
Defines functions makeTmyPrediction modelSelect vbsrSelect bootstraps plot.projection print.projection oneProjection projection summary.tlm coef.tlm print.tlm plot.tlm residsPlot plot.term annOne annual.tlm annual.term annual print.term fitted.tlm ddlm.fit cplm.fit tlm.fit web cplm ddlm

Documented in cplm projection residsPlot

ddlm <- function(data, weather, controls) {
  coefs <- ddlm.fit(data, weather, controls$heating, controls$cooling, controls$intercept, controls$lambda, controls$se, controls$nreps, controls$selection)
  mod <- list()
  mod$LS <- coefs$LS
  mod$L1 <- coefs$L1
  mod$data <- data
  mod$bootstraps <- coefs$bootstraps
  # Choose the model fit to use... will have to add logic
  attr(mod, "fit") <- "LS"
  # Create derived variables
  if(attr(mod, "fit") == "LS") {
    coefs <- mod$LS
  } else {
    coefs <- mod$L1
  if(!is.na(coefs['heatingBase'])) {
    mod$data$xHeating <- deriveOne(weather, coefs['heatingBase'], type = 2L, heatcool = 1L, n = nrow(data))
  if(!is.na(coefs['coolingBase'])) {
    mod$data$xCooling <- deriveOne(weather, coefs['coolingBase'], type = 2L, heatcool = 2L, n = nrow(data))
  mod$data$temp <- deriveOne(weather, coefs['coolingBase'], type = 3L, heatcool = 1L, n = nrow(data))
  class(mod) <- c("ddlm", "tlm")
  mod$data$fitted <- fitted(mod, controls$selection)
  mod$data$resid <- mod$data$dailyEnergy - mod$data$fitted

cplm <- function(data, weather, controls) {
  coefs <- cplm.fit(data, weather, controls$heating, controls$cooling, controls$intercept, controls$lambda, controls$se, controls$nreps, controls$selection)
  mod <- list()
  mod$LS <- coefs$LS
  mod$L1 <- coefs$L1
  mod$data <- data
  mod$bootstraps <- coefs$bootstraps
  # Choose the model fit to use... will have to add logic
  attr(mod, "fit") <- "LS"
  # Create derived variables
  if(attr(mod, "fit") == "LS") {
    coefs <- mod$LS
  } else {
    coefs <- mod$L1
  mod$data$temp <- deriveOne(weather, coefs['coolingBase'], type = 3L, heatcool = 1L, n = nrow(data))
  # For a change point model, we want a "fitted" data frame when plotted against temp to not have a confusing bonus elbow
  dfFitted <- data.frame("temp" = seq(from = min(mod$data$temp), to = max(mod$data$temp), length.out = 100))
  dfFitted$fitted <- 0
  if(!is.na(coefs['baseLoad'])) {
    dfFitted$fitted <- coefs['baseLoad']
  if(!is.na(coefs['heatingBase'])) {
    mod$data$xHeating <- deriveOne(weather, coefs['heatingBase'], type = 1L, heatcool = 1L, n = nrow(data))
    dfFitted$xHeating <- (coefs['heatingBase'] - dfFitted$temp) * ((coefs['heatingBase'] - dfFitted$temp) > 0)
    dfFitted$fitted <- dfFitted$fitted + dfFitted$xHeating * coefs['heatingSlope']
  if(!is.na(coefs['coolingBase'])) {
    mod$data$xCooling <- deriveOne(weather, coefs['coolingBase'], type = 1L, heatcool = 2L, n = nrow(data))
    dfFitted$xCooling <- (dfFitted$temp - coefs['coolingBase']) * ((dfFitted$temp - coefs['coolingBase']) > 0)
    dfFitted$fitted <- dfFitted$fitted + dfFitted$xCooling * coefs['coolingSlope']

  class(mod) <- c("cplm", "tlm")
  mod$data$fitted <- fitted(mod, controls$selection)
  mod$data$resid <- mod$data$dailyEnergy - mod$data$fitted
  mod$dfFitted <- dfFitted

web <- function(data, weather, controls) {
  # Model selection... with L1 right now
  selec <- modelSelect(data, weather, controls$intercept, controls$lambda)
  l1Results <- selec$l1Results

  # If not manually specified, use the default
  if(is.null(controls$heating)) {
    heating <- selec$heatingDefault
  } else {
    heating <- controls$heating
  if(is.null(controls$cooling)) {
    cooling <- selec$coolingDefault
  } else {
    cooling <- controls$cooling
  if(!heating & !cooling) {
    mod <- list()
    mod$L1 <- l1Results
    tmp <- c("heatingBase" = NA, "heatingSlope" = NA,
             "coolingBase" = NA, "coolingSlope" = NA)
    if(controls$intercept) {
      mod$LS <- c("baseLoad" = mean(data$dailyEnergy), tmp)
    } else {
      mod$LS <- tmp
    mod$data <- data
    attr(mod, "fit") <- "LS"
    class(mod) <- c("web", "tlm")
    mod$data$fitted <- fitted(mod)
    mod$data$resid <- mod$data$dailyEnergy - mod$data$fitted
  # Derive an average temperature variable...
  oat <- deriveOne(weather, base = 60, type = 3L, 
                   heatcool = 1L, n = nrow(data))
  # Fit
  stan_data <- list(N = nrow(data), 
                    x = oat,
                    Y = data$dailyEnergy)
  cat(writeStan(controls$intercept, heating, cooling, 
                controls$baseLoadMean, controls$baseLoadSd,
                controls$heatingBaseMean, controls$heatingBaseSd,
                controls$heatingSlopeMean, controls$heatingSlopeSd,
                controls$coolingBaseMean, controls$coolingBaseSd,
                controls$coolingSlopeMean, controls$coolingSlopeSd), sep = "\n")
  fitx <- rstan::stan(model_code = paste(writeStan(controls$intercept, heating, cooling), collapse = ""), 
              data = stan_data, iter = 500, chains = 4)
  medianModel <- summary(fitx)[["summary"]][, "50%"]
  allCoefs <- c("baseLoad", "heatingBase", "heatingSlope",
                "coolingBase", "coolingSlope")
  coefMatch <- allCoefs %in% names(medianModel)

