
Defines functions rename.reconstruction.fields join.events tsplit ssplit trim join.types sbind ebind intersect.datasets delete.samples delete.model delete.pattern delete.hypothesis delete.event delete.gene delete.type rename.gene rename.type change.color annotate.stages annotate.description consolidate.data

Documented in annotate.description annotate.stages change.color consolidate.data delete.event delete.gene delete.hypothesis delete.model delete.pattern delete.samples delete.type ebind intersect.datasets join.events join.types rename.gene rename.type sbind ssplit trim

#### TRONCO: a tool for TRanslational ONCOlogy
#### Copyright (c) 2015-2017, Marco Antoniotti, Giulio Caravagna, Luca De Sano,
#### Alex Graudenzi, Giancarlo Mauri, Bud Mishra and Daniele Ramazzotti.
#### All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
#### are made available under the terms of the GNU GPL v3.0
#### which accompanies this distribution.

# Internal function

#' Verify if the input data are consolidate, i.e., if there are events
#' with 0 or 1 probability or indistinguishable in terms of
#' observations
#' @title consolidate.data
#' @examples
#' data(test_dataset)
#' consolidate.data(test_dataset)
#' @param x A TRONCO compliant dataset.
#' @param print A boolean value stating whether to print of not the summary
#' @return The list of any 0 probability, 1 probability and indistinguishable.
#' @export consolidate.data
consolidate.data <- function(x, print = FALSE) {


    ind = list()
    zeros = list()
    ones = list()

    ## Get the list of indistinguishible events for each entry.
    duplicated.names =
                                                          all(y == as.vector(x$genotypes[ , gene]))))),
                                collapse = "-")))

    ## Get the unique set of indistinguishible events
    duplicated.events =
                                                    ## The next
                                                    ## deserves to be
                                                    ## sent to dailywtf!
                                                        if (length(unlist(strsplit(x, "-"))) > 1)

    ## Evaluate the indistinguishible events.
    if (length(duplicated.events) > 0) {
        for (i in duplicated.events) {
            ev = as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(i, "-")))

            ind.pool = as.events(x)[ev,]

            if (any(x$genotypes[, ev[1]] != 0) && any(x$genotypes[, ev[1]] != 1)) {
                ind = append(ind, list(ind.pool))

            if (print) {
                cat('\nIndistinguishable events:\n')

                cat('Total number of events for these genes: ')
                cat(paste(nevents(x, as.events(x, genes=c(ind.pool)))), '\n')

    ## Evaluate any event at 0 or 1 probability.

    for (i in 1:ncol(x$genotypes)) {

        ev.pool = as.events(x)[i,]

        if (sum(x$genotypes[, i]) == 0) {
            zeros = append(zeros, list(ev.pool))
            if (print) {

                cat('\nIndistinguishable events:\n')

                cat('Total number of events for these genes: ')
                cat(paste(nevents(x, as.events(x, genes = c(ev.pool)))), '\n')

        if (sum(x$genotypes[, i]) == nrow(x$genotypes)) {
            ones = append(ones, list(ev.pool))
            if (print) {
                cat('\nEvents with no alterations across samples:\n')

                cat('Total number of events for these genes: ')
                cat(paste(nevents(x, as.events(x, genes=c(ev.pool)))), '\n')

    ret = NULL
    ret$indistinguishable = ind
    ret$zeroes = zeros
    ret$ones = ones


#' Annotate a description on the selected dataset
#' @title annotate.description
#' @examples
#' data(test_dataset)
#' annotate.description(test_dataset, 'new description')
#' @param x A TRONCO compliant dataset.
#' @param label A string
#' @return A TRONCO compliant dataset.
#' @export annotate.description
annotate.description <- function(x, label) {
    if (as.description(x) != "")
        warning(paste('Old description substituted: ', as.description(x), '.'))

