
Defines functions infer_crs

Documented in infer_crs

#' @title Infer crs
#' @description This function will project occurrences to a list of ~6600 crs, find  nearest 4 points, find the angle to the 4 points, then take reminder %%90, the smaller the better also find the distance to the 4 points, then all the distance is standardized to 0 mean and 1sd  then do a histogram, and calculate the freq of each bin,  pick the bin with highest freq ideally, the true crs will lead to the highest freq in that bin.
#' @author Xiao Feng
#' @param occ_path Character. A string, path of input occurrences, should have decimalLongitude & decimalLatitude.
#' @param truth_crs_num Character. A string, epsg code of the true crs if known.
#' @param flag_saveTemp Logical. If "True", save the middle output.
#' @param flag_newCal Logical. If "True" do the distance calculation again.
#' @param temp_path Character. Define a path to save.
#' @param cup_num Numerical. To define the number of cores to use. Default is 2.
#' @param flag_debug Numerical. Default -1.
#' @export
#' @note Using 15 cores, it took ~10-20 minutes to finish this workflow.
#' @import data.table doParallel
#' @import raster rgdal
infer_crs <- function(occ_path,
                     truth_crs_num = NA,
                     flag_saveTemp = TRUE,
                     flag_newCal = TRUE,
                     temp_path = "data/3_infer_grid_crs_temp/",
                     cup_num = 2,
                     flag_debug = -1) {

  catf <- function(..., file = "temp/temp.log", append = TRUE) {
    cat(..., file = file, append = append)

  if (!file.exists(temp_path)) {

# if( any(grepl("data.frame", class(occ_path)))   ){
#  occ1 = occ_path
#if( class(occ_path)=="character"  ){
#  occ1 <- load_occ(occ_path)
  occ1 <- load_occ(occ_path)
  if( any(grepl("data.frame", class(occ_path)))   ){
      occ_path = "df"

  crs_list <- data(crs_list_prj, package = "GridDER", envir = environment())
  crs_list <- crs_list_prj
  if (any(flag_debug > 0)) crs_list <- crs_list[flag_debug, ]

  if (!is.na(truth_crs_num)) {
    to_add <- crs_list[1, ]
    to_add[] <- NA
    to_add$code <- truth_crs_num
    to_add$note <- "truth"
    crs_list <- rbind(to_add, crs_list)

  NNN <- nrow(crs_list)

  cl <- makeCluster(cup_num)
  out_foreach <- foreach(
    i = 1:NNN,
    .combine = rbind,
    #.errorhandling = "pass",
    .export = c("catf", "cal_angle"),
    .packages = c("raster", "sp", "rgdal")
  ) %dopar% {
    catf(i, "\n", file = paste0(temp_path, "_log.txt"))
    one_crs_code <- crs_list$code[i]
    one_isGeo <- crs_list$is_Geo[i]
    crs_focal <- crs(paste0("+init=epsg:", one_crs_code))
    maxHist_x <- NA
    maxHist_y <- NA
    if (is.na(crs_focal) | is.null(crs_focal)) {
      catf(i, "skip crs", "\n", file = paste0(temp_path, "_log.txt"))
      return(c(i, maxHist_x, maxHist_y))

    occ_name <- paste0(temp_path, basename(occ_path), "_prj_", one_crs_code)
    occ_dist4 <- paste0(
      temp_path, basename(occ_path),
      "_prj_", one_crs_code, "dist4"
    occ_angle4 <- paste0(
      temp_path, basename(occ_path),
      "_prj_", one_crs_code, "angle4"

    if (file.exists(occ_dist4) &
      file.exists(occ_angle4) &
    ) {
      catf(i, "load x,y ", "\n", file = paste0(temp_path, "_log.txt"))

      distance_4 <- readRDS(occ_dist4)
      angle_4 <- readRDS(occ_angle4)
    } else {
      if (file.exists(occ_name)) {
        occ_prj <- readRDS(occ_name)
        catf(i, "load occ ", "\n", file = paste0(temp_path, "_log.txt"))
      } else {
        occ_prj <- spTransform(occ1, crs_focal)
        catf(i, "prj occ ", "\n", file = paste0(temp_path, "_log.txt"))

        if (flag_saveTemp) {
          saveRDS(occ_prj, file = occ_name)
      catf(i, "cal dist ", "\n", file = paste0(temp_path, "_log.txt"))

      demo <- occ_prj@coords
      myD <- dist(demo)
      myD <- as.matrix(myD)
      myD[myD == 0] <- NA

      occ_i <- 1
      distance_4 <- matrix(NA, nrow = 4, ncol = nrow(occ_prj@coords))
      angle_4 <- matrix(NA, nrow = 4, ncol = nrow(occ_prj@coords))
      for (occ_i in 1:nrow(occ_prj@coords)) {
        top_i <- kit::topn(myD[, occ_i], n = 12, decreasing = F)
        top_angle <- rep(NA, length(top_i))
        j <- 1
        for (j in 1:length(top_i)) {
          top_angle[j] <- cal_angle(
            occ_prj@coords[occ_i, ],
            occ_prj@coords[top_i[j], ]
        s_angle <- 1
        up_i <- which(top_angle >= (315 + s_angle) |
          (top_angle >= 0 & top_angle <= (45 - s_angle)) |
          top_angle <= 0 & top_angle >= (-45 + s_angle))
        right_i <- which(top_angle >= (45 + s_angle) & top_angle <= (135 - s_angle))
        bottom_i <- which(top_angle >= (135 + s_angle) & top_angle <= (225 - s_angle))
        left_i <- which(
          (top_angle >= (225 + s_angle) & top_angle <= (315 - s_angle)) |
            (top_angle >= (-135 + s_angle) & top_angle <= (-45 - s_angle))

