# Sets the expressions used to build the formula as global variables to inform R
# CMD check that they are intended to have no definition at time of package
# building
if(getRversion() >= "2.15.1") utils::globalVariables(c('itempair', '.draw', 'item1', 'item2', '.lower', '.upper', 'ppv', 'value',
'or_dif_median', 'z_or_dif_median_highlighted', 'z_or_dif_median',
'above_zero', 'beneath_zero', 'or_act',
'.width', '.interval', '.zero_correction', '.point', 'or_dif_ci',
'll_low', 'ul_low', 'sd_person__Intercept', 'itemname', 'item',
'sd_person__theta_Intercept', 'b_logalpha_Intercept', 'r_item__logalpha',
'alpha', 'll_up', 'ul_up', 'under_bonds', 'over_bonds', 'outof_bonds',
'in_bonds', 'or_act_ci', 'or_act_ci.lower', 'or_act_ci.upper', 'inside_or_act_ci'
#' Odds ratio
#' Calculates the odds ratio for the posterior samples or the original responses
#' adjusted from Anna Scharl and Timo Gnambs (https://www.tqmp.org/RegularArticles/vol15-2/p075/p075.pdf)
#' During Haldane zero-correction a value close to 0 is added to all cells
#' (https://www.oxfordreference.com/view/10.1093/acref/9780199976720.001.0001/acref-9780199976720-e-1977).
#' Most common is 0.5. This value eliminates the first order bias term.
#' @param y_rep (pers) x (item) x (rep) array; replicated data (can handle response data as dataframe or lists of dataframes as well)
#' @param y (pers) x (item) dataframe; response data
#' @param zero_correction character; 'none', 'Haldane', or 'Bayes'
#' @param ci_method character; 'Woolf', 'unconditional', 'compromise', 'BayesEqTails' or 'BayesHDI'
#' @param nsim_ci integer; number of draws used to get a distribution of the odds ratio value to calculate CIs
#' @param nsim_median integer; number of draws used to get a distribution of the odds ratio value to calculate the median
#' @param ci_width double
#' @return tibble
#' @export
#' @examples
#' tibble::tribble(
#' ~x, ~y,
#' 0, 1,
#' 1, 0,
#' 1, 1,
#' 0, 0,
#' 1, 0
#' ) %>% calculate_odds_ratio() # equals 0.5
calculate_odds_ratio <- function(y_rep = NULL, y = NULL, zero_correction = 'none', ci_method = 'Woolf', ci_width = .89,
nsim_ci = 10000000, nsim_median = 100000) {
if(is.null(y_rep) & is.null(y)) stop('Missing data argument! Use either y_rep or y.')
if(!is.null(y_rep) & !is.null(y)) stop('Too many data arguments! Use either y_rep or y.')
if(!(zero_correction %in% c('none', 'Haldane', 'Bayes'))) stop('Invalid zero correction method.')
if(!(ci_method %in% c('Woolf', 'unconditional', 'BayesEqTails', 'BayesHDI', 'compromise'))) stop('Invalid CI method.')
if(!is.null(y)) y_rep <- y # function only uses y_rep
if(!is.array(y_rep)) {
if(!is.list(y_rep[[1]])) y_rep <- birtms::list2array(list(y_rep)) # make pseudo three dimensional array from dataframe
else y_rep <- birtms::list2array(y_rep) # make three dimensional array from dataframe list
if(dim(y_rep)[3] == 1) {
sum_fct <- function(x) sum(x, na.rm = TRUE)
} else {
sum_fct <- function(x) colSums(x, na.rm = TRUE)
.draw <- NULL
if(dimnames(y_rep)[[2]][[1]] == '.draw') {
.draw <- y_rep[1,1,]
y_rep <- y_rep[,-1,, drop = FALSE]
rep <- dim(y_rep)[3] # number of (post) samples
J <- dim(y_rep)[2] # number of items
n <- matrix(0, 4, rep)
n_pairs <- (J^2 - J)/2
or <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = rep, ncol = n_pairs) %>% as.data.frame()
count <- 1
or_ci <- NULL
if (rep == 1) {
or_ci <- rbind(or, or)
rownames(or_ci) <- c('.lower', '.upper')
percent <- 0.1
for (j in seq_len(J)) {
# print(j)
i <- 1
while (i<j) {
n[1,] <- sum_fct(y_rep[, i, ] == 1 & y_rep[, j, ] == 1)
n[2,] <- sum_fct(y_rep[, i, ] == 0 & y_rep[, j, ] == 0)
n[3,] <- sum_fct(y_rep[, i, ] == 1 & y_rep[, j, ] == 0)
n[4,] <- sum_fct(y_rep[, i, ] == 0 & y_rep[, j, ] == 1)
# should filter out itempairs that have never occured together in multimatrix design
if (sum(rowSums(n)) == 0) {
n <- n+NA
if (zero_correction == 'Haldane') {
corr <- 0.5
n <- n + corr
} else corr <- 0
or[, count] <- (n[1,]*n[2,])/(n[3,]*n[4,])
if (zero_correction == 'Bayes') {
for(col_index in seq_len(ncol(n))) {
if (min(n[,col_index]) == 0) {
or[col_index, count] <- stats::median(get_or_distribution(n[,col_index], nsim = nsim_median))
if(rep == 1) {
if (ci_method == 'Woolf') or_ci[, count] <- or_ci_woolf(or[, count], n, corr, ci_width) %>% unlist()
else if (ci_method == 'unconditional') or_ci[, count] <- or_ci_uncond(n, ci_width)
else if (ci_method == 'BayesEqTails') or_ci[, count] <- or_ci_bayes(n, ci_width, nsim = nsim_ci, hdi = FALSE)
else if (ci_method == 'BayesHDI') or_ci[, count] <- or_ci_bayes(n, ci_width, nsim = nsim_ci, hdi = TRUE)
else if (ci_method == 'compromise') {
if (min(n) == 0) or_ci[, count] <- or_ci_bayes(n, ci_width, nsim = nsim_ci, hdi = FALSE)
else or_ci[, count] <- or_ci_uncond(n, ci_width)
colnames(or_ci)[count] <- paste0('ItemPair', i, '_', j)
colnames(or)[count] <- paste0('ItemPair', i, '_', j)
count <- count + 1
i <- i + 1
if (ci_method %in% c('BayesEqTails', 'BayesHDI') | zero_correction == 'Bayes') {
if (count/n_pairs > percent) {
print(paste(100*percent, '% finished'))
percent <- percent + 0.1
if(!is.null(.draw)) {
or <- cbind(.draw, or)
return(list(or = or, ci = or_ci))
#' Odds ratio parallel
#' Calculates the odds ratio for the posterior samples or the original responses
#' adjusted from Anna Scharl and Timo Gnambs (https://www.tqmp.org/RegularArticles/vol15-2/p075/p075.pdf)
#' During Haldane zero-correction a value close to 0 is added to all cells
#' (https://www.oxfordreference.com/view/10.1093/acref/9780199976720.001.0001/acref-9780199976720-e-1977).
