# Rflow package - functions for the RIV MODFLOW package

#' Read river (RIV) package file
#' Reads information from a MODFLOW RIV package file.  The RIV package
#'  specifies a head dependent flux boundary condition that includes a
#'  conductance term.  The flux is calculated by:\deqn{
#'    Q_{RIV} = \frac{h_{mb} - h_{RIV}}{Cond}
#'  }\cr
#'  where \eqn{h_{mb}} is the river bottom elevation or the model head for
#'  the cell, whichever is higher
#' @param filename
#' character string;
#' the package file to read
#' @param nSP
#' integer \code{[1]} or DIS.MFpackage object;
#' number of stress periods or corresponding DIS package from which this
#'  can be read
#' @param FREE
#' logical \code{[1]};
#' if TRUE, read assuming free format; normally FREE = TRUE is okay even if
#'  the file is in fixed format, providing entries have a space between
#'  them
#' @return
#' object of class RIV.MFpackage:\cr
#'   \code{$header} (1-row data.frame):\cr
#'     \code{..$MXACTB} (int): the maximum number of RIV boundary cells in any
#'       stress period\cr
#'     \code{..$IRIVCB} (int): unit number to which to save flow to RIV cells\cr
#'   \code{$spheaders} (data.frame with \code{nSP} rows):\cr
#'     \code{..$ITMP} (int): number of active RIV cells in each stress period
#'      or, if \eqn{<1}, signals to reuse information from previous stress
#'      period\cr
#'     \code{..$NP} (int): number of parameters active in each stress period (not
#'       that parameter-defined boundaries are not currently supported in
#'       \code{read.RIV})\cr
#'   \code{$data} (data.table):\cr
#'     \code{..$L} (int): layer\cr
#'     \code{..$R} (int): row\cr
#'     \code{..$C} (int): column\cr
#'     \code{..$Stage} (double): head at boundary above model datum
#'      (\eqn{h_{RIV}})\cr
#'     \code{..$Cond} (double): conductance of boundary (units
#'      \eqn{length^2/time})\cr
#'     \code{..$Rbot} (double): river bottom elevation; the difference
#'      between \code{Stage} and \code{Rbot} determines the maximum drainage
#'      of the river into the aquifer, although there is no limit to flow in
#'      the other direction\cr
#'     \code{..$...}: any auxiliary variables that are included in the file
#'      but which don't play a role in the MODFLOW simulation
#' @import data.table
#' @export
#' @examples
#' fnms <- system.file(c("rflow_mf_demo.dis",
#'                       "rflow_mf_demo.riv"), package = "Rflow")
#' # get model information from DIS package file
#' dis <- read.DIS(fnms[1L])
#' riv <- read.RIV(fnms[2L], dis)
#' # or, if you already know how many stress periods there are
#' riv <- read.RIV(fnms[2L], 15L)
#' class(riv)
#' str(riv)
read.RIV <- function(filename, nSP, FREE = TRUE){
  # get number of stress periods
  nSP <- switch(class(nSP),
                integer = nSP,
                numeric = as.integer(nSP),
                DIS.MFpackage = nrow(nSP$sps),
                stop("number of stress periods not given"))

  con <- file(filename, "rt")

  # find how many lines to skip
  skip <- 0L
    ln1 <- readLines(con, 1L)
    is.comment(ln1, "#") || grepl("PARAMETER", ln1, ignore.case = TRUE)
  }) skip <- skip + 1L

  # start over and skip
  con <- file(filename, "rt")
  if(skip) readLines(con, skip)

  header <- read.table(con, nrows = 1L)
  names(header)[1:2] <- c("MXACTR", "IRIVCB")
  aux <- if(length(header) > 2L) sapply(header[-(1:2)], as.character)

  auxs <- if(!is.null(aux)){
      aux[auxread <-
            which(aux %in% c("AUX", "AUXILIARY", "aux", "auxiliary")) + 1L]
  }else character(0L)

    names(header)[2L + auxread] <- paste0("AUX", 1:length(auxread))
    header <- header[, c(1:2, 2L + auxread)]

  spheaders <- data.frame(ITMP = integer(nSP), NP = integer(nSP))
  riv <- vector("list", nSP)

  for(sp in 1:nSP){
    sphd <- if(FREE){
      fread(paste0(readLines(con, 1L), "\n"), nrows = 1L,
            col.names = c("ITMP", "NP"), select = 1:2, data.table = FALSE)
      read.fwf(con, c(10L, 10L), n = 1L, col.names = c("ITMP", "NP"))
    if(sphd$NP > 0L) stop({
      "read.RIV does not yet support boundaries specified as parameters"

