
Defines functions check_cltool update_datasource_masterfield get_datasource_masterfield get_datasource_includefield setup_aggregation_options setup_meandaily_output setup_scenarios convert_to_todo_list benchmark_BLAS tabulate_values_in_bins daily_spells_permonth EventDistribution transferExpDesignToInput fill_empty get.LookupFromTable adjust.WindspeedHeight regenerationThisYear_YN extreme_values_and_doys trewartha_climate calc_drylandindices endDoyAfterDuration startDoyOfDuration vpd vp0 dir_safe_create dir.copy dir.create2 file.copy2 list.dirs2 has_incompletedata has_nodata remove_from_onexit_expression enable_debug_dump set_options_warn_error

Documented in adjust.WindspeedHeight calc_drylandindices check_cltool dir_safe_create enable_debug_dump remove_from_onexit_expression set_options_warn_error trewartha_climate vp0 vpd

#' Setting global 'warn' and 'error' options
#' @param debug.warn.level An integer value. Sets the \code{warn} option.
#' @param debug.dump.objects A logical value. Sets the \code{error} option.
#'  See \code{details} section.
#' @param dir_prj A character string. The path at which the \var{RData}
#'  file are saved if \code{debug.dump.objects} is turned on.
#' @param verbose A logical value.
#' @return A list of length two with elements 'warn' and 'error' containing
#'  the status of these two global options before resetting them by this
#'  function.
#' @section Details: Accepted values of \code{debug.warn.level} are \itemize{
#'  \item  warn < 0: warnings are ignored
#'  \item  warn = 0: warnings are stored until the top-level function returns
#'  \item  warn = 1: warnings are printed as they occur
#'  \item  warn = 2: all warnings are turned into errors.
#' }
#'  If \code{debug.dump.objects} is \code{TRUE}, then code will on error dump
#'  objects and frames to files at path \code{dir_prj}, and (if not in
#'  interactive mode) quit. To view the dumped frames first attach them with
#'      \code{load(file.path(dir_prj, "last.dump.rda"))}
#'  and then browse them with
#'      \code{debugger(`path/to/file/last.dump.rda`)}
#' @export
set_options_warn_error <- function(debug.warn.level = 1L,
  debug.dump.objects = FALSE, dir_prj = ".", verbose = FALSE) {

  ow_prev <- options("warn", "error")

  if (verbose) {
    temp_call <- shQuote(match.call()[1])
    print(paste0("rSFSW2's ", temp_call, ": set options ",
      "'warn' from ", ow_prev[["warn"]], " to ", debug.warn.level,
      " and 'error' to ",
      if (debug.dump.objects) "dump objects to file" else "'traceback'", "."))

  options(warn = debug.warn.level)

  if (debug.dump.objects) {
    options(error = quote({
      dump_objs <- new.env()

      for (p in sys.parents()) {
        if (inherits(try(sys.frame(p), silent = TRUE), "try-error"))

        items <- setdiff(ls(name = sys.frame(p)), ls(name = dump_objs))
        p_pos <- pos.to.env(sys.frame(p))

        for (it in items) {
          x <- get0(it, envir = p_pos)
          if (!is.null(x))
            assign(it, x, envir = dump_objs)

      save(list = ls(name = dump_objs), envir = dump_objs,
        file = file.path(dir_prj, "last.dump.save.RData"))

      dump.frames(dumpto = file.path(dir_prj, "last.dump"), to.file = TRUE)

      if (!interactive())

  } else {
    options(error = traceback)


#' Expression for dumping of objects from an evaluation stack
#' Create an expression for functions 'f' to set \code{on.exit()} such that all
#' objects from the evaluation frame stack of function 'f' are collected and
#' stored in a \var{RData} file
#' @param dir_out A character string. The path to where the \var{RData} file is
#'   dumped.
#' @param file_tag A character string. Will become final part of the \var{RData}
#'   file name.
#' @return Expression.
#' @seealso \code{\link{set_options_warn_error}} with \code{debug.dump.objects =
#'   TRUE}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' f2 <- function(x, cause_error = FALSE) {
#'   print(match.call())
#'   print(environment())
#'   # Enable debug dumping
#'   on.exit(enable_debug_dump(file_tag = match.call()[[1]]), add = TRUE)
#'   # Add to 'on.exit'
#'   on.exit(print(paste("exit from", match.call()[[1]])), add = TRUE)
#'   res <- x + 100
#'   if (cause_error) stop("Create error and force debug dumping")
#'   # Remove debug dumping but not other 'on.exit' expressions before
#'   # returning without error
#'   oe <- sys.on.exit()
#'   oe <- remove_from_onexit_expression(oe, tag = "enable_debug_dump")
#'   do.call(on.exit, args = c(list(oe), add = FALSE))
#'   # Add to 'on.exit'
#'   on.exit(print(paste("exit2 from", match.call()[[1]])), add = TRUE)
#'   res
#' }
#' f1 <- function(x, cause_error) {
#'   print(paste(match.call()[[1]], x))
#'   print(environment())
#'   try(f2(x + 1, cause_error))
#' }
#' f1(0, cause_error = FALSE)
#' f1(0, cause_error = TRUE)
#' x <- new.env()
#' load("last.dump.f2.RData", envir = x)
#' ls.str(x)
#' # Clean up
#' unlink("last.dump.f2.RData")
#' }
#' @export
enable_debug_dump <- function(dir_out = ".", file_tag = "debug") {
    op_prev <- options("warn")
    options(warn = 0)
    env_tosave <- new.env()

