#' rffwd() Project forward an FLStock with evolutionary Fbar
#' @param object An *FLStock*
#' @param sr A stock-recruit relationship, *FLSR* or *predictModel*.
#' @param fbar Yearly target for average fishing mortality, *FLQuant*.
#' @param control Yearly target for average fishing mortality, *FLPar*.
#' @param deviances Deviances for the strock-recruit relationsip, *FLQuant*.
#' @return The projected *FLStock* object.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(ple4)
#' sr <- srrTMB(as.FLSR(ple4,model=bevholtSV),spr0=mean(spr0y(ple4)))
#' brp = computeFbrp(ple4,sr,proxy="msy")
#' fbar(brp) = FLQuant(rep(0.01,70))
#' stk = as(brp,"FLStock")
#' units(stk) = standardUnits(stk)
#' its = 100
#' stk <- FLStockR(propagate(stk, its))
#' stk@refpts= Fbrp(brp)
#' b0=an(Fbrp(brp)["B0"])
#' control = FLPar(Feq=0.15,Frate=0.1,Fsigma=0.15,SB0=b0,minyear=2,maxyear=70,its=its)
#' run <- rffwd(stk, sr=sr,control=control,deviances=ar1rlnorm(0.3, 1:70, its, 0, 0.6))
#' plotAdvice(run)
rffwd <- function(object, sr, fbar=control, control=fbar, deviances="missing") {
dm <- dim(object)
# EXTRACT slots
sn <- stock.n(object)
sm <- m(object)
sf <- harvest(object)
se <- catch.sel(object)
if(missing(deviances)) {
deviances <- rec(object) %=% 1
# HANDLE fwdControl
if(is(fbar, "fwdControl")) {
# TODO CHECK single target per year & no max/min
# TODO CHECK target is fbar/f
fbar <- sf[1, fbar$year] %=% fbar$value
control = fbar
fbar = FLQuant(an(control["Feq"]), dimnames=list(year=control["minyear"]:control["maxyear"]))
fbar= propagate(fbar,control["its"])
# SET years
yrs <- match(dimnames(fbar)$year, dimnames(object)$year)
# COMPUTE harvest
fages <- range(object, c("minfbar", "maxfbar"))
sf[, yrs] <- (se[, yrs] %/%
quantMeans(se[seq(fages[1], fages[2]), yrs])) %*% fbar
sw <- stock.wt(object)
ma <- mat(object)
ms <- m.spwn(object)
fs <- harvest.spwn(object)
ep <- exp(-(sf * fs) - (sm * ms)) * sw * ma
# LOOP over years
for (i in yrs - 1) {
# rec * deviances
sn[1, i + 1] <- eval(sr@model[[3]],
c(as(sr@params, 'list'), list(ssb=c(colSums(sn[, i] * ep[, i]))))) *
c(deviances[, i + 1])
# n
sn[-1, i + 1] <- sn[-dm[1], i] * exp(-sf[-dm[1], i] - sm[-dm[1], i])
# pg
sn[dm[1], i + 1] <- sn[dm[1], i + 1] +
sn[dm[1], i] * exp(-sf[dm[1], i] - sm[dm[1], i])
# Endogenous F
fbar[,i] = quantMeans(sf[seq(fages[1], fages[2]), i]) *
((c(colSums(sn[, i] * ep[, i]))/an(control["Feq"]*control["SB0"]))^an(control["Frate"]))*
exp(rnorm(an(control["its"]), mean=-control["Fsigma"]^2/2, sd=control["Fsigma"]))
sf[, i+1] <- (se[,i+1]%/%quantMeans(se[seq(fages[1], fages[2]), i+1])) %*% fbar[,i]
ep[,i+1] <- exp(-(sf[,i+1] * fs[,i+1]) - (sm[,i+1] * ms[,i+1])) * sw[,i+1] * ma[,i+1]
