
# correlation function should implement:
# corr: name of correlation
# corr_func
# deviance_out
# deviance
# deviance_grad
# deviance_fngr
# optim
# optimRestart
# optimBayes
# update_params
# grad

# Should only require??
# deviance
# deviance_grad
# deviance_fngr
# optim_objective ???? to replace deviance_log2_fngr

#' Corr Gauss GP
#' @docType class
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @export
#' @useDynLib GauPro
#' @importFrom Rcpp evalCpp
#' @importFrom stats optim
# @keywords data, kriging, Gaussian process, regression
#' @return Object of \code{\link{R6Class}} with methods for fitting GP model.
#' @format \code{\link{R6Class}} object.
#' @examples
#' n <- 12
#' x <- matrix(seq(0,1,length.out = n), ncol=1)
#' y <- sin(2*pi*x) + rnorm(n,0,1e-1)
#' gp <- GauPro(X=x, Z=y, parallel=FALSE)
GauPro_Gauss_old <- R6::R6Class(
  classname = "GauPro_Gauss_old",
  inherit = GauPro_base,
  public = list(
    corr = "Gauss",
    #corr_func = NULL,
    theta = NULL, # theta of length D, will repeat values if nonseparable
    theta_length = NULL, # number of unique theta's
    theta_map = NULL, # Vector of length D, ith component is which theta group ith dimension belongs to, eg c(1,2,1) means first and third dimensions share a theta
    theta_short = NULL, # vector of unique theta's, length D if separable, length 1 if nonsep. Use this for optimization, then transform to full theta using map
    #theta_short_length = NULL,
    separable = NULL,
    initialize = function(X, Z, verbose=0, separable=T, useC=F,useGrad=T,
                          parallel=T, nug.est=T,
                          theta_map = NULL,
                          ...) {
                       parallel=parallel, nug.est=nug.est)

      self$separable <- separable
      if (!is.null(theta_map)) {
        self$theta_map <- theta_map
        self$theta_length <- length(unique(theta_map))
      } else if (self$separable) {
        self$theta_map <- 1:self$D
        self$theta_length <- self$D
      } else{
        self$theta_map <- rep(1, self$D)
        self$theta_length <- 1
      self$theta_short <- rep(1, self$theta_length)
      self$theta <- self$theta_short[self$theta_map]

