
Defines functions convertDataToMatrix getDimNames getSampleNames getGeneNames checkInputs checkDataMatrix parseExtraParams startupMessage ncolHelper nrowHelper getValueOrRds isRdsFile supported gapsCat getRetinaSubset

Documented in checkDataMatrix checkInputs convertDataToMatrix gapsCat getDimNames getGeneNames getRetinaSubset getSampleNames getValueOrRds isRdsFile ncolHelper nrowHelper parseExtraParams startupMessage supported

#' get specified number of retina subsets
#' @export
#' @description combines retina subsets from extdata directory
#' @param n number of subsets to use
#' @return matrix of RNA counts
#' @examples
#' retSubset <- getRetinaSubset()
#' dim(retSubset)
#' @importFrom rhdf5 h5read
getRetinaSubset <- function(n=1)
    if (!(n %in% 1:4))
        stop("invalid number of subsets requested")

    subset_1_path <- system.file("extdata/retina_subset_1.h5", package="CoGAPS")
    subset_2_path <- system.file("extdata/retina_subset_2.h5", package="CoGAPS")
    subset_3_path <- system.file("extdata/retina_subset_3.h5", package="CoGAPS")
    subset_4_path <- system.file("extdata/retina_subset_4.h5", package="CoGAPS")

    data <- rhdf5::h5read(subset_1_path, "counts")
    cNames <- rhdf5::h5read(subset_1_path, "cellNames")
    if (n > 1)
        data <- cbind(data, rhdf5::h5read(subset_2_path, "counts"))
        cNames <- c(cNames, rhdf5::h5read(subset_2_path, "cellNames"))
    if (n > 2)
        data <- cbind(data, rhdf5::h5read(subset_3_path, "counts"))
        cNames <- c(cNames, rhdf5::h5read(subset_3_path, "cellNames"))
    if (n > 3)
        data <- cbind(data, rhdf5::h5read(subset_4_path, "counts"))
        cNames <- c(cNames, rhdf5::h5read(subset_4_path, "cellNames"))

    colnames(data) <- cNames
    rownames(data) <- rhdf5::h5read(subset_1_path, "geneNames")

#' wrapper around cat
#' @keywords internal
#' @description cleans up message printing
#' @param allParams all cogaps parameters
#' @param ... arguments forwarded to cat
#' @return conditionally print message
gapsCat <- function(allParams, ...)
    if (allParams$messages)

#' checks if file is supported
#' @keywords internal
#' @param file path to file
#' @return TRUE if file is supported, FALSE if not
#' @importFrom tools file_ext
supported <- function(file)
    if (!is(file, "character"))
    return(tools::file_ext(file) %in% c("tsv", "csv", "mtx", "gct"))

#' checks if file is rds format
#' @keywords internal
#' @param file path to file
#' @return TRUE if file is .rds, FALSE if not
#' @importFrom tools file_ext
isRdsFile <- function(file)
    if (is.null(file))
    if (length(file) == 0)
    if (!is(file, "character"))
    return(tools::file_ext(file) == "rds")

#' get input that might be an RDS file
#' @keywords internal
#' @param input some user input
#' @return if input is an RDS file, read it - otherwise return input
getValueOrRds <- function(input)
    if (isRdsFile(input))

#' get number of rows from supported file name or matrix
#' @keywords internal
#' @param data either a file name or a matrix
#' @return number of rows
#' @importFrom tools file_ext
nrowHelper <- function(data)
    if (is(data, "character"))

#' get number of columns from supported file name or matrix
#' @keywords internal
#' @param data either a file name or a matrix
#' @return number of columns
#' @importFrom tools file_ext
ncolHelper <- function(data)
    if (is(data, "character"))

