#' Means of the ranges according to a GB2 distribution
#' @param p numeric, vector of probabilities
#' @param q numeric, vector of quantiles
#' @param mu numeric, vector of location parameter values
#' @param sigma numeric, vector of scale parameter values
#' @param nu numeric, vector of skewness parameter values
#' @param tau numeric, vector of kurtosis parameter values
#' @references Belz (2019), \emph{Estimating Inequality Measures from Quantile Data} \url{https://halshs.archives-ouvertes.fr/halshs-02320110}
#' @seealso \code{\link{compute_LC}}
#' @export
mean_binned_GB2 = function(p,q, mu = 1, sigma = 1, nu = 1, tau = 0.5){
f = function(x) (x * gamlss.dist::dGB2(x, mu, sigma, nu, tau))/(p2 - p1)
for(i in 1:n){
E[i]= stats::integrate(f,lower=q1,upper=q2)$value
q1= Q1[n+1]
q2 = Inf
p1= gamlss.dist::pGB2(q1, mu, sigma, nu, tau)
p2= gamlss.dist::pGB2(q2, mu, sigma, nu, tau)
if(inherits(itg, "try-error")) itg=try(integrate(f,q1,1e8, subdivisions = 100000L)$value,silent=TRUE)
if(inherits(itg, "try-error")) itg=try(integrate(f,q1,1e7, subdivisions = 100000L)$value,silent=TRUE)
#' Means of the bins according the conditional expectation or midpoint methods
#' @param ID vector of ID area
#' @param p numeric, vector of probabilities
#' @param bound_min numeric, minimum of the interval
#' @param bound_max numeric, maximum of the interval
#' @param nb numeric, number of the interval
#' @param method string, type of methods ("CondExp" for conditional expectation method of "Midpoint" for midpoint method)
#' @param whichpareto numeric, probability from which pareto tail is assumed
#' @return A dataframe with the bounds, the means, the cumulative income shares and the cumulative population shares.
#' @seealso \code{\link{run_compute_LC}}
#' @references Belz (2019), \emph{Estimating Inequality Measures from Quantile Data} \url{https://halshs.archives-ouvertes.fr/halshs-02320110}
#' @examples
#' data("tabulated_income")
#' BelAir5 = tabulated_income[tabulated_income$iris=="Bel Air 5",]
#' compute_LC(ID=BelAir5$iris, p=BelAir5$prop_cum_population, bound_min = BelAir5$bound_min, bound_max = BelAir5$bound_max, nb = BelAir5$prop_population, method = "CondExp")
#' compute_LC(ID=BelAir5$iris, p=BelAir5$prop_cum_population, bound_min = BelAir5$bound_min, bound_max = BelAir5$bound_max, nb = BelAir5$prop_population, method = "Midpoint")
#' @export
compute_LC = function(ID, p, bound_min, bound_max, nb, method="CondExp", whichpareto=.8){
n = length(ID)
x = binequality::run_GB_family(ID=ID,
hb = nb,
bin_min = bound_min,
bin_max = bound_max,
obs_mean =rep(NA, length(ID)),
ID_name = "State",
q = seq(0.006,0.996, length.out = 1000),
modelsToFit = c('GB2'))
P = p[1:(n-1)] #probability vector
Q = bound_max[1:(n-1)] #quantile vector
mean <- mean_binned_GB2(p=P,
tau=as.numeric(x$params$GB2[4])) }
#fit Pareto
Q90 = bound_min[n]
p90 = nb[n]
A = bound_max[which(p==whichpareto)]
a = log(p90)/(log(A)-log(Q90))
mean_open = Q90*(a)/(a-1)
mean = c((bound_min[1:(n-1)]+bound_max[1:(n-1)])/2,mean_open)
# Calcul des parts cumules
total = nb*mean
income_cum = cumsum(total)/sum(total)
population_cum = p
df = data.frame(ID,bound_min,bound_max,mean,income_cum,population_cum)
#' Means of the bins according the conditional expectation or midpoint methods for several areas
#' @param ID vector of ID area
#' @param p numeric, vector of probabilities
#' @param bound_min numeric, minimum of the interval
#' @param bound_max numeric, maximum of the interval
#' @param nb numeric, number of the interval
#' @param method string, type of methods ("CondExp" for conditional expectation method of "Midpoint" for midpoint method)
#' @param whichpareto numeric, probability from which pareto tail is assumed
#' @return A dataframe with the bounds, the means, the cumulative income shares and the cumulative population shares.
