standardGeneric("appendGSTerms"), package="HTSanalyzeR2")
setGeneric("extractEnrichMap", function(object, ...)
standardGeneric("extractEnrichMap"), package = "HTSanalyzeR2")
if (!isGeneric("viewEnrichMap"))
setGeneric("viewEnrichMap", function(object, ...)
standardGeneric("viewEnrichMap"), package = "HTSanalyzeR2")
#' Append gene set terms to GSCA results and gene names annotation
#' This is a generic function.
#' When implemented as the S4 method for objects of class GSCA, this function
#' finds corresponding annotation terms for GO, KEGG and MSigDB gene sets and
#' inserts a column named "Gene.Set.Term" to each data frame in the GSCA results.
#' In the same time, to make results more understandable, it will annotate the gene list
#' with EntrezID to gene symbol under specific species.
#' @rdname appendGSTerms
#' @aliases appendGSTerms
#' @param object A GSCA object.
#' @param keggGSCs A character vector of names of all KEGG gene set collections.
#' @param goGSCs A character vector of names of all GO gene set collections.
#' @param msigdbGSCs A character vector of names of all MSigDB gene set collections.
#' @param species A single character value specifying the species of the analyzed data.
#' It supports all the species of OrgDb objects in AnnotationDbi.
#' The format should be an abbreviation of the organism as setted by AnnotationDbi.
#' For example, the commonly used ones are "Dm" ("Drosophila_melanogaster"),
#' "Hs" ("Homo_sapiens"), "Rn" ("Rattus_norvegicus"), "Mm" ("Mus_musculus"),
#' "Ce" ("Caenorhabditis_elegans"), and etc.
#' @return In the end, this function will return an updated object of class GSCA.
#' @details This function makes the GSCA results more readable by appending a
#' column of terms for KEGG and GO gene sets. To do this, the user needs to
#' specify the names of the gene set collections based on GO, KEGG and MSigDB respectively.
#' In the same time, to make results more understandable, it will annotate the gene list
#' with EntrezID to gene symbol under specific species.
#' For each GO gene set, the GO id will be mapped to corresponding GO term by
#' the function mapIds of the package AnnotationDbi.
#' For each KEGG gene set, the species code in the KEGG id will be trimmed off,
#' and then mapped to its corresponding annotation term using the package KEGGREST.
#' For each MSigDB gene set, the corresponding annotation terms are based on the
#' built-in database in this package.
#' @examples
#' library(org.Hs.eg.db)
#' library(GO.db)
#' library(KEGGREST)
#' ## load data for enrichment analyses
#' data(d7)
#' phenotype <- as.vector(d7$neg.lfc)
#' names(phenotype) <- d7$id
#' ## select hits if you also want to do GSOA, otherwise ignore it
#' hits <- names(phenotype[which(abs(phenotype) > 2)])
#' ## set up a list of gene set collections
#' GO_MF <- GOGeneSets(species="Hs", ontologies=c("MF"))
#' PW_KEGG <- KeggGeneSets(species="Hs")
#' ListGSC <- list(GO_MF=GO_MF, PW_KEGG=PW_KEGG)
#' ## create an object of class 'GSCA'
#' gsca <- GSCA(listOfGeneSetCollections = ListGSC, geneList = phenotype, hits = hits)
#' ## do preprocessing
#' gsca1 <- preprocess(gsca, species="Hs", initialIDs="SYMBOL", keepMultipleMappings=TRUE,
#' duplicateRemoverMethod="max", orderAbsValue=FALSE)
#' ## support parallel calculation using doParallel package
#' if (requireNamespace("doParallel", quietly=TRUE)) {
#' doParallel::registerDoParallel(cores=2)
#' } else {
#' }
#' ## do hypergeometric tests and GSEA
