#' @title Differential Expression Analysis by Wilcox-rank-sum test
#' @description
#' Wilcox-rank-sum test is non-parameter test method, and also use for the data with non-normal distribution(Gauss Distribution).
#' @details 12/2/2021 Guangzhou China
#' @author Hua Zou
#' @param Expression, ExpressionSet; (Required) ExpressionSet object.
#' @param trim, Character; filter to apply.(default: trim="none").
#' @param transform, Character; transformation to apply.(default: tranform="none").
#' @param normalize, Character; normalization to apply.(default: normalize="none").
#' @param Group_info, Character; design factor(default: "Group").
#' @param Group_name, Character; (Required) the group for comparison.
#' @param Pvalue, Numeric; significant level(default: 0.05).
#' @param Log2FC, Numeric; log2FoldChange(default: 1).
#' @return
#' significant difference with enriched directors:
#' * Features
#' * Block
#' * Enrichment
#' * AdjustPvalue
#' * Pvalue
#' * Log2FC
#' * Statistic
#' * Median (All/Groups)
#' * Odds Ratio (95% CI)
#' @export
#' @importFrom dplyr %>% select filter intersect inner_join arrange everything all_of mutate
#' @importFrom tibble column_to_rownames column_to_rownames
#' @importFrom stats setNames glm
#' @importFrom Biobase pData exprs
#' @usage run_Wilcox(dataset=ExpressionSet,
#' trim="none",
#' transform="none",
#' normalize="none",
#' Group_info="Group",
#' Group_name=c("HC", "AA"),
#' Pvalue=0.05,
#' Log2FC=1)
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' data(ExprSetRawCount)
#' t_res <- run_Wilcox(dataset=ExprSetRawCount, Group_info="Group", Group_name=c("HC", "AA"), Pvalue=0.05, Log2FC=1)
#' t_res$res
#' }
run_Wilcox <- function(dataset=ExprSetRawCount,
Group_name=c("HC", "AA"),
# preprocess
dataset_processed <- get_processedExprSet(dataset=dataset,
metadata <- Biobase::pData(dataset_processed)
colnames(metadata)[which(colnames(metadata) == Group_info)] <- "Group"
profile <- Biobase::exprs(dataset_processed)
# Choose group
phen <- metadata %>% dplyr::filter(Group%in%Group_name)
if(length(unique(phen$Group)) != 2){
stop("Levels of Group must be 2")
intersect_sid <- dplyr::intersect(rownames(phen), colnames(profile))
# Prepare for input data
colData <- phen %>% tibble::rownames_to_column("SampleID") %>%
dplyr::select(dplyr::all_of(c("SampleID", "Group"))) %>%
dplyr::filter(SampleID%in%intersect_sid) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Group=factor(Group, levels = Group_name)) %>%
proData <- profile %>% data.frame() %>%
dplyr::select(dplyr::all_of(rownames(colData))) %>%
if(!all(rownames(colData) == colnames(proData))){
stop("Order of sampleID between colData and proData is wrong please check your data")
# run wilcox rank sum test
t_res <- apply(proData, 1, function(x, y){
dat <- data.frame(value=as.numeric(x), group=y)
# median value
mn <- tapply(dat$value, dat$group, median) %>%
data.frame() %>% setNames("value") %>%
mn1 <- with(mn, mn[Group%in%Group_name[1], "value"])
mn2 <- with(mn, mn[Group%in%Group_name[2], "value"])
mnall <- median(dat$value)
# rank value
rk <- rank(dat$value)
rnk <- signif(tapply(rk, dat$group, mean), 4)
Log2FC_rank <- log2(rnk[1]/rnk[2])
rest <- wilcox.test(data = dat, value ~ group)
res <- c(mnall, mn1, mn2, rnk, Log2FC_rank, rest$statistic, rest$p.value)
}, colData$Group) %>%
t() %>% data.frame() %>%
