.perm_stat <- function(pst_l, w_l, conditions) {
d_l <- stats::weighted.mean(pst_l[conditions == unique(conditions)[1]],
w_l[conditions == unique(conditions)[1]]) -
stats::weighted.mean(pst_l[conditions == unique(conditions)[2]],
w_l[conditions == unique(conditions)[2]])
.progressionTest <- function(pst, ws, conditions, global = TRUE, lineages = FALSE,
method = "KS", thresh = 0.05, rep = 1e4,
args_mmd = list(), args_wass = list(),
args_classifier = list(),
distinct_samples = NULL) {
# Get variables
ws <- sweep(ws, 1, FUN = "/", STATS = apply(ws, 1, sum))
colnames(pst) <- colnames(ws) <-
paste0("lineage", seq_len(ncol(pst)))
if (ncol(pst) == 1) {
global <- FALSE
lineages <- TRUE
n_conditions <- dplyr::n_distinct(conditions)
# Get lineage levels p-values
lineages_test <- lapply(colnames(pst), function(l){
w_l <- ws[, l]
pst_l <- pst[, l]
if (method == "KS") {
test_l <- Ecume::ks_test(x = pst_l[conditions == unique(conditions)[1]],
w_x = w_l[conditions == unique(conditions)[1]],
y = pst_l[conditions == unique(conditions)[2]],
w_y = w_l[conditions == unique(conditions)[2]],
thresh = thresh)
return(c("statistic" = test_l$statistic, "p.value" = test_l$p.value))
if (method == "Permutation") {
d_l <- .perm_stat(pst_l, w_l, conditions)
d_il <- replicate(rep, {
conditions_i <- sample(conditions)
return(.perm_stat(pst_l, w_l, conditions_i))
return(c("statistic" = d_l,
"p.value" = max(mean(abs(d_l) <= abs(d_il)), 1 / rep)))
pst_l <- pst_l[w_l > 0]
if (method == "Classifier") {
xs <- lapply(unique(conditions), function(cond) {
return(as.matrix(pst_l[conditions[w_l > 0] == cond]))
args <- args_classifier
args$x <- xs; args$thresh <- thresh
test_l <- do.call(Ecume::classifier_test, args)
return(c("statistic" = test_l$statistic, "p.value" = test_l$p.value))
if (method == "mmd") {
n <- max(table(conditions))
frac <- 10^5 / (n * (n - 1))
args <- args_mmd
args$x <- as.matrix(pst_l[conditions[w_l > 0] == unique(conditions)[1]])
args$y <- as.matrix(pst_l[conditions[w_l > 0] == unique(conditions)[2]])
args$frac <- frac
test_l <- do.call(Ecume::mmd_test, args)
return(c("statistic" = test_l$statistic, "p.value" = test_l$p.value))
if (method == "wasserstein_permutation") {
n <- max(table(conditions))
S <- min(10^5, n)
args <- args_wass
args$x <- as.matrix(pst_l[conditions[w_l > 0] == unique(conditions)[1]])
args$y <- as.matrix(pst_l[conditions[w_l > 0] == unique(conditions)[2]])
args$S <- S; args$fast <- TRUE; args$iterations <- rep
test_l <- do.call(Ecume::wasserstein_permut, args)
return(c("statistic" = test_l$statistic, "p.value" = test_l$p.value))
if (method == "distinct") {
inputs <- .distinct_inputs(pst_l, distinct_samples[w_l > 0], conditions[w_l > 0])
test_l <- distinct_test(x = inputs$sce, name_assays_expression = "Pseudotime",
name_cluster = "Cluster", name_sample = "Samples",
design = inputs$design,
column_to_test = 2, min_non_zero_cells = 0,
n_cores = 1)
return(c("statistic" = qnorm(test_l$p_val[1]), "p.value" = test_l$p_val[1]))
}) %>%
dplyr::bind_rows(.id = "lineage") %>%
dplyr::mutate(lineage = as.character(lineage)) %>%
dplyr::select(lineage, statistic, p.value)
# Get global p-values
if (method == "Classifier") {
xs <- lapply(unique(conditions), function(cond) {
as.matrix(pst[conditions == cond, ])
args <- args_classifier
args$x <- xs; args$thresh <- thresh
glob_test <- do.call(Ecume::classifier_test, args)
if (method == "mmd") {
n <- max(table(conditions))
frac <- 10^5 / (n * (n - 1))
args <- args_mmd
args$x <- as.matrix(pst[conditions == unique(conditions)[1], ])
args$y <- as.matrix(pst[conditions == unique(conditions)[2], ])
args$frac <- frac
glob_test <- do.call(Ecume::mmd_test, args)
if (method == "wasserstein_permutation") {
n <- max(table(conditions))
S <- min(10^5, n)
args <- args_wass
args$x <- as.matrix(pst[conditions == unique(conditions)[1], ])
args$y <- as.matrix(pst[conditions == unique(conditions)[2], ])
args$S <- S; args$fast <- TRUE; args$iterations <- rep
glob_test <- do.call(Ecume::wasserstein_permut, args)
if (method %in% c("KS", "Permutation", "distinct")) {
glob_test <- Ecume::stouffer_zscore(pvals = lineages_test$p.value,
weights = colSums(ws))
glob_test <- data.frame("lineage" = "All",
"statistic" = glob_test$statistic,
"p.value" = glob_test$p.value)
if (global == TRUE & lineages == FALSE) return(glob_test)
if (global == FALSE & lineages == TRUE) return(lineages_test)
if (global == TRUE & lineages == TRUE) {
return(dplyr::bind_rows(glob_test, lineages_test))
#' Differential Progression Test
#' @description Test whether or not the pseudotime distribution are identical
#' within lineages between conditions
#' @param pseudotime Can be either a \code{\link{SlingshotDataSet}} or a
#' \code{\link{SingleCellExperiment}} object or a matrix of pseudotime values,
#' each row represents a cell and each column represents a lineage.
