
Defines functions reference_uses_same_scale QcConfigSignal.save_config fetch_signal_at_features get_fetch_fun QcConfigSignal.files QcConfigSignal.parse QcConfigSignal.null QcConfigSignal check_QcConfigSignal

Documented in fetch_signal_at_features QcConfigSignal QcConfigSignal.files QcConfigSignal.null QcConfigSignal.parse QcConfigSignal.save_config

check_QcConfigSignal = function(object){
  errors <- character()
  #is_null can't be invalid
  #read_mode sensitive checks.
  if(grepl("bam", object@read_mode)){#bam checks
  }else{#bigwig checks
    if(object@cluster_value == "RPM"){
      errors = c(errors, "cluster_value cannot be RPM for bigwig files.")
    if(object@sort_value == "RPM"){
      errors = c(errors, "sort_value cannot be RPM for bigwig files.")
  #check attributes are present
    msg = "'name' attribute must be present in meta_data."
    errors = c(errors, msg)
    msg = "'name_split' attribute must be present in meta_data."
    errors = c(errors, msg)
  #check attributes are valid
    msg = paste0("'name' values must be unique. Following have been duplicated: ", paste(unique(object$meta_data$name[duplicated(object$meta_data$name)]), collapse = ", "))
    errors = c(errors, msg)
    msg = paste0("'name_split' values must be unique. Following have been duplicated: ", paste(unique(object$meta_data$name_split[duplicated(object$meta_data$name_split)]), collapse = ", "))
    errors = c(errors, msg)
    msg = "'name' attribute must be a factor."
    errors = c(errors, msg)
    msg = "'name_split' attribute must be a factor."
    errors = c(errors, msg)
  #check to_run and reference
  if(!all(object@to_run %in% object@meta_data[[object@run_by]])){
    msg = paste0("Items in to_run are missing from '", object@run_by, "'. Missing:\n",
                 paste0(setdiff(object@to_run, object@meta_data[[object@run_by]]), collapse = "\n"))
    errors = c(errors, msg)
  if(!all(object@to_run_reference %in% object@meta_data[[object@run_by]])){
    msg = paste0("Items in to_run_reference are missing from '", object@run_by, "'. Missing:\n",
                 paste0(setdiff(object@to_run_reference, object@meta_data[[object@run_by]]), collapse = "\n"))
    errors = c(errors, msg)
  if(length(object@to_run) == 0){
    msg = "Length of to_run must be greater than 1 or nothing will be run."
    errors = c(errors, msg)
  if(!object@center_signal_at_max %in% c(FALSE, TRUE)){
    msg = paste0("center_signal_at_max must be TRUE or FALSE, was: ", object@center_signal_at_max, ".")
    errors = c(errors, msg)
  if(!object@flip_signal_mode %in% flip_signal_modes){
    msg = paste0("flip_signal_mode must be one of: ", paste(flip_signal_modes, collapse = ", "), ". But it was : ", object@flip_signal_mode, ".")
    errors = c(errors, msg)
  if (length(errors) == 0) TRUE else errors

#' QcConfigSignal
#' @slot view_size 
#' @slot read_mode 
#' @slot fetch_options 
#' @slot cluster_value 
#' @slot linearQuantile_cutoff 
#' @slot sort_value 
#' @slot sort_method 
#' @slot plot_value 
#' @slot heatmap_limit_values 
#' @slot lineplot_free_limits 
#' @slot center_signal_at_max 
#' @slot flip_signal_mode 
#' @slot n_clusters 
#' @rdname QcConfigSignal
#' @export
setClass("QcConfigSignal", contains = "QcConfig",
         representation = list(
           view_size = "numeric",
           win_size = "numeric",
           read_mode = "character",
           fetch_options = "list",
           cluster_value = "character",
           linearQuantile_cutoff = "numeric",
           sort_value = "character",
           sort_method = "character",
           plot_value = "character",
           heatmap_limit_values = "ANY",
           lineplot_free_limits = "logical",
           center_signal_at_max = "logical",
           flip_signal_mode = "character",
           n_clusters = "numeric"
         ), validity = check_QcConfigSignal)

setMethod("initialize","QcConfigSignal", function(.Object,...){
  .Object <- callNextMethod()

