
Defines functions calcUnitsForMaxNum LabeledScatter

Documented in LabeledScatter

#' LabeledScatter
#' Labeled Scatter Chart
#' @inherit Column
#' @param x A numeric vector for the x-axis coordinates (which may be named); or a matrix or dataframe; or a list of matrices, where each matrix share the same row and column names
#' @param y Optional numeric vector for the y-axis coordinates. Should contain the same number of observations as x. If not provided, will use x instead.
#' @param scatter.x.column When \code{x} is a dataframe or matrix, the index of the column (1-based) which contains the x-coordinate data.
#' @param scatter.y.column When \code{x} is a dataframe or matrix, the index of the column (1-based) which contains the y-coordinate data.
#' @param scatter.sizes.column When \code{x} is a dataframe or matrix, the index of the column (1-based) which contains \code{scatter.sizes} data.
#' @param scatter.colors.column When \code{x} is a dataframe or matrix, the index of the column (1-based) which contains \code{scatter.colors} data.
#' @param scatter.labels Optional vector for labelling scatter points. This should be the same length as the number of observations in x and y.
#' @param scatter.labels.name Character; Used for labelling subtitles and footers.
#' @param scatter.sizes Numeric vector determining of the size of each observation. These can alternatively be provided as a column in \code{x}.
#' @param scatter.sizes.name Character; Used for labelling footers and legends.
#' @param scatter.colors Numeric, character, or categorical vector determining the color of each observation. These can alternatively be provided as a column in \code{x}.
#' @param scatter.colors.name Character; Used for labelling footers.
#' @param scatter.colors.as.categorical Boolean; Whether to treat colors as a categorical groups, or a numeric scale.
#' @param colors A vector of colors to use in the chart. When \code{scatter.colors.as.categorical}, the vector of colors should have the length as the number of categories in \code{scatter.colors}. If \code{scatter.colors} is used as numeric vector, then a color ramp is constructed from the colors listed.
#' @param data.label.font.autocolor Boolean; If true, \code{data.label.font.color} is ignored and labels are colored
#' according to the series color.
#' @param opacity of scatter point colors as an alpha value (0 to 1).
#' @param scatter.max.labels Integer; the maximum number of labels to show on a Labeled Scatterplot.
#' If the number of labels is greater than this parameter, extra labels will be hidden by default but
#' can be toggled on by clicking on the marker.
#' @param trend.lines Boolean indicating whether to plot trend lines for multiple tables.
#' @param logos Optional list of images to be used to label scatterplot instead of the row names.
#' This should be input as a comma-seperated list of URLs.
#' @param logo.size Numeric controlling the size of the logos.
#' @param marker.size Size in pixels of marker.
#' @param swap.x.and.y Swap the x and y axis around on the chart.
#' @param label.auto.placement Logical; whether the scatter plot labels are positioned automatically
#'  to reduce overlap.
#' @param legend.bubbles.show Logical; show legend for bubble sizes.
#' @param ... Other arguments which are ignored.
#' @importFrom grDevices rgb
#' @importFrom flipTransformations AsNumeric
#' @importFrom flipFormat FormatAsReal
#' @importFrom flipChartBasics ChartColors StripAlphaChannel
#' @importFrom rhtmlLabeledScatter LabeledScatter
#' @export
LabeledScatter <- function(x = NULL,
                                y = NULL,
                                scatter.x.column = 1,
                                scatter.y.column = 2,
                                scatter.labels = NULL,
                                scatter.labels.name = NULL,
                                scatter.sizes = NULL,
                                scatter.sizes.name = NULL,
                                scatter.sizes.column = 3,
                                scatter.colors = NULL,
                                scatter.colors.name = NULL,
                                scatter.colors.column = 4,
                                scatter.colors.as.categorical = TRUE,
                                label.auto.placement = TRUE,
                                trend.lines = FALSE,
                                logos = NULL,
                                logo.size  = 0.5,
                                colors = ChartColors(12),
                                opacity = NULL,
                                legend.show = TRUE,
                                legend.bubbles.show = TRUE,
                                global.font.family = "Arial",
                                global.font.color = rgb(44, 44, 44, maxColorValue = 255),
                                title = "",
                                title.font.family = global.font.family,
                                title.font.color = global.font.color,
                                title.font.size = 16,
                                subtitle = "",
                                subtitle.font.family = global.font.family,
                                subtitle.font.color = global.font.color,
                                subtitle.font.size = 12,
                                footer = "",
                                footer.font.family = global.font.family,
                                footer.font.color = global.font.color,
                                footer.font.size = 8,
                                footer.wrap = TRUE,
                                footer.wrap.nchar = 100,
                                scatter.max.labels = 50,
                                data.label.font.family = global.font.family,
                                data.label.font.color = global.font.color,
                                data.label.font.autocolor = NA,
                                data.label.font.size = 10,
                                data.label.format = "",
                                data.label.prefix = "",
                                data.label.suffix = "",
                                legend.font.color = global.font.color,
                                legend.font.family = global.font.family,
                                legend.font.size = 10,
                                grid.show = TRUE,
                                y.title = "",
                                y.title.font.color = global.font.color,
                                y.title.font.family = global.font.family,
                                y.title.font.size = 12,
                                y.line.width = 0,
                                y.line.color = rgb(0, 0, 0, maxColorValue = 255),
                                y.bounds.minimum = NULL,
                                y.bounds.maximum = NULL,
                                y.tick.distance = NULL,
                                y.tick.maxnum = NULL,
                                #y.data.reversed = FALSE,
                                y.grid.width = 1,
                                y.grid.color = rgb(225, 225, 225, maxColorValue = 255),
                                y.tick.show = TRUE,
                                y.tick.suffix = "",
                                y.tick.prefix = "",
                                y.tick.format = "",
                                y.tick.font.color = global.font.color,
                                y.tick.font.family = global.font.family,
                                y.tick.font.size = 10,
                                x.title = "",
                                x.title.font.color = global.font.color,
                                x.title.font.family = global.font.family,
                                x.title.font.size = 12,
                                x.line.width = 0,
                                x.line.color = rgb(0, 0, 0, maxColorValue = 255),
                                x.bounds.minimum = NULL,
                                x.bounds.maximum = NULL,
                                x.tick.distance = NULL,
                                x.tick.maxnum = NULL,
                                #x.data.reversed = FALSE,
                                x.grid.width = 1,
                                x.grid.color = rgb(225, 225, 225, maxColorValue = 255),
                                x.tick.show = TRUE,
                                x.tick.suffix = "",
                                x.tick.prefix = "",
                                x.tick.format = "",
                                x.tick.font.color = global.font.color,
                                x.tick.font.family = global.font.family,
                                x.tick.font.size = 10,
                                hovertext.font.family = global.font.family,
                                hovertext.font.size = 11,
                                marker.size = 6,
                                swap.x.and.y = FALSE,
    if (!is.null(y))
        ErrorIfNotEnoughData(cbind(x, y))
        ErrorIfNotEnoughData(x, require.tidy = FALSE)