    # Loop through evaluation frame stack, with global environment and
    # without 'enable_debug_dump', and collect objects
    ids_frame <- sys.parents()[-1]
    for (k in ids_frame) {
      list2env(as.list(sys.frame(sys.parent(k))), envir = env_tosave)
    list2env(as.list(globalenv()), envir = env_tosave)

    save(list = ls(envir = env_tosave), envir = env_tosave,
      file = file.path(dir_out, paste0("last.dump.", as.character(file_tag),

#' Remove one of possibly several expressions recorded by \code{on.exit}
#' @param sysonexit An expression. The returned value of a call to
#'   \code{sys.on.exit()} from inside the calling function.
#' @param tag A character string. An string identifying which of the recorded
#'   expressions should be removed.
#' @section Note: don't use inside a loop as this will likely lead to problems
#'   such as `evaluation nested too deeply`.
#' @seealso \code{\link{enable_debug_dump}} for examples
#' @export
remove_from_onexit_expression <- function(sysonexit, tag) {
  if (!is.null(sysonexit) && nchar(tag) > 0) {
    sysonexit[regexpr(tag, sysonexit) < 0]
  } else {

has_nodata <- function(data, tag = NULL, MARGIN = 1) {
  if (is.null(tag)) {
    apply(data, MARGIN, function(x) all(is.na(x)))
  } else {
    apply(data[, grepl(tag, colnames(data)), drop = FALSE], MARGIN,
      function(x) all(is.na(x)))

has_incompletedata <- function(data, tag = NULL, MARGIN = 1) {
  if (is.null(tag)) {
    apply(data, MARGIN, anyNA)
  } else {
    apply(data[, grepl(tag, colnames(data)), drop = FALSE], MARGIN, anyNA)

# custom list.dirs function because the ones in 2.13 and 2.15 are different...
# this function will behave like the one in 2.15 no matter which version you
# are using...
# note: should work on any system where the directory seperator is
# .Platform$file.sep (ie Unix)
list.dirs2 <- function(path, full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE) {
  dir.list <- list.dirs(path, full.names)

  if (is.null(dir.list))
  if (length(dir.list) == 0)
  if (recursive == TRUE)

  nSlash <- length(strsplit(dir.list[1], .Platform$file.sep)[[1]]) + 1
  if (nSlash == 1)

  n <- length(dir.list)
  for (i in n:1)
    if (length(strsplit(dir.list[i], .Platform$file.sep)[[1]]) != nSlash)
      dir.list <- dir.list[-i]


#custom file.copy2 function, b/c it was giving errors on JANUS when run with MPI
file.copy2 <- function(from = "", to = "", overwrite = TRUE, copy.mode = TRUE,
  times = 0) {

  file.copy(from, to, overwrite, FALSE, copy.mode)
  if (times < 24)
    if (file.exists(from))
      if (!file.exists(to)) {
        print("trying to copy the file again")
        # recursively call the function again because when run with MPI the
        # file copying doesn't seem to work everytime...
        Recall(from, to, overwrite, copy.mode, times + 1)
# made this function b/c dir.create wasn't always working correctly on JANUS
# for some reason...
dir.create2 <- function(path, showWarnings = TRUE, recursive = FALSE,
  mode = "0777") {

  k <- 0
  temp <- NULL
  temp_call <- shQuote(match.call()[1])

  repeat {
    temp <- dir.create(path, showWarnings, recursive, mode)

    if (k > 24 || dir.exists(path))

    k <- k + 1

  if (showWarnings && k > 0) {
    # Iteratively call the function b/c when run on JANUS with MPI it doesn't
    # seem to make the directories everytime... quite aggravating.
    print(paste0("rSFSW2's ", temp_call, ": failed to create ",
      shQuote(path), " during ", k, " attempt(s)"))