    #corr_func = GauPro::corr_gauss_matrix, # This is in R/corr, but copied here, DOESN'T WORK
    corr_func = function(x, x2=NULL, theta=self$theta) {
      if (is.null(x2)) corr_gauss_matrix_symC(x, theta)
      else corr_gauss_matrixC(x, x2, theta)
    deviance_theta = function (theta) {
      self$deviance(theta=theta, nug=self$nug)
    deviance_theta_log = function (beta) {
      theta <- 10^beta
    deviance = function(theta=self$theta, nug=self$nug) {
      if (length(theta) < self$D) {theta = theta[self$theta_map]} # if not fully separable, map out to full theta
      Gaussian_devianceC(theta, nug, self$X, self$Z)
    #deviance_out = function(...){Gaussian_devianceC(...)},
    deviance_grad = function(theta=NULL, nug=self$nug, joint=NULL, overwhat=if (self$nug.est) "joint" else "theta") {
      if (length(theta) < self$D) {theta = theta[self$theta_map]} # if not fully separable, map out to full theta
      gr <- Gaussian_deviance_gradC(theta=theta, nug=nug, X=self$X, Z=self$Z, overwhat=overwhat)
      if (!self$separable & overwhat!="nug") { # Map down if theta not full dimensional
        tgr <- sapply(1:self$theta_length, function(ii){sum(gr[which(self$theta_map == ii)])})
        if (overwhat == "joint") { # If joint, add nugget to end and return
          return(c(tgr, tail(gr,1)))
        return(tgr) # else just return theta grad
    #deviance_grad_out = function(...){Gaussian_deviance_gradC(...)},
    deviance_fngr = function (theta=NULL, nug=NULL,
                              overwhat=if (self$nug.est) "joint" else "theta") {
      if (length(theta) < self$D) {theta = theta[self$theta_map]} # if not fully separable, map out to full theta
      fngr <- Gaussian_deviance_fngrC(theta=theta, nug=nug,
                                      X=self$X, Z=self$Z, overwhat=overwhat)
      if (!self$separable & overwhat!="nug") { # Map down if theta not full dimensional
        gr <- fngr$gr
        tgr <- sapply(1:self$theta_length,
                      function(ii){sum(gr[which(self$theta_map == ii)])})
        if (overwhat == "joint") { # If joint, add nugget to end and return
          return(list(fn=fngr$fn, gr=c(tgr, tail(gr,1))))
        return(list(fn=fngr$fn, gr=tgr)) # else just return theta grad
    #deviance_fngr_out = function(...){Gaussian_deviance_fngrC(...)},
    deviance_log = function (beta=NULL, nug=self$nug, joint=NULL) {
      if (!is.null(joint)) {
        beta <- joint[-length(joint)]
        theta <- 10^beta
        nug <- joint[length(joint)]
      } else {
        if (is.null(beta)) theta <- self$theta
        else theta <- 10^beta
      self$deviance(theta=theta, nug=nug)
    deviance_log2 = function (beta=NULL, lognug=NULL, joint=NULL) {  # joint deviance
      # This takes nug on log scale
      if (!is.null(joint)) {
        beta <- joint[-length(joint)]
        theta <- 10^beta
        nug <- 10^joint[length(joint)]
      } else {
        if (is.null(beta)) theta <- self$theta
        else theta <- 10^beta
        if (is.null(lognug)) nug <- self$nug
        else nug <- 10^lognug
      self$deviance(theta=theta, nug=nug)
    #deviance_grad = function(theta=NULL, nug=self$nug, joint=NULL, overwhat=if (self$nug.est) "joint" else "theta") {
    #  self$deviance_grad_out(theta=theta, nug=nug, X=self$X, Z=self$Z, overwhat=overwhat)
    deviance_log_grad = function (beta=NULL, nug=self$nug, joint=NULL,
                                  overwhat=if (self$nug.est) "joint" else "theta") {
      if (!is.null(joint)) {
        beta <- joint[-length(joint)]
        theta <- 10^beta
        nug <- joint[length(joint)]
      } else {
        if (is.null(beta)) {theta <- self$theta; beta <- log(theta, 10)}
        else theta <- 10^beta
      dg <- self$deviance_gradC(theta=theta, nug=nug, overwhat=overwhat)
      if (overwhat != "nug") {dg[1:self$theta_length] <- dg[1:self$theta_length] * 10^beta * log(10)}
    deviance_log2_grad = function (beta=NULL, lognug=NULL, joint=NULL,
                                   overwhat=if (self$nug.est) "joint" else "theta") {
      if (!is.null(joint)) {
        beta <- joint[-length(joint)]
        theta <- 10^beta
        lognug <- joint[length(joint)]
        nug <- 10^lognug
      } else {
        if (is.null(beta)) {theta <- self$theta; beta <- log(theta, 10)}
        else theta <- 10^beta
        if (is.null(lognug)) {nug <- self$nug; lognug <- log(nug, 10)}
        else nug <- 10^lognug
        joint <- c(beta, lognug)
      self$deviance_gradC(theta=theta, nug=nug, overwhat=overwhat) * 10^joint * log(10)
    #deviance_fngr = function (theta=NULL, nug=NULL, overwhat=if (self$nug.est) "joint" else "theta") {
    #  self$deviance_fngr_out(theta=theta, nug=nug, X=self$X, Z=self$Z, overwhat=overwhat)
    deviance_log2_fngr = function (beta=NULL, lognug=NULL, joint=NULL,
                                   overwhat=if (self$nug.est) "joint" else "theta") {
      if (!is.null(joint)) {
        beta <- joint[-length(joint)]
        theta <- 10^beta
        lognug <- joint[length(joint)]
        nug <- 10^lognug
      } else {
        if (is.null(beta)) {theta <- self$theta; beta <- log(theta, 10)}
        else theta <- 10^beta
        if (is.null(lognug)) nug <- self$nug
        else nug <- 10^lognug
        joint <- c(beta, lognug)
      if (self$theta_length < self$D) {
        theta <- theta[self$theta_map]
        beta <- log(theta,10)
        joint <- c(beta, lognug)
      tmp <- self$deviance_fngr(theta=theta, nug=nug, overwhat=overwhat)
      tmp[[2]] <- tmp[[2]] * 10^joint * log(10) # scale gradient only

    optim = function (restarts = 5, theta.update = T, nug.update = self$nug.est,
                      parallel.cores=self$parallel.cores) {
      # Does parallel
      # Joint MLE search with L-BFGS-B, with restarts
      if (theta.update & nug.update) {
        optim.func <- function(xx) {self$deviance_log2(joint=xx)}
        grad.func <- function(xx) {self$deviance_log2_grad(joint=xx)}
        optim.fngr <- function(xx) {self$deviance_log2_fngr(joint=xx)}
      } else if (theta.update & !nug.update) {
        optim.func <- function(xx) {self$deviance_log2(beta=xx)}
        grad.func <- function(xx) {self$deviance_log2_grad(beta=xx)}
        optim.fngr <- function(xx) {self$deviance_log2_fngr(beta=xx)}
      } else if (!theta.update & nug.update) {
        optim.func <- function(xx) {self$deviance_log2(lognug=xx)}
        grad.func <- function(xx) {self$deviance_log2_grad(lognug=xx)}
        optim.fngr <- function(xx) {self$deviance_log2_fngr(lognug=xx)}
      } else {
        stop("Can't optimize over no variables")

