
Defines functions getCompleteTransList getTransformedData getRawData checkDataTransform

#' Compute Spillover Matrix
#' \code{spillover_compute} uses the method described by Bagwell & Adams 1993 to
#' calculate the fluorescent spillover matrix using a reference universal
#' unstained control and single stain compensation controls.
#' \code{spillover_compute} begins by the user selecting which fluorescent
#' channel is associated with each control from a dropdown menu. Following
#' channel selection, \code{spillover_compute} runs through each control and
#' plots the density distribution of the unstained control in red and the
#' compensation control in blue. Users can then gate the positive signal for
#' spillover calculation using an interval gate. The percentage spillover is
#' calculated based on the median fluorescent intensities of the stained
#' populations and the universal unstained sample. The computed spillover matrix
#' is returned as an R object and written to a named .csv file for future use.
#' \code{spillover_compute} has methods for both
#' \code{\link[flowCore:flowSet-class]{flowSet}} and
#' \code{\link[flowWorkspace:GatingSet-class]{GatingSet}} objects so refer to
#' their respective help pages for more information.
#' @param x object of class \code{\link[flowCore:flowSet-class]{flowSet}} or
#'   \code{\link[flowWorkspace:GatingSet-class]{GatingSet}}.
#' @param ... additional method-specific arguments for spillover_compute.
#' @seealso \code{\link{spillover_compute,flowSet-method}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{spillover_compute,GatingSet-method}}
#' @author Dillon Hammill, \email{Dillon.Hammill@anu.edu.au}
#' @references C. B. Bagwell \& E. G. Adams (1993). Fluorescence spectral
#'   overlap compensation for any number of flow cytometry parameters. in:
#'   Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 677:167-184.
#' @export
  name = "spillover_compute",
  def = function(x, ...) {

