#' Calculate correlations between features of two experiments.
#' @param x A
#' \code{\link[MultiAssayExperiment:MultiAssayExperiment-class]{MultiAssayExperiment}}
#' or
#' \code{\link[SummarizedExperiment:SummarizedExperiment-class]{SummarizedExperiment}}
#' object.
#' @param experiment1 \code{Character scalar} or \code{numeric scalar}.
#' Selects the experiment 1 from \code{experiments(x)} of
#' \code{MultiassayExperiment} object. (Default: \code{1})
#' @param experiment2 \code{Character scalar} or \code{numeric scalar}.
#' Selects the experiment 2 from\code{experiments(x)} of
#' \code{MultiAssayExperiment} object or
#' \code{altExp(x)} of \code{TreeSummarizedExperiment} object. Alternatively,
#' \code{experiment2} can also be \code{TreeSE} object when \code{x} is
#' \code{TreeSE} object. (Default: \code{2} when \code{x} is \code{MAE} and
#' \code{x} when \code{x} is \code{TreeSE})
#' @param assay.type1 \code{Character scalar}. Specifies the name of the assay
#' in experiment 1 to be transformed. (Default: \code{NULL})
#' @param assay.type2 \code{Character scalar}. Specifies the name of the
#' assay in experiment 2 to be transformed. (Default: \code{NULL})
#' @param assay_name1 Deprecated. Use \code{assay.type1} instead.
#' @param assay_name2 Deprecated. Use \code{assay.type2} instead.
#' @param altexp1 \code{Character scalar} or \code{numeric scalar}. Specifies
#' alternative experiment from the \code{altExp} of experiment 1. If NULL, then
#' the experiment is itself and altExp option is disabled.
#' (Default: \code{NULL})
#' @param altexp2 \code{Character scalar} or \code{numeric scalar}. Specifies
#' alternative experiment from the \code{altExp} of experiment 2. If NULL, then
#' the experiment is itself and altExp option is disabled.
#' (Default: \code{NULL})
#' @param col.var1 \code{Character scalar}. Specifies column(s) from
#' \code{colData} of experiment 1. If col.var1 is used, assay.type1 is disabled.
#' (Default: \code{NULL})
#' @param colData_variable1 Deprecated. Use \code{col.var1} instead.
#' @param col.var2 \code{Character scalar}. Specifies column(s) from colData
#' of experiment 2. If col.var2 is used, assay.type2 is disabled.
#' (Default: \code{NULL})
#' @param colData_variable2 Deprecated. Use \code{col.var2} instead.
#' @param by A\code{Character scalar}. Determines if association are calculated
#' row-wise / for features ('rows') or column-wise / for samples ('cols').
#' Must be \code{'rows'} or \code{'cols'}.
#' @param MARGIN Deprecated. Use \code{by} instead.
#' @param method \code{Character scalar}. Defines the association method
#' ('kendall', pearson', or 'spearman' for continuous/numeric; 'categorical'
#' for discrete) (Default: \code{"kendall"})
#' @param mode \code{Character scalar}. Specifies the output format
#' Available formats are 'table' and 'matrix'. (Default: \code{"table"})
#' @param p.adj.method \code{Character scalar}. Specifies adjustment method of
#' p-values. Passed to \code{p.adjust} function.
#' (Default: \code{"fdr"})
#' @param p_adj_method Deprecated. Use \code{p.adj.method} instead.
#' @param p.adj.threshold \code{Numeric scalar}. From \code{0 to 1}, specifies
#' adjusted p-value threshold for filtering.
#' (Default: \code{NULL})
#' @param p_adj_threshold Deprecated. Use \code{p.dj.threshold} instead.
#' @param cor.threshold \code{Numeric scalar}. From \code{0 to 1}, specifies
#' correlation threshold for filtering.
#' (Default: \code{NULL})
#' @param cor_threshold Deprecated. Use \code{cor.threshold} instead.
#' @param sort \code{Logical scalar}. Specifies whether to sort features or not
#' in result matrices. Used method is hierarchical clustering.
#' (Default: \code{FALSE})
#' @param filter.self.cor \code{Logical scalar}. Specifies whether to
#' filter out correlations between identical items. Applies only when
#' correlation between experiment itself is tested, i.e., when assays are
#' identical. (Default: \code{FALSE})
#' @param filter_self_correlations Deprecated. Use \code{filter.self.cor}
#' instead.
#' @param verbose \code{Logical scalar}. Specifies whether to get messages
#' about progress of calculation. (Default: \code{FALSE})
#' @param test.signif \code{Logical scalar}. Specifies whether to test
#' statistical significance of associations.
#' (Default: \code{FALSE})
#' @param test_significance Deprecated. Use \code{test.signif} instead.
#' @param show.warnings \code{Logical scalar}. specifies whether to show
#' warnings that might occur when correlations and p-values are calculated.
#' (Default: \code{FALSE})
#' @param show_warnings Deprecated. use \code{show.warnings} instead.
#' @param paired \code{Logical scalar}. Specifies if samples are paired or not.
#' \code{colnames} must match between twp experiments. \code{paired} is disabled
#' when \code{by = 1}. (Default: \code{FALSE})
#' @param ... Additional arguments:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{symmetric}: \code{Logical scalar}. Specifies if
#' measure is symmetric or not. When \code{symmetric = TRUE}, associations
#' are calculated only for unique variable-pairs, and they are assigned to
#' corresponding variable-pair. This decreases the number of calculations in
#' 2-fold meaning faster execution. (By default: \code{FALSE})
#' \item \code{association.fun}: A function that is used to calculate
#' (dis-)similarity between features. Function must take matrix as an input
#' and give numeric values as an output. Adjust \code{method} and other
#' parameters correspondingly. Supported functions are, for example,
#' \code{stats::dist} and \code{vegan::vegdist}.
#' \item \code{dimred1} \code{Character scalar} or \code{numeric scalar}.
#' Specifies reduced dimensionality from the \code{reducedDim} of experiment
#' 1. (Default: \code{NULL})
#' \item \code{dimred2} \code{Character scalar} or \code{numeric scalar}.
#' Specifies reduced dimensionality from the \code{reducedDim} of experiment
#' 2. (Default: \code{NULL})
#' }
#' @details
#' The function \code{getCrossAssociation} calculates associations between
#' features of two experiments. By default, it not only computes associations
#' but also tests their significance. If desired, setting
#' \code{test.signif} to FALSE disables significance calculation.
#' We recommend the non-parametric Kendall's tau as the default method for
#' association analysis. Kendall's tau has desirable statistical properties and
#' robustness at lower sample sizes. Spearman rank correlation can provide
#' faster solutions when running times are critical.
