
Defines functions do_prior_TableLookups get_BareSoilEvapCoefs calc_BareSoilEvapCoefs calc_RequestedSoilLayers

Documented in calc_BareSoilEvapCoefs calc_RequestedSoilLayers do_prior_TableLookups get_BareSoilEvapCoefs

#' Add soil layers (by interpolation) if not already present and store in
#' soil data input file
#' @section Notes: Splitting existing soil layers into two new layers will
#'   "exhaust" the values of fields \var{\dQuote{EvapCoeff}},
#'   \var{\dQuote{TranspCoeff}}, and \var{\dQuote{Imperm}}, i.e., sum remains
#'   constant; and will "interpolate" the values of the fields
#'   \var{\dQuote{Matricd}}, \var{\dQuote{GravelContent}}, \var{\dQuote{Sand}},
#'   \var{\dQuote{Clay}}, \var{\dQuote{SoilTemp}}.
#' @export
calc_RequestedSoilLayers <- function(SFSW2_prj_meta,
  SFSW2_prj_inputs, runIDs_adjust, keep_old_depth = TRUE, verbose = FALSE) {

  requested_soil_layers <-

  if (verbose) {
    t1 <- Sys.time()
    temp_call <- shQuote(match.call()[1])
    print(paste0("rSFSW2's ", temp_call, ": started at ", t1))

      print(paste0("rSFSW2's ", temp_call, ": ended after ",
      round(difftime(Sys.time(), t1, units = "secs"), 2), " s"))
      cat("\n")}, add = TRUE)

  # Column name pattern of soil layers, e.g., `depth_L1`
  cn_depth <- "depth_L"

  # How to add different soil variables
  # values will be exhausted:
  sl_vars_sub <- c("EvapCoeff", "TranspCoeff", "Imperm")

  # Requested layers
  requested_soil_layers <- as.integer(round(requested_soil_layers))
  stopifnot(requested_soil_layers > 0, diff(requested_soil_layers) > 0)

  # Available layers
  ids_depth <- strsplit(names(SFSW2_prj_inputs[["sw_input_soils_use"]])
    [SFSW2_prj_inputs[["sw_input_soils_use"]]], "_", fixed = TRUE)
  stopifnot(length(ids_depth) > 0)
  var_layers <- unique(sapply(ids_depth, function(x)
    paste0(x[-length(x)], collapse = "_")))
  ids_depth2 <- unique(sapply(ids_depth, function(x) x[length(x)]))
  use_layers <- paste0("depth_", ids_depth2)

  layers_depth <- round(as.matrix(SFSW2_prj_inputs[["sw_input_soillayers"]]
    [runIDs_adjust, use_layers, drop = FALSE]))
  i_nodata <- apply(is.na(layers_depth), 1, all)
  if (any(i_nodata)) {
    layers_depth <- layers_depth[!i_nodata, ]
    runIDs_adjust_ws <- runIDs_adjust[!i_nodata]
  } else {
    runIDs_adjust_ws <- runIDs_adjust
  i_nodata <- apply(is.na(layers_depth), 2, all)
  if (any(i_nodata))
    layers_depth <- layers_depth[, !i_nodata]
  ids_layers <- seq_len(dim(layers_depth)[2])
  avail_sl_ids <- apply(layers_depth, 1, paste0, collapse = "x")

  # Loop through runs with same layer profile and adjust
  layer_sets <- unique(avail_sl_ids)
  if (length(layer_sets) > 0) {
    has_changed <- FALSE
    sw_input_soils_data <- lapply(var_layers, function(x)
          grep(x, names(SFSW2_prj_inputs[["sw_input_soils"]]))[ids_layers],
          drop = FALSE]))
    sw_input_soils_data2 <- NULL

    for (ils in seq_along(layer_sets)) {
      il_set <- avail_sl_ids == layer_sets[ils]
      if (sum(il_set, na.rm = TRUE) == 0) next

      # Identify which requested layers to add
      ldset <- stats::na.exclude(layers_depth[which(il_set)[1], ])
      req_sd_toadd <- setdiff(requested_soil_layers, ldset)
      if (isTRUE(keep_old_depth)) {
        req_sd_toadd <- req_sd_toadd[req_sd_toadd < max(ldset)]
      if (length(req_sd_toadd) == 0) next

