
Defines functions runsRGES

Documented in runsRGES

#' @export
#' @importFrom Rfast colRanks
#' @importFrom dplyr summarise id desc
#' @importFrom plotly group_by
#' @import octad.db
#' @importFrom ExperimentHub ExperimentHub
#' @importFrom octad.db get_ExperimentHub_data
#' @importFrom utils write.csv data txtProgressBar read.csv2 head read.csv
#' @importFrom grDevices pdf
#### runsRGES #######
runsRGES <- function(dz_signature = NULL, choose_fda_drugs = FALSE, max_gene_size = 500, cells = NULL, output = FALSE,
    outputFolder = NULL, weight_cell_line = NULL, permutations = 10000) {
    if (missing(dz_signature)) {
        stop("Disease signature input not found")
    if (is.null(dz_signature$Symbol) | is.null(dz_signature$log2FoldChange)) {
        stop("Either Symbol or log2FoldChange collumn in Disease signature is missing")

    # output check
    if (output == TRUE & is.null(outputFolder)) {
        outputFolder <- tempdir()
        message("outputFolder is NULL, writing output to tempdir()")
    } else if (output == TRUE & !is.null(outputFolder)) {
        if (output == TRUE & !dir.exists(outputFolder)) {
        } else if (output == TRUE & dir.exists(outputFolder)) {
            warning("Existing directory ", outputFolder, " found, containtment might be overwritten")

    message("Started sRGES computation. Average computation time ~1-3mins.")
    start_time <- Sys.time()
    # write paths

    if (output == TRUE) {
        output_path <- file.path(outputFolder, paste0("/all_", paste(cells, collapse = "_"), "_lincs_score.csv"))
        sRGES_output_path <- file.path(outputFolder, paste0("sRGES", cells, ".csv", collapse = "_"))
        sRGES_output_path_drug <- file.path(outputFolder, "sRGES_FDAapproveddrugs.csv")
        dz_sig_output_path <- file.path(outputFolder, "dz_sig_used.csv")

    lincs_sig_info <- get_ExperimentHub_data("EH7270")  # bioconductor addition
    getsRGES <- function(RGES, cor, pert_dose, pert_time, diff, max_cor) {
        sRGES <- RGES
        pert_time <- ifelse(pert_time < 24, "short", "long")
        pert_dose <- ifelse(pert_dose < 10, "low", "high")
        if (pert_time == "short" & pert_dose == "low") {
            sRGES <- sRGES + diff[4]
        if (pert_dose == "low" & pert_time == "long") {
            sRGES <- sRGES + diff[2]
        if (pert_dose == "high" & pert_time == "short") {
            sRGES <- sRGES + diff[1]
        return(sRGES * cor/max_cor)
    cmap_score_ultimate <- function(sig_up, sig_down, drug_signature) {
        num_genes <- length(drug_signature)
        ks_up <- 0
        ks_down <- 0
        connectivity_score <- 0
        drug_signature <- rank(drug_signature)
        up_tags_rank <- drug_signature[as.vector(sig_up)]
        down_tags_rank <- drug_signature[as.vector(sig_down)]
        up_tags_position <- sort(up_tags_rank)
        down_tags_position <- sort(down_tags_rank)
        num_tags_up <- length(up_tags_position)
        num_tags_down <- length(down_tags_position)
        if (num_tags_up > 1) {
            a_up <- 0
            b_up <- 0
            a_up <- max(vapply(seq_len(num_tags_up), function(j) {
                j/num_tags_up - up_tags_position[j]/num_genes
            }, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1)))
            b_up <- max(vapply(seq_len(num_tags_up), function(j) {
                up_tags_position[j]/num_genes - (j - 1)/num_tags_up
            }, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1)))
            if (a_up > b_up) {
                ks_up <- a_up
            } else {
                ks_up <- -b_up
        } else {
            ks_up <- 0
        if (num_tags_down > 1) {
            a_down <- 0
            b_down <- 0
            a_down <- max(vapply(seq_len(num_tags_down), function(j) {
                j/num_tags_down - down_tags_position[j]/num_genes
            }, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1)))
            b_down <- max(vapply(seq_len(num_tags_down), function(j) {
                down_tags_position[j]/num_genes - (j - 1)/num_tags_down
            }, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1)))
            if (a_down > b_down) {
                ks_down <- a_down
            } else {
                ks_down <- -b_down
        } else {
            ks_down <- 0
        if (ks_up == 0 & ks_down != 0) {
            connectivity_score <- -ks_down
        } else if (ks_up != 0 & ks_down == 0) {
            connectivity_score <- ks_up
        } else if (sum(sign(c(ks_down, ks_up))) == 0) {
            connectivity_score <- ks_up - ks_down
        } else {
            connectivity_score <- ks_up - ks_down