# copy directory and content as in
# \code{system(paste("cp -R", shQuote(from), shQuote(to)))}
dir.copy <- function(dir.from, dir.to, overwrite = FALSE) {
  dir.create2(dir.to, recursive = TRUE)
  dir.list <- basename(list.dirs2(dir.from, full.names = FALSE,
    recursive = FALSE))
  file.list <- list.files(dir.from)
  if (length(dir.list) > 0) {
    sapply(dir.list, function(x) {
      dir.copy(dir.from = file.path(dir.from, x), dir.to = file.path(dir.to, x),
      overwrite = overwrite)

    file.list <- file.list[file.list != dir.list]
  if (length(file.list) > 0) {
    sapply(file.list, function(x)
      file.copy2(from = file.path(dir.from, x), to = file.path(dir.to, x),
        overwrite = overwrite, copy.mode = TRUE))

#' Create the elements of paths
#' This is a wrapper for the function \code{\link{dir.create}} using different
#' default settings and allowing multiple path names as input. The function
#' checks if the provided paths may be valid names and catches any other errors
#' with \code{try}.
#' @param paths A list or vector of strings. Path names to be created.
#' @inheritParams base::dir.create
#' @return An invisible list of length equal to the length of \code{paths}. The
#'   elements are \code{NULL} for invalid elements of \code{paths}, a logical
#'   value for the elements of \code{paths} with a successful calls to
#'   \code{\link{dir.create}}, or an object of class \code{try-error} for a
#'   failed call to \code{\link{dir.create}}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{dir.create}}
#' @export
dir_safe_create <- function(paths, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE,
  mode = "0777") {

  temp <- lapply(paths, function(path) {
      if (!is.null(path) && !is.na(path) && is.character(path) &&
          nchar(path) > 0 && !dir.exists(path))

        try(dir.create2(path, showWarnings = showWarnings,
          recursive = recursive, mode = mode), silent = TRUE)


#functions wet and dry periods

#' Saturation vapor pressure
#' @param Temp A numeric vector of temperature(s) (deg C)
#' @return A numeric vector of length \code{T} of saturation vapor pressure
#'   (\var{kPa}) at temperature T
#' @references Yoder, R. E., L. O. Odhiambo, and W. C. Wright. 2005. Effects of
#'   Vapor-Pressure Deficit and Net-Irradiance Calculation Methods on Accuracy
#'   of Standardized Penman-Monteith Equation in a Humid Climate Journal of
#'   Irrigation and Drainage Engineering 131:228-237.
vp0 <- function(Temp) {
  0.6108 * exp(17.27 * Temp / (Temp + 273.3))  # eq. 5 of Yoder et al. 2005

#' Vapor pressure deficit
#' @param Tmin A numeric vector of daily minimum temperature(s) (deg C)
#' @param Tmax A numeric vector of daily maximum temperature(s) (deg C)
#' @param RHmean A numeric vector of daily mean relative humidity (percentage)
#' @return A numeric vector of length \code{T} of vapor pressure deficit
#'   (\var{kPa})
#' @references Yoder, R. E., L. O. Odhiambo, and W. C. Wright. 2005. Effects of
#'   Vapor-Pressure Deficit and Net-Irradiance Calculation Methods on Accuracy
#'   of Standardized Penman-Monteith Equation in a Humid Climate Journal of
#'   Irrigation and Drainage Engineering 131:228-237.
vpd <- function(Tmin, Tmax, RHmean = NULL) {
  if (is.null(RHmean)) {
    # eq. 6 - eq. 13 of Yoder et al. 2005 (VPD6 in Table 4)
    (vp0(Tmax) - vp0(Tmin)) / 2
  } else {
    # eq. 6 - eq. 11 of Yoder et al. 2005 (VPD4 in Table 4)
    (vp0(Tmax) + vp0(Tmin)) / 2 * (1 - RHmean / 100)

startDoyOfDuration <- function(x, duration = 10) {
  r <- rle(x)
  res <- NULL

  if (length(r$lengths) == 1 ||
      sum(r$values == 1 & r$lengths >= duration) == 0) {

    res <- ifelse(
      (length(r$lengths) == 1 & (r$values == 0 | r$lengths < duration)) |
      sum(r$values == 1 & r$lengths >= 10) == 0,
      NA, 1)[1]

  } else {
    # pick first period
    first10dry <- r$lengths[which(r$values == 1 & r$lengths >= duration)][1]

    if (!is.na(first10dry)) {
      # always pick start of first suitable period
      ind <- which(r$lengths == first10dry & r$values == 1)[1]
    } else {
      ind <- -1

    if (ind == 1) {
      # start of period at beginning of year
      res <- 1
    } else if (ind == -1) {
      # no period this year
      res <- NA
    } else {
      res <- cumsum(r$lengths)[ind - 1] + 1


endDoyAfterDuration <- function(x, duration = 10) {
  r <- rle(x)
  res <- NULL

  if (length(r$lengths) == 1 ||
      sum(r$values == 1 & r$lengths >= duration) == 0) {
    res <- ifelse(
      (length(r$lengths) == 1 & (r$values == 0 | r$lengths < duration)) |
      sum(r$values == 1 & r$lengths >= duration) == 0,
      365, NA)[1]