#' @references Belz (2019), \emph{Estimating Inequality Measures from Quantile Data} \url{https://halshs.archives-ouvertes.fr/halshs-02320110}
#' @examples
#' data("tabulated_income")
#' run_compute_LC(ID=tabulated_income$iris, p=tabulated_income$prop_cum_population, bound_min = tabulated_income$bound_min, bound_max = tabulated_income$bound_max, nb = tabulated_income$prop_population, method = "CondExp")
#' @export
run_compute_LC = function(ID,p, bound_min, bound_max, nb, method="CondExp", whichpareto=.8){
data <- data.frame(ID, p, bound_min, bound_max, nb)
area = unique(ID)
res = NA
for(i in 1:length(area)){
data_to_fit = data %>% dplyr::filter(ID == area[i])
compute_LC(ID = data_to_fit$ID,
p = data_to_fit$p,
bound_min = data_to_fit$bound_min,
bound_max = data_to_fit$bound_max,
nb = data_to_fit$nb,
method = method,
whichpareto = whichpareto))
return(res %>% dplyr::filter(is.na(ID)==F))}
#' Functional form of Lorenz curve : Kakwani and Podder (1973)
#' @param p numeric, vector of probabilities
#' @param a numeric, greater than 1
#' @param b numeric, positive
#' @return The Kakwani and Podder (1973)'s functional form of Lorenz curve at the point \code{p} \deqn{L(p) = p^a*e^(-b*(1-p))} where \eqn{b>0} and \eqn{a \ge 1}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{RGKO}}, \code{\link{Arnold}}, \code{\link{Ortega}}, \code{\link{Chotikapanich}}, \code{\link{Sarabia}}, \code{\link{Rohde}}
#' @references Kakwani and Podder (1973), \emph{On the estimation of Lorenz curves from grouped observations}
#' @examples
#' KP(0.5, 0.9, 1.5)
#' 0.253135
#' @export
KP = function(p,a,b) p^a*exp(-b*(1-p))
#' Functional form of Lorenz curve : Rasche et al. (1980)
#' @param p numeric, vector of probabilities
#' @param a numeric, between 0 and 1
#' @param b numeric, greater than 1
#' @return The Rasche et al. (1980)'s functional form of Lorenz curve at the point \code{p} \deqn{L(p) = (1- (1-p)^a)^b} where \eqn{b \ge 1} and \eqn{0 \le a \le 1}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{KP}}, \code{\link{Arnold}}, \code{\link{Ortega}}, \code{\link{Chotikapanich}}, \code{\link{Sarabia}}, \code{\link{Rohde}}
#' @references Rasche et al. (1980), \emph{Functional forms for estimating the Lorenz curve: comment}
#' @examples
#' RGKO(0.5, 0.7, 1.5)
#' 0.2383538
#' @export
RGKO = function(p,a,b) (1-(1-p)^a)^b
#' Functional form of Lorenz curve : Arnold (1986)
#' @param p numeric, vector of probabilities
#' @param a numeric, positive
#' @param b numeric, positive
#' @return The Arnold (1986)'s functional form of Lorenz curve at the point \code{p} \deqn{L(p) = (p*(1 + (a-1)*p))/(1 + (a-1)*p + b*(1-p))} where \eqn{a, b > 0} and \eqn{a - b < 1}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{KP}}, \code{\link{RGKO}}, \code{\link{Ortega}}, \code{\link{Chotikapanich}}, \code{\link{Sarabia}}, \code{\link{Rohde}}
#' @references Arnold (1986), \emph{A class of hyperbolic Lorenz curves}
#' @examples
#' Arnold(0.5, 1.2, 2.2)
#' 0.3333333
#' @export
Arnold = function(p,a,b) (p*(1 + (a-1)*p))/(1 + (a-1)*p + b*(1-p))
#' Functional form of Lorenz curve : Ortega et al. (1991)
#' @param p numeric, vector of probabilities
#' @param a numeric, positive
#' @param b numeric, between 0 and 1
#' @return The Ortega et al. (1991)'s functional form of Lorenz curve at the point \code{p} \deqn{L(p) = p^a*(1 - (1-p)^b)} where \eqn{a \ge 0} and \eqn{0 < b <1 }.