stats::setNames(c("Median_Abundance", paste0("Median_", c(1, 2)),
paste0("rank_mean_", c(1, 2)),
"Log2FoldChange", "Statistic", "Pvalue")) %>%
tibble::rownames_to_column("FeatureID") %>%
mutate(AdjPval=p.adjust(as.numeric(Pvalue), method = "BH"))
# Number of Group
dat_status <- table(colData$Group)
dat_status_number <- as.numeric(dat_status)
dat_status_name <- names(dat_status)
t_res$Block <- paste(paste(dat_status_number[1], dat_status_name[1], sep = "_"),
paste(dat_status_number[2], dat_status_name[2], sep = "_"))
# Enrichment
t_res[which(t_res$Log2FoldChange > Log2FC & t_res$AdjPval < Pvalue), "Enrichment"] <- Group_name[1]
t_res[which(t_res$Log2FoldChange < -Log2FC & t_res$AdjPval < Pvalue), "Enrichment"] <- Group_name[2]
t_res[which(abs(t_res$Log2FoldChange) <= Log2FC | t_res$AdjPval >= Pvalue), "Enrichment"] <- "Nonsignif"
# Rename
colnames(t_res)[2:4] <- c("Median Abundance\n(All)", paste0("Median Abundance\n", Group_name))
colnames(t_res)[5:6] <- paste0("Mean Rank Abundance\n", Group_name)
t_res_temp <- t_res %>% dplyr::select(FeatureID, Block, Enrichment,
AdjPval, Pvalue, Log2FoldChange, Statistic,
dplyr::everything()) %>% dplyr::arrange(AdjPval)
# 95% CI Odd Ratio
res_odd <- run_OddRatio(colData, proData, Group_name)
# Merge
res <- dplyr::inner_join(t_res_temp, res_odd, by="FeatureID")
#' @title Differential Expression Analysis by Paired Wilcox-rank-sum test
#' @description
#' Wilcox-rank-sum test is non-parameter test method, and also use for the data with non-normal distribution(Gauss Distribution).
#' @details 12/31/2021 Guangzhou China
#' @author Hua Zou
#' @param Expression, ExpressionSet; (Required) ExpressionSet object.
#' @param trim, Character; filter to apply.(default: trim="none").
#' @param transform, Character; transformation to apply.(default: tranform="none").
#' @param normalize, Character; normalization to apply.(default: normalize="none").
#' @param Group_info, Character; design factor(default: "Group").
#' @param Group_name, Character; (Required) the group for comparison.
#' @param Pair_ID, Character; (Required) the paired ID.
#' @param Pvalue, Numeric; significant level(default: 0.05).
#' @param Log2FC, Numeric; log2FoldChange(default: 1).
#' @return
#' significant difference with enriched directors:
#' * Features
#' * Block
#' * Enrichment
#' * AdjustPvalue
#' * Pvalue
#' * Log2FC
#' * Statistic
#' * Median (All/Groups)
#' * Odds Ratio (95% CI)
#' @export
#' @importFrom dplyr %>% select filter intersect inner_join arrange everything all_of mutate
#' @importFrom tibble column_to_rownames column_to_rownames
#' @importFrom stats setNames glm
#' @importFrom Biobase pData exprs
#' @usage run_Wilcox_Paired(dataset=ExpressionSet,
#' trim="none",
#' transform="none",
#' normalize="none",
#' Group_info="Group",
#' Group_name=c("HC", "AA"),
#' Pair_ID="PID",
#' Pvalue=0.05,
#' Log2FC=1)
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' data(ExprSetRawCount)
#' t_res <- run_Wilcox_Paired(dataset=ExprSetRawCount, Group_info="Group", Group_name=c("HC", "AA"), Pair_ID="PID", Pvalue=0.05, Log2FC=1)
#' t_res$res
#' }
run_Wilcox_Paired <- function(dataset=ExprSetRawCount,
Group_name=c("HC", "AA"),
# preprocess
dataset_processed <- get_processedExprSet(dataset=dataset,
metadata <- Biobase::pData(dataset_processed)
colnames(metadata)[which(colnames(metadata) == Group_info)] <- "Group"