#' gsca2 <- analyze(gsca1, para=list(pValueCutoff=0.01, pAdjustMethod ="BH",
#' nPermutations=100, minGeneSetSize=10, exponent=1),
#' doGSOA = TRUE, doGSEA = TRUE)
#' ## summarize gsca2
#' summarize(gsca2)
#' head(getResult(gsca2)$GSEA.results$GO_MF)
#' ## append gene set terms to results and annotate gene list
#' gsca3 <- appendGSTerms(gsca2, goGSCs=c("GO_MF"),
#' keggGSCs=c("PW_KEGG"), msigdbGSCs=NULL,
#' species = "Hs")
#' head(getResult(gsca3)$GSEA.results$GO_MF)
#' @export
"appendGSTerms", signature = "GSCA",
function(object, keggGSCs=NULL, goGSCs=NULL, msigdbGSCs=NULL, species = "Hs") {
stop("No results generated!\n")
if(!is.null(keggGSCs)) {
paraCheck("Report", "keggGSCs", keggGSCs)
if(!all(keggGSCs %in% gsc.names))
stop("Wrong gene set collection names specified in 'keggGSCs'!\n")
if(!is.null(goGSCs)) {
paraCheck("Report", "goGSCs", goGSCs)
if(!all(goGSCs %in% gsc.names))
stop("Wrong gene set collection names specified in 'goGSCs'!\n")
if(!is.null(msigdbGSCs)) {
paraCheck("Report", "msigdbGSCs", msigdbGSCs)
if(!all(msigdbGSCs %in% gsc.names))
stop("Wrong gene set collection names specified in 'msigdbGSCs'!\n")
result <- object@result
## add gene set terms if possible
for (rs in 1:length(result)) {
if (names(result)[rs] %in% c(
)) {
function(gsc) {
if (gsc %in% names(object@listOfGeneSetCollections)) {
if ("Gene.Set.Term" %in% colnames(result[[rs]][[gsc]])) {
"--Gene Set terms already exsit in gene set collection ", gsc,
" of ", names(result)[rs],
", and will be overwritten by new gene set terms!\n", sep = ""))
result[[rs]][[gsc]] <-
result[[rs]][[gsc]][, setdiff(colnames(result[[rs]][[gsc]]),
"Gene.Set.Term"), drop = FALSE]
if (nrow(result[[rs]][[gsc]]) >= 1) {
if (gsc %in% keggGSCs)
result[[rs]][[gsc]] <<- appendKEGGTerm(result[[rs]][[gsc]])
else if (gsc %in% goGSCs)
result[[rs]][[gsc]] <<- appendGOTerm(result[[rs]][[gsc]])
else if (gsc %in% msigdbGSCs)
result[[rs]][[gsc]] <<- appendMSigDBTerm(result[[rs]][[gsc]])
result[[rs]][[gsc]] <<- data.frame(Gene.Set.Term = "--",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
if(names(result)[rs] %in% c(
result[[rs]][[gsc]][, ncol(result[[rs]][[gsc]])] <<-
geneListAnno(geneList = result[[rs]][[gsc]][, ncol(result[[rs]][[gsc]])],
species = species)
} #if
}) # sapply function
} # if
} # for
object@result <- result
#' @importFrom AnnotationDbi mapIds
#' @import GO.db
appendGOTerm <- function(df) {
goterms <- suppressMessages(mapIds(GO.db, keys=row.names(df),
keytype = "GOID", column = "TERM"))
goterms[which(is.na(goterms))] <- "NA"
names(goterms)[which(is.na(names(goterms)))] <-
data.frame(Gene.Set.Term = goterms, df, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' @importFrom KEGGREST keggList
#' @importFrom stringr str_sub
appendKEGGTerm<-function(df) {
mappings <- KEGGREST::keggList("pathway")
names(mappings) <- stringr::str_sub(names(mappings), -5)
keggnames <- stringr::str_sub(row.names(df), -5)
keggterms <- mappings[keggnames]
keggterms[which(is.na(keggterms))] <- "NA"
names(keggterms)[which(is.na(names(keggterms)))] <-
newdf <-
data.frame(Gene.Set.Term = keggterms, df, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
row.names(newdf) <- row.names(df)
appendMSigDBTerm <- function(df) {
data.frame(Gene.Set.Term = row.names(df), df, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
## transform EntrezId into gene symbol
#' @importFrom AnnotationDbi mapIds columns
geneListAnno <- function(geneList, species){
paraCheck("General", "species", species)
annopc <- paste("org", species, "eg", "db", sep = ".")