#' @seealso \code{\link{KP}}, \code{\link{RGKO}}, \code{\link{Arnold}}, \code{\link{Chotikapanich}}, \code{\link{Sarabia}}, \code{\link{Rohde}}
#' @references Ortega et al. (1991), \emph{A new functional form for estimating Lorenz curves}
#' @examples
#' Ortega(0.5, 0.5, 0.7)
#' 0.2718315
#' @export
Ortega = function(p,a,b) p^a*(1 - (1-p)^b)
#' Functional form of Lorenz curve : Chotikapanich (1993)
#' @param p numeric, vector of probabilities
#' @param k numeric, positive
#' @return The Chotikapanich (1993)'s functional form of Lorenz curve at the point \code{p} \deqn{L(p) = (exp(k*p)-1)/(exp(k)-1)} where \eqn{k > 0}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{KP}}, \code{\link{RGKO}}, \code{\link{Arnold}}, \code{\link{Ortega}}, \code{\link{Sarabia}}, \code{\link{Rohde}}
#' @references Chotikapanich (1993), \emph{A comparison of alternative functional forms for the Lorenz curve}
#' @examples
#' Chotikapanich(0.5, 2.2)
#' 0.2497399
#' @export
Chotikapanich = function(p,k) (exp(k*p)-1)/(exp(k)-1)
#' Functional form of Lorenz curve : Sarabia (1997)
#' @param p numeric, vector of probabilities
#' @param pi1 numeric, between 0 and 1
#' @param pi2 numeric, between 0 and 1
#' @param a1 numeric, greater than 1
#' @param a2 numeric, between 0 and 1
#' @return The Sarabia (1997)'s functional form of Lorenz curve at the point \code{p} \deqn{L(p) = pi1*p + pi2*p^a1 + (1 - pi1 - pi2)*(1 - (1-p)^a2)} where \eqn{0 \le pi1, pi2 \le 1, a1 \ge 1} and \eqn{0 < a2 < 1}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{KP}}, \code{\link{RGKO}}, \code{\link{Arnold}}, \code{\link{Ortega}}, \code{\link{Chotikapanich}}, \code{\link{Rohde}}
#' @references Sarabia (1997), \emph{A hierarchy of Lorenz curves based on the generalized Tukey’s lambda distribution}
#' @examples
#' Sarabia(0.5, 0.1, 0.7, 1.8, 0.3)
#' 0.2885717
#' @export
Sarabia = function(p, pi1, pi2, a1, a2) pi1*p + pi2*p^a1 + (1 - pi1 - pi2)*(1 - (1-p)^a2)
#' Functional form of Lorenz curve : Rohde (2009)
#' @param p numeric, vector of probabilities
#' @param b numeric, greater than 1
#' @return The Rohde (2009)'s functional form of Lorenz curve at the point \code{p} \deqn{L(p) = p*((b-1)/(b-p))} where \eqn{b > 1}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{KP}}, \code{\link{RGKO}}, \code{\link{Arnold}}, \code{\link{Ortega}}, \code{\link{Chotikapanich}}, \code{\link{Sarabia}}
#' @references Rohde (2009), \emph{An alternative functional form for estimating the Lorenz curve}
#' @examples
#' Rohde(0.5, 1.5)
#' 0.25
#' @export
Rohde = function(p, b){p*((b-1)/(b-p))}
#' Optimisation of a parametric Lorenz curve
#' @param ID vector of ID area
#' @param income_cum numeric, vector of cumulaive income shares
#' @param population_cum numeric, vector of cumulative population shares
#' @param function_form string, functional form in "KP", "RGKO", "ARNOLD", "CHOTIKAPANICH", "SARABIA", "ORTEGA" and "ROHDE"
#' @return A dataframe with the functional forms, the parameters, the value of the NLS and the Chi-squared statistic.
#' @references Belz (2019), \emph{Estimating Inequality Measures from Quantile Data} \url{https://halshs.archives-ouvertes.fr/halshs-02320110}
#' @seealso \code{\link{run_optim_LC}}
#' @export
optim_LC = function(ID,income_cum, population_cum, function_form){
# likelihood
logLik = function(theta){
LCtheo = F(population_cum)
NLS = sum((LCtheo-income_cum)^2)
if(function_form == "KP"){
LOI = function(x,theta) KP(x, a = theta[1], b = theta[2])
# constraints
ui = matrix(c(1,0,0,1),2,2)
ci = c(1,0)
theta0 = c(1.5,1.25)
if(function_form == "RGKO"){
LOI = function(x,theta) RGKO(x, a = theta[1], b = theta[2])
# constraints
ui = matrix(c(1,0,-1,0,0,1),3,2,byrow= T)
ci = c(0,-1,1)
theta0 = c(0.5,2)
if(function_form == "ARNOLD"){
LOI = function(x,theta) Arnold(x, a = theta[1], b = theta[2])
# constraints
ui = matrix(c(1,0,-1,+1,0,1),3,2,byrow=T)