# UPDATE stock.n & harvest
stock.n(object) <- sn
harvest(object) <- sf
# UPDATE stock, ...
stock(object) <- computeStock(object)
# catch.n
catch.n(object)[,-1] <- (sn * sf / (sm + sf) * (1 - exp(-sf - sm)))[,-1]
# landings.n & discards.n
landings.n(object)[is.na(landings.n(object))] <- 0
discards.n(object)[is.na(discards.n(object))] <- 0
landings.n(object) <- catch.n(object) * (landings.n(object) /
(discards.n(object) + landings.n(object)))
discards.n(object) <- catch.n(object) - landings.n(object)
# catch.wt
catch.wt(object) <- (landings.wt(object) * landings.n(object) +
discards.wt(object) * discards.n(object)) / catch.n(object)
# catch
catch(object) <- quantSums(catch.n(object) * catch.wt(object))
# }}}
# {{{
# newselex()
#' generates flexible 5-paramater selex curves
#' @param object FLQuant from catch.sel() or sel.pattern()
#' @param selexpars Selectivity Parameters selexpars S50, S95, Smax, Dcv, Dmin
#' \itemize{
#' \item S50: age at 50% selectivity
#' \item S95: age at 50% selectivity
#' \item Smax: age at peak of selectivity before descending limb
#' \item Dcv: CV demeterming the steepness of the descending half-normal slope
#' \item Dmin: determines the minimum retention of oldest fishes
#' }
#' @return FLquant with selectivity pattern
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(ple4)
#' sel = newselex(catch.sel(ple4),FLPar(S50=2,S95=3,Smax=4.5,Dcv=0.6,Dmin=0.3))
#' ggplot(sel)+geom_line(aes(age,data))+ylab("Selectivity")+xlab("Age")
#' # Simulate
#' harvest(ple4)[] = sel
#' sr <- srrTMB(as.FLSR(ple4,model=bevholtSV),spr0=mean(spr0y(ple4)))
#' brp = computeFbrp(ple4,sr,proxy="msy")
#' fbar(brp) = FLQuant(rep(0.01,70))
#' stk = as(brp,"FLStock")
#' units(stk) = standardUnits(stk)
#' its = 100
#' stk <- FLStockR(propagate(stk, its))
#' stk@refpts= Fbrp(brp)
#' b0=an(Fbrp(brp)["B0"])
#' control = FLPar(Feq=0.15,Frate=0.1,Fsigma=0.15,SB0=b0,minyear=2,maxyear=70,its=its)
#' run <- rffwd(stk, sr=sr,control=control,deviances=ar1rlnorm(0.3, 1:70, its, 0, 0.6))
#' plotAdvice(run)
newselex<- function(object,selexpars){
age= dims(object)$min:dims(object)$max
pars = selexpars
if(length(selexpars)<3) pars= rbind(sp,FLPar(Smax=max(age)+1,Dcv=0.1,Dmin=0))
S50 = pars[[1]]
S95 = pars[[2]]
Smax =pars[[3]]
Dcv =pars[[4]]
Dmin =pars[[5]]
psel_a = 1/(1+exp(-log(19)*(age-S50)/(S95-S50)))
psel_b = dnorm(age,Smax,Dcv*Smax)/max(dnorm(age,Smax,Dcv*Smax))
psel_c = 1+(Dmin-1)*(psel_b-1)/-1
psel = ifelse(age>=max(Smax),psel_c,psel_a)
psel = psel/max(psel)
res = object
res[] = psel
# }}}
# {{{
# bioidx.sim()
#' generates FLIndexBiomass with random observation error from an FLStock
#' @param object FLStock
#' @param sel FLQuant with selectivity.pattern
#' @param sigma observation error for log(index)
#' @param q catchability coefficient for scaling
#' @return FLIndexBiomass
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(ple4)
#' sel = newselex(catch.sel(ple4),FLPar(S50=1.5,S95=2.1,Smax=4.5,Dcv=1,Dmin=0.1))
#' ggplot(sel)+geom_line(aes(age,data))+ylab("Selectivity")+xlab("Age")
#' object = propagate(ple4,10)
