
Defines functions kimma_cleaning

Documented in kimma_cleaning

#' kmFit data cleaning
#' Data
#' @param dat EList object output by voom( ). Contains counts (dat$E), meta (dat$targets), and genes (dat$genes).
#' @param kin Matrix with pairwise kinship values between individuals. Must be numeric with rownames.
#' @param patientID Character of variable name to match dat$targets to kinship row and column names.
#' @param libraryID Character of variable name to match dat$targets to dat$E colnames
#' Alternate data if not using EList object
#' @param counts Matrix of normalized expression. Rows are genes, columns are libraries.
#' @param meta Matrix or data frame of sample and individual metadata.
#' @param genes Matrix or data frame of gene metadata.
#' @param weights Matrix or data frame of gene specific weights
#' Subset data (optional)
#' @param subset_var Character list of variable name(s) to filter data by.
#' @param subset_lvl Character list of variable value(s) or level(s) to filter data to. Must match order of subset_var
#' @param subset_genes Character vector of genes to include in models.
#' @param model_lm Character vector of simple linear model version of model provided
#' @param genotype_name Character string. Used internally for kmFit_eQTL
#' @return Data frame formatted for use in kmFit
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom tidyselect vars_select_helpers

kimma_cleaning <- function(dat=NULL, kin=NULL, patientID="ptID", libraryID="libID",
                           counts=NULL, meta=NULL, genes=NULL, weights=NULL,
                           subset_var = NULL, subset_lvl = NULL, subset_genes = NULL,
                           model_lm = NULL, genotype_name = NULL,
                           run_lmerel = FALSE){
  i <- rowname <- NULL
  #If data are NOT a voom EList, create a mock version
  if(is.null(dat)) {
    dat.format <- list()

    #Expression data
    ##Move rownames to column if exist
    ##Order columns as in metadata and genes as in genes
      counts.format <- as.data.frame(counts) %>%
        tibble::rownames_to_column() %>%
        dplyr::select(rowname, tidyselect::all_of(unlist(meta[,libraryID],
    } else {
      counts.format <- as.data.frame(counts) %>%
        dplyr::rename_if(is.character, ~"rowname")%>%
        dplyr::select(rowname, tidyselect::all_of(unlist(meta[,libraryID],

      g.match <- c()
      #match expression data to column in genes
      for(g in colnames(genes)){
        if(any(counts.format$rowname %in% genes[,g])){ g.match <- c(g.match, g) }

      if(length(g.match) >1){ stop("Cannot combine gene and expression data. More than 1 column in dat$genes or genes contains values that match gene names in dat$E or counts. Please remove duplicate gene name column.") }

      counts.format <- counts.format %>%
        dplyr::arrange(match(rowname, genes[,g.match])) %>%
    } else {
      counts.format <- counts.format %>%

    ##Remove samples not in expression data
    meta.format <- as.data.frame(meta) %>%
      dplyr::filter(get(libraryID) %in% colnames(counts.format))

    #Weights if provided
      weights.format <- as.data.frame(weights)
        rownames(weights.format) <- rownames(counts)
        colnames(weights.format) <- colnames(counts)
      } else {
        rownames(weights.format) <- as.data.frame(counts) %>%
          dplyr::select_if(is.character) %>% unlist(use.names = FALSE)
        colnames(weights.format) <- colnames(counts)[-1]

      weights.format <- weights.format[order(rownames(weights.format)),
    } else{
      weights.format <- NULL

    #Put in list
    dat.format$E <- counts.format
    dat.format$targets <- meta.format
    dat.format$genes <- genes
    dat.format$weights <- weights.format
  } else {
    dat.format <- dat

    #Format weights from voom object
      weights.format <- as.data.frame(dat$weights)
        rownames(weights.format) <- rownames(dat$E)
        colnames(weights.format) <- colnames(dat$E)
      } else {
        rownames(weights.format) <- as.data.frame(dat$E) %>%
          dplyr::select_if(is.character) %>% unlist(use.names = FALSE)
        colnames(weights.format) <- colnames(dat$E)[-1]
      dat.format$weights <- weights.format[order(rownames(weights.format)),
    } else {
      dat.format$weights <- NULL


  #Format data
  #If has rownames, move into df
    dat.format$E <- tibble::rownames_to_column(as.data.frame(dat.format$E))
  } else {
    #Rename 1st column
    colnames(dat.format$E)[1] <- "rowname"

  if(!is.null(dat.format$weights) & is.numeric(dat.format$weights[,1])){
    dat.format$weights <- tibble::rownames_to_column(dat.format$weights)
  } else if(!is.null(dat.format$weights)){
    #Rename 1st column
    colnames(dat.format$weights)[1] <- "rowname"

  ###### Subset to variable of interest if selected ######
  dat.subset <- dat.format

  #Subset samples
    for(i in 1:length(subset_var)) {
      dat.subset$targets <- dplyr::filter(dat.subset$targets,
                                          get(subset_var[[i]]) %in% subset_lvl[[i]])

      dat.subset$E <- dplyr::select(as.data.frame(dat.subset$E),

        dat.subset$weights <- dplyr::select(as.data.frame(dat.subset$weights),

  #Subset genes
    dat.subset$E <- dplyr::filter(as.data.frame(dat.subset$E),
                                  rowname %in% subset_genes)
      dat.subset$weights <- dplyr::filter(as.data.frame(dat.subset$weights),
                                          rowname %in% subset_genes)