    x$name = label

#' Annotate stage information on the selected dataset
#' @title annotate.stages
#' @examples
#' data(test_dataset)
#' data(stage)
#' test_dataset = annotate.stages(test_dataset, stage)
#' as.stages(test_dataset)
#' @param x A TRONCO compliant dataset.
#' @param stages A list of stages. Rownames must match samples list of x
#' @param match.TCGA.patients Match using TCGA notations (only first 12 characters)
#' @return A TRONCO compliant dataset.
#' @export annotate.stages
annotate.stages <- function(x, stages, match.TCGA.patients = FALSE) {
    if (is.null(rownames(stages))) {
        stop('Stages have no rownames - will not add annotation.')

    samples = as.samples(x)

    ## Just for temporary - will be shortened to make a simple check...
    samples.temporary = samples
    if (match.TCGA.patients) {
        samples.temporary = substring(samples.temporary, 0, 12)

    if (!any(samples.temporary %in% rownames(stages)))
        stop('There are no stages for samples in input dataset - will not add annotation.')

    ## Notify if something gets lost.
    if (has.stages(x)) {
        warning('Stages in input dataset overwritten.')

    ## Actual stages.
    x$stages = data.frame(row.names = samples, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    x$stages[ , 'stage'] = as.character(NA)

    for (i in 1:nsamples(x)) {
        if (!match.TCGA.patients) {
            x$stages[i, ] = as.character(stages[as.samples(x)[i], ])
        } else {
            ## Potential match if x's samples are long TCGA barcodes
            ## and stages are TCGA patients barcdodes (short).
            short.name = substring(as.samples(x)[i], 0 , 12)
            x$stages[i, 'stage'] = as.character(stages[short.name, ])

    count.na = is.na(x$stages)
    if (any(count.na)) {
                      ' missing stages were added as NA.'))


#' Change the color of an event type
#' @title change.color
#' @examples
#' data(test_dataset)
#' dataset = change.color(test_dataset, 'ins_del', 'red')
#' @param x A TRONCO compliant dataset.
#' @param type An event type
#' @param new.color The new color (either HEX or R Color)
#' @return A TRONCO complian dataset.
#' @export change.color
change.color <- function(x, type, new.color) {
    if (type %in% as.types(x)) {
        x$types[type, ] = new.color
    } else {
        stop('type: \"', type, '\" not in dataset')


#' Rename an event type
#' @title rename.type
#' @examples
#' data(test_dataset)
#' test_dataset = rename.type(test_dataset, 'ins_del', 'deletion')
#' @param x A TRONCO compliant dataset.
#' @param old.name The type of event to rename.
#' @param new.name The new name
#' @return A TRONCO complian dataset.
#' @export rename.type
rename.type <- function(x, old.name, new.name) {
    is.compliant(x, 'rename.type: input dataset')
    types = as.types(x)

    if (old.name == 'Pattern'
        || new.name == 'Pattern') {
        stop("Pattern is a reserved keyword in TRONCO")

    if (old.name == new.name) {

    if (old.name %in% types) {
        x$annotations[which(x$annotations[ , 'type'] == old.name), 'type'] = new.name
        if (! new.name %in% types) {
            rownames(x$types)[which(rownames(x$types) == old.name)] = new.name
        } else {
            x$types =
                x$types[!rownames(x$types) %in% list(old.name), , drop = FALSE]
    } else {
        stop(paste(old.name, 'not in as.types(x)'))

    is.compliant(x, err.fun = 'rename.type: output')

#' Rename a gene
#' @title rename.gene
#' @examples
#' data(test_dataset)
#' test_dataset = rename.gene(test_dataset, 'TET2', 'gene x')
#' @param x A TRONCO compliant dataset.
#' @param old.name The name of the gene to rename.
#' @param new.name The new name
#' @return A TRONCO complian dataset.
#' @export rename.gene
rename.gene <- function(x, old.name, new.name) {
    ## If is compliant x

    if (old.name %in% as.genes(x)) {
        x$annotations[ which(x$annotations[,'event'] == old.name), 'event' ] = new.name

    } else {
        stop(paste(old.name, 'not in as.genes(x)'))


