superalloy: Nickel-based Superalloy Fatigue Test

Description Format Source See Also


Nelson presents and analyzes life data from a strain-controlled, low-cycle fatigue test performed on 26 cylindrical specimens of a nickel-base superalloy. Four of the specimens were removed from the test before failure. In addition to recording the number of cycles to failure, the level of pseudostress (Young's modulus times strain) was also measured. The initial purpose of Nelson's analysis was to estimate the curve giving the number of cycles at which .1% of the population of such specimens would fail, as a function of pseudostress.


A data.frame with 23 rows and 6 variables:

[, 1] kilocycles Accumulated cycles at event (in thousands) Numeric
[, 2] event Event observed at kcycles (failure/right-censored) Categoric
[, 3] count Number of events observed at kcycles Numeric
[, 4] pstress Pseudo-stress applied derated Numeric
[, 5] lpstress Log[pseudo-stress] (ln[pstress])The log base e transformation of the Pseudo-Stress Numeric
[, 6] lpstress2 Square of log[pseudo-stress] (ln[pstress]^2) Numeric


Nelson, W. (1990), Accelerated Testing: Statistical Models, Test Plans, and Data Analyses, New York, NY; John Wiley & Sons.

See Also

Other data-done: alloya, at7987, bearingcage, berkson20, bleed, ceramicbearing, cirpack6, comptime, computerlab, cylinder, devicea, deviceb, devicec, deviceg, fan, gaaslaser, grampus, grids1, halfbeak, heatexchanger, lfp1370, lfptrun100, lzbearing, metalwear, mylarsub, nicdbattery, piccioto, printedcircuitboard, resistor2, resistor, tantalum, turbine, v7tube, valveseat, zelencap

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