    logo.urls <- NULL
    if (!is.null(logos) && any(nzchar(logos) != 0))
        logo.urls <- try(TextAsVector(logos))
        if (inherits(logo.urls, "try-error"))
            logo.urls <- NULL

    # Try to store name of variables
    scatter.mult.yvals <- isTRUE(attr(x, "scatter.mult.yvals"))
    if (!is.null(scatter.sizes) && is.null(scatter.sizes.name))
        scatter.sizes.name <- deparse(substitute(scatter.sizes))
    if (!is.null(scatter.labels) && is.null(scatter.labels.name))
        scatter.labels.name <- deparse(substitute(scatter.labels))
    if (!is.null(scatter.colors) && is.null(scatter.colors.name))
        scatter.colors.name <- deparse(substitute(scatter.colors))

    num.tables <- 1
    groups <- NULL
    if (is.list(x) && !is.null(ncol(x[[1]])))
        num.tables <- length(x)
        n.tmp <- nrow(x[[1]])
        table.names <- unlist(lapply(1:num.tables,
            function(ii){res <- attr(x[[ii]], "name"); if (is.null(res)) res <- ii;
        x <- checkTableList(x, trend.lines)
        groups <- rep(rownames(x[[1]]), num.tables)
        x <- do.call(rbind, x)
        if (trend.lines)
            scatter.sizes.column <- 0
        if (!trend.lines)
            rownames(x) <- sprintf("%s: %s",
                rep(table.names, each = n.tmp), groups)
        if (!is.null(logo.urls))
            logo.urls <- rep(logo.urls, num.tables)