#' Delete an event type
#' @title delete.type
#' @examples
#' data(test_dataset)
#' test_dataset = delete.type(test_dataset, 'Pattern')
#' @param x A TRONCO compliant dataset.
#' @param type The name of the type to delete.
#' @return A TRONCO complian dataset.
#' @export delete.type
delete.type <- function(x, type) {
    ## if is compliant x

    if (has.model(x)) {
        stop("There's a reconstructed model, a type cannot be deleted now. \nUse delete.model()")

    for (pattern in as.patterns(x)) {
        if (type %in% as.types.in.patterns(x, patterns=pattern)) {
            stop('Found type \"',
                 '\" in pattern \"',
                 '\". Delete that pattern first.\n')

    if (type %in% as.types(x)) {
        events = as.events(x, types = setdiff(as.types(x), type))

        x$genotypes = as.genotypes(x)[ , rownames(events), drop = FALSE]
        x$annotations = events
        x$types = x$types[which(rownames(x$types) != type), , drop = FALSE]
    } else {
        stop(paste(type, 'not in as.types(x)'))

    if (type == 'Pattern') {
        x$hypotheses = NA


#' Delete a gene
#' @title delete.gene
#' @examples
#' data(test_dataset)
#' test_dataset = delete.gene(test_dataset, 'TET2')
#' @param x A TRONCO compliant dataset.
#' @param gene The name of the gene to delete.
#' @return A TRONCO complian dataset.
#' @export delete.gene
delete.gene <- function(x, gene) {
    ## if is compliant x
    is.compliant(x, 'delete:gene: input')

    if (has.model(x)) {
        stop("There's a reconstructed model, a type cannot be deleted now. \nUse delete.model()")

    if (all(gene %in% as.genes(x))) {
        for (pattern in as.patterns(x)) {
            for (g in gene) {
                if (g %in% as.genes.in.patterns(x, patterns=pattern)) {
                    stop('Found gene \"',
                         '\" in pattern \"',
                         '\". Delete that pattern first.\n')

        drops = rownames(as.events(x, genes = gene))
        x$genotypes = x$genotypes[ , -which(colnames(x$genotypes) %in% drops)]
        x$annotations = x$annotations[ -which(rownames(x$annotations) %in% drops), ]

        ## TO DO: something better than this t(t(...))
        x$types = x$types[which(rownames(x$types) %in% unique(x$annotations[,"type"])), , drop = FALSE]
        colnames(x$types) = 'color'
    } else {
        stop(paste(gene[!(gene %in% as.genes(x))], collapse= ','),
             'are not in the dataset -- as.genes(x).')

    is.compliant(x, 'delete:gene: output')

#' Delete an event from the dataset
#' @title delete.event
#' @examples
#' data(test_dataset)
#' test_dataset = delete.event(test_dataset, 'TET2', 'ins_del')
#' @param x A TRONCO compliant dataset.
#' @param gene The name of the gene to delete.
#' @param type The name of the type to delete.
#' @return A TRONCO complian dataset.
#' @export delete.event
delete.event <- function(x, gene, type) {

    is.compliant(x, 'delete.event: input')

    if (has.model(x)) {
        stop("There's a reconstructed model, a type cannot be deleted now. \nUse delete.model()")

    if (type == 'Pattern') {
        stop("Pattern is a reserved keyword in TRONCO. See delete.pattern")

    for (pattern in as.patterns(x)) {
        events = as.events.in.patterns(x, patterns=pattern)
        if (length(which(events[,'type'] == type & events[,'event'] == gene)) > 0) {
            stop('Found event \"(',
                 ', ',
                 ')\" in pattern \"',
                 '\". Delete that pattern first.\n')

    if (all(c(type, gene) %in% as.events(x))) {
        drops = rownames(as.events(x, genes = gene, types = type))
        x$genotypes = x$genotypes[, -which( colnames(x$genotypes) %in% drops ), drop = FALSE]
        x$annotations = x$annotations[ -which (rownames(x$annotations) %in% drops), , drop = FALSE]

        ## TO DO: something better than this t(t(...))
        x$types = x$types[ which(rownames(x$types) %in% unique(x$annotations[,"type"])), , drop = FALSE]
    } else {
        stop(paste(type, gene, ' - not in as.events(x)'))

    is.compliant(x, 'delete:gene: output')