#' @return
#' This function returns associations in table or matrix format. In table
#' format, returned value is a data frame that includes features and
#' associations (and p-values) in columns. In matrix format, returned value
#' is a one matrix when only associations are calculated. If also significances
#' are tested, then returned value is a list of matrices.
#' @name getCrossAssociation
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(HintikkaXOData)
#' mae <- HintikkaXOData
#' # Subset so that less observations / quicker to run, just for example
#' mae[[1]] <- mae[[1]][1:20, 1:10]
#' mae[[2]] <- mae[[2]][1:20, 1:10]
#' # Several rows in the counts assay have a standard deviation of zero
#' # Remove them, since they do not add useful information about
#' # cross-association
#' mae[[1]] <- mae[[1]][rowSds(assay(mae[[1]])) > 0, ]
#' # Transform data
#' mae[[1]] <- transformAssay(mae[[1]], method = "rclr")
#' # Calculate cross-correlations
#' result <- getCrossAssociation(
#' mae, method = "pearson", assay.type1 = "counts", assay.type2 = "nmr",
#' show.warnings = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)
#' # Show first 5 entries
#' head(result, 5)
#' # Use altExp option to specify alternative experiment from the experiment
#' altExp(mae[[1]], "Phylum") <- agglomerateByRank(mae[[1]], rank = "Phylum")
#' # Transform data
#' altExp(mae[[1]], "Phylum") <- transformAssay(
#' altExp(mae[[1]], "Phylum"), method = "relabundance")
#' # When mode = "matrix", the return value is a matrix
#' result <- getCrossAssociation(
#' mae, experiment2 = 2, assay.type1 = "relabundance", assay.type2 = "nmr",
#' altexp1 = "Phylum", method = "pearson", mode = "matrix",
#' show.warnings = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)
#' # Show first 5 entries
#' head(result, 5)
#' # If test.signif = TRUE, then getCrossAssociation additionally returns
#' # significances
#' # filter.self.cor = TRUE filters self correlations
#' # p.adj.threshold can be used to filter those features that do not
#' # have any correlations whose p-value is lower than the threshold
#' result <- getCrossAssociation(
#' mae[[1]], experiment2 = mae[[1]], method = "pearson",
#' assay.type1 = "counts", assay.type2 = "counts",
#' filter.self.cor = TRUE, p.adj.threshold = 0.05, test.signif = TRUE,
#' show.warnings = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)
#' # Show first 5 entries
#' head(result, 5)
#' # Returned value is a list of matrices
#' names(result)
#' # Calculate Bray-Curtis dissimilarity between samples. If dataset includes
#' # paired samples, you can use paired = TRUE.
#' result <- getCrossAssociation(
#' mae[[1]], mae[[1]], by = 2, paired = FALSE,
#' assay.type1 = "counts", assay.type2 = "counts",
#' association.fun = getDissimilarity, method = "bray",
#' show.warnings = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)
#' # If experiments are equal and measure is symmetric
#' # (e.g., taxa1 vs taxa2 == taxa2 vs taxa1),
#' # it is possible to speed-up calculations by calculating association only
#' # for unique variable-pairs. Use "symmetric" to choose whether to measure
#' # association for only other half of of variable-pairs.
#' result <- getCrossAssociation(
#' mae, experiment1 = "microbiota", experiment2 = "microbiota",
#' assay.type1 = "counts", assay.type2 = "counts", symmetric = TRUE,
#' show.warnings = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)
#' # For big data sets, the calculations might take a long time.
#' # To speed them up, you can take a random sample from the data.
#' # When dealing with complex biological problems, random samples can be
#' # enough to describe the data. Here, our random sample is 30 % of whole data.
#' sample_size <- 0.3
#' tse <- mae[[1]]
#' tse_sub <- tse[ sample( seq_len( nrow(tse) ), sample_size * nrow(tse) ), ]
#' result <- getCrossAssociation(
#' tse_sub, assay.type1 = "counts", assay.type2 = "counts",
#' show.warnings = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)
#' # It is also possible to choose variables from colData and calculate
#' # association between assay and sample metadata or between variables of
#' # sample metadata
#' mae[[1]] <- addAlpha(mae[[1]])
#' # col.var works similarly to assay.type. Instead of fetching
#' # an assay named assay.type from assay slot, it fetches a column named
#' # col.var from colData.
#' result <- getCrossAssociation(
#' mae[[1]], assay.type1 = "counts",
#' col.var2 = c("shannon_diversity", "coverage_diversity"),
#' test.signif = TRUE, show.warnings = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)
#' # If your data contains TreeSE with alternative experiment in altExp,
#' # correlations can be calculated as follows.
#' # Create TreeSE with altExp
#' tse <- mae[[1]]
#' altExp(tse, "metabolites") <- mae[[2]]
#' # Calculate
#' res <- getCrossAssociation(
#' tse,
#' altexp2 = "metabolites",
#' assay.type1 = "rclr",
#' assay.type2 = "nmr",
#' show.warnings = FALSE, verbose = FALSE
#' )
#' # To calculate correlation of features to principal coordinates, you have to
#' # first calculate PCoA...
#' library(scater)
#' tse <- addMDS(tse, assay.type = "rclr", method = "euclidean")
#' # ...then calculate the correlation.