#' Compute Spillover Matrix - flowSet Method
#' \code{spillover_compute} uses the method described by Bagwell & Adams 1993 to
#' calculate the fluorescent spillover matrix using a reference universal
#' unstained control and single stain compensation controls.
#' Calculate spillover matrix using
#' \code{\link[flowCore:flowSet-class]{flowSet}} containing gated single stain
#' compensation controls and an unstained control. \code{spillover_compute}
#' begins by the user selecting which fluorescent channel is associated with
#' each control from a dropdown menu. Following channel selection,
#' \code{spillover_compute} runs through each control and plots the density
#' distribution of the unstained control in red and the compensation control in
#' blue. Users can then gate the positive signal for spillover calculation using
#' an interval gate. The percentage spillover is calculated based on the median
#' fluorescent intensities of the stained populations and the universal
#' unstained sample. The computed spillover matrix is returned as an R object
#' and written to a named .csv file for future use.
#' @param x object of class \code{\link[flowCore:flowSet-class]{flowSet}}
#'   containing pre-gated single stain compensation controls and a universal
#'   unstained control. Currently, spillover_compute does not pre-gate samples
#'   to obtain a homogeneous cell population for downstream calculations. We
#'   therefore recommend pre-gating samples based on FSC and SSC parameters
#'   prior to passing them to spillover_compute (i.e. \code{x} should contain
#'   events for single cells only). Passing raw files to spillover_compute will
#'   result in inaccurate calculations of fluorescent spillover matrix.
#' @param axes_trans object of class
#'   \code{\link[flowCore:transformList-class]{transformList}} generated by
#'   \code{estimateLogicle} to transform fluorescent channels for gating.
#'   \code{axes_trans} is required if logicle transformation has already been
#'   applied to \code{x} using estimateLogicle. \code{spillover_compute} will
#'   automatically call \code{\link[flowCore:logicleTransform]{estimateLogicle}}
#'   internally to transform channels prior to gating, if \code{axes_trans} is
#'   supplied it will be used for the transformation instead.
#' @param channel_match name of .csv file containing the names of the samples in
#'   a column called "name" and their matching channel in a column called
#'   "channel". \code{spillover_compute} will the guide you through the channel
#'   selection process and generate a channel match file called
#'   "Compensation-Channels.csv" automatically. If you already have a complete
#'   channel_match and would like to bypass the channel selection process,
#'   simply pass the name of the channel_match to this argument (e.g.
#'   "Compensation-Channels.csv").
#' @param spillover name of the output spillover csv file, set to
#'   \code{"Spillover-Matrix.csv"} by default.
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to
#'   \code{\link{cyto_plot,flowFrame-method}}.
#' @return spillover matrix object and \code{"Spillover Matrix.csv"} file.
#' @examples
#' library(CytoRSuiteData)
#' # Bypass directory check for external files
#' options("CytoRSuite_wd_check" = FALSE)
#' # Don't run - skips the gating process
#' options("CytoRSuite_interact" = FALSE)
#' # Load in compensation controls
#' fs <- Compensation
#' gs <- GatingSet(Compensation)
#' # Gate using gate_draw
#' gt <- Compensation_gatingTemplate
#' gating(gt, gs)
#' # Channel match fille
#' cmfile <- system.file("extdata",
#'   "Compensation-Channels.csv",
#'   package = "CytoRSuiteData"
#' )
#' # Compute fluorescent spillover matrix
#' spill <- spillover_compute(getData(gs, "Single Cells"),
#'   channel_match = cmfile,
#'   spillover = "Example-spillover.csv"
#' )
#' # Compensate samples
#' gs <- compensate(gs, spill)
#' # Return CytoRSuite_wd_check to default
#' options("CytoRSuite_wd_check" = TRUE)
#' # Return CytoRSuite_interact to default
#' options("CytoRSuite_interact" = TRUE)
#' @importFrom flowCore estimateLogicle transform each_col fsApply
#'   inverseLogicleTransform sampleNames flowSet Subset
#' @importFrom flowWorkspace pData GatingSet
#' @importFrom methods as
#' @importFrom utils read.csv write.csv
#' @importFrom stats median
#' @importFrom tools file_ext
#' @seealso \code{\link{cyto_plot,flowFrame-method}}
#' @author Dillon Hammill, \email{Dillon.Hammill@anu.edu.au}
#' @references C. B. Bagwell \& E. G. Adams (1993). Fluorescence spectral
#'   overlap compensation for any number of flow cytometry parameters. in:
#'   Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 677:167-184.
#' @export
  signature = "flowSet",
  definition = function(x,
                          axes_trans = NULL,
                          channel_match = NULL,
                          spillover = "Spillover-Matrix.csv", ...) {

    # Assign x to fs
    fs <- x

    # Extract pData information
    pd <- pData(fs)

    # Extract fluorescent channels
    channels <- cyto_fluor_channels(fs)

    # Select a fluorescent channel for each compensation control
    if (is.null(channel_match)) {
      pd$channel <- paste(cyto_channel_select(fs))
      write.csv(pd, "Compensation-Channels.csv", row.names = FALSE)
    } else {
      if (inherits(channel_match, "data.frame") |
        inherits(channel_match, "matrix") |
        inherits(channel_match, "tibble")) {
        if (!all(c("name", "channel") %in% colnames(channel_match))) {
          stop("channel_match should contains columns 'name' and 'channel'.")
        cm <- channel_match
        chans <- cm$channel[match(sampleNames(fs), rownames(cm))]
        pd$channel <- paste(chans)
      } else {
        if (getOption("CytoRSuite_wd_check") == TRUE) {
          if (.file_wd_check(channel_match)) {
            cm <- read.csv(channel_match, header = TRUE, row.names = 1)
            chans <- cm$channel[match(sampleNames(fs), row.names(cm))]
            pd$channel <- paste(chans)
          } else {
            stop(paste(channel_match, "is not in this working directory."))
        } else {
          cm <- read.csv(channel_match, header = TRUE, row.names = 1)
          chans <- cm$channel[match(sampleNames(fs), row.names(cm))]
          pd$channel <- paste(chans)