  samples <- extract(fitx)
  cols <- names(samples) %in% allCoefs
  samp <- do.call('cbind', lapply(names(samples), function(x) {
    if(x %in% allCoefs) samples[[x]] else NULL
  samp <- data.frame(samp)
  names(samp) <- names(samples)[cols]
  lsResults <- c("baseLoad" = NA, "heatingBase" = NA,
                 "heatingSlope" = NA, "coolingBase" = NA,
                 "coolingSlope" = NA)
  for(coef in names(lsResults)) {
    if(!is.null(medianModel[coef])) {
      lsResults[coef] <- medianModel[coef]
  mod <- list()
  # mod$LS <- medianModel[allCoefs[coefMatch]]
  mod$LS <- lsResults
  mod$L1 <- l1Results
  mod$data <- data
  mod$bootstraps <- samp
  mod$summary <- summary(fitx)[["summary"]]
  # Choose the model fit to use... will have to add logic
  attr(mod, "fit") <- "LS"
  # Create derived variables
  if(attr(mod, "fit") == "LS") {
    coefs <- mod$LS
  } else {
    coefs <- mod$L1
  if(!is.na(coefs['heatingBase'])) {
    mod$data$xHeating <- deriveOne(weather, coefs['heatingBase'], type = 1L, heatcool = 1L, n = nrow(data))
  if(!is.na(coefs['coolingBase'])) {
    mod$data$xCooling <- deriveOne(weather, coefs['coolingBase'], type = 1L, heatcool = 2L, n = nrow(data))
  mod$data$temp <- deriveOne(weather, coefs['coolingBase'], type = 3L, heatcool = 1L, n = nrow(data))
  class(mod) <- c("web", "tlm")
  mod$data$fitted <- fitted(mod)
  mod$data$resid <- mod$data$dailyEnergy - mod$data$fitted

tlm.fit <- function(data, weather, heating = TRUE, cooling = FALSE, intercept = TRUE, se = TRUE, nreps = 200, type = 1L) {
  if(!is.null(data$eui)) {
    y <- as.numeric(data$eui)
  } else {
    y <- as.numeric(data$dailyEnergy)
  if(!heating & !cooling) {
    return(list("coefs" = c("baseLoad" = mean(y))))
  toReturn <- list()
  coefs <- .Call("findBaseTemp", 
                 rep(1, nrow(data)),
                 as.integer(heating), as.integer(cooling), 
                 as.integer(type), as.integer(intercept),
                 PACKAGE = "rterm")
  if(se) {
    boot <- .Call("bootstrapBaseTemp", 
                                 rep(1, nrow(data)), as.integer(nreps),
                                 as.integer(heating), as.integer(cooling), 
                                 as.integer(type), as.integer(intercept),
                  PACKAGE = "rterm")
    boot <- as.data.frame(boot)
    if(intercept) {
      names(boot)[1] <- "baseLoad"
      if(heating) {
        names(boot)[2] <- "heatingBase"
        names(boot)[3] <- "heatingSlope"
      if(cooling) {
        names(boot)[2 * heating + 2] <- "coolingBase"
        names(boot)[2 * heating + 3] <- "coolingSlope"
    } else {
      if(heating) {
        names(boot)[1] <- "heatingBase"
        names(boot)[2] <- "heatingSlope"
      if(cooling) {
        names(boot)[2 * heating + 1] <- "coolingBase"
        names(boot)[2 * heating + 2] <- "coolingSlope"
    toReturn$bootstraps <- boot
  # Now we need to name them
  if(intercept) {
    if(heating & cooling) {
      names(coefs) <- c("baseLoad", "heatingBase", "heatingSlope", "coolingBase", "coolingSlope")
    } else if(heating) {
      names(coefs) <- c("baseLoad", "heatingBase", "heatingSlope")
    } else if(cooling) {
      names(coefs) <- c("baseLoad", "coolingBase", "coolingSlope")
    } else {
      names(coefs) <- c("baseLoad")
  } else {
    if(heating & cooling) {
      names(coefs) <- c("heatingBase", "heatingSlope", "coolingBase", "coolingSlope")
    } else if(heating) {
      names(coefs) <- c("heatingBase", "heatingSlope")
    } else if(cooling) {
      names(coefs) <- c("coolingBase", "coolingSlope")
    } else {
      warning("No base load, heating, or cooling results in no model")
  toReturn$coefs <- coefs

cplm.fit <- function(data, weather, heating = NULL, cooling = NULL, intercept = TRUE, lambda = 0, se = TRUE, nreps = 200, selection = "vbsr") {
  if(is.null(weather$rows)) {
    stop("Must link data to weather before model fitting")
  l1Results <- .Call("l1", as.numeric(weather$aveTemp),
                     lambda, 1L, as.integer(intercept),
                     PACKAGE = "rterm")
  if(intercept) {
    names(l1Results) <- c("baseLoad", "heatingBase", "heatingSlope", 
                          "coolingBase",  "coolingSlope")    
  } else {
    names(l1Results) <- c("heatingBase", "heatingSlope", 
                          "coolingBase",  "coolingSlope")    
  # Different default heating/cooling based on selection type
  if(selection == "vbsr") {
    heatCoolTmp <- vbsrSelect(data, weather, 1L)
    heatingDefault <- heatCoolTmp$heating
    coolingDefault <- heatCoolTmp$cooling  
  } else {
    heatingDefault <- as.numeric(l1Results['heatingSlope']) > 0
    coolingDefault <- as.numeric(l1Results['coolingSlope']) > 0
  # If not manually specified, use the default
  if(is.null(heating)) {
    heating <- heatingDefault
  if(is.null(cooling)) {
    cooling <- coolingDefault

  lsResults <- c("baseLoad" = NA, "heatingBase" = NA,
                 "heatingSlope" = NA, "coolingBase" = NA,
                 "coolingSlope" = NA)
  if(!heating & !cooling & !intercept) {
  } else if(!heating & !cooling) {
    lsResults['baseLoad'] <- mean(data$energy)
  fitTmp <- tlm.fit(data, weather, heating, cooling, intercept, se, nreps, 1L)
  lsCoefs <- fitTmp$coefs
  for(coef in names(lsResults)) {
    if(!is.null(lsCoefs[coef])) {
      lsResults[coef] <- lsCoefs[coef]
  # Add logic to check whether we conclusively found a change point
  return(list("LS" = lsResults, "L1" = l1Results, "bootstraps" = fitTmp$bootstraps))