#' res <- getCrossAssociation(tse, assay.type1 = "rclr", dimred2 = "MDS",
#' show.warnings = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)
#' head(res)
#' @rdname getCrossAssociation
#' @export
setMethod("getCrossAssociation", signature = c(x = "MultiAssayExperiment"),
experiment1 = 1,
experiment2 = 2,
assay.type1 = assay_name1, assay_name1 = NULL,
assay.type2 = assay_name2, assay_name2 = NULL,
altexp1 = NULL,
altexp2 = NULL,
col.var1 = colData_variable1,
colData_variable1 = NULL,
col.var2 = colData_variable2,
colData_variable2 = NULL,
by = MARGIN,
method = "kendall",
mode = "table",
p.adj.method = p_adj_method,
p_adj_method = c("fdr", "BH", "bonferroni", "BY", "hochberg", "holm",
"hommel", "none"),
p.adj.threshold = p_adj_threshold,
p_adj_threshold = NULL,
cor.threshold = cor_threshold,
cor_threshold = NULL,
sort = FALSE,
filter.self.cor = filter_self_correlations,
filter_self_correlations = FALSE,
verbose = TRUE,
test.signif = test_significance,
test_significance = FALSE,
show.warnings = show_warnings,
show_warnings = TRUE,
paired = FALSE,
experiment1 = experiment1,
experiment2 = experiment2,
assay.type1 = assay.type1,
assay.type2 = assay.type2,
altexp1 = altexp1,
altexp2 = altexp2,
col.var1 = col.var1,
col.var2 = col.var2,
by = by,
method = method,
mode = mode,
p.adj.method = p.adj.method,
p.adj.threshold = p.adj.threshold,
cor.threshold = cor.threshold,
sort = sort,
filter.self.cor = filter.self.cor,
verbose = verbose,
test.signif = test.signif,
show.warnings = show.warnings,
paired = paired,
#' @rdname getCrossAssociation
#' @importFrom MultiAssayExperiment MultiAssayExperiment ExperimentList
#' @importFrom SingleCellExperiment altExps
#' @export
setMethod("getCrossAssociation", signature = "SummarizedExperiment",
function(x, experiment2 = x, ...){
############################## INPUT CHECK #############################
# If y is SE or TreeSE object
if( is(experiment2, "SummarizedExperiment") ){}
# If y is character specifying name of altExp,
else if( is.character(experiment2) &&
experiment2 %in% names(altExps(x)) ){}
# If y is numeric value specifying altExp
else if( is.numeric(experiment2) &&
experiment2 <= length(altExps(x)) ){}
# If y does not match, then give error
stop("'experiment2' must be SE object, or numeric or character",
" value specifying experiment in altExps(x) or character ",
"value specifying column(s) from 'colData(x)' or it must be ",
"NULL.", call. = FALSE)
############################ INPUT CHECK END ###########################
# Fetch data sets and create a MAE object
exp1 <- x
args <- list()
# If y is character or numeric, it specifies altExp
if ( is.character(experiment2) || is.numeric(experiment2) ){
exp2 <- altExps(x)[[experiment2]]
} else {
exp2 <- experiment2
# Add colnames if not defined
if (is.null(colnames(exp1))) {
colnames(exp1) <- paste("c", seq_len(ncol(exp1)), sep = "")
warning("Colnames not defined; arbitrary colnames added in ",
"experiment1.", call. = FALSE)
if (is.null(colnames(exp2))) {
colnames(exp2) <- paste("c", seq_len(ncol(exp2)), sep = "")
warning("Colnames not defined; arbitrary colnames added in ",
"experiment2.", call. = FALSE)
# Add rownames if not defined
if (is.null(rownames(exp1))) {
rownames(exp1) <- paste("r", seq_len(nrow(exp1)), sep = "")
warning("Rownames not defined; arbitrary rownames added in ",
"experiment1.", call. = FALSE)
if (is.null(rownames(exp2))) {
rownames(exp2) <- paste("r", seq_len(nrow(exp2)), sep = "")
warning("Rownames not defined; arbitrary rownames added in ",
"experiment2.", call. = FALSE)
# Create a MAE
experiments <- ExperimentList(exp1 = exp1, exp2 = exp2)
x <- MultiAssayExperiment(experiments = experiments)
# Call method with MAE object as an input
res <- .get_experiment_cross_association(
x = x, experiment1 = 1, experiment2 = 2, ...)
############################## MAIN FUNCTIONALITY ##############################
# This function includes all the main functionality.
#' @importFrom S4Vectors unfactor
.get_experiment_cross_association <- function(
experiment1 = 1,
experiment2 = 2,
assay.type1 = NULL,
assay.type2 = NULL,
altexp1 = NULL,
altexp2 = NULL,
col.var1 = colData_variable1, colData_variable1 = NULL,
col.var2 = colData_variable2, colData_variable2 = NULL,
dimred1 = NULL,
dimred2 = NULL,
by = 1,
method = "kendall",
mode = c("table", "matrix"),
p.adj.method = c("fdr", "BH", "bonferroni", "BY", "hochberg", "holm",
"hommel", "none"),
p.adj.threshold = NULL,
cor.threshold = NULL,
sort = FALSE,
filter.self.cor = FALSE,
verbose = TRUE,
test.signif = FALSE,
show.warnings = TRUE,
paired = FALSE,
############################# INPUT CHECK ##############################
# Check experiment1 and experiment2
.test_experiment_of_mae(x, experiment1)
.test_experiment_of_mae(x, experiment2)
# Rename TreeSEs based on sample map, i.e., based on on what they are
# linking to. In MAE, colnames can different between experiments even though
# those samples are linking to same patient.
obj_list <- .rename_based_on_samplemap(x, experiment1, experiment2)
# Fetch tse objects
tse1 <- obj_list[[1]]
tse2 <- obj_list[[2]]
# Check and fetch tse objects
tse1 <- .check_and_get_altExp(tse1, altexp1)
tse2 <- .check_and_get_altExp(tse2, altexp2)
# There are 3 options, from where the values are fetched. First option, that
# takes the precedence, is the column metadata variables. Second option
# is the dimension reduction results. The third option is the
# abundance table.
if( sum(c(is.null(assay.type1), is.null(col.var1), is.null(dimred1)))
!= 2 ){
stop("One of the following parameters must be specified: ",
"'assay.type1', 'col.var1', 'dimred1'.", call. = FALSE)
if( sum(c(is.null(assay.type2), is.null(col.var2), is.null(dimred2)))
!= 2 ){
stop("One of the following parameters must be specified: ",
"'assay.type2', 'col.var2', 'dimred2'.", call. = FALSE)
if( !is.null(col.var1) ){
tse1 <- .check_and_subset_colData_variables(tse1, col.var1)
} else if( !is.null(dimred1) ){
.check_dimred_present(dimred1, tse1)
} else{
.check_assay_present(assay.type1, tse1)
if( !is.null(col.var2) ){
tse2 <- .check_and_subset_colData_variables(tse2, col.var2)
} else if( !is.null(dimred2) ){
.check_dimred_present(dimred2, tse2)
} else{
.check_assay_present(assay.type2, tse2)
# Check by
by <- .check_MARGIN(by)
# Check method
# method is checked in .calculate_association. Otherwise association.fun
# would not work. (It can be "anything", and it might also have method
# parameter.) Check mode
mode <- match.arg(mode, c("table", "matrix"))
p.adj.method <- match.arg(
p.adj.method, c("fdr", "BH", "bonferroni", "BY", "hochberg", "holm",
"hommel", "none"))
# Check p.adj.threshold
if( !(is.numeric(p.adj.threshold) &&
(p.adj.threshold>=0 && p.adj.threshold<=1) ||
is.null(p.adj.threshold) ) ){
stop("'p.adj.threshold' must be a numeric value [0,1].", call. = FALSE)
# Check cor.threshold
if( !(is.numeric(cor.threshold) &&
(cor.threshold>=0 && cor.threshold<=1) ||
is.null(cor.threshold) ) ){
stop("'cor.threshold' must be a numeric value [0,1].", call. = FALSE)
# Check sort
if( !.is_a_bool(sort) ){
stop("'sort' must be a boolean value.", call. = FALSE)
# Check filter.self.cor
if( !.is_a_bool(filter.self.cor) ){
stop("'filter.self.cor' must be a boolean value.", call. = FALSE)
# Check test.signif
if( !.is_a_bool(test.signif) ){
stop("'test.signif' must be a boolean value.", call. = FALSE)
# Check verbose
if( !.is_a_bool(verbose) ){
stop("'verbose' must be a boolean value.", call. = FALSE)
# Check show.warnings
if( !.is_a_bool(show.warnings) ){
stop("'show.warnings' must be a boolean value.", call. = FALSE)
# Check paired
if( !.is_a_bool(paired) ){
stop("'paired' must be a boolean value.", call. = FALSE)
############################ INPUT CHECK END ###########################
# Fetch assays to correlate, if variables from coldata or reducedDim are
# specified, take them from corresponding slot, otherwise take assay
if( !is.null(col.var1) ){
assay1 <- colData(tse1)
} else if( !is.null(dimred1) ){
assay1 <- reducedDim(tse1, dimred1)
