
Defines functions JP.NCon JP.pdf JP.df JP.qf JP.sim JP.mle JP.ci.nt JP.ci.boot JP.PP JP.QQ JP.GoF JP.GoF.boot JP.psi.LR.test JP.psi.LR.boot JP.psi.info

Documented in JP.ci.boot JP.ci.nt JP.df JP.GoF JP.GoF.boot JP.mle JP.NCon JP.pdf JP.PP JP.psi.info JP.psi.LR.boot JP.psi.LR.test JP.qf JP.QQ JP.sim

#' Jones-Pewsey normalising constant
#' Support function to calculate the normalising constant for the Jones-Pewsey distribution, based on specified values of \code{kappa} and \code{psi}.
#' @param kappa Concentration parameter.
#' @param psi Shape parameter.
#' @return A constant value to be passed to further functions.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' nc <- JP.NCon(kappa = 1, psi = -3)
JP.NCon <- function(kappa, psi){
    if (kappa < 0.001) {ncon <- 1/(2*pi) ; return(ncon)} 
    else {
        eps <- 10*.Machine$double.eps
        if (abs(psi) <= eps) {ncon <- 1/(2*pi*I.0(kappa)) ; return(ncon)}
        else {
            intgrnd <- function(x){ (cosh(kappa*psi)+sinh(kappa*psi)*cos(x))**(1/psi) }
            ncon <- 1/integrate(intgrnd, lower=-pi, upper=pi)$value
            return(ncon) } }

#' Jones-Pewsey probability density function
#' Calculate the pdf of the Jones-Pewsey distribution at given points, based on specified values of \code{mu}, \code{kappa} and \code{psi}.
#' @param theta Angle, in radians, at which the density is to be calculated. Can be either numeric or vector.
#' @param mu Mean direction parameter.
#' @param kappa Concentration parameter.
#' @param psi Shape parameter.
#' @return The density function evaluated at \code{theta}: either a numeric or a vector, depending on the input.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' pdf <- JP.pdf(theta = c(k.2), mu = 3, kappa = 1, psi = -3, JP.NCon(kappa = 1, psi = -3))
JP.pdf <- function(theta, mu, kappa, psi, ncon){
    if (kappa < 0.001) {pdfval <- 1/(2*pi) ; return(pdfval)}
    else {
        eps <- 10*.Machine$double.eps
        if (abs(psi) <= eps) {
            pdfval <- ncon*exp(kappa*cos(theta-mu)) ; return(pdfval) }
        else { 
            pdfval <- (cosh(kappa*psi)+sinh(kappa*psi)*cos(theta-mu))**(1/psi)
            pdfval <- ncon*pdfval ; return(pdfval) } }

#' Jones-Pewsey distribution function
#' Calculate the cdf of the Jones-Pewsey distribution at given points, based on specified values of \code{mu}, \code{kappa} and \code{psi}.
#' @param theta Angle, in radians, at which the distribution is to be calculated. Can be either numeric or vector.
#' @param mu Mean direction parameter.
#' @param kappa Concentration parameter.
#' @param psi Shape parameter.
#' @return The distribution function evaluated at \code{theta}: either a numeric or a vector, depending on the input.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' cdf <- JP.df(theta = c(k.2), mu = 3, kappa = 1, psi = -3, JP.NCon(kappa = 1, psi = -3))
JP.df <- function(theta, mu, kappa, psi, ncon) {
    eps <- 10*.Machine$double.eps
    if (theta <= eps) {dfval <- 0 ; return(dfval)}
        if (theta >= 2*pi-eps) {dfval <- 1 ; return(dfval)} else
            if (kappa < 0.001) {dfval <- theta/(2*pi) ; return(dfval)}
    else {
        if (abs(psi) <= eps) {
            vMPDF <- function(x){ ncon*exp(kappa*cos(x-mu)) }
            dfval <- integrate(vMPDF, lower=0, upper=theta)$value
            return(dfval) }
        else { 
            dfval <- integrate(JP.pdf, mu=mu, kappa=kappa, psi=psi, ncon = ncon, lower=0, upper=theta)$value
            return(dfval) }