#' @export
setMethod("plot", "QcConfigSignal", definition = function(x).plot_QcConfig(x))

setMethod("names", "QcConfigSignal",

setMethod("$", "QcConfigSignal",
          function(x, name)
            switch (name,
                    view_size = x@view_size, 
                    window_size = x@win_size,
                    read_mode = x@read_mode, 
                    fetch_options = x@fetch_options, 
                    cluster_value = x@cluster_value, 
                    linearQuantile_cutoff = x@linearQuantile_cutoff, 
                    sort_value = x@sort_value, 
                    sort_method = x@sort_method, 
                    plot_value = x@plot_value,
                    heatmap_limit_values = x@heatmap_limit_values,
                    lineplot_free_limits = x@lineplot_free_limits,
                    meta_data = x@meta_data,
                    run_by = x@run_by,
                    to_run = x@to_run,
                    to_run_reference = x@to_run_reference,
                    color_by = x@color_by,
                    color_mapping = as.list(x@color_mapping),
                    center_signal_at_max = x@center_signal_at_max,
                    flip_signal_mode = x@flip_signal_mode,
                    n_clusters = x@n_clusters

setReplaceMethod("$", "QcConfigSignal",
                 function(x, name, value)
                   warn_msg = "This assignment is not supported.  No effect."
                   switch (name,
                           view_size = {
                             x@view_size = value
                           window_size = {
                             x@win_size = value
                           read_mode = {
                             stopifnot(value %in% c("bam_SE", "bam_PE", "bigwig", "null"))  
                             x@read_mode = value
                           fetch_options = {
                             x@fetch_options = value
                           cluster_value = {
                             if(!value %in% signal_vars){
                               stop("cluster_value must be one of: ", paste(signal_vars, collapse = ", "))
                             x@cluster_value = value
                           linearQuantile_cutoff = {
                             stopifnot(value > 0 & value <= 1)  
                             x@linearQuantile_cutoff = value
                           sort_value = {
                             if(!value %in% signal_vars){
                               stop("sort_value must be one of: ", paste(signal_vars, collapse = ", "))
                             x@sort_value = value
                           sort_method = {
                             if(!value %in% c("hclust", "sort")){
                               stop("sort_method must be one of: ", paste(c("hclust", "sort"), collapse = ", "))
                             x@sort_method = value
                           plot_value = {
                             if(!value %in% signal_vars){
                               stop("plot_value must be one of: ", paste(signal_vars, collapse = ", "))
                             x@plot_value = value
                           heatmap_limit_values = {
                             }else if(is.numeric(value)){
                               if(length(value) != 2){
                                 stop("2 values required for limits, may use NA for one to use min/max.")
                             }else if(is.function(value)){
                               stop("heatmap_limit_values must be defined in a way compatible with ggplot2::scale_continuous limits.  NULL, numeric, or function allowed.")
                             x@heatmap_limit_values = value
                           lineplot_free_limits = {
                             if(!value %in% c(FALSE, TRUE)){
                               stop("lineplot_free_limits must be one of FALSE or TRUE")
                             x@lineplot_free_limits = value
                           meta_data = {
                             value = .enforce_file_var(value)
                             value = .enforce_name_var(value)
                             value = .enforce_found_order(value)
                             x@meta_data = value
                           run_by = {
                             x@run_by = value
                             if(!all(x@to_run %in% x@meta_data[[x@run_by]])){
                               message("Updating to_run to all items in '", x@run_by, "'.")
                                 x@to_run = levels(x@meta_data[[x@run_by]])
                                 x@to_run = unique(x@meta_data[[x@run_by]])
                             if(!all(x@to_run_reference %in% x@meta_data[[x@run_by]])){
                               message("Clearing to_run_reference.")
                               x@to_run_reference = character()
                           to_run = {
                             x@to_run = value
                             if(any(x@to_run %in% x@to_run_reference)){
                               message("Removing to_run items from to_run_reference. Removed:\n",
                                       paste0(intersect(x@to_run_reference, x@to_run), collapse = "\n"))
                               x@to_run_reference = setdiff(x@to_run_reference, x@to_run)
                           to_run_reference = {
                             x@to_run_reference = value
                             if(any(x@to_run_reference %in% x@to_run)){
                               message("Removing to_run_reference items from to_run. Removed:\n",
                                       paste0(intersect(x@to_run_reference, x@to_run), collapse = "\n"))
                               x@to_run = setdiff(x@to_run, x@to_run_reference)
                           color_by = {
                             x@color_by = value
                             message("Applying option SQC_COLORS for updated color_mapping.")
                             x$color_mapping = getOption("SQC_COLORS")
                           color_mapping = {
                             value = unlist(value)
                             col_lev = unique(x@meta_data[[x@color_by]])
                               if(length(value) >= length(col_lev)){
                                 value = value[seq_along(col_lev)]
                                 stop("Insufficient colors supplied. Mapping requires at least ", length(col_lev), ".")
                               names(value) = col_lev
                               if(!all(col_lev %in% names(value))){
                                 stop(paste(collapse = "\n",
                                            c("Missing name values from color mapping. Required:", 
                                              setdiff(col_lev, names(value)))))
                             x@color_mapping = value
                           center_signal_at_max = {
                             x@center_signal_at_max = value
                           flip_signal_mode = {
                             x@flip_signal_mode = value
                           n_clusters = {
                             x@n_clusters = value