ddlm.fit <- function(data, weather, heating = NULL, cooling = NULL, intercept = TRUE, lambda = 7, se = TRUE, nreps = 200, selection = "vbsr") {
  if(is.null(weather$rows)) {
    stop("Must link data to weather before model fitting")
  l1Results <- .Call("l1", as.numeric(weather$aveTemp),
                     lambda, 2L, as.integer(intercept),
                     PACKAGE = "rterm")
  if(intercept) {
    names(l1Results) <- c("baseLoad", "heatingBase", "heatingSlope", 
                          "coolingBase",  "coolingSlope")    
  } else {
    names(l1Results) <- c("heatingBase", "heatingSlope", 
                          "coolingBase",  "coolingSlope")    
  # Different default heating/cooling based on selection type
  if(selection == "vbsr") {
    heatCoolTmp <- vbsrSelect(data, weather, 2L)
    heatingDefault <- heatCoolTmp$heating
    coolingDefault <- heatCoolTmp$cooling  
  } else {
    heatingDefault <- as.numeric(l1Results['heatingSlope']) > 0
    coolingDefault <- as.numeric(l1Results['coolingSlope']) > 0
  # If not manually specified, use the default
  if(is.null(heating)) {
    heating <- heatingDefault
  if(is.null(cooling)) {
    cooling <- coolingDefault
  fitTmp <- tlm.fit(data, weather, heating, cooling, intercept, se, nreps, 2L)
  lsCoefs <- fitTmp$coefs
  # In the case of degree day, we need to refit the model in R 
  # accounting for different time intervals in the weather data...
  if(!is.null(weather$time) & 0) {
    days <- median(diff(as.numeric(weather$time)) / 3600 / 24)
    # print(paste("Scaling by # of days =", days))
    if(heating) {
      data$xheating <- .Call("deriveVar", 
                             1L, 2L) * days
    if(cooling) {
      data$xcooling <- .Call("deriveVar", 
                             2L, 2L) * days
    # Select the appropriate formula
    if(intercept & heating & cooling) {
      form <- formula(dailyEnergy ~ xheating + xcooling)
    } else if(!intercept & heating & cooling) {
      form <- formula(dailyEnergy ~ 0 + xheating + xcooling)
    } else if(intercept & heating & !cooling) {
      form <- formula(dailyEnergy ~ xheating)
    } else if(!intercept & heating & !cooling) {
      form <- formula(dailyEnergy ~ 0 + xheating)
    } else if(intercept & !heating & cooling) {
      form <- formula(dailyEnergy ~ xcooling)
    } else if(!intercept & !heating & cooling) {
      form <- formula(dailyEnergy ~ 0 + xcooling)
    mod <- lm(form, data)
    if(heating) {
      lsCoefs['heatingSlope'] <- as.numeric(coef(mod)['xheating'])
    if(cooling) {
      lsCoefs['coolingSlope'] <- as.numeric(coef(mod)['xcooling'])
  lsResults <- c("baseLoad" = NA, "heatingBase" = NA,
                 "heatingSlope" = NA, "coolingBase" = NA,
                 "coolingSlope" = NA)
  if(!heating & !cooling & !intercept) {
  } else if(!heating & !cooling) {
    lsResults['baseLoad'] <- mean(data$energy)
  for(coef in names(lsResults)) {
    if(!is.null(lsCoefs[coef])) {
      lsResults[coef] <- lsCoefs[coef]
  return(list("LS" = lsResults, "L1" = l1Results, "bootstraps" = fitTmp$bootstraps))

fitted.tlm <- function(mod, fit = NULL) {
  #Check if we're using the LS or L1 fitted coefficients
  if(is.null(fit)) {
    fit <- attr(mod, "fit")
  coefs <- coef(mod, fit, silent = TRUE)

  if(!is.na(coefs['baseLoad'])) {
    toReturn <- rep(coefs['baseLoad'], nrow(mod$data))
  } else {
    toReturn <- rep(0, nrow(mod$data))
  if(!is.null(mod$data$xHeating)) {
    toReturn <- toReturn + coefs['heatingSlope'] * mod$data$xHeating
  if(!is.null(mod$data$xCooling)) {
    toReturn <- toReturn + coefs['coolingSlope'] * mod$data$xCooling

print.term <- function(term) {
  if(!is.null(attr(term, "name", exact = TRUE))) {
    print(attr(term, "name", exact = TRUE))
  if(!is.null(term$data)) {
                "observations from", min(term$data$dateStart),
                "to", max(term$data$dateEnd)))
  } else {
    print("No Data Associated")
  nweather <- length(term$weather)
  if(!nweather) {
    print("No Weather Associated")
  } else {
    print(paste(nweather, "Weather Files:",
                paste(names(term$weather), collapse = ", ")))
  nmethods <- length(term$methods)
  if(!nmethods) {
    print("No Methods Associated")
  } else {
    print(paste(nmethods, "Methods:",
                paste(names(term$methods), collapse = ", ")))
  nmodels <- length(term$models)
  if(!nmodels) {
    print("No Models Evaluated")
  } else {
    print("Evaluated Models:")
    coefTable <- do.call("rbind", lapply(term$models, function(x) as.data.frame(t(x$LS))))
    # coefTable <- as.data.frame(coefTable)
    coefTable[] <- lapply(coefTable, function(x) if(!sum(!is.na(x))) NULL else x)
    R2s <- lapply(term$models, function(x) {
      ssTot <- sum((x$data$dailyEnergy - mean(x$data$dailyEnergy)) ^ 2)
      ssErr <- sum((x$data$dailyEnergy - x$data$fitted) ^ 2)
      1 - ssErr / ssTot
    coefTable <- cbind(coefTable, "R2" = unlist(R2s))

    if(!is.null(term$tmy)) {
      coefTable$model <- row.names(coefTable)
      tmys <- do.call(plyr::rbind.fill, lapply(seq_along(term$models), function(i) {
        df1 <- term$models[[i]]$tmyResults
        # print(df1)
        df2 <- df1[, grep("tmy", names(df1))]
        df2$tmyFile <- NULL
        df2$model <- names(term$models)[i]
      coefTable <- merge(coefTable, tmys)