#' Jones-Pewsey quantile function
#' Evaluate the quartile of the Jones-Pewsey distribution at given points, based on specified values of \code{mu}, \code{kappa} and \code{psi}.
#' @param u Quantile to be evaluated.
#' @param mu Mean direction parameter.
#' @param kappa Concentration parameter.
#' @param psi Shape parameter.
#' @return The quantile function evaluated at \code{u}: either a numeric or a vector, depending on the input.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' q <- JP.qf(u = 0.9, mu = 3, kappa = 1, psi = -3, JP.NCon(kappa = 1, psi = -3))
JP.qf <- function(u, mu, kappa, psi, ncon) {
    eps <- 10*.Machine$double.eps
    if (u <= eps) {theta <- 0 ; return(theta)}
        if (u >= 1-eps) {theta <- 2*pi-eps ; return(theta)} else
            if (kappa < 0.001) {theta <- u*2*pi ; return(theta)}
    else {
        roottol <- .Machine$double.eps**(0.6)
        qzero <- function(x) {
            y <- JP.df(x, mu, kappa, psi, ncon) - u ; return(y) }
        res <- uniroot(qzero, lower=0, upper=2*pi-eps, tol=roottol)
        theta <- res$root ; return(theta) }

#' Jones-Pewsey simulation function
#' Simulate a number of angles from the Jones-Pewsey distribution specified by \code{mu}, \code{kappa} and \code{psi}.
#' @param n Number of angles to be simulated from the distribution.
#' @param mu Mean direction parameter.
#' @param kappa Concentration parameter.
#' @param psi Shape parameter.
#' @return A vector of n simulated angles from the specified distribution.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' sample <- JP.sim(n = 100, mu = 3, kappa = 1, psi = -3, JP.NCon(kappa = 1, psi = -3))
JP.sim <- function(n, mu, kappa, psi, ncon) {
    fmax <- JP.pdf(mu, mu, kappa, psi, ncon) ; theta <- 0
    for (j in 1:n) {
        stopgo <- 0
        while (stopgo == 0) {
            u1 <- runif(1, 0, 2*pi)
            pdfu1 <- JP.pdf(u1, mu, kappa, psi, ncon)
            u2 <- runif(1, 0, fmax)
            if (u2 <= pdfu1) { theta[j] <- u1 ; stopgo <- 1 }
        } }


#' Maximum likelihood estimator for Jones-Pewsey parameters
#' Obtain maximum likelihood estimates of Jones-Pewsey parameters for a given data set.
#' @param data Vector of angles over which maximum likelihood estimation is to be performed.
#' @return A list containing the maximum likelihood achieved, estimates of \code{mu}, \code{kappa} and \code{psi}, and the Hessian matrix of the optimised parameters.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' mu <- JP.mle(k.2)$mu
JP.mle <- function(data) {
    n <- length(data)
    s <- sum(sin(data))
    c <- sum(cos(data))
    muvM <- atan2(s,c) %% (2*pi)
    kapvM <- A1inv(sqrt(s*s+c*c)/n)
    JPnll <- function(p){
        mu <- p[1] ; kappa <- p[2] ; psi <- p[3] ; parlim <- abs(kappa*psi)
        if (parlim > 10) {
            y <- 9999.0
        } else {
            ncon <- JP.NCon(kappa, psi)
            y <- -sum(log(JP.pdf(data, mu, kappa, psi, ncon)))
            return (y)
    out <- optim(par=c(muvM, kapvM, 0.001), fn=JPnll, gr = NULL, method = "L-BFGS-B", lower = c(muvM-pi, 0, -Inf), upper = c(muvM+pi, Inf, Inf), hessian = TRUE)
    list(maxll = -out$value,
         mu = out$par[1] %% (2*pi),
         kappa = out$par[2],
         psi = out$par[3],
         HessMat = out$hessian)