#' sel = newselex(catch.sel(object),FLPar(S50=2.5,S95=3.2,Smax=3.5,Dcv=0.6,Dmin=0.2))
#' idx = bioidx.sim(object,sel=sel,q=0.0001)
#' # Checks
#' ggplot(idx@sel.pattern)+geom_line(aes(age,data))+ylab("Selectivity")+xlab("Age")
#' ggplot(idx@index)+geom_line(aes(year,data,col=ac(iter)))+theme(legend.position = "none")+ylab("Index")
bioidx.sim <- function(object,sel=catch.sel(object),sigma=0.2,q=0.001){
idx = survey(object,sel=sel,biomass=TRUE)
idx@index.q[] = rlnorm(dims(object)$iter*dims(object)$year,log(q),sigma)
idx@index.var[] = sigma
idx@index = idx@index.q*idx@index
units(idx)[] = "NA"
# }}}
# idx.sim {{{
#' generates FLIndex with lognormal annual and multinomial age composition observation error
#' @param object FLStock
#' @param sel FLQuant with selectivity.pattern
#' @param ess effective sample size for age composition sample
#' @param sigma annual observation error for log(q)
#' @param ages define age range
#' @param years define year range
#' @param q catchability coefficient for scaling
#' @return FLIndex
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(ple4)
#' sel = newselex(catch.sel(ple4),FLPar(S50=1.5,S95=2.1,Smax=4.5,Dcv=1,Dmin=0.1))
#' ggplot(sel)+geom_line(aes(age,data))+ylab("Selectivity")+xlab("Age")
#' object = propagate(ple4,10)
#' idx = idx.sim(object,sel=sel,ess=200,sigma=0.2,q=0.01,years=1994:2017)
#' # Checks
#' ggplot(idx@sel.pattern)+geom_line(aes(age,data))+ylab("Selectivity")+xlab("Age")
#' ggplot(idx@index)+geom_line(aes(year,data,col=ac(iter)))+facet_wrap(~age,scales="free_y")+
#' theme(legend.position = "none")+ylab("Index")
idx.sim <- function(object,sel=catch.sel(object),ages=NULL,years=NULL,ess=200,sigma=0.2,q=0.01){
ages = an(dimnames(object)$age)
years = an(dimnames(object)$year)
sel = trim(sel,age=ages,year=years)
object = trim(object,age=ages,year=years)
idx = index = trim(survey(object,ages=ac(ages),sel=sel,biomass=F))
devs = rlnorm(dims(object)$iter*dims(object)$year,log(q),sigma)
for(i in seq(ages)){
idx@index.q[i,] = devs
res = idx@index
# Sample age-comp from multinomial
for(i in seq(dims(object)$iter)){
for(y in seq(dims(object)$year)){
prob = c(res[,y,,,,i]%/%apply(res[,y,,,,i],2,sum))
res[, y, , , , i] <- apply(rmultinom(ess, 1, prob = prob),1,sum)
idx@index.var[] = sigma
fac = apply(index@index,2:6,sum)/apply(res,2:6,sum)
res = res%*%fac
units(idx@index.q) = "1"
idx@index = idx@index.q*res
# }}}
# {{{
# pgquant
#' sets plus group on FLQuant
#' @param object FLQuant
#' @param pg
#' @return FLQuant
#' @export
pgquant <- function(object,pg){
ages = an(dimnames(object)$age)
age = ages[ages<=pg]
plus = ac(ages[ages>=pg])
res = trim(object,age=age)
res[ac(pg),] = quantSums(object[plus,])
# {{{
# ca.sim()
#' generates catch.n with lognormal annual and multinomial age composition observation error
#' @param object FLQuant
#' @param sel FLQuant with selectivity.pattern e.g. catch.sel()
#' @param ess effective sample size for age composition
#' @param what c("catch", "landings", "discards")
#' @return FLQuant with catch.n samples
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(ple4)
#' object = propagate(ple4,10)