    tmp.stat <- attr(x, "statistic")
    if ((is.array(x) || is.numeric(x)) && isTRUE(grepl("%", tmp.stat)))
        x <- x/100
        attr(x, "statistic") <- NULL

    if (is.matrix(x) || is.data.frame(x))
        .isValidColumnIndex <- function(n) {return (!is.null(n) && !is.na(n) && n > 0 && n <= ncol(x))}
        if (is.null(scatter.labels) && !is.null(rownames(x)))
            scatter.labels <- rownames(x)
        if (is.null(y) && .isValidColumnIndex(scatter.y.column))
            if (!any(nzchar(y.title)) && !is.null(colnames(x)) && !scatter.mult.yvals)
                y.title <- colnames(x)[scatter.y.column]
            y <- x[,scatter.y.column]
        if (is.null(scatter.sizes) && .isValidColumnIndex(scatter.sizes.column))
            if (is.null(scatter.sizes.name) && !is.null(colnames(x)))
                scatter.sizes.name <- colnames(x)[scatter.sizes.column]
            scatter.sizes.name <- trimws(scatter.sizes.name)
            scatter.sizes <- x[,scatter.sizes.column]
        if (is.null(scatter.colors) && .isValidColumnIndex(scatter.colors.column))
            if (is.null(scatter.colors.name) || nchar(scatter.colors.name) == 0)
                scatter.colors.name <- colnames(x)[scatter.colors.column]
            scatter.colors.name <- trimws(scatter.colors.name)
            scatter.colors <- x[,scatter.colors.column]
        if (!any(nzchar(x.title)) && (!is.null(colnames(x))) &&
            .isValidColumnIndex(scatter.x.column) && !scatter.mult.yvals)
            x.title <- colnames(x)[scatter.x.column]
        if (!.isValidColumnIndex(scatter.x.column))
            x <- NULL
            x <- x[,scatter.x.column]
    if (is.null(scatter.labels) && !is.null(names(x)))
        scatter.labels <- names(x)

    # Basic data checking
    if (is.null(x) && is.null(y))
        stop("At least one of x or y must be supplied.")
    if (is.null(x))
        x <- rep(0, length(y))
        if (!any(nzchar(x.bounds.minimum)))
            x.bounds.minimum = -0.25
        if (!any(nzchar(x.bounds.maximum)))
            x.bounds.maximum = 0.25
    n <- length(x)
    if (is.null(y))
        y <- rep(0, n)
        if (!any(nzchar(y.bounds.minimum)))
            y.bounds.minimum = -0.25
        if (!any(nzchar(y.bounds.maximum)))
            y.bounds.maximum = 0.25
    if (swap.x.and.y)
        tmp <- x
        x <- y
        y <- tmp

        tmp <- x.title
        x.title <- y.title
        y.title <- tmp
    if (any(duplicated(cbind(x, y))))
        warning("Chart contains overlapping points in the same position.")
    if (is.null(marker.size) || is.na(marker.size))
        marker.size <- 6

    x.not.na <- if (is.numeric(x)) is.finite(x) else !is.na(x)
    y.not.na <- if (is.numeric(y)) is.finite(y) else !is.na(y)
    not.na <- x.not.na & y.not.na
    if (!all(not.na))
        warning("Data points with missing values have been omitted.")