#' Normal-theory confidence interval for Jones-Pewsey parameter estimators
#' Obtain nominal 100(1-\code{alpha})% confidence intervals for Jones-Pewsey estimators, by solving the Hessian matrix produced by \code{JP.mle}.
#' @param jp.ests List (as output by \code{JP.mle}) containing named estimates of \code{mu}, \code{kappa} and \code{psi}, and the Hessian matrix \code{HessMat} of the optimised parameters.
#' @param alpha Significance level of confidence interval to be obtained. Default is 0.05 (95\% confidence interval).
#' @return A list containing estimates of \code{mu}, \code{kappa} and \code{psi}, and the upper and lower bounds of the confidence intervals calculated.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ci <- JP.ci.nt(JP.mle(k.2), alpha = 0.05)
JP.ci.nt <- function(jp.ests, alpha = 0.05) {
    quant <- qnorm(1-alpha/2)
    infmat <- solve(jp.ests$HessMat)
    standerr <- sqrt(diag(infmat))
    list(alpha = alpha,
         mu = c(est = jp.ests$mu, lower = jp.ests$mu-(quant*standerr[1]), upper = jp.ests$mu+(quant*standerr[1])),
         kappa = c(est = jp.ests$kappa, lower = jp.ests$kappa-(quant*standerr[2]), upper = jp.ests$kappa+(quant*standerr[2])),
         psi = c(est = jp.ests$psi, lower = jp.ests$psi-(quant*standerr[3]), upper = jp.ests$psi+(quant*standerr[3]))    )

#' Bootstrap confidence interval for Jones-Pewsey parameter estimators
#' Obtain nominal 100(1-\code{alpha})% confidence intervals for Jones-Pewsey estimators, using a bootstrap resampling method.
#' @param data Vector of angles over which maximum likelihood estimation is to be performed.
#' @param alpha Significance level of confidence interval to be obtained. Default is 0.05 (95\% confidence interval).
#' @param B Number of bootstrap samples to use to obtain the confidence interval. Default is 9999.
#' @param show.progress Boolean indicating whether or not to display a progress bar as the bootstrap is run.
#' @return A list containing estimates of \code{mu}, \code{kappa} and \code{psi}, and the upper and lower bounds of the confidence intervals calculated.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ci.boot <- JP.ci.boot(q)
JP.ci.boot <- function(data, alpha = 0.05, B = 9999, show.progress = T) {
    n <- length(data)
    JPmleRes <- JP.mle(data)
    mu.est <- JPmleRes$mu
    kappa.est <- JPmleRes$kappa
    psi.est <- JPmleRes$psi
    ncon.est <- JP.NCon(kappa.est, psi.est)
    # resample from distribution & get B parameter estimates
    if (show.progress) {pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = B, style = 3)}
    for (b in 2:(B+1)) {
        sample <- JP.sim(n, mu.est[1], kappa.est[1], psi.est[1], ncon.est[1])
        JPmleRes <- JP.mle(sample) 
        mu.est[b] <- JPmleRes$mu
        kappa.est[b] <- JPmleRes$kappa
        psi.est[b] <- JPmleRes$psi
        ncon.est[b] <- JP.NCon(kappa.est[b], psi.est[b])
        if (show.progress) {setTxtProgressBar(pb, b)}
    dist <- pi-abs(pi-abs(mu.est-mu.est[1]))
    sdist <- sort(dist)
    mu.lower <- mu.est[1]-sdist[(B+1)*(1-alpha)] 
    mu.upper <- mu.est[1]+sdist[(B+1)*(1-alpha)]
    skappa.est <- sort(kappa.est) 
    kap.lower <- skappa.est[(B+1)*alpha/2] ; kap.upper <- skappa.est[(B+1)*(1-alpha/2)]
    spsi.est <- sort(psi.est)
    psi.lower <- spsi.est[(B+1)*alpha/2] ; psi.upper <- spsi.est[(B+1)*(1-alpha/2)]
    if (show.progress) {close(pb)}
    list(alpha = alpha,
         mu = c(est = mu.est, lower = jp.ests$mu-(quant*standerr[1]), upper = jp.ests$mu+(quant*standerr[1])),
         kappa = c(est = kappa.est, lower = jp.ests$kappa-(quant*standerr[2]), upper = jp.ests$kappa+(quant*standerr[2])),
         psi = c(est = psi.est, lower = jp.ests$psi-(quant*standerr[3]), upper = jp.ests$psi+(quant*standerr[3]))    )