#' QcConfigSignal
#' @param config_df A data.frame containing configuration information for signal
#'   (bam or bigwig) files. Should contain a "file" attribute and entires for
#'   run_by and color_by.
#' @param run_by Name of the attribute specify how signal data should be
#'   grouped.
#' @param to_run Values in run_by that represent running groups.
#' @param to_run_reference Values in run_by that should be included in all run
#'   groups.
#' @param color_by Name of the attribute specify how signal data should be
#'   colored in relevant plots
#' @param color_mapping Name character vector where names are values of color_by
#'   and values are valid R colors (color names or hex values).
#' @param read_mode Read mode of signal data, one of bam_SE, bam_PE, or bigwig.
#' @param view_size Consistent size to use when viewing assessment regions. Uses
#'   SQC_VIEW_SIZE option or 3kb as default.
#' @param window_size The window size used when fetching signal. Lower values
#'   increase resolution but also RAM usage. Default is 200 bp.
#' @param fetch_options Named list of additional arguments to pass to signal
#'   fetch function.
#' @param cluster_value Value in SQC_SIGNAL_VALUES$ to use for clustering. RPM
#'   values are not valid if read_mode is "bigwig".
#' @param linearQuantile_cutoff Quantile to use for linearQuantile normalization
#'   procedure. Values above this cutoff are treated as outliers.
#' @param sort_value Value in SQC_SIGNAL_VALUES$ to use for sorting. RPM values
#'   are not valid if read_mode is "bigwig".
#' @param sort_method One of two available method to use when sorting within
#'   clusters. If "hclust", hierarchical clustering is applied. If the default
#'   of "sort", regions are sorting by decreasing signal.
#' @param plot_value Value in SQC_SIGNAL_VALUES$ to represent in plots. RPM
#'   values are not valid if read_mode is "bigwig".
#' @param heatmap_limit_values Color scale limits for heatmaps. Default is 0 to
#'   10.
#' @param lineplot_free_limits If TRUE (default), lineplot facets per cluster
#'   will have free axis. If FALSE a consistnet y-axis is used for all clusters.
#' @param center_signal_at_max If TRUE, signal is centered at local maxima prior
#'   to any clustering. The default is FALSE. See details for explanation or
#'   interaction with assessment features.
#' @param flip_signal_mode  Value is SQC_FLIP_SIGNAL_MODES$.  If not "none"
#'   (Default) signal profiles are flipped so that highest signal is on one side
#'   or the other.  See details for explanation or interaction with assessment
#'   features.
#' @param is_null If TRUE, this QcConfigSignal is considered null/empty.
#' @param n_clusters The number of k-means clusters for the heatmap.
#'   Since center_signal_at_max and flip_signal_mode have the potential to
#'   modify the assessment regions based on signal run groups, the modified
#'   assessment feature set is store in signal_data for each run group. They can
#'   be accessed like this: sqc$signal_data$FEATURE_NAME$SIGNAL_NAME$query_gr
#' @return A QcConfigSignal object
#' @export
#' @rdname QcConfigSignal
#' @examples
#' bam_config_file = system.file(package = "ssvQC", "extdata/ssvQC_bam_config.csv")
#' bam_config_df = .parse_config_body(bam_config_file)
#' sig_conf = QcConfigSignal(bam_config_df)
#' bigwig_config_file = system.file(package = "ssvQC", "extdata/ssvQC_bigwig_config.csv")
#' bigwig_config_df = .parse_config_body(bigwig_config_file)
#' sig_conf.bw = QcConfigSignal(bigwig_config_df)
QcConfigSignal = function(config_df,
                          run_by = "All",
                          to_run = NULL,
                          to_run_reference = NULL,
                          color_by = "file",