# Reduced dimensionality might be without feature names. Ensure that
# they exist.
if( is.null(colnames(assay1)) ){
colnames(assay1) <- as.character(seq_len(ncol(assay1)))
} else{
assay1 <- assay(tse1, assay.type1)
if( !is.null(col.var1) || !is.null(dimred1) ){
assay1 <- as.matrix(assay1)
assay1 <- t(assay1)
# Same for second table
if( !is.null(col.var2) ){
assay2 <- colData(tse2)
} else if( !is.null(dimred2) ){
assay2 <- reducedDim(tse2, dimred2)
if( is.null(colnames(assay2)) ){
colnames(assay2) <- as.character(seq_len(ncol(assay2)))
} else{
assay2 <- assay(tse2, assay.type2)
if( !is.null(col.var2) || !is.null(dimred2) ){
assay2 <- as.matrix(assay2)
assay2 <- t(assay2)
# Transposes tables to right format, if row is specified
if( by == 1 ){
assay1 <- t(assay1)
assay2 <- t(assay2)
# Disable paired
paired <- FALSE
# Check that assays match
.check_that_assays_match(assay1, assay2, by)
# If significance is not calculated, p.adj.method is NULL
if( !test.signif ){
p.adj.method <- NULL
# Calculate correlations
result <- .calculate_association(
assay1, assay2, method,
show.warnings, paired,
verbose, by,
assay.type1, assay.type2,
altexp1, altexp2,
col.var1, col.var2,
dimred1, dimred2,
# Disable p.adj.threshold if there is no adjusted p-values
if( is.null(result$p_adj) ){
p.adj.threshold <- NULL
# Disable cor.threshold if there is no correlations
if( is.null(result$cor) ){
cor.threshold <- NULL
# Disable filter_self_correlation if assays are not the same
if( !identical(assay1, assay2) ){
filter.self.cor <- FALSE
# Do filtering
if( !is.null(p.adj.threshold) ||
!is.null(cor.threshold) ||
filter.self.cor ){
# Filter associations
result <- .association_filter(
# Matrix or table?
if( mode == "matrix" && !is.null(result) ) {
# Create matrices from table
result <- .association_table_to_matrix(result, verbose)
# Sort associations if specified
if( sort ){
result <- .association_sort(result, verbose)
# Adjust names of all matrices
result <- lapply(result, FUN = function(x){
rownames(x) <- colnames(assay1)[ as.numeric(rownames(x)) ]
colnames(x) <- colnames(assay2)[ as.numeric(colnames(x)) ]
# If result list includes only one matrix, return only the matrix
if( length(result) == 1 ){
result <- result[[1]]
} else if( !is.null(result) ){
# Sort associations if specified
if( sort ){
result <- .association_sort(result, verbose)
# Get levels
levels1 <- unique(
colnames(assay1)[ as.numeric(levels(result$Var1)) ] )
levels2 <- unique(
colnames(assay2)[ as.numeric(levels(result$Var2)) ] )
# Unfactor so that factors do not affect when names are adjusted
result$Var1 <- unfactor(result$Var1)
result$Var2 <- unfactor(result$Var2)
# Adjust names
result$Var1 <- colnames(assay1)[ as.numeric(result$Var1) ]
result$Var2 <- colnames(assay2)[ as.numeric(result$Var2) ]
# Adjust factors
if( sort ){
# If the order is specified by sorting
result$Var1 <- factor(result$Var1, levels = levels1)
result$Var2 <- factor(result$Var2, levels = levels2)
} else{
# Otherwise the order is same as in input
result$Var1 <- factor(result$Var1, levels = unique(result$Var1))
result$Var2 <- factor(result$Var2, levels = unique(result$Var2))
################################ HELP FUNCTIONS ################################
# Rename experiments' colnames based on sample map linkages.
#' @importFrom MultiAssayExperiment sampleMap
.rename_based_on_samplemap <- function(mae, exp1, exp2){
# Get name of experiments, if indices are provided
if( is.numeric(exp1) ){
exp1 <- names(mae)[[exp1]]
if( is.numeric(exp2) ){
exp2 <- names(mae)[[exp2]]
# Get sample map
sample_map <- sampleMap(mae)
# Get sample map for first experiment1
map_sub <- sample_map[ sample_map[["assay"]] == exp1, ]
# Rename TreeSE of experiment1 based on sample map info
tse1 <- mae[[exp1]]
ind <- match(colnames(tse1), map_sub[["colname"]])
colnames(tse1) <- map_sub[ind, "primary"]
# Do the same for experiment2
map_sub <- sample_map[ sample_map[["assay"]] == exp2, ]
# Rename TreeSE of experiment1 based on sample map info
tse2 <- mae[[exp2]]
ind <- match(colnames(tse2), map_sub[["colname"]])
colnames(tse2) <- map_sub[ind, "primary"]
# Check if samples match
all1 <- all(colnames(tse1) %in% colnames(tse2))
all2 <- all(colnames(tse2) %in% colnames(tse1))
no_dupl1 <- anyDuplicated(colnames(tse1)) == 0
no_dupl2 <- anyDuplicated(colnames(tse2)) == 0
if( !(all1 && all2 && no_dupl1 && no_dupl2) ){
stop("Samples must match between experiments. Please check colnames.",
call. = FALSE)
# Order samples
tse2 <- tse2[, colnames(tse1)]
res <- list(tse1, tse2)
names(res) <- c(exp1, exp2)
# This function is for testing if experiment can be found from MAE
#' @importFrom MultiAssayExperiment experiments
.test_experiment_of_mae <- function(x, experiment){
# If experiment is numeric and bigger than the number of experiments
if( is.numeric(experiment) && experiment > length(experiments(x)) ){
stop("'", deparse(substitute(experiment)), "' is greater than the ",
"number of experiments in MAE object.",
call. = FALSE)
# Negation of "if value is character and can be found from experiments or
# if value is numeric and is smaller or equal to the list of experiments.
if( !( is.character(experiment) && experiment %in% names(experiments(x)) ||
is.numeric(experiment) && experiment <= length(experiments(x)) ) ){
stop("'", deparse(substitute(experiment)), "' ",
"must be numeric or character value specifying ",
"experiment in experiment(x).", call. = FALSE)
# Check experiment's class
obj <- x[[experiment]]
if( !(is(obj, "SummarizedExperiment")) ){
stop("The class of experiment specified by ",
deparse(substitute(experiment)), " must be 'SummarizedExperiment'.",
call. = FALSE)