    n <- length(x)
    if (!is.null(scatter.sizes))
        if (length(scatter.sizes) != n)
            stop("'scatter.sizes' should be a numeric vector with the same number of observations as 'x'.")
        sz.tmp <- AsNumeric(scatter.sizes, binary = FALSE)
        if (any(class(scatter.sizes) %in% c("Date", "POSIXct", "POSIXt")))
            sz.tmp <- sz.tmp - min(sz.tmp, na.rm = TRUE)
        scatter.sizes <- sz.tmp
        if (any(!is.finite(scatter.sizes)))
            warning("Some points omitted due to missing values in 'scatter.sizes'.")
            not.na <- not.na & is.finite(scatter.sizes)
        if (is.null(opacity))
            opacity <- 0.4
    if (is.null(opacity))
        opacity <- 1

    scatter.colors.raw <- scatter.colors
    if (!is.null(scatter.colors))
        if (!scatter.colors.as.categorical)
            scatter.colors <- AsNumeric(scatter.colors, binary = FALSE)
        if (length(scatter.colors) != n)
            stop("'scatter.colors' should be a vector with the same number of observations as 'x'.")
        if (any(is.na(scatter.colors)))
            warning("Some points omitted due to missing values in 'scatter.colors'")
            not.na <- not.na & is.finite(scatter.colors)
    if (all(!not.na))
        stop("No non-NA points to plot.")
    not.na <- which(not.na) # indexing makes re-ordering easier later
    if (!any(is.finite(scatter.max.labels)) || scatter.max.labels < 0)
            scatter.max.labels <- NULL

    # Determine color for each observation
    if (!is.null(scatter.colors) && !scatter.colors.as.categorical)
        if (num.tables > 1)
            stop("'scatter.colors' cannot be used with multiple tables")
        legend.show <- FALSE # don't need to worry about order of groups
        groups <- 1:n # what about mult tables?
        colors <- StripAlphaChannel(colors, "Alpha values in selected colors were not used in the numeric color scale. Adjust 'opacity' for transparent points instead")
        col.fun <- colorRamp(unique(colors)) # undo recycling in PrepareColors
        scatter.colors.scaled <- (scatter.colors - min(scatter.colors, na.rm=T))/diff(range(scatter.colors, na.rm=T))
        #if (length(not.na) != length(scatter.colors))
        #    scatter.colors.scaled[-not.na] <- 0 # removed later
        colors <- rgb(col.fun(scatter.colors.scaled[not.na]), maxColorValue=255)

    } else
        if (is.null(groups))
            groups <- scatter.colors.raw
        if (length(groups) != n)
            groups <- rep(" ", n)

        # Get list of all series names - including if those with all NAs
        groups.ord <- order(suppressWarnings(AsNumeric(groups, binary = FALSE)))
        g.list.all <- if (is.factor(groups)) levels(groups)
                      else unique(groups[groups.ord])
        colors <- paste0(rep("", length(g.list.all)), colors)
        names(colors) <- g.list.all
        legend.show <- setShowLegend(legend.show, length(g.list.all))

        # Extract only non-NA points and order based on series name
        groups.ord <- order(suppressWarnings(AsNumeric(groups[not.na], binary = FALSE)))
        not.na <- not.na[groups.ord]
        groups <- as.character(groups)
        g.list <- unique(groups[not.na])
        colors <- colors[g.list]
    if (is.na(data.label.font.autocolor))
        data.label.font.autocolor <- length(unique(groups[not.na])) > 1

    if (trend.lines)
        legend.show <- FALSE

    if (is.null(scatter.labels))
        scatter.labels <- rep("", n)
    if (is.numeric(scatter.labels)) {
        if (percentFromD3(data.label.format))
            scatter.labels <- FormatAsPercent(scatter.labels, decimals = decimalsFromD3(data.label.format))
            scatter.labels <- FormatAsReal(scatter.labels, decimals = decimalsFromD3(data.label.format))
    scatter.labels <- paste0(data.label.prefix, scatter.labels, data.label.suffix)

    empty.logo <- which(nchar(logo.urls) == 0)
    if (length(empty.logo) > 0)
        logo.urls[empty.logo] <- scatter.labels[empty.logo]
    if (!is.null(logo.urls) && length(logo.urls) < n)
        logo.urls <- c(logo.urls, scatter.labels[(length(logo.urls)+1):n])
    logo.size <- rep(logo.size, n)

    lab.tidy <- scatter.labels
    if (any(is.finite(scatter.max.labels)) && length(scatter.labels) > scatter.max.labels)
        if (scatter.max.labels == 50)
            warning("By default, only the first 50 labels are shown to avoid long running times. Adjust 'Maximum data labels to plot' to show more labels. Alternatively, to show a large number of points, show as 'Hovertext' instead.")
            warning("Some labels have been hidden. Adjust 'Maximum data labels to plot' to show more labels by default. ",
                "Labels can also be toggled on and off by clicking on the markers.")