#' ca = ca.sim(object,ess=200)
#' # Checks
#' ggplot(ca)+geom_line(aes(year,data,col=ac(iter)))+facet_wrap(~age)+
#' theme(legend.position = "none")+ylab("Index")
ca.sim <- function(object,ess=200,what= c("catch", "landings", "discards")[1]){
# Sample age-comp from multinomial
for(i in seq(dims(object)$iter)){
for(y in seq(dims(object)$year)){
prob = c(res[,y,,,,i]%/%apply(res[,y,,,,i],2,sum))
res[, y, , , , i] <- apply(rmultinom(ess, 1, prob = prob),1,sum)
#fac = apply(ref,2:6,sum)/apply(res,2:6,sum)
#res = res%*%fac
# }}}
# {{{
# iALK()
#' inverse ALK function with lmin added to FLCore::invALK
#' @param params growth parameter, default FLPar(linf,k,t0)
#' @param model growth model, only option currently vonbert
#' @param age age vector
#' @param cv of length-at-age
#' @param lmax maximum upper length specified lmax*linf
#' @param max maximum size value
#' @param lmin minimum length
#' @param reflen evokes fixed sd for L_a at sd = cv*reflen
#' @param bin length bin size, dafault 1
#' @param timing t0 assumed 1st January, default seq(0,11/12,1/12), but can be single event 0.5
#' @param unit default is "cm"
#' @return FLPar age-length matrix
#' @export
iALK <- function(params, model=vonbert, age, cv=0.1,lmin=5, lmax=1.2, bin=1,
max=ceiling(linf * lmax), reflen=NULL) {
linf <- c(params['linf'])
# FOR each age
bins <- seq(lmin, max, bin)
len <- do.call(model, list(age=age,params=params))
else {
lparams <- as(FLPar(params), "list")
len <- do.call(model, c(list(age=age),
lparams[names(lparams) %in% names(formals(model))]))
if(is.null(reflen)) {
sd <- abs(len * cv)
} else {
sd <- reflen * cv
probs <- Map(function(x, y) {
p <- c(pnorm(1, x, y),
dnorm(bins[-c(1, length(bins))], x, y),
pnorm(bins[length(bins)], x, y, lower.tail=FALSE))
return(p / sum(p))
}, x=len, y=sd)
res <- do.call(rbind, probs)
alk <- FLPar(array(res, dim=c(length(age), length(bins), 1)),
dimnames=list(age=age, len=bins, iter=1), units="")
# }}}
# {{{
# ALK()
#' ALK function
#' @param N_a numbers at age sample for single event
#' @param iALK from iALK() outout
#' @return FLPar of ALK
#' @export
ALK <- function(N_a,iALK){
alk = iALK
alk[] = N_a
alk = alk*iALK
alksum =apply(alk,2,sum)
for(i in 1:dim(alk)[1]){
# }}}
# {{{
# alk.sample()
#' generates annual ALK sample with length stratified sampling
#' @param lfds length frequency *FLQuant*
#' @param alks annual ALK proportions at age output form ALKs() *FLPars*
#' @param nbin number of samples per length bin
#' @param n.sample sample size of lfd
#' @return FLPars of sampled ALK
#' @export
alk.sample <- function(lfds,alks,nbin = 20,n.sample=1){
res = alks
lfdn = lfds%/%apply(lfds,2:6,sum)*n.sample
} else {
lfdn = lfds
for(i in seq(dims(lfds)$iter)){
for(y in seq(dims(lfds)$year)){
nL = pmin(lfdn[,y],nbin ) # check len samples
for(l in seq(dim(alks[[1]])[2])){
res[[y]][,l][] = apply(rmultinom(nL[l], 1, prob = c(alks[[y]][,l])),1,sum)
} else {
res[[y]][,l][] = 0}
# {{{
# ALKs()
#' annual ALK function
#' @param object FLQuant with numbers at age
#' @param iALK from iALK() outout
#' @return FLPars of ALK
#' @export
ALKs <- function(object,iALK){