      # This will make sure it at least can start
      # Run before it sets initial parameters
      try.devlog <- try(devlog <- self$deviance_log2(), silent = T)
      if (inherits(try.devlog, "try-error")) {
        warning("Current nugget doesn't work, increasing it #31973")
        self$update_K_and_estimates() # This will increase the nugget
        devlog <- self$deviance_log2()

      lower <- c()
      upper <- c()
      start.par <- c()
      start.par0 <- c() # Some default params
      if (theta.update) {
        lower <- c(lower, rep(-5, self$theta_length))
        upper <- c(upper, rep(7, self$theta_length))
        start.par <- c(start.par, log(self$theta_short, 10))
        start.par0 <- c(start.par0, rep(0, self$theta_length))
      if (nug.update) {
        lower <- c(lower, log(self$nug.min,10))
        upper <- c(upper, Inf)
        start.par <- c(start.par, log(self$nug,10))
        start.par0 <- c(start.par0, -6)

      # Find best params with optimization, start with current params in case all give error
      # Current params
      best <- list(par=c(log(self$theta_short, 10), log(self$nug,10)), value = devlog)
      if (self$verbose >= 2) {cat("Optimizing\n");cat("\tInitial values:\n");print(best)}
      details <- data.frame(
        message=NA, stringsAsFactors=F)

      # runs them in parallel, first starts from current, rest are jittered or random
      sys_name <-["sysname"]
      if (sys_name == "Windows" | !self$parallel) {
        # Trying this so it works on Windows
        restarts.out <- lapply( 1:(1+restarts),
                                function(i){self$optimRestart(start.par=start.par, start.par0=start.par0, theta.update=theta.update, nug.update=nug.update, optim.func=optim.func, grad.func=grad.func, optim.fngr=optim.fngr, lower=lower, upper=upper, jit=(i!=1))})#, mc.cores = parallel.cores)
      } else { # Mac/Unix
        restarts.out <- parallel::mclapply(1:(1+restarts),
                                           function(i){self$optimRestart(start.par=start.par, start.par0=start.par0, theta.update=theta.update, nug.update=nug.update, optim.func=optim.func, grad.func=grad.func, optim.fngr=optim.fngr,lower=lower, upper=upper, jit=(i!=1))}, mc.cores = parallel.cores)
      new.details <- t(sapply(restarts.out,function(dd){dd$deta}))
      vals <- sapply(restarts.out,
                       if (inherits(ii$current,"try-error")){Inf}
                       else ii$details$val
      bestparallel <- which.min(vals) #which.min(new.details$value)
      if (restarts.out[[bestparallel]]$current$val < best$val) {
        best <- restarts.out[[bestparallel]]$current
      details <- rbind(details, new.details)