#' Delete an hypothesis from the dataset based on a selected event.
#' Check if the selected event exist in the dataset and delete his associated hypothesis
#' @title delete.hypothesis
#' @examples
#' data(test_dataset)
#' delete.hypothesis(test_dataset, event='TET2')
#' delete.hypothesis(test_dataset, cause='EZH2')
#' delete.hypothesis(test_dataset, event='XOR_EZH2')
#' @param x A TRONCO compliant dataset.
#' @param event Can be an event or pattern name
#' @param cause Can be an event or pattern name
#' @param effect Can be an event or pattern name
#' @return A TRONCO complian dataset.
#' @export delete.hypothesis
delete.hypothesis <- function(x, event = NA, cause = NA, effect = NA) {

    if (has.model(x)) {
        stop("There's a reconstructed model, hypotheses cannot be deleted now.\nUse delete.model()")

    hypo_map = as.hypotheses(x)
    to_remove = c()

    if (!any(is.na(event))) {
        if (length(event) == 1 && event %in% as.events(x)[ , 'event']) {
            cause_del = which(hypo_map[ , 'cause event'] == event)
            effect_del = which(hypo_map[ , 'effect event'] == event)
            to_remove = unique(c(to_remove, cause_del, effect_del))
        } else {
            stop('Select only one event present in as.events')

    if (! any(is.na(cause))) {
        if (all(cause %in% as.events(x)[ , 'event'])) {
            cause_del = which(hypo_map[ , 'cause event'] == cause)
            to_remove = unique(c(to_remove, cause_del))
        } else {
            stop('Wrong cause, select only events present in as.events')

    if (! any(is.na(effect))) {
        if (all(effect %in% as.events(x)[ , 'event'])) {
            effect_del = which(hypo_map[ , 'effect event'] == effect)
            to_remove = unique(c(to_remove, effect_del))
        } else {
            stop('Wrong effect, select only events present in as.events')

    if (length(to_remove) == 0) {
        warning("Nothing to remove")

    x$hypotheses$num.hypotheses = x$hypotheses$num.hypotheses - 1
    x$hypotheses$hlist = x$hypotheses$hlist[-to_remove, ,drop=FALSE]



#' Delete a pattern and every associated hypotheses from the dataset
#' @title delete.pattern
#' @examples
#' data(test_dataset)
#' delete.pattern(test_dataset, pattern='XOR_EZH2')
#' @param x A TRONCO compliant dataset.
#' @param pattern A pattern name
#' @return A TRONCO complian dataset.
#' @export delete.pattern
delete.pattern <- function(x, pattern) {
    if (has.model(x)) {
        stop("There's a reconstructed model, a pattern cannot be deleted now. \nUse delete.model()")

    if (! pattern %in% as.patterns(x)) {
        stop(paste(pattern, " not in as.patterns()"))

    x = delete.hypothesis(x, pattern)
    x$annotations = x$annotations[-which(rownames(x$annotations) == pattern), , drop = FALSE]
    x$genotypes = x$genotypes[, -which(colnames(x$genotypes) == pattern), drop = FALSE]
    x$hypotheses$patterns[pattern] = NULL
    x$hypotheses$pvalues = NULL

    for (atom in names(x$hypotheses$atoms)) {
        if (x$hypotheses$atoms[atom] == pattern) {
            x$hypotheses$atoms[atom] = NULL

    x$hypotheses$hstructure[pattern] = NULL

    if (! 'Pattern' %in% unique(x$annotations[,'type'])) {
        x$types = x$types[-which(rownames(x$types) == 'Pattern'),,drop=FALSE]




#' Delete a reconstructed model from the dataset
#' @title delete.model
#' @examples
#' data(test_model)
#' model = delete.model(test_model)
#' has.model(model)
#' @param x A TRONCO compliant dataset.
#' @return A TRONCO complian dataset.
#' @export delete.model
delete.model <- function(x) {
    if (! has.model(x)) {
        stop("No model to delete in dataset")
    x$model = NULL
    x$bootstrap = NULL
    x$confidence = NULL
    x$parameters = NULL
    x$adj.matrix.prima.facie = NULL
    x$execution.time = NULL
    x$kfold = NULL