#' Jones-Pewsey P-P plot
#' Produces a P-P plot of the data against a specified Jones-Pewsey distribution, to graphically assess the goodness of fit of the model.
#' @param data Vector of angles to be fitted against the Jones-Pewsey distribution.
#' @param mu Mean direction parameter.
#' @param kappa Concentration parameter.
#' @param psi Shape parameter.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' JP.PP(k.2, mu = 3, kappa = 1, psi = -3)
JP.PP <- function(data, mu, kappa, psi) {
    ncon <- JP.NCon(kappa, psi)
    n <- length(data)
    edf <- ecdf(data) 
    tdf <- 0 
    for (j in 1:n) {tdf[j] <- JP.df(data[j], mu, kappa, psi, ncon)}
    plot.default(tdf, edf(data), pch=20, xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,1),
                 xlab = "Jones-Pewsey distribution function", ylab = "Empirical distribution function")
    lines(c(0,1), c(0,1), lwd=2, col = "lightseagreen")
    edf(data) - tdf

#' Jones-Pewsey Q-Q plot of data
#' Produces a Q-Q plot of the data against a specified Jones-Pewsey distribution, to graphically assess the goodness of fit of the model.
#' @param data Vector of angles to be fitted against the Jones-Pewsey distribution.
#' @param mu Mean direction parameter.
#' @param kappa Concentration parameter.
#' @param psi Shape parameter.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' JP.QQ(k.2, mu = 3, kappa = 1, psi = -3)
JP.QQ <- function(data, mu, kappa, psi) {
    ncon <- JP.NCon(kappa, psi)
    n <- length(data)
    edf <- ecdf(data) 
    tqf <- 0 
    for (j in 1:n) {tqf[j] <- JP.qf(edf(data)[j], mu, kappa, psi, ncon)}
    plot.default(tqf, data, pch=20, xlim=c(0,2*pi), ylim=c(0,2*pi), xlab = "Jones-Pewsey quantile function", ylab = "Empirical quantile function") 
    lines(c(0,2*pi), c(0,2*pi), lwd=2, col = "lightseagreen")
    data - tqf


#' Goodness-of-fit tests for Jones-Pewsey distribution
#' Runs a bundle of goodness-of-fit tests on the data against the Jones-Pewsey distribution.
#' @details The tests rely on doubling the Jones-Pewsey distribution function of each angle in the data set, and testing the resulting distribution for uniformity. 
#' @param data Vector of angles to be tested against the Jones-Pewsey distribution.
#' @param mu Mean direction parameter of the Jones-Pewsey distribution to be fitted.
#' @param kappa Concentration parameter of the Jones-Pewsey distribution to be fitted.
#' @param psi Shape parameter of the Jones-Pewsey distribution to be fitted.
#' @param display Boolean specifying whether to print the results of the four tests to the console or not.
#' @return List of test statistics for the four tests, plus the p-value for the Rayleigh tests.
#' @seealso The individual tests included in the bundle: \code{\link{kuiper.test}}, \code{\link{watson.test}}, \code{\link{rao.spacing.test}}, and \code{\link{rayleigh.test}}. 
#' @export
#' @examples
#' GoF <- JP.GoF(q, mu, kappa, psi)
JP.GoF <- function(data, mu, kappa, psi, display = T) {
    n <- length(data)
    tdf <- 0
    ncon <- JP.NCon(kappa, psi)
    for (j in 1:n) {tdf[j] <- JP.df(data[j], mu, kappa, psi, ncon)}
    cunif <- circular(2*pi*tdf)
    if (display) {
    list(kuiper.statistic = kuiper.test(cunif)$statistic,
         watson.statistic = watson.test(cunif)$statistic,
         rao.statistic = rao.spacing.test(cunif)$statistic,
         rayleigh.statistic = rayleigh.test(cunif)$statistic,
         rayleigh.p = rayleigh.test(cunif)$p.value)