                          color_mapping = NULL,
                          read_mode = NULL,
                          view_size = getOption("SQC_VIEW_SIZE", 3e3), 
                          window_size = 200,
                          fetch_options = list(),
                          cluster_value = NULL,
                          linearQuantile_cutoff = .98,
                          sort_value = NULL,
                          sort_method = c("hclust", "sort")[2],
                          plot_value = NULL,
                          heatmap_limit_values = c(0, 10),
                          lineplot_free_limits = TRUE,
                          center_signal_at_max = FALSE,
                          flip_signal_mode = flip_signal_modes$none,
                          is_null = FALSE,
                          n_clusters = 6){
  config_df = .enforce_file_var(config_df)
  config_df = .enforce_name_var(config_df)
  if(!run_by %in% colnames(config_df)){
    if(run_by == "All"){
      config_df[[run_by]] = run_by
      stop("run_by ", run_by, " was not in column names.")    
  if(!color_by %in% colnames(config_df)){
    stop("color_by ", color_by, " was not in column names.")
  if(linearQuantile_cutoff <= 0 | linearQuantile_cutoff > 1){
    stop("linearQuantile_cutoff must be between 0 and 1. Was ", linearQuantile_cutoff)
  if(!sort_method %in% c("hclust", "sort")){
    stop("sort_method of ", sort_method, " was not one of : ", paste(c("hclust", "sort"), collapse = ", "))
      color_names = names(color_mapping)
    }else if(is.factor(config_df[[color_by]])){
      color_names = levels(config_df[[color_by]])
      color_names = unique(config_df[[color_by]])
    stopifnot(length(color_names) == length(color_mapping))
    names(color_mapping) = color_names
      color_names = levels(config_df[[color_by]])
      color_names = unique(config_df[[color_by]])
    color_mapping = seqsetvis::safeBrew(length(color_names))
    names(color_mapping) = color_names
  stopifnot(config_df[[color_by]] %in% names(color_mapping))
  #Guess read mode
    read_mode = guess_read_mode(config_df$file[1])
  #Value defaults
    cluster_value = get_default_signal_var(read_mode)
    sort_value = get_default_signal_var(read_mode)
    plot_value = get_default_signal_var(read_mode)
  #Value checks
  if(!cluster_value %in% signal_vars){
    stop("cluster_value of ", cluster_value, " was not one of : ", paste(signal_vars, collapse = ", "))
  if(!sort_value %in% signal_vars){
    stop("sort_value of ", sort_value, " was not one of : ", paste(signal_vars, collapse = ", "))
  if(!plot_value %in% signal_vars){
    stop("plot_value of ", plot_value, " was not one of : ", paste(signal_vars, collapse = ", "))
  stopifnot(read_mode %in% sqc_read_modes)
    to_run = as.character(unique(config_df[[run_by]]))
  stopifnot(all(to_run %in% config_df[[run_by]]))
    to_run_reference = character()
  stopifnot(all(to_run_reference %in% config_df[[run_by]]))
      meta_data =  config_df,
      run_by = run_by,
      to_run = to_run,
      to_run_reference = to_run_reference,
      color_by = color_by,
      color_mapping = color_mapping,
      read_mode = read_mode,
      view_size = view_size, 
      win_size = window_size,
      fetch_options = fetch_options,
      cluster_value = cluster_value,
      linearQuantile_cutoff = linearQuantile_cutoff,
      sort_value = sort_value,
      sort_method = sort_method,
      plot_value = plot_value,
      heatmap_limit_values = heatmap_limit_values,
      lineplot_free_limits = lineplot_free_limits,
      center_signal_at_max = center_signal_at_max,
      flip_signal_mode = flip_signal_mode,
      is_null = is_null,
      n_clusters = n_clusters)