ci = c(0,-1,0)
theta0 = c(1,1)
if(function_form == "CHOTIKAPANICH"){
LOI = function(x,theta) Chotikapanich(x, k = theta[1])
# constraints
ui = matrix(c(1),1,1)
ci = c(0)
theta0 = c(2)
if(function_form == "SARABIA"){
LOI = function(x,theta) Sarabia(x, pi1= theta[1], pi2= theta[2], a1= theta[3], a2 = theta[4])
# constraints
ui = matrix(c(1,0,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1),5,4,byrow=T)
ci = c(0,-1,1,0,-1)
theta0 = c(0.5,0.5,1.5,0.5)
if(function_form == "ORTEGA"){
LOI = function(x,theta) Ortega(x, a = theta[1], b = theta[2])
# constraints
ui = matrix(c(1,0,0,1,0,-1),3,2,byrow= T)
ci = c(0,0,-1)
theta0 = c(1,0.3)
if(function_form == "ROHDE"){
LOI = function(x,theta) Rohde(x, b = theta[1])
# constraints
ui = matrix(c(1),1,1)
ci = c(1)
theta0 = c(2)
opt_chisq = stats::constrOptim(theta=theta0, f=function(x) logLik(x)$NLS, grad=NULL,
ui=ui, ci=ci, control=list(trace=F, message = NULL) )
par = opt_chisq$par
NLS = opt_chisq$value
LCtheo = LOI(population_cum,theta=par)
chisq = sum((income_cum-LCtheo)^2/LCtheo)
return(data.frame(ID = unique(ID),function_form = function_form, par1 = par[1],par2 = par[2],par3 = par[3],par4 = par[4],
#' Optimisation of a parametric Lorenz curve for several functional forms
#' @param ID vector of ID area
#' @param income_cum numeric, vector of cumulaive income shares
#' @param population_cum numeric, vector of cumulative population shares
#' @param function_form string, functional form in "KP", "RGKO", "ARNOLD", "CHOTIKAPANICH", "SARABIA", "ORTEGA" and "ROHDE"
#' @return A dataframe with the functional forms, the parameters, the value of the NLS and the Chi-squared statistic.
#' @references Belz (2019), \emph{Estimating Inequality Measures from Quantile Data} \url{https://halshs.archives-ouvertes.fr/halshs-02320110}
#' @seealso \code{\link{run_optim_LC}}
#' @export
optim_LC_function = function(ID,income_cum, population_cum, function_form){
zone = unique(ID)
res = as.data.frame(t(base::sapply(function_form,
function(i) optim_LC(ID = ID,
income_cum = income_cum ,
population_cum = population_cum,
function_form = i))))
res = res %>% dplyr::mutate(ID = zone,
function_form = rownames(res))
#' Optimisation of a parametric Lorenz curve for several functional forms and several areas
#' @param ID vector of ID area
#' @param income_cum numeric, vector of cumulaive income shares
#' @param population_cum numeric, vector of cumulative population shares
#' @param function_form string, functional form in "KP", "RGKO", "ARNOLD", "CHOTIKAPANICH", "SARABIA", "ORTEGA" and "ROHDE"
#' @return A dataframe with the functional forms, the parameters, the value of the NLS and the Chi-squared statistic.
#' @references Belz (2019), \emph{Estimating Inequality Measures from Quantile Data} \url{https://halshs.archives-ouvertes.fr/halshs-02320110}
#' @examples
#' data("tabulated_income")
#' LC_tabulated_income = run_compute_LC(ID=tabulated_income$ID, p=tabulated_income$prop_cum_population, bound_min = tabulated_income$bound_min, bound_max = tabulated_income$bound_max, nb = tabulated_income$prop_population, method = "CondExp")
#' run_optim_LC(ID = unique(LC_tabulated_income$ID),income_cum = LC_tabulated_income$income_cum, population_cum=LC_tabulated_income$population_cum, function_form = c("KP", "RGKO", "ARNOLD", "CHOTIKAPANICH", "SARABIA", "ORTEGA", "ROHDE"))
#' @export
run_optim_LC = function(ID,income_cum, population_cum, function_form){
data <- data.frame(ID,income_cum, population_cum)
area = unique(ID)
res = NA
for(i in 1:length(area)){
data_to_fit = data %>% dplyr::filter(ID == area[i])
optim_LC_function(ID = data_to_fit$ID,
income_cum = data_to_fit$income_cum,
population_cum = data_to_fit$population_cum,
function_form = function_form))
res = res %>% dplyr::filter(is.na(ID)==F)
res = res %>% dplyr::mutate(par1=as.numeric(par1),
NLS = as.numeric(NLS),
chisq = as.numeric(chisq))