annodb <- tryCatch(
getFromNamespace(annopc, annopc),
error = function(e)
## extract geneList with no NA to annotate
na.pos <- which(is.na(geneList))
if(length(na.pos) == 0){
geneList1 <- geneList
} else {
geneList1 <- geneList[-na.pos]
## if geneList only has NA
if(length(geneList1) > 0){
allGene <- unlist(lapply(geneList1, function(i){
strsplit(i, split = ";")[[1]]
geneList1_len <- unlist(lapply(geneList1, function(i){
length(strsplit(i, split = ";")[[1]])
geneAnno <- unlist(suppressMessages(mapIds(annodb, keys = allGene,
keytype = "ENTREZID", column = "SYMBOL")))
geneList2 <- unlist(lapply(1:length(geneList1_len), function(i){
start <- ifelse(i == 1, 1, sum(geneList1_len[1:(i-1)]) + 1)
end <- sum(geneList1_len[1:i])
genes <- geneAnno[start:end]
paste0(genes, collapse = ";")
rslt <- rep(NA, length(geneList))
rslt[which(!is.na(geneList))] <- geneList2
} else{
#' Extract the enrichment map as an igraph object
#' Extract the enrichment map from an analyzed GSCA object as igraph object for further external using.
#' Users can also modify the igraph object.
#' @param object A GSCA object.
#' @param resultName A single character value specifying draw an enrichment map based on
#' which result. Could only be 'HyperGeo.results' or 'GSEA.results'.
#' @param gscs A character vector specifying the names of gene set collections
#' of which the top significant gene sets will be plotted.
#' @param ntop A single integer or numeric value specifying how many gene
#' sets of top significance will be plotted.
#' @param allSig A single logical value. If 'TRUE', all significant gene sets
#' (GSEA adjusted p-value < 'pValueCutoff' of slot 'para') will be used; otherwise,
#' only top 'ntop' gene sets will be used.
#' @param gsNameType A single character value specifying the type of the gene set names that
#' will be displayed as the names of nodes in the enrichment map. The type of the gene
#' set names should be one of the following: "id", "term" or "none".
#' @param specificGeneset A named list of specific gene sets. Specifically, this term needs to be
#' a subset of all analyzed gene sets which can be roughly gotten by
#' \strong{getTopGeneSets(object, resultName, gscs, ntop = 20000, allSig = FALSE)}.
#' @param cutoff A numeric value between 0 and 1. This parameter is setted as a cutoff of edge weight in the enrichment
#' map for better visualization. When the edge weight, namely the Jaccard coefficient between two gene sets, is less than
#' this cutoff, this edge would not be showed in the enrichment map.
#' The order of the list must match the order of results gotten by aboved function \strong{getTopGeneSets}.
#' @export
#' @aliases extractEnrichMap
#' @importFrom igraph graph.adjacency simplify V V<- E E<-
#' @return An object of igraph with all attributes about the enrichement map.
#' @examples
#' ## load a GSCA object(see the examples of 'analyze' GSCA for details)
#' library(igraph)
#' data(d7_gsca)
#' ## extract the enrichment map for top 30 significant 'GO_MF' gene
#' ## sets of GSEA results in an igraph object
#' extractEnrichMap(d7_gsca, resultName = "GSEA.results", gscs=c("GO_MF"),
#' allSig = FALSE, ntop = 30, gsNameType = "term")
setMethod("extractEnrichMap", signature = "GSCA",
resultName = "GSEA.results",
ntop = NULL,
allSig = TRUE,
gsNameType = "id",
specificGeneset = NULL,
cutoff = NULL) {
paraCheck("Report", "gsNameType", gsNameType)
## get top gene sets
topGS <-
getTopGeneSets(object, resultName, gscs, ntop, allSig)
paraCheck("Summarize", "specificGeneset", specificGeneset)
topGSTMP <- getTopGeneSets(object, resultName, gscs, ntop = 20000, allSig = FALSE)
if (!all(names(specificGeneset) %in% gscs))
stop("Wrong Gene Set Collection name(s) in 'specificGeneset'! \n")
for(i in 1:length(specificGeneset)){
topGSTMP1 <- topGSTMP[[names(specificGeneset)[i]]]
if(!all(specificGeneset[[i]] %in% topGSTMP1)){
stop("The ",i, "th element of 'specificGeneset' should be a subset of all '",
gscs[i], "' genesets in result!\n")
stop("Each element in the list of 'specificGeneset' should be a character vector!\n")
topGS <- specificGeneset
if (length(unlist(topGS, recursive = FALSE)) == 0) {
warning("No significant gene sets found!\n")
g <- makeEmptyGraph(c("name", "geneSetSize", "adjPvalue", "obsPvalue", "colorScheme", "label", "label_id", "label_term"),
c("from", "to", "weight"))
gsInUni <- list()
tempList <- list()
uniIDs <- names(object@geneList)
sapply(seq_along(topGS), function(i) {
if (length(topGS[[i]]) > 0) {
gscName <- names(topGS)[i]
## compute overlapped genes between gene sets and universe
gsInUni[[i]] <<- list()
gsInUni[[i]] <<- sapply(topGS[[i]], function(j)
uniIDs), simplify = FALSE)
names(gsInUni)[i] <<- gscName
tempList[[i]] <<-
data.frame(gsID = topGS[[i]],
gscID = gscName,
object@result[[resultName]][[gscName]][topGS[[i]], , drop =
names(tempList)[i] <<- gscName
## collapse to a data frame
tempdf <-
lapply(tempList, data.frame, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
rownames(tempdf) <- paste(tempdf$gscID, tempdf$gsID, sep = '.')
