
Defines functions initialiseDR2S normaliseDR2SConf normaliseShortreads normaliseLongreads ORDERED_CONF_FIELDS MANDATORY_CONF_FIELDS updateDR2SConf expandDR2SConf writeDR2SConf print.DR2Sconf .cropOutdir readDR2SConf createDR2SConf

Documented in createDR2SConf readDR2SConf writeDR2SConf

#' @include configOpts.R

#' @export
createDR2SConf <- function(sample,
                           longreads = list(dir = "pacbio", type = "pacbio", mapper = "minimap"),
                           shortreads = NULL,
                           datadir = ".",
                           outdir = "./output",
                           reference = NULL,
                           details = NULL,
                           opts = NULL,
                           ...) {
    !missing(sample) && is.character(sample),
    !missing(locus) && is.character(locus))
  ##dots <- list(utrLength = list(DRB1 = list(start = 50, end = 50)), distAlleles = 1, format = "yaml")
  dots <- list(...)
  locus_allele <- strsplit1(locus, "*", fixed = TRUE)
  locus        <- .normaliseLocus(locus_allele[1])
  ref_allele   <- .expandAllele(locus_allele[2], locus)
  pipeline     <- if (is.null(shortreads)) "LR" else "SR"
  conf0 <- list(
    ## Sample data
    sampleId   = sample,
    locus      = locus,
    details    = lapply(details, gsub, pattern = ";", replacement = ",") %||% NULL,
    ## Run data
    datadir    = normalizePath(datadir, mustWork = TRUE),
    outdir     = outdir,
    longreads  = longreads,
    reference  = reference %||% ref_allele,
    shortreads = shortreads,
    ## Run parametrisation
    pipeline   = pipeline,
    opts       = normaliseOpts(opts, pipeline),
    format     = dots$format %||% "json"
  dots$format <- NULL
  conf0 <- c(conf0, dots)
  conf1 <- structure(conf0, class = c("DR2Sconf", "list"))
  normaliseDR2SConf(conf = conf1)

#' Read a DR2S config file in yaml or json format
#' @param configFile The path to the valid DR2S config file or to a DR2S project
#' directrory containing a \file{config.json} or \file{config.yaml} file.
#' @param format Input format ("auto", "yaml" or "json")
#' @details DR2S config files can be created manually or by the
#' \code{\link{writeDR2SConf}} function.
#' @return A \code{DR2Sconf} object or a list of \code{DR2Sconf} objects.
#' @export
readDR2SConf <- function(configFile, format = "auto") {
  format0 <- match.arg(format, c("auto", "yaml", "json"))
  conf0 <- configFile
  if (format0 == "auto") {
    if (endsWith(tolower(configFile), ".yaml")) {
      format0 <- "yaml"
    } else if (endsWith(tolower(configFile), ".json")) {
      format0 <- "json"
    } else if (length(dir(configFile, pattern = "config\\.yaml")) == 1) {
      conf0 <- file.path(configFile, "config.yaml")
      format0 <- "yaml"
    } else if (length(conf0 <- dir(configFile, pattern = "config\\.json")) == 1) {
      conf0 <- file.path(configFile, "config.json")
      format0 <- "json"
    } else {
      stop("Config file format not recognised")
  conf <- switch(
    yaml = yaml::yaml.load_file(conf0),
    json = jsonlite::fromJSON(conf0)

  ## set reference if extref exists
  if (!is.null(conf$extref)) {
      conf$reference <- normalizePath(conf$extref, mustWork = TRUE),
      error = function(e) {
        flog.error("External reference file <%s> not found", conf$extref, name = "info")
        stop("External reference file <", conf$extref, "> not found")
  ## set defaults as necessary
  conf["datadir"] <- conf$datadir %||% normalizePath(".", mustWork = TRUE)
  # conf["outdir"] <- .cropOutdir(conf)
  conf["format"] <- if (format == "auto") format0 else format
  conf$longreads <- conf$longreads %||% list(dir = "pacbio", type = "pacbio", mapper = "minimap")
  if (is.null(conf$shortreads)) {
    conf["shortreads"] <- list(NULL)
    conf$pipeline <- "LR"
  } else {
    conf$pipeline <- "SR"
  ## for backwards compatibility
  if (!is.null(conf$microsatellite))
    conf$opts$mapInit$microsatellite <- conf$microsatellite
  if (!is.null(conf$forceMapping))
    conf$opts$mapInit$microsatellite <- conf$forceMapping
  if (!is.null(conf$threshold))
    conf$opts$partitionLongreads$threshold <- conf$threshold
  if (!is.null(conf$distAlleles))
    conf$opts$partitionLongreads$distAlleles <- conf$distAlleles
  if (!is.null(conf$iterations))
    conf$opts$mapIter$iterations <- conf$iterations
  conf$opts <- normaliseOpts(conf$opts, conf$pipeline)

  if (!is.null(conf$utrLength))
    conf$utrLength <- .normaliseUtrLength(conf$utrLength)

  if (is.null(conf$details))
    conf["details"] <- list(NULL)
  conf$runstats <- NULL
  conf <- expandDR2SConf(conf)
  if (length(conf) == 1) {
  } else {

