]))
            Y2f[s] <- log(sum(Kbf[s, 1:kValue]))

        for (m in 1:varTilde$k) {
            Kar[, m] <- (varTilde$w[m] * (1/sqrt(varTilde$sigmar[m])) *
                            dt((paramValues$startPSR - varTilde$mu[m] -
            Kbr[, m] <- (wValue[m] * (1/sqrt(sigmarValue[m])) *
                            dt((paramValues$startPSR - muValue[m] -
                            deltaValue[m]/2)/sqrt(sigmarValue[m]), dfValue[m]))
        Kbr[, kValue] <- (wValue[kValue] * (1/sqrt(sigmarValue[kValue])) *
                            dt((paramValues$startPSR - muValue[kValue] -

        for (s in 1:paramValues$nr) {
            Y1r[s] <- log(sum(Kar[s, 1:varTilde$k]))
            Y2r[s] <- log(sum(Kbr[s, 1:kValue]))

        Kn <- sum(Y1f) + sum(Y1r)
        Kd <- sum(Y2f) + sum(Y2r)

        q     <- Kn - Kd
        rap.q <- exp(q)

        rap.vrais <- rap.q

        # Density of varTilde$mu[j]
        if (j == 1) {
            qalloc <- 1/(muValue[j + 1] - paramValues$minReadPos)
        } else {
            if (j == kValue) {
                qalloc <- 1/(paramValues$maxReadPos - muValue[j - 1])
            } else {
                qalloc <- 1/(muValue[j + 1] - muValue[j - 1])

        rap.priormu    <- (priorMuDensity(varTilde$mu[1:varTilde$k],

        rap.priorenne  <- dmultinom(ennetilde, paramValues$nbrReads,
                                paramValues$nbrReads, wValue[1:kValue])
        rap.priork     <- (dpois(varTilde$k, paramValues$lambda)/
                               dpois(kValue, paramValues$lambda))
        rap.propmu     <- (qalloc)

        rap.prior      <- rap.priormu * rap.priorenne * rap.priork
        rap.prop       <- rap.propmu

        varTilde$rho  <- min(1, (rap.vrais) * (rap.prior) * (rap.prop) *
                            (Bk(varTilde$k, paramValues$lambda,
                            paramValues$kmax)/Dk(kValue, paramValues$lambda,

    varTilde$rho <- ifelse(is.na(varTilde$rho), 0, varTilde$rho)


#' @title Merge nucleosome information
#' @description Merge nucleosome information present in multiple RDS files.
#' @param arrayOfFiles a \code{array}, the name of each file that must be
#' used to merge nucleosome information.
#' @return a \code{list} of \code{class} "rjmcmcNucleosomesMerge" containing:
#' \itemize{
#'     \item k a \code{integer}, the number of nucleosomes.
#'     \item mu a \code{vector} of \code{numeric} of length
#' \code{k}, the positions of the nucleosomes.
#'     \item sigmaf a \code{vector} of \code{numeric} of length
#' \code{k}, the variance of the forward reads for each nucleosome.
#'     \item sigmar a \code{vector} of \code{numeric} of length
#' \code{k}, the variance of the reverse reads for each nucleosome.
#'     \item delta a \code{vector} of \code{numeric} of length
#' \code{k}, the distance between the maxima of the forward and
#' reverse reads position densities for each nucleosome.
#' }
#' @examples
#' ## Loading two files containing nucleosomes informations for two sections of
#' ## the same chromosome
#' file_100 <- dir(system.file("extdata", package = "RJMCMC"),
#'                 pattern = "yeastRes_Chr1_Seg_100.rds",
#'                 full.names = TRUE)
#' file_101 <- dir(system.file("extdata", package = "RJMCMC"),
#'                 pattern = "yeastRes_Chr1_Seg_101.rds",
#'                 full.names = TRUE)
#' ## Merging nucleosomes informations from the two files
#' result <- RJMCMC:::mergeAllRDSFiles(c(file_100, file_101))
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @author Pascal Belleau, Astrid Deschenes
#' @keywords internal
mergeAllRDSFiles <- function(arrayOfFiles) {

    ## Create list that will contain data from all files
    result        <- list()
    result$k      <- 0
    result$mu     <- array(dim = c(0))
    result$sigmaf <- array(dim = c(0))
    result$sigmar <- array(dim = c(0))
    result$delta  <- array(dim = c(0))
    result$df     <- array(dim = c(0))