    # Merge files for use with estimateLogicle
    fr <- as(fs, "flowFrame")

    # Extract summary statistics
    sm <- pData(parameters(fs[[1]]))

    # Get complete transformList object
    axes_trans <- .getCompleteTransList(fr, axes_trans)

    # Get transformed data - all fluorescent channels transformed
    fs <- .getTransformedData(fs, axes_trans)

    # Extract unstained control based on selected channels in pData(fs)
    NIL <- fs[[match("Unstained", pd$channel)]]
    fs <- fs[-match("Unstained", pd$channel)]

    # Names
    nms <- sampleNames(fs)

    # Samples
    smp <- length(fs)

    # Remove NIL from pd
    pd <- pd[!pd$channel == "Unstained", ]

    # Gate positive populations
    pops <- lapply(seq(1, smp, 1), function(x) {

      # Extract flowFrame
      fr <- fs[[x]]

      # Channel
      chan <- pd$channel[x]

      # Plot
      if (getOption("CytoRSuite_interact") == TRUE) {
          channels = chan,
          overlay = fr,
          density_stack = 0,
          axes_trans = axes_trans,
          popup = TRUE,
          density_fill = c("red", "dodgerblue"),
          legend = FALSE,
          density_fill_alpha = 0.6,
          title = nms[x], ...
      } else {
          channels = chan,
          overlay = fr,
          density_stack = 0,
          axes_trans = axes_trans,
          density_fill = c("red", "dodgerblue"),
          legend = FALSE,
          density_fill_alpha = 0.6,
          title = nms[x], ...

      # Call gate_draw on each flowFrame using interval gate on selected channel
      if (getOption("CytoRSuite_interact") == TRUE) {
        gt <- gate_draw(
          x = fr,
          alias = paste(chan, "+"),
          channels = chan,
          type = "interval",
          density_smooth = 1.5,
          plot = FALSE
        fr <- Subset(fr, gt[[1]])

    names(pops) <- nms
    pops <- flowSet(pops)

    # Inverse logicle transformation
    inv <- cyto_trans_check(axes_trans, inverse = TRUE)
    pops <- suppressMessages(transform(pops, inv))
    NIL <- suppressMessages(transform(NIL, inv))

    # Calculate MedFI for all channels for unstained control
    neg <- each_col(NIL, median)[channels]

    # Calculate MedFI for all channels for all stained controls
    pos <- fsApply(pops, each_col, median)[, channels]

    # Subtract background fluorescence
    signal <- sweep(pos, 2, neg)

    # Construct spillover matrix - include values for which there is a control
    spill <- diag(x = 1, nrow = length(channels), ncol = length(channels))
    colnames(spill) <- channels
    rownames(spill) <- channels

    # Normalise each row to stained channel
    lapply(seq(1, nrow(signal), 1), function(x) {
      signal[x, ] <<- signal[x, ] /
        signal[x, match(pd$channel[x], colnames(spill))]

    # Insert values into appropriate rows
    rws <- match(pd$channel, rownames(spill))
    spill[rws, ] <- signal

    # write spillover matrix to csv file
    if (!inherits(spillover, "character")) {
      stop("'spillover' should be the name of a csv file.")
    } else {
      if (!file_ext(spillover) == "csv") {
        paste0(spillover, ".csv")
      write.csv(spill, spillover)