.cropOutdir <- function(conf) {
  outdir <- conf$outdir %||% file.path(conf$datadir, "output")
  pathext <- gsub("//", "/", file.path("",
                                       conf$details$platform %||% "",
  sub(pathext, "", outdir, fixed = TRUE)

#' @export
print.DR2Sconf <- function(x, ...) {
  if (x$format == "yaml") {
    cat(yaml::as.yaml(x, indent = 4))
  } else if (x$format == "json") {
    print(jsonlite::toJSON(x, auto_unbox = TRUE, digits = 4, pretty = TRUE))

#' Write the DR2S config as yaml or jsoon.
#' @param x A \code{\link{DR2S}} object.
#' @param outFile The destination file.
#' @param format Output format ("auto", "yaml" or "json")
#' @export
writeDR2SConf <- function(x, outFile = NULL, format = "auto") {
  assert_that(is(x, "DR2S"))
  format <- match.arg(format, c("auto", "yaml", "json"))
  if (format == "auto") {
    format <- match.arg(x$getConfig("format"), c("yaml", "json"))
  if (is.null(outFile)) {
    outFile <- switch(
      yaml = file.path(x$getOutdir(), "config.yaml"),
      json = file.path(x$getOutdir(), "config.json")
    if (format == "yaml")
      endsWith(outFile, ".yaml")
    else if (format == "json")
      endsWith(outFile, ".json")
  }, msg = paste0("Config file format <", format, "> does not match file extension"))
  conf <- x$getConfig()
  conf$runstats <- x$getStats()
  conf$runstats$homozygous <- x$getHomozygous()
    yaml = yaml::write_yaml(conf, outFile),
    json = jsonlite::write_json(conf, path = outFile, auto_unbox = TRUE, pretty = TRUE)

expandDR2SConf <- function(conf) {
  ## we can have more than one sample
  samples <- conf$samples
  if (is.null(samples)) {
  conf$samples <- NULL
  sampleIds <- vapply(seq_along(samples), function(s) {
    ifelse(is.null(samples[[s]]$sampleId), names(samples)[s], samples[[s]]$sampleId)
  }, FUN.VALUE = character(1))
  ## we can have more than one longread type
  lrds <- conf$longreads
  if (!is.null(names(lrds))) {
    lrds <- list(lrds)
  conf$longreads <- NULL
  # lrd <- lrds[[1]]
  # sample <- samples[[1]]
  # sampleId <- sampleIds[[1]]
  foreach(sample = samples, sampleId = sampleIds, .combine = "c") %:%
    foreach(lrd = lrds, .combine = "c") %do% {
      updateDR2SConf(conf, lrd, sampleId, sample)

updateDR2SConf <- function(conf0, lrd, sampleId, sample) {
  conf0$datadir      <- normalizePath(conf0$datadir, mustWork = TRUE)
  conf0$longreads    <- lrd
  conf0$sampleId     <- sampleId
  conf0$reference    <- sample$reference %||% conf0$reference %||% list(NULL)
  conf0$locus        <- sample$locus
  conf0$outdir       <- normalizePath(.cropOutdir(conf0), mustWork = FALSE)
  ## Overwrite patition opts distAlleles with sample-specific if present
  if (!is.null(sample$distAlleles))
    conf0$opts$partitionLongreads$distAlleles <- sample$distAlleles
  sample$sampleId    <- NULL
  sample$reference   <- NULL
  sample$locus       <- NULL
  ## add overides if they exist
  conf1 <- mergeList(conf0, sample, update = TRUE)

# Validator ---------------------------------------------------------------

    # Sample data
    "sampleId", "locus",
    # Run data
    "datadir", "outdir", "reference", "longreads",
    # Run parametrisation
    "pipeline", "opts", "format"

ORDERED_CONF_FIELDS <- function() {
    # Sample data
    "sampleId", "locus", "details",
    # Run data
    "datadir", "outdir", "reference", "longreads", "shortreads", "utrLength",
    # Run parametrisation
    "pipeline", "opts", "format"

normaliseLongreads <- function(lrd) {
  ## Set defaults
  lrd$type <- tolower(lrd$type) %||% "pacbio"
  lrd$mapper <- tolower(lrd$mapper) %||% "minimap"
  ## Long reads optional fields
  fields0 <- c("dir", "file", "type", "platform", "mapper", "hpc")
  lrd <- compact(lrd[fields0])
  ## Long reads mandatory fields
  fields1 <- c("file", "type", "mapper")
  fields2 <- c("dir", "type", "mapper")
    all(fields1 %in% names(lrd)) || all(fields2 %in% names(lrd)),
    msg = paste0("Missing fields <",
                 comma(fields0[!fields0 %in% names(lrd)]),
                 "> in longreads config"))