it = dim(object)[6]
nyr= dim(object)[2]
year = (dimnames(object)$year)
alks = FLPars(lapply(year,function(x){
alk = propagate(iALK,it)
alk[] = object[,ac(x)]
for(i in seq(it)){
iter(alk,i) = iter(alk,i) *iALK
iter(alk,i) = sweep(iter(alk,i),2,apply(iter(alk,i),2,sum),"/")
names(alks) = ac(year)
# }}}
# {{{
# applyALK()
#' applyALK function to length to age
#' @param lfd *FLQuant* with numbers at length
#' @param alks *FLPars* annual ALKs
#' @return FLQuant for numbers at age
#' @export
applyALK <- function(lfds,alks){
yr = dimnames(lfds)$year
year = an(yr)
alks = FLPars(lapply(yr,function(x){
names(alks) = yr
age = ac(dimnames(alks[[1]])$age)
if(any(dimnames(lfds)$year != names(alks)))
stop("ALKs list must have the same years as length data")
its = dims(lfds)$iter
res <- FLQuant(NA, units="1000",
dimnames=list(age=age, year=year,iter=1:its))
for(i in seq(its)){
for(y in 1:length(year)){
mf = (model.frame(iter(alks[[y]],i))[,seq(dim(alks[[y]])[1])])
mf = mf/pmax(apply(mf,1,sum),0.01)
iter(res,i)[,y] = apply(t(mf[,seq(dim(alks[[y]])[1])])%*%c(iter(lfds[,y],i)),1,sum)
# {{{
# len.sim()
#' function to generate survey (pulse) and continuous LFDs
#' @param N_a numbers at age sample
#' @param params growth parameter, default FLPar(linf,k,t0)
#' @param model growth model, only option currently vonbert
#' @param cv variation in L_a
#' @param reflen evokes fixed sd for L_a at sd = cv*reflen
#' @param scale if TRUE scaled to N_a input
#' @param lmin minimum length
#' @param lmax maximum upper length specified lmax*linf
#' @param bin length bin size, dafault 1
#' @param ess effective sample size
#' @param timing t0 assumed 1st January, default seq(0,11/12,1/12), but can be single event 0.5
#' @param unit default is "cm"
#' @return FLQuant for length
#' @export
len.sim <- function(N_a, params,model=vonbert,ess=250,timing=seq(0,11/12,1/12),unit="cm",scale=TRUE,reflen = NULL,bin=1,cv=0.1,lmin=5,lmax = 1.2){
gp = c(params)
age = an(dimnames(N_a)$age)
lenls = FLQuants(lapply(as.list(timing),function(x){
ialk <- iALK(params=c(linf = gp[[1]], k = gp[[2]], t0 = gp[[3]]+x),
model=model, age=age, lmax=lmax,reflen=reflen,bin=bin,lmin=lmin)
N_adj = lenSamples(N_a, invALK=ialk, n=round(ess/length(timing)))
out= iterSums(combine(lenls))} else {
out = lenls[[1]]
units(out) = unit
fac = apply(N_a,2:6,sum)/apply(out,2:6,sum)
out = out%*%fac #*an(units(N_a))/1000
#attr(out,"scaler") <- fac
# }}}
# {{{
# lfd.sim()
#' function to generate survey (pulse) and continuous LFDs
#' @param object *FLQuant* numbers at age sample
#' @param stock *FLStock* object
#' @param sel selectivity, default catch.sel(stock)
#' @param params growth parameter, default FLPar(linf,k,t0)
#' @param model growth model, only option currently vonbert
#' @param cv variation in L_a
#' @param reflen evokes fixed sd for L_a at sd = cv*reflen
#' @param scale if TRUE scaled to N_a input
#' @param lmin minimum length
#' @param lmax maximum upper length specified lmax*linf
#' @param bin length bin size, dafault 1
#' @param ess effective sample size