#' Compute Spillover Matrix - GatingSet Method
#' \code{spillover_compute} uses the method described by Bagwell & Adams 1993 to
#' calculate the fluorescent spillover matrix using a reference universal
#' unstained control and single stain compensation controls.
#' Calculate spillover matrix using
#' \code{\link[flowWorkspace:GatingSet-class]{GatingSet}} containing gated
#' single stain compensation controls and an unstained control.
#' \code{spillover_compute} uses the method described by Bagwell & Adams 1993 to
#' calculate fluorescent spillover values using single stain compensation
#' controls and a universal unstained control. \code{spillover_compute} begins
#' by the user selecting which fluorescent channel is associated with each
#' control from a dropdown menu. Following channel selection,
#' \code{spillover_compute} runs through each control and plots the density
#' distribution of the unstained control in red and the compensation control in
#' blue. Users can then gate the positive signal for spillover calculation using
#' an interval gate. The percentage spillover is calculated based on the median
#' fluorescent intensities of the stained populations and the universal
#' unstained sample. The computed spillover matrix is returned as an R object
#' and written to a named .csv file for future use.
#' @param x object of class
#'   \code{\link[flowWorkspace:GatingSet-class]{GatingSet}} containing pre-gated
#'   single stain compensation controls and a universal unstained control.
#'   Currently, spillover_compute does not pre-gate samples to obtain a
#'   homogeneous cell population for downstream calculations. We therefore
#'   recommend pre-gating samples based on FSC and SSC parameters prior to
#'   passing them to spillover_compute and indicate the population of interest
#'   using the \code{parent} argument.
#' @param parent name of the pre-gated population to use for downstream
#'   calculations, set to the last node of the GatingSet by default (e.g.
#'   "Single Cells").
#' @param axes_trans object of class
#'   \code{\link[flowWorkspace:transformerList]{transformerList}} generated by
#'   \code{estimateLogicle} to transform fluorescent channels for gating.
#'   \code{axes_trans} is required if logicle transformation has already been
#'   applied to \code{x} using estimateLogicle. \code{spillover_compute} will
#'   automatically call \code{\link[flowCore:logicleTransform]{estimateLogicle}}
#'   internally to transform channels prior to gating, if \code{axes_trans} is
#'   supplied it will be used for the transformation instead.
#' @param channel_match name of .csv file containing the names of the samples in
#'   a column called "name" and their matching channel in a column called
#'   "channel". \code{spillover_compute} will the guide you through the channel
#'   selection process and generate a channel match file called
#'   "Compensation-Channels.csv" automatically. If you already have a complete
#'   channel_match and would like to bypass the channel selection process,
#'   simply pass the name of the channel_match to this argument (e.g.
#'   "Compensation-Channels.csv").
#' @param spillover name of the output spillover csv file, set to
#'   \code{"Spillover-Matrix.csv"} by default.
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to
#'   \code{\link{cyto_plot,flowFrame-method}}.
#' @return spillover matrix object and \code{"Spillover Matrix.csv"} file.
#' @examples
#' library(CytoRSuiteData)
#' # Bypass directory check for external files
#' options("CytoRSuite_wd_check" = FALSE)
#' # Don't run - skips the gating process
#' options("CytoRSuite_interact" = FALSE)
#' # Load in compensation controls
#' fs <- Compensation
#' gs <- GatingSet(Compensation)
#' # Gate using gate_draw
#' gt <- Compensation_gatingTemplate
#' gating(gt, gs)
#' # Channel match fille
#' cmfile <- system.file("extdata",
#'   "Compensation-Channels.csv",
#'   package = "CytoRSuiteData"
#' )
#' # Compute fluorescent spillover matrix
#' spill <- spillover_compute(gs,
#'   parent = "Single Cells",
#'   channel_match = cmfile,
#'   spillover = "Example-spillover.csv"
#' )
#' # Compensate samples
#' gs <- compensate(gs, spill)
#' # Return CytoRSuite_wd_check to default
#' options("CytoRSuite_wd_check" = TRUE)
#' # Return CytoRSuite_interact to default
#' options("CytoRSuite_interact" = TRUE)
#' @importFrom flowCore estimateLogicle transform each_col fsApply
#'   inverseLogicleTransform flowSet Subset
#' @importFrom flowWorkspace getData pData getTransformations GatingSet getNodes
#' @importFrom methods as
#' @seealso \code{\link{cyto_plot,flowFrame-method}}.
#' @author Dillon Hammill, \email{Dillon.Hammill@anu.edu.au}
#' @references C. B. Bagwell \& E. G. Adams (1993). Fluorescence spectral
#'   overlap compensation for any number of flow cytometry parameters. in:
#'   Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 677:167-184.
#' @export
  signature = "GatingSet",
  definition = function(x,
                          parent = NULL,
                          axes_trans = NULL,
                          channel_match = NULL,
                          spillover = "Spillover-Matrix.csv", ...) {
    gs <- x