#' Gini of the functional form Kakwani and Podder (1973)
#' @param a numeric, greater than 1
#' @param b numeric, positive
#' @return The value of the Gini index of the functional form : Kakwani and Podder (1973)
#' @seealso \code{\link{Gini_RGKO}}, \code{\link{Gini_Arnold}}, \code{\link{Gini_Ortega}}, \code{\link{Gini_Chotikapanich}}, \code{\link{Gini_Sarabia}}, \code{\link{Gini_Rohde}}
#' @references Kakwani and Podder (1973), \emph{On the estimation of Lorenz curves from grouped observations}
#' @examples
#' Gini_KP(0.9, 1.5)
#' 0.3331993
#' @export
Gini_KP = function(a,b) as.numeric(1 - 2*exp(-b)*fAsianOptions::kummerM(b,1+a,2+a)/(1+a))
#' Gini of the functional form Rasche et al. (1980)
#' @param a numeric, between 0 and 1
#' @param b numeric, greater than 1
#' @return The value of the Gini index of the functional form : Rasche et al. (1980)
#' @seealso \code{\link{Gini_KP}}, \code{\link{Gini_Arnold}}, \code{\link{Gini_Ortega}}, \code{\link{Gini_Chotikapanich}}, \code{\link{Gini_Sarabia}}, \code{\link{Gini_Rohde}}
#' @references Rasche et al. (1980), \emph{Functional forms for estimating the Lorenz curve: comment}
#' @examples
#' Gini_RGKO(0.7, 1.5)
#' 0.3868911
#' @export
Gini_RGKO = function(a,b) 1 - 2/a * beta(1/a,b + 1)
#' Gini of the functional form Arnold (1986)
#' @param a numeric, positive
#' @param b numeric, positive
#' @return The value of the Gini index of the functional form : Arnold (1986)
#' @seealso \code{\link{Gini_KP}}, \code{\link{Gini_RGKO}}, \code{\link{Gini_Ortega}}, \code{\link{Gini_Chotikapanich}}, \code{\link{Gini_Sarabia}}, \code{\link{Gini_Rohde}}
#' @references Arnold (1986), \emph{A class of hyperbolic Lorenz curves}
#' @examples
#' Gini_Arnold(1.2, 2.2)
#' 0.3484886
#' @export
Gini_Arnold = function(a,b) b/(b-a+1) + 2*a*b/(b-a+1)^2*(1 + (b+1)/(b-a+1)*log(a/(b+1)))
#' Gini of the functional form Ortega et al. (1991)
#' @param a numeric, positive
#' @param b numeric, between 0 and 1
#' @return The value of the Gini index of the functional form : Ortega et al. (1991)
#' @seealso \code{\link{Gini_KP}}, \code{\link{Gini_RGKO}}, \code{\link{Gini_Arnold}}, \code{\link{Gini_Chotikapanich}}, \code{\link{Gini_Sarabia}}, \code{\link{Gini_Rohde}}
#' @references Ortega et al. (1991), \emph{A new functional form for estimating Lorenz curves}
#' @examples
#' Gini_Ortega(0.5, 0.7)
#' 0.3310822
#' @export
Gini_Ortega = function(a,b) (a-1)/(a+1) + 2*beta(a+1,b+1)
#' Gini of the functional form Chotikapanich (1993)
#' @param k numeric, positive
#' @return The value of the Gini index of the functional form : Chotikapanich (1993)
#' @seealso \code{\link{Gini_KP}}, \code{\link{Gini_RGKO}}, \code{\link{Gini_Arnold}}, \code{\link{Gini_Ortega}}, \code{\link{Gini_Sarabia}}, \code{\link{Gini_Rohde}}
#' @references Chotikapanich (1993), \emph{A comparison of alternative functional forms for the Lorenz curve}
#' @examples
#' Gini_Chotikapanich(2.2)
#' 0.3401299
#' @export
Gini_Chotikapanich = function(k) ((k-2)*exp(k) + (k+2))/(k*(exp(k)-1))
#' Gini of the functional form Sarabia (1997)
#' @param pi1 numeric, between 0 and 1
#' @param pi2 numeric, between 0 and 1
#' @param a1 numeric, greater than 1
#' @param a2 numeric, between 0 and 1
#' @return The value of the Gini index of the functional form : Sarabia (1997)
#' @seealso \code{\link{Gini_KP}}, \code{\link{Gini_RGKO}}, \code{\link{Gini_Arnold}}, \code{\link{Gini_Ortega}}, \code{\link{Gini_Chotikapanich}}, \code{\link{Gini_Rohde}}
#' @references Sarabia (1997), \emph{A hierarchy of Lorenz curves based on the generalized Tukey’s lambda distribution}
#' @examples
#' Gini_Sarabia(0.1, 0.7, 1.8, 0.3)
#' 0.3076923
#' @export
Gini_Sarabia = function(pi1, pi2, a1, a2 ) pi2*(1-2/(1+a1)) - (1-pi1-pi2)*(1-2/(1+a2))
#' Gini of the functional form Rohde (2009)
#' @param b numeric, greater than 1
#' @return The value of the Gini index of the functional form : Rohde (2009)