    spheaders[sp,] <- sphd

    riv[[sp]] <- if(FREE){
      read.table(con, nrows = sphd$ITMP,
                 col.names = c("L", "R", "C", "Stage", "Cond", "Rbot",
      read.fwf(con, rep(10L, 6L + length(auxs)), n = sphd$ITMP,
               col.names = c("L", "R", "C", "Stage", "Cond", "Rbot", auxs))
    riv[[sp]][, "sp" := sp]

  data <- rbindlist(riv)
  setcolorder(data, c("sp", "L", "R", "C", "Stage", "Cond", "Rbot", auxs))
  setkey(data, sp)

  structure(list(header = header, spheaders = spheaders,
                 data = data), class = "RIV.MFpackage")

#' Write a river (RIV) package file
#' Writes information from a RIV.MFpackage list object to a MODFLOW-readable
#'  RIV package file.
#' @param RIV
#' RIV.MFpackage object, as would be returned by \code{\link{read.RIV}}
#' @param filename
#' character string;
#' file to write to
#' @param title
#' character string;
#' optional title to prefix to the file, for your reference (not used if
#'  \code{MF2k = FALSE})
#' @param MF2k
#' logical \code{[1]};
#' should the file be readable by MODFLOW 2000 and higher, or
#'  (\code{FALSE}) keep back-compatibility with MF96; in the case of the
#'  RIV package, this means no title lines
#' @param write.auxiliaries
#' logical [1];
#' whether to include any auxiliary parameters in \code{RIV} in the package
#'  file
#' @return
#' @import data.table
#' @export
#' @examples
#' fnm <- system.file("rflow_mf_demo.riv", package = "Rflow")
#' riv <- read.RIV(fnm, 15L, FALSE)
#' # write modified riv package to file
#' write.RIV(riv, "RFLOW_EXAMPLE.riv", "example")
write.RIV <- function(RIV, filename, title, MF2k = TRUE,
                      write.auxiliaries = TRUE){
  con <- file(filename, "wt")

  if(!missing(title) && MF2k){
    writeLines(paste("#", title), con)

  if(MF2k) writeLines(c({
    "# MODFLOW 2000 river package file created by write.RIV function, in R"
  }, {
    "PARAMETER  0  0"
  }), con)

  # auxiliary parameters
    auxs <- sapply(RIV$header[, -(1:2)], as.character)

  with(RIV$header, writeLines({
    formatC(c(MXACTR, IRIVCB), width = 10L, digits = 0L, format = "d")
  }, sep = "", con))
  if(write.auxiliaries && ncol(RIV$header) > 2L){
    writeLines(paste0(" AUXILIARY ",
                      sapply(RIV$header[, -(1:2)], as.character)),
               sep = "", con)
  writeLines("", con)

  nSP <- nrow(RIV$spheaders)

  setcolorder(RIV$data, c("sp", "L", "R", "C", "Stage", "Cond", "Rbot", auxs,
                          recursive = TRUE))
  if(write.auxiliaries && ncol(RIV$data) > 6L){
    ff.width <- rep(10L, ncol(RIV$data) - 1L)
    ff.digits <- c(0L, 0L, 0L, 3L, 3L, 3L,
                   sapply(sapply(RIV$data[, -(1:7), with = FALSE], class),
                          switch, numeric = 3L, 0L))
    ff.format <- c("d", "d", "d", "f", "f", "f",
                   sapply(sapply(RIV$data[, -(1:7), with = FALSE], class),
                          switch, numeric = "f", integer = "d", "s"))

    cols <- 2:ncol(RIV$data)
    ff.width <- c(10L, 10L, 10L, 10L, 10L, 10L)
    ff.digits <- c(0L, 0L, 0L, 3L, 3L, 3L)
    ff.format <- c("d", "d", "d", "f", "f", "f")

    cols <- 2:7

  for(spn in 1:nSP){
    with(RIV$spheaders[spn,], writeLines({
      formatC(c(ITMP, NP), width = 10L, digits = 0L, format = "d")
    }, sep = "", con))
    writeLines("", con)

    # can't use data.table's efficient `by` subsetting here because some
    #  stress periods may have no entries, which would result in them being
    #  omitted
    RIV$data[sp == spn, {
      ffs <- vapply(1:length(cols), function(coln){
                width = ff.width[coln],
                digits = ff.digits[coln],
                format = ff.format[coln])
      }, character(.N))

      writeLines(apply(ffs, 1L, paste, collapse = ""), con)

CJBarry/Rflow documentation built on June 16, 2019, 12:35 p.m.