    # Extract Population for Downstream Analyses
    if (!is.null(parent)) {
      fs <- getData(gs, parent)
    } else if (is.null(parent)) {
      fs <- getData(gs, getNodes(gs)[length(getNodes(gs))])

    # Merge files for use with estimateLogicle
    fr <- as(fs, "flowFrame")
    fs.m <- flowSet(fr)
    gs.m <- suppressMessages(GatingSet(fs.m))

    # Extract fluorescent channels
    channels <- cyto_fluor_channels(gs)

    # Get complete transformerList
    axes_trans <- .getCompleteTransList(gs.m, axes_trans)

    # Get complete transformList
    axes_trans <- cyto_trans_check(axes_trans, inverse = FALSE)

      x = fs,
      axes_trans = axes_trans,
      channel_match = channel_match,
      spillover = spillover, ...

#' .getCompleteTransList
#' @param x flowFrame, flowSet or GatingSet
#' @param trans transformList or transformerList
#' @return complete transformList or transformerList object for all channels
#' @importFrom flowCore estimateLogicle transformList
#' @importFrom flowWorkspace transformerList GatingSet getTransformations
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @author Dillon Hammill, \email{Dillon.Hammill@anu.edu.au}
#' @noRd
.getCompleteTransList <- function(x, trans = NULL) {

  # Check class of trans
  if (!is.null(trans)) {
    if (!any(inherits(trans, "transformList") |
      inherits(trans, "transformerList"))) {
      stop("'trans' should be a transformList or transformerList object.")

  # Extract fluorescent channels
  channels <- cyto_fluor_channels(x)

  # If NULL trans get all transformations
  if (is.null(trans)) {
    if (inherits(x, "flowFrame")) {
      if (.checkDataTransform(x) == TRUE) {
          "Looks like the data is already transformed.",
          "Please supply the transformList/transformerList used."

      trans <- flowCore::estimateLogicle(x, channels)
    } else if (inherits(x, "flowSet")) {
      if (.checkDataTransform(x) == TRUE) {
          "Looks like the data is already transformed.",
          "Please supply the transformList/transformerList used."

      trans <- flowCore::estimateLogicle(as(x, "flowFrame"), channels)
    } else if (inherits(x, "GatingSet")) {
      if (.checkDataTransform(x) == TRUE & length(x@transformation) == 0) {
          "Looks like the data is already transformed.",
          "Please supply the transformList/transformerList used."

      # GatingSet is not transformed
      if (length(x@transformation) == 0) {

        # GatingSet is not transformed
        fs <- flowWorkspace::getData(x, "root")
        fr <- as(fs, "flowFrame")
        fs <- flowCore::flowSet(fr)
        gs <- suppressMessages(flowWorkspace::GatingSet(fs))

        trans <- flowCore::estimateLogicle(gs[[1]], channels)

        # GatingSet contains transformations
      } else if (length(x@transformation) != 0) {
        chans <- names(x@transformation[[1]])

        if (any(chans %in% channels)) {

          # Extract transformations from GatingSet
          trnsfrms <- lapply(channels[chans %in% channels], function(channel) {
            getTransformations(x[[1]], channel, only.function = FALSE)
          names(trnsfrms) <- channels[chans %in% channels]