  ###### Format data for modeling ####
  # Convert IDs if they are the same variable
  if(patientID == libraryID){
    to.modelID <- "libID"
    dat.subset$targets[,to.modelID] <- dat.subset$targets[,patientID]
  } else{ to.modelID <- patientID }

  if(!is.null(kin) & run_lmerel){
    #Format kinship matrix if rownames inside matrix
      name.col <- as.data.frame(kin) %>%
      name.col <- colnames(name.col)
      if(length(name.col) > 1){
        stop("More than one non-numeric column in kin data. Please correct.")
      kin.format <- as.data.frame(kin) %>%
        tibble::column_to_rownames(name.col) %>%
    } else{
      kin.format <- as.matrix(kin)

    #Combine expression data (E) and sample metadata (targets)
    to.model <- dat.subset$E %>%
      tidyr::pivot_longer(-rowname, names_to = libraryID, values_to = "expression") %>%
      dplyr::inner_join(dat.subset$targets, by=libraryID)

      to.model <- to.model %>%
        #Remove samples missing kinship
        dplyr::filter(get(to.modelID) %in% colnames(kin.format)) %>%
    } else{
      to.model <- to.model %>%

    #Add weights if available
      to.model <- to.model %>%
        dplyr::left_join(tidyr::pivot_longer(dat.subset$weights, -rowname,
                                             names_to = libraryID, values_to = "gene_weight"),
                         by=c("rowname", libraryID))
    } else{
      to.model <- to.model %>%
        dplyr::mutate(gene_weight = NA)

    #Remove samples from kinship missing expression data
    #Order kinship as in to.model
      to.keep <- unique(unlist(to.model[,to.modelID]))
      kin.subset <- as.data.frame(kin.format) %>%
        tibble::rownames_to_column() %>%
        dplyr::filter(rowname %in% to.keep) %>%
        dplyr::select(rowname, tidyselect::all_of(to.keep)) %>%
        dplyr::arrange(rowname) %>%
    } else{
      kin.subset <- NULL

    #Total samples messages
    ##total libraries
    lib.no <- nrow(dat.subset$targets)

    ##total donors
    if(patientID %in% colnames(dat.subset$targets)){
      pt.no <- dat.subset$targets %>%
        dplyr::distinct(get(patientID)) %>% nrow()
      message("Input: ", lib.no, " libraries from ", pt.no, " unique individuals")
    } else {
      message("Input: ",lib.no, " libraries")

    ## Missing data
    ## Missing kinship
      kin.no <- to.model %>%
        dplyr::distinct(get(libraryID)) %>% nrow()
      kin.miss <- lib.no-kin.no

      if(kin.miss > 0){
        message("- ", kin.miss, " libraries missing kinship")
    } else{
      kin.miss <- 0

    ##Missing other variables
    all_vars <- gsub("expression~", "", model_lm)
    all_vars <- unique(strsplit(all_vars, "\\+|\\*|:")[[1]])

    complete <- to.model %>%
      dplyr::filter(get(patientID) %in% colnames(kin)) %>%
      dplyr::select(tidyselect::all_of(c(libraryID, all_vars))) %>%
      dplyr::distinct() %>%
      tidyr::drop_na() %>% nrow()

      miss.no <- lib.no-kin.miss-complete
        message("- ", miss.no, " additional libraries missing fixed effect variable(s)") }
    } else{
      miss.no <- lib.no-complete
        message("- ", miss.no, " libraries missing fixed effect variable(s)") }

    message("Model: ",lib.no-kin.miss-miss.no, " libraries")
  } else{
    #Combine expression data (E) and sample metadata (targets)
    to.model <- dat.subset$E %>%
      tidyr::pivot_longer(-rowname, names_to = libraryID, values_to = "expression") %>%
      dplyr::inner_join(dat.subset$targets, by=libraryID)

    #Add weights if available
      to.model <- to.model %>%
        dplyr::left_join(tidyr::pivot_longer(dat.subset$weights, -rowname,
                                             names_to = libraryID, values_to = "gene_weight"),
                         by=c("rowname", libraryID))
    } else{
      to.model <- to.model %>%
        dplyr::mutate(gene_weight = NA)

    kin.subset <- NULL

    #Total samples messages
    ##total libraries
    lib.no <- nrow(dat.subset$targets)

    ##total donors
    if(patientID %in% colnames(dat.subset$targets)){
      pt.no <- dat.subset$targets %>%
        dplyr::distinct(get(patientID)) %>% nrow()
      message("Input: ", lib.no, " libraries from ", pt.no, " unique patients")
    } else {
      message("Input: ", lib.no, " libraries")

    ## Missing data
    all_vars <- gsub("expression~", "", model_lm)
    all_vars <- unique(strsplit(all_vars, "\\+|\\*|:")[[1]])

    if(!is.null(genotype_name)){ all_vars <- c(all_vars, genotype_name)}

    complete <- to.model %>%
      dplyr::select(tidyselect::all_of(c(libraryID, all_vars))) %>%
      dplyr::distinct() %>%
      tidyr::drop_na() %>% nrow()

    miss.no <- lib.no-complete
    if(miss.no>0){message("- ", miss.no, " libraries missing fixed effect variable(s)") }
    message("Model: ", lib.no-miss.no, " libraries")

  #Put back ptID if was renamed as libID
  # if(!(patientID %in% colnames(to.model))){ to.model[[patientID]] <- to.model$libID }

  #Combine for saving
  to.model.ls <- list()
  to.model.ls[["to.model"]] <- to.model
  to.model.ls[["kin.subset"]] <- kin.subset
  to.model.ls[["dat.subset"]] <- dat.subset

BIGslu/kimma documentation built on May 30, 2024, 10:09 p.m.