      # Add identified layers
      sw_input_soils_data2 <- lapply(seq_along(var_layers),
        function(iv) sw_input_soils_data[[iv]][il_set, , drop = FALSE])
      for (lnew in req_sd_toadd) {
        ilnew <- findInterval(lnew, ldset)
        il_weight <- calc_weights_from_depths(ilnew, lnew, ldset)
        sw_input_soils_data2 <- lapply(seq_along(var_layers), function(iv)
          add_layer_to_soil(sw_input_soils_data2[[iv]], il = ilnew,
            w = il_weight, method = if (var_layers[iv] %in% sl_vars_sub)
              "exhaust" else "interpolate"))
        ldset <- sort(c(ldset, lnew))

      # Update soil datafiles
      lyrs <- seq_along(ldset)
      irows <- runIDs_adjust_ws[il_set]

      for (iv in seq_along(var_layers)) {
        icol <- grep(var_layers[iv],
        SFSW2_prj_inputs[["sw_input_soils"]][irows, icol] <-
          round(sw_input_soils_data2[[iv]][, lyrs],
            if (var_layers[iv] %in% sl_vars_sub) 4L else 2L)
        SFSW2_prj_inputs[["sw_input_soils_use"]][icol] <- TRUE

      icol <- paste0(cn_depth, lyrs)
      SFSW2_prj_inputs[["sw_input_soillayers"]][irows, icol] <-
        matrix(ldset, nrow = sum(il_set), ncol = length(ldset), byrow = TRUE)
      has_changed <- TRUE

    if (has_changed) {
      #write data to disk
        file = SFSW2_prj_meta[["fnames_in"]][["fslayers"]], row.names = FALSE)
        file = SFSW2_prj_meta[["fnames_in"]][["fsoils"]], row.names = FALSE)

        "don't forget to adjust lookup tables with per-layer values if",
        "applicable for this project"))

   SFSW2_prj_meta[["opt_input"]][["requested_soil_layers"]] <-

  list(SFSW2_prj_meta = SFSW2_prj_meta, SFSW2_prj_inputs = SFSW2_prj_inputs)

#' Calculate potential bare-soil evaporation coefficients
#' Soil texture influence based on re-analysis of data from Wythers et al. 1999.
#' Default of \code{depth_max_bs_evap} = 15 cm from Torres et al. 2010.
#' @references Torres EA, Calera A (2010) Bare soil evaporation under high
#'   evaporation demand: a proposed modification to the FAO-56 model.
#'   Hydrological Sciences Journal- Journal des Sciences Hydrologiques, 55,
#'   303-315.
#' @references Wythers K.R., Lauenroth W.K., Paruelo J.M. (1999) Bare-Soil
#'   Evaporation Under Semiarid Field Conditions. Soil Science Society of
#'   America Journal, 63, 1341-1349.
#' @param layers_depth A numeric vector, matrix, or data.frame. Values describe
#'   the lower soil layer depths in units of centimeters.
#' @param sand A numeric vector, matrix, or data.frame. Values are sand contents
#'   in units of mass-percentage / 100.
#' @param clay A numeric vector, matrix, or data.frame. Values are clay contents
#'   in units of mass-percentage / 100.
#' @param depth_max_bs_evap_cm A numeric value. The maximal soil depth in
#'   centimeters from which bare-soil evaporation is potentially drawing
#'   moisture.
#' @section Notes: Rows of soil input arguments \code{layers_depth},
#'   \code{sand}, and \code{clay} correspond to sites and columns to soil
#'   layers. If \code{sand} and/or \code{clay} are vectors, then they are
#'   converted to 1-row matrices. If \code{layers_depth} is a vector, then it is
#'   converted to a matrix with as many sites/rows as \code{sand} and
#'   \code{clay} have. That is the code assumes identical soil layer depths for
#'   each site. All soil input arguments must have a the same number of sites
#'   and of soil layers, i.e., identical matrix dimensions.
#' @section Warning: Influence of gravel is not accounted for.
#' @return A numeric matrix with potential bare-soil evaporation coefficients
#'   where rows correspond to sites and columns to soil layers.
#' @export
calc_BareSoilEvapCoefs <- function(layers_depth, sand, clay,
  depth_max_bs_evap_cm = 15) {