annual <- function(x, ...) {

# Annual summary
annual.term <- function(term) {
  if(!is.null(attr(term, "sqft"))) {
    eui <- TRUE
  } else {
    eui <- FALSE
  do.call('rbind', lapply(term$models, function(x) {
    annual(x, bounds = FALSE, eui)

annual.tlm <- function(x, bounds = TRUE, eui = FALSE) {
  # Leave off the last fraction of a year
  # If not a full year cannot report annual
  minDate <- min(x$data$dateStart)
  maxDate <- max(x$data$dateEnd)
  dspan <- lubridate::interval(minDate, maxDate)
  nYears <- dspan %/% lubridate::years(1)
  if(nYears < 1) {
    stop("Cannot annualize with less than one year of data")
  newMaxDate <- minDate + lubridate::years(nYears)
  toUse <- x$data$dateStart < newMaxDate
  x$data <- x$data[toUse, ]
  print(paste("Annual Average Using Data from", 
  coefs <- coef(x, silent = TRUE)
  ann <- annOne(x$data, coefs, nYears, eui)
  if(!is.null(x$bootstraps) & bounds) {
    annDist <- data.frame(t(apply(x$bootstraps, 1, function(y) {
      annOne(x$data, y, nYears)
    annDist2 <- do.call('cbind', lapply(annDist, function(x) {
      c("2.5%" = as.numeric(quantile(x, .025)), 
        "25%" =  as.numeric(quantile(x, .25)), 
        "75%" =  as.numeric(quantile(x, .75)), 
        "97.5%" = as.numeric(quantile(x, .975)))
    ann <- rbind("median" = ann, annDist2)

annOne <- function(data, coefs, nYears, eui = FALSE) {
  ann <- c()
  annFracs <- c()
  total <- 0
  if(!is.na(coefs['baseLoad'])) {
    data$base <- coefs['baseLoad']
    if(eui) {
      ann <- c(ann, "Base Load" = sum(data$base * data$days) / sum(data$days))
    } else {
      ann <- c(ann, "Base Load" = sum(data$base * data$days) / nYears)
    total <- total + as.numeric(ann['Base Load'])
  if(!is.null(data$xHeating)) {
    data$heating <- data$xHeating * coefs['heatingSlope']
    if(eui) {
      ann <- c(ann, "Heating" = sum(data$heating * data$days) / sum(data$days))  
    } else {
      ann <- c(ann, "Heating" = sum(data$heating * data$days) / nYears)  
    total <- total + as.numeric(ann['Heating'])
  if(!is.null(data$xCooling)) {
    data$cooling <- data$xCooling * coefs['coolingSlope']
    if(eui) {
      ann <- c(ann, "Cooling" = sum(data$cooling * data$days) / sum(data$days))
    } else {
      ann <- c(ann, "Cooling" = sum(data$cooling * data$days) / nYears)  
    total <- total + as.numeric(ann['Cooling'])
  ann <- c(ann, "Fitted Total" = total)
  if(!is.na(ann['Base Load'])) {
    annFracs <- c(annFracs, "Base.Load.Frac" = as.numeric(ann['Base Load']) / as.numeric(ann['Fitted Total']))
  if(!is.na(ann['Heating'])) {
    annFracs <- c(annFracs, "Heating.Frac" = as.numeric(ann['Heating']) / as.numeric(ann['Fitted Total']))
  if(!is.na(ann['Cooling'])) {
    annFracs <- c(annFracs, "Cooling.Frac" = as.numeric(ann['Cooling']) / as.numeric(ann['Fitted Total']))
  c(ann, annFracs)

plot.term <- function(term, xvar = NULL) {
  if(is.null(xvar)) {
    xvar <- "temp"
  if(!is.null(attr(term, "sqft")) | attr(term, "eui") == TRUE) {
    yvar <- "Annualized EUI"
  } else if(attr(term, "gas")) {
    yvar <- "Daily Therms"
  } else {
    yvar <- "Daily kWh"
  nmodels <- length(term$models)
#   if(!nmodels) {
#     stop("No Models Evaluated, cannot plot")
#   } else if(nmodels == 1 & xvar != "time" & xvar != "resids") {
#     return(plot(term$models[[1]]))
#   }
  # Need to get fitted values...
  if(nmodels > 1) {
    abc <- do.call('rbind', lapply(seq_along(term$models), function(i) {
      x <- term$models[[i]]
      tmp <- subset(x$data, select = c(dateStart, dailyEnergy, temp, fitted))
      tmp$type <- names(term$models)[i]
  } else {
    abc <- subset(term$models[[1]]$data, 
                  select = c(dateStart, dailyEnergy, temp, fitted))
    abc$type <- names(term$models)[1]
  abc$resid <- abc$dailyEnergy - abc$fitted    

  meanTemps <- do.call('rbind', by(abc, abc$dateStart, function(x) {
    data.frame("temp" = mean(x$temp),
               "dailyEnergy" = mean(x$dailyEnergy))
  if(xvar == "temp") {
    # Look for the special dfFitted data frame on a change point model
    fittedCp <- NULL; fittedOther <- NULL
    for(i in seq_along(term$models)) {
      dfFitted <- term$models[[i]]$dfFitted
      if(!is.null(dfFitted)) {
        dfFitted$type <- names(term$models)[i]
        fittedCp <- rbind(fittedCp, dfFitted)
      }  else {
        fittedOther <- rbind(fittedOther, abc[abc$type == names(term$models[i]), ])