#' @seealso \code{\link{Gini_KP}}, \code{\link{Gini_RGKO}}, \code{\link{Gini_Arnold}}, \code{\link{Gini_Ortega}}, \code{\link{Gini_Chotikapanich}}, \code{\link{Gini_Sarabia}}
#' @references Rohde (2009), \emph{An alternative functional form for estimating the Lorenz curve}
#' @examples
#' Gini_Rohde(1.5)
#' 0.3520816
#' @export
Gini_Rohde = function(b) 2*b*((b-1)*log((b-1)/b)+1) - 1
#' Computation of Gini index according to a functional form and its parameters
#' @param function_form string, functional form in "KP", "RGKO", "ARNOLD", "CHOTIKAPANICH", "SARABIA", "ORTEGA" and "ROHDE"
#' @param par1 numeric, parameter of the functional form
#' @param par2 numeric, parameter of the functional form
#' @param par3 numeric, parameter of the functional form
#' @param par4 numeric, parameter of the functional form
#' @return The value of the Gini index according a functional form and its parameters
#' @references Belz (2019), \emph{Estimating Inequality Measures from Quantile Data} \url{https://halshs.archives-ouvertes.fr/halshs-02320110}
#' @seealso \code{\link{compute_Pietra}}, \code{\link{compute_TH}}, \code{\link{compute_TL}}, \code{\link{compute_topshare}}
#' @examples
#' data("tabulated_income")
#' LC_tabulated_income = run_compute_LC(ID=tabulated_income$ID, p=tabulated_income$prop_cum_population, bound_min = tabulated_income$bound_min, bound_max = tabulated_income$bound_max, nb = tabulated_income$prop_population, method = "CondExp")
#' Optim_LC = run_optim_LC(ID = unique(LC_tabulated_income$ID),income_cum = LC_tabulated_income$income_cum, population_cum=LC_tabulated_income$population_cum, function_form = c("KP", "RGKO", "ARNOLD", "CHOTIKAPANICH", "SARABIA", "ORTEGA", "ROHDE"))
#' Optim_LC
#' compute_Gini(function_form = "KP", par1 = 1, par2 = 1.450156)
#' 0.3488301
#' Optim_LC %>% ungroup() %>% rowwise() %>% mutate(Gini = compute_Gini(function_form, par1, par2, par3, par4)) %>% select(ID, function_form, Gini)
#' @export
compute_Gini = function(function_form, par1,par2 = NA,par3 = NA,par4 = NA){
if (function_form=="RGKO"){Gini_est = Gini_RGKO(par1,par2)}
if (function_form=="ARNOLD"){Gini_est = Gini_Arnold(par1,par2)}
if (function_form=="CHOTIKAPANICH"){Gini_est=Gini_Chotikapanich(par1)}
if (function_form=="ORTEGA"){Gini_est = Gini_Ortega(par1,par2)}
if (function_form=="SARABIA"){Gini_est = Gini_Sarabia(par1,par2,par3,par4)}
if (function_form=="ROHDE"){Gini_est = Gini_Rohde(par1)}
if (function_form=="KP"){Gini_est = Gini_KP(par1,par2)}
#' Computation of Pietra index according to a functional form and its parameters
#' @param function_form string, functional form in "KP", "RGKO", "ARNOLD", "CHOTIKAPANICH", "SARABIA", "ORTEGA" and "ROHDE"
#' @param par1 numeric, parameter of the functional form
#' @param par2 numeric, parameter of the functional form
#' @param par3 numeric, parameter of the functional form
#' @param par4 numeric, parameter of the functional form
#' @return The value of the Pietra index according a functional form and its parameters
#' @seealso \code{\link{compute_Gini}}, \code{\link{compute_TH}}, \code{\link{compute_TL}}, \code{\link{compute_topshare}}
#' @references Belz (2019), \emph{Estimating Inequality Measures from Quantile Data} \url{https://halshs.archives-ouvertes.fr/halshs-02320110}
#' @examples
#' data("tabulated_income")
#' LC_tabulated_income = run_compute_LC(ID=tabulated_income$ID, p=tabulated_income$prop_cum_population, bound_min = tabulated_income$bound_min, bound_max = tabulated_income$bound_max, nb = tabulated_income$prop_population, method = "CondExp")
#' Optim_LC = run_optim_LC(ID = unique(LC_tabulated_income$ID),income_cum = LC_tabulated_income$income_cum, population_cum=LC_tabulated_income$population_cum, function_form = c("KP", "RGKO", "ARNOLD", "CHOTIKAPANICH", "SARABIA", "ORTEGA", "ROHDE"))
#' Optim_LC