###################### .check_and_subset_colData_variables #####################
# This function checks if columns can be found from colData. Additionally,
# integers are converted into numeric and factors to character.
# Input: (Tree)SE and character
# Output: (Tree)SE
.check_and_subset_colData_variables <- function(tse, variables){
# Get variable name
variable_name <- deparse(substitute(variables))
var_num <- substr(
start = nchar(variable_name), stop = nchar(variable_name))
# Check that variables can be found
if( !(is.character(variables) &&
all( variables %in% colnames(colData(tse))) ) ){
stop("'", variable_name, "' must be a character value specifying ",
"column(s) from colData of experiment ", var_num, ".",
call. = FALSE)
# Get coldata
coldata <- colData(tse)[ , variables, drop = FALSE]
# Get the classes of variables
classes <- unlist( lapply(coldata, class) )
# IF there are factors, convert them into character
if( any( classes == "factor") ){
unfactor <- coldata[ , classes == "factor", drop = FALSE]
unfactor <- lapply(unfactor, unfactor)
coldata[ , classes == "factor"] <- as.data.frame(unfactor)
classes[classes == "factor"] <- "character"
# IF there are integers, convert them into numeric
int_or_double <- classes == "integer" | classes == "double"
if( any( int_or_double ) ){
as_numeric <- coldata[ , int_or_double, drop = FALSE]
as_numeric <- lapply(as_numeric, as.numeric)
coldata[ , int_or_double] <- as.data.frame(as_numeric)
classes[int_or_double] <- "numeric"
# Check that all the variables have the same class
if( length(unique(classes)) > 1 ){
stop(" Variables specified by '", variable_name,
"' do not share a same class.", call. = FALSE)
# Replace the colData with new, subsetted colData
coldata <- DataFrame(coldata)
colData(tse) <- coldata
####################### .cross_association_test_data_type ######################
# This function tests if values match with chosen method. With numeric methods,
# numeric values are expected, and with categorical method factor or character
# values are expected. Otherwise gives an error.
# Input: assay and method
# Output: assay
.cross_association_test_data_type <- function(
assay, method, colData_variable){
# Different available methods
numeric_methods <- c("kendall", "pearson","spearman")
categorical_methods <- c("categorical")
# Get message
if( !is.null(colData_variable) ){
message <- "Variables of colData"
} else{
message <- "Assay, specified by 'assay.type',"
# Check if method match with values, otherwise give an error.
# For numeric methods, expect only numeric values. For categorical methods,
# expect only factors/characters.
if (method %in% numeric_methods && !is.numeric(assay)) {
# If there are no numeric values, give an error
stop(message, " of 'experiment' does not ",
"include numeric values. Choose categorical method for 'method'.",
call. = FALSE)
} else if (method %in% categorical_methods && !is.character(assay)) {
# If there are no factor values, give an error
stop(message, " specified by 'assay.type', of 'experiment' does not ",
"include factor or character values. Choose numeric method ",
"for 'method'.", call. = FALSE)
########################### .check_that_assays_match ###########################
# If correlations between features are analyzed, samples should match, and
# vice versa
.check_that_assays_match <- function(assay1, assay2, MARGIN){
names <- ifelse(MARGIN == 2, "Features", "Samples")
if( nrow(assay1) != nrow(assay2) ||
any(rownames(assay1) != rownames(assay2)) ){
stop(names, " must match between experiments.", call. = FALSE)
########################### .check_if_paired_samples ###########################
# Check if samples are paired
.check_if_paired_samples <- function(assay1, assay2){
if( !all(colnames(assay1) == colnames(assay2)) ){
stop("Experiments are not paired or samples are in wrong order.",
"Check that colnames match between experiments.", call. = FALSE)
############################# .calculate_association ###########################
# This function calculates correlations between every feature-pair. For numeric
# values uses cor.test() cor() and for categorical values Goodman and
# Kruskal's tau test.
# Input: Assays that share samples but that have different features and
# different parameters.
# Output: Correlation table including correlation values (and p-values and
# adjusted p-values)
#' @importFrom stats p.adjust
.calculate_association <- function(
method = "kendall",
assay.type1, assay.type2,
altexp1, altexp2,
col.var1, col.var2,
dimred1, dimred2,
association.fun = association_FUN,
association_FUN = NULL,
# Check method if association.fun is not NULL
if( is.null(association.fun) ){
# Check that method is correct
supported_methods <- c("kendall", "spearman", "categorical", "pearson")
if( !(.is_a_string(method) && method %in% supported_methods) ){
stop("'method' must be one of the following options: '",
paste0(supported_methods, collapse = "', '"), "'",
call. = FALSE)
# Get function name for message
function_name <- ifelse(
method == "categorical", "mia:::.calculate_gktau",
ifelse(test.signif, "stats::cor.test", "stats::cor"))
# Test if data is in right format
.cross_association_test_data_type(assay1, method, col.var1)
.cross_association_test_data_type(assay2, method, col.var2)
} else{
# Get name of function
function_name <- deparse(substitute(association.fun))
test.signif <- FALSE
p.adj.method <- NULL
# Message details of calculation
"Calculating correlations...\n",
"altexp1: ", ifelse(!is.null(altexp1), altexp1, "-"),
", altexp2: ", ifelse(!is.null(altexp2), altexp2, "-"),
", assay.type1: ", ifelse(is.null(col.var1) && is.null(dimred1),
assay.type1, "-"),
", col.var1: ", ifelse(!is.null(col.var1),
paste(col.var1, collapse = " + "), "-"),
", dimred1: ", ifelse(!is.null(dimred1), dimred1, "-"),
", assay.type2: ", ifelse(is.null(col.var2) && is.null(dimred2),
assay.type2, "-"),
", col.var2: ", ifelse(!is.null(col.var2),
paste(col.var2, collapse = " + "), "-"),
", dimred2: ", ifelse(!is.null(dimred2), dimred2, "-"),
"\nby: ", by,
", function: ", function_name,
", method: ", ifelse(!is.null(method), method, "-"),
", test.signif: ", test.signif,
", p.adj.method: ",
ifelse(!is.null(p.adj.method), p.adj.method, "-"),
", paired: ", paired,
", show.warnings: ", show.warnings, "\n"