#' QcConfigSignal null placeholder
#' @return A null/empty QcConfigSignal object
#' @export
#' @rdname QcConfigSignal
#' @examples
#' QcConfigSignal.null()
QcConfigSignal.null = function(){
  qc = suppressWarnings({QcConfigSignal(data.frame(file = "null", stringsAsFactors = FALSE), is_null = TRUE)})

#' @param signal_config_file Configuration file for signal data.
#' @return A QcConfigSignal object
#' @export
#' @rdname QcConfigSignal
#' @examples
#' bam_config_file = system.file(package = "ssvQC", "extdata/ssvQC_bam_config.csv")
#' QcConfigSignal.parse(bam_config_file)
#' bigwig_config_file = system.file(package = "ssvQC", "extdata/ssvQC_bigwig_config.csv")
#' QcConfigSignal.parse(bigwig_config_file)
QcConfigSignal.parse = function(signal_config_file){
  signal_config_dt = .parse_config_body(signal_config_file)
  valid_signal_var = c("main_dir", 
  cfg_vals = .parse_config_header(signal_config_file, valid_signal_var)
    choose_file_path = function(main_dir, files){
      abs_path = files
      rel_path = file.path(main_dir, files)
      ifelse(file.exists(rel_path), rel_path, abs_path)
    signal_config_dt$file = choose_file_path(cfg_vals[["main_dir"]], signal_config_dt$file)
    cfg_vals[["main_dir"]] = NULL
    stop(paste(c("Files specified in config do not exist:", 
                 signal_config_dt$file[!file.exists(signal_config_dt$file)]), collapse = "\n  "))
  tfun = function(config_dt, 
                  main_dir = NULL, 
                  read_mode = NULL,
                  view_size = getOption("SQC_VIEW_SIZE", 3e3),
                  window_size = getOption("SQC_WINDOW_SIZE", 200),
                  color_by = NULL, color_mapping = NULL, 
                  run_by = NULL, 
                  to_run = NULL, 
                  to_run_reference = NULL,
                  cluster_value = NULL,
                  linearQuantile_cutoff = .98,
                  sort_value = NULL,
                  sort_method = c("hclust", "sort")[2],
                  plot_value = NULL,
                  fetch_options = list(), 
                  heatmap_limit_values = c(0, 10), 
                  lineplot_free_limits = TRUE, 
                  center_signal_at_max = FALSE,
                  flip_signal_mode = flip_signal_modes$none,
                  is_null = FALSE,
                  n_clusters = 6){
    QcConfigSignal(config_df = config_dt, 
                   run_by = run_by, 
                   to_run = to_run,
                   to_run_reference = to_run_reference,
                   color_by = color_by, 
                   color_mapping = color_mapping, 
                   read_mode = read_mode, 
                   view_size = view_size, 
                   window_size = window_size,
                   fetch_options = fetch_options,
                   cluster_value = cluster_value,
                   linearQuantile_cutoff = linearQuantile_cutoff,
                   sort_value = sort_value,
                   sort_method = sort_method,
                   plot_value = plot_value,
                   heatmap_limit_values = heatmap_limit_values,
                   lineplot_free_limits = lineplot_free_limits,
                   center_signal_at_max = center_signal_at_max,
                   flip_signal_mode = flip_signal_mode,
                   is_null = is_null,
                   n_clusters = n_clusters)
  do.call(tfun, c(list(config_dt = signal_config_dt), cfg_vals))