  ## Type must be one of "pacbio" or "nanopore"
    lrd$type %in% c("pacbio", "nanopore"),
    msg = paste0("Unsupported longread type <", lrd$type, ">")

  ## Mapper must be one of "bwamem" or "minimap"
    lrd$mapper %in% c("bwamem", "minimap"),
    msg = paste0("Unsupported longread mapper <", lrd$mapper, ">")

  ## Homopolymer compression level 4, 3, 2, 1, 0
  if (!is.null(lrd$hpc)) {
    lrd$hpc <- as.integer(lrd$hpc)
      lrd$hpc %in% 0:4,
      msg = paste0("Homopolymer compression level <", lrd$hpc, "> not supported")


normaliseShortreads <- function(srd) {
  ## Set defaults
  srd$type   <- tolower(srd$type) %||% "illumina"
  srd$mapper <- tolower(srd$mapper) %||% "bwamem"

  ## short reads optional fields.
  fields0 <- c("dir", "type", "platform", "mapper")
  srd <- compact(srd[fields0])
  ## short reads mandatory fields
  fields1 <- c("dir", "type", "mapper")
    all(fields1 %in% names(srd)),
    msg = paste0("Missing fields <",
                 comma(fields1[!fields1 %in% names(srd)]),
                 "> in shortreads config"))

  ## Platform must be "illumina"
    srd$type %in% "illumina",
    msg = paste0("Unsupported longread type <", srd$type, ">")

  ## Mapper must be one of "bwamem" or "minimap" or "rsubread"
    srd$mapper %in% c("bwamem", "minimap", "rsubread"),
    msg = paste("Unsupported longread mapper <", srd$mapper, ">")


normaliseDR2SConf <- function(conf) {
  if (has_attr(conf, "valid")) {
  assert_that(all(fields %in% names(conf)),
              msg = paste("Missing fields <",
                          comma(fields[!fields %in% names(conf)]),
                          "> in config"))
  conf <- structure(compact(conf[ORDERED_CONF_FIELDS()]), class = c("DR2Sconf", "list"))
  conf$datadir <- normalizePath(conf$datadir, mustWork = TRUE)
  conf$outdir <- normalizePath(.cropOutdir(conf), mustWork = FALSE)

  ## Assert longreads
  conf$longreads <- normaliseLongreads(conf$longreads)
  ## Assert that longreads are available
  if (!is.null(conf$longreads$dir)) {
    longreaddir <- file.path(conf$datadir, conf$longreads$dir)
    assert_that(length(dir(longreaddir, pattern = ".+fast(q|a)(.gz)?")) > 0,
                msg = "No fasta or fastq file in the longread directory")
  } else {
    longreadfile <- file.path(conf$datadir, conf$longreads$file)
    assert_that(file.exists(longreadfile), msg = "No longreads available")

  ## Check short reads (short reads are optional i.e. the field can be NULL)
  if (!is.null(conf$shortreads)) {
    ## Assert shortreads
    conf$shortreads <- normaliseShortreads(conf$shortreads)
    shortreaddir <- file.path(conf$datadir, conf$shortreads$dir)
    assert_that(length(dir(shortreaddir, pattern = ".+fast(q|a)(.gz)?")) > 0,
                msg = "No fasta or fastq file in the shortread directory"
  } else {
    ## set shortreads field in config to NULL
    conf$shortreads <- NULL

  ## Normalise locus
  conf$locus <- .normaliseLocus(conf$locus)
  ## if reference is generic for locus normalize it as well.
  if (gsub("HLA-", "", conf$reference) %in% HLA_LOCI())
    conf$reference <- .normaliseLocus(conf$reference)

  ## Use only the relevant utrLength
  if (!is.null(conf$utrLength)) {
    if (!all(names(conf$utrLength) %in% c("start", "end")))
      conf$utrLength <- .normaliseUtrLength(conf$utrLength)[[conf$locus]]

  ## Assert pipeline
  if (is.null(conf$shortreads)) {
    assert_that(conf$pipeline == "LR",
                msg = paste("Invalid pipeline <", conf$pipeline, ">"))
  } else {
    assert_that(conf$pipeline == "SR",
                msg = paste("Invalid pipeline <", conf$pipeline, ">"))

  ## Normalise and validate options
  conf$opts <- normaliseOpts(conf$opts, conf$pipeline)

  ## add flag that normalisation/validation has been performed
  attr(conf, "valid") <- TRUE


# Initialiser -------------------------------------------------------------

initialiseDR2S <- function(conf, createOutdir = TRUE) {
  conf <- normaliseDR2SConf(conf)
  if (createOutdir) {
    conf$outdir <- .dirCreateIfNotExists(path = gsub("//+", "/", file.path(
      conf$details$platform %||% "",
DKMS-LSL/dr2s documentation built on March 14, 2021, 2:46 p.m.