      if (self$verbose >= 2) {print(details)}
      if (nug.update) best$par[length(best$par)] <- 10 ^ (best$par[length(best$par)])
    optimRestart = function (start.par, start.par0, theta.update, nug.update,
                             optim.func, grad.func, optim.fngr, lower, upper, jit=T) {
      # FOR lognug RIGHT NOW, seems to be at least as fast, up to 5x on big data, many fewer func_evals
      #    still want to check if it is better or not
      if (runif(1) < .33 & jit) { # restart near some spot to avoid getting stuck in bad spot
        start.par.i <- start.par0
        #print("start at zero par")
      } else { # jitter from current params
        start.par.i <- start.par
      if (jit) {
        if (theta.update) {start.par.i[1:self$theta_length] <- start.par.i[1:self$theta_length] + rnorm(self$theta_length,0,2)} # jitter betas
        if (nug.update) {start.par.i[length(start.par.i)] <- start.par.i[length(start.par.i)] + min(4, rexp(1,1))} # jitter nugget
      if (self$verbose >= 2) {cat("\tRestart (parallel): starts pars =",start.par.i,"\n")}
      current <- try(
        if (self$useGrad) {
          if (is.null(optim.fngr)) {
            lbfgs::lbfgs(optim.func, grad.func, start.par.i, invisible=1)
          } else {
            lbfgs_share(optim.fngr, start.par.i, invisible=1) # 1.7x speedup uses grad_share
        } else {
          optim(start.par.i, optim.func, method="L-BFGS-B", lower=lower, upper=upper, hessian=F)
      if (!inherits(current, "try-error")) {
        if (is.character(current[[1]])) { # means cholesky failed probably
 <- data.frame(
            end="cholesky error probably",
            convergence=NA, message=current[1], stringsAsFactors=F)
        } else {
          if (self$useGrad) {current$counts <- c(NA,NA);if(is.null(current$message))current$message=NA}
 <- data.frame(start=paste(signif(start.par.i,3),collapse=","),end=paste(signif(current$par,3),collapse=","),value=current$value,func_evals=current$counts[1],grad_evals=current$counts[2],convergence=current$convergence, message=current$message, row.names = NULL, stringsAsFactors=F)
      } else{ <- data.frame(start=paste(signif(start.par.i,3),collapse=","),end="try-error",value=Inf,func_evals=NA,grad_evals=NA,convergence=NA, message=current[1], stringsAsFactors=F)
    optimBayes = function(theta.update = T, nug.update = F & self$nug.est) {
      lower <- c()
      upper <- c()
      start.par <- c()
      start.par0 <- c() # Some default params
      if (theta.update) {
        lower <- c(lower, rep(-5, self$theta_length))
        upper <- c(upper, rep(7, self$theta_length))
        start.par <- c(start.par, log(self$theta_short, 10))
        start.par0 <- c(start.par0, rep(0, self$theta_length))
      if (nug.update) {
        lower <- c(lower, self$nug.min)
        upper <- c(upper, Inf)
        start.par <- c(start.par, self$nug)
        start.par0 <- c(start.par0, 1e-6)
      # start with spread of points
      n0 <- 10
      d <- self$theta_length + as.numeric(nug.update)
      u <- matrix(start.par0,nrow=n0, ncol=d, byrow = T)
      for(i in 1:n0){u[i,] <- u[i,] + rnorm(d,0,2)}
      v <- apply(u,1, self$deviance_log)
      bgp <- GauPro$new(u,v)
      EI <- function(uu) {
        pr <- bgp$predict(uu,se=T)
        g <- (min(v) - pr$m) / pr$se
        pr$se * (g * pnorm(g) + dnorm(g))
      for(i in 1:10) {
        #curve(EI, -5, 7);abline(v=u)
        if (F) {
        #apply(u, 1, function(uuu){optim(uuu, EI, lower=-5,upper=7)})
        #replicate(1e1, {optim(runif(1,-5,7), EI, lower=-5,upper=7,method="L-BFGS-B", control=list(fnscale=-1))$val})
        #tmp <- replicate(1e1, {optim(runif(1,-5,7), EI, lower=-5,upper=7,method="L-BFGS-B", control=list(fnscale=-1))[[c('par','val')]]})
        # parallel doesn't really speed up this line, already fast
        tmp <- replicate(10,{ta <- optim(runif(self$theta_length,-5,7), EI,
        best <- tmp[,which.max(tmp[self$theta_length+1,])]
        bestu <- best[1:self$theta_length];#abline(v=bestu,col=2)
        bestv <- self$deviance_log(beta=bestu) # this might be slow, maybe do parallel and add a bunch of new points each time?
        bgp$update(Xnew = bestu, Znew = bestv, restarts = 0)
        u <- rbind(u, bestu)
        v <- c(v, bestv)
      # optim from points already have, can pass grad #start at all midpoints?
      # take next point
      # start near that point?
      # repeat until limit reached
      bestu <- u[which.min(v),]
      optim(bestu, bgp$pred, lower=-5,upper=7,method="L-BFGS-B")$par

    update_params = function(restarts, param_update, nug.update) {
      pars <- self$optim(
        restarts = restarts, theta.update = param_update, nug.update = nug.update
      if (nug.update) {self$nug <- pars[length(pars)]}
      if (param_update) {
        self$theta_short <- 10 ^ pars[1:self$theta_length]
        self$theta <- self$theta_short[self$theta_map]

    grad = function (XX) {
      if (!is.matrix(XX)) {
        if (self$D == 1) XX <- matrix(XX, ncol=1)
        else if (length(XX) == self$D) XX <- matrix(XX, nrow=1)
        else stop('Predict input should be matrix')
      } else {
        if (ncol(XX) != self$D) {stop("Wrong dimension input")}
      kx.xx <- self$corr_func(self$X, XX, theta=self$theta)

      grad1 <-   vapply(1:nrow(XX),
                          function(k) {
                            t(-2 * outer(1:self$N, 1:self$D, Vectorize(function(i,j) {self$theta[j] * (XX[k, j] - self$X[i, j]) * kx.xx[i, k]}))
                            )  %*%self$Kinv %*% (self$Z - self$mu_hat)
                        , numeric(self$D)
      if (self$D == 1) return(grad1)

    print = function() {
      cat("GauPro object\n")
      cat(paste0("\tD = ", self$D, ", N = ", self$N,"\n"))
      cat(paste0(c("\tTheta = ", signif(self$theta, 3), "\n")))
      cat(paste0("\tNugget = ", signif(self$nug, 3), "\n"))
      cat("\tRun update to add data and/or optimize again\n")
      cat("\tUse pred to get predictions at new points\n")
  private = list(

CollinErickson/GauPro documentation built on Sept. 14, 2024, 10:05 p.m.