#' QcConfigSignal.files
#' @param file_paths character paths to files
#' @param groups numeric vector of group assignments. 1 is first item in group_names, 2 is second, etc. Default is seq_along(file_path)
#' @param group_names vector of group names to assign from according to groups
#' @param group_colors vector of colors to use per group
#' @param view_size view size in bp to apply. Defaults to 3000.
#' @return a QcConfigSignal object
#' @export
#' @rdname QcConfigSignal
#' @examples
#' bam_files = dir(system.file(package = "ssvQC", "extdata"), pattern = "CTCF.+bam$", full.names = TRUE)
#' object = QcConfigSignal.files(bam_files)
#' plot(object)
#' object2 = QcConfigSignal.files(bam_files,
#'   sample_names = c("MCF10A_CTCF", "MCF10AT1_CTCF", "MCF10CA1a_CTCF"), 
#'   group_names = c("10A", "AT1", "CA1"),
#'   group_colors = c("firebrick", "slategray2", "forestgreen")
#' )
#' plot(object2)
QcConfigSignal.files = function(file_paths,
                                file_paths.input = character(),
                                run_separately = TRUE,
                                sample_names = NULL,
                                sample_names.split = NULL,
                                group_names = NULL,
                                group_name.input = "input",
                                group_colors = NULL,
                                view_size = getOption("SQC_VIEW_SIZE", 3e3), 
                                window_size = getOption("SQC_WINDOW_SIZE", 200),
                                read_mode = NULL,
                                cluster_value = NULL,
                                linearQuantile_cutoff = .98,
                                sort_value = NULL,
                                plot_value = NULL,
                                sort_method = c("hclust", "sort")[2],
                                center_signal_at_max = FALSE,
                                flip_signal_mode = flip_signal_modes$none,
                                n_clusters = 6
    group_names = paste(seq_along(file_paths), basename(file_paths))
    group_colors = get_group_colors(group_names)
    names(group_colors) = group_names
  config_df = data.frame(file = c(as.character(file_paths), file_paths.input), 
                         group = c(group_names, rep(group_name.input, length(file_paths.input))), 
                         All = "All", 
                         stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    config_df$name = basename(config_df$file)  
    config_df$name = sample_names
    config_df$name_split = gsub("[_\\. ]", "\n", config_df$name)
    config_df$name_split = sample_names.split
                 run_by = "All", 
                 color_by = "group", 
                 color_mapping = group_colors,
                 view_size = view_size,
                 window_size = window_size,
                 cluster_value = cluster_value,
                 linearQuantile_cutoff = linearQuantile_cutoff,
                 sort_value = sort_value,
                 sort_method = sort_method,
                 plot_value = plot_value,
                 center_signal_at_max = center_signal_at_max,
                 flip_signal_mode = flip_signal_mode,
                 n_clusters = n_clusters)