# If association.fun is provided by user, use appropriate function.
# Otherwise, choose correct method for numeric and categorical data
if( !is.null(association.fun) ){
FUN_ <- .calculate_association_with_own_function
} else if( method %in% c("kendall", "pearson","spearman") ) {
FUN_ <- .calculate_association_for_numeric_values
} else if( method == "categorical" ){
FUN_ <- .calculate_association_for_categorical_values
# Get all the sample/feature pairs
if( paired ){
.check_if_paired_samples(assay1, assay2)
variable_pairs <- data.frame(
Var1 = seq_len(ncol(assay1)), Var2 = seq_len(ncol(assay2)) )
} else{
# Get feature_pairs as indices
variable_pairs <- expand.grid(
seq_len(ncol(assay1)), seq_len(ncol(assay2)) )
# If function is stats::cor, then calculate associations directly with
# matrices. Otherwise, loop through variable_pairs
if( function_name == "stats::cor" ){
correlations_and_p_values <- .calculate_stats_cor(
assay1 = assay1, assay2 = assay2, method = method,
show.warnings = show.warnings)
} else{
correlations_and_p_values <- .calculate_association_table(
variable_pairs = variable_pairs, FUN_ = FUN_,
test.signif = test.signif, assay1 = assay1, assay2 = assay2,
method = method, show.warnings = show.warnings,
association.fun = association.fun, ...)
# Get the order based on original order of variable-pairs
order <- match(
paste0(variable_pairs$Var1, "_", variable_pairs$Var2),
paste0(correlations_and_p_values$Var1, "_",
correlations_and_p_values$Var2) )
# Order the table
correlations_and_p_values <- correlations_and_p_values[ order, ]
# Remove rownames / make them to be in increasing order
rownames(correlations_and_p_values) <- NULL
# If there are p_values, adjust them
if( !is.null(correlations_and_p_values$pval) ){
correlations_and_p_values$p_adj <- p.adjust(
correlations_and_p_values$pval, method = p.adj.method)
######################### .sort_variable_pairs_row_wise ########################
# This function adds two columns to variable pair data.frame. This function
# sorts each variable pair in alphabetical order. First additional column
# includes first variable, and second second variable from variable pair.
# Input: variable pair data.frame
# Output: variable pair data.frame with two additional columns
#' @importFrom DelayedMatrixStats rowMins rowMaxs
.sort_variable_pairs_row_wise <- function(variable_pairs){
# Convert into matrix
variable_pairs <- as.matrix(variable_pairs)
# Get rowmins
rowmins <- rowMins( variable_pairs )
# Get rowmaxs
rowmaxs <- rowMaxs( variable_pairs )
# Convert back into data.frame
variable_pairs <- as.data.frame( variable_pairs )
# Add rowMins
variable_pairs$Var1_sorted <- rowmins
# Add rowMaxs
variable_pairs$Var2_sorted <- rowmaxs
######################### .calculate_association_table #########################
# This function calculates association by looping through feature/sample-pairs.
# Input: feature/sample_pairs, and assays
# Output: correlation table with variable names in Var1 and Var2, and
# correlation values in cor. Additionally, table can also include pval for
# p-values.
.calculate_association_table <- function(
symmetric = FALSE,
# Check symmetric
if( !.is_a_bool(symmetric) ){
stop("'symmetric' must be a boolean value.", call. = FALSE)
# If user has specified that the measure is symmetric
if( symmetric ){
# Are assays identical? If so, calculate only unique variable-pairs
assays_identical <- identical(assay1, assay2)
} else{
# Calculate all variable-pairs
assays_identical <- FALSE
# If they are identical, we can make calculation faster
# row1 vs col2 equals to row2 vs col1
if( assays_identical ){
variable_pairs_all <- variable_pairs
# Sort features row-wise
variable_pairs_all <- .sort_variable_pairs_row_wise(variable_pairs_all)
# Get unique feature/sample pairs
variable_pairs <- variable_pairs_all[
!duplicated(variable_pairs_all[ , c("Var1_sorted", "Var2_sorted")]),
# Calculate correlations
correlations_and_p_values <- apply(
variable_pairs, 1,
test.signif = test.signif,
assay1 = assay1,
assay2 = assay2,
method = method,
show.warnings = show.warnings,
association.fun = association.fun,
# Convert into data.frame if it is vector,
# otherwise transpose into the same orientation as feature-pairs and then
# convert it to df
if( is.vector(correlations_and_p_values) ){
correlations_and_p_values <- data.frame(correlations_and_p_values)
} else{
correlations_and_p_values <- t(correlations_and_p_values)
correlations_and_p_values <- as.data.frame(correlations_and_p_values)
# Give names
if( ncol(correlations_and_p_values) == 1 ){
colnames(correlations_and_p_values) <- c("cor")
else if( ncol(correlations_and_p_values) == 2 ){
colnames(correlations_and_p_values) <- c("cor", "pval")
} else{
stop("Unexpected problem occurred during calculation.", call. = FALSE)
# If assays were identical, and duplicate variable pairs were dropped
if( assays_identical ){
# Change names so that they are not equal to colnames of variable_pairs
colnames(variable_pairs)[c(1,2)] <- c("Var1_", "Var2_")
# Combine feature-pair names with correlation values and p-values
correlations_and_p_values <- cbind(
variable_pairs, correlations_and_p_values)
# Combine two tables so that values are assigned to larger table with
# all the variable pairs
correlations_and_p_values <- dplyr::left_join(
by = c("Var1_sorted", "Var2_sorted"))
# Drop off additional columns
correlations_and_p_values <- correlations_and_p_values[
!colnames(correlations_and_p_values) %in%
c("Var1_sorted", "Var2_sorted", "Var1_", "Var2_")
} else{
# Otherwise just add variable names
correlations_and_p_values <- cbind(
variable_pairs, correlations_and_p_values)
