alloya: Metallic Alloy Fatigue Crack Growth Test

Description Format Source See Also


Twenty-one specimens of an unknown alloy were subjected to the same cyclic load profile. Prior to testing, an initial crack (length = 0.9 in) was cut into each specimen to serve as a crack nucleation site. After each increment of 10,000 fatigue cycles the length of the crack was recorded. A specimen was considered to have failed when the crack length exceeded 1.6 inches, otherwise the test concluded after 1.2 million cycles.


A data.frame with 262 rows and 3 variables

[, 1] inches Crack length observed at megacycles Numeric
[, 2] specimen Test specimen designator Categoric
[, 3] megacycles Number of fatigue cycles (in millions) when length was inspected Numeric


Hudak, S. J., Saxena, A., Bucci, R. J., and Malcom, R .C. (1978), Development of standard methods of testing and analyzing fatigure crack growth rate data, Technical Report AFML-TR-78-40, Westinghouse R & D Center, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Pittsburgh, PA.

Bogdanoff, J. L. and Kozin, F. (1985), Probablistic Models of Cumulative Damage, New York, NY; John Wiley & Sons.

See Also

Other data-done: at7987, bearingcage, berkson20, bleed, ceramicbearing, cirpack6, comptime, computerlab, cylinder, devicea, deviceb, devicec, deviceg, fan, gaaslaser, grampus, grids1, halfbeak, heatexchanger, lfp1370, lfptrun100, lzbearing, metalwear, mylarsub, nicdbattery, piccioto, printedcircuitboard, resistor2, resistor, superalloy, tantalum, turbine, v7tube, valveseat, zelencap

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