    p <- ggplot2::ggplot(abc) + ggplot2::theme_bw() + 
      ggplot2::geom_point(data = meanTemps, ggplot2::aes(x = temp, y = dailyEnergy)) + 
      ggplot2::ggtitle(paste(attr(term, "name", exact = TRUE), "Energy versus Temperature")) + 
      ggplot2::xlab("Average Temperature (F)") +
    if(nmodels > 1) {
      if(!is.null(fittedCp)) {
        p <- p + ggplot2::geom_line(data = fittedCp, ggplot2::aes(x = temp, y = fitted, col = type))
      if(!is.null(fittedOther)) {
        p <- p + ggplot2::geom_line(data = fittedOther, ggplot2::aes(x = temp, y = fitted, col = type))
    } else {
      if(!is.null(fittedCp)) {
        p <- p + ggplot2::geom_line(data = fittedCp, ggplot2::aes(x = temp, y = fitted))  
      } else if(!is.null(fittedOther)) {
        p <- p + ggplot2::geom_line(fittedOther, ggplot2::aes(x = temp, y = fitted))
  } else if(tolower(xvar) == "raw") {
    p <- ggplot2::ggplot(abc) + ggplot2::theme_bw() + 
      ggplot2::geom_line(ggplot2::aes(x = dateStart, y = dailyEnergy)) + 
      ggplot2::ggtitle(paste(attr(term, "name", exact = TRUE), "Energy over Time")) + 
      ggplot2::xlab("Date") +
      ggplot2::ylab(yvar) +
      ggplot2::theme(axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1)) +
      ggplot2::scale_x_date(breaks = scales::date_breaks(width = "3 months"), labels = scales::date_format("%b %Y"))
#     if(nmodels > 1) {
#       p <- p + ggplot2::geom_line(ggplot2::aes(x = dateStart, y = fitted, col = type))
#     } else {
#       p <- p + ggplot2::geom_line(ggplot2::aes(x = dateStart, y = fitted))
#     }
  } else if(tolower(xvar) == "resids") {
    p <- ggplot2::ggplot(abc) + ggplot2::theme_bw() + 
      ggplot2::ggtitle(paste(attr(term, "name", exact = TRUE), "Residuals over Time")) + 
      ggplot2::xlab("Date") +
      ggplot2::ylab(paste(yvar, "Relative to Expected, Given Outdoor Temp")) +
    if(nmodels > 1) {
      p <- p + ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(x = dateStart, y = resid, col = type)) +
        ggplot2::geom_smooth(ggplot2::aes(x = dateStart, y = resid, col = type), se = FALSE) +
        ggplot2::theme(axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1)) +
        ggplot2::scale_x_date(breaks = scales::date_breaks(width = "3 months"), labels = scales::date_format("%b %Y"))
    } else {
      p <- p + ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(x = dateStart, y = resid)) +
        ggplot2::geom_smooth(ggplot2::aes(x = dateStart, y = resid), se = FALSE)
  } else if(tolower(xvar) == "time") {
    p <- ggplot2::ggplot(abc) + ggplot2::theme_bw() + 
      ggplot2::geom_line(ggplot2::aes(x = dateStart, y = dailyEnergy)) + 
      ggplot2::ggtitle(paste(attr(term, "name", exact = TRUE), "Energy over Time")) + 
      ggplot2::xlab("Date") +
      ggplot2::ylab(yvar) +
      ggplot2::theme(axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1)) +
      ggplot2::scale_x_date(breaks = scales::date_breaks(width = "3 months"), labels = scales::date_format("%b %Y"))
        if(nmodels > 1) {
          p <- p + ggplot2::geom_line(ggplot2::aes(x = dateStart, y = fitted, col = type))
        } else {
          p <- p + ggplot2::geom_line(ggplot2::aes(x = dateStart, y = fitted))

residsPlot <- function(x) {
  # Assume a tlm

plot.tlm <- function(x, fit = NULL) {
  if(is.null(fit)) {
    fit <- attr(x, "fit")
  if(!is.null(attr(x, "sqft")) | attr(x, "eui") == TRUE) {
    yvar <- "Annualized EUI"
  } else if(attr(x, "gas")) {
    yvar <- "Daily Therms"
  } else {
    yvar <- "Daily kWh"
  #Make the energy & temp into a data frame for ggplot
  df <- x$data
  #Look for heating/cooling
  heating <- !is.null(df$xHeating)
  cooling <- !is.null(df$xCooling)
  #If we have some bootstrap results...
  if(!is.null(x$bootstraps) & fit == "LS") {
    bootDf <- do.call('rbind', lapply(1:nrow(x$bootstraps), function(i) {
      dfTmp <- data.frame("temp" = df$temp)
      dfTmp$fitted <- x$bootstraps$baseLoad[i]
      if(heating) {
        dfTmp$xHeating <- makeCpVar(dfTmp$temp, x$bootstraps$heatingBase[i], heating = TRUE) 
        dfTmp$fitted <- dfTmp$fitted + dfTmp$xHeating * x$bootstraps$heatingSlope[i]
      if(cooling) {
        dfTmp$xCooling <- makeCpVar(dfTmp$temp, x$bootstraps$coolingBase[i], heating = FALSE)
        dfTmp$fitted <- dfTmp$fitted + dfTmp$xCooling * x$bootstraps$coolingSlope[i]
    bounds <- do.call('rbind', by(bootDf, bootDf$temp, function(x) {
      data.frame("temp" = x$temp[1],
                 "mean" = mean(x$fitted, na.rm = TRUE), 
                 "se" = sd(x$fitted, na.rm = TRUE))
    #       bounds <- plyr::ddply(bootDf, .(temp), function(x) {
    #         c("mean" = mean(x$fitted, na.rm = TRUE), 
    #           "se" = sd(x$fitted, na.rm = TRUE))
    #       })
    #ggplot(bounds) + theme_bw() + geom_line(aes(x = temp, y = mean))
    bounds$lower <- bounds$mean - 2 * bounds$se
    bounds$upper <- bounds$mean + 2 * bounds$se
  } else if(!heating & !cooling) {
    mu <- mean(df$dailyEnergy)
    sez <- sd(df$dailyEnergy) / sqrt(nrow(df))
    df$lower <- mu - 2 * sez
    df$upper <- mu + 2 * sez
  plotObject <- ggplot2::ggplot(df) + ggplot2::theme_bw() + 
    ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(x = temp, y = dailyEnergy)) + 
    ggplot2::ggtitle(paste(yvar, "by Mean OAT")) +
    ggplot2::xlab("Mean OAT (F)") + ggplot2::ylab(yvar)
  if(fit == "LS") {
    plotObject <- plotObject + ggplot2::geom_line(data = df, ggplot2::aes(x = temp, y = fitted))
  } else if(fit == "L1") {
    plotObject <- plotObject + ggplot2::geom_line(data = dfL1, ggplot2::aes(x = temp, y = fitted))
  } else {
    plotObject <- plotObject + ggplot2::geom_line(data = df2, ggplot2::aes(x = temp, y = fitted, linetype = Fit))
  if(!is.null(x$bootstraps) & fit == "LS") {
    plotObject <- plotObject + ggplot2::geom_ribbon(data = bounds, ggplot2::aes(x = temp, ymin = lower, ymax = upper), alpha = .4)
  } else if(tempOnly) {
    plotObject <- plotObject + ggplot2::geom_smooth(ggplot2::aes(x = temp, y = dailyEnergy), method = "lm", col = "black")
  } else if(!heating & !cooling) {
    #plotObject <- plotObject + ggplot2::geom_ribbon(ggplot2::aes(x = temp, ymin = lower, ymax = upper), alpha = .4)