    if (!missing(cells)) {
        lincs_sig_info$cell_id <- toupper(lincs_sig_info$cell_id)
        lincs_sig_info <- subset(lincs_sig_info, lincs_sig_info$cell_id %in% cells)
    } else if (!missing(cells) & nrow(lincs_sig_info) == 0) {
        stop("Wrong cell line name. List of possible cell lines is available via command unique(octad.db::lincs_sig_info$cell_id)")
    } else if (missing(cells)) {
        cells <- ""  # plug for older code version
    lincs_signatures <- get_ExperimentHub_data("EH7271")
    if (choose_fda_drugs) {
        fda_drugs <- get_ExperimentHub_data("EH7269")
        lincs_sig_info_FDA <- subset(lincs_sig_info, id %in% colnames(lincs_signatures) & tolower(lincs_sig_info$pert_iname) %in%
        # FDAdf <- select(lincs_sig_info_FDA, lincs_sig_info_FDA$pert_id, lincs_sig_info_FDA$pert_iname)
        FDAdf <- select(lincs_sig_info_FDA, c("pert_id", "pert_iname"))  #the code above does not work
        FDAdf <- unique(FDAdf)  #[, seq_len(2)])
        if (output == TRUE) {
            write.csv(FDAdf, file = file.path(outputFolder, "FDA_approved_drugs.csv"), row.names = FALSE)
        lincs_sig_info <- subset(lincs_sig_info, id %in% colnames(lincs_signatures))
    } else {
        lincs_sig_info <- subset(lincs_sig_info, id %in% colnames(lincs_signatures))
    # remove duplicate instances
    lincs_sig_info <- lincs_sig_info[!duplicated(lincs_sig_info$id), ]
    sig.ids <- lincs_sig_info$id
    #### compute RGES####
    gene.list <- toupper(rownames(lincs_signatures))
    dz_signature <- subset(dz_signature, dz_signature$Symbol %in% gene.list)
    dz_genes_up <- subset(dz_signature, dz_signature$log2FoldChange > 0)
    dz_genes_up <- dz_genes_up[order(dz_genes_up$log2FoldChange, decreasing = TRUE), ]
    dz_genes_down <- subset(dz_signature, dz_signature$log2FoldChange < 0)
    dz_genes_down <- dz_genes_down[order(dz_genes_down$log2FoldChange, decreasing = TRUE), ]
    ############### compute RGES caps gene selection to max gene size
    if (nrow(dz_genes_up) > max_gene_size) {
        dz_genes_up <- dz_genes_up %>%
    if (nrow(dz_genes_down) > max_gene_size) {
        dz_genes_down <- dz_genes_down %>%
    if (output == TRUE) {
        write.csv(rbind(dz_genes_up, dz_genes_down), dz_sig_output_path)
    dz_cmap_scores <- NULL
    cmap_exp_sig <- Rfast::colRanks(-1 * lincs_signatures, method = "max")
    names.list <- list(rownames(lincs_signatures), colnames(lincs_signatures))
    dimnames(cmap_exp_sig) <- names.list
    pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 1, max = permutations, style = 3)  # set progressbar
    i <- 0
    time_vector <- 0
    cmap_exp_signature <- data.frame(ids = gene.list, rank = cmap_exp_sig[, as.vector(sig.ids)])
    cmap_exp_sig <- as.data.frame(cmap_exp_sig)
    cmap_exp_sig$ids <- NULL
    dz_cmap_scores <- apply(cmap_exp_sig[as.vector(sig.ids)], 2, FUN = function(x) {
        cmap_score_ultimate(dz_genes_up$Symbol, dz_genes_down$Symbol, drug_signature = x)
    # random scores
    lincs_signatures <- get_ExperimentHub_data("EH7271")
    random_sig_ids <- sample(colnames(lincs_signatures), permutations, replace = TRUE)
    random_cmap_scores <- NULL
    cmap_exp_signature <- as.data.frame(Rfast::colRanks(-1 * lincs_signatures[, as.character(random_sig_ids)],
        method = "max"))
    rm(lincs_signatures)  # free some memory
    random_cmap_scores <- apply(cmap_exp_signature, 2, FUN = function(x) {
        cmap_score_ultimate(sample(seq_len(length(dz_genes_up$Symbol)), replace = TRUE), sample(seq_len(length(dz_genes_down$Symbol)),
            replace = TRUE), drug_signature = x)
    p <- vapply(dz_cmap_scores, function(score) {
        sum(random_cmap_scores < score)/length(random_cmap_scores)
    }, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))
    padj <- p.adjust(p, "fdr")
    results <- data.frame(id = sig.ids, cmap_score = dz_cmap_scores, p, padj)
    results <- merge(results, lincs_sig_info, by = "id")
    results <- results[order(results$cmap_score), ]