  } else {
    # pick last period
    rl <- r$lengths[which(r$values == 1 & r$lengths >= duration)]
    last10dry <- rl[length(rl)]

    if (length(last10dry) > 0) {
      # always pick end of last suitable period
      temp <- which(r$lengths == last10dry & r$values == 1)
      ind <- temp[length(temp)]
    } else {
      ind <- -1

    if (ind == -1) {
      # no period this year
      res <- NA
    } else {
      res <- cumsum(r$lengths)[ind]


#' Calculates temperate dryland criteria
#' @param annualPPT A numeric vector. Annual precipitation values.
#' @param annualPET A numeric vector. Annual potential evapotranspiration
#'   values. The values must be in the same units as those of \code{annualPPT},
#'   e.g., \code{mm}.
#' @param monthlyTemp A numeric vector. Monthly mean air temperature in degree
#'   Celsius for each year for which precipitation and PET values are provided.
#' @param ai_limit A numeric value. Used for return item \code{criteria_12}.
#' @references Deichmann, U. & L. Eklundh. 1991. Global digital datasets for
#' land degradation studies: a GIS approach. Global Environment Monitoring
#' System (GEMS), United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Nairobi, Kenya.
#' Trewartha G.T., Horn L.H. (1980) An introduction to climate. McGraw-Hill, New
#' York, page 284: Temperate Areas
#' @return A list with three items: UN-aridity index (numeric value),
#' temperateness (logical value), and temperate drylands (logical value).
calc_drylandindices <- function(annualPPT, annualPET, monthlyTemp,
  ai_limit = 0.5) {

  ai <- annualPPT / annualPET  # Deichmann, U. & L. Eklundh. 1991
  temp <- matrix(monthlyTemp >= 10, nrow = 12)
  temp <- .colSums(temp, nrow(temp), ncol(temp))
  TD <- temp >= 4 & temp < 8 #Trewartha & Horn 1980, page 284: temperate areas
  criteria12 <- as.integer(TD & ai < ai_limit)

  list(ai = ai, temperateness = TD, criteria12 = criteria12)

#' Main climate classification according to Trewartha
#' The main climate classifications based on mean monthly temperature, i.e.,
#' without group B--dry, include \itemize{
#'   \item Group A (tropical): sum(months >= 18 C) == 12
#'   \item Group C (subtropical):
#'     sum(months >= 10 C) >= 8 & sum(months >= 18 C) < 12
#'   \item Group D (temperate and continental): sum(months >= 10 C) %in% 4:7
#'   \item Group E (boreal): sum(months >= 10 C) %in% 1:3
#'   \item Group F (polar): sum(months >= 10 C) == 0
#' }
#' @param meanTmonthly_C A numeric vector of length 12. Mean monthly air
#'   temperature in degree Celsius.
#' @seealso \code{\link[ClimClass]{koeppen_geiger}}
#' @references Trewartha, G.T. and Lyle, H.H., 1980: An Introduction to Climate.
#'   McGraw - Hill, 5th Ed. Appendix: Koeppen's Classification of Climates
trewartha_climate <- function(meanTmonthly_C) {
  stopifnot(length(meanTmonthly_C) == 12)

  temp18 <- sum(meanTmonthly_C >= 18)

  if (temp18 == 12) {
  } else {
    temp10 <- sum(meanTmonthly_C >= 10)

    if (temp10 >= 8) {
    } else if (temp10 >= 4) {
    } else if (temp10 >= 1) {
    } else {

extreme_values_and_doys <- function(x, na.rm = FALSE) {
  tmax <- max(x, na.rm = na.rm)
  tmin <- min(x, na.rm = na.rm)

  c(tmax, tmin,
      which(abs(x - tmax) < SFSW2_glovars[["tol"]]),
      int = 365,
      na.rm = na.rm
      which(abs(x - tmin) < SFSW2_glovars[["tol"]]),
      int = 365,
      na.rm = na.rm

regenerationThisYear_YN <- function(x, params) {
  reg <- 0

  # calculate season doys
  snowcover <- ifelse(x[, 2] > 0, 1, 0)
  r <- rle(snowcover)
  rseries <- ifelse(r$values == 0, seq_along(r$values), 0)
  temp <- rseries > 0

  if (any(temp)) {
    # check that at least some days without snow
    then <- which(rseries == rseries[temp][which.max(r$lengths[temp])])