#' compute_Pietra(function_form = "KP", par1 = 1, par2 = 1.450156)
#' 0.2645622
#' Optim_LC %>% ungroup() %>% rowwise() %>% mutate(Pietra = compute_Pietra(function_form, par1, par2, par3, par4)) %>% select(ID, function_form, Pietra)
#' @export
compute_Pietra = function(function_form, par1, par2, par3=NA, par4=NA){
p = seq(0,1,0.000001)
if (function_form=="RGKO"){L_p = RGKO(p,par1,par2)}
if (function_form=="ARNOLD"){L_p = Arnold(p,par1,par2)}
if (function_form=="CHOTIKAPANICH"){L_p = Chotikapanich(p,par1)}
if (function_form=="ORTEGA"){L_p = Ortega(p,par1,par2)}
if (function_form=="SARABIA"){L_p = Sarabia(p,par1,par2,par3,par4)}
if (function_form=="ROHDE"){L_p = Rohde(p,par1)}
if (function_form=="KP"){L_p = KP(p,par1,par2)}
Pietra_est = max(p - L_p)
#' Computation of the derivative of a function L at the point x
#' @param x numeric, point
#' @param L function
#' @param h numeric
#' @export
d= base::sapply(x, function(x)
if(x < h) (L(x+h)-L(x))/h
else if (x>(1-h)) (L(x)-L(x-h))/h
else if ((x>=h)&(x<=(1-h))) (L(x+h)-L(x-h))/(2*h))
#' Computation of Theil'L index according to a functional form and its parameters
#' @param function_form string, functional form in "KP", "RGKO", "ARNOLD", "CHOTIKAPANICH", "SARABIA", "ORTEGA" and "ROHDE"
#' @param par1 numeric, parameter of the functional form
#' @param par2 numeric, parameter of the functional form
#' @param par3 numeric, parameter of the functional form
#' @param par4 numeric, parameter of the functional form
#' @return The value of the Theil'L index according a functional form and its parameters
#' @references Belz (2019), \emph{Estimating Inequality Measures from Quantile Data} \url{https://halshs.archives-ouvertes.fr/halshs-02320110}
#' @seealso \code{\link{compute_Gini}}, \code{\link{compute_Pietra}}, \code{\link{compute_TL}}, \code{\link{compute_topshare}}
#' @examples
#' data("tabulated_income")
#' LC_tabulated_income = run_compute_LC(ID=tabulated_income$ID, p=tabulated_income$prop_cum_population, bound_min = tabulated_income$bound_min, bound_max = tabulated_income$bound_max, nb = tabulated_income$prop_population, method = "CondExp")
#' Optim_LC = run_optim_LC(ID = unique(LC_tabulated_income$ID),income_cum = LC_tabulated_income$income_cum, population_cum=LC_tabulated_income$population_cum, function_form = c("KP", "RGKO", "ARNOLD", "CHOTIKAPANICH", "SARABIA", "ORTEGA", "ROHDE"))
#' Optim_LC
#' compute_TL(function_form = "KP", par1 = 1, par2 = 1.450156)
#' 0.2109571
#' Optim_LC %>% ungroup() %>% rowwise() %>% mutate(TL = compute_TL(function_form, par1, par2, par3, par4)) %>% select(ID, function_form, TL)
#' @export
compute_TL = function(function_form, par1, par2, par3=NA, par4=NA){
if (function_form=="RGKO"){L_p = function(p) RGKO(p,par1,par2)}
if (function_form=="ARNOLD"){L_p = function(p) Arnold(p,par1,par2)}
if (function_form=="CHOTIKAPANICH"){L_p = function(p) Chotikapanich(p,par1)}
if (function_form=="ORTEGA"){L_p = function(p) Ortega(p,par1,par2)}
if (function_form=="SARABIA"){L_p = function(p) Sarabia(p,par1,par2,par3,par4)}
if (function_form=="ROHDE"){L_p = function(p) Rohde(p,par1)}
if (function_form=="KP"){L_p = function(p) KP(p,par1,par2)}
TL = integrate(f=function(x) -log(Lprime(x,L=L_p,h=1e-5)),lower=0,upper=1)
#' Computation of Theil'H index according to a functional form and its parameters
#' @param function_form string, functional form in "KP", "RGKO", "ARNOLD", "CHOTIKAPANICH", "SARABIA", "ORTEGA" and "ROHDE"
#' @param par1 numeric, parameter of the functional form
#' @param par2 numeric, parameter of the functional form
#' @param par3 numeric, parameter of the functional form
#' @param par4 numeric, parameter of the functional form
#' @return The value of the Theil'H index according a functional form and its parameters
#' @references Belz (2019), \emph{Estimating Inequality Measures from Quantile Data} \url{https://halshs.archives-ouvertes.fr/halshs-02320110}