if (gsNameType == "term" &&
!("Gene.Set.Term" %in% colnames(tempdf)))
"No gene set terms found in results!\n Please use the method 'appendGSTerms' or add a column named 'Gene.Set.Term' to the results!\n"
## function to compute overlapped genes
map.mat <- diag(1, nrow(tempdf), nrow(tempdf))
map.diag <- sapply(1:nrow(tempdf),
length(gsInUni[[as.character(tempdf[i, "gscID"])]][[as.character(tempdf[i, "gsID"])]]))
rownames(map.mat) <- rownames(tempdf)
colnames(map.mat) <- rownames(tempdf)
if (nrow(tempdf) >= 2) {
gsID <- as.character(tempdf[["gsID"]])
gscID <- as.character(tempdf[["gscID"]])
sapply(1:(nrow(tempdf) - 1), function(i) {
a <- gsInUni[[gscID[i]]][[gsID[i]]]
map.mat[i, (i + 1):nrow(tempdf)] <<-
sapply((i + 1):nrow(tempdf),
function(j) {
b <- gsInUni[[gscID[j]]][[gsID[j]]]
tmp <- length(intersect(a, b)) / length(union(a,b))
## set cutoff to show edge
if(is.null(cutoff)) {tmp} else if(tmp < cutoff){tmp <- 0}
map.mat[(i + 1):nrow(tempdf), i] <<- map.mat[i, (i + 1):nrow(tempdf)]
## generate igraph from adjacency matrix
### "Node name" controlled by the rownames of tempList
g <- graph.adjacency(
adjmatrix = map.mat,
mode = "undirected",
weighted = TRUE,
diag = TRUE
g <- simplify(g, remove.loops = TRUE)
} else if (nrow(tempdf) == 1) {
diag(map.mat) <- 0
## generate igraph from adjacency matrix
# "Node name" controlled by the rownames of tempList
g <-
adjmatrix = map.mat,
mode = "undirected",
weighted = NULL,
diag = FALSE
E(g)$weight <- 2
## add an user-defined attribute 'geneSetSize' to igraph
# "Node size" controlled by the "size of gene set"
# "Node color" controlled by the "Adjusted Pvalue" and "Observed.score"
V(g)$geneSetSize <- map.diag
V(g)$adjPvalue <- tempdf[, "Adjusted.Pvalue"]
if(resultName=="GSEA.results") {
V(g)$obsPvalue <- tempdf[, "Observed.score"]
V(g)$colorScheme <- "pos"
V(g)$colorScheme[tempdf[, "Observed.score"] < 0] <- "neg"
} else if (resultName=="HyperGeo.results") {
V(g)$colorScheme <- "pos"
##labels attributes
if (gsNameType == "id") {
V(g)$label <- as.character(tempdf[, "gsID"])
} else if (gsNameType == "term") {
V(g)$label <- as.character(tempdf[, "Gene.Set.Term"])
V(g)$label_id <- as.character(tempdf[, "gsID"])
if ("Gene.Set.Term" %in% colnames(tempdf)) {
V(g)$label_term <- as.character(tempdf[, "Gene.Set.Term"])
} else {
warning("No appended terms, please run appendGSTerms.")
V(g)$label_term <- as.character(tempdf[, "gsID"])
#' Plot the enrichment map for GSEA or GSOA result
#' This is a generic function. When implemented as the S4 method for objects
#' of class GSCA, this function will plot an enrichment map for GSEA or
#' Hypergeometric test results.