#' @param timing default constinoues seq(0,11/12,1/12), but can be single event 0.5
#' @param timeref reference timing of the sample, default 0.5 (e.g. survey or catch.n)
#' @param unit default is "cm"
#' @return FLQuant for length
#' @export
lfd.sim <- function(object, stock, sel=catch.sel(stock),params,model=vonbert,ess=250,timing=seq(0,11/12,1/12),timeref=0.5,unit="cm",scale=TRUE,reflen = NULL,bin=1,cv=0.1,lmin=5,lmax = 1.2){
gp = c(params)
age = an(dimnames(object)$age)
year = an(dimnames(object)$year)
stock = trim(stock,year=year,age=age)
lenls = FLQuants(lapply(as.list(timing),function(x){
ialk <- iALK(params=c(linf = gp[[1]], k = gp[[2]], t0 = gp[[3]]+x),
model=model, age=age, lmax=lmax,reflen=reflen,bin=bin,lmin=lmin)
# Adjust for timing in abundance
N_a = object# * exp(-harvest(stock) * (x-timeref) - m(stock) * (x-timeref))
N_adj = lenSamples(N_a, invALK=ialk, n=round(ess/length(timing)))
out= iterSums(combine(lenls))} else {
out = lenls[[1]]
units(out) = unit
fac = apply(N_a,2:6,sum)/apply(out,2:6,sum)
out = out%*%fac #*an(units(N_a))/1000
# }}}
# {{{
# SOP corrections
#' scales catch-at-age to total catch with error (optional)
#' @param object FLQuant catch.n, discard.n, landings.n
#' @param stock FLStock
#' @param sigma observation error
#' @param what type c("catch", "landings", "discards")
#' @return FLQuant
sops <- function(object,stock,sigma=0.1,what=c("catch","landings","discards")[1]){
dmo = dimnames(object)
stock = stock[dmo$age,dmo$year]
if(what=="catch") out = (catch(stock)/quantSums(object*catch.wt(stock)))%*%object
if(what=="landings") out = (landings(stock)/quantSums(object*landings.wt(stock)))%*%object
if(what=="landings") out = (discards(stock)/quantSums(object*discards.wt(stock)))%*%object
devs = rlnorm(dims(object)$iter*dims(object)$year,0,sigma)
for(i in seq(dims(object)$age)){
out[i,] = out[i,]*devs
out = out*devs
#out[out==0] = NA
#' asem2spm()
#' @param object An *FLBRP*
#' @param quant choose between vb and ssb
#' @param spcurve if TRUE a data.frame is added
#' @param rel if TRUE ratios are produced for spcurve
#' @return prior means for r and m *FLPar*
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(ple4)
#' sr <- srrTMB(as.FLSR(ple4,model=bevholtSV),spr0=mean(spr0y(ple4)))
#' brp = FLBRP(ple4,sr)
#' asem2spm(brp)[1:4]
#' plotpf(brp)
#' plotpf(brp,rel=TRUE)
asem2spm <- function(object,quant=c("vb","ssb"),fmsy=NULL,rel=FALSE,spcurve=FALSE){
quant = quant[1]
pbrp = brp=object
fmsy = refpts(brp)["msy","harvest"]
fbar(brp) = FLQuant(c(0.,fmsy))
MSY = an(landings(brp)[,2])
if(quant=="vb") bio = vb(brp)
if(quant=="ssb") bio = ssb(brp)
BmsyK =bio[,2]/bio[,1]
mi = seq(0.0001,5,0.0001)
m = mi[abs(mi^(-1/(mi-1))-an(BmsyK))==min(abs(mi^(-1/(mi-1))-an(BmsyK)))][1]
r = Fmsy*(m-1)/(1-1/m)
pars= FLPar(r=r,m=m,BmsyK =BmsyK,Fmsy=Fmsy,MSY=MSY ,Bmsy=bio[,2],B0=bio[,1])
out = data.frame(Biomass=c(vb(pbrp)),SP=c(landings(pbrp)),quant=quant)
out =data.frame(Biomass=c(ssb(pbrp)),SP=c(landings(pbrp)),quant=quant)
out$Biomass = out$Biomass/an(pars["B0"])
out$SP = out$SP/an(pars["MSY"])
} #}}}
#' plotpf()
#' plots production functions
#' @param object An *FLBRP*