print.tlm <- function(x) {
  if(attr(x, "fit") == "LS") {
    toPrint <- x$LS[!is.na(x$LS)]
  } else {
    toPrint <- x$L1[!is.na(x$LS)]

coef.tlm <- function(x, fit = NULL, silent = FALSE) {
  if(is.null(fit)) {
    fit <- attr(x, "fit")
  if(fit == "LS") {
    if(!silent) print("Least Squares Coefficients:")
  } else {
    if(!silent) print("L1 Penalized Least Squares Coefficients:")

summary.tlm <- function(object, ...) {
  if(inherits(object, "web")) {
  coefs <- print(object)
  if(is.null(object$bootstraps)) {
  } else {
    ses <- sapply(names(coefs), function(coef) {
      sd(object$bootstraps[, coef])
    lower95s <- sapply(names(coefs), function(coef) {
      as.numeric(quantile(object$bootstraps[, coef], .05, na.rm = TRUE))
    upper95s <- sapply(names(coefs), function(coef) {
      as.numeric(quantile(object$bootstraps[, coef], .95, na.rm = TRUE))
    df <- data.frame("Estimate" = coefs, "Standard.Error" = ses, 
                     "Lower.95" = lower95s, "Upper.95" = upper95s)

#' Project a temperature-energy dependence onto archival weather data
#' Returns a projection object that can be printed or plotted to deliver a long-
#' term average prediction of energy use. This function currently only works with
#' the NOAA API for Daily GHCN data. See vignette("weather-helper") for details on 
#' setting up this functionality
#' @param mod An individual model object that has been extracted with \code{\link{extractModel}} 
#' @param nYears optional number of years to project onto. 
#' @return a projection object that can be printed or plotted
#' @examples
#' # Assuming a term has been fit called 'mod' with a NOAA webservices weather
#' p <- projection(mod, nYears = 20)
#' p
#' plot(p)
projection <- function(term, nYears = 20) {
  print(paste("Projecting Temperature-Energy Dependence onto archival",
              "weather. This may take a minute to read data from the NOAA API."))
  ids <- lapply(term$models, function(x) {
    if(!is.null(attr(x, "stationid"))) {
      attr(x, "stationid")
    } else {
  maxdate <- lubridate::today()
  mindate <- lubridate::floor_date(maxdate - lubridate::years(nYears), "year")
  maxdate <- lubridate::floor_date(maxdate, "year") - 1
  uniqueIds <- unique(unlist(ids))
  weather <- lapply(uniqueIds, function(x) {
    weather <- read.ghcn(x, mindate, maxdate)
    weather$year <- lubridate::year(weather$date)
    weather <- weather[weather$year < lubridate::year(lubridate::today()), ]   
    # Look for years w/ missing data, like if we went too far back
    nmissing <- aggregate(interpolated ~ year, 
                          data = weather,
                          FUN = sum)
    mYears <- nmissing$year[nmissing$interpolated > 50]
    if(length(mYears)) {
      weather <- weather[-which(weather$year %in% mYears), ]
      nYears <- nYears - length(mYears)
  names(weather) <- uniqueIds
  projections <- lapply(names(term$models), function(x) {
    mod <- extractModel(term, x)
    if(is.null(attr(mod, "stationid"))) {
      warning(paste("No stationid found for model", x))
      toReturn <- NULL
    } else {
      weatherTmp <- weather[[attr(mod, "stationid")]]
      toReturn <- oneProjection(mod, weatherTmp, nYears)
  class(projections) <- "projection"
  names(projections) <- names(term$models)
  attr(projections, "nYears") <- nYears

oneProjection <- function(mod, weather, nYears = 20) {
#   if(!inherits(mod, "cplm") & !inherits(mod, "web")) {
#     stop("First argument must be a model of class 'cplm' or 'web'")
#   }

  # For the change point/ linear in average interval temperature method
  if(inherits(mod, "cplm") | inherits(mod, "web")) {
    # Aggregate # of days equal to the average cycle length in the data.
    # This takes care of monthly/bi-monthly/weekly for the change point dealy
    days <- round(mean(mod$data$days), 0)
    weather <- do.call('rbind', by(weather, weather$year, function(x) {
      x$cycle <- rep(1:1000, each = days)[1:nrow(x)]
    weather <- aggregate(aveTemp ~ year + cycle, data = weather, FUN = mean)

    projections <- do.call('rbind', lapply(unique(weather$year), function(y) {
      wt <- weather[weather$year == y, ]
      euis <- do.call('rbind', lapply(1:nrow(mod$bootstraps), function(i) {
        tmp <- do.call('rbind', lapply(wt$aveTemp, function(t) {
          if(!is.null(mod$bootstraps$baseLoad)) {
            baseLoad <- mod$bootstraps$baseLoad[i]
            tmp <- baseLoad
          } else {
            tmp <- 0
            baseLoad <- 0
          heating <- 0
          if(!is.null(mod$bootstraps$heatingBase)) {
            if(t < mod$bootstraps$heatingBase[i]) {
              heating <- mod$bootstraps$heatingSlope[i] * (mod$bootstraps$heatingBase[i] - t)
              tmp <- tmp + heating
          cooling <- 0
          if(!is.null(mod$bootstraps$coolingBase)) {
            if(t > mod$bootstraps$coolingBase[i]) {
              cooling <- mod$bootstraps$coolingSlope[i] * (t - mod$bootstraps$coolingBase[i])
              tmp <- tmp + cooling
          c("baseLoad" = baseLoad, "heating" = heating, "cooling" = cooling, "total" = tmp)
        apply(tmp, 2, mean)
      euis <- as.data.frame(euis)
      data.frame("year" = y, "baseLoad" = euis$baseLoad,
                 "heating" = euis$heating, "cooling" = euis$cooling,
                 "total" = euis$total)
  } else {
    # For the degree day method