  #--- If inputs are not site x layers, then convert them into 1 site x layers
  if (is.null(dim(sand))) {
    sand <- matrix(sand, nrow = 1, ncol = length(sand))
  if (is.null(dim(clay))) {
    clay <- matrix(clay, nrow = 1, ncol = length(clay))
  if (is.null(dim(layers_depth))) {
    layers_depth <- matrix(layers_depth, nrow = dim(sand)[1],
      ncol = length(layers_depth), byrow = TRUE)

  #--- Test inputs
  # - sand and clay have identical number of sites and layers
  # - all soil inputs have identical number of sites and at least as many
  #   layers as depths
  # - soil layer depths are numeric and positive -- or NA, if all deeper
  #   layers are NA
  # - sand and clay are numeric and values between 0 and 1 -- or NA, if all
  #   deeper layers are NA as well
  # - the sum of sand and clay is less or equal to 1
  sand_and_clay <- sand + clay
    identical(dim(sand), dim(clay)),
    identical(dim(sand)[1], dim(layers_depth)[1]),
    dim(sand)[2] >= dim(layers_depth)[2],
    layers_depth > 0 | has_NAs_pooled_at_depth(layers_depth),
    sand >= 0 & sand <= 1 | has_NAs_pooled_at_depth(sand),
    clay >= 0 & clay <= 1 | has_NAs_pooled_at_depth(clay),
    sand_and_clay <= 1 | has_NAs_pooled_at_depth(sand_and_clay),
    is.finite(depth_max_bs_evap_cm) & depth_max_bs_evap_cm >= 0)

  #--- Calculate

  depth_min_bs_evap <- min(layers_depth[, 1], na.rm = TRUE)
  if (depth_min_bs_evap > depth_max_bs_evap_cm) {
    # all sites have first layer with coeff = 1
    res <- array(1, dim = dim(sand))
    res[, -1] <- 0

  lyrs_max_bs_evap <- t(apply(layers_depth, 1, function(x) {
    xdm <- depth_max_bs_evap_cm - x
    i0 <- abs(xdm) < SFSW2_glovars[["tol"]]
    ld <- if (any(i0, na.rm = TRUE)) {
    } else {
      temp <- which(xdm < 0)
      if (length(temp) > 0) temp[1] else length(x)
    c(diff(c(0, x))[seq_len(ld)], rep(0L, length(x) - ld))
  ldepth_max_bs_evap <- rowSums(lyrs_max_bs_evap)

  sand_mean <- rowSums(lyrs_max_bs_evap * sand, na.rm = TRUE) /
  clay_mean <- rowSums(lyrs_max_bs_evap * clay, na.rm = TRUE) /

  # equation from re-analysis
  temp_depth <- 4.1984 + 0.6695 * sand_mean ^ 2 + 168.7603 * clay_mean ^ 2

  depth_bs_evap <- pmin(pmax(temp_depth, depth_min_bs_evap, na.rm = TRUE),
    depth_max_bs_evap_cm, na.rm = TRUE)
  lyrs_bs_evap0 <- t(apply(depth_bs_evap - layers_depth, 1, function(x) {
    i0 <- abs(x) < SFSW2_glovars[["tol"]]
    ld <- if (any(i0, na.rm = TRUE)) {
    } else {
      temp <- which(x < 0)
      if (length(temp) > 0) temp[1] else sum(!is.na(x))
    ld0 <- max(0, ld - 1)

    c(rep(TRUE, ld0), rep(FALSE, length(x) - ld0))

  # function made up to match previous cummulative distributions
  temp_coeff <- 1 - exp(- 5 * layers_depth / depth_bs_evap)
  temp_coeff[!lyrs_bs_evap0 | is.na(temp_coeff)] <- 1
  coeff_bs_evap <- round(t(apply(cbind(0, temp_coeff), 1, diff)), 4)
  coeff_bs_evap / rowSums(coeff_bs_evap, na.rm = TRUE)