#' Most common is 0.5. This value eliminates the first order bias term.
#' Bayesian functions not checked for correct implementation with parallel function
#' @param y_rep (pers) x (item) x (rep) array; replicated data (can handle response data as dataframe or lists of dataframes as well)
#' @param y (pers) x (item) dataframe; response data
#' @param zero_correction character; 'none', 'Haldane', or 'Bayes'
#' @param ci_method character; 'Woolf', 'unconditional', 'compromise', 'BayesEqTails' or 'BayesHDI'
#' @param nsim_ci integer; number of draws used to get a distribution of the odds ratio value to calculate CIs
#' @param nsim_median integer; number of draws used to get a distribution of the odds ratio value to calculate the median
#' @param ci_width double
#' @param cores int; number of CPU cores used for parallel processing
#' @return tibble
#' @export
#' @examples
#' tibble::tribble(
#' ~x, ~y,
#' 0, 1,
#' 1, 0,
#' 1, 1,
#' 0, 0,
#' 1, 0
#' ) %>% calculate_odds_ratio() # equals 0.5
calculate_odds_ratio_parallel <- function(y_rep = NULL, y = NULL, zero_correction = 'none', ci_method = 'Woolf', ci_width = .89,
nsim_ci = 10000000, nsim_median = 100000, cores = 4) {
# or_ci_woolf <- function(or, counts, corr = 0.5, ci_width = .89) {
# counts <- c(counts)
# z <- stats::qnorm(ci_width + (1 - ci_width)/2)
# se <- sqrt(1/(counts[1]+corr)+1/(counts[2]+corr)+1/(counts[3]+corr)+1/(counts[4]+corr))
# upper <- exp(log(or)+z*se)
# lower <- exp(log(or)-z*se)
# return(list(lower = lower, upper = upper))
# }
or_ci_woolf <- or_ci_woolf # foreach does not find the methods otherwise :()
or_ci_uncond <- or_ci_uncond
or_ci_bayes <- or_ci_bayes
if(is.null(y_rep) & is.null(y)) stop('Missing data argument! Use either y_rep or y.')
if(!is.null(y_rep) & !is.null(y)) stop('Too many data arguments! Use either y_rep or y.')
if(!(zero_correction %in% c('none', 'Haldane', 'Bayes'))) stop('Invalid zero correction method.')
if(!(ci_method %in% c('Woolf', 'unconditional', 'BayesEqTails', 'BayesHDI', 'compromise'))) stop('Invalid CI method.')
if(!is.null(y)) y_rep <- y # function only uses y_rep
if(!is.array(y_rep)) {
if(!is.list(y_rep[[1]])) y_rep <- birtms::list2array(list(y_rep)) # make pseudo three dimensional array from dataframe
else y_rep <- birtms::list2array(y_rep) # make three dimensional array from dataframe list
if(dim(y_rep)[3] == 1) {
sum_fct <- function(x) sum(x, na.rm = TRUE)
} else {
sum_fct <- function(x) colSums(x, na.rm = TRUE)
.draw <- NULL
if(dimnames(y_rep)[[2]][[1]] == '.draw') {
.draw <- y_rep[1,1,]
y_rep <- y_rep[,-1,, drop = FALSE]
rep <- dim(y_rep)[3] # number of (post) samples
J <- dim(y_rep)[2] # number of items
n <- matrix(0, 4, rep)
n_pairs <- (J^2 - J)/2
# count <- 1
or_ci_all <- NULL
# if (rep == 1) {
# or_all <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = 3, ncol = n_pairs) %>% as.data.frame()
# # rownames(or_all) <- c('or', '.lower', '.upper')
# } else or_all <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = rep, ncol = n_pairs) %>% as.data.frame()
percent <- 0.1
# ----- create a temporary logging file ----
logFile <- tempfile()
if (rstudioapi::isAvailable()) {
viewer <- getOption("viewer")
# ----- initialise multiple workers ----
cl <- parallel::makeCluster(cores, outfile = logFile)
on.exit(parallel::stopCluster(cl)) # terminate workes when finished
or_all <- foreach::`%dopar%`(foreach::foreach(j = seq_len(J)[-1], .combine = cbind,
.packages = c("matrixStats", "dplyr")
# for (j in seq_len(J)) {
print(paste(j, "/", J, ":", strptime(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%OS") ))
i <- 1
or <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = rep, ncol = j-1) %>% as.data.frame()
if(rep == 1) or_ci <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = 2, ncol = j-1) %>% as.data.frame()
while (i<j) {
n[1,] <- sum_fct(y_rep[, i, ] == 1 & y_rep[, j, ] == 1)
n[2,] <- sum_fct(y_rep[, i, ] == 0 & y_rep[, j, ] == 0)
n[3,] <- sum_fct(y_rep[, i, ] == 1 & y_rep[, j, ] == 0)
n[4,] <- sum_fct(y_rep[, i, ] == 0 & y_rep[, j, ] == 1)
# should filter out itempairs that have never occured together in multimatrix design
if (sum(rowSums(n)) == 0) {
n <- n+NA
if (zero_correction == 'Haldane') {