############################# .calculate_stats_cor #############################
# This function calculates correlations with stats::cor. Compared to other
# functions, it can take whole matrices as an input.
# Input: assays
# Output: correlation table
#' @importFrom stats cor
#' @importFrom tidyr pivot_longer
.calculate_stats_cor <- function(assay1, assay2, method, show.warnings){
# If user does not want warnings,
# suppress warnings that might occur when calculating correlations (NAs...)
# or p-values (ties, and exact p-values cannot be calculated...)
if( show.warnings ){
correlations <- stats::cor(
assay1, assay2, method = method, use = "pairwise.complete.obs")
} else{
correlations <- suppressWarnings(stats::cor(
assay1, assay2, method = method, use = "pairwise.complete.obs") )
correlations <- as.data.frame(correlations)
# Convert row names and column names into indices, so that they equal to
# other functions
rownames(correlations) <- seq_len( nrow(correlations) )
colnames(correlations) <- seq_len( ncol(correlations) )
correlations$ID <- rownames(correlations)
# melt matrix into long format, so that it match with output of other
# functions
correlations <- correlations %>% tidyr::pivot_longer(cols = !"ID")
# Adjust names
colnames(correlations) <- c("Var1", "Var2", "cor")
# Convert into data,frame
correlations <- as.data.frame( correlations )
# Convert indices back to numeric
correlations$Var1 <- as.numeric(correlations$Var1)
correlations$Var2 <- as.numeric(correlations$Var2)
################### .calculate_association_for_numeric_values ##################
# This function calculates correlation between feature-pair. If significance
# test is specified, then it uses cor.test(), if not then cor().
# Input: Vector of names that belong to feature pair, and assays.
# Output: Correlation value or list that includes correlation value and p-value.
#' @importFrom stats cor.test
.calculate_association_for_numeric_values <- function(
feature_pair, test.signif, assay1, assay2, method, show.warnings, ...){
# Get features
feature1 <- assay1[ , feature_pair[1]]
feature2 <- assay2[ , feature_pair[2]]
# Calculate correlation
# If user does not want warnings,
# suppress warnings that might occur when calculating correlations (NAs...)
# or p-values (ties, and exact p-values cannot be calculated...)
if( show.warnings ){
temp <- cor.test(
feature1, feature2, method = method, use = "pairwise.complete.obs")
} else {
temp <- suppressWarnings( cor.test(
feature1, feature2, method = method,
use = "pairwise.complete.obs") )
# Take only correlation and p-value
temp <- c(temp$estimate, temp$p.value)
################# .calculate_association_for_categorical_values ################
# This function calculates correlation between feature-pair. Correlation value
# is calculated with Goodman and Kruskal's tau test. P-value is calculated
# with Pearson's chi-squared test.
# Input: Vector of names that belong to feature pair, and assays.
# Output: Correlation value or list that includes correlation value and p-value.
.calculate_association_for_categorical_values <- function(
# Get features
feature1 <- assay1[ , feature_pair[1]]
feature2 <- assay2[ , feature_pair[2]]
# Keep only those samples that have values in both features
keep <- rowSums2(is.na(cbind(feature1, feature2))) == 0
feature1 <- feature1[keep]
feature2 <- feature2[keep]
# Calculate cross-correlation using Goodman and Kruskal tau
temp <- .calculate_gktau(
feature1, feature2, test.signif = test.signif, show.warnings)
# Whether to test significance
if( test.signif ){
# Take correlation and p-value
temp <- c(temp$estimate, temp$p.value)
} else{
# Take only correlation value
temp <- temp$estimate
################### .calculate_association_with_own_function ##################
# This function calculates (dis-)similarity between feature-pair with function
# that is specified by user.
# Input: Vector of names that belong to feature pair, and assays.
# Output: Correlation value or list that includes correlation value and p-value.
.calculate_association_with_own_function <- function(
assay1, assay2,
# Get features
feature1 <- assay1[ , feature_pair[1]]
feature2 <- assay2[ , feature_pair[2]]
# Create a matrix
feature_mat <- rbind(feature1, feature2)
# If user does not want warnings,
# suppress warnings that might occur when calculating correlations (NAs...)
# or p-values (ties, and exact p-values cannot be calculated...)
# Use try-catch to catch errors that might occur.
if( show.warnings ){
temp <- tryCatch({
do.call(association.fun, args = c(list(feature_mat), list(...)))
error = function(cond) {
stop("Something went wrong during calculation. Check, e.g., that ",
"'association.fun' fulfills requirements. 'association.fun' ",
"threw a following message:\n", cond,
call. = FALSE)
} else {
temp <- tryCatch({
suppressWarnings( do.call(
association.fun, args = c(list(feature_mat), list(...))) )
error = function(cond) {
stop("Something went wrong during calculation. Check, e.g., that ",
"'association.fun' fulfills requirements. 'association.fun' ",
"threw a following message:\n", cond, call. = FALSE)
# If temp's length is not 1, then function does not return single numeric
# value for each pair
if( length(temp) != 1 ){
stop("Error occurred during calculation. Check that ",
"'association.fun' fulfills requirements.", call. = FALSE)
############################## .association_filter #############################
# This filters off features that do not have any value under specified
# thresholds.
# Input: Correlation table and thresholds
# Output: Filtered correlation table (or NULL if there are no observations
# after filtering)
.association_filter <- function(
# Give message if verbose == TRUE
message("Filtering results...\np_adj_threshold: ",
ifelse(!is.null(p.adj.threshold), p.adj.threshold, "-"),
", cor.threshold: ",
ifelse(!is.null(cor.threshold), cor.threshold, "-"),
", filter.self.cor: ",
ifelse(filter.self.cor, filter.self.cor, "-"), "\n" )
# Which features have significant correlations?
if ( !is.null(result$p_adj) && !is.null(p.adj.threshold) ) {
# Get those feature-pairs that have significant correlations
result <- result[
result$p_adj < p.adj.threshold & !is.na(result$p_adj), ]
# Which features have correlation over correlation threshold?
if ( !is.null(cor.threshold) ) {
# Get those feature-pairs that have correlations over threshold
result <- result[abs(result$cor) > cor.threshold & !is.na(result$cor), ]
# If there are no significant correlations
if ( nrow(result) == 0 ) {
message("No significant correlations with the given criteria.\n")
# Filter self correlations if it's specified
if ( filter.self.cor ) {
# Take only those rows where features differ
result <- result[result$Var1 != result$Var2, ]
############################## .association_sort ##############################
# This sorts correlation, p-value and adjusted p-values matrices based on
# hierarchical clustering
# Input: List of matrices (cor, p-values and adjusted p-values / matrix (cor)
# Output: Lst of sorted matrices (cor, p-values and adjusted p-values / matrix
# (cor)
#' @importFrom stats hclust
.association_sort <- function(result, verbose){
# Give message if verbose == TRUE
message("Sorting results...\n")