#' Calculate bare-soil evaporation coefficients based on soil texture and store
#' in soil input file
get_BareSoilEvapCoefs <- function(SFSW2_prj_meta, SFSW2_prj_inputs,
  runIDs_adjust, resume = TRUE, verbose = FALSE) {

  if (verbose) {
    t1 <- Sys.time()
    temp_call <- shQuote(match.call()[1])
    print(paste0("rSFSW2's ", temp_call, ": started at ", t1))

      print(paste0("rSFSW2's ", temp_call, ": ended after ",
      round(difftime(Sys.time(), t1, units = "secs"), 2), " s"))
      cat("\n")}, add = TRUE)

  icol_bsE <- grep("EvapCoeff", names(SFSW2_prj_inputs[["sw_input_soils_use"]]))
  icol_sand <- grep("Sand_L", names(SFSW2_prj_inputs[["sw_input_soils_use"]]))
  icol_clay <- grep("Clay_L", names(SFSW2_prj_inputs[["sw_input_soils_use"]]))
  use_layers <- which(SFSW2_prj_inputs[["sw_input_soils_use"]][icol_sand] &
  stopifnot(length(use_layers) > 0)

  do_calc <- TRUE
  if (resume) {
    temp <- icol_bsE[use_layers]
    icols <- temp[SFSW2_prj_inputs[["sw_input_soils_use"]][temp]]
    if (length(icols) > 0L) {
      x <- SFSW2_prj_inputs[["sw_input_soils"]][runIDs_adjust, icols,
        drop = FALSE]
      do_calc <- anyNA(x) || !all(rowSums(x, na.rm = TRUE) > 0)

  if (do_calc) {
    icols <- grep("depth_L",
    temp <- SFSW2_prj_inputs[["sw_input_soillayers"]][runIDs_adjust, icols,
      drop = FALSE]
    layers_depth <- as.matrix(temp)

    sand <- SFSW2_prj_inputs[["sw_input_soils"]][runIDs_adjust, icol_sand,
      drop = FALSE]
    clay <- SFSW2_prj_inputs[["sw_input_soils"]][runIDs_adjust, icol_clay,
      drop = FALSE]

    coeff_bs_evap <- calc_BareSoilEvapCoefs(
      layers_depth, sand, clay, depth_max_bs_evap_cm =

    #add data to sw_input_soils and set the use flags
    icol <- seq_len(sum(apply(coeff_bs_evap, 2, function(x)
      any(x > SFSW2_glovars[["tol"]]))))
    icols_bsE_used <- icol_bsE[icol]
    icols_bse_notused <- icol_bsE[-icol]

    SFSW2_prj_inputs[["sw_input_soils_use"]][icols_bsE_used] <- TRUE
    SFSW2_prj_inputs[["sw_input_soils"]][runIDs_adjust, icols_bsE_used] <-
      round(coeff_bs_evap[, icol], 4)

    SFSW2_prj_inputs[["sw_input_soils_use"]][icols_bse_notused] <- FALSE
    SFSW2_prj_inputs[["sw_input_soils"]][runIDs_adjust, icols_bse_notused] <- 0


    #write data to disk
      file = SFSW2_prj_meta[["fnames_in"]][["fsoils"]], row.names = FALSE)


#' Look-up input values from spreadsheet tables
#' @export
do_prior_TableLookups <- function(SFSW2_prj_meta, SFSW2_prj_inputs,
  resume = TRUE, verbose = FALSE) {

  if (verbose) {
    t1 <- Sys.time()
    temp_call <- shQuote(match.call()[1])
    print(paste0("rSFSW2's ", temp_call, ": started at ", t1))

      print(paste0("rSFSW2's ", temp_call, ": ended after ",
      round(difftime(Sys.time(), t1, units = "secs"), 2), " s"))
      cat("\n")}, add = TRUE)

  do_prior_lookup <- list(
    LookupEvapCoefs = list(),
    LookupTranspRegions = list(),
    LookupSnowDensity = list()

  done_prior <- rep(FALSE, length(do_prior_lookup))
  names(done_prior) <- names(do_prior_lookup)

  temp <- SFSW2_prj_inputs[["create_treatments"]] %in% names(do_prior_lookup)
  if (any(temp)) {

    do_prior_lookup[["LookupEvapCoefs"]] <- list(
      flag = "LookupEvapCoefs",
      pattern = "EvapCoeff",
      tr_input = SFSW2_prj_inputs[["tr_input_EvapCoeff"]],
      sw_input_use = "sw_input_soils_use",
      sw_input = "sw_input_soils",
      nvars = SFSW2_glovars[["slyrs_maxN"]],
      do_fill = FALSE,
      datafile = SFSW2_prj_meta[["fnames_in"]][["fsoils"]])