    if (!is.null(logo.urls))
        lab.tidy <- logo.urls
    .isEmptyName <- function(x) !any(nzchar(trimws(x)))
    if (length(footer) == 0 || nchar(footer) == 0)
        footer <- ""
        if (!.isEmptyName(scatter.labels.name))
            footer <- sprintf("%sPoints labeled by '%s'; ", footer, scatter.labels.name)
        if (!.isEmptyName(scatter.colors.name) && !scatter.mult.yvals)
            footer <- sprintf("%sPoints colored according to '%s'; ", footer, scatter.colors.name)
        if (!.isEmptyName(scatter.sizes.name) && !scatter.mult.yvals)
            footer <- sprintf("%sArea of points are proportional to absolute value of '%s'; ",
                              footer, scatter.sizes.name)
    if (any(nzchar(footer)) && footer != " ")
        footer <- autoFormatLongLabels(footer, footer.wrap, footer.wrap.nchar, truncate=FALSE)

    # Convert axis to the appropriate type based on axis values and tick format
    # Give warning where possible
    x.axis.type <- getAxisType(x[not.na], x.tick.format)
    x.tick.format <- checkD3Format(x.tick.format, x.axis.type, "X axis", convert = TRUE)
    x <- convertAxis(x, x.axis.type)
    y.axis.type <- getAxisType(y[not.na], y.tick.format)
    y.tick.format <- checkD3Format(y.tick.format, y.axis.type, "Y axis", convert = TRUE)
    y <- convertAxis(y, y.axis.type)
    x.bounds.units.major = charToNumeric(x.tick.distance)
    if (is.null(x.bounds.units.major) && !is.null(x.tick.maxnum))
        x.bounds.units.major <- calcUnitsForMaxNum(x.tick.maxnum, x.bounds.maximum, x.bounds.minimum, x)
    y.bounds.units.major = charToNumeric(y.tick.distance)
    if (is.null(y.bounds.units.major) && !is.null(y.tick.maxnum))
        y.bounds.units.major <- calcUnitsForMaxNum(y.tick.maxnum, y.bounds.maximum, y.bounds.minimum, y)

    tooltips.text <- sprintf("%s (%s, %s)", scatter.labels[not.na],
        formatByD3(x[not.na], x.tick.format, x.tick.prefix, x.tick.suffix),
        formatByD3(y[not.na], y.tick.format, y.tick.prefix, y.tick.suffix))
    if (!.isEmptyName(scatter.sizes.name))
        tooltips.text <- sprintf("%s\n%s: %s", tooltips.text, scatter.sizes.name,
        formatByD3(scatter.sizes[not.na], ""))
    if (!.isEmptyName(scatter.colors.name))
        tooltips.text <- sprintf("%s\n%s: %s", tooltips.text, scatter.colors.name,
        formatByD3(scatter.colors[not.na], ""))