    if (typeof(params[["season.start"]]) == "character") {
      # calculate last day of the longest snowpack
      params[["season.start"]] <- if (then == 1) {
        } else {
          cumsum(r$lengths)[then - 1]

    if (typeof(params[["season.end"]]) == "character") {
      # calculate first day of the longest snowpack
      params[["season.end"]] <- min(c(cumsum(r$lengths)[then] + 1,

    ids <- params[["season.start"]]:params[["season.end"]]

    if (length(ids) > 0) {
      swp.season <- x[ids, 1]
      gs <- rle(as.integer(swp.season >= params[["germination.swp.surface"]]))
      gs_cs <- cumsum(gs$lengths)
      es <- rle(as.integer(swp.season >= params[["establishment.swp.surface"]]))
      es_cs <- cumsum(es$lengths)

      # get vector of establishment starts and ends
      estab_starts <- estab_ends <- NULL
      for (esi in seq_along(es$lengths)) {
        if (es$lengths[esi] >= params[["establishment.duration"]] &&
            es$values[esi] > 0) {

          estab_starts <- c(estab_starts,
            if (esi == 1) 1 else es_cs[esi - 1] + 1)
          estab_ends <- c(estab_ends, es_cs[esi])

      # check if any germination period matches up with an establishment period
      if (length(estab_ends) > 0) {
        for (gsi in seq_along(gs$lengths)) {
          if (gs$lengths[gsi] >= params[["germination.duration"]] &&
              gs$values[gsi] > 0) {

            germ_start <- if (gsi == 1) 1 else gs_cs[gsi - 1] + 1
            germ_end <- gs_cs[gsi]

            temp0 <- germ_start + params[["germination.duration"]]
            temp1 <- germ_end + params[["establishment.delay"]]
            temp <- (temp0 >= estab_starts &
                temp0 + params[["establishment.duration"]] <= estab_ends) |
              (temp1 >= estab_starts &
                temp1 + params[["establishment.duration"]] <= estab_ends)

            if (any(temp)) {
              reg <- reg + 1
  # else all(!temp) => no snow-free days: no regeneration this year

  if (reg > 0) 1 else 0

#' Function to extrapolate windspeeds measured at a height different from the
#' 2-m above ground that are assumed by \pkg{SOILWAT2}
#' Based on equation 33 in Allen et al. 2005. Note: "For wind measurements above
#' surfaces other than clipped grass, the user should apply the full logarithmic
#' equation B.14".
#' @param uz A numeric vector. Windspeed [m/s] at \code{height}.
#' @param height A numeric value. Height above ground at which \code{uz}
#'   windspeed was measured.
#' @return Windspeed [m/s] at a height of 2 m above ground.
#' @references Allen R.G., Walter I.A., Elliott R., Howell T., Itenfisu D.,
#'   Jensen M. (2005) The ASCE standardized reference evapotranspiration
#'   equation. ASCE-EWRI Task Committee Report.
adjust.WindspeedHeight <- function(uz, height) {

  stopifnot(all(uz >= 0) && height >= 2)
  uz * 4.87 / log(67.8 * height - 5.42)

get.LookupFromTable <- function(pattern, trtype, tr_input, sw_input_use,
  sw_input, nvars) {

  nruns <- NROW(sw_input)
  if (length(trtype) == 1L && nruns > 1L)
    trtype <- rep(trtype, nruns)
  stopifnot(length(trtype) == nruns)

  # extract data from table by type
  ids <- match(trtype, rownames(tr_input), nomatch = NA)
  res <- tr_input[ids, seq_len(nvars), drop = FALSE]

  # identify columns with relevant data
  icols_in <- grep(pattern, names(sw_input_use))
  icols_res <- which(apply(!is.na(res), 2L, any))
  stopifnot(length(icols_in) >= max(icols_res))
  seq1_icols_in <- icols_in[icols_res]
  seq2_icols_in <- icols_in[-icols_res]

  # add data to datafiles and set the use flags
  sw_input[, seq1_icols_in] <- res[, icols_res]
  sw_input_use[seq1_icols_in] <- TRUE

  if (length(seq2_icols_in) > 0) {
    sw_input[, seq2_icols_in] <- NA
    sw_input_use[seq2_icols_in] <- FALSE

  list(sw_input_use = sw_input_use,
       sw_input = sw_input)

fill_empty <- function(data, pattern, fill) {
  stopifnot(names(data) %in% c("sw_input", "sw_input_use"))

  icols <- sapply(data, function(x) grep(pattern, names(x)))
  stopifnot(identical(icols[, "sw_input_use"], icols[, "sw_input"]))
  icols <- icols[, "sw_input_use"]

  for (k in icols) {
    iempty <- is.na(data$sw_input[, k])
    if (any(iempty)) {
      data$sw_input[iempty, k] <- fill
      data$sw_input_use[k] <- TRUE