    # Project each year w/ bootstrap replicates
    projections <- do.call('rbind', by(weather, weather$year, function(x) {
      # Calc each EUI from the bootstrap replicates
      euis <- do.call('rbind', lapply(1:nrow(mod$bootstraps), function(i) {
        # Derive degree days
        if(!is.na(mod$LS['heatingBase'])) {
          hdd <- sum((mod$bootstraps$heatingBase[i] - x$aveTemp) * 
                                ((mod$bootstraps$heatingBase[i] - x$aveTemp) > 0), na.rm = TRUE)
        if(!is.na(mod$LS['coolingBase'])) {
          cdd <- sum((x$aveTemp - mod$bootstraps$coolingBase[i]) * 
                                ((x$aveTemp - mod$bootstraps$coolingBase[i]) > 0), na.rm = TRUE)
        if(!is.null(mod$bootstraps$baseLoad)) {
          baseLoad <- mod$bootstraps$baseLoad[i]
          tmp <- baseLoad
        } else {
          tmp <- 0
          baseLoad <- 0
        heating <- 0
        if(!is.null(mod$bootstraps$heatingBase)) {
          heating <- mod$bootstraps$heatingSlope[i] * hdd / 365
          tmp <- tmp + heating
        cooling <- 0
        if(!is.null(mod$bootstraps$coolingBase)) {
          cooling <- mod$bootstraps$coolingSlope[i] * cdd / 365
          tmp <- tmp + cooling
        data.frame("year" = x$year[1], 
                   "baseLoad" = baseLoad, 
                   "heating" = heating, 
                   "cooling" = cooling, 
                   "total" = tmp)


  # Collapse into 95% bounds
  bounds <- do.call('rbind', by(projections, projections$year, function(x) {
    do.call('rbind', lapply(2:5, function(k) {
      z <- x[, k]
      data.frame("year" = x$year[1],
                 "variable" = names(x)[k],
                 "mean" = mean(z, na.rm = TRUE),
                 "lower2.5" = as.numeric(quantile(z, .025, na.rm = TRUE)),
                 "upper97.5" = as.numeric(quantile(z, .975, na.rm = TRUE)))
  bounds <- bounds[bounds$year < lubridate::year(lubridate::today()), ]
  toReturn <- list("mod" = mod, "bounds" = bounds, "weather" = weather)
  class(toReturn) <- "projection"
  if(!is.null(attr(mod, "sqft"))) {
    attr(toReturn, "sqft")
  attr(toReturn, "gas") <- attr(mod, "gas")
  attr(toReturn, "eui") <- attr(mod, "eui")


print.projection <- function(projection) {
  nYears <- attr(projection, "nYears")
  lapply(seq_along(projection), function(i) {
    x <- projection[[i]]
    cat(paste("Long term average for Model", names(projection)[i], "\n"))
    rows <- x$bounds$year >= (max(x$bounds$year) - nYears)
    toPrint <- aggregate(cbind(mean, lower2.5, upper97.5) ~ variable, 
                         FUN = mean,
                         data = x$bounds[rows, ])
    toPrint <- toPrint[toPrint$mean > 0, ]
    cat(paste(length(unique(x$bounds$year[rows])), "years of full weather data\n"))

plot.projection <- function(projection, movingAverage = FALSE, total = TRUE) {
  nModels <- length(projection)

  bounds <- do.call('rbind', lapply(seq_along(projection), function(i) {
    model <- names(projection)[i]
    p <- projection[[model]]
    bounds <- do.call('rbind', by(p$bounds, p$bounds$variable, function(x) {
      x <- plyr::arrange(x, -year)
      x$ma <- sapply(1:nrow(x), function(i) {
      x$model <- model
    bounds$year <- bounds$year + (i - mean(1:nModels)) / (nModels + 1)

  if(total) {
    bounds <- bounds[bounds$variable == "total", ]
  } else {
    bounds <- bounds[bounds$variable %in% c("heating", "cooling"), ]
    tmp <- aggregate(mean ~ variable + model, data = bounds, FUN = mean)
    names(tmp)[3] <- "overall"
    bounds <- merge(bounds, tmp[tmp$overall > 0, ])
  if(!is.null(attr(projection[[1]], "sqft")) | attr(projection[[1]], "eui")) {
    yvar <- "Annualized EUI"
  } else if(attr(projection[[1]], "gas")) {
    yvar <- "Daily Therms"
  } else {
    yvar <- "Daily kWh"
  mod2 <- ggplot2::ggplot(bounds) + ggplot2::theme_bw() + 
    ggplot2::theme(axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1)) +
    ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(min(round(bounds$year), 0), max(bounds$year), 2)) +
    ggplot2::xlab("") + ggplot2::ylab(paste(yvar, "and 95% Interval")) +
    ggplot2::ggtitle(paste("Probabilistic Projected", yvar, "from Archival Weather"))
  if(total) {
    mod2 <- mod2 +ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(x = year, y = mean, col = model)) + 
      ggplot2::geom_errorbar(ggplot2::aes(x = year, ymin = lower2.5, ymax = upper97.5, col = model))
    if(movingAverage) {
      mod2 <- mod2 + ggplot2::geom_line(ggplot2::aes(x = year, y = ma, col = model), linetype = "dashed")
  } else {
    mod2 <- mod2 +ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(x = year, y = mean, col = model)) + 
      ggplot2::geom_errorbar(ggplot2::aes(x = year, ymin = lower2.5, ymax = upper97.5, col = model, linetype = variable)) +
      ggplot2::scale_colour_discrete(name = "Type")
    if(movingAverage) {
      mod2 <- mod2 + ggplot2::geom_line(ggplot2::aes(x = year, y = ma, col = model, linetype = variable), linetype = "dashed")