#' @param quant choose between vb and ssb or both
#' @param fmsy default if Fmsy
#' @param rel if TRUE ratios are produced for spcurve
#' @return ggplot
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(ple4)
#' sr <- srrTMB(as.FLSR(ple4,model=bevholtSV),spr0=mean(spr0y(ple4)))
#' brp = FLBRP(ple4,sr)
#' asem2spm(brp)[1:4]
#' plotpf(brp)
#' plotpf(brp,rel=TRUE)
plotpf <- function(object,quant=c("vb","ssb"),fmsy=NULL,rel=FALSE){
pf = function(asem,quant,rel=FALSE){
quant = quant[1]
bio = asem$curve$Biomass
r= c(asem$pars["r"])
m= c(asem$pars["m"])
k= ifelse(rel,1,c(asem$pars["B0"]))
SP = bio*r/(m-1)*(1-(bio/k)^(m-1))
if(rel) SP= SP/max(SP,na.rm = T)
asem = asem2spm(object,quant=quant[1],fmsy=fmsy,spcurve = TRUE,rel=rel)
y = an(asem$pars["MSY"])
x = an(asem$pars["Bmsy"])
x = an(asem$pars["BmsyK"])
y =1
xy = data.frame(x=x,y=y,method="spm",quant=quant[1])
df = rbind(data.frame(asem$curve,method="asem"),pf(asem,quant[1],rel=rel))
asem = asem2spm(object,quant=quant[2],fmsy=fmsy,spcurve = TRUE,rel=rel)
y = an(asem$pars["MSY"])
x = an(asem$pars["Bmsy"])
y =1
x = an(asem$pars["BmsyK"])
xy = rbind(xy,data.frame(x=x,y=y,method="spm",quant=quant[2]))
df = rbind(df,data.frame(asem$curve,method="asem"),pf(asem,quant[2],rel=rel))
p = ggplot(df,aes(Biomass,SP,linetype=method,col=quant))+
geom_segment(data= xy,aes(x =x,y=0,xend = x, yend = y),linetype=2)+
theme_bw()+theme(legend.title = element_blank())+
ylab("Surplus Production")+
scale_x_continuous(expand = expansion(mult = c(0, .05)),labels=human_numbers, limits=c(0, NA))+
scale_y_continuous(expand = expansion(mult = c(0, .1)))
#' updsr()
#' updates sr in brp after changing biology
#' @param object An *FLBRP*
#' @param s assumed steepness s
#' @param v input option new SB0
#' @return FLBRP
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(ple4)
#' sr <- srrTMB(as.FLSR(ple4,model=bevholtSV),spr0=mean(spr0y(ple4)))
#' brp = FLBRP(ple4,sr)
#' s = sr@SV[[1]]
#' params(brp)
#' # change
#' m(brp) = Mlorenzen(stock.wt(brp),Mref=0.15)
#' brpupd =updsr(brp,s)
#' params(brp)
updsr <- function(object,s=0.7,v=NULL){
v = refpts(object)["virgin","ssb"]
par=FLPar(s=s,v = v)
#' fudc()
#' generates an up-down-constant F-pattern
#' @param object An *FLStock*
#' @param fref reference denominator for fbar
#' @param fhi factor for high F as fhi = fbar/fref
#' @param flo factor for low F as flo = fbar/fref
#' @param sigmaF variation on fbar
#' @param breaks relative location of directional change
#' @return FLQuant
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(ple4)
#' sr <- srrTMB(as.FLSR(ple4,model=bevholtSV),spr0=mean(spr0y(ple4)))
#' brp = computeFbrp(ple4,sr,proxy="msy")
#' fmsy = Fbrp(brp)["Fmsy"]
#' stki = propagate(ple4,100)
#' fy = fudc(ple4,fhi=2,flo=0.9,fref=fmsy,sigmaF=0)
#' fyi = fudc(stki,fhi=2,flo=0.9,fref=fmsy,sigmaF=0.2)
#' plot(fy,fyi)+ylab("F")
#' #Forcasting
#' om <- FLStockR(ffwd(stki,sr,fbar=fyi))
#' om@refpts = Fbrp(brp)
#' plotAdvice(window(om,start=1960))
fudc = function(object,fref=0.2,fhi=2.5,flo=0.8,sigmaF=0.2,breaks=c(0.5,0.75)){
fref = c(fref)
f0 = median(c(fbar(object)[,1]))