#' Delete samples from selected dataset
#' @title delete.samples
#' @examples
#' data(test_dataset)
#' dataset = delete.samples(test_dataset, c('patient 1', 'patient 4'))
#' @param x A TRONCO compliant dataset.
#' @param samples An array of samples name
#' @return A TRONCO complian dataset.
#' @export delete.samples
delete.samples <- function(x, samples) {
    is.compliant(x, 'delete.samples input')

    if (has.model(x)) {
        stop("There's a reconstructed model, a sample cannot be deleted now. \nUse delete.model()")

    samples = unique(samples)
    if (!all(samples %in% as.samples(x))) {
        stop("Not all sample in as.samples(x)")

    genotypes = x$genotypes[!rownames(x$genotypes) %in% samples, , drop = FALSE]

    if (has.stages(x)) {
        stages = x$stages[!rownames(x$stages) %in% samples, , drop = FALSE]
        x$stages = stages

    x$genotypes = genotypes

    is.compliant(x, 'delete.samples output')


#' Intersect samples and events of two dataset
#' @title intersect.datasets
#' @examples
#' data(test_dataset)
#' @param x A TRONCO compliant dataset.
#' @param y A TRONCO compliant dataset.
#' @param intersect.genomes If False -> just samples
#' @return A TRONCO complian dataset.
#' @export intersect.datasets
intersect.datasets <- function(x,y, intersect.genomes = TRUE) {

    ## Common samples and genes (according to intersect.genomes)
    samples = intersect(as.samples(x), as.samples(y))
    genes =
               intersect(as.genes(x), as.genes(y)), # intersect.genomes -> INTERSECTION
               unique(c(as.genes(x), as.genes(y)))) # !intersect.genomes -> UNION

    report = data.frame(row.names = c('Samples', 'Genes'))
    report$x = c(nsamples(x), ngenes(x))
    report$y = c(nsamples(y), ngenes(y))

    ## Restrict genes - only if intersect.genomes = T
    if (intersect.genomes) {
        x = events.selection(x, filter.in.names=genes)
        y = events.selection(y, filter.in.names=genes)

    ## TODO: check they have no events in common!
    ## if (as.events(x) )

    ## Restrict stamples.
    x = samples.selection(x, samples)
    y = samples.selection(y, samples)

    ## Result.
    z = ebind(x,y)

    cat('*** Intersect dataset [ intersect.genomes =', intersect.genomes, ']\n')
    report$result = c(nsamples(z), ngenes(z))


#' Binds events from one or more datasets, which must be defined over the same set of samples.
#' @title ebind
#' @param ... the input datasets
#' @param silent A parameter to disable/enable verbose messages.
#' @return A TRONCO complian dataset.
#' @export ebind
ebind <- function(...,
                  silent = FALSE) {
    ## Merge two  datasets at a time.
    events.pairwise.bind <- function(x, y) {
        is.compliant(x, 'ebind: input x')
        is.compliant(y, 'ebind: input y')

        samples.intersect = intersect(as.samples(x), as.samples(y))
        if (!(setequal(samples.intersect, as.samples(x))
              && setequal(samples.intersect, as.samples(y))))
            stop('Datasets have different samples, won\'t bind!')

        z = list()

        y$genotypes = y$genotypes[rownames(x$genotypes), , drop = FALSE]
        y$stages = y$stages[rownames(y$genotypes), , drop = FALSE]

        ## Copy genotype matrix, and sets its rownames (samples).
        z$genotypes = cbind(x$genotypes, y$genotypes)
        colnames(z$genotypes) = paste('G', 1:ncol(z$genotypes), sep='')

        ## Copy annotations for gene symbols etc.
        z$annotations = rbind(x$annotations, y$annotations)
        rownames(z$annotations) = colnames(z$genotypes)