    do_prior_lookup[["LookupTranspRegions"]] <- list(
      flag = "LookupTranspRegions",
      pattern = "TranspRegion",
      tr_input = SFSW2_prj_inputs[["tr_input_TranspRegions"]],
      sw_input_use = "sw_input_soils_use",
      sw_input = "sw_input_soils",
      nvars = SFSW2_glovars[["slyrs_maxN"]],
      do_fill = FALSE,
      datafile = SFSW2_prj_meta[["fnames_in"]][["fsoils"]])

    do_prior_lookup[["LookupSnowDensity"]] <- list(
      flag = "LookupSnowDensity",
      pattern = "(snowd)|(SnowD_Hemisphere)",
      tr_input = SFSW2_prj_inputs[["tr_input_SnowD"]],
      sw_input_use = "sw_input_cloud_use",
      sw_input = "sw_input_cloud",
      nvars = 12 + 1,
      do_fill = TRUE,
      fill_pattern = "snowd",
      fill_value = 76,    # 76 kg/m3 = median of medians over 6 sites in
      # Colorado and Wyoming: Judson, A. & Doesken, N. (2000) Density of
      # Freshly Fallen Snow in the Central Rocky Mountains. Bulletin of the
      # American Meteorological Society, 81, 1577-1587.
      datafile = SFSW2_prj_meta[["fnames_in"]][["fclimnorm"]])

    for (pc in do_prior_lookup) {
      if (any(SFSW2_prj_inputs[["create_treatments"]] == pc$flag)) {
        # lookup values per category for each simulation run and copy values
        # to datafile
        temp1 <- SFSW2_prj_inputs[["sw_input_experimentals_use"]][pc$flag]
        temp <- unique(SFSW2_prj_inputs[["sw_input_experimentals"]][, pc$flag])
        temp2 <- length(temp) == 1L

        # Lookup prior to do_OneSite() only if option is off in
        # sw_input_experimentals or constant
        if (!temp1 || (temp1 && temp2)) {

          if (resume) {
            # Determine whether lookup already carried out and stored to file
            sw_input_use <- SFSW2_prj_inputs[[pc$sw_input_use]]

            icols <- grep(pc$pattern, names(sw_input_use))
            icols <- icols[sw_input_use[icols]]
            temp <- SFSW2_prj_inputs[[pc$sw_input]][, icols, drop = FALSE]

            if (all(!apply(is.na(temp), 2, all))) {
              # if no layer has only NAs for which the _use flag is on, then
              # consider as completed
              done_prior[pc$flag] <- TRUE

          if (verbose)
            print(paste(Sys.time(), ": performing", shQuote(pc$flag)))

          temp <- SFSW2_prj_inputs[["sw_input_experimentals_use"]][pc$flag]
          trtype <- if (temp) {
              unique(SFSW2_prj_inputs[["sw_input_experimentals"]][, pc$flag])
            } else {
              SFSW2_prj_inputs[["sw_input_treatments"]][, pc$flag]

          if (any(is.na(trtype)))
            stop("ERROR: ", pc$flag, " column cannot have any NAs.")
          if (!all(unique(trtype) %in% rownames(pc$tr_input)))
            stop("ERROR: ", pc$flag, " column values do not match up with ",
              "trfile. ", pc$flag, " row names.")

          tempdat <- try(get.LookupFromTable(
            pattern = pc$pattern,
            trtype = trtype,
            tr_input = pc$tr_input,
            sw_input_use = SFSW2_prj_inputs[[pc$sw_input_use]],
            sw_input = SFSW2_prj_inputs[[pc$sw_input]],
            nvars = pc$nvars))

          done_prior[pc$flag] <- !inherits(tempdat, "try-error")
          if (done_prior[pc$flag]) {
            if (!is.null(pc$do_fill) && pc$do_fill) {
              tempdat <- fill_empty(tempdat, pattern = pc$fill_pattern,
                fill = pc$fill_value)

            SFSW2_prj_inputs[[pc$sw_input_use]] <- tempdat$sw_input_use
            SFSW2_prj_inputs[[pc$sw_input]] <- tempdat$sw_input

            #write data to datafile
              SFSW2_prj_inputs[[pc$sw_input]]), file = pc$datafile,
              row.names = FALSE)

        } else {
          done_prior[pc$flag] <- FALSE


  SFSW2_prj_inputs[["done_prior"]] <- done_prior

DrylandEcology/rSFSW2 documentation built on Aug. 18, 2020, 1:27 p.m.