#' @param object A GSCA object.
#' @param resultName A single character value specifying draw an enrichment map based on
#' which result. Could only be 'HyperGeo.results' or 'GSEA.results'.
#' @param gscs A character vector specifying the names of gene set collections
#' of which the top significant gene sets will be plotted.
#' @param ntop A single integer or numeric value specifying how many gene
#' sets of top significance will be plotted.
#' @param allSig A single logical value. If 'TRUE', all significant gene sets
#' (GSEA adjusted p-value < 'pValueCutoff' of slot 'para') will be used; otherwise,
#' only top 'ntop' gene sets will be used.
#' @param gsNameType A single character value specifying the type of the gene set names that
#' will be displayed as the names of nodes in the enrichment map. The type of the gene
#' set names should be one of the following: "id", "term" or "none".
#' @param specificGeneset A named list of specific gene sets. Specifically, this term needs to be
#' a subset of all analyzed gene sets which can be roughly gotten by
#' \strong{getTopGeneSets(object, resultName, gscs, ntop = 20000, allSig = FALSE)}.
#' @param cutoff A numeric value between 0 and 1. This parameter is setted as a cutoff of edge weight in the enrichment
#' map for better visualization. When the edge weight, namely the Jaccard coefficient between two gene sets, is less than
#' this cutoff, this edge would not be showed in the enrichment map.
#' The order of the list must match the order of results gotten by aboved function \strong{getTopGeneSets}.
#' @param options A list of options to modify the enrichmentmap. Details are not showed here due to too
#' many options. Users are highly recommended to modify the enrichment map in a shiny report by
#' \code{\link[HTSanalyzeR2]{report}}.
#' @param seriesObjs A list of GSCA object. Internally used in the shiny report for visualizing the
#' enrichment map of time series data. No need to explicitly set it!
#' @details The idea of this function is similar to the PLoS one paper by Merico et al.
#'An enrichment map is a network to help better visualize and interpret the GSEA or
#'Hypergeometric test results. In an enrichment map, the nodes represent gene sets
#'and the edges denote the Jaccard similarity coefficient between two gene sets.
#'Node colors are scaled according to the adjusted p-values (the darker the more significant).
#'For GSEA, nodes are colored by the sign of the enrichment scores (red:+, blue: -).
#'The size of nodes illustrates the size of gene sets, while the width of edges denotes the
#'Jaccard coefficient.
#'A useful application of this function is that user can define specificGeneset to plot an
#'enrichment map with their interested gene sets instead of the top significant ones or all the significant
#'ones. Especially when the number of the significant gene sets are huge, which would make the enrichment
#'map a mess as well as of no information. To this end, user can set the parameter \strong{specificGeneset}.
#' @examples
#' ## load a GSCA object(see the examples of 'analyze' GSCA for details)
#' library(igraph)
#' data(d7_gsca)
#' ## Example1: view an enrichment map for top 30 significant 'GO_MF' gene sets of GSEA results
#' \dontrun{
#' viewEnrichMap(d7_gsca, resultName = "GSEA.results", gscs=c("GO_MF"),
#' allSig = FALSE, ntop = 30, gsNameType = "term")
#' }
#' ## Example2: view an enrichment map for top 15 significant 'GO_MF'
#' ## and 'PW_KEGG' gene sets of GSEA results
#' \dontrun{
#' viewEnrichMap(d7_gsca, resultName = "GSEA.results", gscs=c("GO_MF", "PW_KEGG"),
#' allSig = FALSE, ntop = 15, gsNameType = "term")
#' }
#' ## Example3: view an enrichment map for top 15 significant 'GO_MF'
#' ## and 'PW_KEGG' gene sets of GSEA results, edge Jaccard coefficient less than 0.05
#' ## would not be showed in the enrichment map.