    ## Extract information from each file
    for (fileName in arrayOfFiles) {
        data <- readRDS(file = fileName)
        ## Only use data from rjmcmcNucleosomes or rjmcmcNucleosomesMerge class
        if (is(data, "rjmcmcNucleosomesMerge") ||
                is(data, "rjmcmcNucleosomes")) {
            result$k      <- result$k + data$k
            result$mu     <- c(result$mu, data$mu)
            result$sigmaf <- c(result$sigmaf, data$sigmaf)
            result$sigmar <- c(result$sigmar, data$sigmar)
            result$delta  <- c(result$delta, data$delta)
            result$df     <- c(result$df, data$df)

    ## Ensure that all values are ordered in ascending order of mu
    newOrder      <- order(result$mu)
    result$mu     <- result$mu[newOrder]
    result$sigmaf <- result$sigmaf[newOrder]
    result$sigmar <- result$sigmar[newOrder]
    result$delta  <- result$delta[newOrder]
    result$df     <- result$df[newOrder]

    ## Assign class type to list


#' @title Parameters validation for the \code{\link{mergeRDSFiles}}
#' function
#' @description Validation of all parameters needed by the public
#' \code{\link{mergeRDSFiles}} function.
#' @param RDSFiles a \code{array}, the names of all RDS used to merge
#' nucleosome information. The files must contain R object of \code{class}
#' "rjmcmcNucleosomes" or "rjmcmcNucleosomesMerge".
#' @return \code{0} indicating that all parameters validations have been
#' successful.
#' @examples
#' ## Loading a file
#' file_test <- dir(system.file("extdata", package = "RJMCMC"),
#' pattern = "yeastRes_Chr1_Seg_002.rds", full.names = TRUE)
#' ## Testing using a real file
#' RJMCMC:::validateRDSFilesParameters(c(file_test))
#' @author Astrid Deschenes
#' @keywords internal
validateRDSFilesParameters <- function(RDSFiles) {

    ## Validate the RDSFiles parameters
    if (is.na(RDSFiles) || is.null(RDSFiles)) {
        stop("RDSFiles must be a list of valid RDS files")

    ## Validate that all files exist
    for (fileName in RDSFiles) {
        if (!file.exists(fileName)) {
            stop("The file \'", fileName, "\' does not exist.")


#' @title Parameters validation for the
#' \code{\link{mergeAllRDSFilesFromDirectory}} function
#' @description Validation of all parameters needed by the public
#' \code{\link{mergeAllRDSFilesFromDirectory}} function.
#' @param directory a \code{character}, the
#' name of the directory (relative or absolute path) containing RDS files.
#' @return \code{0} indicating that all parameters validations have been
#' successful.
#' @examples
#' ## Load an existing directory
#' directory <- system.file("extdata", package = "RJMCMC")
#' ## Testing using a real directory
#' RJMCMC:::validateDirectoryParameters(directory)
#' @author Astrid Deschenes
#' @keywords internal
validateDirectoryParameters <- function(directory) {

    ## Validate that the directory exist
    if (!file.exists(directory)) {
        stop("The directory \'", directory, "\' does not exist.")


#' @title Parameters validation for the \code{\link{postMerge}} function
#' @description Validation of all parameters needed by the public
#' \code{\link{postMerge}} function.
#' @param startPosForwardReads a \code{vector} of positive \code{integer}, the
#' start position of all the forward reads.
#' @param startPosReverseReads a \code{vector} of positive \code{integer}, the
#' positions of all the reverse reads. Beware that the start position of
#' a reverse read is always higher that the end position.
#' @param resultRJMCMC an object of \code{class}
#' "rjmcmcNucleosomes" or "rjmcmcNucleosomesMerge" that contain information
#'  about nucleosome positioning for an entire chromosome.
#' @param extendingSize a positive \code{numeric} or a positive \code{integer}
#' indicating the size of the consensus region used to group closeley
#' positioned nucleosomes.The minimum size of the consensus region is equal to
#' twice the value of the \code{extendingSize} parameter. The numeric will
#' be treated as an integer.
#' @param chrLength a positive \code{numeric} or a positive \code{integer}
#' indicating the lenght of the current chromosome. The length of the
#' chromosome is used to ensure that the consensus positions are all
#' located inside the chromosome.
#' @return \code{0} indicating that all parameters validations have been
#' successful.
#' @examples
#' ## Load dataset containing forward and reverse reads
#' data(reads_demo)
#' ## Load dataset containing nucleosome information
#' file_002 <- dir(system.file("extdata", package = "RJMCMC"),
#' pattern = "yeastRes_Chr1_Seg_002.rds", full.names = TRUE)
#' nucleosome_info <- readRDS(file_002)
#' ## The function returns 0 when all parameters are valid
#' RJMCMC:::validatePrepMergeParameters(startPosForwardReads =
#' reads_demo$readsForward, startPosReverseReads = reads_demo$readsReverse,
#' resultRJMCMC = nucleosome_info, extendingSize = 74, chrLength = 10000000)
#' ## The function raises an error when at least one paramater is not valid
#' \dontrun{RJMCMC:::validatePrepMergeParameters(startPosForwardReads = c(72400,
#' 72431, 72428, 72429, 72426), startPosReverseReads = c(72522, 72531, 72528,
#' 72559, 72546), resultRJMCMC = NA, extendingSize = 74, chrLength = 10000000)}
#' @author Astrid Deschenes
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @importFrom GenomeInfoDb Seqinfo
#' @importFrom S4Vectors isSingleInteger isSingleNumber
#' @keywords internal
validatePrepMergeParameters <- function(startPosForwardReads,
                                            resultRJMCMC, extendingSize,
                                            chrLength) {

