
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
#' bedTracks
#' Export circRNA information from given \code{SummarizedExperiment} object to
#' \code{BED6}-style \code{GRangesList}.
#' This is useful to generate genome browser tracks showing circRNA candidates
#' per sample.
#' @param se \code{SummarizedExperiment} object with circRNA information
#' @param score \code{character} vector (only first element will be used) naming
#'              the assay to use as \code{BED} score (\code{NULL} to omit BED
#'              score and use `.` as a placeholder instead)
#' @param min.score \code{numeric} vector (only first element will be used) with
#'                  minimal score a circRNA must have to be included in the
#'                  \code{BED} output for a given sample (\code{NULL} to include
#'                  all circRNAs for all samples, even if they were not detected
#'                  in that sample)
#' @param max.score \code{numeric} vector (only first element will be used) with
#'                  maximal score to be used in \code{BED} output (higher score
#'                  will be truncated) (\code{NULL} to keep scores unlimited,
#"                  ignoring the \code{BED} format definition)
#' @return returns a GRangesList object with BED6 circRNA data per sample
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname bedTracks-methods
#' @export
                    score = "circ.uniq",
                    min.score = unlist(ifelse(is.null(score), list(NULL),
                    max.score = unlist(ifelse(is.null(score), list(NULL),

#' @aliases bedTracks,RangedSummarizedExperiment-method
#' @rdname bedTracks-methods
          definition = function(se, score, min.score, max.score) {

            # check input
            if (length(score) > 1) {
              warning("length(score) > 1; only first entry will be used")
              score <- score[1]
            if (length(min.score) > 1) {
              warning("length(min.score) > 1; only first entry will be used")
              min.score <- min.score[1]
            if (length(max.score) > 1) {
              warning("length(max.score) > 1; only first entry will be used")
              max.score <- max.score[1]
            if (!is.null(score)) {
              if (!(score %in% names(assays(se)))) {
                warning(paste0("no assay named '", score, "'",
                               "; BED output will be generated without scores"))
                score <- NULL
            if (is.null(score) & !is.null(min.score)) {
              warning("no BED score defined; circRNAs will not be filtered")
              min.score <- NULL
            if (is.null(score) & !is.null(max.score)) {
              warning("no BED score defined; BED scores will not be truncated")
              min.score <- NULL

            # get circRNA coordinates
            ranges <- rowRanges(se)

            # drop metadata columns
            mcols(ranges) <- NULL

            # get score matrix (circRNA x sample)
            if (!is.null(score)) {
              scores <- assays(se)[[score]]

            # use `.` as score of no score assay was specified (1 x sample)
            } else {
              message("no BED score defined; using `.` as placeholder")
              scores <- matrix(rep(".", ncol(se)), nrow = 1)
              colnames(scores) <- colnames(se)

            # setup GRangesList with circRNA coordinates scored per sample
            sample.names <- colnames(scores)
            ranges <- lapply(sample.names,
                             function(sample.name) {
                               mcols(ranges)$score <- scores[, sample.name]
            names(ranges) <- sample.names
            ranges <- GRangesList(ranges)

            # filter out circRNA not passing the minimal score (per sample)
            if (!is.null(min.score))
              ranges <- endoapply(ranges,
                                  function(gr) {
                                           rtracklayer::score(gr) >= min.score)

            # truncate score at given maximum
            if (!is.null(max.score))
              ranges <- endoapply(ranges,
                                  function(gr) {
                                    mcols(gr)$score[rtracklayer::score(gr) >
                                                    max.score] <- max.score

            # return GRangesList

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
#' writeBedTracks
#' Write circRNA information from given \code{BED6}-style \code{GRangesList} (or
#' \code{SummarizedExperiment} object) to \code{BED} files (one per sample).
#' These can be loaded as genome browser tracks showing circRNA candidates.
#' @param circs \code{GRangesList} or \code{SummarizedExperiment} object with
#'              circRNA information
#' @param out.prefix \code{character} vector (only first element will be used)
#'                   specifying the prefix to use for output files (before the
#'                   sample name)
#' @param out.suffix \code{character} vector (only first element will be used)
#'                   specifying the suffix to use for output files (after the
#'                   sample name)
#' @param seqlevels.style \code{character} vector (only first element will be
#'                        used) specifying the seqlevels style to use for the
#'                        output BED files
#' @param sort.bed \code{logical} vector (only first element will be used)
#'                 specifying whether or not to sort the \code{BED} output (by
#'                 genomic coordinates)
#' @param ... named arguments defined above to be passed on from
#'            \{code{SummarizedExperiment}-method to \code{GRangesList}-method
#' @return None
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname writeBedTracks-methods
#' @export
           function(circs, ...)

#' @aliases writeBedTracks,GRangesList-method
#' @rdname writeBedTracks-methods
          definition = function(circs,
                                out.prefix = "ciRcus_",
                                out.suffix = ".bed",
                                seqlevels.style = "UCSC",
                                sort.bed = TRUE) {

            # check input
            if (length(seqlevels.style) > 1){
              warning(paste("length(seqlevels.style) > 1;",
                            "only first entry will be used"))
              seqlevels.style <- seqlevels.style[1]
            if (length(sort.bed) > 1){
              warning(paste("length(sort.bed) > 1;",
                            "only first entry will be used"))
              sort.bed <- sort.bed[1]

            # adjust seqlevels style
            if (!is.null(seqlevels.style)) {
              if (!(seqlevels.style) %in% seqlevelsStyle(circs)){
                message(paste0("Changing seqlevels style to '", seqlevels.style,
                               "' for BED track output file",
                               ifelse(length(circs) > 1, "s", ""), "."))
                seqlevelsStyle(circs) <- seqlevels.style

            # sort BED entries by genomic coordinates
            # Note: By default, GRanges are sorted by seqlevel, *strand* and
            # start, which is not only counter-intuitive, but also wrong when
            # exporting to BED. Thus, `ignore.strand` must explicitely set to
            # `TRUE`. Unfortunately, the GRangesList `sort` method doesn't
            # provide that option (i.e. pass it down to the GRanges one). Thus,
            # an `endoapply` call is necessary.
            # Also note: `GenomeInfoDb::sortseqlevels` sorts contigs names
            # 'naturally' (i.e. autosomes ascending, gonosomes and mitochondrial
            # contigs last), which is not what one expects for sorted BED. Thus,
            # the seqlevels are sorted alphabetically using `base::sort`
            # instead.
            if (sort.bed) {
              message(paste0("Sorting circRNA candidates by genomic ",
                             "coordinates for BED track output file",
                             ifelse(length(circs) > 1, "s", ""), "."))
              seqlevels(circs) <- base::sort(seqlevels(circs))
              circs <- endoapply(circs, BiocGenerics::sort,
                                 ignore.strand = TRUE)

            # export GRanges to BED files one sample at a time
            for (sample.name in names(circs)) {
                     con = paste0(out.prefix, sample.name, out.suffix),
                     format = "BED"

#' @aliases writeBedTracks,RangedSummarizedExperiment-method
#' @rdname writeBedTracks-methods
          definition = function(circs, ...) {

            # extract BED6-style GRangesList from SummarizedExperiment and
            # write BED tracks based on that GRangesList
            writeBedTracks(bedTracks(circs), ...)
BIMSBbioinfo/ciRcus documentation built on May 5, 2019, 10:25 a.m.