berkson: Americurium-241 alpha-Particle Emissions

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Berkson investigated the randomness of α-particle emissions of Americium-241 (which has a half-life of about 458 years). Physical theory suggests that, over a short period of time, the interarrival times of observed particles would be independent and come from an exponential distribution where the rate parameter is the mean time between arrivals. The corresponding homogeneous Poisson process that counts the number of emissions on the real-time line has arrival rate or the intensity λ=1/theta. The data consist of 10,220 observed interarrival times of α-particles (time unit equal to 1/5,000 second). The observed interarrival times were put into intervals (or bins) running from 0 to 4,000 time units with interval lengths ranging from 25 to 100 time units, with one additional interval for observed times exceeding 4,000 time units. To save space, this example uses a smaller number of larger bins; reducing the number of bins in this way will not seriously affect the precision of ML estimates.


A data.frame with 8 rows and 4 variables:

[, 1] lower Start of an observation interval (in 1/5000 seconds) Numeric
[, 2] upper End of an observation interval (in 1/5000 seconds) Numeric
[, 3] event Event observed in the interval (right-censored/left-censored/interval-censored) Categoric
[, 4] count Number of events observed in the interval Numeric


Berkson, J. (1966), Examination of randomness of alpha-particle emissions, in Festschrift for J. Neyman, Research Papers in Statistics, David, F. N., Editor, New York, NY; John Wiley & Sons.

See Also

Other data-done: alloya, at7987, bearingcage, bleed, ceramicbearing, cirpack6, comptime, computerlab, cylinder, devicea, deviceb, devicec, deviceg, fan, gaaslaser, grampus, grids1, halfbeak, heatexchanger, lfp1370, lfptrun100, lzbearing, metalwear, mylarsub, nicdbattery, piccioto, printedcircuitboard, resistor2, resistor, superalloy, tantalum, turbine, v7tube, valveseat, zelencap

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