corr <- 0.5
n <- n + corr
} else corr <- 0
or[, i] <- (n[1,]*n[2,])/(n[3,]*n[4,])
if (zero_correction == 'Bayes') {
for(col_index in seq_len(ncol(n))) {
# if(j == 262) print(paste0("Error at ",i,", ",j,"?:", min(n[,col_index])))
if (is.na(min(n[,col_index]))) {
# skip this
} else if (min(n[,col_index]) == 0) {
or[col_index, i] <- stats::median(get_or_distribution(n[,col_index], nsim = nsim_median))
if(rep == 1) {
if (ci_method == 'Woolf') or_ci[, i] <- or_ci_woolf(or[, i], n, corr, ci_width) %>% unlist()
else if (ci_method == 'unconditional') or_ci[, i] <- or_ci_uncond(n, ci_width)
else if (ci_method == 'BayesEqTails') or_ci[, i] <- or_ci_bayes(n, ci_width, nsim = nsim_ci, hdi = FALSE)
else if (ci_method == 'BayesHDI') or_ci[, i] <- or_ci_bayes(n, ci_width, nsim = nsim_ci, hdi = TRUE)
else if (ci_method == 'compromise') {
if (min(n) == 0) or_ci[, i] <- or_ci_bayes(n, ci_width, nsim = nsim_ci, hdi = FALSE)
else or_ci[, i] <- or_ci_uncond(n, ci_width)
colnames(or_ci)[i] <- paste0('ItemPair', i, '_', j)
colnames(or)[i] <- paste0('ItemPair', i, '_', j)
# count <- count + 1
i <- i + 1
# if (ci_method %in% c('BayesEqTails', 'BayesHDI') | zero_correction == 'Bayes') {
# if (i/n_pairs > percent) {
# print(paste(100*percent, '% finished'))
# percent <- percent + 0.1
# }
# }
# print(or_ci[,1])
if(rep == 1) or <- rbind(or, or_ci)
# print(or[,1])
if(rep == 1) {
or_ci_all <- or_all[2:3,]
rownames(or_ci_all) <- c('.lower', '.upper')
or_all <- or_all[1,]
if(!is.null(.draw)) {
or_all <- cbind(.draw, or_all)
return(list(or = or_all, ci = or_ci_all))
#' Summarises Odds Ratio statistic
#' Returns odds ratio values for actual dataset and posterior predictions.
#' Summarises the median and HDI of their difference and returns the ppp-value.
#' @param model birtmsfit
#' @param n_samples int - Number of posterior samples to use
#' @param zero_correction character; 'none', 'Haldane', 'compromise' or 'Bayes'
#' @param ci_method character; 'Woolf', 'unconditional', 'compromise', 'BayesEqTails' or 'BayesHDI'
#' @param ci_width double
#' @param nsim_ci integer; number of draws used to get a distribution of the odds ratio value to calculate CIs
#' @param nsim_median integer; number of draws used to get a distribution of the odds ratio value to calculate the median
#' @param cores #' @param cores int; number of CPU cores used for parallel processing
#' @return birtmsdata; tibble with additinal attributes
#' @export
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate
#' @importFrom dplyr select
#' @importFrom dplyr left_join
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' get_or(fit, n_samples = 500)
#' }
get_or <- function(model, n_samples = NULL, ci_width = .89, zero_correction = 'none', ci_method = 'Woolf',
nsim_ci = 10000000, nsim_median = 100000, cores = 4) {
if(model$model_specs$response_type != 'dichotom') stop('Odds ratios are only implemented for dichotomous models.')
stopifnot(model$model_specs$add_common_dimension == FALSE)
stopifnot(model$model_specs$dimensinality_type == 'unidimensional')
seperate_itempairs <- function(x) {
x <- x %>% mutate(itempair = stringr::str_remove(itempair, 'ItemPair')) %>%
tidyr::separate(itempair, into = c('item1', 'item2'), convert = TRUE)
gather_or <- function(x, name) {
# x <- x %>% tidyr::pivot_longer(names_to = 'itempair', values_to = {{name}}, cols = -.draw) %>%
# seperate_itempairs()
x <- x %>% tidyr::pivot_longer(names_to = c('item1', 'item2'), names_sep = "_", names_prefix = "ItemPair",
names_transform = list(item1 = as.integer, item2 = as.integer), values_to = {{name}}, cols = -.draw)
comp <- FALSE
if(zero_correction == 'compromise') comp <- TRUE
item <- model$var_specs$item
person <- model$var_specs$person
y <- make_responsedata_wider(model) %>% select(-dplyr::any_of(unlist(model$var_specs)))
itemnames <- colnames(y)
# time scales linear
yrep <- posterior_predict_long(model, n_samples) %>%
select({{person}}, {{item}}, .draw, yrep) %>%
tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = {{item}}, values_from = 'yrep') %>%
select(-{{person}}) #%>% mutate(.draw = as.numeric(.draw))
div <- ifelse(is.null(n_samples), brms::ndraws(model), n_samples)