x = an(dimnames(object)$year)
steps = length(x)
f[] = f0
y0 = x[1]
y1 = x[floor(steps*breaks[1])]
y2 = x[ceiling(steps*breaks[2])]
f[,x > y0 & x <= y1] = ((fhi*fref-f0)/(y1-y0))*(x[x > y0 & x <= y1] - y0) +f0
f[,x > y1 & x <= y2] = (-(fhi*fref-flo*fref)/(y2-y1))*(x[x > y1 & x <= y2]-y1) +fhi*fref
f[,x > y2] = fref*flo
units(flq) ="f"
#' schaefer.sim()
#' generates a Schafer surplus production model with process and observation error
#' @param k carrying capacity
#' @param r intrinsic rate of population increase
#' @param q catchability coefficient
#' @param pe process error
#' @param oe process error
#' @param bk initial fraction of b/k
#' @param years time horizon
#' @param f0 factor for initial year as f0 = f/fmsy
#' @param fhi factor for high F as fhi = f/fmsy
#' @param flo factor for low F as flo = fbar/fmsy
#' @param sigmaF variation on f trajectory
#' @param iters number of iterations
#' @param rel if TRUE metrics B/Bmsy and F/Fmsy are produced
#' @return FLQuants
#' @export
#' @examples
#' stk = schaefer.sim(iters=100,q=0.5)
#' plotAdvice(stk)
#' plot(FLIndex(index=iter(stk@stock,1))) # index
schaefer.sim <- function(k=10000,r=0.3,q=0.5,pe=0.1,oe=0.2,bk=0.9,
fmsy= fref= r/2
bmsy = k/2
f0 = f0*fmsy
f = propagate(FLQuant(f0,dimnames=list(year= years,age=1),units="f"),iters)
x = an(dimnames(f)$year)
steps = length(x)
y0 = x[1]
y1 = x[floor(steps/2)]
y2 = x[ceiling(3*steps/4)]
f[,x > y0 & x <= y1] = ((fhi*fref-f0)/(y1-y0))*(x[x > y0 & x <= y1] - y0) +f0
f[,x > y1 & x <= y2] = (-(fhi*fref-flo*fref)/(y2-y1))*(x[x > y1 & x <= y2]-y1) +fhi*fref
f[,x > y2] = fref*flo
units(f) ="f"
b = propagate(FLQuant(k*bk,dimnames=list(year= c(years,max(years)+1),age=1),units="t"),iters)
pdevs = rlnorm(b,0,pe)
b[,1] = b[,1]*pdevs[,1]
for(y in 2:(steps+1)){
b[,y] = (b[,y-1]+r*b[,y-1]*(1-b[,y-1]/k)-b[,y-1]*f[,y-1])*pdevs[,y-1]
B = b[,ac(years)]
C = b[,ac(years)]*f
units(C) = "t"
H = f
B = B/bmsy
H = H/fmsy
df = as.data.frame(B)
year = unique(df$year)
N = as.FLQuant(data.frame(age=1,year=df$year,unit="unique",
Mat = B
stk = FLStockR(
catch.n = C,
landings.n = C,
discards.n = FLQuant(0, dimnames=list(age="1", year = (year))),
stock.wt=FLQuant(1, dimnames=list(age="1", year = (year))),
landings.wt=FLQuant(1, dimnames=list(age="1", year = year)),
discards.wt=FLQuant(1, dimnames=list(age="1", year = year)),
catch.wt=FLQuant(1, dimnames=list(age="1", year = year)),
m=FLQuant(0.0001, dimnames=list(age="1", year = year)),
harvest = H,
m.spwn = FLQuant(0, dimnames=list(age="1", year = year)),
harvest.spwn = FLQuant(0.0, dimnames=list(age="1", year = year))
units(stk) = standardUnits(stk)
stk@catch = computeCatch(stk)
stk@landings = computeLandings(stk)
stk@discards = computeStock(stk)
stk@stock = B
stk@refpts = FLPar(
Fmsy = fmsy,
Bmsy = bmsy,
MSY = r*k/4,
Blim= bmsy*blim,
Bthr= bmsy*bthr,
B0 = k,
# index
obsdev = rlnorm(b[,ac(years)],0,oe)
index = b[,ac(years)]*q*obsdev
stk@stock = index
stk@refpts[1:2] =1
stk@refpts["Blim"] = blim
stk@refpts["Bthr"] = bthr
stk@refpts["B0"] = k/bmsy
stk@desc = "spm"
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