        ## Copy types.
        z$types = unique(rbind(x$types, y$types))

        ## Copy stages, if present.
        if (has.stages(x) && has.stages(y)) {
            stages.x = as.stages(x)
            stages.y = as.stages(y)

            stages.x = stages.x[!is.na(stages.x)]
            stages.y = stages.y[!is.na(stages.y)]

            if (any(stages.x != stages.y)) {
                stop('Patients have different stages, won\'t merge!')

        if (has.stages(x)) {
            z = annotate.stages(z, as.stages(x))

        is.compliant(z, 'ebind: output')


    input = list(...)

    if (!silent) {
        cat('*** Binding events for', length(input), 'datasets.\n')
    return(Reduce(events.pairwise.bind, input))

#' Binds samples from one or more datasets, which must be defined over the same set of events
#' @title sbind
#' @param ... the input datasets
#' @return A TRONCO complian dataset.
#' @export sbind
sbind <- function(...) {

    ## Merge two datasets at a time.
    samples.pairwise.bind <- function(x, y) {
        is.compliant(x, 'sbind: input x')
        is.compliant(y, 'sbind: input y')

        if (!all(as.events(x) == as.events(y))) {
            stop('Datasets have different events, can not bind!')
        z = list()

        ## Copy genotypes and annotations.
        z$genotypes = rbind(x$genotypes, y$genotypes)
        z$annotations = x$annotations
        z$types = x$types

        ## Copy stages, if present.
        if (has.stages(x) || has.stages(y)) {
            if (has.stages(x)) xstages = as.stages(x)
            else xstages = matrix(rep('NA', nsamples(x)), nrow = nsamples(x))

            if (has.stages(y)) ystages = as.stages(y)
            else ystages = matrix(rep('NA', nsamples(y)), nrow = nsamples(y))

            z$stages = (rbind(x$stages, y$stages))

            colnames(z$stages) = 'stage'
        is.compliant(z, 'sbind: output')


    input = list(...)
    return(Reduce(samples.pairwise.bind, input))

#' For an input dataset merge all the events of two or more distincit types
#' (e.g., say that missense and indel mutations are events
#' of a unique "mutation" type)
#' @title join.types
#' @examples
#' data(test_dataset_no_hypos)
#' join.types(test_dataset_no_hypos, 'ins_del', 'missense_point_mutations')
#' join.types(test_dataset_no_hypos, 'ins_del',
#'      'missense_point_mutations', new.type='mut', new.color='green')
#' @param x A TRONCO compliant dataset.
#' @param ... type to merge
#' @param new.type label for the new type to create
#' @param new.color color for the new type to create
#' @param silent A parameter to disable/enable verbose messages.
#' @return A TRONCO compliant dataset.
#' @export join.types
join.types <- function(x,
                       new.type = "new.type",
                       new.color = "khaki",
                       silent = FALSE) {

    ## Check if x is compliant.

    if(has.model(x)) {
        stop("There's a reconstructed model, types cannot be merged now. \nUse delete.model()")

    if(length(as.patterns(x)) > 0) {
        stop('Patterns found. Delete patterns first.\n')

    input = list(...)

    ## TODO Change this in a better way (deafult ellipsis?)
    if (length(input) == 1 && is.null(input[[1]])) {
        input = as.list(as.types(x))

    if (!silent) {
        cat("*** Aggregating events of type(s) {",
            paste(unlist(input), collapse = ", ", sep = ""),
            "}\nin a unique event with label \"",

    if (length(input) <= 1) {
        if (!silent) {
            cat("One input type provided, using renaming functions.\n")

        x = rename.type(x, input[[1]], new.type)
        x = change.color(x, new.type, new.color)

    types.check =
               function(type) {
                   type %in% as.types(x)

    if (!all(unlist(types.check))) {
        t = (input[!unlist(types.check)])

        stop("No events of type '", t, "' in input dataset, will not merge.")

    if (any(duplicated(input))) {
        stop("No duplicated types are allowed, will not merge.")

    if (new.type %in% as.types(x)) {
        stop(paste0(new.type, "is already used in input dataset, will not merge"))

    input = unlist(input)

    genes = as.genes(x, types = input)
    if (!silent) {
        cat("Dropping event types",
            paste(input, collapse = ", ", sep = ""),
    geno.matrix = matrix(, nrow = nsamples(x), ncol = length(genes))