#--put information from experimental design into appropriate input variables;
# create_treatments and the _use files were already adjusted for the
# experimental design when files were read in/created
transferExpDesignToInput <- function(x, i_exp, df_exp, df_exp_use) {
  temp <- match(names(df_exp)[df_exp_use], names(x), nomatch = 0)
  ctemp <- temp[!(temp == 0)]
  if (length(ctemp) > 0) {
    cexp <- match(names(x)[ctemp], names(df_exp), nomatch = 0)
    x[ctemp] <- df_exp[i_exp, cexp]

#data is the values for one year adj for SWPcrit_MPa; TRUE == dry
EventDistribution <- function(data, N, size) {
  bins <- rep(0, times = N)
  temp <- rle(data)
  temp <- temp$lengths[temp$values]
  if (length(temp) > 0) for (z in seq_along(temp)) {
    ix <- findInterval(temp[z], size)
    bins[ix] <- bins[ix] + 1

daily_spells_permonth <- function(x, simTime2) {
  temp <- tapply(x,
    simTime2$month_ForEachUsedDay_NSadj +
      100 * simTime2$year_ForEachUsedDay_NSadj,

    function(xm) {
      temp <- rle(xm)
      if (any(temp$values)) {
        mean(temp$lengths[temp$values], na.rm = TRUE)
      } else {

  matrix(temp, nrow = 12)

tabulate_values_in_bins <- function(x, method = c("duration", "values"),
  vcrit = NULL, bins, nbins, simTime, simTime2) {
  method <- match.arg(method)

  bins.summary <- (seq_len(nbins) - 1) * bins

  dat <- if (method == "duration" && is.logical(x)) {
      # bin duration of TRUE runs
      lapply(simTime$useyrs, function(y) {
        temp <- rle(x[simTime2$year_ForEachUsedDay == y])
        temp <- floor((temp$lengths[temp$values] - 1) / bins) * bins
        findInterval(temp, vec = bins.summary)
    } else if (method == "values") {
      # bin values
      lapply(simTime$useyrs, function(y) {
        temp <- x[simTime2$year_ForEachUsedDay == y]
        if (!is.null(vcrit)) temp <- temp[temp > vcrit]
        floor(temp / bins) * bins
        findInterval(temp, vec = bins.summary)
    } else {
      print("'tabulate_values_in_bins' cannot be calculated")

  if (length(unlist(dat)) > 0) {
    counts.summary <- sapply(dat, function(x)
      tabulate(x, nbins = length(bins.summary)))
    eventsPerYear <- apply(counts.summary, 2, sum)
    freq.summary <- sweep(counts.summary, 2, STATS = eventsPerYear, FUN = "/")

  } else {
    freq.summary <- matrix(0, nrow = length(bins.summary),
      ncol = simTime$no.useyr)
    eventsPerYear <- rep(0, simTime$no.useyr)

  list(eventsPerYear = eventsPerYear, freq.summary = freq.summary)

benchmark_BLAS <- function(platform, seed = NA) {
  if (grepl("darwin", platform)) {
    # apparently this works only on Mac OS X
    dir_r <- file.path(Sys.getenv()[["R_HOME"]], "R")
    blas <- system2(command = dir_r, args = "CMD config BLAS_LIBS",
      stdout = TRUE)
    blas <- sub("-L/", "/", strsplit(blas, split = " ")[[1]][1])
    lapack <- system2(command = dir_r, args = "CMD config LAPACK_LIBS",
      stdout = TRUE)
    lapack <- sub("-L/", "/", strsplit(lapack, split = " ")[[1]][1])
    get_ls <- if (identical(blas, lapack)) list(blas) else list(blas, lapack)
    temp <- lapply(get_ls, FUN = function(x)
      print(system2(command = "ls", args = paste("-l", x), stdout = TRUE)))

    # http://simplystatistics.org/2016/01/21/parallel-blas-in-r/#
    print("Check linked BLAS library:")
    if (!is.na(seed)) set.seed(seed)
    temp <- system.time({
      x <- replicate(5e3, stats::rnorm(5e3))

    # Example values:
    # Apple's Accelerate framework:
    #   user  system elapsed
    # 14.755   0.268   3.423

    # ATLAS 3.10.2_2:
    #   user  system elapsed
    # 22.218   0.647   3.340

    # Built-in reference BLAS:
    #   user  system elapsed
    # 59.289   0.465  59.173

  } else {
    print(paste("'benchmark_BLAS' does not benchmark the linked BLAS library",
      "on platform", shQuote(platform)))

convert_to_todo_list <- function(x) {
  temp <- matrix(x, ncol = 2, nrow = length(x) / 2, byrow = TRUE)
  todo <- lapply(temp[, 2], function(x) as.logical(as.numeric(x)))
  names(todo) <- temp[, 1]


setup_scenarios <- function(sim_scens, sim_time, is_idem = FALSE) {
  #--- Create complete scenario names
  # make sure 'ambient' is not among models
  temp <- grep(sim_scens[["ambient"]],
    invert = TRUE,
    value = TRUE

  if (length(temp) > 0) {
    if (is_idem) {
      # Use all years
      temp <- paste0("idem.dall.", temp)