# ggplot(bounds[bounds$variable != "total" & bounds$variable != "baseLoad", ]) + theme_bw() + 
#   geom_point(aes(year, mean, col = variable)) +
#   geom_errorbar(aes(year, ymin = lower2.5, ymax = upper97.5, col = variable))

bootstraps <- function(mod) {
  if(inherits(mod, "term")) {
    if(length(mod$models) > 1) {
      warning("Multiple models found, showing bootstraps for the first")
    mod <- mod$models[[1]]
  if(!inherits(mod, "tlm")) {
    stop("You can only bootstraps a tlm object")
  boot <- reshape2::melt(mod$bootstraps)
  ggplot2::ggplot(boot) + ggplot2::theme_bw() + 
    ggplot2::geom_histogram(ggplot2::aes(value)) + 
    ggplot2::facet_grid(. ~ variable, scales = "free") +
    ggplot2::ggtitle("Bootstrap Replicate Distributions")

vbsrSelect <- function(data, weather, type) {
  heatingRange <- seq(from = 30, to = 80, by = 5)
  coolingRange <- seq(from = 50, to = 90, by = 5)
  X <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(data), ncol = length(heatingRange) + length(coolingRange))
  y <- data$dailyEnergy

  Xheating <- do.call('cbind', lapply(heatingRange, function(x) {
    deriveOne(weather, x, type, 1,nrow(data))
  Xcooling <- do.call('cbind', lapply(coolingRange, function(x) {
    deriveOne(weather, x, type, 2,nrow(data))
  X <- cbind(Xheating, Xcooling)
  colnames(X) <- c(paste0("th", heatingRange), paste0("tc", coolingRange))
  # Remove columns of zeros
  X <- X[, apply(X, 2, function(x) sum(x > 0)) > 0]
  # Fit the spike model and look for significance
  mod <- vbsr::vbsr(y, X, family = "normal")
  pos <- mod$beta > 0
  pval <- 0.05 / ncol(X)
  signif <- which(mod$pval[pos] < pval)
  toReturn <- list("heating" = FALSE, "cooling" = FALSE)
  if(length(signif)) {
    if(length(grep("th", colnames(X)[pos][signif]))) {
      toReturn$heating <- TRUE
    if(length(grep("tc", colnames(X)[pos][signif]))) {
      toReturn$cooling <- TRUE

modelSelect <- function(data, weather, intercept, lambda, selection = "L1") {
  l1Results <- .Call("l1", as.numeric(weather$aveTemp),
                     lambda, 1L, as.integer(intercept),
                     PACKAGE = "rterm")
  if(intercept) {
    names(l1Results) <- c("baseLoad", "heatingBase", "heatingSlope", 
                          "coolingBase",  "coolingSlope")    
  } else {
    names(l1Results) <- c("heatingBase", "heatingSlope", 
                          "coolingBase",  "coolingSlope")    
  # Different default heating/cooling based on selection type
  if(selection == "vbsr") {
    heatCoolTmp <- vbsrSelect(data, weather, 1L)
    heatingDefault <- heatCoolTmp$heating
    coolingDefault <- heatCoolTmp$cooling  
  } else {
    heatingDefault <- as.numeric(l1Results['heatingSlope']) > 0
    coolingDefault <- as.numeric(l1Results['coolingSlope']) > 0
  list("l1Results" = l1Results,
       "heatingDefault" = heatingDefault,
       "coolingDefault" = coolingDefault)

makeTmyPrediction <- function(mod, tmyData, type, eui = FALSE) {
  coefs <- coef(mod)
  # dset <- mod$data
  tmyData$tmyFitted <- 0
  medianDays <- median(mod$data$days)
  nIntervals <- ceiling(365 / medianDays)
  iLength <- floor(365 / nIntervals)
  iVals <- rep(1:nIntervals, each = iLength)
  lastRepAdd <- 365 - length(iVals)
  iVals <- c(iVals, rep(nIntervals, lastRepAdd))
  tmyData$interval <- iVals
  dset <- plyr::ddply(tmyData, "interval", function(x) {
    data.frame("doyStart" = min(x$doy),
               "doyEnd" = max(x$doy),
               "temp" = mean(x$temp),
               "days" = nrow(x))
  cp <- TRUE
  if(length(grep("dd", type))) cp <- FALSE
  dset$tmyFitted <- 0
  if(!is.na(coefs['baseLoad'])) {
    dset$tmyBaseLoad <- coefs['baseLoad']
    dset$tmyFitted <- coefs['baseLoad']
  if(!is.na(coefs['heatingSlope'])) {
    dset$xHeating <- sapply(1:nrow(dset), function(i) {
      rowsTmp <- which(tmyData$doy >= dset$doyStart[i] & tmyData$doy <= dset$doyEnd[i])  
      if(cp) {
        max(c(0, coefs['heatingBase'] - mean(tmyData$temp[rowsTmp])))
      } else {
        mean(sapply(rowsTmp, function(r) {
          max(c(0, coefs['heatingBase'] - tmyData$temp[r]))
    dset$tmyHeating <- coefs['heatingSlope'] * dset$xHeating
    dset$tmyFitted <- dset$tmyFitted + dset$tmyHeating
  if(!is.na(coefs['coolingSlope'])) {
    dset$xCooling <- sapply(1:nrow(dset), function(i) {
      rowsTmp <- which(tmyData$doy >= dset$doyStart[i] & tmyData$doy <= dset$doyEnd[i])
      if(cp) {
        max(c(0, mean(tmyData$temp[rowsTmp]) - coefs['coolingBase']))
      } else {
        mean(sapply(rowsTmp, function(r) {
          max(c(0, tmyData$temp[r] - coefs['coolingBase']))
    dset$tmyCooling <- coefs['coolingSlope'] * dset$xCooling
    dset$tmyFitted <- dset$tmyFitted + dset$tmyCooling

  if(eui) {
    tmp <- as.data.frame(t(apply(dset[, names(dset) %in% c("tmyFitted", "tmyBaseLoad", "tmyHeating", "tmyCooling")], 2, mean)))
    # print(tmp)
    # return(mean(dset$tmyFitted))
  } else {
    tmp <- as.data.frame(t(apply(dset[, names(dset) %in% c("tmyFitted", "tmyBaseLoad", "tmyHeating", "tmyCooling")], 2, function(x) {
      sum(x * dset$days)
    # return(tmp)
    # return(sum(dset$tmyFitted * dset$days))
  return(list("tmyPredDset" = dset, "tmyResults" = tmp))
EcotopeResearch/rterm documentation built on Oct. 17, 2022, 4:02 p.m.