    ## Validate that the startPosForwardReads has at least one read
    ## and that the values are integer
    if (!is.vector(startPosForwardReads) || !is.numeric(startPosForwardReads)
        || length(startPosForwardReads) < 1)
        stop(paste0("startPosForwardReads must be a non-empty vector of ",
                    "numeric values."))

    ## Validate that the startPosReverseReads has at least one read
    ## and that the values are integer
    if (!is.vector(startPosReverseReads) || !is.numeric(startPosReverseReads)
        || length(startPosReverseReads) < 1)
        stop(paste0("startPosReverseReads must be a non-empty vector of ",
                    "numeric values."))

    ## Validate the resultRJMCMC parameter
    if (!is(resultRJMCMC, "rjmcmcNucleosomesMerge") &&
                !is(resultRJMCMC, "rjmcmcNucleosomes")) {
        stop(paste0("resultRJMCMC must be an object of class",
                    "\'rjmcmcNucleosomes\' or \'rjmcmcNucleosomesMerge\'."))

    ## Validate the extendingSize parameter
    if (!(isSingleInteger(extendingSize) || isSingleNumber(extendingSize)) ||
            as.integer(extendingSize) < 1) {
        stop("extendingSize must be a positive integer or numeric")

    ## Validate the chrLength parameter
    if (!(isSingleInteger(chrLength) || isSingleNumber(chrLength)) ||
            as.integer(chrLength) < 1) {
        stop("chrLength must be a positive integer or numeric")


#' @title A internal post treatment function to merge closely positioned
#' nucleosomes, from the same chromosome,
#' identified by the \code{\link{rjmcmc}} function
#' @description A internal helper function which merges closely positioned
#' nucleosomes to rectify the over splitting and provide a more conservative
#' approach. Beware that each chromosome must be treated separatly.
#' The function uses the Bioconductor \code{package} \code{consensusSeeker} to
#' group closely positioned nucleosomes.
#' @param startPosFrowardReads a \code{vector} of \code{numeric}, the
#' start position of all the forward reads.
#' @param startPosReverseReads a \code{vector} of \code{numeric}, the
#' start position of all the reverse reads. Beware that the start position of
#' a reverse read is always higher that the end positition.
#' @param resultRJMCMC an object of class 'rjmcmcNucleosomes' or
#' 'rjmcmcNucleosomesMerge' containing informations about nucleosomes.
#' @param extendingSize a positive \code{numeric} or a positive \code{integer}
#' indicating the size of the consensus region used to group closeley
#' positioned nucleosomes.The minimum size of the consensus region is equal to
#' twice the value of the \code{extendingSize} parameter. The numeric will
#' be treated as an integer.
#' @param chrLength a positive \code{numeric} or a positive \code{integer}
#' indicating the lenght of the current chromosome. The length of the
#' chromosome is used to ensure that the consensus positions are all
#' located inside the chromosome.
#' @param minReads a positive \code{integer} or \code{numeric}, the minimum
#' number of reads in a potential canditate region. Non-integer values
#' of \code{minReads} will be casted to \code{integer} and truncated towards
#' zero. Default: 5.
#' @return a \code{array} of \code{numeric}, the updated values of the
#' nucleosome positions.
#' @examples
#' ## Loading dataset
#' data(RJMCMC_result)
#' data(reads_demo)
#' ## Results before post-treatment
#' RJMCMC_result$mu
#' ## Post-treatment function which merged closely positioned nucleosomes
#' postResult <- RJMCMC:::postMerge(startPosForwardReads =
#' reads_demo$readsForward, startPosReverseReads = reads_demo$readsReverse,
#' resultRJMCMC = RJMCMC_result, extendingSize = 80, chrLength = 73500)
#' ## Results after post-treatment
#' postResult
#' @author Pascal Belleau, Astrid Deschenes
#' @importFrom consensusSeekeR findConsensusPeakRegions
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges GRanges findOverlaps
#' @importFrom IRanges IRanges
#' @importFrom GenomeInfoDb Seqinfo seqinfo seqnames
#' @importFrom S4Vectors queryHits subjectHits
#' @keywords internal
postMerge <- function(startPosForwardReads, startPosReverseReads,
                                resultRJMCMC, extendingSize, chrLength, minReads = 5)
    ## Prepare information about reads
    segReads <- list(yF = numeric(), yR = numeric())
    segReads$yF <- startPosForwardReads
    segReads$yR <- startPosReverseReads