#' write start up message
#' @keywords internal
#' @param data data set
#' @param allParams list of all parameters
#' @return message displayed to screen
#' @importFrom methods show
startupMessage <- function(data, allParams)
    nGenes <- ifelse(allParams$transposeData, ncolHelper(data), nrowHelper(data))
    nSamples <- ifelse(allParams$transposeData, nrowHelper(data), ncolHelper(data))

    dist_message <- "Standard"
    if (!is.null(allParams$gaps@distributed))
        dist_message <- allParams$gaps@distributed

    cat("\nThis is CoGAPS version", as.character(packageVersion("CoGAPS")), "\n")
    cat("Running", dist_message, "CoGAPS on", allParams$dataName,
        paste("(", nGenes, " genes and ", nSamples, " samples)", sep=""))

    if (allParams$messages)
        cat(" with parameters:\n\n")

#' parse parameters passed through the ... variable
#' @keywords internal
#' @param allParams list of all parameters
#' @param extraParams list of parameters in ...
#' @return allParams with any valid parameters in extraParams added
#' @note will halt with an error if any parameters in extraParams are invalid
#' @importFrom methods slotNames
parseExtraParams <- function(allParams, extraParams)
    # parse direct params
    deprecatedSlots <- c("singleCell")
    for (s in c(slotNames(allParams$gaps), deprecatedSlots))
        if (!is.null(extraParams[[s]]))
            allParams$gaps <- setParam(allParams$gaps, s, extraParams[[s]])
            extraParams[[s]] <- NULL

    # check for unrecognized options
    if (length(extraParams) > 0)
        stop(paste("unrecognized argument:", names(extraParams)[1]))


## TODO these checks should be in the C++ code so that file names are checked
## just as much as R variables
#' check that provided data is valid
#' @keywords internal
#' @param data data matrix
#' @param uncertainty uncertainty matrix, can be null
#' @param params CogapsParams object
#' @return throws an error if data has problems
checkDataMatrix <- function(data, uncertainty, params)
    if (any(is.na(data)))
        stop("NA values in data")
    if (!all(apply(data, 2, is.numeric)))
        stop("data is not numeric")
    if (sum(data < 0) > 0 | sum(uncertainty < 0) > 0)
        stop("negative values in data and/or uncertainty matrix")
    if (nrow(data) <= params@nPatterns | ncol(data) <= params@nPatterns)
        stop("nPatterns must be less than dimensions of data")
    if (sum(uncertainty < 1e-5) > 0)
        warning("small values in uncertainty matrix detected")

#' check that all inputs are valid
#' @keywords internal
#' @param data data matrix
#' @param uncertainty uncertainty matrix, can be null
#' @param allParams list of all parameters
#' @return throws an error if inputs are invalid
checkInputs <- function(data, uncertainty, allParams)
    if (is(data, "character") & !is.null(uncertainty) & !is(uncertainty, "character"))
        stop("uncertainty must be same data type as data (file name)")
    if (is(uncertainty, "character") & !supported(uncertainty))
        stop("unsupported file extension for uncertainty")
    if (!is(data, "character") & !is.null(uncertainty) & !is(uncertainty, "matrix"))
        stop("uncertainty must be a matrix unless data is a file path")
    if (!is.null(uncertainty) & allParams$gaps@sparseOptimization)
        stop("must use default uncertainty when enabling sparseOptimization")
    if (!is.null(allParams$checkpointInFile) & !CoGAPS::checkpointsEnabled())
        stop("CoGAPS was built with checkpoints disabled")
    if (!(allParams$snapshotPhase %in% c('equilibration', 'sampling', 'all')))
        stop("snapshotPhase must be either equilibration, sampling, or all")
    if (allParams$nSnapshots > 0)
        warning("Snapshots slow down computation and should only be used for testing")

    if (!is.null(allParams$gaps@distributed))
        if (allParams$nThreads > 1)
            warning("can't run multi-threaded and distributed CoGAPS at the same time, ignoring nThreads")
        if (!is.null(allParams$checkpointInFile))
            stop("checkpoints not supported for distributed cogaps")
        if (!is(data, "character"))
            warning("running distributed cogaps without mtx/tsv/csv/gct data")

    if (!is(data, "character"))
        checkDataMatrix(data, uncertainty, allParams$gaps)
    if (is.null(allParams$geneNames))
        stop("no gene names in parameters")
    if (is.null(allParams$sampleNames))
        stop("no sample names in parameters")