    #if (!silent) {
    #    pb = txtProgressBar(1, length(genes), style = 3)
    #    flush.console()
    for (i in 1:length(genes)) {
        #if (!silent) {
        #    setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
        if (!silent) {

        geno = as.matrix(rowSums(as.gene(x, genes[i], types = input)))
        geno[geno > 1] = 1

        geno.matrix[, i] = geno
    if (!silent) {

    rownames(geno.matrix) = as.samples(x)
    colnames(geno.matrix) = genes
    #if (!silent) {
    #    close(pb)

    z = import.genotypes(geno.matrix, event.type = new.type, color = new.color)
    if (has.stages(x)) {
        z = annotate.stages(z, as.stages(x))

    y = x
    for (i in input) {
        y = delete.type(y, i)

    w = ebind(y, z, silent = silent)


#' Deletes all events which have frequency 0 in the dataset.
#' @title trim
#' @examples
#' data(test_dataset)
#' test_dataset = trim(test_dataset)
#' @param x A TRONCO compliant dataset.
#' @return A TRONCO compliant dataset.
#' @export trim
trim <- function(x) {
    is.compliant(x, 'trim: input')

    x = enforce.numeric(x)

    del = names(which(colSums(x$genotypes) == 0))

    x$genotypes = x$genotypes[ , !colnames(x$genotypes) %in% del, drop = FALSE]
    x$annotations = x$annotations[!rownames(x$annotations) %in% del, , drop = FALSE]

    x$types = matrix(x$types[unique(x$annotations[ , 'type', drop = FALSE]), , drop = FALSE ], ncol = 1)
    rownames(x$types) = unique(x$annotations[,'type', drop = FALSE])
    colnames(x$types) = 'color'

    is.compliant(x, 'trim: output')

# TODO: check
#' Split cohort (samples) into groups, return either all groups or a specific group.
#' @title ssplit
#' @param x A TRONCO compliant dataset.
#' @param clusters A list of clusters. Rownames must match samples list of x
#' @param idx ID of a specific group present in stages. If NA all groups will be extracted
#' @return A TRONCO compliant dataset.
#' @export ssplit
ssplit <- function(x, clusters, idx = NA) {

    data = x$genotypes

    cat('*** Splitting cohort into groups.\n')

    ## TODO: check that clusters has at least 2 columns

    ## Check that map has correct size.

    if (nsamples(x) != nrow(clusters))
        stop(paste("Error: cannot split, number of samples (",
                   nsamples(x) ,
                   ") and groups (",
                   ") do not match.",
                   sep = ''));

    ## Check it is an actual map.
    if (!all(rownames(clusters) %in% rownames(data)))
        stop(paste('Error: samples',
                   paste(rownames(clusters)[!rownames(clusters) %in% as.samples(x)],
                         collapse=', ',
                         sep = ''),
                   'are not assigned to a group',
                   sep = ''));

    ## Groups info.
    cluster.labels = unique(clusters)
    num.clusters = nrow(cluster.labels)

    ## Extract a specific group.
    if (!is.na(idx)) {
        y = list()
        samples.in.cluster = rownames(clusters)[clusters == idx]

        cat(paste('Group \"', idx, '\" has ', length(samples.in.cluster),
                  ' samples, returning this group.\n', sep=''))

        y$genotypes = data[samples.in.cluster, ];
        y$annotations = x$annotations
        y$types = x$types

        if (!is.null(x$stages)) {
            y$stages = as.matrix(x$stages[samples.in.cluster, ])
            rownames(y$stages) = samples.in.cluster

        is.compliant(y, 'ssplit.split with index')

    ## Extract all groups.
    partitions = list()
    for (i in 1:num.clusters) {
        y = list()
        samples.in.cluster = rownames(clusters)[clusters == cluster.labels[i, 1]]

        cat(paste('Group \"', cluster.labels[i,1], '\" has ', length(samples.in.cluster),
                  ' samples.\n', sep=''))

        y$genotypes = data[samples.in.cluster, ];
        y$annotations = x$annotations
        y$types = x$types

        if (!is.null(x$stages)) {
            y$stages = as.matrix(x$stages[samples.in.cluster, ])
            rownames(y$stages) = samples.in.cluster

        is.compliant(y, 'subtypes.split partitionig')
        partitions = append(partitions, list(y))
        names(partitions)[i] = cluster.labels[i,1]


# Split events into groups according to their types.
# x: cohort
# @export

tsplit <- function(x) {
    ## Parametro per estrarre un tipo solo di evento?

