grids: Locomotive Braking Grid Replacements

Description Format Details Source See Also


Age of locomotives when either their braking grids were replaced or the largest age observed for each locomotive


A data.frame with 39 rows and 3 variables:

[, 1] unit Unit designator code Categoric
[, 2] days Accumulated time at event Numeric
[, 3] event Event observed at days (Replacement/End) Categoric


Two batches grids1 & grids2


Doganaksoy, N., and Nelson, W. (1991), A method and computer program MCFDIFF to compare two samples of repair data, TIS Report 91CRD172, General Electric Company Research and Development, Schenectady, NY.

See Also

Other data-done: alloya, at7987, bearingcage, berkson20, bleed, ceramicbearing, cirpack6, comptime, computerlab, cylinder, devicea, deviceb, devicec, deviceg, fan, gaaslaser, grampus, halfbeak, heatexchanger, lfp1370, lfptrun100, lzbearing, metalwear, mylarsub, nicdbattery, piccioto, printedcircuitboard, resistor2, resistor, superalloy, tantalum, turbine, v7tube, valveseat, zelencap

Auburngrads/ documentation built on May 13, 2019, 10:02 a.m.