#' Bootstrap goodness-of-fit tests for Jones-Pewsey distribution
#' Runs a bundle of bootstrap goodness-of-fit tests on the data against the Jones-Pewsey distribution.
#' @details The tests rely on doubling the Jones-Pewsey distribution function of each angle in the data set, and testing the resulting distribution for uniformity. 
#' @param data Vector of angles to be tested against the Jones-Pewsey distribution.
#' @param B Number of bootstrap samples to use to obtain the confidence interval. Default is 9999.
#' @param show.progress Boolean indicating whether or not to display a progress bar as the bootstrap is run.
#' @return List of p-values for the four tests.
#' @seealso The individual tests included in the bundle: \code{\link{kuiper.test}}, \code{\link{watson.test}}, \code{\link{rao.spacing.test}}, and \code{\link{rayleigh.test}}. 
#' @export
#' @examples
#' GoF.boot <- JP.GoF.boot(q, B = 99)
JP.GoF.boot <- function(data, B = 9999, show.progress = T) {
    n <- length(data)
    JPmleRes <- JP.mle(data) 
    muhat0 <- JPmleRes$mu
    kaphat0 <- JPmleRes$kappa
    psihat0 <- JPmleRes$psi
    ncon0 <- JP.NCon(kaphat0, psihat0)
    tdf <- 0 
    for (j in 1:n) {
        tdf[j] <- JP.df(data[j], muhat0, kaphat0, psihat0, ncon0)
    cunif <- circular(2*pi*tdf)
    nxtrm <- rep(1,4)
    unif.test.0 <- c(kuiper.test(cunif)$statistic, 
    if (show.progress) {pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = B, style = 3)}
    for (b in 2:(B+1)) {
        bootstrap.sample <- JP.sim(n, muhat0, kaphat0, psihat0, ncon0)
        JPmleRes <- JP.mle(bootstrap.sample) 
        muhat1 <- JPmleRes$mu
        kaphat1 <- JPmleRes$kappa
        psihat1 <- JPmleRes$psi
        ncon1 <- JP.NCon(kaphat1, psihat1)
        tdf <- 0
        for (j in 1:n) {
            tdf[j] <- JP.df(bootstrap.sample[j], muhat1, kaphat1, psihat1, ncon1)
        cunif <- circular(2*pi*tdf)
        nxtrm[1] <- nxtrm[1] + (kuiper.test(cunif)$statistic >= unif.test.0[1])
        nxtrm[2] <- nxtrm[2] + (watson.test(cunif)$statistic >= unif.test.0[2])
        nxtrm[3] <- nxtrm[3] + (rao.spacing.test(cunif)$statistic  >= unif.test.0[3])
        nxtrm[4] <- nxtrm[4] + (rayleigh.test(cunif)$statistic >= unif.test.0[4])
        if (show.progress) {setTxtProgressBar(pb, b)}
    pval <- nxtrm/(B+1)
    names(pval) <- c("kuiper", "watson", "rao", "rayleigh")
    if (show.progress) {close(pb)}