    } else {
      # add (multiple) future_yrs, but only if not using full future daily vals
      temp <- paste0(
        rownames(sim_time[["future_yrs"]]), ".",
        rep(temp, each = nrow(sim_time[["future_yrs"]]))

      # add (multiple) downscaling.method
      temp <- paste0(
        sim_scens[["method_DS"]], ".",
        rep(temp, each = length(sim_scens[["method_DS"]]))

  # make sure 'ambient' is first entry
  id <- c(sim_scens[["ambient"]], temp)
  N <- length(id)

  itime <- data.frame(
    simstartyr = sim_time[["simstartyr"]],
    endyr = sim_time[["endyr"]]

  #--- Create table with scenario name parts for each scenario
  # ConcScen = concentration scenarios, e.g., SRESs, RCPs
  ctmp <- c(
    "Downscaling", "DeltaStr_yrs", "ConcScen", "Model", "Delta_yrs", "itime"

  climScen <- data.frame(matrix(
    nrow = N,
    ncol = length(ctmp),
    dimnames = list(NULL, ctmp)

  # set `delta_yrs` to 0 (for CO2-concentration data)
  climScen[, "Delta_yrs"] <- 0L
  climScen[, "itime"] <- 1L

  # Fill in information for ambient scenario
  climScen[1, "Model"] <- sim_scens[["ambient"]]
  climScen[1, "ConcScen"] <- if ("tag_aCO2_ambient" %in% names(sim_scens)) {
  } else {

  if (N > 1) {
    # Fill in information about model-scenario combinations
    temp <- strsplit(id[-1], split = ".", fixed = TRUE)
    if (!all(lengths(temp) == 4L)) {
        "'climate.conditions' are mal-formed: they must contain ",
        "4 elements that are concatenated by '.'"

    climScen[-1, ctmp[1:4]] <- do.call(rbind, temp)

    # set simulation time periods
    if (is_idem) {
      #--- Use calendar years for every run (and calculate `itime`)

      # set `itime`
      tmp <- c("DSfut_startyr", "DSfut_endyr")
      tmp_itime <- sim_time[["future_yrs"]][-1, tmp]
      colnames(tmp_itime) <- colnames(itime)

      stopifnot(length(unique(climScen[-1, "ConcScen"])) == NROW(tmp_itime))

      itime <- rbind(itime, unique(tmp_itime))
      rownames(itime) <- NULL

      # set index for `itime`
      ids_itime <- match(
        apply(tmp_itime, 1, paste, collapse = "_"),
        apply(itime, 1, paste, collapse = "_")

      climScen[-1, "itime"] <- rep(
        x = ids_itime,
        times = table(climScen[-1, "ConcScen"])

    } else {
      #--- Use current/ambient years and a delta for future runs
      # see 'setup_time_simulation_project' for how 'future_yrs' is created
      climScen[, "Delta_yrs"] <- as.integer(substr(
        x = climScen[, "DeltaStr_yrs"],
        start = 2,
        stop = nchar(climScen[, "DeltaStr_yrs"]) - 3

    #--- List unique sets of requested scenario name parts
    reqMs <- unique(climScen[-1, "Model"])
    reqCSs <- unique(climScen[-1, "ConcScen"])
    reqCSsPerM <- lapply(reqMs, function(x)
      unique(climScen[x == climScen[, "Model"], "ConcScen"])
    reqDSsPerM <- lapply(reqMs, function(x)
      unique(climScen[x == climScen[, "Model"], "Downscaling"])

  } else {
    # Only ambient scenario
    reqMs <- reqCSs <- reqCSsPerM <- reqDSsPerM <- NULL

      id = id,
      N = N,
      df = climScen,
      itime = itime,
      is_idem = is_idem,
      reqMs = reqMs,
      reqCSs = reqCSs,
      reqCSsPerM = reqCSsPerM,
      reqDSsPerM = reqDSsPerM

setup_meandaily_output <- function(req_mean_daily, opt_agg) {
  N <- length(req_mean_daily)

  if (N > 0) {
    req_mean_daily <- sort(req_mean_daily)

    temp <- req_mean_daily == "SWAbulk"
    if (any(temp) && opt_agg[["SWPcrit_N"]] > 0) {
      req_mean_daily <- req_mean_daily[!temp]
      req_mean_daily <- c(req_mean_daily, paste0("SWAbulkatSWPcrit",
        abs(round(-1000 * opt_agg[["SWPcrit_MPa"]], 0)), "kPa"))

