
Defines functions AmpFromLocation RelativeAmplitudeModulation SmoothIrregular

Documented in AmpFromLocation RelativeAmplitudeModulation SmoothIrregular

#' Regularise and smooth an irregular timeseries.
#' @param df A dataframe with columns of ages and values
#' @param time.var A quoted string giving the name of the age column
#' @param value.var A quoted string giving the name of the value column
#' @param tau_smooth Width of the boxcar / uniform smoothing window
#' @param d_t Difference between time steps of new regular time series
#' @export
#' @examples
#' set.seed(20191205)
#' n <- 100
#' dat <- data.frame(time = sort(runif(n, 1, 1e04)),
#'  value = arima.sim(list(ar = 0.9), n = n)
#'  )
#' plot(dat, type = "b")
#' dat.smoothed <- SmoothIrregular(dat, "time", "value", tau_smooth = 500)
#' dat.smoothed.2 <- SmoothIrregular(dat, "time", "value", tau_smooth = 500,
#'  d_t = 500)
#' lines(mean.value~age, data = dat.smoothed, col = "Red")
#' lines(mean.value~age, data = dat.smoothed.2, col = "Blue")
#' head(dat.smoothed)
SmoothIrregular <- function(df, time.var, value.var, tau_smooth,
                            d_t = NULL){
  if (is.null(d_t)) {
    d_t <- mean(diff(df[[time.var]]))
  strt.time <- d_t * round((min(df[[time.var]]) - d_t/2)/d_t)
  end.time <-  d_t * round((max(df[[time.var]]) + d_t/2)/d_t)
  age <- seq(strt.time, end.time, by = d_t)
  lst <- lapply(age, function(a){
    df.sub <- subset(df, df[[time.var]] > a - tau_smooth / 2 & df[[time.var]] < a + tau_smooth / 2)
    list(mean.value = mean(df.sub[[value.var]]), n = nrow(df.sub),
         mean.d_t = tau_smooth / nrow(df.sub), tau_smooth = tau_smooth)
  df.2 <- do.call(rbind.data.frame, lst)
  cbind(age, df.2)

#' @title Return the fraction of the orbital variations in the seasonal
#' amplitude relative to the mean seasonal amplitude
#' @param latitude Latitude in degN
#' @param maxTimeKYear Maximum time in kyr BP which should be analysed
#' @param minTimeKYear Minimum time in kyr BP which should be analysed
#' @param bPlot logical, plot the max, min and mean daily insolation
#' @importFrom orbitalforcing DailyInsolation
#' @return fraction of orbital vs. seasonal amplitude
#' @author Thomas Laepple
#' @export
#' @examples
#' RelativeAmplitudeModulation(34)
#' \dontrun{
#' library(dplyr)
#' library(tidyr)
#' df <- crossing(lat = seq(-90, 90, by = 10), maxT = c(23, 100, 1000)) %>%
#' group_by(lat, maxT) %>%
#'   mutate(sig_a = RelativeAmplitudeModulation(lat, maxTimeKYear = maxT, minTimeKYear = 0)$sig_a) %>%
#'   ungroup() %>%
#'   mutate(A_a = sig_a * sqrt(2))
#' df %>%
#'   ggplot(aes(x = lat, y = A_a)) +
#'   geom_line(aes(colour = factor(maxT)))
#' df %>%
#'   ggplot(aes(x = lat, y = sig_a^2)) +
#'   geom_line(aes(colour = factor(maxT)))
#' df %>%
#'   ggplot(aes(x = lat, y = sig_a)) +
#'   geom_line(aes(colour = factor(maxT)))
#' }
RelativeAmplitudeModulation <- function(latitude, maxTimeKYear = 100,
                                        minTimeKYear = 1, bPlot = FALSE) {

  kYear <- minTimeKYear:maxTimeKYear

  rangeInsolation <- matrix(NA, length(kYear), 2)
  meanInsolation <- vector()
  for (i in 1:length(kYear)) {
    temp <- orbitalforcing::DailyInsolation(kYear[i], latitude,
                                            day = 1:365)$Fsw
    rangeInsolation[i, ] <- range(temp)
    meanInsolation[i] <- mean(temp)