#' Likelihood ratio test for Jones-Pewsey against nested models
#' Likelihood ratio test of Jones-Pewsey distribution with MLE parameters against a simpler model with a specified value of \code{psi}.
#' @param data Vector of angles to be tested.
#' @param psi.0 Value of \code{psi} specifying a simpler model, to test against the three-parameter Jones-Pewsey.
#' @param alpha Significance level of likelihood ratio test. Default is 0.05 (95\% confidence interval).
#' @details von Mises has psi -> 0; cardioid has psi = 1; wrapped Cauchy has psi = -1.
#' @return List containing the deviance, p-value, matrix ofthe parameters tested, and a comment explaining the output.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' JP.LR.test <- JP.psi.LR.test(q, psi.0 = 1)
JP.psi.LR.test <- function(data, psi.0 = 0, alpha = 0.05) {
    null.model = "null"
    if (psi.0 == 0) {null.model <- "von Mises"}
    if (psi.0 == 1) {null.model <- "cardioid"}
    if (psi.0 ==-1) {null.model <- "wrapped Cauchy"}
    n <- length(data)
    s <- sum(sin(data))
    c <- sum(cos(data))
    mu.vM <- atan2(s,c) %% (2*pi)
    kappa.vM <- A1inv(sqrt(s*s+c*c)/n)
    JPnll.psi <- function(p){
        mu <- p[1]
        kappa <- p[2]
        psi <- p[3]
        parlim <- abs(kappa*psi)
        if (parlim > 10) {y <- 9999.0 ; return(y)}
        else {
            ncon <- JP.NCon(kappa, psi)
            y <- -sum(log(JP.pdf(data, mu, kappa, psi, ncon)))
            return (y)
    JPnll.psi.0 <- function(p){
        mu <- p[1]
        kappa <- p[2]
        psi <- psi.0 
        parlim <- abs(kappa*psi)
        if (parlim > 10) {y <- 9999.0 ; return(y)} 
        else {
            ncon <- JP.NCon(kappa, psi)
            y <- -sum(log(JP.pdf(data, mu, kappa, psi, ncon))) 
    out <- optim(par=c(mu.vM, kappa.vM, 0), fn=JPnll.psi, gr = NULL, method = "L-BFGS-B", lower = c(mu.vM-pi, 0, -Inf), upper = c(mu.vM+pi, Inf, Inf))
    maxll1 <- -out$value
    muhat1 <- out$par[1]
    kaphat1 <- out$par[2]
    psihat1 <- out$par[3]
    out <- optim(par=c(muhat1, kaphat1), fn=JPnll.psi.0, gr = NULL, method = "L-BFGS-B", lower = c(muhat1-pi, 0), upper = c(muhat1+pi, Inf))
    maxll0 <- -out$value 
    muhat0 <- out$par[1] 
    kaphat0 <- out$par[2]
    D <- round(-2*(maxll0-maxll1),3)
    pval <- pchisq(D, df= 1, lower.tail=F)
    if (pval < alpha) {outcome = "gives"} else {outcome = "does not give"}
    pval <- round(pval, 3)
    comment = paste("Jones-Pewsey ", outcome, " an improvement on ", null.model,
                    " model at the ", alpha * 100, "% level.", sep = "")
    comparison <- round(rbind(max.ll = c(maxll0, maxll1),
                              mu = c(muhat0, muhat1),
                              kappa = c(kaphat0, kaphat1),
                              psi = c(psi.0, psihat1)),3)
    colnames(comparison) <- c(null.model, "Jones-Pewsey")
    list(D = D, p.val = pval, comment = comment, comparison = comparison)