# message("Splitting dataframe by group into 3D array. May take a while.") # time scales linear; problem with missings?
#yrep <- yrep %>% dplyr::group_by(.draw) %>% dplyr::group_split(.keep = TRUE) %>% list2array()
# in this way (base functions; no tidyr) it just need 0.37 s instead of 11 s !!! But still slower when there are many NAs
yrep_arr <- yrep %>% dplyr::arrange(.draw) %>% as.matrix() %>%
array(dim=c(dim(yrep)[[1]]/div,div,dim(yrep)[[2]])) %>% aperm(c(1,3,2))
dimnames(yrep_arr)[[2]] <- names(yrep)
yrep <- yrep_arr
message('Calculating posterior odds ratio') # time increases quadratic in number of items
if(comp) zero_correction <- 'Haldane'
or_rep <- calculate_odds_ratio_parallel(yrep, zero_correction = zero_correction, cores = cores,
nsim_median = nsim_median, nsim_ci = nsim_ci)$or # calculates odds ratio for posterior samples
message('Calculating actual odds ratio')
if(comp) zero_correction <- 'Bayes'
or_list <- calculate_odds_ratio_parallel(y, zero_correction = zero_correction, ci_method = ci_method, cores = cores,
nsim_median = nsim_median, nsim_ci = nsim_ci) # calculates odds ratio for actual sample/data
or_act <- or_list$or %>% mutate(.draw = 0, .before = 1)
message('Aggregate and join data')
or_act_ci <- or_list$ci %>% t() %>% tibble::as_tibble(rownames = "itempair") %>% seperate_itempairs() %>%
dplyr::mutate(.width = ci_width, .zero_correction = zero_correction, .interval = ci_method) %>%
dplyr::group_by(item1, item2) %>% tidyr::nest(or_act_ci = c(.lower, .upper, .width, .zero_correction, .interval))
or_act_dat <- rep_dataframe(or_act, nrow(or_rep))
or_dif <- or_rep - or_act_dat
or <- or_dif %>% gather_or('or_dif') %>%
dplyr::group_by(item1, item2) %>% tidyr::nest(or_dif_samples = c(.draw, or_dif)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(itemname1 = itemnames[[item1]], itemname2 = itemnames[[item2]], .before = 1)
or_act <- or_act %>% gather_or('or_act') %>% select(-.draw)
or_rep <- or_rep %>% gather_or('or_rep') %>% tidyr::nest(or_rep_samples = c(.draw, or_rep))
or_ppp <- colMeans(or_dif %>% select(-.draw) > 0) %>% tibble::as_tibble(rownames = "itempair") %>% seperate_itempairs() %>%
dplyr::rename(or_ppp = value)
or_dif_hdi <- or %>% tidyr::unnest() %>% dplyr::filter(is.finite(or_dif)) %>%
med_hdci(.width = ci_width) %>% # tidybayes::median_hdi was to slow
dplyr::rename(or_dif_median = or_dif) %>%
tidyr::nest(or_dif_ci = c(.lower, .upper, .width, .point, .interval))
or <- or %>% left_join(or_act, by = c('item1', 'item2')) %>%
left_join(or_act_ci, by = c('item1', 'item2')) %>%
left_join(or_rep, by = c('item1', 'item2')) %>%
left_join(or_dif_hdi, by = c('item1', 'item2')) %>%
left_join(or_ppp, by = c('item1', 'item2')) %>%
dplyr::relocate(dplyr::any_of(c('or_act', 'or_act_ci', 'or_rep_samples')), .after = item2) %>%
#' PPMC Odds ratio heatmap
#' Prints a heatmap of odds ratio differences used for post predictive model checking.
#' @param or_data dataframe generated by birtms::get_or()
#' @param alternative_color boolean; color highlight only the problematic items
#' @param itemrange integer vector of length 2; first and last item to incorporate in the heatmap
#' @return ggplot object
#' @export
#' @importFrom ggplot2 aes
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' or_data <- get_or(fit, n_samples = 500)
#' plot_ppmc_or_heatmap(or_data)
#' }
plot_ppmc_or_heatmap <- function(or_data, alternative_color = FALSE, itemrange = NULL) {
# unite boolean columns that check if HDI includes zero for multimodal distributions
# browser()
or_data <- or_data %>% tidyr::unnest(or_dif_ci, keep_empty = TRUE) %>% tidyr::unnest(or_act_ci, names_sep = "") %>%
dplyr::mutate(above_zero = .lower > 0, beneath_zero = .upper < 0,
inside_or_act_ci = .lower > (or_act_ci.lower - or_act) & .upper < (or_act_ci.upper - or_act)) %>%
dplyr::select(item1, item2, or_dif_median, above_zero, beneath_zero, inside_or_act_ci) %>%
dplyr::group_by(item1, item2) %>% dplyr::summarise_all(~mean(.x, na.rm = FALSE)) %>%
dplyr::mutate_at(c('above_zero', 'beneath_zero'), ~ifelse(. != 0, TRUE, FALSE)) %>%
dplyr::mutate_at(c('inside_or_act_ci'), ~ifelse(. == 1, TRUE, FALSE)) %>%
if (!is.null(itemrange)) or_data <- or_data %>% filter(item1 <= itemrange[2], item2 <= itemrange[2],
item1 >= itemrange[1], item2 >= itemrange[1])
above <- or_data$above_zero
beneath <- or_data$beneath_zero
cap <- '**Interpretation:** The grey fields represent itempairs for which the HDI does not contain a odds ratio difference of 0.<br>'
cap2 <- '**Interpretation:** The red and blue fields represent itempairs for which the HDI does not contain a odds ratio difference 0.<br>'
cap <- paste0(cap, 'Fields with an *L* represent itempairs where predicted odds ratio is lower than actual observed odds ratio.<br>
Fields with an *H* represent itempairs where predicted odds ratio is higher than actual observed odds ratio.')
cap2 <- paste0(cap2, '*Blue* fields represent itempairs where predicted odds ratio is lower than actual observed odds ratio.<br>
*Red* fields represent itempairs where predicted odds ratio is higher than actual observed odds ratio.<br>
*Green* fields represent itempairs where the predicted odds ratio CI is within the observed odds ratio CI.<br>
*Cyan* fields represent itempairs that have never been observed. Tus the odds ratio value is missing.')