# Is the type of result table or matrix?
is_dataframe <- is.data.frame(result)
# If the type is data.frame, convert result first to matrix
if( is_dataframe ){
result_mat <- .association_table_to_matrix(result, verbose = FALSE)
# Fetch data matrices
correlations <- result_mat$cor
p_values <- result_mat$pval
p_values_adjusted <- result_mat$p_adj
} else{
# Fetch data matrices
correlations <- result$cor
p_values <- result$pval
p_values_adjusted <- result$p_adj
# If matrix contains rows or columns that have only NAs, error occur in
# hclust
if( (any(rowSums(is.na(correlations)) == ncol(correlations)) ||
any(colSums(is.na(correlations)) == nrow(correlations))) ){
message("Result cannot be sorted, because it ",
"contains variable(s) whose correlation was not possible to ",
"calculate since they all were NAs.\n")
# If there are only one variable, return as it is
if( nrow(correlations) == 1 && ncol(result$cor) == 1 ){
# Order in visually appealing order
tmp <- correlations
rownames(tmp) <- NULL
colnames(tmp) <- NULL
# Do hierarchical clustering, use try-catch to catch errors that might occur
# if data contains NAs
row_index <- tryCatch({
hclust(as.dist(1 - cor(
t(tmp), use="pairwise.complete.obs")))$order
error = function(cond) {
stop("Something went wrong during sorting. Possible reason is that ",
"correlation matrix includes NAs. Try with 'sort = FALSE'.",
call. = FALSE)
col_index <- tryCatch({
hclust(as.dist(1 - cor(
tmp, use="pairwise.complete.obs")))$order
error = function(cond) {
stop("Something went wrong during sorting. Possible reason is that ",
"correlation matrix includes NAs. Try with 'sort = FALSE'.",
call. = FALSE)
# Get the order of features from hierarchical clustering
rownames <- rownames(correlations)[row_index]
colnames <- colnames(correlations)[col_index]
# If the format of result was data.frame
if( is_dataframe ){
# Add order as factor levels
result$Var1 <- factor(result$Var1, levels = row_index)
result$Var2 <- factor(result$Var2, levels = col_index)
} else{
# Otherwise, the format was matrix
# Order the correlation matrix based on order of hierarchical
# clustering
correlations <- correlations[row_index, col_index]
# Add column and rownames
colnames(correlations) <- colnames
rownames(correlations) <- rownames
# Create a result list
result_list <- list(cor = correlations)
# If p_values is not NULL. order and add to the list
if( !is.null(p_values) ){
# Sort the matrix
p_values <- p_values[row_index, col_index]
# Add column and rownames
colnames(p_values) <- colnames
rownames(p_values) <- rownames
# Add matrix to result list
result_list[["pval"]] <- p_values
# If p_values_adjusted is not NULL. order and add to the list
if( !is.null(p_values_adjusted) ){
# Sort the matrix
p_values_adjusted <- p_values_adjusted[row_index, col_index]
# Add column and rownames
colnames(p_values_adjusted) <- colnames
rownames(p_values_adjusted) <- rownames
# Add matrix to result list
result_list[["p_adj"]] <- p_values_adjusted
result <- result_list
######################### .association_table_to_matrix #########################
# This function converts correlation table into matrices
# Input: Correlation table
# Output: List of matrices (cor, p-values and adjusted p-values / matrix (cor)
#' @importFrom tidyr pivot_wider
#' @importFrom DelayedArray rowSums colSums
.association_table_to_matrix <- function(result, verbose){
# Give message if verbose == TRUE
message("Converting table into matrices...\n")
# Correlation matrix is done from Var1, Var2, and cor columns
cor <- result %>%
# Convert into long format
id_cols = "Var1", names_from = "Var2", values_from = "cor") %>%
# Convert into data.frame
# Give rownames and remove additional column
rownames(cor) <- cor$Var1
cor$Var1 <- NULL
# Convert into matrix
cor <- as.matrix(cor)
# Remove empty rows and columns
non_empty_rows <- rowSums(is.na(cor)) < ncol(cor)
non_empty_cols <- colSums(is.na(cor)) < nrow(cor)
cor <- cor[ non_empty_rows, non_empty_cols, drop = FALSE ]
# Create a result list
result_list <- list(cor = cor)
# If p_values exist, then create a matrix and add to the result list
if( !is.null(result$pval) ){
pval <- result %>%
# Convert into long format
id_cols = "Var1", names_from = "Var2", values_from = "pval") %>%
# Convert into data.frame
# Adjust rownames and remove an additional column
rownames(pval) <- pval$Var1
pval$Var1 <- NULL
# Convert into matrix
pval <- as.matrix(pval)
# Remove empty rows and columns
pval <- pval[ non_empty_rows, non_empty_cols, drop = FALSE ]
# Add it to result list
result_list[["pval"]] <- pval
# If adjusted p_values exist, then create a matrix and add to the result
# list
if( !is.null(result$p_adj) ){
p_adj <- result %>%
# Convert into long format
id_cols = "Var1", names_from = "Var2",
values_from = "p_adj") %>%
# Convert into data.frame
# Adjust rownames and remove an additional column
rownames(p_adj) <- p_adj$Var1
p_adj$Var1 <- NULL
# Convert into matrix
p_adj <- as.matrix(p_adj)
# Remove empty rows and columns
p_adj <- p_adj[ non_empty_rows, non_empty_cols, drop = FALSE ]
# Add it to result list
result_list[["p_adj"]] <- p_adj
############################### .calculate_gktau ###############################
# This function calculates association with Goodman and Kruskal's tau test and
# p-value with Pearson's chi-squared test
# Input: Two vectors, one represent feature1, other feature2, which share
# samples
# Output: list of tau and p-value or just tau
#' @importFrom DelayedMatrixStats rowSums2 colSums2
#' @importFrom stats chisq.test
.calculate_gktau <- function(x, y, test.signif = FALSE, show.warnings){
# First, compute the IxJ contingency table between x and y
Nij <- table(x, y, useNA="ifany")
# Next, convert this table into a joint probability estimate
PIij <- Nij/sum(Nij)
# Compute the marginal probability estimates
#PIiPlus <- apply(PIij, MARGIN=1, sum)
PIiPlus <- rowSums2(PIij)
#PIPlusj <- apply(PIij, MARGIN=2, sum)
PIPlusj <- colSums2(PIij)
# Compute the marginal variation of y
Vy <- 1 - sum(PIPlusj^2)
# Compute the expected conditional variation of y given x
# Because of the previous step, there should not be any NAs
#InnerSum <- apply(PIij^2, MARGIN=1, sum)
InnerSum <- rowSums2(PIij^2)
VyBarx <- 1 - sum(InnerSum/PIiPlus)
# Compute and return Goodman and Kruskal's tau measure
tau <- (Vy - VyBarx)/Vy
# If test significance is specified, then calculate significance with
# chi-squared test. Are these two features independent or not?
if ( !test.signif ){
return(list(estimate = tau))
# Do the Pearson's chi-squared test.
# If user does not want warnings,
# suppress warnings that might occur when there are ties, and exact p-value
# cant be calculated
if( show.warnings ){
temp <- chisq.test(x, y)
} else {
temp <- suppressWarnings( chisq.test(x, y) )
# Take the p-value
p_value <- temp$p.value
# Result is combination of tau and p-value
return(list(estimate = tau, p.value = p_value))
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