        if (F) {
          plot(occ_prj[occ_i, ], add = T, col = "red")
          plot(occ_prj[top_i, ], add = T, col = "blue")
          plot(occ_prj[top_i[up_i], ], add = T, col = "green")
          plot(occ_prj[top_i[left_i], ], add = T, col = "yellow")
          plot(occ_prj[top_i[right_i], ], add = T, col = "purple")
          plot(occ_prj[top_i[bottom_i], ], add = T, col = "orange")

        distance_4[, occ_i] <- c(
          ifelse(length(up_i) == 0, NA, min(myD[top_i[up_i], occ_i])),
          ifelse(length(right_i) == 0, NA, min(myD[top_i[right_i], occ_i])),
          ifelse(length(bottom_i) == 0, NA, min(myD[top_i[bottom_i], occ_i])),
          ifelse(length(left_i) == 0, NA, min(myD[top_i[left_i], occ_i]))

        angle_4[, occ_i] <- c(
          ifelse(length(up_i) == 0, NA, top_angle[up_i[which.min(myD[top_i[up_i], occ_i])]]),
          ifelse(length(right_i) == 0, NA, top_angle[right_i[which.min(myD[top_i[right_i], occ_i])]]),
          ifelse(length(bottom_i) == 0, NA, top_angle[bottom_i[which.min(myD[top_i[bottom_i], occ_i])]]),
          ifelse(length(left_i) == 0, NA, top_angle[left_i[which.min(myD[top_i[left_i], occ_i])]])

      if (flag_saveTemp) {
        saveRDS(distance_4, file = occ_dist4)
        saveRDS(angle_4, file = occ_angle4)
    mean_d_4 <- apply(distance_4, 1, mean, na.rm = T)

    sd_d_4 <- apply(distance_4, 1, sd, na.rm = T)

    temp_angle2 <- array(dim = c(dim(angle_4), 2))
    temp_angle2[, , 1] <- abs(angle_4 %% 90)
    temp_angle2[, , 2] <- abs((90 - angle_4) %% 90)
    temp_angle3 <- apply(temp_angle2, c(1, 2), min)
    mean_a_4 <- apply(temp_angle3, 1, mean, na.rm = T)
    mean_a_all <- mean(temp_angle3[c(1, 2), ], na.rm = T)

    sd_a_4 <- apply(temp_angle3, 1, sd, na.rm = T)
    sd_a_all <- sd(temp_angle3[c(1, 2), ], na.rm = T)

    getMaxHist <- function(a_vector, flag_std = T) {
      a_vector <- as.vector(a_vector)
      a_vector <- a_vector[!is.na(a_vector)]

      if (flag_std) {
        a_vector <- (a_vector - mean(a_vector)) / sd(a_vector)
      a_vector_hist <- hist(a_vector, length(a_vector), plot = FALSE)

    max_histSTD_4 <- c(
      ifelse(all(is.na(distance_4[1, ])), NA, getMaxHist(distance_4[1, ], flag_std = T)),
      ifelse(all(is.na(distance_4[2, ])), NA, getMaxHist(distance_4[2, ], flag_std = T)),
      ifelse(all(is.na(distance_4[3, ])), NA, getMaxHist(distance_4[3, ], flag_std = T)),
      ifelse(all(is.na(distance_4[4, ])), NA, getMaxHist(distance_4[4, ], flag_std = T))

    catf(i, "done ", "\n", file = paste0(temp_path, "_log.txt"))
      mean_a_4, mean_a_all,
      sd_a_4, sd_a_all,
      sum(max_histSTD_4, na.rm = T)

  out_foreach <- data.frame(out_foreach)
  names(out_foreach) <- c(
    "mean_d_up", "mean_d_right", "mean_d_bottom", "mean_d_left",
    "sd_d_up", "sd_d_right", "sd_d_bottom", "sd_d_left",
    "mean_a_up", "mean_a_right", "mean_a_bottom", "mean_a_left", "mean_a_all",
    "sd_a_up", "sd_a_right", "sd_a_bottom", "sd_a_left", "sd_a_all",
    "max_histSTD_up", "max_histSTD_right", "max_histSTD_bottom", "max_histSTD_left",
  out_foreach <- out_foreach[order(out_foreach$i), ]
  crs_list_update <- cbind(crs_list[1:NNN, ], out_foreach)

  crs_list_update$max_histSTD_all <- crs_list_update$max_histSTD_up +
    crs_list_update$max_histSTD_right +
    crs_list_update$max_histSTD_bottom +

  good_angle <- kit::topn(crs_list_update$mean_a_all, n = 10, decreasing = F)
  temp1 <- crs_list_update[good_angle, ]
  good_dist <- kit::topn(temp1$max_histSTD_all, n = 10, decreasing = T)
  temp2 <- temp1[good_dist, ]

  print("The top 10 CRS are:")
  print(temp2[, c("code", "note")])

  saveRDS(crs_list_update, paste0(occ_path, "_inferredCRS_v2.rds"))
  write.csv(crs_list_update, paste0(occ_path, "_inferredCRS_v2.csv"))

  saveRDS(temp2, paste0(occ_path, "_inferredCRS_v2_selected.rds"))
  write.csv(temp2, paste0(occ_path, "_inferredCRS_v2_selected.csv"))

  outout <- list(selected = temp2, all = crs_list_update)
BiogeographyLab/gridder documentation built on April 21, 2024, 2:32 a.m.