or_data <- or_data %>% dplyr::mutate(z_or_dif_median = scale(or_dif_median),
z_or_dif_median_highlighted = ifelse(above | beneath, NA, z_or_dif_median))
g <- ggplot2::ggplot(or_data, aes(item1, item2, fill = z_or_dif_median_highlighted, label = z_or_dif_median_highlighted, height = 1, width = 1)) +
ggplot2::scale_x_continuous("Item A", expand=c(0,0), position = "top", breaks = seq(min(or_data$item1),max(or_data$item1),1)) +
ggplot2::scale_y_continuous("Item B", expand=c(0,0), breaks = seq(min(or_data$item2),max(or_data$item2),1)) +
ggplot2::ggtitle('z-standardised Odds Ratio difference') +
ggplot2::geom_tile(color="black") +
ggplot2::theme(panel.grid.major = ggplot2::element_blank(), panel.border= ggplot2::element_rect(size=2, color="black", fill=NA),
axis.ticks = ggplot2::element_blank(), plot.caption = ggtext::element_markdown(lineheight = 1.5, hjust = 0)) +
if(alternative_color) {
g <- g + ggplot2::scale_fill_gradient2(low = "#0571b0", high = "#ca0020", mid = "#f7f7f7",
midpoint = 0, limit = c(-1, 1), name = "z(\u0394OR)",
oob = scales::squish, na.value = '#00ffff') +
ggplot2::labs(caption = cap)
if(sum(above, na.rm = TRUE) > 0) { # otherwise the empty subset throws an error
g <- g + ggplot2::geom_tile(data = subset(or_data, above), fill = 'gray50', color="black") +
ggplot2::geom_text(data = subset(or_data, above), aes(label = 'H'), size = 5)
if(sum(beneath, na.rm = TRUE) > 0) {
g <- g + ggplot2::geom_tile(data = subset(or_data, beneath), fill = 'gray50', color="black") +
ggplot2::geom_text(data = subset(or_data, beneath), aes(label = 'L'), size = 5)
} else {
or_data <- or_data %>% dplyr::mutate(z_or_dif_median = scale(or_dif_median), z_or_dif_median_highlighted = ifelse(above | beneath, NA, abs(z_or_dif_median)))
g <- g + ggplot2::scale_fill_gradient(low = "white", high = "grey50", limit = c(0, 1), oob = scales::squish,
na.value = '#00ffff', name = "\u007C z(\u0394OR) \u007C") +
ggplot2::labs(caption = cap2)
fillings <- NULL
if(sum(above, na.rm = TRUE) > 0) { # otherwise the empty subset throws an error
g <- g + ggplot2::geom_tile(data = subset(or_data, above), aes(alpha = 'over bonds'), fill = '#ca0020', color="black")
fillings <- c("#ca0020", fillings)
if(sum(beneath, na.rm = TRUE) > 0) {
g <- g + ggplot2::geom_tile(data = subset(or_data, beneath), aes(alpha = 'under bonds'), fill = '#0571b0', color="black")
fillings <- c("#0571b0", fillings)
if(sum(or_data$inside_or_act_ci, na.rm = TRUE) > 0) {
g <- g + ggplot2::geom_tile(data = subset(or_data, or_data$inside_or_act_ci), aes(alpha = 'in bonds'), fill = '#1a9641', color="black")
fillings <- c("#1a9641", fillings)
g <- g + ggplot2::scale_alpha_manual("Color flags", values=c(1, 1, 1),
guide = ggplot2::guide_legend(override.aes = list(fill=fillings)))
#' Odds ratio heatmap
#' Odds ratio values should be greater 1 for items that are conditionally independent in a one dimensional
#' IRT model (Holland, Rosenbaum, 1986). Haberman (2007) shows that the lower bond can be estimated more
#' precisely (and will be even higher than 1) and also a upper bond can be calculated and gives formulae
#' for 1PL and 2PL models.
#' @param or_data dataframe generated by birtms::get_or()
#' @param median_centered_colorscale boolean
#' @param model birtmsfit object
#' @param a double; mean slope parameter (if not passed model)
#' @param sigma double; standard deviation of person dimesnion (theta)
#' @param bayesian boolean; should the bayesian distribution for actual odds ratio should be used as reference instead of point estimate
#' @param nsim_ci integer; number of draws used to get a distribution of the odds ratio value to calculate CIs
#' @param ci_width double
#' @param itemrange integer vector of length 2; first and last item to incorporate in the heatmap
#' @return ggplot2 object
#' @export
#' @importFrom ggplot2 aes
#' @importFrom stats median
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' or_data <- get_or(fit, n_samples = 500)
#' plot_or_heatmap(or_data)
#' }
plot_or_heatmap <- function(or_data, model = NULL, itemrange = NULL,
a = 1, sigma = 1, median_centered_colorscale = FALSE, bayesian = FALSE, nsim_ci = 1000000, ci_width = .89) {
# check if odds are out of bonds
or_data <- or_data %>% mutate(ll_low = NA_real_, ll_up = NA_real_, ul_low = NA_real_, ul_up = NA_real_, or_act_scaled = NA_real_) %>%
mutate(or_act = ifelse(is.infinite(or_act) | is.nan(or_act), NA, or_act))
if (!is.null(itemrange)) or_data <- or_data %>% filter(item1 <= itemrange[2], item2 <= itemrange[2],
item1 >= itemrange[1], item2 >= itemrange[1])
if(is.null(model)) {
if (bayesian) stop('Bayesian method needs acompanying model.')
lims <- or_limits_irt(ai = a, aj = a, sigma = sigma)
ll <- lims[[1]]
ul <- lims[[2]]
or_data <- or_data %>% mutate(ll_low = or_act-ll, ll_up = ll_low, ul_low = ul - or_act, ul_up = ul_low)
} else {
if (model$model_specs$dimensionality_type != 'unidimensional') {
warning('The limits used to color code the item pairs were derived only for unidimensional models.')