get_fetch_fun = function(read_mode){
  stopifnot(read_mode %in% c("bam_SE", "bam_PE", "bigwig"))
         bam_SE = {
         bam_PE = {
         bigwig = {
#' @param qc_signal A QcConfigSignal object
#' @param query_gr A GRanges to fetch data for
#' @return A list of 2 items prof_dt and query_gr.  prof_dt is a tidy data.table
#'   of signal profiles.  query_gr is a GRanges that may have been modified from
#'   input query_gr if signal profiles are flipped or centered according to
#'   center_signal_at_max or flip_signal_mode in the signal config.
#' @rdname QcConfigSignal
#' @examples
#' bam_config_file = system.file(package = "ssvQC", "extdata/ssvQC_bam_config.csv")
#' qc_signal = QcConfigSignal.parse(bam_config_file)
#' feature_config_file = system.file(package = "ssvQC", "extdata/ssvQC_peak_config.csv")
#' qc_features = QcConfigFeatures.parse(feature_config_file)
#' query_gr = qc_features$assessment_features
#' fetch_signal_at_features(qc_signal, query_gr)
fetch_signal_at_features = function(qc_signal, query_gr, bfc = new_cache()){
  extra_args = qc_signal@fetch_options
  ### JRB commenting out for now. user provided fragLens should be used.
  # if(!is.null(qc_signal@meta_data$fragLens)){ # fragLens is in meta data
  #   if(!is.null(extra_args$fragLens)){ # fragLens is in extra_args
  #     if(extra_args$fragLens != "auto"){ 
  #       warning("Overwriting configured fragLens with detected fragLens for fetch call.")  
  #     }
  #   }
  #   extra_args$fragLens = qc_signal@meta_data$fragLens
  # }
  if(is.null(extra_args$fragLens)){ # no fragLens in extra_args
    if(!is.null(qc_signal@meta_data$fragLens)){ # fragLens is in meta_data
      extra_args$fragLens = qc_signal@meta_data$fragLens # apply fragLens to extra_args from meta_data
  if("win_size" %in% names(extra_args)){
    warning("win_size found in configured fetch_options. ignored. Please use QcConfigSignal$window_size.")
    extra_args[["win_size"]] = NULL
  call_args = c(list(
    file_paths = qc_signal@meta_data, 
    win_size = qc_signal@win_size,
    qgr = query_gr, 
    return_data.table = TRUE, 
    names_variable = "name"), 
  fetch_FUN = get_fetch_fun(qc_signal@read_mode)
  prof_dt = bfcif(bfc, digest(list(fetch_FUN, call_args)), function(){
    do.call(fetch_FUN, call_args)
  #### apply center_signal_at_max ####
  if(qc_signal@center_signal_at_max == TRUE){
    query_gr.center = centerGRangesAtMax(prof_dt = prof_dt, qgr = query_gr, width = width(query_gr))
    message("Centering signal profiles...")
    call_args.center = call_args
    call_args.center$qgr = query_gr.center
    prof_dt = bfcif(bfc, digest(list(fetch_FUN, call_args.center)), function(){
      do.call(fetch_FUN, call_args.center)
    query_gr = query_gr.center
  #### apply flip_signal_mode ####
  if(qc_signal@flip_signal_mode != flip_signal_modes$none){
    #need to bring query_gr with flip info out
    balance_dt = prof_dt[, list(right_sum = sum(y[x > 0]),
                                left_sum = sum(y[x < 0])),
                         by = list(name, id)]
    if(qc_signal@flip_signal_mode == flip_signal_modes$high_on_right){
      balance_dt = balance_dt[, list(needs_flip = left_sum > right_sum,
      balance_dt = balance_dt[, list(needs_flip = left_sum < right_sum,
    most_flipped = balance_dt[,
                              list(fraction_flipped = sum(needs_flip) / .N),
                              by = list(id)]
    most_flipped[, flip_strand := fraction_flipped > .5]
    GenomicRanges::strand(query_gr) = "+"
    GenomicRanges::strand(query_gr)[most_flipped$flip_strand] = "-"
    prof_dt = merge(prof_dt, balance_dt, by = c("id", "name"))
    prof_dt[needs_flip == TRUE, x := -x]
    prof_dt$needs_flip = NULL
  list(prof_dt = prof_dt, query_gr = query_gr)