#' @param cellWeights If `pseudotime` is a matrix of pseudotime values, this
#' represent the cell weights for each lineage. Ignored if `pseudotime` is not
#' a matrix.
#' @param conditions Either the vector of conditions, or a character indicating
#' which column of the metadata contains this vector.
#' @param global If TRUE, test for all lineages simultaneously.
#' @param lineages If TRUE, test for all lineages independently.
#' @param args_classifier arguments passed to the classifier test. See \code{\link{classifier_test}}.
#' @param method One of "KS", "Classifier", "mmd", "wasserstein_permutation" or
#' "Permutation" for a permutation. See details. Default to KS if there is two
#' conditions and to "Classifier" otherwise.
#' @param thresh The threshold for the KS test or Classifier test.
#' Ignored if \code{method = "Permutation"}. Default to .01 for KS and .05 for
#' the 'classifier'.
#' @param args_mmd arguments passed to the mmd test. See \code{\link{mmd_test}}.
#' @param args_wass arguments passed to the wasserstein permutation test. See
#' \code{\link{wasserstein_permut}}.
#' @param distinct_samples The samples to which each cell belong to. Only use
#' with method `distinct`. See `\code{\link{distinct_test}}` for help.
#' @param rep Number of permutations to run. Only for methods "Permutations" and
#' "wasserstein_permutation". Default to \code{1e4}.
#' @importFrom slingshot slingshot SlingshotDataSet slingPseudotime slingCurveWeights
#' @importFrom stats weighted.mean
#' @importFrom dplyr n_distinct bind_rows mutate select distinct
#' @importFrom distinct distinct_test
#' @details
#' For every lineage, we compare the pseudotimes of the cells from either
#' conditions, using the lineage weights as observations weights.
#' \itemize{
#' \item If \code{method = "KS"}, this uses the updated KS test,
#' see \code{\link{ks_test}} for details.
#' \item If \code{method = "Classifier"}, this uses a classifier to assess if
#' that classifier can do better than chance on the conditions
#' \item If \code{method = "Permutation"}, the difference of weighted mean
#' pseudotime between condition is computed, and a p-value is found by
#' permuting the condition labels.
#' \item If \code{method = "mmd"}, this uses the mean maximum discrepancies
#' statistics.
#' }
#' The p-value at the global level can be computed in two ways. method is \code{"KS"} or
#' \code{"Permutation"}, then the p-values are computed using stouffer's
#' z-score method, with the lineages weights acting as weights. Otherwise,
#' the test works on multivariate data and is applied on all pseudotime values.
#' @references Stouffer, S.A.; Suchman, E.A.; DeVinney, L.C.; Star, S.A.;
#' Williams, R.M. Jr. (1949).
#' *The American Soldier, Vol.1: Adjustment during Army Life.*
#' Princeton University Press, Princeton.
#' @md
#' @return A data frame with 3 columns:
#' \itemize{
#' \item *lineage* for individual lineages, the lineage number. For global,
#' \code{"All"}.
#' \item *p.value* the pvalue for the test at the global or lineage level
#' \item *statistic* for individual lineages, either the modified KS statistic
#' if \code{method = "KS"}, or the weighted difference of means, if
#' \code{method = "Permutation"}. For the global test, the combined Z-score.