      N <- length(req_mean_daily)

  list(tag = req_mean_daily, N = N)

setup_aggregation_options <- function(opt_agg, ...) {
  more_options <- list(...)

  for (k in names(more_options)) {
    opt_agg[[k]] <- more_options[[k]]

  opt_agg[["SWPcrit_N"]] <- length(opt_agg[["SWPcrit_MPa"]])


get_datasource_includefield <- function(SWRunInformation, field_include,
  sim_size) {

  if (field_include %in% names(SWRunInformation)) {
    temp <- SWRunInformation[sim_size[["runIDs_sites"]], field_include]
    is.na(temp) | temp > 0
  } else {
    rep(TRUE, sim_size[["runsN_sites"]])

get_datasource_masterfield <- function(SWRunInformation, field_sources,
  sim_size, how_determine_sources) {

  sites_source <- rep(NA, times = sim_size[["runsN_sites"]])
  i_cns_field <- which(field_sources == colnames(SWRunInformation))
  has_cns_field <- length(i_cns_field) > 0

  if (how_determine_sources == "SWRunInformation" && has_cns_field) {
    sites_source <- SWRunInformation[sim_size[["runIDs_sites"]], i_cns_field]
  } else if (how_determine_sources == "order" || !has_cns_field) {
  } else {
    message("Value of 'how_determine_sources'", how_determine_sources,
      " not implemented")


update_datasource_masterfield <- function(MMC, sim_size, SWRunInformation,
  fnames_in, field_sources, field_include) {

  notDone <- NULL

  if (any(MMC[["idone"]])) {
    SWRunInformation[sim_size[["runIDs_sites"]], field_sources] <-

    notDone <- is.na(MMC[["source"]])
    include_YN_data <- rep(0, sim_size[["runsN_master"]])
    include_YN_data[sim_size[["runIDs_sites"]][!notDone]] <- 1
    SWRunInformation[, field_include] <- include_YN_data

    #write data to disk
    utils::write.csv(SWRunInformation, file = fnames_in[["fmaster"]],
      row.names = FALSE)

    if (any(notDone)) {
      print(paste0(shQuote(field_sources), ": no data available for n = ",
        sum(notDone), " sites."))

  } else {
    print(paste0(shQuote(field_sources), ": no data extracted because ",
      "already available"))


#' Check availability and version of a command-line tool
#' The function throws an error if the command-line tool cannot be run and its
#' version queried by a call to \code{\link{system2}}. Otherwise, the function
#' compares the return version value with the argument \code{v_expected}. If it
#' does not match and the argument \code{stop_on_mismatch} has a \code{TRUE}
#' value, then an error is thrown with a suitable message; otherwise, a warning
#' is issued.
#' @param tool A character string. The name of the command-line tool.
#' @param v_expected A character string that is or can be converted to represent
#'   the expected version of the command-line tool.
#' @param stop_on_mismatch A logical value.
#' @seealso \code{\link{system2}}
#' @return An invisible \code{TRUE}.
#' @export
check_cltool <- function(tool, v_expected, stop_on_mismatch = FALSE) {
  v_expected <- numeric_version(v_expected)
  fun_calling <- sys.call(sys.parent())[[1]]

  temp <- try(system2(tool, args = "--version", stdout = TRUE, stderr = TRUE))

  if (inherits(temp, "try-error")) {
    stop(shQuote(fun_calling), ": tool ", shQuote(tool), " cannot be found.")

  } else {
    v_has <- numeric_version(gsub("[^([:digit:][:punct:])]", "", temp[2]))

    txt <- if (v_has > v_expected) {
        .makeMessage(shQuote(fun_calling), ": expects ", shQuote(tool),
          " version ", shQuote(v_expected), " but found version ",
          shQuote(v_has), "; this may work, ", "but likely the code of ",
          shQuote(fun_calling), " must be updated to work ",
          "with newer versions of ", shQuote(tool), " properly.")

      } else if (v_has < v_expected) {
        .makeMessage(shQuote(fun_calling), ": expects ", shQuote(tool),
          " version ", shQuote(v_expected), " but found an older version ",
          shQuote(v_has), "; this ", "may work, but likely ", shQuote(tool),
          " must be updated to work with ", shQuote(fun_calling), "properly.")
      } else NULL

    if (!is.null(txt)) {
      if (stop_on_mismatch) {
      } else {


check_cltool <- memoise::memoise(check_cltool)
DrylandEcology/rSFSW2 documentation built on Aug. 18, 2020, 1:27 p.m.