setMethod("split", signature = c("QcConfigSignal"), definition = function(x){
  f = x@meta_data[[x@run_by]]
  split(x, f, FALSE)
setMethod("split", signature = c("QcConfigSignal", "factor"), definition = function(x, f){
  split(x, f, FALSE)
setMethod("split", signature = c("QcConfigSignal", "factor", "logical"), definition = function(x, f, drop = FALSE){
  config_df = x@meta_data
  meta_split = split(config_df, f)
  refs = config_df[config_df[[x@run_by]] %in% x@to_run_reference,]
  meta_split = meta_split[x@to_run]
  meta_split = lapply(meta_split, function(sel_meta_df)rbind(sel_meta_df, refs))
  lapply(meta_split, function(sel_meta_df){
        meta_data =  sel_meta_df,
        run_by = x@run_by,
        to_run = setdiff(sel_meta_df[[x@run_by]], x@to_run_reference), #remove empty levels from run_by
        to_run_reference = x@to_run_reference,
        color_by = x@color_by,
        color_mapping = x@color_mapping,
        read_mode = x@read_mode,
        view_size = x@view_size, 
        win_size = x@win_size,
        cluster_value = x@cluster_value,
        linearQuantile_cutoff = x@linearQuantile_cutoff,
        sort_value = x@sort_value,
        sort_method = x@sort_method,
        plot_value = x@plot_value,
        fetch_options = x@fetch_options,
        heatmap_limit_values = x@heatmap_limit_values,
        lineplot_free_limits = x@lineplot_free_limits, 
        center_signal_at_max = x@center_signal_at_max,
        flip_signal_mode = x@flip_signal_mode,
        is_null = FALSE,
        n_clusters = x@n_clusters
setMethod("split", signature = c("QcConfigSignal", "character"), definition = function(x, f){
  split(x, f, FALSE)
setMethod("split", signature = c("QcConfigSignal", "character", "logical"), definition = function(x, f, drop = FALSE){
  split(x, factor(f, levels = unique(f)), FALSE)

#' QcConfigSignal.save_config
#' @return Invisibly returns path to saved config file.
#' @export
#' @rdname QcConfigSignal
#' @examples
#' bam_config_file = system.file(package = "ssvQC", "extdata/ssvQC_bam_config.csv")
#' bam_config = QcConfigSignal.parse(bam_config_file)
#' #QcConfigSignal.save_config(bam_config, "bam_config.csv")
#' bigwig_config_file = system.file(package = "ssvQC", "extdata/ssvQC_bigwig_config.csv")
#' bigwig_config = QcConfigSignal.parse(bigwig_config_file)
#' #QcConfigSignal.save_config(bigwig_config, "bigwig_config.csv")
QcConfigSignal.save_config = function(object, file){
  slots_to_save = c(
  kvp_slots = c("color_mapping", "fetch_options")
  # QcConfigSignal.parse(file)
  .save_config(object, file, slots_to_save, kvp_slots)

reference_uses_same_scale = function(signal_config){
  meta_df = signal_config@meta_data
  run_by = signal_config@run_by
  to_run_ref = signal_config@to_run_reference
  to_run = signal_config@to_run
  meta_df.to_run = subset(meta_df, get(run_by) %in% to_run)
  meta_df.ref = subset(meta_df, get(run_by) %in% to_run_ref)
  if((nrow(meta_df.to_run) + nrow(meta_df.ref)) != nrow(meta_df)){
    stop("metadata not appropriate for this function.  All items should be in one to_run or to_run_reference.")
  match_counts = lapply(seq(nrow(meta_df.to_run)), function(i){
    df1 = meta_df.to_run[i, setdiff(colnames(meta_df.to_run), run_by)]
    sapply(seq(nrow(meta_df.ref)), function(j){
      df2 = meta_df.ref[j, setdiff(colnames(meta_df.ref), run_by)]
      sum(df1[1, ] == df2[1,])
  which_match = lapply(match_counts, function(cnt){
    which(cnt == max(cnt))
    stop("Could not uniquely determine match for reference")
  for(i in seq(nrow(meta_df.to_run))){
    j = which_match[[i]]
      meta_df.ref$cap_value[j] = meta_df.to_run$cap_value[i]
      meta_df.ref$RPM_cap_value[j] = meta_df.to_run$RPM_cap_value[i]
  meta_df.new = rbind(meta_df.to_run, meta_df.ref)
  if(!setequal(meta_df$file, meta_df.new$file)){
    stop("Something has gone wrong in reference_uses_same_scale(). Report this issue at https://github.com/FrietzeLabUVM/ssvQC/issues")
  meta_df.new$file = factor(meta_df.new$file, levels = meta_df$file)
  meta_df.new = meta_df.new[order(meta_df.new$file),]
  meta_df.new$file = as.character(meta_df.new$file)
  signal_config@meta_data = meta_df.new
FrietzeLabUVM/ssvQC documentation built on March 25, 2024, 12:24 a.m.