#' }
#' @examples
#' data('slingshotExample', package = "slingshot")
#' rd <- slingshotExample$rd
#' cl <- slingshotExample$cl
#' condition <- factor(rep(c('A','B'), length.out = nrow(rd)))
#' condition[110:139] <- 'A'
#' sds <- slingshot::slingshot(rd, cl)
#' progressionTest(sds, condition)
#' @importFrom Ecume classifier_test ks_test stouffer_zscore mmd_test wasserstein_permut
#' @export
#' @rdname progressionTest
setMethod(f = "progressionTest",
signature = c(pseudotime = "matrix"),
definition = function(pseudotime, cellWeights, conditions,
global = TRUE, lineages = FALSE,
method = ifelse(dplyr::n_distinct(conditions) == 2, "KS", "Classifier"),
thresh = ifelse(method == "Classifer", .05, .01), args_mmd = list(),
args_classifier = list(), args_wass = list(), rep = 1e4,
distinct_samples = NULL){
if (!method %in% c("KS", "Permutation", "Classifier", "mmd",
"wasserstein_permutation", "distinct")) {
"Method must be one of KS, Classifier, mmd, permutation",
", wasserstein_permutation or distinct"))
if (n_distinct(conditions) > 2 && method != "Classifier") {
warning("Changing to method classifier since more than ",
"two conditions are present.")
method <- "Classifier"
res <- .progressionTest(pst = pseudotime, ws = cellWeights,
conditions = conditions, global = global,
lineages = lineages, method = method,
thresh = thresh, rep = rep,
args_mmd = args_mmd, args_wass = args_wass,
args_classifier = args_classifier,
distinct_samples = distinct_samples)
#' @rdname progressionTest
#' @importFrom slingshot as.PseudotimeOrdering
setMethod(f = "progressionTest",
signature = c(pseudotime = "SlingshotDataSet"),
definition = function(pseudotime, conditions, global = TRUE,
lineages = FALSE,
method = ifelse(dplyr::n_distinct(conditions) == 2, "KS", "Classifier"),
thresh = ifelse(method == "Classifer", .05, .01), args_mmd = list(),
args_classifier = list(), args_wass = list(), rep = 1e4,
distinct_samples = NULL){
if (!method %in% c("KS", "Permutation", "Classifier", "mmd",
"wasserstein_permutation", "distinct")) {
"Method must be one of KS, Classifier, mmd, permutation",
", wasserstein_permutation or distinct"))
if (n_distinct(conditions) > 2 && method != "Classifier") {
warning("Changing to method classifier since more than ",
"two conditions are present.")
method <- "Classifier"
res <- progressionTest(pseudotime = as.PseudotimeOrdering(pseudotime),
conditions = conditions,
global = global, lineages = lineages,
method = method, thresh = thresh,
rep = rep, args_mmd = args_mmd,
args_wass = args_wass,
args_classifier = args_classifier,
distinct_samples = distinct_samples)
#' @export
#' @rdname progressionTest
#' @importClassesFrom SingleCellExperiment SingleCellExperiment
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment colData
setMethod(f = "progressionTest",
signature = c(pseudotime = "SingleCellExperiment"),
definition = function(pseudotime, conditions, global = TRUE,
lineages = FALSE,
method = ifelse(dplyr::n_distinct(conditions) == 2, "KS", "Classifier"),
thresh = ifelse(method == "Classifer", .05, .01), args_mmd = list(),
args_classifier = list(), args_wass = list(), rep = 1e4,
distinct_samples = NULL){
if (is.null(pseudotime@int_metadata$slingshot) &
is.null(colData(pseudotime)$slingshot)) {
stop("For now this only works downstream of slingshot")
if (length(conditions) == 1) {
if (conditions %in%
) {
conditions <-
SummarizedExperiment::colData(pseudotime)[, conditions]
} else {
stop("conditions is not a column of colData(pseudotime)")
conditions = conditions, global = global,
lineages = lineages, method = method,
thresh = thresh, rep = rep,
args_mmd = args_mmd, args_wass = args_wass,
args_classifier = args_classifier,
distinct_samples = distinct_samples))
#' @rdname progressionTest
#' @importClassesFrom TrajectoryUtils PseudotimeOrdering
#' @export
setMethod(f = "progressionTest",
signature = c(pseudotime = "PseudotimeOrdering"),
definition = function(pseudotime, conditions, global = TRUE,
lineages = FALSE,
method = ifelse(dplyr::n_distinct(conditions) == 2, "KS", "Classifier"),
thresh = ifelse(method == "Classifer", .05, .01), args_mmd = list(),
args_classifier = list(), args_wass = list(), rep = 1e4,
distinct_samples = NULL){
if (!method %in% c("KS", "Permutation", "Classifier", "mmd",
"wasserstein_permutation", "distinct")) {
"Method must be one of KS, Classifier, mmd, permutation",
", wasserstein_permutation or distinct"))
if (n_distinct(conditions) > 2 && method != "Classifier") {
warning("Changing to method classifier since more than ",
"two conditions are present.")
method <- "Classifier"
pst <- slingshot::slingPseudotime(pseudotime, na = FALSE)
ws <- slingshot::slingCurveWeights(pseudotime, as.probs = TRUE)
res <- .progressionTest(pst = pst, ws = ws, conditions = conditions,
global = global, lineages = lineages,
method = method, thresh = thresh,
rep = rep, args_mmd = args_mmd,
args_wass = args_wass,
args_classifier = args_classifier,
distinct_samples = distinct_samples)
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