#' @seealso \code{\link{compute_Gini}}, \code{\link{compute_Pietra}}, \code{\link{compute_TL}}, \code{\link{compute_topshare}}
#' @examples
#' data("tabulated_income")
#' LC_tabulated_income = run_compute_LC(ID=tabulated_income$ID, p=tabulated_income$prop_cum_population, bound_min = tabulated_income$bound_min, bound_max = tabulated_income$bound_max, nb = tabulated_income$prop_population, method = "CondExp")
#' Optim_LC = run_optim_LC(ID = unique(LC_tabulated_income$ID),income_cum = LC_tabulated_income$income_cum, population_cum=LC_tabulated_income$population_cum, function_form = c("KP", "RGKO", "ARNOLD", "CHOTIKAPANICH", "SARABIA", "ORTEGA", "ROHDE"))
#' Optim_LC
#' compute_TH(function_form = "KP", par1 = 1, par2 = 1.450156)
#' 0.1900282
#' Optim_LC %>% ungroup() %>% rowwise() %>% mutate(TH = compute_TH(function_form, par1, par2, par3, par4)) %>% select(ID, function_form, TH)
#' @export
compute_TH = function(function_form, par1, par2, par3=NA, par4=NA){
if (function_form=="RGKO"){L_p = function(p) RGKO(p,par1,par2)}
if (function_form=="ARNOLD"){L_p = function(p) Arnold(p,par1,par2)}
if (function_form=="CHOTIKAPANICH"){L_p = function(p) Chotikapanich(p,par1)}
if (function_form=="ORTEGA"){L_p = function(p) Ortega(p,par1,par2)}
if (function_form=="SARABIA"){L_p = function(p) Sarabia(p,par1,par2,par3,par4)}
if (function_form=="ROHDE"){L_p = function(p) Rohde(p,par1)}
if (function_form=="KP"){L_p = function(p) KP(p,par1,par2)}
TH = integrate(f=function(x) Lprime(x,L=L_p,h=1e-5)*log(Lprime(x,L=L_p,h=1e-5)),lower=0,upper=1)
#' Computation of topshare according to a functional form and its parameters
#' @param p numeric, value of the topshare
#' @param function_form string, functional form in "KP", "RGKO", "ARNOLD", "CHOTIKAPANICH", "SARABIA", "ORTEGA" and "ROHDE"
#' @param par1 numeric, parameter of the functional form
#' @param par2 numeric, parameter of the functional form
#' @param par3 numeric, parameter of the functional form
#' @param par4 numeric, parameter of the functional form
#' @return The value of the topshare according a functional form and its parameters
#' @seealso \code{\link{compute_Gini}}, \code{\link{compute_Pietra}}, \code{\link{compute_TL}}, \code{\link{compute_TH}}
#' @references Belz (2019), \emph{Estimating Inequality Measures from Quantile Data} \url{https://halshs.archives-ouvertes.fr/halshs-02320110}
#' @examples
#' data("tabulated_income")
#' LC_tabulated_income = run_compute_LC(ID=tabulated_income$ID, p=tabulated_income$prop_cum_population, bound_min = tabulated_income$bound_min, bound_max = tabulated_income$bound_max, nb = tabulated_income$prop_population, method = "CondExp")
#' Optim_LC = run_optim_LC(ID = unique(LC_tabulated_income$ID),income_cum = LC_tabulated_income$income_cum, population_cum=LC_tabulated_income$population_cum, function_form = c("KP", "RGKO", "ARNOLD", "CHOTIKAPANICH", "SARABIA", "ORTEGA", "ROHDE"))
#' Optim_LC
#' compute_topshare(p = 0.95, function_form = "KP", par1 = 1, par2 = 1.450156)
#' 0.1164444
#' Optim_LC %>% ungroup() %>% rowwise() %>% mutate(topshare95= compute_topshare(p=0.95, function_form, par1, par2, par3, par4)) %>% select(ID, function_form, topshare95)
#' @export
compute_topshare = function(p, function_form, par1, par2, par3=NA, par4=NA){
if (function_form=="RGKO"){L_p = RGKO(p,par1,par2)}
if (function_form=="ARNOLD"){L_p = Arnold(p,par1,par2)}
if (function_form=="CHOTIKAPANICH"){L_p = Chotikapanich(p,par1)}
if (function_form=="ORTEGA"){L_p = Ortega(p,par1,par2)}
if (function_form=="SARABIA"){L_p = Sarabia(p,par1,par2,par3,par4)}
if (function_form=="ROHDE"){L_p = Rohde(p,par1)}
if (function_form=="KP"){L_p = KP(p,par1,par2)}
return(topshare = 1 - L_p)
#' import HMisc
#' import knitr
#' importFrom("dplyr", "binequality","fAsianOptions","gamlss.dist", "stats")
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