#' Merge a list of events in an unique event
#' @title join.events
#' @examples
#' data(muts)
#' dataset = join.events(muts, 'G1', 'G2', new.event='test', new.type='banana', event.color='yellow')
#' @param x A TRONCO compliant dataset.
#' @param ... A list of events to merge
#' @param new.event The name of the resultant event
#' @param new.type The type of the new event
#' @param event.color The color of the new event
#' @return A TRONCO compliant dataset.
#' @export join.events
join.events <- function(x, ..., new.event, new.type, event.color) {

    events = list(...)

    if (length(events) < 2) {
        stop('Badly formed events.')

    for (pattern in as.patterns(x)) {
        if (any(events %in% rownames(as.events.in.patterns(x, patterns=pattern)))) {
            stop('Found event in pattern \"', pattern, '\". Delete that pattern first.\n')

    x = enforce.numeric(x)

    y = x
    as_ev = as.events(x)

    for (event in events) {
        y = delete.event(y, gene = as_ev[event, 'event'], type = as_ev[event, 'type'])

    genos = x$genotypes[, unlist(events)]
    genos = matrix(rowSums(genos), nrow = nsamples(x))
    genos[genos > 1] = 1
    colnames(genos) = new.event
    rownames(genos) = as.samples(x)

    genos = import.genotypes(genos, event.type = new.type, color = event.color)
    y = ebind(y, genos)


# rename field of reconstruction
rename.reconstruction.fields <- function(reconstruction, genotypes){
    rownames(reconstruction$confidence) =
        c("temporal priority",
          "probability raising",
          "hypergeometric test")
    colnames(reconstruction$confidence) = "confidence"
    rownames(reconstruction$confidence[[1,1]]) = colnames(genotypes)
    colnames(reconstruction$confidence[[1,1]]) = colnames(genotypes)
    rownames(reconstruction$confidence[[2,1]]) = colnames(genotypes)
    colnames(reconstruction$confidence[[2,1]]) = colnames(genotypes)
    rownames(reconstruction$confidence[[3,1]]) = colnames(genotypes)
    colnames(reconstruction$confidence[[3,1]]) = colnames(genotypes)

    for (i in 1:length(reconstruction$model)) {

        ## Set rownames and colnames to the probabilities.
        rownames(reconstruction$model[[i]]$probabilities$probabilities.observed$marginal.probs) = colnames(genotypes)
        colnames(reconstruction$model[[i]]$probabilities$probabilities.observed$marginal.probs) = "marginal probability"
        rownames(reconstruction$model[[i]]$probabilities$probabilities.observed$joint.probs) = colnames(genotypes)
        colnames(reconstruction$model[[i]]$probabilities$probabilities.observed$joint.probs) = colnames(genotypes)
        rownames(reconstruction$model[[i]]$probabilities$probabilities.observed$conditional.probs) = colnames(genotypes)
        colnames(reconstruction$model[[i]]$probabilities$probabilities.observed$conditional.probs) = "conditional probability"

        ## Set rownames and colnames to the parents positions.
        rownames(reconstruction$model[[i]]$parents.pos) = colnames(genotypes)
        colnames(reconstruction$model[[i]]$parents.pos) = "parents"

        ## Set rownames and colnames to the adjacency matrices.
        rownames(reconstruction$model[[i]]$adj.matrix$adj.matrix.fit) = colnames(genotypes)
        colnames(reconstruction$model[[i]]$adj.matrix$adj.matrix.fit) = colnames(genotypes)


#### end of file -- editing.functions.R
BIMIB-DISCo/TRONCO documentation built on May 7, 2024, 8:13 p.m.