person <- sym(model$var_specs$person)
if (model$model_specs$item_parameter_number == 1) {
sd_person__Intercept <- sym(paste0('sd_', {{person}}, '__Intercept'))
sigma <- model %>% tidybayes::spread_draws({{sd_person__Intercept}}) %>% dplyr::pull({{sd_person__Intercept}})
} else if (model$model_specs$item_parameter_number == 2) {
key <- tibble::tibble(itemname = c(or_data$itemname1, or_data$itemname2), item = c(or_data$item1, or_data$item2)) %>%
dplyr::group_by(itemname) %>% dplyr::summarise(item = stats::median(item))
sd_person__Intercept <- sym(paste0('sd_', {{person}}, '__theta_Intercept'))
sigma <- model %>% tidybayes::spread_draws({{sd_person__Intercept}}) %>% dplyr::pull({{sd_person__Intercept}})
alphas <- model %>% tidybayes::spread_draws(b_logalpha_Intercept, r_item__logalpha[itemname,])
alphas <- alphas %>% mutate(alpha = exp(b_logalpha_Intercept + r_item__logalpha)) %>% dplyr::group_by(itemname) %>%
select(alpha, itemname) %>% tidyr::nest() %>% dplyr::left_join(key, by = c('itemname')) %>% dplyr::arrange(item)
} else{
warning('The limits used to color code the item pairs were derived only for 1 and 2 parametric models.')
# for 1PL models bonds are the same for all itempairs
lims <- or_limits_irt(sigma = sigma)
ll <- lims[[1]]
ul <- lims[[2]]
if (bayesian) {
y <- make_responsedata_wider(model) %>% select(-dplyr::any_of(unlist(model$var_specs)))
percent <- 0.1
n_pairs <- nrow(or_data)
message('Calculating odds ratio distributions.')
for (i in seq_along(or_data$or_act)) {
# for 2PL models bonds are different for all itempairs
if (model$model_specs$item_parameter_number == 2) {
lims <- or_limits_irt(ai = alphas$data[[or_data$item1[[i]]]], aj = alphas$data[[or_data$item2[[i]]]], sigma = sigma)
ll <- lims[[1]][[1]]
ul <- lims[[2]][[1]]
if (bayesian) {
counts <- count_for_itempair_or(y[or_data$itemname1[[i]]], y[or_data$itemname2[[i]]])
v <- contingency2successratio(counts)
reference <- get_or_distribution(counts, k = .5, nsim = nsim_ci)
ll <- sample(ll, nsim_ci, replace = TRUE)
ul <- sample(ul, nsim_ci, replace = TRUE)
if (i/n_pairs > percent) {
print(paste(100*percent, '% finished'))
percent <- percent + 0.1
} else {
reference <- or_data$or_act[[i]]
ll_vec <- (reference - ll) %>% ggdist::hdi(.width = ci_width)
ul_vec <- (ul - reference) %>% ggdist::hdi(.width = ci_width)
# if there are multiple HDI areas the lowest value will be the left and the highest the right limit
ll_vec <- max_range_hdi(ll_vec)
ul_vec <- max_range_hdi(ul_vec)
or_data[i, c('ll_low', 'll_up')] <- ll_vec
or_data[i, c('ul_low', 'ul_up')] <- ul_vec
if (bayesian) {
or_data[i, 'or_act_scaled'] <- (sum(reference > median(ll)) - sum(reference >median(ul)))/nsim_ci
} else {
or_data[i, 'or_act_scaled'] <- (median(reference)-median(ll))/(median(ul)-median(ll))
or_data <- or_data %>% mutate(under_bonds = ifelse(ll_up < 0, TRUE, FALSE),
over_bonds = ifelse(ul_up < 0, TRUE, FALSE),
in_bonds = ifelse(ll_low > 0 & ul_low > 0, TRUE, FALSE),
outof_bonds = under_bonds|over_bonds)
# setting color sheme
if(median_centered_colorscale) {
limits <- c(0, HDInterval::hdi(or_data$or_act, credMass = .89)[[2]])
cap <- 'Color scale midpoint is set to median(OR).'
mid <- stats::median(or_data$or_act, na.rm = TRUE)
colorscale <- ggplot2::scale_fill_gradient2(low = "#0571b0", high = "#ca0020", mid = "#f7f7f7",
midpoint = mid, limit = c(limits[[1]], limits[[2]]), name = 'OR',
oob = scales::squish, na.value = '#00ff00')
data_col <- sym('or_act')
} else{
if (bayesian & !is.null(model)) {
cap = 'Color scale shows the ratio of CI falling between bonds. <br>
1 := whole CI inbetween bonds. 0 := whole CI is outside of bonds.<br>
Dark green: Whole CI falls between bonds. Red: Whole CI is outsite of bonds.'
colorscale <- ggplot2::scale_fill_gradient(low = "grey50", high = "white", limit = c(0, 1), oob = scales::squish,
na.value = '#00ff00', name = "% of OR distribution in bonds")
} else {
cap = paste0('Dark green: Odds ratio point estimate falls between bonds in ', ci_width, ' % of the cases.<br>
Red: Odds ratio point estimate is outside of bonds in ', ci_width, ' % of the cases.')
if((length(a) == 1 & length(sigma) == 1 & is.null(model))) {
colorscale <- ggplot2::scale_fill_continuous(na.value = '#00ffff')
else {
colorscale <- ggplot2::scale_fill_gradient2(low = "#fdae61", high = "#fdae61", mid = "#a6d96a",
midpoint = 0.5, limit = c(0, 1), name = 'scaled OR',
oob = scales::squish, na.value = '#00ffff')
cap <- paste0('Color scale midpoint is set to mean of upper and lower bonds.<br>
1 := odds ratio value of the upper bond. 0 := odds ratio value of the lower bond.<br>', cap)
cap <- paste0('**Interpretation:** ', cap, '<br>Fields with an *L* represent items where odds ratio is lower than bonds.<br>
Fields with an *H* represent items where odds ratio is higher than bonds.')