#' Bootstrap likelihood ratio test for Jones-Pewsey against nested models
#' Bootstrap likelihood ratio test of Jones-Pewsey distribution with MLE parameters against a simpler model with a specified value of \code{psi}.
#' @param data Vector of angles to be tested.
#' @param psi.0 Value of \code{psi} specifying a simpler model, to test against the three-parameter Jones-Pewsey.
#' @param alpha Significance level of likelihood ratio test. Default is 0.05 (95\% confidence interval).
#' @param B Number of bootstrap samples to use to obtain the confidence interval. Default is 9999.
#' @details von Mises has psi -> 0; cardioid has psi = 1; wrapped Cauchy has psi = -1.
#' @return List containing the deviance, p-value, matrix ofthe parameters tested, and a comment explaining the output.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' JP.LR.test <- JP.psi.LR.boot(q, psi.0 = 1, B = 99)
JP.psi.LR.boot <- function(data, psi.0 = 0, B = 9999, alpha = 0.05, show.progress = T) {
    x <- data 
    n <- length(x)
    s <- sum(sin(x))
    c <- sum(cos(x))
    mu.vM <- atan2(s,c) %% (2*pi)
    kappa.vM <- A1inv(sqrt(s*s+c*c)/n)
    JPnll.psi <- function(p){
        mu <- p[1]
        kappa <- p[2]
        psi <- p[3] 
        parlim <- abs(kappa*psi)
        if (parlim > 10) {y <- 9999.0 ; return(y)}
        else {
            ncon <- JP.NCon(kappa, psi)
            y <- -sum(log(JP.pdf(x, mu, kappa, psi, ncon))) ; return (y) 
    JPnll.psi0 <- function(p){
        mu <- p[1] 
        kappa <- p[2] 
        psi <- psi.0
        parlim <- abs(kappa*psi)
        if (parlim > 10) {y <- 9999.0 ; return(y)} 
        else {
            ncon <- JP.NCon(kappa, psi)
            y <- -sum(log(JP.pdf(x, mu, kappa, psi, ncon))) ; return(y)
    out <- optim(par=c(mu.vM, kappa.vM, 0), fn=JPnll.psi, gr = NULL, method = "L-BFGS-B", lower = c(mu.vM-pi, 0, -Inf), upper = c(mu.vM+pi, Inf, Inf))
    maxll1 <- -out$value 
    muhat1 <- out$par[1]
    kaphat1 <- out$par[2]
    psihat1 <- out$par[3]
    out <- optim(par=c(muhat1, kaphat1), fn=JPnll.psi0, gr = NULL, method = "L-BFGS-B", lower = c(muhat1-pi, 0), upper = c(muhat1+pi, Inf))
    maxll0 <- -out$value 
    muhat0 <- out$par[1]
    kaphat0 <- out$par[2]
    D <- -2*(maxll0-maxll1) 
    if (show.progress) {pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = B, style = 3)}
    nxtrm <- 1
    for (j in 2:(B+1)) {
        stopgo <- 0
        while (stopgo == 0) {
            x <- JP.sim(n, muhat0, kaphat0, psi.0)
            out <- optim(par=c(muhat0, kaphat0, psi.0), fn=JPnll.psi, gr = NULL, method = "L-BFGS-B", lower = c(muhat0-pi, 0, -Inf), upper = c(muhat0+pi, Inf, Inf))
            maxll1 <- -out$value 
            out <- optim(par=c(muhat0, kaphat0), fn=JPnll.psi0, gr = NULL, method = "L-BFGS-B", lower = c(muhat0-pi, 0), upper = c(muhat0+pi, Inf))
            maxll0 <- -out$value
            D[j] <- -2*(maxll0-maxll1) 
            if (D[j] >= 0) {
                if (D[j] < 40) { 
                    if (D[j] >= D[1]) {nxtrm <- nxtrm+1}
                    stopgo <- 1 } }
        if (show.progress) {setTxtProgressBar(pb, j)}
    if (show.progress) {close(pb)}
    pval <- nxtrm/(B+1) 
    if (pval < alpha) {outcome = "gives"} else {outcome = "does not give"}
    pval <- round(pval,3)
    null.model = "null"
    if (psi.0 == 0) {null.model <- "von Mises"}
    if (psi.0 == 1) {null.model <- "cardioid"}
    if (psi.0 ==-1) {null.model <- "wrapped Cauchy"}
    comment = paste("Jones-Pewsey ", outcome, " an improvement on ", null.model,
                    " model at the ", alpha * 100, "% level.", sep = "")
    comparison <- round(rbind(max.ll = c(maxll0, maxll1),
                              mu = c(muhat0, muhat1),
                              kappa = c(kaphat0, kaphat1),
                              psi = c(psi.0, psihat1)), 3)
    colnames(comparison) <- c(null.model, "Jones-Pewsey")
    list(p.val = pval, comment = comment, comparison = comparison)