#' \dontrun{
#' viewEnrichMap(d7_gsca, resultName = "GSEA.results", gscs=c("GO_MF", "PW_KEGG"),
#' allSig = FALSE, ntop = 15, gsNameType = "term", cutoff = 0.05)
#' }
#' ## Example4: view an enrichment map with specificGenesets in 'GO_MF' gene sets of GSEA results
#' ## As told previously, specificGeneset needs to be a subset of all analyzed gene sets
#' ## which can be roughly gotten by:
#' tmp <- getTopGeneSets(d7_gsca, resultName = "GSEA.results", gscs=c("GO_MF"),
#' ntop = 20000, allSig = FALSE)
#' ## In that case, we can define specificGeneset as below:
#' GO_MF_geneset <- tmp$GO_MF[c(4,2,6,9,12)]
#' ## the name of specificGenesets also needs to match with the names of tmp
#' specificGeneset <- list("GO_MF"=GO_MF_geneset)
#' \dontrun{
#' viewEnrichMap(d7_gsca, resultName = "GSEA.results", gscs=c("GO_MF"),
#' allSig = FALSE, gsNameType = "term",
#' ntop = NULL, specificGeneset = specificGeneset)
#' }
#' ## Example5: view an enrichment map with specificGenesets in 'GO_MF'
#' ## and 'PW_KEGG' gene sets of GSEA results
#' tmp <- getTopGeneSets(d7_gsca, resultName = "GSEA.results", gscs=c("GO_MF", "PW_KEGG"),
#' ntop = 20000, allSig = FALSE)
#' GO_MF_geneset <- tmp$GO_MF[c(6,3,5,9,12)]
#' PW_KEGG_geneset <- tmp$PW_KEGG[c(7,2,5,1,9)]
#' specificGeneset <- list("GO_MF"=GO_MF_geneset, "PW_KEGG"=PW_KEGG_geneset)
#' \dontrun{
#' viewEnrichMap(d7_gsca, resultName = "GSEA.results", gscs=c("GO_MF", "PW_KEGG"),
#' allSig = FALSE, gsNameType = "term",
#' ntop = NULL, specificGeneset = specificGeneset)
#' }
#' @export
#' @references
#' Merico D, Isserlin R, Stueker O, Emili A, Bader GD (2010) Enrichment Map:
#' A Network-Based Method for Gene-Set Enrichment Visualization and Interpretation.
#' PLoS ONE5(11): e13984. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0013984
#' @importFrom igraph as_data_frame
#' @importFrom stringr str_replace
#' @importFrom utils modifyList
#' @aliases viewEnrichMap
setMethod("viewEnrichMap", signature = "GSCA",
resultName = "GSEA.results",
ntop = NULL,
allSig = TRUE,
gsNameType = "id",
specificGeneset = NULL,
cutoff = NULL,
options = list(),
seriesObjs = NULL) {
g <- extractEnrichMap(object, resultName, gscs, ntop, allSig, gsNameType, specificGeneset, cutoff)
em_nodes <- as_data_frame(g, "vertices")
em_links <- as_data_frame(g, "edge")
nMappings <- list(id = "name", size = "geneSetSize", color = "adjPvalue", scheme = "colorScheme",
label = "label", label_id = "label_id", label_term = "label_term")
lMappings <- list(source = "from",target = "to", weight = "weight")
title <- "Enrichment Map of"
if (resultName=="GSEA.results") {
title <- paste(title, "GSEA on", paste(gscs, collapse =", "))
} else if (resultName=="HyperGeo.results") {
title <- paste(title, "Hypergeometric tests on", paste(gscs, collapse =", "))
series <- NULL
if(!is.null(seriesObjs)) {
## TODO: paraCheck of seriesObj
series <- names(seriesObjs)
defaultKey <- series[1]
# seriesDF: (nodes = nodeDF, edges = edgeDF, nodeSeriesCols = nodeCols, edgeSeriesCols = edgeCols)
seriesDF <- fetchGSCASeriesValues(seriesObjs, resultName, gscs,
ntop, allSig, gsNameType, specificGeneset, cutoff)
# Create series mappings
nodeCols <- seriesDF$nodeSeriesCols
nodeColNames <- sub("adjPvalue", "color", nodeCols)
nodeColNames <- sub("colorScheme", "scheme", nodeColNames)
names(nodeCols) <- nodeColNames
edgeCols <- seriesDF$edgeSeriesCols
names(edgeCols) <- edgeCols
# Append series data
nMappings <- c(nMappings, nodeCols)
lMappings <- c(lMappings, edgeCols)
nMappings[c("color", "scheme")] <- paste(nMappings[c("color", "scheme")], defaultKey, sep=".")