colnames(metadata)[which(colnames(metadata) == Pair_ID)] <- "PID"
profile <- Biobase::exprs(dataset_processed)
# Choose group
phen <- metadata %>% dplyr::filter(Group%in%Group_name)
if(length(unique(phen$Group)) != 2){
stop("Levels of Group must be 2")
# choose PID
intersect_pid <- dplyr::intersect(unique(phen$PID[which(phen$Group == Group_name[1])]),
unique(phen$PID[which(phen$Group == Group_name[2])]))
if(length(intersect_pid) == 0){
stop("There are no common PID Please check your metadata")
number_pid <- length(intersect_pid)
message(paste0("The number of Paired Subjects is ", number_pid))
phen_paired <- phen %>% dplyr::filter(PID%in%intersect_pid)
intersect_sid <- dplyr::intersect(rownames(phen_paired), colnames(profile))
# Prepare for input data
colData <- phen_paired %>% tibble::rownames_to_column("SampleID") %>%
dplyr::select(dplyr::all_of(c("PID", "SampleID", "Group"))) %>%
dplyr::filter(SampleID%in%intersect_sid) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Group=factor(Group, levels = Group_name)) %>%
dplyr::arrange(PID, SampleID) %>%
proData <- profile %>% data.frame() %>%
dplyr::select(dplyr::all_of(rownames(colData))) %>%
if(!all(rownames(colData) == colnames(proData))){
stop("Order of sampleID between colData and proData is wrong please check your data")
# run wilcox rank sum test
t_res <- apply(proData, 1, function(x, y){
dat <- data.frame(value=as.numeric(x), group=y$Group, pid=y$PID) %>%
dplyr::arrange(pid, group)
# median value
mn <- tapply(dat$value, dat$group, median) %>%
data.frame() %>% setNames("value") %>%
mn1 <- with(mn, mn[Group%in%Group_name[1], "value"])
mn2 <- with(mn, mn[Group%in%Group_name[2], "value"])
mnall <- median(dat$value)
# rank value
rk <- rank(dat$value)
rnk <- signif(tapply(rk, dat$group, mean), 4)
Log2FC_rank <- log2(rnk[1]/rnk[2])
rest <- wilcox.test(data = dat, value ~ group, paired = TRUE)
res <- c(mnall, mn1, mn2, rnk, Log2FC_rank, rest$statistic, rest$p.value)
}, colData) %>%
t() %>% data.frame() %>%
stats::setNames(c("Median_Abundance", paste0("Median_", c(1, 2)),
paste0("rank_mean_", c(1, 2)),
"Log2FoldChange", "Statistic", "Pvalue")) %>%
tibble::rownames_to_column("FeatureID") %>%
mutate(AdjPval=p.adjust(as.numeric(Pvalue), method = "BH"))
# Number of Group
dat_status <- table(colData$Group)
dat_status_number <- as.numeric(dat_status)
dat_status_name <- names(dat_status)
t_res$Block <- paste("Paired", paste(dat_status_number[1], dat_status_name[1], sep = "_"),
paste(dat_status_number[2], dat_status_name[2], sep = "_"))
# Enrichment
t_res[which(t_res$Log2FoldChange > Log2FC & t_res$AdjPval < Pvalue), "Enrichment"] <- Group_name[1]
t_res[which(t_res$Log2FoldChange < -Log2FC & t_res$AdjPval < Pvalue), "Enrichment"] <- Group_name[2]
t_res[which(abs(t_res$Log2FoldChange) <= Log2FC | t_res$AdjPval >= Pvalue), "Enrichment"] <- "Nonsignif"
# Rename
colnames(t_res)[2:4] <- c("Median Abundance\n(All)", paste0("Median Abundance\n", Group_name))
colnames(t_res)[5:6] <- paste0("Mean Rank Abundance\n", Group_name)
t_res_temp <- t_res %>% dplyr::select(FeatureID, Block, Enrichment,
AdjPval, Pvalue, Log2FoldChange, Statistic,
dplyr::everything()) %>% dplyr::arrange(AdjPval)
# 95% CI Odd Ratio
res_odd <- run_OddRatio(colData, proData, Group_name)
# Merge
res <- dplyr::inner_join(t_res_temp, res_odd, by="FeatureID")
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