resistor2: Carbon-Film Resistor Accelerated Degradation Test

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Samples of carbon-film resistors were tested at each of three levels of temperature. At the standard operating temperature of 50^o C, carbon-film resistors will slowly degrade. Changes in resistance can cause reduced product performance or even cause system failures. The test was run at high levels of temperature to accelerate the chemical degradation process and obtain degradation data more quickly.

The resistor dataset presents the percent change in resistance measured throughout the test, while the resistor2 dataset presents the absolute value of resistance measure during the test.


A data.frame with 145 rows and 4 variables:

[, 1] resistor Resistor type Categoric
[, 2] celsius Temperature applied to the resistor Numeric
[, 3] hours Accumulated time when resistance was measured Numeric
[, 4] resistance Resistance (ohms) observed Numeric


Shiomi, H., and Yanagisawa, T. (1979), On distribution parameter during accelerated life test for a carbon film resistor, Bulletin of the Electrotechnical Laboratory, 43, 330-345 (in Japanese).

Suzuki, K., Maki, K., and Yokogawa, S. (1993), An analysis of degradation data of a carbon film and properties of the estimators, in Statistical Sciences and Data Analysis, 501-511. Matusita, K., Puri, M., and Hayakawa, T., Editors. Utrecht, Netherlands: VSP.

See Also

Other data-done: alloya, at7987, bearingcage, berkson20, bleed, ceramicbearing, cirpack6, comptime, computerlab, cylinder, devicea, deviceb, devicec, deviceg, fan, gaaslaser, grampus, grids1, halfbeak, heatexchanger, lfp1370, lfptrun100, lzbearing, metalwear, mylarsub, nicdbattery, piccioto, printedcircuitboard, resistor, superalloy, tantalum, turbine, v7tube, valveseat, zelencap

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