#' AIC and BIC for Jones-Pewsey against nested models
#' Obtain the AIC and BIC scores for Jones-Pewsey distribution with MLE parameters over a simpler model with a specified value of \code{psi}.
#' @param data Vector of angles to be tested.
#' @param psi.0 Value of \code{psi} specifying a simpler model, to test against the three-parameter Jones-Pewsey.
#' @details von Mises has psi -> 0; cardioid has psi = 1; wrapped Cauchy has psi = -1.
#' @return List containing a matrix ofthe parameters tested and their associated AIC and BIC scores, as well as a comment explaining the output.
#' @seealso \code{\link{AIC}}, \code{\link{BIC}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' JP.info <- JP.psi.info(q)
JP.psi.info <- function(data, psi.0 = 0) {
    null.model = "null"
    if (psi.0 == 0) {null.model <- "von Mises"}
    if (psi.0 == 1) {null.model <- "cardioid"}
    if (psi.0 ==-1) {null.model <- "wrapped Cauchy"}
    x <- data
    n <- length(x)
    s <- sum(sin(x)) 
    c <- sum(cos(x))
    k <- c(2,3)
    mu.vM <- atan2(s,c) %% (2 * pi)
    kappa.vM <- A1inv(sqrt(s*s+c*c)/n)
    JPnll <- function(p){
        mu <- p[1] 
        kappa <- p[2] 
        psi <- p[3] 
        parlim <- abs(kappa*psi)
        if (parlim > 10) {y <- 9999.0 ; return(y)}
        else {
            ncon <- JP.NCon(kappa, psi)
            y <- -sum(log(JP.pdf(x, mu, kappa, psi, ncon))) 
            return (y)
    JPnllpsi0 <- function(p){
        mu <- p[1] 
        kappa <- p[2] 
        psi <- psi.0 
        parlim <- abs(kappa*psi)
        if (parlim > 10) {y <- 9999.0 ; return(y)} 
        else {
            ncon <- JP.NCon(kappa, psi)
            y <- -sum(log(JP.pdf(x, mu, kappa, psi, ncon))) 
    out <- optim(par=c(mu.vM, kappa.vM, 0), fn=JPnll, gr = NULL, method = "L-BFGS-B", lower = c(mu.vM-pi, 0, -Inf), upper = c(mu.vM+pi, Inf, Inf))
    maxll1 <- -out$value 
    muhat1 <- out$par[1]
    kaphat1 <- out$par[2] 
    psihat1 <- out$par[3]
    nu <- 3
    AIC1 <- (2*nu)-(2*maxll1)
    BIC1 <- (log(n)*nu)-(2*maxll1) 
    out <- optim(par=c(muhat1, kaphat1), fn=JPnllpsi0, gr = NULL, method = "L-BFGS-B", lower = c(muhat1-pi, 0), upper = c(muhat1+pi, Inf))
    maxll0 <- -out$value 
    nu <- 2
    AIC0 <- (2*nu)-(2*maxll0)
    BIC0 <- (log(n)*nu)-(2*maxll0) 
    if (AIC0 < AIC1) {
        comment.AIC <- paste("AIC favours ", null.model, " model over full Jones-Pewsey distributon.", sep = "")
    } else {
        comment.AIC <- paste("AIC favours full Jones-Pewsey distribution over ", null.model, " model.", sep = "")
    if (BIC0 < BIC1) {
        comment.BIC <- paste("BIC favours ", null.model, " model over full Jones-Pewsey distributon.", sep = "")
    } else {
        comment.BIC <- paste("BIC favours full Jones-Pewsey distribution over ", null.model, " model.", sep = "")
    comparison <- round(rbind(mu = c(mu.vM, muhat1),
                              kappa = c(kappa.vM, kaphat1),
                              psi = c(psi.0, psihat1),
                              llh = c(maxll0, maxll1),
                              AIC = c(AIC0, AIC1),
                              BIC = c(BIC0, BIC1),
                              AICc = c(AIC0, AIC1) + (2*k*(k+1)) / (n-k-1)),3)
    colnames(comparison) <- c(null.model, "Jones-Pewsey")
    list(comparison = comparison, AIC = comment.AIC, BIC = comment.BIC)
ClairBee/AS.circular documentation built on Jan. 24, 2020, 3:57 p.m.