#' extract gene names from data
#' @keywords internal
#' @return vector of gene names
getGeneNames <- function(data, transpose)
    if (transpose)
        return(getSampleNames(data, FALSE))
    if (is(data, "character"))
        names <- getFileInfo_cpp(data)[["rowNames"]]
        names <- rownames(data)
    if (is.null(names) | length(names) == 0)
        return(paste("Gene", 1:nrowHelper(data), sep="_"))

#' extract sample names from data
#' @keywords internal
#' @return vector of sample names
getSampleNames <- function(data, transpose)
    if (transpose)
        return(getGeneNames(data, FALSE))
    if (is(data, "character"))
        names <- getFileInfo_cpp(data)[["colNames"]]
        names <- colnames(data)
    if (is.null(names) | length(names) == 0)
        return(paste("Sample", 1:ncolHelper(data), sep="_"))

#' extracts gene/sample names from the data
#' @keywords internal
#' @param data data matrix
#' @param allParams list of all parameters
#' @return list of all parameters with added gene names
getDimNames <- function(data, allParams)
    # get user supplied names
    geneNames <- allParams$gaps@geneNames
    sampleNames <- allParams$gaps@sampleNames

    # if user didn't supply any names, pull from data set or use default labels
    if (is.null(allParams$gaps@geneNames))
        geneNames <- getGeneNames(data, allParams$transposeData)
    if (is.null(allParams$gaps@sampleNames))
        sampleNames <- getSampleNames(data, allParams$transposeData)

    # get the number of genes/samples
    nGenes <- ifelse(allParams$transposeData, ncolHelper(data), nrowHelper(data))
    nSamples <- ifelse(allParams$transposeData, nrowHelper(data), ncolHelper(data))

    # handle any subsetting
    if (allParams$gaps@subsetDim == 1)
        nGenes <- length(allParams$gaps@subsetIndices)
        geneNames <- geneNames[allParams$gaps@subsetIndices]
    else if (allParams$gaps@subsetDim == 2)
        nSamples <- length(allParams$gaps@subsetIndices)
        sampleNames <- sampleNames[allParams$gaps@subsetIndices]

    # check that names align with expected number of genes/samples
    if (length(geneNames) != nGenes)
        stop(length(geneNames), " != ", nGenes, " incorrect number of gene names given")
    if (length(sampleNames) != nSamples)
        stop(length(sampleNames), " != ", nSamples, " incorrect number of sample names given")

    # store processed gene/sample names directly in allParams list
    # this is an important distinction - allParams@gaps contains the
    # gene/sample names originally passed by the user, allParams contains
    # the procseed gene/sample names to be used when labeling the result
    allParams$geneNames <- geneNames
    allParams$sampleNames <- sampleNames

#' convert any acceptable data input to a numeric matrix
#' @keywords internal
#' @description convert supported R objects containing the data to a
#' numeric matrix, if data is a file name do nothing. Exits with an error
#' if data is not a supported type.
#' @param data data input
#' @return data matrix
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment assay
convertDataToMatrix <- function(data)
    if (is(data, "character") & !supported(data))
        stop("unsupported file extension for data")
    else if (is(data, "matrix") | is(data, "character"))
    else if (is(data, "data.frame"))
    else if (is(data, "SummarizedExperiment"))
        return(SummarizedExperiment::assay(data, "counts"))
    else if (is(data, "SingleCellExperiment"))
        return(SummarizedExperiment::assay(data, "counts"))
        stop("unsupported data type")
CoGAPS/CoGAPS documentation built on June 23, 2024, 5:19 p.m.