    p <- rhtmlLabeledScatter::LabeledScatter(X = x[not.na],
                       Y = y[not.na],
                       Z = if (is.null(scatter.sizes)) NULL else abs(scatter.sizes[not.na]),
                       x.levels = levels(x),
                       y.levels = rev(levels(y)),
                       group = groups[not.na],
                       colors = colors,
                       color.transparency = opacity,
                       label = lab.tidy[not.na],
                       label.alt = scatter.labels[not.na],
                       fixed.aspect = FALSE,
                       grid = grid.show,
                       origin = FALSE,
                       origin.align = FALSE,
                       labels.show = TRUE,
                       labels.max.shown = scatter.max.labels,
                       label.placement.numSweeps = if (label.auto.placement) 500 else 0,
                       legend.show = legend.show,
                       legend.bubbles.show = !is.null(scatter.sizes) && isTRUE(legend.bubbles.show),
                       legend.font.color = legend.font.color,
                       legend.font.family = legend.font.family,
                       legend.font.size = legend.font.size,
                       legend.bubble.font.color = legend.font.color,
                       legend.bubble.font.family = legend.font.family,
                       legend.bubble.font.size = legend.font.size,
                       legend.bubble.title.font.color = legend.font.color,
                       legend.bubble.title.font.family = legend.font.family,
                       legend.bubble.title.font.size = legend.font.size,
                       y.title = y.title,
                       y.title.font.family = y.title.font.family,
                       y.title.font.color = y.title.font.color,
                       y.title.font.size = y.title.font.size,
                       subtitle = subtitle,
                       subtitle.font.family = subtitle.font.family,
                       subtitle.font.color = subtitle.font.color,
                       subtitle.font.size = subtitle.font.size,
                       footer = footer,
                       footer.font.family = footer.font.family,
                       footer.font.color = footer.font.color,
                       footer.font.size = footer.font.size,
                       x.axis.font.family = x.tick.font.family,
                       x.axis.font.color = if (!is.null(x.tick.font.color)) x.tick.font.color else "#2C2C2C",
                       x.axis.font.size = x.tick.font.size,
                       y.axis.font.family = y.tick.font.family,
                       y.axis.font.color = if (!is.null(y.tick.font.color)) y.tick.font.color else "#2C2C2C",
                       y.axis.font.size = y.tick.font.size,
                       x.title = x.title,
                       x.title.font.family = x.title.font.family,
                       x.title.font.color = x.title.font.color,
                       x.title.font.size = x.title.font.size,
                       z.title = scatter.sizes.name,
                       x.format = x.tick.format,
                       y.format = y.tick.format,
                       x.prefix = x.tick.prefix,
                       y.prefix = y.tick.prefix,
                       x.suffix = x.tick.suffix,
                       y.suffix = y.tick.suffix,
                       title.font.family = title.font.family,
                       title.font.color = title.font.color,
                       title.font.size = title.font.size,
                       labels.font.family = data.label.font.family,
                       labels.font.color = if (data.label.font.autocolor) NULL else data.label.font.color,
                       labels.font.size = data.label.font.size,
                       point.radius = 0.5 * marker.size,
                       y.bounds.maximum = charToNumeric(y.bounds.maximum),
                       y.bounds.minimum = charToNumeric(y.bounds.minimum),
                       y.bounds.units.major = y.bounds.units.major,
                       x.bounds.maximum = charToNumeric(x.bounds.maximum),
                       x.bounds.minimum = charToNumeric(x.bounds.minimum),
                       x.bounds.units.major = x.bounds.units.major,
                       y.axis.show = y.tick.show,
                       x.axis.show = x.tick.show,
                       tooltip.font.family = hovertext.font.family,
                       tooltip.font.size = hovertext.font.size,
                       tooltip.text = tooltips.text,
                       plot.border.show = FALSE,
                       title = title,
                       trend.lines.show = trend.lines,
                       labels.logo.scale = logo.size,
                       debug.mode = grepl("DEBUG_MODE_ON", title))

    result <- list(htmlwidget = p)
    class(result) <- "StandardChart"
    attr(result, "ChartType") <- if (!is.null(scatter.sizes)) "Bubble"
                                 else                         "X Y Scatter"

    chart.labels <- NULL
    if (any(nzchar(x.title)) || any(nzchar(y.title)))
        if (is.null(chart.labels))
            chart.labels <- list()
        if (any(nzchar(x.title)))
            chart.labels$PrimaryAxisTitle <- x.title
        if (any(nzchar(y.title)))
            chart.labels$ValueAxisTitle <- y.title
        attr(result, "ChartLabels") <- chart.labels

calcUnitsForMaxNum <- function(tick.maxnum, bounds.max, bounds.min, values)
    tick.maxnum <- charToNumeric(tick.maxnum)
    tmp.max <- charToNumeric(bounds.max)
    if (is.null(tmp.max))
        tmp.max <- max(values, na.rm = TRUE)
    tmp.min <- charToNumeric(bounds.min)
    if (is.null(tmp.min))
        tmp.min <- min(values, na.rm = TRUE)
    tmp.diff <- (tmp.max - tmp.min)/tick.maxnum
    if (tmp.diff > 0)
Displayr/flipStandardCharts documentation built on Sept. 7, 2024, 1:18 a.m.