    #################### bug plug
    if (output == FALSE) {
        output_path <- file.path(tempdir(), paste0("/all_", paste(cells, collapse = "_"), "_lincs_score.csv"))
        write.csv(results, output_path)  #bugfix, otherwise empty input passed to lincs_drug_prediction, fix ASAP
        lincs_drug_prediction <- read.csv(output_path)
        unlink(output_path)  #delete csv plug
    } else if (output == TRUE) {
        write.csv(results, output_path)
        lincs_drug_prediction <- read.csv(output_path)

    #################### summarize RGES lincs_drug_prediction=results
    lincs_drug_prediction_subset <- subset(lincs_drug_prediction, lincs_drug_prediction$pert_dose > 0 & lincs_drug_prediction$pert_time %in%
        c(6, 24))
    # pairs that share the same drug and cell id
    lincs_drug_prediction_pairs <- merge(lincs_drug_prediction_subset, lincs_drug_prediction_subset, by = c("pert_iname",
    # x is the reference
    lincs_drug_prediction_pairs <- subset(lincs_drug_prediction_pairs, lincs_drug_prediction_pairs$id.x != lincs_drug_prediction_pairs$id.y &
        lincs_drug_prediction_pairs$pert_time.x == 24 & lincs_drug_prediction_pairs$pert_dose.x == 10)  # , select <- c('cmap_score.x', 'cmap_score.y', 'pert_dose.y', 'pert_time.y'))
    # difference of RGES to the reference
    lincs_drug_prediction_pairs$cmap_diff <- lincs_drug_prediction_pairs$cmap_score.x - lincs_drug_prediction_pairs$cmap_score.y
    lincs_drug_prediction_pairs$dose <- round(log(lincs_drug_prediction_pairs$pert_dose.y, 2), 1)
    # estimate difference
    lincs_drug_prediction_pairs$dose_bin <- ifelse(lincs_drug_prediction_pairs$pert_dose.y < 10, "low", "high")
    diff <- tapply(lincs_drug_prediction_pairs$cmap_diff, paste(lincs_drug_prediction_pairs$dose_bin, lincs_drug_prediction_pairs$pert_time.y),
    # ignore weighting cell lines
    if (!missing(weight_cell_line)) {
        lincs_cell_line_weight <- weight_cell_line
        pred <- merge(lincs_drug_prediction, lincs_cell_line_weight, by.x = "cell_id", by.y = 0)
    } else {
        pred <- lincs_drug_prediction
        pred$medcor <- 1
    pred$RGES <- vapply(seq_len(nrow(pred)), function(id) {
        getsRGES(pred$cmap_score[id], pred$medcor[id], pred$pert_dose[id], pred$pert_time[id], diff, max(pred$medcor))
    }, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))
    cmpd_freq <- table(pred$pert_iname)
    pred <- subset(pred, pred$pert_iname %in% names(cmpd_freq[cmpd_freq > 0]))
    pred_merged <- pred %>%
        group_by(pred$pert_iname) %>%
        dplyr::summarise(mean = mean(RGES), n = length(RGES), median = median(RGES), sd = sd(RGES))  #replace pred$RGES with RGES
    pred_merged$sRGES <- pred_merged$mean
    pred_merged <- pred_merged[order(pred_merged$sRGES), ]
    # rename first column
    colnames(pred_merged)[1] <- "pert_iname"

    if (output == TRUE) {
        write.csv(pred_merged, sRGES_output_path)
    if (choose_fda_drugs) {
        pred_merged_drug <- merge(fda_drugs, pred_merged, by = "pert_iname")
        pred_merged_drug <- pred_merged_drug[order(pred_merged_drug$sRGES), ]
        if (output == TRUE) {
            write.csv(pred_merged_drug, sRGES_output_path_drug)
    message("Finished computations in", round(Sys.time() - start_time, 2), units(Sys.time() - start_time), ",writing output")
Bin-Chen-Lab/OCTAD documentation built on Jan. 28, 2023, 12:04 p.m.