  if (bPlot) {
    plot(rangeInsolation[, 1],
         xlab = "Time (kyrBP)", ylab = "Envelope of daily insolation (W/m^2)",
         main = paste("Lat:", latitude, "degN", sep = ""),
         type = "l", lwd = 2, ylim = range(0, rangeInsolation))
    lines(rangeInsolation[, 2], lwd = 2)
    lines(meanInsolation, lwd = 2, col = "red")

  amplitude <- apply(rangeInsolation, 1, diff)

  out <- list(
    mean.amp = mean(amplitude), max.amp = max(amplitude), min.amp = min(amplitude),
    relOrbitalAmplitude = diff(range(amplitude))/mean(amplitude),
    relOrbitalMean = diff(range(amplitude))/mean(meanInsolation)

  out <- c(out, sig_a = ((out$max.amp - out$mean.amp)/out$mean.amp) / sqrt(2))
  out <- c(out, sig.sq_a = out$sig_a^2)


#' Get amplitude of seasonal cycle from location
#' @param longitude Longitude
#' @param latitude Latitude
#' @param depth.upr Upper end of depth range, as negative metres below sealevel
#' @param depth.lwr Lower end of depth range, as negative metres below sealevel
#' @param proxy.type Proxy type, decC or d18O
#' @return A list containing the mean amplitude of the seasonal cycle, its squared standard deviation, the mean (potential) Temperature in proxy units (d18O or decC) according to proxy type chosen. Data from Breitkreuz et al. 2018 (https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.889922). 
#' @importFrom geosphere distm
#' @importFrom geosphere distHaversine
#' @export
#' @examples
#' AmpFromLocation(120.5, 0.5, 0, -120, proxy.type = "d18O")
AmpFromLocation <- function(longitude, latitude, depth.upr, depth.lwr,
                            proxy.type=c("degC", proxy.types)){

  proxy.type <- match.arg(proxy.type, choices = c("degC", proxy.types))
  available.coords <- breitkreuz.coords
  available.coords$dist <- as.numeric(
    geosphere::distm(c(longitude, latitude),
                     fun = geosphere::distHaversine)

  nearest.coords <- available.coords[which.min(available.coords$dist), ]
 if (longitude != nearest.coords$longitude | latitude != nearest.coords$latitude){
    message(paste0("Returning for closest available coordinates: longitude = ",
                   nearest.coords$longitude, ", latitude = ", nearest.coords$latitude))

  depth.sub <- breitkreuz.amp[breitkreuz.amp$longitude == nearest.coords$longitude, ]
  depth.sub <- depth.sub[depth.sub$latitude == nearest.coords$latitude, ]
  depth.sub <- depth.sub[depth.sub$depth.upr <= depth.upr, ]
  depth.sub <- depth.sub[depth.sub$depth.lwr >= depth.lwr, ]

  depth.sub$depth.wt <- with(depth.sub, depth.range / sum(depth.range))

  if (proxy.type == "d18O"){
    mean.amp <- sum(depth.sub$d18Oc_amp * depth.sub$depth.wt)
    mean.d18Oc <- sum(depth.sub$d18Oc_mean * depth.sub$depth.wt)
    sig.sq_c <- VarSine(mean.amp)
    out <- list(mean.amp=mean.amp, sig.sq_c=sig.sq_c, mean.p.T = NA,
                mean.d18Oc = mean.d18Oc)
    mean.amp <- sum(depth.sub$p.T_amp * depth.sub$depth.wt)
    mean.p.T <- sum(depth.sub$p.T_mean * depth.sub$depth.wt)
    sig.sq_c <- VarSine(mean.amp)
    out <- list(mean.amp=mean.amp, sig.sq_c=sig.sq_c, mean.p.T = mean.p.T,
                mean.d18Oc = NA)

EarthSystemDiagnostics/psem documentation built on March 3, 2024, 10:24 p.m.