          # Remove NULL transforms
          trnsfrms[unlist(lapply(trnsfrms, is.null))] <- NULL
          trans <- transformerList(names(trnsfrms), trnsfrms)

          if (all(channels %in% names(trans))) {

            # GatingSet contains all transformations
          } else {

            # Get remaining transformations with estimateLogicle
            fs <- flowWorkspace::getData(x, "root")
            fr <- as(fs, "flowFrame")
            fs <- flowCore::flowSet(fr)
            gs <- suppressMessages(flowWorkspace::GatingSet(fs))

            trnsLst <- estimateLogicle(
              channels[!channels %in% names(trans)]
            trans <- c(trnsLst, trans)
            trans <- flowWorkspace::transformerList(names(trans), trans)

        } else {

          # GatingSet does not contain transformations for fluorescent channels
          fs <- flowWorkspace::getData(x, "root")
          fr <- as(fs, "flowFrame")
          fs <- flowCore::flowSet(fr)
          gs <- suppressMessages(flowWorkspace::GatingSet(fs))

          trnsLst <- flowCore::estimateLogicle(gs[[1]], channels)
          trans <- c(trnsLst, trans)
          trans <- flowWorkspace::transformerList(names(trans), trans)

  } else if (!is.null(trans)) {

    # flowFrame or flowSet return transformList
    if (inherits(x, "flowFrame") | inherits(x, "flowSet")) {

      # Run cyto_trans_check to get transformList
      trans <- cyto_trans_check(trans, inverse = FALSE)

      # Check which channels have been transformed
      chans <- names(trans@transforms)

      # trans contains transformations for all fluorescent channels
      if (all(channels %in% chans)) {

        # trans is complete

        # Some fluorescent channels don't have transformations
      } else {

        # Convert x to flowSet
        if (inherits(x, "flowFrame")) {
          fs <- flowCore::flowSet(x)
        } else if (inherits(x, "flowSet")) {
          fs <- x

        # Generate merged flowFrame for use with estimateLogicle
        fr <- as(fs, "flowFrame")

        # Find channels excluded from trans
        excl <- channels[!channels %in% chans]

        # Get transformations for these channels using estimateLogicle
        trns <- flowCore::estimateLogicle(fr, excl)

        # Combine supplied trans with add transformations
        nms <- c(names(trans@transforms), excl)
        trans <- c(trans, trns)
        names(trans@transforms) <- nms


      # GatingSet return transformerList
    } else if (inherits(x, "GatingSet")) {

      # Supplied trans is a transformList - convert to transformerList
      if (inherits(trans, "transformList")) {
        chans <- names(trans@transforms)

        # Get transform functions
        trans <- lapply(seq_len(length(trans@transforms)), function(x) {
        names(trans) <- chans

        # Convert to transform objects
        trans <- lapply(seq_len(length(trans)), function(x) {
          t <- new("transform", .Data = trans[[1]])
          t@transformationId <- names(trans)[x]


        trans <- lapply(trans, function(t) {
          inv <- flowCore::inverseLogicleTransform(trans = t)
          flowWorkspace::flow_trans("logicle", t@.Data, inv@.Data)
        names(trans) <- chans
        trans <- flowWorkspace::transformerList(names(trans), trans)

      # check which channels are covered by trans
      chans <- names(trans)

      # transformerList is complete
      if (all(channels %in% chans)) {
      } else if (!all(channels %in% chans)) {

        # GatingSet contains some transformations
        if (length(x@transformation) != 0) {
          trnsfrms <- lapply(channels, function(channel) {
            getTransformations(x[[1]], channel, only.function = FALSE)
          names(trnsfrms) <- channels

          # Remove NULL transforms
          trnsfrms[unlist(lapply(trnsfrms, is.null))] <- NULL
          trnsLst <- transformerList(names(trnsfrms), trnsfrms)