data_col <- sym('or_act_scaled')
# plot heatmap
g <- or_data %>%
ggplot2::ggplot(aes(item1, item2, fill = {{data_col}}, label = {{data_col}}, height = 1, width = 1)) +
ggplot2::scale_x_continuous("Item A", expand=c(0,0), position = "top", breaks = seq(min(or_data$item1),max(or_data$item1),1)) +
ggplot2::scale_y_continuous("Item B", expand=c(0,0), breaks = seq(min(or_data$item2),max(or_data$item2),1)) +
ggplot2::ggtitle('Odds Ratio values', subtitle = 'actual dataset') +
ggplot2::geom_tile(color="black", show.legend = TRUE) +
ggplot2::theme(panel.grid.major = ggplot2::element_blank(), panel.border= ggplot2::element_rect(size=2, color="black", fill=NA),
axis.ticks = ggplot2::element_blank(), plot.caption = ggtext::element_markdown(lineheight = 1.5, hjust = 0)) +
ggplot2::coord_fixed() +
colorscale +
ggplot2::labs(caption = cap)
fillings <- NULL
if(!median_centered_colorscale) {
if(sum(or_data$outof_bonds, na.rm = TRUE) > 0) { # otherwise the empty subset throws an error
g <- g + ggplot2::geom_tile(data = subset(or_data, outof_bonds), aes(alpha = 'out of bonds'), fill = '#d7191c', color="black")
fillings <- c("#d7191c", fillings)
if(sum(or_data$over_bonds, na.rm = TRUE) > 0) {
g <- g + ggplot2::geom_text(data = subset(or_data, over_bonds), label = 'H', size = 5)
if(sum(or_data$under_bonds, na.rm = TRUE) > 0) {
g <- g + ggplot2::geom_text(data = subset(or_data, under_bonds), label = 'L', size = 5)
if(sum(or_data$in_bonds, na.rm = TRUE) > 0) {
g <- g + ggplot2::geom_tile(data = subset(or_data, in_bonds), aes(alpha = 'in bonds'), fill = '#1a9641', color="black")
fillings <- c("#1a9641", fillings)
# creates second fill legend; alpha will get replaced by fill
g <- g + ggplot2::scale_alpha_manual("Color flags", values=c(1, 1),
guide = ggplot2::guide_legend(override.aes = list(fill=fillings)))
#' Calculates CIs for Odds ratio with Woolfs method
#' @param or double
#' @param counts double of length 4
#' @param corr double; Haldane zero correction term
#' @param ci_width double
#' @return double of length 2
or_ci_woolf <- function(or, counts, corr = 0.5, ci_width = .89) {
counts <- c(counts)
z <- stats::qnorm(ci_width + (1 - ci_width)/2)
se <- sqrt(1/(counts[1]+corr)+1/(counts[2]+corr)+1/(counts[3]+corr)+1/(counts[4]+corr))
upper <- exp(log(or)+z*se)
lower <- exp(log(or)-z*se)
return(list(lower = lower, upper = upper))
#' Wrapper to get bayesian CI for OR
#' @param counts double of length 4
#' @param ci double
#' @return double of length 2
or_ci_uncond <- function(counts, ci = .89) {
v <- contingency2successratio(counts)
ci <- PropCIs::orscoreci(v[[1]], v[[2]], v[[3]], v[[4]], ci)
#' Calculates CI for Odds Ratio bayesian way
#' Extracted from PropCIs::orci.bayes()
#' Can return HDI instead of equal tailed CI interval as well.
#' @param counts double of length 4
#' @param conf.level double
#' @param k double; prior for beta distribution
#' @param nsim integer
#' @param hdi boolean; should HDI be used instead of equaly tailes CI?
#' @return double of length 2
or_ci_bayes <- function(counts, conf.level = 0.89, k = .5, nsim = 10000000, hdi = FALSE) {
# Bayes tail interval with beta priors
fct.F<- function(x,t,a1,b1,a2,b2){
c <- (b2/a2)/(b1/a1)
or.F <- function(t,a1,b1,a2,b2)
or.fct <- function(ab,a1,b1,c1,d1,conf.level)
abs(or.F(ab[2],a1,b1,c1,d1) - (1 - (1-conf.level)/2))+
abs(or.F(ab[1],a1,b1,c1,d1) - (1-conf.level)/2)
v <- contingency2successratio(counts)
temp <- or_distribution_bayes(v[[1]], v[[2]], v[[3]], v[[4]], k, k, k, k, nsim)
z <- sort(temp[[1]])
if(hdi) {
if (v[[3]] != v[[4]]) {
ci <- z %>% HDInterval::hdi(credMass = conf.level) %>% c()
} else {
ci <- 1/z %>% HDInterval::hdi(credMass = conf.level) %>% c()
warning('HDI is not invariant under transformation 1/z! Check if using equally tailed CI is more appropriate.')