    ## Prepare Seqinfo object using chromosome length
    seqinfo <- Seqinfo(c("chrI"), c(chrLength), FALSE, "mock1")

    ## Prepare first GRanges using nucleosome positions
    nbMu <- length(resultRJMCMC$mu)
    rjmcmc_peak <- GRanges(seqnames = rep('chrI', nbMu),
                        IRanges(resultRJMCMC$mu, resultRJMCMC$mu),
                        seqinfo = seqinfo)
    nbPeaks <- length(rjmcmc_peak)
    names(rjmcmc_peak) <- rep("RJMCMC", nbPeaks)
    rjmcmc_peak$name   <- paste0("RJMCMC_", 1:nbPeaks)

    ## Find nucleosomes present in same regions
    result <- findConsensusPeakRegions(peaks = c(rjmcmc_peak),
                                        chrInfo = seqinfo,
                                        extendingSize = extendingSize,
                                        expandToFitPeakRegion = FALSE,
                                        shrinkToFitPeakRegion = FALSE,
                                        minNbrExp = 1)

    overlapsPeak <- findOverlaps(query = result$consensusRanges,
                        subject =  rjmcmc_peak)

    allOverlap <- queryHits(overlapsPeak)
    uniqueOverlap <- unique(allOverlap)
    nbOverlap <- length(uniqueOverlap)

    ## Interval used to check for reads
    maxLimit <- 74 + extendingSize
    minLimit <- 74 - extendingSize

    ## Treat each overlapping region separatly
    newMu <- array(dim = nbOverlap)
    cpt <- 1L
    for(position in 1:nbOverlap){
        ## Extract nucleosomes present in the current overlapping region
        current <- subjectHits(overlapsPeak)[queryHits(overlapsPeak) ==
        if(length(current) > 1) {
            ## When more than one nucleosome present, use mean position
            valCentral <- mean(resultRJMCMC$mu[current])
            a <- min(resultRJMCMC$mu[current]) # - (74 + extendingSize)
            b <- max(resultRJMCMC$mu[current]) # + (74 - extendingSize)

            if(length(segReads$yF[segReads$yF >= (a - maxLimit) &
                                    segReads$yF <= (b - minLimit)]) >= minReads &
                length(segReads$yR[segReads$yR >= (a + minLimit) &
                                    segReads$yR <= (b + maxLimit)]) >= minReads) {
                ## Calculate the new position of the nucleosome
                newMu[cpt] <- (mean(segReads$yF[segReads$yF >= (a - maxLimit) &
                                    segReads$yF <= (b - minLimit)]) +
                            (mean(segReads$yR[segReads$yR >= (a + minLimit) &
                                    segReads$yR <= (b + maxLimit)]) -
                            mean(segReads$yF[segReads$yF >= (a - maxLimit) &
                                    segReads$yF <= (b - minLimit) ]))/2)
                cpt <- cpt + 1L

            ## Nucleosomes not respecting the condition are flushed
        } else {
            newMu[cpt] <- resultRJMCMC$mu[current]
            cpt <- cpt + 1L

ArnaudDroitLab/RJMCMC documentation built on May 5, 2019, 7:06 a.m.