          # GatingSet contains some transformations
          if (any(channels %in% names(trnsLst))) {

            # GatingSet contains all transformations
            if (all(channels %in% names(trnsLst))) {
            } else {

              # GatingSet contains some transformations
              trnsLst <- trnsLst[names(trnsLst) %in% channels]

              # See if trans has any additional transformations
              if (any(names(trans) %in%
                channels[!channels %in% names(trnsLst)])) {
                trans <- transformerList(
                  names(trans[names(trans) %in%
                    channels[!channels %in% names(trnsLst)]]),
                  trans[names(trans) %in%
                    channels[!channels %in% names(trnsLst)]]
                trnsLst <- c(trnsLst, trans)
                trnsLst <- transformerList(names(trnsLst), trnsLst)

              # See if all transformations are now present
              if (all(channels %in% names(trnsLst))) {
              } else {

                # Some channels are still missing transformations
                fs <- flowWorkspace::getData(x, "root")
                fr <- as(fs, "flowFrame")
                fs <- flowCore::flowSet(fr)
                gs <- suppressMessages(flowWorkspace::GatingSet(fs))

                trans <- estimateLogicle(
                  channels[!channels %in%
                trans <- c(trnsLst, trans)
                trans <- flowWorkspace::transformerList(names(trans), trans)


          # GatingSet has no transformations
        } else if (length(x@transformation) == 0) {

          # trans contains all transformations
          if (all(channels %in% chans)) {

            # Get remaining transformations from GatingSet using estimateLogicle
          } else {

            # Get remaining transformations with estimateLogicle
            fs <- flowWorkspace::getData(x, "root")
            fr <- as(fs, "flowFrame")
            fs <- flowCore::flowSet(fr)
            gs <- suppressMessages(flowWorkspace::GatingSet(fs))

            trnsLst <- estimateLogicle(gs[[1]], channels[!channels %in% chans])
            trans <- c(trnsLst, trans)
            trans <- flowWorkspace::transformerList(names(trans), trans)


#' .getTransformedData
#' @param x flowFrame, flowSet or GatingSet
#' @param trans transformList or transformerList object
#' @return data which is appropriately transformed
#' @importFrom flowWorkspace pData getData transformerList
#' @importFrom flowCore transform transformList
#' @noRd
.getTransformedData <- function(x, trans = NULL) {

  # Only flowFrame/flowSet/GatingSet
  if (!any(inherits(x, "flowFrame") |
    inherits(x, "flowSet") |
    class(x) == "GatingSet")) {
    stop("'x' must be either a flowFrame, flowSet or GatingSet.")

  # Get comlete trans
  trans <- .getCompleteTransList(x, trans)

  # Extract channels which have transformations
  if (inherits(trans, "transformList")) {
    chans <- names(trans@transforms)
  } else if (inherits(trans, "transformerList")) {
    chans <- names(trans)

  # Extract summary stats
  if (inherits(x, "flowFrame")) {
    sm <- flowWorkspace::pData(flowCore::parameters(x))
  } else if (inherits(x, "flowSet")) {
    sm <- flowWorkspace::pData(flowCore::parameters(x[[1]]))
  } else if (inherits(x, "GatingSet")) {
    sm <- flowWorkspace::pData(flowCore::parameters(getData(x, "root")[[1]]))

  # Extract channels that have been transformed
  chns <- as.vector(sm[, "name"][sm[, "maxRange"] < 6])

  # Check all chans have been transformed
  if (length(chns) == 0) {

    # No channels transformed
    x <- suppressMessages(flowCore::transform(x, trans))
  } else if (all(chans %in% chns)) {

    # All channels have been transformed
  } else {

    # Get transformations for untransformed channels
    if (inherits(trans, "transformList")) {
      trans <- transformList(
        chans[!chans %in% chns],
        trans@transforms[chans[!chans %in% chns]][[1]]@f
    } else if (inherits(trans, "transformerList")) {
      trans <- transformerList(
        chans[!chans %in% chns],
        trans[chans[!chans %in% chns]]

    # Some channels have been transformed
    x <- suppressMessages(flowCore::transform(x, trans))


#' .getRawData
#' return data which is untransformed - flowFrame/flowSet/GatingSet
#' GatingSet returns a flowSet of untransformed data at parent node
#' @noRd
.getRawData <- function(x, trans = NULL, parent = "root") {

  # Only flowFrame/flowSet/GatingSet
  if (!any(inherits(x, "flowFrame") |
    inherits(x, "flowSet") |
    class(x) == "GatingSet")) {
    stop("'x' must be either a flowFrame, flowSet or GatingSet.")