# lMappings[c("weight")] <- paste(lMappings[c("weight")], defaultKey, sep=".")
em_nodes <- seriesDF$nodes
em_links <- seriesDF$edges
options$nodeScheme = "dual"
options$label = list(text = gsNameType)
options$colorScaler = "log10"
options$nPermutations = object@para$nPermutations
defaultOptions = list(title = title, legendTitle = "-Log10(Adjusted p-values)",
type = stringr::str_replace(resultName, ".results", ""))
graphOptions <- modifyList(defaultOptions, options)
forceGraph(em_nodes, em_links, nMappings, lMappings, graphOptions, seriesData = series)
## Extract and combine enrichment map information of given GSCA objects.
## This method is internally used for force-graph drawing. The enrichment map data of all the GSCA objects
## are extacted and combined into corresponding dataframes. The attributes that are changes with the time
## are also returned.
#' @importFrom igraph as_data_frame
fetchGSCASeriesValues <- function(gscaObjs, resultName = "GSEA.results", gscs,
ntop = NULL, allSig = TRUE, gsNameType = "id", specificGeneset = NULL, cutoff = NULL) {
# TODO: check the objs
extractedValues <- lapply(seq_along(gscaObjs), function(i) {
g <- extractEnrichMap(gscaObjs[[i]], resultName, gscs, ntop, allSig, gsNameType, specificGeneset, cutoff)
dfList <- list( edges = data.frame(from=character(0), to=character(0), weight=numeric(0)),
vertices=data.frame(name=character(0), geneSetSize=numeric(0), adjPvalue=numeric(0), obsPvalue=numeric(0),
colorScheme=character(0), label=character(0), label_id=character(0), label_term=character(0)))
if (!is.null(g)) {
dfList <- igraph::as_data_frame(g, "both")
# Vertices - ("name", "geneSetSize", "adjPvalue", "obsPvalue", "colorScheme", "label", "label_id", "label_term")
colsToAppend <- colnames(dfList$vertices) %in% c("adjPvalue", "obsPvalue", "colorScheme")
colnames(dfList$vertices)[colsToAppend] <- paste(colnames(dfList$vertices), names(gscaObjs)[i], sep=".")[colsToAppend]
dfList$vertices <- unique(dfList$vertices)
# Edges - ("from", "to", "weight")
colsToAppend <- colnames(dfList$edges) %in% c()
colnames(dfList$edges)[colsToAppend] <- paste(colnames(dfList$edges), names(gscaObjs)[i], sep=".")[colsToAppend]
dfList$edges <- unique(dfList$edges)
rownames(dfList$edges) <- paste0(dfList$edges$from, dfList$edges$to)
#Combine nodes
colsInCommon <- c("name", "label", "label_id", "label_term")
nodeCols <- setdiff(unlist(lapply(extractedValues, function(li) {colnames(li$vertices)})), colsInCommon)
nodeDF <- unique(Reduce(rbind, lapply(extractedValues, function(li){li$vertices[colsInCommon]})))
nodeDF[, nodeCols] <- NA
for(li in extractedValues) {
cols <- setdiff(colnames(li$vertices), colsInCommon)
nodeDF[rownames(li$vertices), cols] <- li$vertices[, cols]
#Combine edges
colsInCommon <- c("from", "to", "weight")
edgeCols <- setdiff(unlist(lapply(extractedValues, function(li) {colnames(li$edges)})), colsInCommon)
edgeDF <- unique(Reduce(rbind, lapply(extractedValues, function(li){li$edges[colsInCommon]})))
edgeDF[, edgeCols] <- NA
for(li in extractedValues) {
cols <- setdiff(colnames(li$edges), colsInCommon)
edgeDF[rownames(li$edges), cols] <- li$edges[, cols]
rownames(edgeDF) <- NULL
list(nodes = nodeDF, edges = edgeDF, nodeSeriesCols = nodeCols, edgeSeriesCols = edgeCols)
## Generate an empty igraph object with given vertex/edge attributes
#' @importFrom igraph make_empty_graph set_vertex_attr
makeEmptyGraph <- function(NAttributes, EAttributes) {
g <- igraph::make_empty_graph(n = 0, directed = TRUE)
for (attr in NAttributes) {
g <- igraph::set_vertex_attr(g, attr, value = 0)
for (attr in EAttributes) {
g <- igraph::set_edge_attr(g, attr, value = 0)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.