} else {
a1 <- temp[[2]]
b1 <- temp[[3]]
c1 <- temp[[4]]
d1 <- temp[[5]]
lq <- nsim * (1-conf.level)/2
uq <- nsim * (1 - (1-conf.level)/2)
ci <- array(0,2)
ci[1] <- z[lq]
ci[2] <- z[uq]
start <- ci
if (v[[3]] != v[[4]]) {
tailci <- stats::optim(start,or.fct,a1=a1,b1=b1,c1=c1,d1=d1,
if(tailci[1] < 0) tailci[1] <- 0
} else {
tailci1 <- stats::optim(start,or.fct,a1=a1,b1=b1,c1=c1,d1=d1,
if(tailci1[1] < 0) tailci1[1] <- ci[1]
tailci <- array(0,2)
tailci[1] <- 1/ tailci1[2]
tailci[2] <- 1/ tailci1[1]
#' Simulate Odds Ratio distribution
#' Extracted from PropCIs::orci.bayes()
#' @param a1 a parameter for first beta distribution
#' @param b1 b parameter for first beta distribution
#' @param c1 a parameter for second beta distribution
#' @param d1 b parameter for second beta distribution
#' @param nsim integer
#' @return vector of doubles, distribution od odds ratios
or.sim <- function(a1,b1,c1,d1,nsim = 10000000)
z1 <- stats::rf(nsim, 2*a1,2*b1)
z2 <- stats::rf(nsim, 2*c1,2*d1)
a <- (d1/c1)/(b1/a1)
z <- a*z1/z2
#' Calculate successes per sample and sample sizes from contingency table
#' @param mat vector of length 4 with counts c(n11, n00, n10, n01) from contingency table
#' @return vector of length 4: c(y1, n1, y2, n2)
contingency2successratio <- function(mat) {
y1 <- mat[1] #n11
y2 <- mat[4] #n01
n1 <- mat[1] + mat[3] #n11 + n10
n2 <- mat[4] + mat[2] #n01 + n00
return(c(y1, n1, y2, n2))
#' Get the odds ratio distribution
#' combines prior with actual data to posterior beta distributions and initiates sampling
#' Extracted from PropCIs::orci.bayes()
#' @param x1 number of successes in sample 1
#' @param n1 sample size in sample 1
#' @param x2 number of successes in sample 2
#' @param n2 sample size in sample 2
#' @param a beta prior for x1
#' @param b beta prior for x2
#' @param c beta prior for n1
#' @param d beta prior for n2
#' @param nsim integer
#' @return vector of doubles, distribution od odds ratios
or_distribution_bayes <- function(x1,n1,x2,n2,a,b,c,d, nsim = 10000000)
if(x2!=n2) {
a1 <- a + x1
b1 <- b + n1 - x1
c1 <- c + x2
d1 <- d + n2 - x2
} else {
a1 <- a + n1 - x1
b1 <- b + x1
c1 <- c + n2 - x2
d1 <- d + x2
z <- or.sim(a1,b1,c1,d1, nsim)
return(list(z, a1, b1, c1, d1))
#' Get odds ratio distribution
#' @param counts (4x1) matrix with counts n11, n00, n10, n01 from contingency table
#' @param k double; concentration of beta priors: 0.5 for Jeffreys prior, 1 for uniform priors
#' @param nsim interger
#' @return double, odds ratio distribution
#' @export
#' @examples
#' c <- c(5,2,10,7) # n11, n00, n10, n01
#' or_dist <- get_or_distribution(c, nsim = 10)
get_or_distribution <- function(counts, k = 0.5, nsim = 10000000) {
v <- contingency2successratio(counts)
z <- or_distribution_bayes(v[[1]], v[[2]], v[[3]], v[[4]], k, k, k, k, nsim)[[1]]
if (v[[3]] == v[[4]]) {
} else {
#' Calculate Odds Ratio Limits for IRT models
#' Calculates limits for odds ratio values for itempairs to check if they show
#' misfit assuming that data is generated by a one-dimensional 1PL or 2PL model.
#' @param ai double; slope of item 1
#' @param aj double; slope of item 2
#' @param sigma double; standard deviation
#' @param beta double
#' @return list(lower_limit, upper_limit) of doubles
#' @export
#' @examples
or_limits_irt <- function(ai = 1, aj = 1, sigma = 1, beta = 0) {
numerator <- ai*aj*sigma^2
lower_limit <- exp(numerator/(1+sigma^2*(beta+(ai^2+aj^2)/4)))
upper_limit <- exp(numerator)
return(list(lower_limit = lower_limit, upper_limit = upper_limit))
#' Creates contingency table counts for item pair based odds ratio
#' @param x double vector, answers to item 1
#' @param y double vector, answers to item 2
#' @return double vector of length 4: c(n11, n00, n10, n01)
#' @export
#' @examples
count_for_itempair_or <- function(x, y) {
n <- rep(NA, 4)
n[1] <- sum(x == 1 & y == 1)
n[2] <- sum(x == 0 & y == 0)
n[3] <- sum(x == 1 & y == 0)
n[4] <- sum(x == 0 & y == 1)
med_qi <- function(x, .width = .89) {
x2 <- x %>% dplyr::ungroup() %>% select(-c("itemname1", "itemname2")) %>%
tidyr::pivot_wider(values_from = "or_dif", names_glue = "{item1}_{item2}", names_from = c("item1", "item2")) %>%
select(-".draw") %>% apply(2, ggdist::median_qi, .width = .width)
x3 <- data.frame(matrix(unlist(x2), nrow=length(x2), byrow=TRUE)) %>% stats::setNames(names(x2[[1]]))
y <- cbind(stringr::str_split(names(x2), "_"))
y2 <- data.frame(matrix(unlist(y), nrow=length(y), byrow=TRUE)) %>% stats::setNames(c("item1", "item2"))
x4 <- cbind(y2,x3) %>% tibble::as_tibble() %>% dplyr::mutate_at(c(1,2), as.integer) %>% dplyr::mutate_at(c(3:6), as.numeric) %>%
dplyr::rename(or_dif = y, .lower = ymin, .upper = ymax)
med_hdci <- function(x, .width = .89) {
x2 <- x %>% dplyr::ungroup() %>% select(-c("itemname1", "itemname2")) %>%
tidyr::pivot_wider(values_from = "or_dif", names_glue = "{item1}_{item2}", names_from = c("item1", "item2")) %>%
select(-".draw") %>% apply(2, ggdist::median_hdci, .width = .width)
x3 <- data.frame(matrix(unlist(x2), nrow=length(x2), byrow=TRUE)) %>% stats::setNames(names(x2[[1]]))
y <- cbind(stringr::str_split(names(x2), "_"))
y2 <- data.frame(matrix(unlist(y), nrow=length(y), byrow=TRUE)) %>% stats::setNames(c("item1", "item2"))
x4 <- cbind(y2,x3) %>% tibble::as_tibble() %>% dplyr::mutate_at(c(1,2), as.integer) %>% dplyr::mutate_at(c(3:6), as.numeric) %>%
dplyr::rename(or_dif = y, .lower = ymin, .upper = ymax)
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