  # Data is untransformed
  if (.checkDataTransform(x) == FALSE) {
    if (inherits(x, "flowFrame") | inherits(x, "flowSet")) {
    } else if (inherits(x, "GatingSet")) {
      return(flowWorkspace::getData(x, parent))

    # Data is transformed
  } else {
    if (inherits(x, "flowFrame") | inherits(x, "flowSet")) {
      if (is.null(trans)) {
        stop("Supply a transform object to inverse transformations.")

  # Extract transformations from GatingSet
  if (is.null(trans) & inherits(x, "GatingSet")) {
    channels <- colnames(x)

    trnsfrms <- lapply(channels, function(channel) {
      getTransformations(x[[1]], channel, only.function = FALSE)
    names(trnsfrms) <- channels

    # Remove NULL transforms
    trnsfrms[unlist(lapply(trnsfrms, is.null))] <- NULL
    trans <- transformerList(names(trnsfrms), trnsfrms)

  # Get inverse trans
  inv <- cyto_trans_check(trans, inverse = TRUE)

  # Extract channels which have transformations
  if (inherits(trans, "transformList")) {
    chans <- names(trans@transforms)
  } else if (inherits(trans, "transformerList")) {
    chans <- names(trans)

  # Extract summary stats
  if (inherits(x, "flowFrame")) {
    sm <- flowWorkspace::pData(flowCore::parameters(x))
  } else if (inherits(x, "flowSet")) {
    sm <- flowWorkspace::pData(flowCore::parameters(x[[1]]))
  } else if (inherits(x, "GatingSet")) {
    sm <- pData(flowCore::parameters(flowWorkspace::getData(x, "root")[[1]]))

  # Extract channels that have been transformed - apply inverse transform
  chns <- as.vector(sm[, "name"][sm[, "maxRange"] < 6])

  # Extract flowSet from GatingSet
  if (inherits(x, "GatingSet")) {
    x <- flowWorkspace::getData(x, parent)

  # Check all chans have been transformed
  if (length(chns) == 0) {

    # No channels transformed
  } else if (all(chans %in% chns)) {

    # All channels have been transformed
    x <- flowCore::transform(x, inv)
  } else {

    # Some channels have been transformed
    trns <- lapply(chans[chans %in% chns], function(x) {
    names(trns) <- chans[chans %in% chns]
    inv <- transformList(names(trns), trns)
    x <- flowCore::transform(x, inv)


#' .checkDataTransform
#' Check whether data has been transfomed - return TRUE if
#' any channels transformed
#' @param x flowFrame, flowSet or GatingSet object to check
#' @importFrom flowCore parameters
#' @importFrom flowWorkspace pData getData
#' @noRd
.checkDataTransform <- function(x) {
  if (inherits(x, "flowFrame")) {

    # Extract summary stats
    sm <- pData(parameters(x))

    # Check if any maxRange < 6
    if (any(sm[, "maxRange"] < 6)) {
    } else {
  } else if (inherits(x, "flowSet")) {

    # Extract summary stats
    sm <- pData(parameters(x[[1]]))

    # Check if any maxRange < 6
    if (any(sm[, "maxRange"] < 6)) {
    } else {
  } else if (inherits(x, "GatingSet")) {

    # Extract root flowSet
    fs <- getData(x, "root")

    # Extract summary stats
    sm <- pData(parameters(fs[[1]]))

    # Check if any maxRange < 6
    if (any(sm[, "maxRange"] < 6)) {
    } else {
DillonHammill/cytoSuite documentation built on March 7, 2019, 10:09 a.m.